• Published 15th Oct 2022
  • 998 Views, 5 Comments

MLP: ZENKAI SPEED - Kamen rider accel

The worlds are sealed and being used for evil but a new sentai is there to save it and stop the new threat so watch them as they go Zenryoku zenkai

  • ...

GEAR 8: Jidaigeki Chanbara Champloo!

=LAST TIME!= Secchan declared, wearing a party hat =Everyone learned that Roll is terrified of wooden puppets! Which wasn't good for anyone because the next World that showed up was Puppet World, tune! It got scarier when we mistook this evil thing called Tails Doll for the real Tails being turned into a doll!= he shuddered, =I think I need hugs from seeing the Great World made from the Puppetopia Gear, the Tails Doll, and the Kudaitest, tune…=

"No time for Hugs!" Ayane's voice shouted.

=EH!? Why are you here!? You stop spying on me, tune!=


=Kaito! She's back!=

"FRIEND ZENKAI!" rumbling went off.

"Wait...He's in the tunnels?! How?!" Ayane panicked.

=Hehehehe...I play dirty, tune!= Secchan chuckled, =Don't underestimate me!=

"Begin the Roulette!" Barashitara ordered as it began spinning before stopping on an image of a sword, "Arise, Chanbara World!"

"And a Gear for you!" Eggman declared, grabbing the popped out Gear and throwing it at a Kudakk.

"OH!" the Kudakk shouted, rapidly evolving into a new World Super Soldier.

His body changed as his head was now covered in a black samurai kabuto with golden horns that had fire-like patterns at the tips, his face was a red oni themed mempo, with fangs and horns, the eyes being black optics glowing with red centers. Both arms now clad in red kote and tekko with spikes extending over the knuckles and along the forearms seemingly for catching swords in combat. At its side was a sheathed katana in a red saya. He slowly pulled the blade out, revealing the serrated saw-like tsuba; the blade was black and serrated as well with a blood red hamon pattern.

"My blade shall serve the Tojitendo, de gozaru!" Chanbara World declared, bowing to Barashtara.

"Ah, finally! An actual combat world!" Barashitara huffed, crossing his arms under his barrel, "They've handled the weirdness of the other Worlds, but let's see how they handle one made for true battle!"

"What about that boxing one?" Thunderbolt asked.

"Ugh, he had 'rules' to follow," Barashitara snorted, "That was a mere sport. This, however? This is a true combatant!"

"There are no rules in the honorable field of battle!" Chanbara World agreed, "Merely swordsmen and the voice of their blades." he paused, "This sound...a blade asking to be swung in combat?" he turned around, "Yes...I hear it…" he sheathed his katana and pushed his way past the Grand Masters, forcing them all to follow him as he made his way for their quarters, "Here!" he kicked the door down to the room belonging to the female Grand Masters. He then scanned the room before seeing a Katana mounted on a wall, "Oh! Such a fine sword!" he beamed, reaching out to grab it before a kunai nearly nicked it, "?!"

"Don't...touch," Conquering Storm scowled, electricity crackling off her cybernetic eyes for a moment, "That belongs to my clan…"

"Hmm…" Chanbara world muttered before spinning around and unsheathing his sword and swinging at her, making her jump back, "Then I shall duel you for ownership of this sword!"

"W-What?!" Conquering Storm gasped.

"Oi, oi, oi! No fighting in the quarters!" Barashitara ordered, "Not after the last time and we nearly ended up with a Union of all things! You fight outside the quarters!"

"Then let us take this outside," Chanbara World spoke, tapping his katana to his shoulder, "I shall claim this blade, and expand my swordsmanship to Nitouryu!"

"Why does he want the sword so bad?" Eggman asked.

"Chanbara World is powered by Chanbaratopia, a world of Swords. Everyone in that world is given a blade at birth and carries and masters it as they live. The strongest have Sacred or Cursed blades; Chanbara World has a cursed blade, which will instill his world's rules of noble duels and death by the blade," Ijirude explained, "It was a world too difficult to invade, as no matter how many Barashitara killed, more just sprang up claiming not 'till he won could we invade. So I just stuck it into the Tojiru Gear and we moved on."

"I wanted to fight more…" Barashitara spoke, "I wasn't happy 'till I was fully crowned the strongest…" he glared, "I wanted more fighting...more blood...but you complained about the tracks I left…"

"Of course I complained! Do you have any idea how hard it was to get bloodstains out of the flooring and the blood that got caught in my treads?!"

"...I liked the blood…" Barashitara countered.

"I did not!"

"All this over a sword?" Akuhlt questioned, looking at the sword in question, "...She didn't have this on her person."

"Hm?" Ijirude looked at it, "Oh, so that's what she took from storage."


"Zzz…" Kaito snored, leaning against a wall, "Finding door zenkai...zzz…"

"Kaito, did you seriously spend the whole night trying to find her secret doors?" Juran deadpanned as Amy, Roll, and Gaon were putting breakfast on the table.

"Leave it, he always does this, if he sets at something he does it even if it's impossible." Flash told putting some toast on the table.

"Zzz…" Kaito snored before a panel beside him opened and a sleepy Haseo walked out.

"B'kf'st…" Haseo mumbled as his white tail hooked onto Kaito's leg as the two-tailed fox walked past him, causing Kaito to fall onto his face.

"Snrt! Up-uh-I-guh-I'm up!" Kaito exclaimed, quickly standing up and spotted the secret door, "...Secret zenkai!" he jumped at it only to hit the quickly slammed secret door face-first, "Guh!"

"Ugh...Kaito, you can't just force your way into this." Juran sighed, "That girl is several levels of weird...no offense, Roll-chan…"

"We have accepted it," Roll shrugged, making sure to put a plate before Haseo as he sat down.

"She freaks out at any shadow that isn't her family...How can you possibly make friends with her like this?" Jurna asked.

"And be a jerk some times you know." Flash muttered.

"I won't know...till I try!" Kaito groaned, "I can only do what I know best. Go at it full Zenkai; and if I fail! Try again and any other way that works for me! I am not a smart one, so I only got one thing that works: guts!"

"I'm honestly surprised that someone so shy came from someone so...Skye," Yatsude muttered.

"Ah~ Yaya, why~?" Skye mock whined, acting like he had been shot until the frying pan whacked him on the head, "Ite~!"

"It still doesn't answer my question!" Yatsude barked.

"Ah, there are probably multiple factors," Skye sighed, rubbing the bump on his head, "Her Speed Gene going mostly to her noggin, Galey's attempts to train her, Kaito as a kid spooking her when she was first starting to make secret areas..."

"Eh? I did?" he blinked, taking a VERY long second to think.

"He did?" Flash asked not remembering how.

"How should I know?" Skye replied as Roll put a finger to her cheek in thought as well.

"He's still thinking…" Magine noted, waving her hand over Kaito's face.

"So's Roll," Sonic added, "You think of a time she got spooked by Kaito, Haseo?"

"M'rnin'..." Haseo mumbled.

"Still waking up, huh?" Flash chuckled, patting the fox's head.

"Hai. Haseo's morning chocolate milk," Gaon put a cup down for the fox.

"...Ah! The Prank War!" Kaito exclaimed.

"Oh that must've been it," Roll cringed.

"Yup, I remember that clearly," Flash told with a smirk.

"What is a Prank War?" Vroon asked.

"It's where people play pranks on someone else until one of them gives up," Sonic replied, chuckling, "Man...last one I had, Ant got stuck to the ceiling by chewing gum, Rotor got his head stuck in a fishbowl, Bunnie's feet got welded together, and Sal was pink with black hair again for a month."

"What happened to you?" Magine asked.


"He got stuck in a fat suit," Skye noted.

"Gh?! H-How did you know that?!"

"Tails told me some embarrassing stories about you," Skye replied, "One was that very Prank War. I do believe he didn't forgive you yet for painting his plane pink with glitter."

"Oh come on! That was Sally!"

"We're losing focus here. You two got into a Prank War?" Juran asked, looking at Kaito, Flash and Roll.

"It was a team thing between me, Flash and Roll and her Aunt Jem and Pari," Kaito sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

"Kaito's endless positivity made it hard for them to…'get' him," Roll explained.

"I just laughed and was happy when I got pranked," Kaito added.

"He was adorable and his endless positivity made him immune," Skye added.

"And I clearly won at last," Flash said with a cocky smirk.

"You just got lucky, that's what" Roll muttered.

"Roll, just accept my tactics were amazing and I won." Flash told her cocky

"Your lucky the next game isn't on yet, but mark my words Flash Sentry, You will fall." Roll declared.

The others looked at what was happening," I'm sorry what happened?" Jurna asked," did Flash did something?"

"He won the prank war by his cuteness and innocent act that jem and pari couldn't harm him, he was like a haseo to them. And lastly he trapped the others and made oil and grease fall on them and made them looked like chickens." Sky told holding back his laughter.

"And it was worth it" Flash told.

"I was stuck with feathers all day trying to take them off, Kaito took it well but I didn't and I will have my revenge one day." Roll declared, she was still holding the grudge.

"Well, I'll be ready that day"

"So...you think she's spooked by Kaito because she might've gotten caught in the crossfire of a prank?" Gaon asked.

"More than likely," Roll replied.

"Great…" Skye facepalmed.

"Not stopping me!" Kaito declared.

"I swear you are living boundless resolve and positivity," Skye sighed.

"Learn to live with it, like I did with Pinkie pie, but she's more of a crazy type then kaito" Flash said.

"Maybe it's what she needs," Yatsude spoke up, slapping Skye before he could talk, "Who's the woman that raised a child...twice...and is also a woman, therefore smarter than a man?"

"...Ah dang it. You're using Mitsy's and Misty's argument against me...and both normally won those with that question," Skye groaned, facepalming, "Continue, please."

"Now, if I may say, you are the Dad. But you're also a goober who as I can tell...is mostly good at science."


"Your wife is the one who is smarter about emotional stuff, huh?"

"Oh big time," Skye replied, a small smile gracing his lips, "She is a beloved angel from the heavens and an expert on the emotional stuff, love especially."

=Considering that her parents named her 'Aphrodite,' I wouldn't be surprised that she is, tune= Secchan noted.

"...and we miss her very much," Haseo whispered, his ears folding down sadly as his tails drooped, "And pray she's okay…"

"She has to be. She has the family sword with her, after all," Roll assured, giving her younger brother a comforting hug.

"Oi , Haseo" Haseo looked at Flash," what did I told you about when you fell down..."

"That, when ever I feel down, or am alone, I should just smile through it... Cause true men are those who smile through danger so others may not loose hope." Haseo said.

"Good, Now why don't you smile. Cause if you don't, then did you gave up one your kaa-san."

"No?!" Haseo told.

"Then, why don't you smile" Haseo looked at Flash and soon smiled with a real one,
"That's the smile na," Flash patted his head.

The others looked at this and couldn't help but smile." You sure Flash isn't your secret love child and is born human." Jurna asked.

"Nope, He's Just good with this cause his mom helped him and he takes care of his own siblings" Kaito told.

"But you see my point," Yatsude spoke, jerking a thumb to Skye, "This one doesn't know how to help a girl. He barely knows how to help himself."

"Hurtful, but semi-true."

"I think if she's gonna break out of her shell, she needs less being told 'it's okay to do this' again and again. And some new change that will help her grow. On her own. Otherwise, she'll never grow into her own person. She's smart and has good sense, but she's so shy she can't use it properly."

"True, very true," Skye agreed.

"I'm surprised Kaito hasn't spotted her yet," Amy whispered to Gaon, glancing at a secret panel by Haseo where Ayane's hand was patting his leg in assurance.

"If anyone is a force of change and welcoming positivity, it is Kaito," Yatsude spoke, "Plus like it or not, she is part of our weird ever growing adopted family. So...she's gonna have to accept him as a part of her life now."

"I know many of us have," Sonic chuckled.

"He and Flash are good kids," Juran chuckled, nodding in agreement.

"You'd best eat up, Kaikai," Skye noted, "You'll need your breakfast energy for a full zenkai attempt today."

"Yosh!" Kaito cheered as he sat down while ruffling Haseo's hair, "Today, I'll get in and make friends with your sister!" he declared, "She can hide all she wants but I won't give up 'till she's my friend...and she eats here with her family!"

"Hope you do..." Flash said eating his toast.

"...Ano, are you sure you'll be able to?" Haseo asked.

"I don't know!" Kaito declared proudly, "But it can't hurt to try. Ayane-chan deserves to enjoy some time with her family. And she should know she's safe with us, cause we're your family too." he rubbed his hands together, "Yosha...Time to ea…"

=Gyah! Tojitendo is out early today, tune!= Secchan exclaimed, flapping his wings in surprise.

"...No time to enjoy!" Kaito declared as he shoved his entire plate into his mouth, vigorously chewed, before swallowing it all down, "AH! Future Kaito's problem!" he stood up, "Zenryoku Zenkai!" he grabbed his color accented white jacket as he jumped out the open window rather than go open the door.

"Whoo!" Sonic beamed as he ran out.

"Really glad I ate while we were talking," Roll noted in relief as she dabbed her mouth with her napkin before quickly putting her empty dishes in the sink and ran out after them with the others able to fight quickly in pursuit.

"...You're washing these dishes before you head down," Yatsude ordered.

"Aw come on…" Skye groaned.

