• Published 1st Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Cine-magic: Planes - IndyWriter Productions

The Main 6 and Spike embark on a brand new journey to a different world to solve more than a friendship problem

  • ...

Part 10: The Final Leg

"This one's all about speed and the willingness to give it all. First to cut the ribbon in New York takes home the trophy and glory."

The final stretch from Mexico to New York marked the end of the race. The horn blew and the green flag was thrown.

"And we're off as the first flyers take to the air."

Ripslinger and his hench-planes were the first to leave. Next were the new couple, El Chupacabra and Rochelle.

"I will wait for you at the finish line, hermosa." El Chupacabra said romantically.

"No, no, no. I will be waiting for you." Rochelle teased.

They continued to give each other nicknames in French and Spanish until their green flag was thrown. They blew kisses at each other and then took off.

"The rest of the field is now off and running. And though Crophopper and Dash did not complete the previous leg, race officials ruled their radio had been tampered with. So they'll be allowed to compete. But with a severe time penalty."

As the timer clocked down, Dusty steadied his engine and looked over to Rainbow Dash.

"You ready for this?" He asked.

"You bet your tail I am!" Rainbow said hotly.

The crowd was going crazy on the countdown and once it stuck zero, Rainbow and Dusty launched into the air. The flew as fast as they could to catch up to the others, both with determination on the faces.

"I've never seen someone come back from this far behind. It's going to take both horsepower and willpower to even have a chance."

As the racers flew high above the clouds, our two heroes stuck near the ground. The lush Mexican fields slowly transformed into a dry, canyon-filled desert. It was no matter to Rainbow and Dusty though. They slowly climbed through the ranks, getting higher and higher on the leaderboard.

Some the racers took notice.

"Good show, Dusty and Rainbow." Bulldog commented.

As the race continued, the crop duster and pegasus found themselves just behind the top three racers. The racers that caused them the most trouble.

"Um, boss?" Zed said.

"What?" Ripslinger hissed.

"They're here." Zed responded.

They all looked over to see their unwanted competition catching up them and fast.

"Okay, we're out of camera range. You know what to do." Ripslinger ordered.

They secretly whipped around a giant rock pillar so that they were behind Dusty and Rainbow. The Ripslinger and his hench-planes descended down on top of them to enact their plan.

"Hey, farmers." Zed mischievously.

"Time to plow the fields." Ned added.

"What the? Where did you guys come from?!" Rainbow asked angrily.

"Looks like you've run out of airspace, Crophopper." Ripslinger said smugly.

He put his landing gear down and pressed Dusty closer to the ground resulting in him smacking into multiple cactuses. Ned and Zed had their fun with Rainbow by pressing their wingtips against her.

"Ack! Hey, that hurts!" Rainbow squawked.

"What are you gonna do about?" Zed asked rhetorically.

Just then, another plane swooped down and knocked Ripslinger away.

"What in the-" Rainbow was in disbelief.

"Skipper?!" Dusty said in shock.

"Dusty, Rainbow, pull up." The veteran plane said quickly.

Ahead was a huge butte. Dusty and Rainbow quickly ascended and swung around to avoid it.

"Skipper? You're flying!" Dusty said astounded.

"Oh, you noticed." Skipper said happily.

"But what are you doing here?" Rainbow asked.

"I overheard Ripslinger's plan to dispose of you two." Skipper explained. "I may have let you two down, but I'm not doing it again."

"Gee. Thanks, Skip." Dusty said.

"Yeah, I guess we owe you some thanks there." Rainbow admitted.

"Listen, I got Rip. You take care of the other two." Skipper said.

"Got it!" They both said.

So now Rainbow and Dusty were weaving between hoodoos, buttes, and land bridges trying to get Zed and Ned off their trail.

"They're on you six, kid. You gotta lose them." Skipper said.

"We're trying." Dusty said in frustration.

"Don’t these morons ever give up." Rainbow said irritably.

"Skip, we can't shake them." Dusty said.

"Pull hard right. I'll break left and take out Rip. Use the rocks." Skipper commanded.

"Good idea." Rainbow said.