"It was Gaon's turn, but since he had to head out to fight them, I'm taking the next blond to take his place," Yatsude stated, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Hai, hai. You kiddos go with Secchy and Yaya down to watch them fight," Skye sighed as he went to the kitchen.

Yes! Shobu!" Chanbara World cheered, swinging his black serrated katana and seemingly slashing down a police officer armed with a gun, "Next challenger!" he roared as his sword pulsed with red light, "Oh! Enough charge has built up!" He twisted the katana around before stabbing it into the ground, sending a pulse out across the town.

The pulse of red and black energy spread out...as the town was suddenly changed from the bustling streets of modern Tokyo...to the Edo-like roads of days past. Tall buildings began shrinking to palaces as walls lined the streets with small streams flowing through the gutters. People still in the area also changed as their modern western clothing changed into kimonos and robes. Many men were now sporting a shaved head with a topknot.

"Subarashi!" Chanbara World cheered as many noticed they all had some kind of Japanese sword on their person, "Come, challenge me! Shinken shobu da!"

"He truly lives up to his name," Starline noted, standing next to a frowning Conquering Storm as they watched form nearby, "Interesting…"

"...Why are you even here?" Conquering Storm questioned, not even bothering to look at the platypus.

"Dr. Eggman suggested I get out more and take notes of the battle," Starline answered, 'That and I am curious to see this Sentai's weapons in action…'

"You better not be here to stop me from fighting that Silver boy shows up or Sakurai when she shows up," Conquering Storm growled, "I need someone to vent upon for that lousy thief."

"Oh no. I'm not looking to get into a fight or anything," Starline argued, looking at the topaz on the back of his hand, "Not as long as I have this… and why do you want to fight that zenkaiger cousin, do you have a crush on him.." he asked and smirked when she suddenly tumble when he asked that.

"Yursei! He just a good fighter, that's all." She yelled but her face was red.

"Sure~" he said clearing seeing the lie.

Chanbara World quickly spun around, cutting through several shots aimed at him by the Zenkaigers as they arrived, "Oh? Some new challengers, degozaru?"

"So what world are you this time? Pointy World? Sharp World?" Sonic asked, "It's not Papercut World, is it?"

"Iie! Chanbara World, degozaru!"

"Ah...so some type of samurai guy," Sonic noted before he noticed Starline, "...huh. He's...new." 'Probably another change from Eggman messing me up in fixing our Zone…'

"I feel out of time in this place," Juran noted, looking around at the transformed landscape.

"Uh-oh," Flash paused, spotting Conquering Storm, "No one let Roll see her!"

"Eh? Why?" Vroon asked.

"Well, i-"



"...That. That would happen," Kaito muttered, not even bothering to look at the Hedgefox and lynx already clashing kunai to Geartlasher with each other.

"Not even a moment's hesitation," Starline observed.

"Hmm...That blade she's using has an interesting voice to it, degozaru," Chanbara World noted.

"Okay, we'll just take you down, Chanbara World!" Kaito declared, slotting his Gear, "Change Zenkai!"

"Change Zenkai!" the others quickly followed as they fired, transforming into the Zenkaigers.


"Oi, Sonic, do the change!" Zenkaiser called.

"Uh...yeah...I'd like to, buddy, but...uh...Ayane booted me out the moment I tried to go into her room to ask for another of that prototype Gear of hers," Sonic explained, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head, "Literally booted me out, too. I've got the boot print still on my left cheek."

"Maji?!" Zenkai Juran gawked.

"Then we will have to handle this in our normal way!" Zenkai Gaon grunted as he used his claws to clash with Chanbara World.

"Yes! Duel me!" Chanbara World cheered, swinging his sword as he clashed with Zenkai Juran and Gaon.

"Chanbara means sword clashing...it is also a genre of movies," Zenkai Vroon spoke, "That must explain this ability! We are in a Jidaigeki!"

"Eh!?" Zenkai Magine gawked.

"Shwa!" Zenkai Gin shouted as he jumped over Zenkai Gaon and landed a flying kick to Chanbara World's helmet, knocking him back, "If that's how it is, then I'll fight Chanbara...with Chanbara!" he opened his buckle and pulled out a Sentai Gear." Leave this to me cuz"



The holograms of Five Sentai senshi with Kanji on their helmets appeared as the four bowing to the red went into the others while Red flew into Zenkai Gin. Zenkai Gin moved his hand to his hip as the others all pulled out katanas of sorts with an intricate tsuba that seemed to slide on and off onto some sort of spinning segment.

"Tenka gomen no Kikai Sentai," Zenkai Gin spoke, sliding his hand along the blade, "Maeru!"

"YES!" Chanbara World shouted in glee.

"Great I'm stuck with you instead of fighting him." Conquering storm said as she was battling with Roll.

"You fight me, not them" she still attacked.

With that, Chanbara World rushed as he swung only for Zenkai Gaon and Vroon to block his blade before it reached Zenkai Gin. Zenkai Gin tapped his sword to his shoulders before Zenkai Magine swung her katana and pushed Chanbara World's away from him. Chanbara World grunted before Zenkai Juran rushed and slashed him across the torso. Zenkai Gaon grunted as he flipped over Juran and swung down striking the Tojitendo soldier. As Chanbara World stumbled back, Zenkai Magine jumped and stepped off Gaon's shoulder before thrusting her katana forward and striking Chanbara World's shoulder knocking him back a step. Zenkai Vroon roared as he rushed and clashed with Chanbara World, the two struggling to overpower the other before Vroon suddenly ducked out of the way. Chanbara World grunted, losing his balance before stopping as Zenkai Gin aimed his blade to his throat.

"Koi," Zenkai Gin cooly challenged as he began stepping to the side.

"Ikuze!" Chanbara World shouted, following after him, the two clashing with great speed as they ran along the road.

'...Interesting. They use their versions of the Gears to empower themselves of those that came before them,' Starline mentally observed as he watched the battle...before holding his gloved hand up as a portal appeared before him just as Sonic dashed towards him, the hedgehog yelping as he went through the portal and suddenly landed inside of a trash can.

"...Okay that was different," Sonic muttered as he poked out of the trash, an empty ramen cup hanging off his ear, "Felt like going through a Warp Ring...but different."

"I am not a real fighter, so I do hope you understand if I...opt out of combat," Starline smirked, "I am mostly here to gather data. I'd rather focus on the White and Silver one if possible; They seems the most interesting here."

"Ha!" Zenkai Gin shouted, blocking Chanbara World's swings before slashing him across the chest.

"Well, then...all the more reason to distract you before you make some kind of Metal Kaito or Flash," Sonic chuckled.

"Hmm...That is more Dr. Eggman's expertise," Starline noted, "I must admit that I rather enjoy his work. Especially the Metal Sonic line that he's developed since he first began fighting you."

"Huh? ...You're not like the Chin-chilly-thingamabob girl, are you?"

"You mean Thunderbolt?"

"That's who I was referring to yea…" he sighed.

"...well I assure you I am not like her," Starline stated before holding his hand up again, summoning another portal that 'ate up' the incoming shots from the other Zenkaigers, "I am Starline, the good doctor's assistant."

"So now Eggman has a student?" Zenkai Juran asked, "Do us a favor, Mister Pupil, try not to turn into an evil dick!"

"Ah! A Platypus!" Zenkai Gaon awed, ignoring most of the important stuff, "His fur is so rich and vibrant, too~!"

"...Note to self, the yellow Kikanoid is overly affectionate towards Mobians," Starline muttered to himself before summoning another portal just as Sonic charged right at him, the hedgehog going through it as another portal opened up and crashed into Zenkai Juran.

"Okay...those portals are starting to look familiar…" Sonic grunted as he forced himself up, "Those are yours, aren't they?"

"Correct...thanks to this," Starline stated as he held his gloved hand up, showing the topaz embedded in it, "The Warp Topaz. With this...I can create a portal to just about anywhere I can think of, whether to travel…" he paused before summoning another portal to deflect an incoming cutting wave from Juran, another one opening up above the 4 Kikanoids as the cutting wave crashed into them, "Or to 'reflect' unwanted attention or attacks at myself."

"Say what?!" Sonic gawked.

"You thought the Chaos Emeralds were the be-all end-all in terms of mystical gems?" Starline asked before shrugging while shaking his head, "Such a pity."

"That's busted…" Zenkai Magin grunted.

"Ha!" Zenkai Gin and Chanbara World shouted as they rushed past them while fighting still. Their swords clashed at amazing speed, Zenkai Ginblocking each and every swing aimed at him and forcing Chanbara World back.

"SUGOI~!" Zenkaiser shouted as he ducked from an upcoming attack from a grunt and soon fired several shots at the other grunts.

"Yes! This is the challenge I wanted!" Chanbara World declared as he blocked a swing but the force of Zenkaiser's strike still pushed him back a step, "A true warrior!"

"You're Super excited!" Zenkai Gin grunted as he blocked a swing aimed at his torso, "But I won't lose! I'll go Zenkai Samurai to fight you and I'm a Shinobi that makes thing Flashy so see my full limit!" with that, the two clashed while running sideways, never taking their eyes off one another...till they ran into a wall which Roll and Conquering Storm were standing on, sending them both falling over in surprise.

"Hey storm didn't know you were, dropping by soon" Zenkai Gin joked.

"Shut up" Conquering storm shouted but was like holding something in.

"Ah!" Roll yelped in her fall before spotting the sheathed sword on his hip, "?! Masaka..."

"You are worthy! I shall evolve and cut you down, my worthy enemy!" Chanbara World shouted as he grabbed the second katana and unsheathed it, revealing it to be a tsubasa with an intricate guard resembling a circle with the blade coming out on its side, "Sa...it is time...for Nitouryuu!"

"Nitouryuu...what are you, Musashi!?" Zenkai Gin asked, aiming his katana forward.

"I shall be even stronger!" Chanbara World declared, holding up the second sword before pointing it at Zenkai Gin for all to see.

"?!" Roll tensed.

"Sakurai!" Conquering Storm hissed as she lunged at Roll, only for the Hedgefox to flicker and vanish from her attack path, "!?"

"Saa...Let us…" Chanbara World began before moving away and kicking out, knocking Roll away from him, "Hm?"

"Roll?!" Zenkaiser exclaimed, managing to catch her, "Nani? Wh..."

"Where did you get that?!" Roll snapped, glaring at Chanbara World with a fury Zenkaiser and Zenkai Gin hadn't seen before.

"Hmm?" Chanbara world blinked, "AH! Kono katana! I sensed it within the palace! It was mounted on the wall of the Grand Master's female quarters! Left to rust as a trophy of an unearned victory! I could hear it...the voice of the blade asking for release...for battle! I granted its wish, and it shall be used to slay the Zenkaigers and claim victory for the Tojitendo!" he lifted the second katana up and awed at its sharpness and hamon pattern, "Yes...truly a well crafted blade, legendary even! A Sacred blade, perfect to pair with my Cursed blade!"

"Roll? What's wrong?" Zenkaiser asked, noting her anger growing.

"That sword...it belongs to my family…!" Roll snapped.


"Lies!" Conquering Storm snapped as she glared at Roll, "That blade rightfully belongs to my clan!"

"Mmm...Silence!" Chanbara World snapped, stomping his foot once and earning their attention, "Neither of you are worthy of this blade; it is to be used in glorious combat! Between warriors!" he looked at Zenkai Gin, "Let us continue, Zenkai Gin!"

"I don't know what's happening anymore!" Zenkai Gin admitted, holding up his katana at the ready.

"Me neither" Zenkaiser admitted aswell.

"Flash, Kaito…" Zenkai Gin and Zenkaiser looked at Roll, "You know that favor you owe me? The one involving a certain blue hedgehog and what you don't want him to know you did by complete accident?"

Ah…" Zenkaiser froze, looking around quickly for Sonic, "Roll...what are you saying?"

"I am calling in that favor here and now," Roll scowled before holding up her Geartlasher and pointed it at Chanbara World, "No one is allowed to fight Chanbara World in our group, except for me."

"No!" Chanbara World declared, "I do not wish to fight such a clouded blade!" he stomped his foot, "I want him! A perfect warrior of clear mind!" he pointed to Zenkai Gin, "You are not good enough for my time!" Zenkai Gin was quite and didn't say anything.

"You see, this is an awkward position for me! Don't make it worse!" Zenkaiser shouted, "This is essentially my sibling telling my cousin to back off!"

"I want to fight him!" Chanbara World complained.

"She called in the favor!"

"I don't care! Men fight 'till the end!"

"Don't be a baby!"

"No! Not her! You!"

"But she's cashing in on a favor!"

"What is happening over there?" Zenkai Juran asked.

"Hmm...It seems that katana Chanbara World won off Conquering Storm is causing issues between those two," Starline noted, making another portal that sucked in the magic Magine fired at him only for it to hit Gaon and turn him into a potted metal flower with his head as the flower part.

"Eh? Did things get bigger?" Zenkai Gaon asked.

"Ah! I thought my Magine Wild Magic would work...oopsie…" Zenkai Magine apologized as she picked up potted plant Zenkai Gaon.

"No! I refuse this! I was having a passionate duel with Zenkai Gin!" Chanbara World huffed.

"I can't say no to her!" Zenkaiser cried, "What can I do!? I can't just do what you want when I want to do what she wants!"

Zenkai Gin still didn't say anything as he listens and see roll on how she's behaving

"Let me fight her instead!" Conquering Storm demanded as electricity crackled off her eyes for a moment, "That blade is something her ancestor had stolen from my clan!"

"We never stole it, you wedding night assassins!"

"We don't need your help!" Zenkaiser complained, "You're just stoking the fire!"

"She can fight me after I best Zenkai Gin!" Chanbara World snapped, "No negotiations! If you two wish to end your battle then end it!"

"Mou Roll...I'm trying...I really am, Flash just do it please!" Zenkaiser sobbed, his tears somehow comically leaking through his visor. But Zenkai Gin didn't say anything, Conquering storm on the other hand saw something. She didn't know if her robotics eyes were playing trucks on her or not but she swore she saw a red aura on Zenkai Gin, she didn't know why but got worried ' what's this aura his emitting. And why am I worried for him.'

"Rrr…" Roll growled before pausing to think for a moment, "...If someone bested Zenkai Gin before you, it would mean they would be more worthy, ne?"

"Hm?" Chanbara World paused.

"Oh I'm not liking where this is going…" Zenkaiser realized and soon became worry for his cousin.

"So if I beat you, I will reclaim that sword!" Roll declared, lunging at Zenkai Gin. Who simply stood there as she came closer he blocked her swing with his sword. He didn't look up but she can feel the aura of anger from him.


Finally he spoke but the others can feel the anger in his toon.

"Flash" Zenkaiser for the first time saw Flash had that toon of anger.

"What is she doing?!" Zenkai Juran snapped, charging at the fight only for a portal to pop up in his path and send him falling onto Zenkai Vroon, "Gah!"

"I'm rather curious about this," Starline noted, "Please don't interfere."

"Why us all of a sudden!?" Zenkaiser grunted, Zenkai Gin blocking all their swings, He twisted the katana around and used the flat side to deflect all their swings, "I am so telling when we get home! And you owe me a week of cash register duty!" Zenkaiser shouted.

=Ah! What is she doing?!= Yatsude gawked.

=Get it back, Onee-chan!=

=Hah?! What's going on with Haseo, tune?!=

"You know you are setting a bad example for Haseo, Roll!" Zenkaiser grunted, when Zenkai Gin heard Haseo say that his anger just vanished and was replaced with sarrow pulling out his Geartlinger and using the forward handle as a blade catch to grab Roll's next swing; he started spinning around and pistol whipping Chanbara World's next swing away before spinning his katana around his back to block a swing aimed at his lower back by Conquering Storm, "Stop!" he shouted, pushing all of them back, all but Chanbara World pushed off their feet by his power.

=Flash, end this already dammit! Blast him apart and grab that lynx!=

=Even Skye?!= Yatsude and Secchan gawked.

"MOU! Everyone, stop yelling!" Zenkaiser shouted, But Zenkai Gin was feeling the sarrow more spinning the handle of his katana, causing fire to erupt from it, making them all pause and look up as it grew into a giant red cleaver like Zanbato, "Rekka Daizanto!" he shouted, swinging down unleashing a surge of fire before he charged at Chanbara World.

"YES!" he roared, rushing him as well, "Let these swords clash with all our souls! See if they can handle our power as swordsmen!"

Zenkai Gin slammed the Rekka Daizanto into Chanbara World's crossed swords, the ground buckling, as the black sword seemed to crack a little, "Ah!?" he lifted his zanbato up...and kept it in the air, "Wait...no…"

"CHANCE!" Chanbara World shouted, thrusting both katanas into Zenkai Gin chest armor. Zenkai Gin stumble back and then was back to a old looking house, he looked back and then looked back at Chanbara World. As the World came towards him he then did a energy slash and made a big X and launched the attack towards Zenkai Gin but Zenkaiser came towards zenkai Gin side and both took the attack and soon and explosion happened, Zenkai Gin took the attack with his sword and was holding well but Zenkaiser didn't and soon was de-henshin from his suite leaving a batter Kaito standing there, his jacket, vest, and shirt sporting the same X shaped gash.

"Hmph...I win."

'...No. He could've won easily, and yet...he stopped his attack...to prevent my clan's blade from shattering,' Conquering Storm noted mentally, 'And yet...it cost him because he sympathized with that Sakurai Scum and why did he took the attack which he could have dogged easily but why …' she added before looking at Roll, "..."

"KAITO!" Sonic and Juran shouted.b

Flash looked at his Cousin but he needed to be sure of one thing he looked back and soon the others saw he was protecting three children one human, mobian and Kikainoid," You.. ok" He spoke in a hurt toon but was still standing. The three nodded," Go, Get to a.... Safe place" The children ran away soon.

'.... He took the attack to protect the children from harm, so did the white one.' Conquering storm mentally said surprised so we're the others.

" You took the attack just to save other's lives, I may be swordsman but I will give you and him my respect for your bravery."Chanbara World told.

"I don't need it,... Shinobi are those who... Fight till the very end. To fight for there own things or fight for someone they care about. But I, Fight for those who can't fight for them self's." Zenkai Gin grunted as he start to come towards the world and fir the first time the world start to move back." I may look weak to others, or my dream is stupid for others. But, That's how, That's how I go and keep on going. I use my passion to fight till the very end and I don't use it for vengeance or for any other thing." He spoke as Roll finally looked at that and then looked at what she's done." I'll keep on fighting for others human, mobians, Kikainoids all of them! And I won't stop even if I have to fight my self for that!" He yelled.

Conquering storm looked at Zenkai Gin and soon came towards him between him and the world." You used your energy, Why don't you rest now." She said surprising the others.

"Eh?" The others spoke.

"Can't... I promised you... I'll have a fight with you remember," He said the others were baffled hearing this. But they were more surprised when Zenkai Gin soon fall down right into her arms as she was holding him. He powered down soon and was unconscious.

"You know, your lucky your good at this or I would have killed you for throwing your self to me like this." She muttered but couldn't help but smirk.

"Um, what are we seeing." Goan whisper to Magine.

"I think... A love fest." She muttered.

Conquering storm put Flash down gently and looked at him unconscious. She soon got up and looked at Roll, "You are lucky, Sakurai...I'd strike you down now, but…" she paused as she began to walk away, "You're not worth it anymore...just a mere ninja clan that's a shell of its former self."

"Kaito, Flash!" Gaon panicked running to his and Flash side, "Say something please!"

"Ghh...please stop yelling…" he groaned. Flash still unconscious.

"Starline, Chanbara World, we are leaving," Conquering Storm stated as she walked past the two, "They are no longer a threat to us…"

"Hmph," Chanbara World snorted." Get well soon Zenkai Gin, if I want to die, I will die by your hands only"

"...Very well. I already have what I came for," Starline nodded, summoning another portal as the three vanished.

"Oi, what happened?" Juran demanded as they all ran to Both cousins side, " Flash had him on the ropes!"

"But why did he stop?" Vroon asked, "He had the tactical advantage! His weapon hit far harder and its weight with gravity of an overhead swing with the added heat, he could have shattered Chanbara World's swords!"

"...I think...it was because he was afraid o-" Magine began before she noticed Roll walking away, her hair shadowing over her eyes, "?"

"...Roll?" Sonic spoke up in concern, "Are you…"

"Leave me alone…" Roll muttered, the hedgehog managing to notice a few drops of tears.

"...ok. This is serious," Sonic whispered with a frown, "Guys, help me get Kaito and Flash back home so we can patch them up."

"Vroon you're the biggest!" Juran spoke as he and Gaon helped pick Kaito and Flash up.

"Leave it to me!" Vroon declared.

"Don't worry; the attack didn't break there skin," Yatsude smiled as kaito and Flash had there torso bandaged up Flash had his hand bandage up aswell, "But he is badly bruised. That Suit took a lot of the damage and his clothing soaked up the last little bit."

"Eh? This isn't how the bandages normally look," Magine noted.

"That's because I did them this time," Amy replied, "Normally, Haseo does it but…"

"Where is he anyway?" Juran asked.

"Skye took him to their house," Yatsude sighed, running a hand through her hair in frustration, "What is going on with those three?"

"No idea…" Gaon sighed.

"Mmm…" Kaito grunted, opening his eyes, "What happened...D-Did I die? Ah man...Yatchan is gonna be so mad…"

"I'm more relieved than mad," Yatsude replied, causing him to barely turn his head to look at her, "Your suit and clothes took more damage than you and flash did."

"With all due respect...it still hurts like hell…" Kaito groaned, "What happened after I blanked out? ...Did they leave?"

"Ah. They did," Juran replied.

"Mmmmm...." Flash muttered stirring up." Ugh, Mom I don't want to go to school" He grounds.

"Looks like your alright Flash" Yatsude spoke seeing her second grandson.

"Yeah, Just had a little bruse." Flash said as he got up still in pain.

"That's one way of saying it." Magine muttered seeing him.

"Flash, why did you stop attacking?" Vroon asked." You and kaito had the upper hand"

"Ah…" he grunted, trying not to feel the pain, "That second sword Chanbara World had, it was the one Roll's Kaa-chan had." he revealed, "It was their family sword, it's very important to all of them. When I attacked, I cracked Chanbara World's black sword...I didn't want to break the Sakurai Family sword...they are family. So if it's important to them...it's important to me!" he smiled.

"You didn't want to break the sword?" Magine pondered.

"You know, I would have done the same," kaito told.

"Ah, even when it leaves you hurt, you two still look out after people," Yatsude sighed.

"Well...it was more than just the sword in my head…" Kaito muttered, "That sword belongs to their Kaa-chan...it has a lot of emotions in it. I guess...protecting the sword was like protecting their Kaa-chan's feelings!" he explained, "So...I gotta get it back for them!" he grunted, sitting up, "Next time...I won't screw up," he looked at Secchan, "Secchan! Find me a Sentai Swordsman who can beat Nitouryuu!"

=Yosha! Leave it to me Kaito! I'll find the perfect Gear!= Secchan assured.

"Hai," Kaito smiled before noticing something missing, "Ah...This isn't the normal tying."

"I'm the one who did your bandages. Skye took Haseo to their house after you lost," Amy explained.

"Soka...And Roll?"

"Haven't seen her since she walked off," Gaon replied.

"Mmm…" Kaito nodded as he adjusted, "Thanks, Amy, you really helped out." he smiled, "I guess Haseo just has learned a unique way to bandage me up, but I can still feel how much care you put into it!"

Flash didn't say anything as he had a serious look on his face he soon got up.

"Where are you going Flash." Yatsude asked.

He didn't look back," I'm just going to talk to Haseo, it's just, I need to sort somethings out with him." He told as he left. The others became worried.

"Is he gonna be ok." Juran asked.

"I don't know." Magine pondered looking where he left.

"I never seen Flash angry before that time." Kaito spoke the others looked at him.

"Wait Flash-san was angry." Goan asked.

"Hai, it was kinda scary, to see him mad. But all went back when haseo yelled that time." Kaito told.

Vroon pondered," maybe Flash had a emotion triggered when haseo spoke."

"I just hope his ok and doesn't do something bad." Amy worriedly said.

"Don't worry he will be back on his feet to help fight the world." Kaito reassured.

"Still, Chanbara World is a strong one, and it seems the more he rampages, the more power he accumulates. Soon, the entire world shall be turned into an Edo Era Jidaigeki drama!" Vroon declared.

Kaito's hand went to his head and he sighed, feeling his normal full head of hair, "Safe…"

"I'm surprised you didn't ask where Sonic is," Amy noted.

"Hm? Ah, he's more likely out trying to find Roll," Kaito replied, "It's kinda funny, actually. The only reason me and Flash met Sonic was because Roll found him that first day all those months ago."

"Eh?" the group pondered.

"Yeah. She saw him falling into the river and pulled him out. She refused to let him leave until she was sure he was okay and even tied him up to carry him to a hospital," Kaito recalled, "She actually ran right into me on the way!"

"So that's how you and Flash found that impossible to catch goofus," Juran noted.

"What were you doing anyway?" Gaon asked.

"Oh, I was getting thrown out for trying to bungee off the needle!" Kaito beamed before pouting childishly, "Sonic managed to do it a week later."

"So you were just two crazy people drawn together by the thrill of nonsense," Juran blurted.

"Sounds about right," Amy and Magine nodded

"Ah mou! No, no, no, no!" Ayane groaned, rubbing her head in frustration at the smoking Gear laid out before her, "Another prototype failure!" she hit her head on her workbench before turning it so she could look at a photo, one of the rare few she ever took fully exposed showing an excited child her being hugged from behind by a smiling platinum blonde fox in magenta robes with a noticeable baby bump while being hugged by a child Roll and patted on the head by Skye, a little drone resembling a cat in the younger Ayane's arms, "..." she pulled her head back up and began to reach for another casing when a few clinks and clatters made her look down to catch a Sentai Gear, "?!"

"How fast do you think you could make one with an actual Gear to study?"

"...Probably three hours."

"You have one and a half," Skye stated, "She'll need it."

"Hai," Ayane nodded, fidgeting for a moment before finally hugging him from behind, "Thank you."

"Anytime for one of my kiddos," Skye chuckled, patting her head, "Hopefully, that blue boy can get her out of that bad funk she's in."

"Again which one" she asked

"The one who isn't a zenkaiger."

"Mmm…" she pouted at that.