"Roger that." Dusty agreed.

They neared a thin canyon opening which gave both of them an idea.

"Hey, go pick on someone your own size." Rainbow daunted.

"Oh. That's rich coming from you." Zed said angrily.

He wasn't watching where he was going and his wing struck a pillar sending him spinning out of control. Dusty and Rainbow managed to squeeze through the crevice. Zed collided with his brother causing them to lodge themselves in the opening.

"Yeah!" Dusty said triumphantly.

"We did it!" Rainbow shouted victoriously.

"Oh, that's going to leave a mark." Ned wheezed, groaning in pain as a rock bonked him in the head.

Skipper and Ripslinger were swinging around rock pillars. The veteran plane made a slow loop so that he was behind the arrogant racer.

"What!?" Ripslinger said in disbelief.

Skipper pulled up alongside the P-51 Mustang.

"Say hello to the Warsaw Windmill." Skipper said in an orotund tone.

He struck Ripslinger's left wing sending him spinning away.

"Woah! You're crazy!" Ripslinger yelled.

"That's right." Skipper said to himself.

Skipper met back up with his friends.

"Dusty, Rainbow, are you okay!" Skipper asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, we're fine." Dusty responded.

"Yep. We took care of those morons for good." Rainbow said presumptuously.

Skipper chuckled.

"That was pretty good for a crop duster and pegasus." He said playfully.

"Hey!" Rainbow said.

"And not bad for an old-timer who doesn't fly." Dusty responded.

"Yeah? Well, I may be old, but at least I ain't afraid of heights." Skipper countered.

"He's got you there, Dusty." Rainbow teased.

"Oh, okay." Dusty laughed.

Then, out of nowhere, Ripslinger struck Skipper in the back. Skipper descended trying to regain control.

"No!" Dusty shouted worriedly.

Ripslinger let out a cocky laugh.

"That's why they call them Sky Slycers." Ripslinger said pompously.

With that he flew away.

"You'll pay for that you blade-nosed jerk!" Rainbow shouted furiously.

"Oh, no." Dusty gawked at Skipper's shredded tail. "Skipper, are you okay?"

Skipper just laughed.

"Are you kidding? I'm great." He said confidently.

"But, your back is all torn up." Rainbow said.

"Yeah. What about your tail?" Dusty asked.

"I'll live. Go get them! Go!" Skipper encouraged.

"We'll avenge you, Skipper. We promise." Rainbow called out.

She and Dusty pull away and chased after Rip, who was already far ahead. Soon, the desert turn into woods and fields as the two racers closed in on Ripslinger.

We're closing in on the final stretch, folks."

"That's right, Colin. And ever since they emerged from Deadstick Desert, Ripslinger has maintained a lead."

Dusty and Rainbow managed to catch visuals of Ripslinger.

"There he is." Rainbow glared.

They both pulled closer toward him.

"Any sign of them?" The race pitty asked.

"Nothing yet." An official answered.

Meanwhile, Amongst the spectators, the Main 7 along with Chug, Dottie, and Sparky were waiting fir their friends' arrival.

"Still no sign of them." Twilight said.

"Do you think they'll win?" Spike asked.

"Of course they will Spikey-wikey. Rainbow is never one to give up and neither is Dusty." Rarity said putting an arm around the little dragon. "Besides what friends would we be if we thought otherwise?"

Spike couldn't help but blush a little in Rarity's embrace.

"Oh, I hope nothing bad happens to them again." Fluttershy said worriedly.

"Have some faith Fluttershy. Rainbow and Dusty have the tenacity to beat that no-good varmin." Applejack comforted.

"If they're still alive of course." Pinkie giggled.

The others turned to her with varying looks of horror and disdain.

"What?" She asked simply before stuffing a cupcake in her mouth.

Back with Dusty and Rainbow, they had finally caught up with Ripslinger just as they past two radio towers.

"What!?" Ripslinger said in disbelief.

"Hi." Dusty said simply.

"Thought you could get rid of us? Think again!" Rainbow yelled.

Ripslinger growled. He accelerated and pulled ahead once again.