"I hate how sneaky she can be…" Sonic sighed as he pulled out a radio, "Any sign of her, Tails?"

=I think I've spotted her by the Sumidagawa river= Tails replied =You want me to swoop down and grab her?=

"No. Thanks for finding her, though," Sonic thanked.

=Any time. But...What's going on anyway? I know there's another World out and about given how parts of the place look like they come from those movies about the older eras of Japan that Crimson likes to watch=

"It's complicated," Sonic replied, "I don't fully get it, either, but all I know is that this World has something of Roll's and it caused Kaito and Flash to get hurt enough to lose there transformation. Well except for flash to later."

=Kaito? And Flash? Theye lost?=

"Yeah. I find it weird, too...but it's like...one of those too complicated to explain type deals…" Sonic sighed.

Maybe it'd be better if I went over to the shop and ask?=

"That's a good idea," Sonic replied, "I'll head on over to check on her. Thanks again."

=No prob, Sonic= Tails assured before the radio turned off.

"Right then. Gonna have to do something I haven't done in a long while," Sonic noted to himself before running off as a blue blur, eventually coming up upon the river, "Man...Hard to believe it's been six months since I landed in this river. Shouldn't have shot off that unfinished highway like it was a ramp..." he looked around, "Now if I were a gloomy Hedgefox that caused a childhood friend to get hurt, where would I…?" he managed to spot a head of hair with a familiar green bow holding it up in a ponytail, "Bingo."

"..." Roll looked at herself in the reflection of the river, her ears drooping as the lynx's voice kept repeating those last words in her head.

"You know, you are a lot harder to find than I give you credit for." Sonic spoke up, making her jump a bit, "Is that a Ninja thing? 'Cause you often made me learn how Ninja stuff is more heavy duty survival than creeping in the shadows stealth." he rubbed his chin in thought, "Kinda explains why I kept getting surprised by the Arachne...and Espio...and pretty much every ninja I've run into."


"You mind answering just what was up with all that earlier?" Sonic asked, "The moment he pulled that sword out, you just went...uh...not you."

"..." Roll's ears drooped as she looked at the river once more, "That sword is my family's sword, passed down from one heir to the next. Each one dedicated to its art and fight with it to honor our ancestors. The Raiju think it belongs to them - that we stole it."

"Uh-huh. So it's kinda like the Acorn royalty," Sonic noted, earning a look, "They had something the next ruler would do, but it got lost when Robotropolis got nuked. But you still have your family's thing, just...not with you."

"...It's more than that," Roll replied, tears welling in her eyes, "It...That sword? When that light happened and...and we all ended up here? ...Before that, my mother was about to pass it on to me." she hugged herself as she trembled, "She was holding it in her hands. If...If they had it, then...then it-it means…"

"Well you can't be sure, now can you?" Sonic cut her off, "See...the world was different for me before the merge. So...it was a lot of nonsense all at once. Who's to say what happened? Maybe...that scary thing you're thinking happened...or your Mom woke up and the sword and her family poofed into thin air. Either way, you should be worried about getting your mom back first."

"!? P-Poofed into thin air?"

"It's just a maybe. Keyword 'maybe,'" Sonic assured quickly before sighing, rubbing the back of his head, "Man...I am never good on this 'talking to girls to comfort' stuff…Another guy and it's easy enough even if you chip a tooth from getting sucker-punched..." he smiled a little when a giggle got out of her lips, "Ah, there we go. Giggling is good. That means I'm not getting a new bump on the head, a slap to the face, or, even worse than all that? A pie to the face."

"A wh-what?" Roll giggled.

"Long story, just involved some old crazy shenanigans when I was fifteen," Sonic replied, "Look, the point is that this sword is important to you, right?"

"It's important to everyone in my family," Roll replied, "Not trying to reclaim it is like if you lost your ability to taste chili-dogs."

"Ooh, yeah...That, uh, that does sound pretty big," Sonic noted.

"But...it's also important because my mother had it," Roll went on, "And her having it was the last thing me, Haseo-chan, Ayane-chan, and Papa all saw before we ended up here."

"So seeing that sword wouldn't affect just you," Sonic frowned.

"But...But because of it...I...I got Kaito hurt and Flash was mad at me," Roll sniffled.

"Yeah...I think it would have been better if you just let Flash fight the Monster, same as always," Sonic shrugged, "I mean it's not like he wouldn't understand how important it is. Or he doesn't always fight weirdly powered monsters."

"You really are terrible at this…" Roll muttered.

"Hey…" Sonic frowned before slumping, "Yeah, you're right. Where's the sucker punch when ya need it?" a little carn horn honked before Sonic was hit in the back, "Ah! W-Whoa!"


"Ah! Sonic-san!" Roll yelped as Sonic blubbered and splattered, trying to stay above the water until her tail hooked onto his reached out hand to pull him out, "Daijobu?"

"I am considering staying far away from every single river I see," Sonic groaned as the two looked to see the little battery-powered car from Ayane's first time out to see the rider of it was a figure in a lion costume with sunglasses and a red and gold marching band hat, "...What happened to the elephant one? Got the trunk all tied up in knots?"

"She tries to wear a different one each time she goes out in a month so she won't be figured out," Roll explained as the lion mascot slumped before pulling their head off to reveal the HedgeLynx.

"Onee-chan…" Ayane whined.

"Worried for your sister, huh?" Sonic asked, "Please help. I'm not good at this without getting beaten up."

"W-What else is new?" she deadpanned, earning a deadpan expression from him, "A-Anyway, I think I know how t-to get it back."


"Already Chanbara World has proven effective, by taking out the leader Zenkaiser," Barashitara spoke, "Something none have been able to accomplish before."

"Mmm…" said World growled, sitting seiza before his two blades.


"I feel...robbed," Chanbara World noted.


"It wasn't one-on-one, but Four-on-one," he growled.

"Victory is victory," Barashitara spoke, "Zenkai Gin and Zenkaiser is the one who failed to deal with a difficult soldier of his own faction."

"I wanted a one on one duel…" he groaned, "Very well. I shall deal with the Zenkaigers and hope they can satisfy me. But I will still believe that my rival will be the one to end me."

"Mmm…" Haseo pouted at the dining table, having been brought over by Skye who had gone into the lab.

"Mmm...I don't like an upset Haseo. It feels wrong," Gaon noted in concern, looking out at him from the kitchen, "He's not even eating the blueberries like he normally does!"

"Probably the only plausible way to get him back to happy is Roll coming in with that sword," Juran noted.

"I'm surprised he hasn't noticed Nicole," Tails noted, the holo-Lynx tilting her head in confusion.

"Why is that noticeable?" Nicole asked.

"Nothing," Tails sighed

Flash soon came in wearing his jacket and looked at haseo. Haseo looked at him and soon deverted his eyes. Trying not to look at him. Flash saw this and went to him and sat by his side. Both didn't say anything as the others saw this they quickly went in the kitchen to give them some privacy but still move there heads out to see and listen.



Haseo didn't say anything as he was looking down.

"Do you hat me now."

"Eh?" He finally spoke and looked at him.

"I said that do you hate me, for losing the sword." Flash asked as he wasn't looking at him.

"... No, I'm just..." But flash cut him off" but you were when I was fighting for it. It looked like you were mad at me when I lost it."

"You didn't lose it Flash onni-chan you were fighting for it." Haseo told.

"Yeah, So tell me haseo why aren't you smiling now." Flash asked.

"... Why?! Because my kaa-san is missing, and the kaijin has her sword, so how can I smile knowing my mother is in danger!" Haseo yelled the others were surprised seeing the young shout for the first time bit Flash wasn't scared.

"But do you really think your kaa-san will be happy seeing her baby boy like this." He asked.

"... I don't know ok, I don't know my kaa-san is ok or not. She may be dead!" He yelled tears almost coming from his eyes. The others thought to intervene but stopped when Flash suddenly brought him in to a hug surprising him.

"Come on, let it out." He simply told and for that Haseo couldn't hold back anymore and soon broke down crying. The others stood back and watch the seen happen. After a good crying Flash finally let him go.

"Do you feel any better now." He asked

"*Sniff* hmm" haseo nodded sadly.

Flash put his on haseo face and made him look up," haseo, I know your sad, I was to when my grandfather passed away one day." Flash told him remembering the time." It was hard for me. I lost someone dear to me and thought the hole world was falling apart for me. But I then though if I gave up hope. His memory will be lost. So that's why I live to keep his memory alive. The same can be said about your kaa-san."


"She once told me that you are her hope." He told the young fox surprising him." When I was little and went to mobius. Your kaa-san was holding you that time. That was heart warming to see you so young, I asked her how is haseo so special to her. She told me, ' A mother always have love for her child and her child is her hope. My little hope hear is this one. His sister and others are my treasure but this little one will always be my little hope' she told me to time." Flash told." And that was the day, I decided that I will look out for you no matter what. Cause your kaa-san always loved you and wants to see you smile in the future. So that's why I always look out for you. Cause you are your mother's hope and she will only wish for you to be happy." Haseo listen to this and soon finally let it go and hugged flash tight.

"Gomen. I should have believe you will have got kaa-san sword. I should never have doubted you Flash onni-chan" he said as he hugged him.

The others were crying tears seeing this. As goan took out a hand crechief. And wiped his tears away. He then have it to the others as they were crying aswell.

"This, this is so emotional." Magine muttered crying.

"It's like, watching a sad opera." Juran told as he wiped away his tears.

"Man, again in this situation." Tails spoke as he was wiping away his tears.

Flash then let go of the hug," hey why don't I show you a trick." He took out his wand and this time simply bop haseo nose. He took out the blueberry ice cream." Ta-da."

"Yay!" Haseo cheered

"And looks like you finally smiled again." Flash said." That means your kaa-san is happy to see his little hope shine."

"Hm!" Haseo nodded. "Arigatou na, Flash Onni-chan, I won't let Kaa-san memory be wasted."

Flags smiled and patted his head before Secchan squawked.

=Minna! Chanbara World is back, tune! Seems he's near the Skytree and he sounds angry!=

"Well looks like I'm gonna go and take care of that sword man. Why don't you do me a favor and cheer for us, we gonna need some cheering up."

"Hai! I will always be there to cheer you on Flash onni-chan." Haseo smiled.

"Ok, mina let's go." He called out as the other zenkaigers nodded.

Chanbara World walked through the streets, his hand resting on his katana as he watched people panic and run away.

"Hmm...After fighting Zenkai Gin, the bar for challenge has risen too high...I need a strong enemy!" Chanbara World grunted, flipping a vendor's cart, "Especially after that interference! I've already let loose upon one of the interlopers! Now bring the other or the remaining Zenkaigers!" he held his cursed sword up as he swung and sent out a wave that 'slashed' multiple people, "Let the strongest be decided!" he shouted as they all shouted, now having wooden swords in hand as they all paired off and began fighting, "Ah, what a glorious sight."

"You can make others fight?" Conquering Storm asked.

"They must obey the laws of Chanbaratopia! Duel 'till the Number 1 is decided," Chanbara World declared, "...No. There is no headband." he spoke, almost...reflexively.

"Hmm...Imagine if you did this to someone with actual experience in the art of the sword," Starline noted, watching the fights.

"This shall find anyone worth the time but there is already a worrier out there who I will fight soon!" Chanbara World declared.

"Agreed" Conquering storm said.

"Wow, this is kinda neat. I mean, if it wasn't because of you guys, I would've thought this was some sorta performance for people interested in the past," the three looked to see Sonic standing on a nearby roof with a grin, "I really mean that, by the way. Would've gotten some popcorn to snack on, too."

"Oh? Are you perhaps interested in a battle then?" Chanbara World questioned.

"Mmm...Nope," Sonic replied.

"Hah?!" Chanbara World exclaimed as Starline and Conquering Storm raised their brows in suspicion.

"I mean you're kinda crazy," Sonic chuckled, "I'm here to stop the bad guys, not have a fight to the death with ya. Just not my style.

"Then you bore me! Go away!" Chanbara World snorted, making the lynx nearly fall over.

"Make me," Sonic taunted with a grin.

"You're not wanting to fight to the death, so you bore me," Chanbara World huffed, turning away and walking off.

"...This guy serious?" Sonic deadpanned to the two.

"What are you planning?" Conquering Storm questioned.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Sonic chuckled before dodging out of the way of her jump-kick at him, "Hey now! I ain't Roll!"

"Tch…" Conquering Storm clicked her tongue as she threw some shuriken at him, prompting the hedgehog to become a blur and dodge.

"Oooh~ Almost got me with that one."

"He's very good at distraction," Starline noted, "He's buying the Zenkaigers time," he then side stepped as a barrage of bullets pelted their Kudakk grunts.

"He dodged!" Magine gawked.

"He's very intuitive," Vroon noted as they jogged over.

"Ah whatever! Chanbara World! We're here to kick your ass!" Juran shouted.

"You're gonna pay for what you did to Kaito-kun and Flash-kun!" Gaon roared.

"Oh finally! Some worthy opponents!" Chanbara World beamed, pulling his primary sword out, "Saa...Let us fight to glorious death!"

"Change Zenkai!" the four shouted, quickly transforming.


Zenkai Juran was first as he swung his sword and clashed with Chanbara World. The two trading blows before the Red Senshi ducked to the side letting Zenkai Vroon swing his Vroon Picker, Chanbara World grunting as the weapon was hooked around the cursed blade, Zenkai Vroon spun on his waist and dragged the monster around before swinging him to Zenkai Gaon. The Yellow Senshi swung his Gaon Claws and trapped the two swords in the gap between his claws. Chanbara World grunted trying to free his swords only for Zenkai Magine to slam her Magine Stick and trap them to Gaon's gauntlet.

"Ha!" Zenkai Gaon roared, taking out his Geartlinger and jamming it into Chanbara World's chest and began opening fire, making sparks fly.

"Nu Nu Nu Magine! Briar Snare!" Zenkai Magine declared as the ground cracked and thorny vines suddenly burst out and ensnared Chanbara World.

"Let's light it up!" Zenkai Juran shouted as his T-Rex themed chest piece began spewing flames, which doused Chanbara World, setting the vines on fire.

"This is for Kaito and Flash!" Zenkai Vroon shouted as he began spinning his upper torso around, before rushing and slamming a barrage of hammer fist strikes to Chanbara World's face, the final spin ending in a punch that knocked him back.

"Hmmm...They are so diverse…" Starline noted sitting on a wall as he watched, "Their combat abilities are indeed impressive. They are unpredictable when working together."

"Ah...you shall be a challenge, but I shall accept all who seek combat!" Chanbara World grunted as he slowly got back up, "But your tricks won't help! Shobu!" he lifted his cursed sword as it began glowing with red energy. He swung and let loose a cutting wave that struck the Four Zenkaigers, pushing them back.

"That...didn't hurt as much as I thought…" Zenkai Magine muttered as she then blinked, "Huh...it feels like my Geartlinger is missing!"

"Me too!" Zenkai Vroon panicked, his head spinning around, "What has happened?!"

"Oi! You did this!" Zenkai Juran shouted at Chanbara World.

"I shall allow any weapon so long as it is one for close combat; that is still an honorable defeat for a swordsmen. With my powers growing, I can get the battle I desire!"

"Eh?!" Zenkai Magine exclaimed.

"We did not expect this," Zenkai Vroon muttered in thought, "But I can adapt. This is payback for Flash and Kaito!"

"O-Ohh!" Zenkai Magine agreed while lifting her staff.

"That thing is getting stronger? I've never heard of one of those World Things doing that," Sonic noted as he avoided Conquering Storm again, "Man, this group is annoying…"

"But it is fascinating. It could be that the previous Worlds never fully embraced the Gears they were integrated with," Starline hypothesized, rubbing the underside of his beak in thought.

"Ha!" Zenkai Gaon roared, clashing with Chanbara World as he blocked a downward swing with his cursed blade before slashing him with the Sakurai Family sword making sparks fly.

"We're taking that sword back!" Zenkai Juran shouted swinging at Chanbata World who blocked with both swords before spinning around Juran and slashing him across the shoulder, "That belongs to Roll-chan and her Kaachan!"

"It belongs with a warrior who can use it!" Chanbara World shouted, lifting both swords to the sides to block swings from both Zenkai Vron and Magine who flanked him.

"I don't give a care about that…" Zenkai Juran grunted, "Flash cared enough to hold back from damaging that sword…'cause he sees Roll and her family as his own family. That sword means so much to them; he refuses to let any harm come to it! He tried really hard to accept their feelings!"

"Seeing it in your hands caused them a lot of stress and concern!" Zenkai Gaon grunted as he rushed and slashed Chanbara World across the chest, "We don't fully know how much that thing means to their family as a whole...but we know Roll-chan and Haseo-kun are nervous and scared just thinking of their Kaasan!"

"I...don't understand why a Sword means so much...but the normally kind and composed Skye-san lost his composure because you have his wife's sword!" Zenkai Vroon grunted as he swung and slashed with his Pickaxe striking Chanbara World across the shoulder before swinging back and striking his chest, "This isn't something that can be explained with logic...they are just scared!"

"They worked so hard to make us feel happy and welcome…" Zenkai Magine shouted as she swung her staff as Chanbara World blocked with both swords, "They made us feel like part of a family with Yatsude-san , Flash and Kaito! If they want that sword back...we'll do everything we can to get it back for them!" she thrust the top of her staff forward as it unleashed a pink fireball which sent Chanbara World skidding back.

"See…" Yatsude sighed as she dragged Skye and Haseo to the Secret Base to watch the fight, "Those kids are trying their hardest. Even if they don't fully understand. So you can't just shut yourselves out of this family over one mistake."

"Show them what you got mina" Haseo cheered but soon saw something else.
" Eh?"

=Hm?= Secchan looked at the screen Haseo was staring at =Eh?!=

"Yes! More! Give me more of this!" Chanbara World laughed.

"He's insane," Zenkai Magine huffed.

"Hmm...if this goes on they might win again." Starline sighed, "I'll need to intervene…"

"SHWA!" Starline blinked as he turned around and got a sneaker to the face as Kaito kicked him, knocking him off the wall and into the stream of water. Kaito grunted as he landed in the stream with a grunt, "That hurt!"

"My bill!" Starline cried in pain.

"You...can't be serious…" Conquering Storm gawked.

"Yeah...Kaito ignores logic a lot," Sonic chuckled.

"Ah! He returns!" Chanbara World shouted.

"Let me say this to start...I am tired...everything hurts...I just drop kicked a duck thing...and I am going home with My Auntie's sword!" he declared.

"I don't think he knows what a Platypus is…" Zenkai Magine realized.

"Was honestly not expecting him to show up," Sonic admitted, blinking a few times.

"He probably can only fight for so long before his body gives out," Conquering Storm pointed out.

"Change Zenkai!" Kaito shouted.


"Zenryoku...Zenkai!" Zenkaiser shouted, opening his belt and pulling out a Sentai Gear, "Let's do this!"


The image of The Gingaman formed around them as they went into the Zenkaigers. The Red formed next to Zenkaiser before going into him, but at the same time the image of a Knight in Black armor with horns also followed suit.

"Seijuken!" Zenkaiser shouted holding up a dagger which extended into a sword in his right, and in his left was a black boardsword with horn shaped crossguards, "Bull Riot!"

=EH?! That's never happened before?! The Gingaman Sentai Gear not only called on the Five Main Gingamen but also on The Black Knight BullBlack!=

=But Red and the Black Knight were actually brothers…= Skye spoke up.

"Kyodai power!" Zenkaiser declared.

"Soka! You plan to meet me in a battle of Nitouryuu!" Chanbara World realized, "Yes!"

"I'm not sure how long my body will last...so let's do this fast!" Zenkaiser shouted rushing forward, "Nitouryuu Zenkai!"

"I'm surprised that the Sakurai isn't here to see this," Conquering Storm noted.'and the silver boy'

"Oh, they probably are," Sonic replied with a grin as he backflipped away from another strike from her, "I mean, our base has some neat screens that let us see what's going on."


"Oh right, you don't know that; see we got tons of awesome stuff~" Sonic smirked, "One of them is my best buddy Kaito!" he chuckled, turning to see Zenkaiser slash Chanbara World as the two passed one another, "If you thought I was a pain...then you gotta remember he's more or less another me. Only his thing is he's got, like, endless positive energy, which is honestly refreshing. He should be down and out...but he still got up and is fighting. What makes you guys honestly think you can beat him?" he crossed his arms, "I mean...you never beat me once, and I had my own bad days, so what about someone like me...who doesn't know the meaning of a bad day?"

"Your forget about zenkai Gin" she told.

"Oh are you worried for your future boyfriend.~" She stumble at that.

"He's not my boyfriend, he's just a good fighter!" She yelled but her face was red.

"Sure~" Sonic said making her growl.

"Shwa!" Zenkaiser shouted as he blocked Chanbara World's swings with his swords before spinning around and slashing him with the Seijuken.

Chanbara World swung with his cursed sword only for Zenkaiser to block with Bull Riot. Zenkaiser grunted as he swung the Seijuken and knocked the sword away before thrusting Bull Riot right into the World's shoulder making sparks fly. Zenkaiser pulled the sword back and tensed as his body was suddenly wracked with pain from his wounds. He grunted tightening his grip on his swords before thrusting Bull Riot up and catching both swords as Chanbara World swung down.


"HA!" Zenkaiser twisted Bull Riot around and twisted the World's wrists in an awkward way to keep him in place, "Give back that Sword!" he stabbed the Seijuken into Chanbara World's abdomen, making more sparks fly, "I don't care if you say what it wants...I know what it wants! It wants to go to Roll! It belongs to her! I'll get it back no matter what!" he grunted, kicking his leg up and kicked Chanbara World's wrist which held the Sakurai Family sword and knocked it up into the air, "Black Attack!" he roared, swinging Bull Riot as black lightning came off it, slashing Chanbara World as he rushed past him. Zenkaiser grunted, skidding to a halt before he jumped while turning around, "Honno Issen!" he swung the Seijuken downward as it flashed with flaming red energy.

Chanbara World grunted, raising his cursed blade to block...only for the attack to snap the blade and slash him down the middle. Chanbara World grunted, taking a step back...but held his ground. He looked up before the Sakurai Family sword fell and stabbed into the ground between him and Zenkaiser.

"Guh…" Zenkaiser groaned as he suddenly stumbled back, "H-hang on...body...just...a...little more…" he grunted before his legs buckled and he fell over, "Dameda…" he groaned.

"Ah! Kaito!" Zenkai Juran exclaimed before pausing in his run when someone else caught him, "Eh?"

Zenkaiser grunted, managing to move his head enough to look up at the black visor looking down at him. The figure who caught him was a female Sentai. She looked to appear to be based upon a ninja, but donned in a vivid crimson. Tiny guards decorated her shoulders, outlined in gold with a silver interior with the symbol of the Zenkaigers in them. The upper part of her chest and around her neck was a white armor with a gold tip on the chest area with two black 'lightning bolts' on the sides of the armor. On her waist was a buckle similar to Zenkaiser's with black and gold armor on her lower arms and most of her boots. Her helmet was rounded with a black visor resembling a heart of sorts with two 'fangs' framing the silver mask, the sunlight bouncing off the gold headband with a cobalt heart in the center and gold and silver decorations resembling fox ears on it...along with the '18' on the center of her helmet's forehead.

"Nani…?" Zenkaiser pondered as the Sentai placed him down on a bench by them, "Who…?"

"Nanto? A new opponent?!" Chanbara World gawked.

"Another member?" Starline pondered before the Sentai reached behind her back...and pulled out a Geartlasher.

"Ninja Power!" she declared, spinning the sword around before moving it to have the blade going across the back of her back while bringing her free hand's pointer and index fingers together before her guard; she then spun it around once more in a slash mixed with a bow before settling into a crouched position as if ready to move quickly, "Zenkai Kurenai!"

"Roll?" Zenkaiser blinked, recognizing the voice, "Sugoi...Ayane really finished!"

"EH!? Roll-chan!?" Zenkai Gaon gawked.

"Oi-oi-oi, Ojouchan, why Red!?" Zenkai Juran spoke up, trying to talk to Ayane, "We already have a Red!" he waited, "...I know you're watching!" the lion mascot poked their head out of a nearby stall, "...She doesn't talk much in these mascot outfits, does she?"

=Not unless she can mimic the voice good enough= Skye sighed.

=Oh, she sent an email with a PDF document, tune= Secchan noted =Oh! Even a Q&A with that very question. 'My answer to 'Why Red' are the following two Sentai: TimeFire and KabutoRaiger'=

=She is very prepared. Plus, she is based on the eighteenth sentai, Ninja Sentai Kakuranger. They were led by a White Ranger, and Red was their second. Only with them, White was a girl and Red was a guy. Here it is flipped, so clever= Skye chuckled.

"A secret weapon?" Chanbara World pondered before quickly grabbing the sword and charged at her, "Then let us see what you can do!"

"Hmph," Zenkai Kurenai snorted before flicking a hand at the ground, causing a burst of smoke to shoot out of the pellet that hit it, blinding Chanbara World for a moment.

"Nan de?" he pondered before taking a step, "?! GAH!" he jumped up onto one foot, "Ah! Ohh! Ooh! Gah!" he looked at his raised foot to see caltrops, "What?!" the smoke dissipated and he tensed, seeing himself surrounded by caltrops, "What the?! When did she do this?!"

"Ninja Zenkai!" Zenkaiser cheered as Zenkai Gaon helped him stand, "If there is one thing Roll-chan is amazing at, it's being a Ninja girl!"

"Easy, easy…" Chanbara World muttered before something landed on his head, "Ah…" he reached up and plucked the object off and revealed an origami ball with a lit wick in it, "A ball?" the wick went into it before it glowed and exploded, "GYAHAHAHHAA~!" he sailed up into the air before landing on his back...right on the caltrops, "EEYOW!"

"Sugoi!" the other Zenkaigers cheered.

=Oh! That was NinjaWhite's Paper Control Art, tune! A ninja technique that lets one use origami turn into the actual object they were folded into!= Secchan exclaimed as Chanbara World snarled and got up, swinging the family sword around him to knock the caltrops away.

"You insufferable ninja! Come out and fight me like a real warrior!" Chanbara World declared.

"If you insist," Zenkai Kurenai's voice replied, her back to Chanbara World's back as she flicked open her buckle and pulled out a Sentai Gear from it before inserting it into her blade and spun the gear on the forehead of the 'bird' that had replaced the original crank it had before.