"You're not getting away that easily. Come on, Dusty." Rainbow said flying after him.

Dusty tried with all his might to gain more speed, pushing his engine as far as it could go. But it wasn't enough.

"Come on, come on, come on. Not now! Not now! Come on, come on, come on.

He reached max torque and he couldn't go any faster. Dusty was forced to ease of the throttle.

"No!" Dusty yelled in frustration.

Rainbow Dash heard her friend in distress and zipped back over to him.

"What's wrong, Dusty?" She asked.

"I can't get anymore power." He complained.

"What!? Why now of all times?" Rainbow asked incredulously.

Dusty didn't answer, but he did notice the rays of sunlight. He looked up and saw the familiar columns of clouds high above. Skipper's words replayed in his head.

Tailwinds like nothing you've ever flown

"Roger that, Skip." Dusty said to himself.

"Huh. Did you say something?" Rainbow asked.

Dusty didn't answer and began to make his ascent.

"Hey, wait. Where are you going?" Rainbow asked, but it only took a second to realize what her friend was doing.

They both flew higher and higher through the cloud cover.

"Are you sure you can do it this time, Dusty?" Rainbow asked.

"I have to." Dusty said, determined to get over his fears.

Higher and higher they went.

"Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down." Dusty said to himself.

Despite his efforts of self-prevention, Dusty compulsively looked down. The ground shrunk beneath the crop duster and he began to hyperventilate. Luckily, Rainbow was there with him.

"Come on, Dusty. I know it's terrifying for you, but. You. Can. Do it!" The blue pegasus yelled in encouragement.

Dusty exhaled and put on a determined face. He looked straight in front of him. Finally, they both broke through the clouds, but, Skipper was right. The tailwinds push them forward with such force it caught them off-guard. Both crop duster and pegasus struggled for control, but once they did, the realization set in. Dusty had finally conquered his fear of heights!

"Oh, Yeah!" Dusty yelled in victor.

"Took you long enough." Rainbow teased, but Dusty was too overjoyed to care.

Both had the time of their lives up there.

Back down onto ground, or in this case water, Ripslinger was nearing the finish line. With no sign of Dusty or Rainbow he felt he had this in the bag. Unbeknownst to him, Dusty and Rainbow were eyeing him from up above.

"Let's do this, Dusty!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Okay, time to eat our dust." Dusty said.

They both began their descent.

"With another win for Ripslinger seeming inevitable..." Colin began.

Dusty and Rainbow were rocketing towards the ground. So fast that pressure waves began forming around them, but for Rainbow, the waves grew sharper and gained color until...


A giant explosion of color encircled the bay leaving everyone stunned.

"WOAH! What was that!?" Brent asked in shock.

"I don't know, Brent." Colin said astonished.

"Was...was that a sonic rainboom!?" Spike asked in surprise.

"A sonic what?" Sparky asked.

"Yes. It was!" Twilight said in amazement.

"But, that would mean-" Rarity started.

"Wait a second, it's Dusty Crophopper and Rainbow Dash!" Brent revelated.

The gang began cheering.

"Go, Dusty!" Chug said in excitement.

"Come on, Rainbow. I want the party to start now!" Pinkie yelled happily.

"Um. I would be happy if either of you won." Fluttershy said.

Dusty and Rainbow inched their way closer and closer to Ripslinger.

"And here they come, down the stretch. It's going to be close, it's anyone's race." Brent said.

"All right, get my good side, fellas." Ripslinger said, leaning to the left.

That was the opportunity the two were waiting for. The cameras flashed as Dusty and Rainbow made one final radial-G pass to get by Ripslinger.

With Ripslinger yelling in disbelief, the one to rip the ribbon was Dusty with Rainbow just behind him.

"Yes!" Dusty shouted victoriously.

Rainbow was right beside him congratulation him.

"He's done it! He's done it!" Brent praised.

"Crophopper!" Ripslinger yelled angrily.

He was too angry to watch where he was flying. He yelped in surprise as he crashed into a row of portable stalls, sending used oil flying everywhere.

Around the world, people were celebrating Dusty's victory and Rainbow's runner-up placement.