With that, the Hurricangers holograms formed around Zenkai Kurenai before going into her. The image of HurricaneBlue appeared first as she pointed with two fingers at Chanbara World.

"Chou Ninpou: Suiryuha!" she declared as a powerful jet of water shot from her fingers and blasted Chanbara World, pushing him across the ground as he gurgled. The hologram of HurricaneYellow then formed around her, "Chou Ninpou: Jirai Geki!" she stabbed the Geartlasher into the ground, causing a straight line of sparks and explosions to go off before reaching Chanbara World, causing an explosion of sparks to come off his body; the next Hologram to form over head was instead that of KuwagaRaiger, "Chou Ninpou: Kiba no inazuma!" a stream of navy electricity shot from between the 'ears' on her hemet which struck Chanbara World before lifting him around. She swung her head around and slammed him into the walls to either side of them several times before smashing him into the ground.

"Did she just…?!" Conquering Storm snarled.

"Calm yourself. More than likely, it was a technique known by the Sentai she used involving that gear," Starline halted her from charging in, holding a hand up in her path while he glanced towards the lion mascot-disguised Ayane, 'And based on how that Red one was acting, that one in disguise is the creator of this new factor.'

"Even so, a Sakurai using my clan's element is unforgivable!" the lynx snarled as Kurenai flicked her buckle open and inserted another Gear into her blade before spinning the forehead gear.


The Ryusoulgers holograms formed as they entered Zenkai Kurenai just like before. She held her arm out as the Ryusoulken formed in her hand. Its dinosaur head chomped on its own before armor formed along her arm.


The white dinosaur themed gauntlet flashed before Zenkai Kurenai shouted and swung both swords and struck the ground, causing it to rip apart and send pillars of rock into Chanbara World, knocking him up into the air.


The armor changed to a blue and gold color with a wrecking ball weight on the end. She swung down as a sudden circle of gravity formed on the ground and Chanbara World slammed down into the ground with great force, his weight increasing to the point a crater was forming in the ground.


Zenkai Kurenai grunted as orange fire and dimetrodon-themed armor formed on her. She spun around as both her Geartlasher and Ryusoulken ignited with crimson flames, "Double Ancient Break Edge!" she shouted while swinging both swords upward, causing a massive spout of fire to launch Chanbara World upwards into the air again.

=SUGOI, Tune! Her weapon can channel so many abilities all at once! But it seems that last one was hard to control, tune!=

=The Ryusoulgers armors are very powerful ancient magic; even they struggled mastering these at first…= Skye muttered =But for her first try, Rolly did amazing!=

"Roll! Todeme Zenkai!" Zenkaiser cheered, "Spin the gear!"

"Hai!" Kurenai replied as she rapidly spun the gear.


The disguised Ayane pulled her hands up to her mascot head's mouth area as the symbol appeared behind her transformed sister. The blade of her weapon began to shine as she crouched down while Chanbara World fell towards the ground, screaming still. With a grunt, Kurenai shot up into the air and swung the blade at him, the symbol following her. But something came bw the world and the attack and deflect it and making it explode in different directions.

"Eh? Nani?" The zenkaigers and roll shouted. Soon the figure responsible for this was non other then Zenkai Gin standing between the world and the attack.

"FLASH?!" The others shouted why did he save the world. So were those in the lab

"Gomen, but his mine" Zenkai Gin spoke as he looked at Chanbara World.

"My rival, you finally came." The world spoke seeing him.

"Flash, what are you doing we had him." Kurenai spoke.

"Guys... Let me fight him." Gin only spoke those words and then looked back at the world.

"What?!" The other zenkaigers spoke.

"Ok" Zenkaiser spoke surprising them.

"But kaito flash has.." Zenkaiser just put a hand Infront and stopped her. He shook his head signaling to not interfere.

Back at those two. They were now glaring at each other.

"So you finally came my rival." The world spoke," will you be able to finish me and my desire."

"I came hear just to do that. And this time no tricks or play. Just a battle to the death." Zenkai Gin spoke as he pulled out his Gun and throw it towards Zenkaiser who caught it. Zenkaiser nodded and got back." The sword you have, I will get it back." Zenkai Gin then got in a battle stance with his sword.

"Very well. We shall see, who shall fall and who shall be Victoria's. " Chanbara World spoke as he got in a stance, both glared at one another.

"This will be interesting. Don't ya agree." Starline spoke and looked at Conquering storm but she was only seeing the battle.

The other zenkaigers and sonic were now in a tuff spot but hoped he'll win. Soon when a leaf dropped down and soon slowly landed on the ground. Both fighters chard and soon clashed swords with each other's. They start to go with slash and duck but the blades sparks were seen when ever they hit each other. Soon both fighters became blurs and start to go in slashes, the others were only seeing silver blurs ran in high speed and slashes were heard and soon both figures skid back but soon ran towards one another and then clashed blades and we're holding each other back.

"Your finally showing your true strength zenkai Gin."

" The more I fight the stronger I get, and I hold on to my ambition to fight for others eve if they don't appreciate it." Zenkai Gin yelled as he pushed him back and ran towards him.

"Your blade, it's felling heavy with each swing. Your carrying the burden of others." The world spoke." You are the one to carry this blade then." He yelled.

Both charred at each other and soon clashed again. Zenkai Gin slashed the world stomach making Sparks fly as he dogged a slash he jumped up and came from behind and slashed him in the back. Then he start to release energy slashes each hitting the world making it stumble back. Finally when the world was gonna slash him, Zenkai Gin got tye chance and slashed from downward direction to up making the other sword fly out of his grip. Tye sword went flying up as Zenkai Gin jumped up and grabbed it and came down. Landing with the sword in his hand.

"He got the sword." Kurenai cheered.

Zenkai Gin turned back and then looked back towards the world. Both looked at one another soon ran for the final blow. There blades glowed blue and red and soon both slashed were made. Both swordsman stood behind each other. They didn't say anything, the other waited for who won. Finally Chanbara World lost his blade and was soon start to leak energy. He looked back at Zenkai Gin." You fought honorably till the very end, I'm... Luck I fought my final battle with you." He spoke his final worlds and finally collapse down and exploded in a big explosion. Zenkai Gin finally got up standing tall and proud. He breath out a sign of relief.

"He did it!" Zenkai Goan cheered.

"Yusha" sonic yelled giving a high five to Juran as the other cheered. Zenkai Kurenai looked at Zenkai Gin and saw how he fought. He was fighting with the burden he carried and won. She squeeze her fist, He was far more better then her. She fought for vengeance but he fought for others.

"That was interesting as ever. Never thought I will see this type of fight but was enjoying." Starline spoke as he record the fight.

Conquering storm only looked at the zenkaiger and smirked.

"Family Sword Get!" Zenkaiser shouted as the world began returning to normal, the streets once more regular Tokyo as everyone's clothing returned to normal as well.

"Sugoi!" Zenkai Juran gawked

"Yatta!" Zenkai Gaon cheered.

"I have so many questions vroon-vroon!" Zenkai Vroon shouted.

"Later doofus!" Zenkai Magine complained.

"Sugoi Roll!" Zenkaiser cheered, suddenly bringing Zenkai Kurenai into a hug, "Flash did it!" he paused for a moment and put a head to his before putting it to the top of her head, realizing she was now equal to him in height, "Ah...You got taller!"

"Ayane made this suit resize me," Kurenai explained, "I didn't fully understand how she explained why she made it do that, but it's just a temporary thing."

"Ah soka, so like me, the science mumbo jumbo went over your head!" Zenkaiser laughed before the two yelped as a ladle bonked off them both, "Gah!"

"Ite!" Kurenai yelped.

"Hmm...It seems we're at a disadvantage now," Starline sighed, "Very well."

"You're gonna summon the big guy now, aren't ya?" Sonic asked.

"..." Starline glowered at the grinning hedgehog, "You are a rather promiscuous mammal."

"...What?" Sonic tilted his head.

"We are not leaving until I get that sword!" Conquering Storm snarled," beside I want to see what you can do Zenkai Gin." She spoke getting his attention he looked at her then nodded.

"You ask for it." He spoke" Kaito my gun and wand." He shouted as Zenkaiser tossed it towards Zenkai Gin as he tossed the sword towards Zenkaiser caught it.

"Shall we" Both looked at one another and soon became blur and ran out.

"Well that takes care of one problem." Starline."Kudaitest!"

"Oyobi Desu Ka!?" the Kudaitest asked, poking out from behind a building.

"Take a step ahead then rampage!" Starline called as he jumped backwards into a second portal before both closed.

"Hai!" the Kudaitest replied as he took a step forward...right onto the Tojiru Gear, "Eh? I stepped on something..."

"...Oh that can't be good," Sonic whispered as the Kudaitest quickly transformed.

"GREAT CHANBARA WORLD! KENZAN!" the giant monster shouted, stomping the ground as he swung his broken sword as it began sparking with energy as metal from around the area condensed to the blade as it began reforging and growing into a giant cleaver-like Zanbato.

"Ah! Time for Zenkai Gat-gah…" Zenkaiser groaned, having shot up only to fall over and be caught by Kurenai.

"Any chance one of the Sentai is a medical squadron?" Kurenai asked.

=There are...um...I think two, tune?=


=Two Sentai where the pink used an ambulance-based vehicle for the mecha they use. Does that count, tune?=

"Oh! Roll-chan can do the gattai, hai?" Magine asked.

"Don't ask me. Ask the mascot," Zenkai Juran replied as he pointed at said lion mascot, who was pulling the costume off to reveal Ayane disguised as Roll in the same outfit from her previous outing, "Oi! Can she do Zenkai Gattai for us or what?"

"Iie," Ayane replied, "She does something more fitting."

With that she reached into her fake fox tail and then tossed something out of it at Kurenai, who quickly caught it...before realizing she let go of Zenkaiser, who fell flat on his face.

"Ah! Kaito!" Zenkai Gaon yelped as he ran over and picked him up, "Daijobu?"

"I like my armor...I didn't feel a thing in that fall," Zenkaiser replied.

"What you got going on now?" Zenkai Juran asked.

"Can you move?" Zenkai Magine asked Zenkaiser.


=Kaikai is like a wonder of nature...even for a Mobian like me…=

"Hey, is it normal to feel like my muscles are on fire?" Zenkaiser asked.

"A dual debut much like each of you pulled off," Ayane replied as Kurenai looked at what she had caught, revealing it to be a crimson and silver metal doll.

"Eh? A doll?" Kurenai pondered, looking at her disguised half-sister.

"Toss it into the air after you flip your Gear around," Ayane explained as she walked off to her red tiny car.

"Oi, oi. Where are you going?" Zenkai Juran demanded.

"Far enough away to be safe, but close enough to do the stream," Ayane replied before driving off.

"Better give you some time to figure out what she's talking about," Zenkai Juran noted to Zenkai Kurenai as he flipped his Gear over and spun the handle.


"Juran Tyranno!" he roared, stepping up to Great Chanbara World.

"Leave Kaito to me!" Zenkai Magine spoke.

"Then let's take this guy down Vroon!" Zenkai Goan ordered.

"I would like to consult the chart that says you are in command if Kaito is out of commission!" Zenkai Vroon complained.

"Wait...it's dangerous...take these…" Zenkaiser groaned, holding his hand up with a few Sentai Gears.

"Oh dear, when he's extra tired he speaks in internet nonsense…" Zenkai Kurenai noted.

"Leeroy Jenkins!" Zenkaiser muttered.

"See?" Kurenai deadpanned as the two nodded and accepted the Gears before flipping their around.


"Gaon Lion!"

"Vroon Dump!"

"Hi~! Welcome everyone to an awesome Giant Robo Battle~!" 'Roll' greeted, waving at the Camera Gears floating before her and a raised brow Sonic.

"Seriously, you are really good at this when you're…" Sonic began.

"Hai, hai, hai! Lots of practice to get ready in case things like this would ever happen!" 'Roll' interrupted quickly, "And today is an interesting one for you folks! Sadly, Zenkaiser suffered an injury that's preventing him from making a Zenkaioh for all to enjoy watching!" she gestured to the nearby Zenkaiser on a stone bench as Zenkai Magine was fretting over him, "Ah mou~! So sad~!"

"Grumpy Cat!" Zenkaiser declared suddenly.

"He hasn't been this sleepy since the last time we let him stay up late to watch those horror movies…" Sonic muttered.

"Attack!" Juran Tyranno shouted as he and Gaon Lion rushed Great Chanbara World.

"GAON!" Gaon Lion roared.

"And the battle begins with Zenkai Juran and Zenkai Gaon on the rush!" 'Roll' declared.

"Ike!" Zenkai Magine cheered as the two beast form giant Zenkaigers tried to take the giant sword from Great Chanbara World, "Ah right, Kaito's last useful act was giving us Gears!" she went over to Zenkai Kurenai, "Here let me help, what did he give us?"

"Oh here!" Kurenai handed some to Magine.

"This one looks good," Zenkai Magine held a Gear, "Mecha side...and insert!" she cranked the Geartlinger before aiming up, "Ike!"


The projection formed a massive robot wielding a sword and shield with a gun attached to its hip. It swung the sword around before tossing it forward, letting it strike Great Chanbara World. Before it fell, Juran Tyranno jumped into the air to catch it, changing into giant Zenkai Juran in the process.

"Kodenshi Riser!" He named the sword as he swung it and slashed Great Chanbara world across the chest making sparks fly. He held the blade up as his eyes began glowing, "Aura Power! Final Aura Burst!" with a swing of the blade, he let loose a powerful flash of light as he slashed Great Chanbara World.

=Oh! That was…=

"Oh~! Kousoku Gattai Great Five!" 'Roll' awed, "Zenkai Juran used the Kodenshi Riser to perform it's hissatsu, the Final Aura Burst!" she winked at the camera, "Fun fact~! Great Five was the first Sentai mecha whose components were each piloted by a single ranger as well as the first 5-piece mecha which would become a staple feature of most subsequent Sentai."

=Oi! She stole our bit, tune!= Secchan snapped =...Yachan, smack him! He won't stop laughing! ...Haseo, can you pout please? They won't stop laughing, tune=

"Mmm...So I just put the Sentai Gear in reverse, spin the gear on my sword, then swing?" Kurenai pondered as she decided to load one of the given Sentai Gears into her sword and spun it, "Vroon-san, delivery!"


"Eh? Me?!" Vroon Dump pondered as she swung her tsurigi and sent out a giant energy gear that transformed into a large mech seemingly made from a car, truck, helicopter, jet, and crane combined with a cheetah, gorilla, rabbit, stag beetle, and kabutomushi before it vanished, leaving behind a lance made of a crane with the hook split open, a sword, and two yellow attachments that Zenkai Vroon caught, "Buster Lance!"

"Fascinating," Starline noted far away from anyone else as he watched through a pair of hi-tech binoculars, lines of coding popping up in a smaller 'window' in his sight through them.

Zenkai Vroon swung the lance and slashed through Great Chanbara World's armor. Lance and Zanbato clashed as the two pushed the other back. Zenkai Vroon grunted, spinning his body around and knocking the giant sword away before slashing Great Chanbara World across the torso.

"DEMOLITION THRUST!" Zenkai Vroon shouted as a cone of green energy formed around the Buster Lance as he thrust it into the giant Zanbato and knocked it out of Great Chanbara World's hands.

=Wasn't that Great Go-Buster?= Skye pondered.

=I think it was, tune=

"And last is Gaon!" Zenkai Magine declared.


"Oh~ Now this one looks to be a perfect base," Starline noted to himself upon seeing the semi-transparent image of a red and black samurai-themed robot appearing before Gaon Lion as he turned into a giant Zenkai Gaon that quickly caught the pair of oversized throwing daggers that had been on the robot's legs, "Hm? The yellow parts were simply holsters? A disappointment. All the various ways to integrate abilities could easily be stored in those."

"Swords Fever!" Zenkai Gaon declared. He then lifted and crossed them causing lightning to spark from them, "Cross Fever!" He tossed both as they flew and impacted Great Chanbara World, causing a massive explosion which knocked him over.

"That was really strong for just throwing knives!" Sonic gawked.

"As expected of the Battle Fever Robo!" 'Roll' beamed, "Utilized by the third sentai, Battle Fever J, it was the very first giant robo ever used by a Sentai! It was actually made by the..."


"Too loud!" Zenkaiser snapped as Great Chanbara World got back up.

"You three…" Great Chanbara World growled before whistling sharply, "Koi!" the ground around him exploded as three Kudaitests came out of, "And here you go, my vassals!" he swung his blade, letting out a pulse that covered the trio and solidified into samurai garb for the three Kudaitests, "Go get them!"

"Oh! They haven't done something like this since Great Boxing World!" 'Roll' awed, "And it's amazing how these Great Worlds can perform actions like this! I wonder how ZenkaiOh JuraGaon and VroonMagine would've dealt with Great Boxing World and his second if the former influenced the latter more."

"I love waffles!" Zenkaiser shouted.

"Ah mou…" Zenkai Magine groaned as the trio were getting overwhelmed.

"...Oh! I think I get it!" Zenkai Kurenai beamed.

"Nu nu nu?" ZEnkai Magine looked to Kurenai as she flipped her gear over and spun the gear on her blade.

"So I toss this and…" Zenkai Kurenai muttered to herself as she tossed the doll up into the air before swinging her sword at it.


The symbol appeared and washed over the doll, causing it to be colored in with crimsons and gold. It proceeded to grow until it was as big as a Kudaitest and let its full features be shown. It was shaped to resemble a female donned in light crimson armor based upon a ninja. It sported black heeled shoes with bulky crimson lower leg guards with gold accents. It had a separated skirt with a pink crystal heart of the front part of it that matched the one on its chest. Its head sported a crimson helmet with a facemask covering the lower half of its face with jade optics and a crimson and gold headband. It also sported a mechanical fox tail and hedgehog ears that twitched on its head. Zenkai Kurenai blinked before she vanished and appeared inside of an area resembling ZenkaiOh's cockpit, but the podium had been replaced with a simple base of sorts sporting a slot of sorts in the center. She looked between it and her Geartlasher before inserting the blade into it, causing the area to light up to reveal a crimson background and holographic monitors to appear around her, showing the outside world.

"Oh~! Tanjou~! Kurenai Karakuri Robo SakuraMaru~!" 'Roll' declared, her tail wagging excitedly with stars in her eyes.

"Why am I not surprised you named it already?" Sonic facepalmed.

"But of course I named it already," 'Roll' replied.

"Hoh? Another...grr…Opponent?!" Great Chanbara World noted as he got up

"Wow!" Zenkai Magine awed, "It looks so light."

=Another email from her, tune= Secchan noted =Kurenai Karakuri Robo SakuraMaru is based upon the Beast General Fighters utilized by the Kakurangers=

=Interesting. And fitting for Rolly= Skye noted with a chuckle =Lightweight, flexible, and lightly armored all fit in with the actual shinobi. Though instead of it being a manifestation from her, it comes from a doll=

'Roll' puffed her chest with a proud smile on her face, "KurenaiMaru is the embodiment of Zenkai Kurenai's powers all stored within a portable doll! No need to become the giant herself since she can pilot from within!"

"You didn't figure out the 'become a giant trigger yet for non-Kikainoids,' did ya?" Zenkai Magine muttered.

"Oh totally…" Sonic chuckled, "I bet that one was Kaito's and Flash folks."

"Blue boy be silent= Daughter and Father spoke in unintended unison.

"Yosha! Here I come!" Zenkai Kurenai declared as SakuraMaru assumed a fighting stance.

"Come here!" Great Chanbara World roared as he charged only for the end of SakuraMaru's tail to split open and release a burst of smoke that covered the area, "AW COME ON!"

"She did say Ninja Power! It makes sense for her to fight like a Ninja!" Zenkai Juran spoke, slashing the Kudaitest he was facing.

"Given her in depth lessons, this is standard Ninja tactics!" Zenkai Vroon nodded as he used his Vroon Picker as firearm mode and blasted his Kudaitest.

"Juran knows it best!" Zenkai Gaon chuckled, slashing his Kudaitest with his Gaon Claw.

"U-Urusei!" Zenkai Juran snapped, shield-bashing his Kudaitest before shifting back into Juran Tyranno to blast it in the face with his fire breath.

"Was it really that bad?" Zenkai Magine asked.

"No...No more shinobi lessons...the giant straw hats are itchy… how does Flash do it" Zenkaiser muttered, walking around a bit.

"Ah! Kaito!" Sonic and Magine panicked, chasing after him.

Great Chanbara World growled, swinging around the smoke only to flinch as he was attacked from behind. He growled, swinging his new tail only for the smoke to be blown around him like a twister. He grunted as another strike hit his lower back making sparks fly. He grunted, raising his head up only to be kicked across his face making him stumble through the smoke. His eyes adjusted as the smoke began to clear before gawking as SakuraMaru rushed, it jumped forward while crossing its arms and striking Great Chanbara World's chest making sparks fly as the giant enemy was knocked back once more. The thin and agile Mecha rolled across the ground before leaping high into the air, before stepping off the roof of a building. Great Chanbara World gawked as SakuraMaru jumped and lept from rooftop to rooftop, its speed picking up until it looked like there were a dozen copies running around.

"N-Nani!? What is the meaning of this trickery!?" Great Chanbara World demanded. He turned around just as SakuraMaru leapt through the air and swung its arm to land a knife hand strike to the Great World's head, causing part of its helmet to crack and its horn to snap off.

SakuraMaru rolled across the ground before flipping back to its feet. It swung its leg around and kicked a swing from Great Chanbara World, before swinging its other leg and striking it across the helmet again, making sparks fly.

"It's amazingly limber for a robot…" Kurenai noted, "My nee-chan is going to get a lot of hugs and her favorite dessert later for this!"

SakuraMaru raised its arms as if to cheer, before leaning to the side and cartwheeling away from Great Chanbara World's tail.

"Oi Newbie! Catch!" Zenkai Juran called out, raising his Juran sword before tossing it to SakuraMaru.

SakuraMaru grabbed the sword before spinning around to slash Great Chanbara World across the chest, making sparks fly. It twisted the sword around and held it in a reverse grip before charging and slashing while rushing past Great Chanbara World, making more sparks fly. SakuraMaru twisted the sword around before spinning around and slashing Great Chanbara World across the back.

"Oh! Look at SakuraMaru go! So nimble, so graceful~!" 'Roll' cooed, sounding almost like a mother excited for their child doing their best in something, "Go get him, SakuraMaru~!"

"Her bias is so obvious…" Zenkai Magine muttered.

"We may need to get Nicole for the next time," Sonic whispered.

"At the least she has the cool headed charm to her," Zenkai Magine sighed in agreement.

"Oh! Looks like they're going for the hissatsu!" 'Roll' beamed, hopping in place in excitement.

"I'm not gonna be doing what you did the first time you got big, am I?" Gaon Lion asked.

"Nah. That's my solo finisher. You probably have something else,"Juran Tyranno replied.

"Hm? What happened?" Vroon Dump asked.

"You'll be seeing it here and now!" Juran Tyranno replied.


"Ikuze!" Juran Tyranno roared as he aimed down and blasted fire at the ground, launching himself up into the air.

"Gaon!" Gaon Lion bellowed as he began to charge at his Kudaitest opponent.

"What is this feeling welling up within me?! All my engines are going cho vroon-vroon!" Vroon Dump exclaimed as his wheels started spinning.

"Yosha! Ikuze, SakuraMaru!" Kurenai declared, pulling her sword out and spun the gear.


"GAON!" Gaon Lion roared as his front paws began glowing with energy, he lifted both up as claws made of radiant yellow energy formed before extending. He roared, swinging one down and slashing his Kudaitest, leaving a deep glowing claw mark in its torso before it exploded.

"AAH!" Vroon Dump shouted/screamed as a mix of adrenaline and panic carried him through with this as his glowing frame crashed into and through the Kudaitest, causing it to explode.

"Kimataze~!" Juran Tyranno declared while falling and stabbing his bladed tail into his Kudaitest, causing it to explode on impact as well.

"It seems like Gaon is the one who got the coolest attack...Juran and Vroon just...crash into them…" Zenkai Magine chuckled sheepishly.

"You kidding me? Juran Tyranno has the best one!" Sonic laughed.

"Mmm...Vroon Dump's was just a hit and run…" 'Roll' sheepishly added to Magine's sentiment.

"Hey, that…" Sonic began before 'Roll' shushed them.

"Look, look! SakuraMaru is doing her hissatsu!" 'Roll' beamed, her tail wagging in excitement.

"She's being honestly adorable." Zenkai Magine noted.

=Ah! Don't forget to name it something cool, Rolly!=

=Does Roll have that kind of naming sense, tune? She's normally more calm and focused then Kaito!=

"Robots go boom~!" Zenkaiser laughed, hanging upside down from a street light.

SakuraMaru's eyes lit up before she crouched down and jumped high over Great Chanbara World. The Great World looked up before several chains shot out of her hands and bound him. He grunted as the chains made sure to bind his arms behind his back.

"Ah! Nan de?!" Great Chanbara World yelped as SakuraMaru's tail detached and exposed a sword handle that she quickly grabbed while landing before him.

"Name...name…" Kurenai muttered before shouting, "Kimewaza Ninpo: Dai Ai Giri!"

SakuraMaru raised the new sword up as it began glowing with red energy, which faded to a hot white as it grew in intensity. With a forward flip, SakuraMaru swung down and slashed Great Chanbara World down the middle, the burning energy dissipating into a faint trail of pink sparks that resembled sakura petals. Great Chanbara World gawked as a glowing line formed along his body, from his head to the tip of his tail.

"Make sure...if you practice kendo...to wear padding!" he cried out as he split down the middle before exploding.

"Yosha!" Kurenai cheered as she looked at the screens to see the Great World's influence fading away, "Like Zenkaiser says: Sekai Zenkai! All Okay!"

"EEEEE~! Saikyo~! What a wonderful hissatsu and debut! Until next time, minna! Make sure to subscribe, click that little bell for notifications, and don't forget to come to Candy Cafe Colorful if you're ever in Japan~!" 'Roll' cheered, giving a wink and making a heart with her hands, "Sayonara~!" once the cameras turned off, she immediately fell to her knees, "Oh thank Science~! I love Onee-chan, but someone please take her place instead of me next time~!"