"From last to first. From obscurity to immortality, the racing world will never forget this day." Colin announces.

"For the first time, a crop duster has won the Wings Around the Globe Rally. And a pegasus in second place following that amazing rainbow explosion. You can't make this up." Brent said.

As Dusty and Rainbow came for a landing, the other racers came in congratulating them.

"Yes, Dusty and Rainbow!" El Chupacabra laughed with excitement.

"Magnifique, you two!" Rochelle chimed in.

"You really kicked his bottom, lads!" Bulldog added.

Everyone gathered around the top two racers.

"All right. Yeah! Now that's how to pass." Chug exclaimed.

"You did it!" Dottie said excitedly.

"I didn't know you could make rainbows, Dusty." Sparky said.

"I was the one who did that. It's called the sonic rainboom." Rainbow said.

"Oh." Sparky acknowldged.

Rainbow was then tackled by Pinkie Pie.

"Second place, Dashie!" Pinkie squealed.

"You're not too upset that Dusty beat you. Are you Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked with a hint of concern.

A warm smile formed on the pegasus's face.

"Nah, this was Dusty's dream after all. Sure I can be a bit competitive, But we helped each other out. This is enough of a win for me." Rainbow said passionately.

"Quite noble of ya to say that, Dash." Applejack commented.

"Yeah, yeah. Stow it, cowgirl." Rainbow grumbled.

Others began crowding around Dusty for his victory and Rainbow for her sonic rainboom.

"I couldn't have done it without you, Dottie." Dusty said.

Dottie chuckled warmly.

"Yeah, I know." She said.

"Hey, buddy, great tip about Ripslinger leaning to the camera. Thanks, Chug." Dusty thanked.

"Hey, anything for my pal." The fuel truck said happily.

"Thank you for the moral support you all. I don't know where I'd be without it." Dusty said to the Main 7.

"That's what friends are for, Dusty. And it's what we're here for." Twilight.

"Ain't nothin to it." Applejack.

"Yippee!" Pinkie squeaked.

"Anything for you, darling." Rarity said.

"You can count on us, bud." Rainbow said.

"Yeah." Spike agreed.

"Yay." Fluttershy said quietly.

"Well done, Dusty. The world has a new champion. And so do I." Ishani said softly.

"Thanks, Ishani. For everything." Dusty said warmly.

"Oh, boy. Another romance." Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"You jealous, Rainbow?" AJ teased.

"What!? No, of course not. Dusty's a great guy, but I only see him as a friend." Rainbow defended.

"Herr Dusty!" Another voice came.

A familiar face had shown up.

"Franz. You here, too?" Rainbow asked in surprise.

"Uhh, you know him?" Spike asked.

"Another friend we made during the race." Rainbow explained. "Franz, these are my other friends."

The Main 7 waved.

"Pleasure to meet ya, Franz." Applejack greeted.

"Greetings to you all." Franz said. "And, of course. We came to watch you win the race. you are an inspiration to all of us."

"All of us?" Dusty asked.

"Yeah. All of us who want to do more than just what we were built for." Franz said.

Machines of all shapes and sizes cheered for Dusty and Rainbow.

"Woah. Thanks, guys." Dusty said.

"Took some inspiration, huh?" Rainbow asked smugly.

Just then, there was another commotion.

"Ripstinker. Yeah, that's your name. That's some supersonic sewer sauce." The race pitty commented.

Ripslinger was being loaded onto a flatbed truck. He was covered in raw oil.

"Man, I thought Vita-stink-a-bunch was bad. That's got nothing on you." He continued.

Ripslinger groaned and looked up avoiding any eye contact.

"Whew. You're just nasty. Nastilicious. You need to go home and wash up. Twice. The pitty jabbed as the truck rolled away.

Everyone had a good laugh at that.

"I think I get it now." Rainbow said.

"Get what?" Dusty asked.

"I get why I didn't like Ripslinger at first. See, a while ago when I was training to be a Wonderbolt, there was this pegasus mare named Lightning Dust. She was really competitive and reckless, so much so that she put all my friends in danger. If it wasn't for me, they would have all fallen to their deaths. She was green just like Rip, so he kinda reminded me of her." Rainbow explained.

"Yeah. I remember that." Twilight said, wincing a bit from the unpleasant memory.

Huh. Interesting." Dusty said.

Rainbow stretched her wings and sighed.

"Justice has been served." Rainbow said coolly.

"Hey, where's Skipper?" Spike asked confused.

As if on queue, the veteran fighter came out of nowhere with a triumphant smile on his face. Dusty, Rainbow, and the others watched in amazement.

"He's flying!" Spike said excitedly.

When Skipper landed, Dusty and Rainbow were right there in front of him. There was a moment of silence before Dusty spoke.

"Thanks, Skip." Dusty said warmly.

"We really do owe you." Rainbow said.

"Don't thank me." Skipper said. "I learned a lot from you two than you ever learned from me."

"EEEEE! This calls for the biggest party EVER!" Pinkie squealed happily, hopping in place.

They all smiled at each other with crowd cheering once again. Dusty received his trophy so did Rainbow. That was when Pinkie decided to start the party. It went on for hours. Pinkie practically made it her mission to make this party the best ever. Their treats, dancing, even Rainbow performed her sonic rainboom again. The Main 7 shared stories to Dusty and the others and even learned new things from them.

“It took a lot of convincing, especially considering we turned her “friends” against her and kind of went against everything she stood for, but Starlight eventually decided to give friendship a try and became my own protégé.” Twilight said.

“Wow, so you’ve basically been traveling to other worlds before this?” Dusty asked quizzically.

“ Well, we weren’t doing it intentionally at that time.” The princess pointed out.

“Yeah, but it was still kinda scary.” Spike said, holding himself.

“Dios mío” El Chupacabra said.

“Oh, oh. How about we talk about the time we released discord from his prison for redemption.” Pinkie said excited.

“Who’s Discord?” Skipper asked confused.

“Eh, it’s a long story.” Rainbow said.

“And a confusin one, too” Applejack added.

“Well, let’s hear it anyway.” Chug said.

“Alright.” Twilight said.

The day began to end and so did the party. When it finally did and crowd dispersed, the gang was talking amongst themselves when Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy's cutie marks began to glow and Spike's scales began to grow.

Hey. What's going on with you all?" Sparky asked.

"That usually means we've accomplished our friendship mission." Twilight said.

"So, what does that mean?" Dusty asked.

Just then a familiar, large, pink and gold portal began to form in-front of the Main 7.

"It means it's time to return home." Twilight said with a bit of sadness.

"Wait. You're all leaving?" Dottie asked.

"Yeah. Once we've helped you achieve your goal, Dusty. And now it's time we say goodbye." Twilight.

"Ahh. I wanted to stay just a little longer." Spike whined.

"Yeah. There's still so much to do." Dusty said.

"Sorry, you guys, but this it. But it was wonderful being with you all." Twilight.

"You are all wonderful friends I must say." Rarity said.

"And fun." Pinkie added.

"And it was great competing with you, Dusty." Rainbow said.

"And it was great competing with you, too, Rainbow." Dusty warmly.

"It was great getting to meet all of you." Fluttershy said kindly.

"Compadres forever. Make sure of that." El Chupacabra sniffled.

"It was a wonderful experience. Merci." Rochelle added.

"Quite right." Bulldog said, keeping himself for outright crying

"We'll you ever come back to visit again?" Skipper asked.

"Of course, We'd love to c'mon back. Maybe bring a few others for ya to meet." Applejack said.

"I gonna miss them." Chug sniffled.

"Oh, Chug." Dottie rolled her eyes.

Fluttershy decided to give the fuel truck a hug. The Main 7 made as best a group as the could for everyone. And with that, they walked over to the portal. The ponies and dragon all waved to there other-dimensional friends and, with tears in their eyes, they walked through the portal. Once they all went through, the portal closed and disappeared. Chug started crying.

"Oh, come here, you big baby." Dottie said.

"I'm gonna miss them." Sparky said.

"I think we all will, Sparky." Skipper said.

"Yeah." Dusty agreed, holding his trophy close.