"We got a plan, you antisocial nerd," Sonic chuckled.

"You still did great. Being so excited made you act more like Roll-chan when she fangirls over these things..." Zenkai Magine sighed, flashing back to normal.

"But only for the things her Robot did...she totally ignored the rest of the awesome moments!" Sonic added, "Nicole or Miyuki or even Amy would totally get everything."

"Mou...Sonic, it's not a competition." Magine spoke, smacking his shoulder.

"Victory!" Zenkaiser shouted, appearing next to them suddenly.

"AH! Kaito!" Magine yelped.

"Is the suit like...dulling his pain?" Sonic asked.

"He is acting a little loopy…" Magine noted as Zenkaiser ran over and hugged 'Roll' before she could escape.

"Banzai! Yay!" he cheered.

"Mmmm~!" 'Roll' whimpered with wide blank eyes.

"She looks like she's gonna cry…" Magine muttered.

Back at Zenkai Gin and Conquering storm, the layer was on the ground defeated and the first was pointing his sword at her.

"You give."

"Fine~" She spoke.

"Eh, told ya I win this time." Zenkai Gin spoke helping her up.

"You got lucky" she said with a smirk." But you did good out there."

"I'm a Shinobi that's what I do. Beside I fallow my own rules." Zenkai Gin said as he power down." So about my reward." He said point at his cheek.

"Didn't know you go that way." She spoke but still went for the kiss but he accidentally turn his head forward making her kiss his lips instead. Both were stunned and didn't know what to do. She suddenly pulled back. Her cheeks were red as rose, so we're flash.

"We don't speak of this right" he asked.

"Yup" she said as she soon was going back.

"Hey" he called her." I enjoy it still." He said making her blush even more but she then went off in a smoke. He could only look where she went.

"Kanpai!" Juran cheered, tapping his glass with the others at home, "Nice debut, Roll! You sure showed what a ninja can do when suited up!"

"Agreed!" Gaon cheered, "It was amazing!"

"I still have many questions about-bah!" Vroon began before Magine and Amy pushed him down.

"Later!" they declared.

"Hai...gomennasai…" he groaned.

"A-Arigatou," Roll thanked, blushing as she fidgeted in her seat while keeping hold on her family sword in a rose-colored scabbard while Haseo hugged her from the side, his tails wagging hard enough to lift him a little in the air.

"You all forget that I'm a Shinobi aswell right and I was the one who got the sword back." Flash muttered pointing at him self.

"Ah Sorry~" the spoke.

"And beside it was because of Flash onni-chan that we got the sword back." Haseo said " so arigatou." He said hugging her.

Flash patted his head." It's what I do."

"We should really thank Kaikai, Flashy" Skye chuckled, "That goof and you really risked your neck just to get that sword back for us." he looked to the resting Kaito as he was laid down at the entrance to the living quarters, "Also need to apologize for putting so much pressure on you. Given how he's always smiling...I forget he really does understand how we feel...missing family you love so much and you aswell."

"Yeah...you really goofed that up, didn't ya?" Sonic smirked, making Skye flinch, "I mean...if you just let Flash fight normally...he might have gotten it back the first time," he looked at Skye, "You guys are the ones who acted dumb today, huh?"

"You're enjoying this…" Skye muttered.

"Oh...you will get yours, Fox boy...you'll get yours," Yatsude spoke up with the same evil smirk as Sonic's.

"Oh, I fear for my life now," Skye muttered, a bit more pale than normal as a panel by him slid open and Ayane crawled out and hugged him from the side, "Her comparison machine gave her a happy result. The table is safe today!"

"She's a really hard one to read, huh?" Juran muttered.

"Ahh~ My Sentai Gear finally worked and even made my Gertlasher get a single point ahead this time !" Ayane giggled in glee, her tail wagging happily.

"See? Happy results means many hugs," Skye chuckled, patting her head.

"Yosha! Going to need to make more food for this then!" Gaon declared.

"Oh, I still need to make Ayane-chan's dessert!" Roll gasped, "I'll help, Gaon-san!"

"Okay~!" Gaon cheered.

=Well as long as she's done creeping on me, tune= Secchan sighed, perched near Kaito =But I have to ask, how did you replicate the Sentai Gear schematics so fast?! My Data says it took days to make the suits right after the Prototype failed=

"Papa let me study some of the Sentai Gears instead of me simply watching videos of them in use," Ayane explained, "I'm a bit upset about not being able to figure it out on my own, but beating this World mattered more than anything else."

"But my gear still has point down." Ayane told as they all looked at her.


"It's his" she pointed at flash." How come my gear is still down from yours. Your kaa-san and tou-san help my tou-san make the same gear so how come mine is still down" she pouted.

"That's cause Flashy is different gear." Skye told." His gear gives him the ability to use tye Sentai power even without the suite or in it. Like he can use magic and can still use ninja power even without the power."

"Really?!" The others asked

"Yup, my gear is designed that way and that's how I can still use the power of The Ninningers well." Flash told.

"Soka, man that is an amazing gear." Juran muttered

=Ah soka...It was all about that in the end, tune= Secchan muttered =I guess as long as you won and got the sword back, that will be all Kaito cares about. But I have to wonder, you said Aphrodite-san had the sword before the worlds merged, tune? But according to my records of what was said, the Tojitendo had it before they united with Eggman, tune? So...how did the sword end up in Kikaitopia?=

"?!" everyone but Skye tensed at that question.

"Honestly...there are two ideas that are more than likely. The first? That Genesis Wave caused her to lose the sword and have it land in Kikaitopia while she landed on another world just before the Tojitendo sealed it up in a gear," Skye replied, "The other…" he frowned, "She's in there as a prisoner."

"Mmm…" Haseo whimpered, his ears drooping as Flash patted his head.

"Haseo remember what I said."

"We'll find her, kiddo," Skye assured, "Even if these bigger kiddos and your oldest sister have to break every single gear with a world sealed in them those Tojitendo guys have."

=If possible, maybe not let Kaito find out. If he does, he'll just run himself ragged all over again to get in there, tune!= Secchan declared, =But saying that...no matter what he'd run in headfirst for your family, you all matter to him as much as his parents, tune=

"Same here," Skye chuckled, "Kaikai's all but another kiddo to me."

"Point taken.." Flash told.

"Then maybe letting him know your theories...will just help him get stronger," Juran offered, "If he knows he can save your wife by being himself...best to let the wild beast rush towards the enemy?"

"Wherever he goes, I'll go. It's where the fun stuff happens," Sonic added, "All I know is with Kaito and Flash...it's a lot easier. There's no big complicated part, it's just rush in and save the day. That's my kind of plan."

"Wherever Kaito-san and Flash-san goes, we go too!" Magine declared.

"There's no happy world for us to return to, so we just keep moving forward till we make a new one," Juran added, "I figure if we keep rushing forward, eventually we'll run into everyone we're looking for."

"That's the spirit!" Yatsude laughed, "This place really does fit its name with all you here! Really brings a brighter atmosphere!"

"Speaking of brighter atmospheres, I do believe you gave my Rolly one earlier after the first encounter, didn't you?" Skye asked, looking at Sonic.

"Well, it was easy enough but also kinda awkward since I'm more used to getting walloped when doing important talks," Sonic noted, "It's why I like hanging out with Tails Flash and Kaito, they get me and we can just understand what the other thinks, it's harder when it's real emotional stuff…"

"Wah...you've had a lot of bad break ups, haven't you?" Magine guessed.

"Just 'cause it's true doesn't mean you should say it." Amy whispered.

"Stop it…" Sonic huffed as Skye put a hand on his shoulder, "Huh?"

"Still, you did give her a pep in her step. So…" Skye spoke casually before Sonic flinched at the grip on his shoulder grew tighter as he whispered into his ear, "What are your intentions with my beloved eldest daughter, Olglivie Maurice Hedgehog?"

"Oi…" Sonic muttered sheepishly, unsure how to process that."you forgot Flash is flirting with your other love child."

"Your right..." Skye looked at Flash who simply pulled out his phone and his mom number was on it." I give you my blessings, tell misty I said hi." He said quickly


"You don't want to get on her bad side and what she can do" Skye whisper with fear.

"This will either intimidate him...or…" Ayane paused as chopsticks grabbed Skye by the ear...and he was tossed at the wall by Yatsude, "Yatsude-chan wins…"

"None of that until after the party vibe goes down!" Yatsude scolded.

"Snrt! Snrt! I'm up! I-I'm up and up and a…" Kaito snorted, fumbling up from the noise before making eye contact with Ayane, "...Oh! Ay-Ay!"

"Meep!" the HedgeLynx squeaked with wide eyes akin to a deer in headlights.

Kaito smiled before bowing his head, "Arigatou!" he cheered, "You really helped us out in the end there, especially with giving Roll Sentai powers! In the end, I was too tired to get the sword back, so thank you for the help!" he smiled happily, "Also thank you for joining the family for dinner!"

"Ah-I-a-a-ano…" Ayane stammered as Skye pulled himself off the wall and flat on his back.

"Well hear she goes again" flash muttered

"And three, two...one…" Skye counted down as Ayane flicked a hand down...only for nothing to go off.

"...P-Papa…" Ayane stammered, turning her head slowly to him.

"You're part of this celebration, Ay-Ay," Skye stated with a grin before holding up his left hand to reveal a small bag in it, "No setting off escape bombs until you eat dessert. It's your favorite~"

"Mmmm~!" Ayane whimpered.

"Her frightened expression is just like Haseo's," Juran whispered to Amy.

"Does that mean...the cute factor originates from the Father?" Amy muttered, tilting her head as she and Juran looked at Skye.

"Nai...zenzen nai…" they both waved it off.

"Oh, now I feel insulted somehow," Skye muttered to himself.

"But before we eat I want to say something to roll and the others." Flash said.

"Hm?" The others looked at him

"Roll, you saw what happened today right." He asked her as she nodded slowly," Good so I want you to never do that again." He told her stern toon.

"Gomen, it's just.."

"But nothing, I promise your kaa-san that I will look out for her love ones no matter what and won't let them feel down." He told surprising them.

"Wait Kaa-san told you that." She asked.

"Yup, when haseo was little and you went out with kaito to play. Aunty Aphrodite told me to look out for you and your family. I was surprised to hear she was asking me. But she said that she trust me to look out for all you. Cause your her treasure and his her hope." He said point at haseo." She told me that she may not be there one day for you all. And she was worried of what might happen. But she believed that I will be able to look out after you all. So she promised me to look after you like a older brother. So that's what I do. And what you did today was still unforgivable. Because of your vengeance you tried to hurt me and kaito." He told her. Roll looked down and her ears went flat bit she then felt a hand on her head as she looked up.

"But you change your mistake and showed me what you could do. I knew you could beat him. But I went in a fought him. And I had three reasons why."

"My first reason was to show I am not weak to look out after my family"

"My second reason was because I had to show that I can fight with my skills aswell."

"And my final reason was to show that I'm strong and am keeping the promise that I made with your kaa-san"

He told her the reasons." And next time if there is a family problem you come and talk to me. Got it." He told her as she looked at him and nodded.

"Good, cause you may have ninja power but I'm still the better one" he smirked.

"What no way I was the one who almost beat him." She argued.

"But I beat him without tricks and finally betted him." He told.

"True, I mean we had a hard time betting him but flash took him down." Juran spoke

"So next time, Never forget you have a family looking out for you ok." Roll nodded and suddenly hugged him.

"Arigatou" she said as Flash just hugged her back. The others looked at the scene and couldn't help but smile.

"Hah, That's flash for ya, always looking out for others." Kaito spoke as he looked at the siblings bonding.

"Yup" the others couldn't help but agreed.

"Hmm…" Ijirude muttered, "What if we did this?"

"Ooh~! Yes, that would make sense!" Eggman agreed, the two looking at a holographic screen, "Maybe include some extra strong magnets in them for a faster return."

"Oh, brilliant!"

"So now they have something they are all excited for…" Lien-Da noticed.

"Those two having a shared idea doesn't sound good for anyone," Tundra muttered, "Rather than being worried those brats are growing in numbers they are lost in this nonsense…"

"I blame the platypus," Hood stated, "He showed up with those binoculars long after the lynx came back and after giving that to them, they've been like this."

"Mmm~" Thunderbolt whined, biting hard on a handkerchief while pulling on it, "Mmmm-mmm-hmmm!"

"She's muttering 'lousy, no-good, stupid furry duck trying to butter up Lord Eggman,'" Akuhlt noted, earning looks, "...What? It's not my fault none of you took the time to study about understanding someone in situations where normal speech isn't capable of being performed."

"What is this big project even about anyway?" Tundra asked.

"AH! I have a perfect subject to use for this! Their unique history will make this easier!" Ijirude cheered suddenly, "You!" he pointed to a Kudakk, "Call him forth, bring the Demon Prince here!"

"Demon Prince?" the Grandmasters repeated, sharing looks.

Author's Note:

Secchan: Jikai no Zenkai Speed!

Sonic: My turn…

Ayane: AH! H-How did you get into this lab?!

Juran: I get the feeling something is going to be...weird...today.

Sonic: You owe me for treating me like a test dummy! So Give me one...or I teach Kaito how I got in.

Skye: This is totally blackmail…

Magine: Oh totally…

Gear 9: Hedgehog Blues

Ayane: EEK!