• Published 1st Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Cine-magic: Planes - IndyWriter Productions

The Main 6 and Spike embark on a brand new journey to a different world to solve more than a friendship problem

  • ...

Part 7: Mountain of Emotions

With Dusty's sprayer no longer being a detriment, he and Rainbow Dash could finally start making real progress. Much to the surprise of the spectators and other racers.

"It's our third leg and we've already lost several competitors to equipment failure."

"But the real story here, Brent, is Dusty Crophopper and Rainbow Dash."


"They're passing one flier after another."

"That's right. Dusty was built to dust crops and Rainbow....well....is a joy-flyer, but now they are dusting the competition."

Dusty and Rainbow's friends gathered around the television, ready to view the next leg of the race.

"What's next, Colin?"

"Brent this could be both Crophopper's and Dash's leg all the way. The racers will have to fly under a hard ceiling of 1,000 feet. Stay under the clouds and into the hills."

You would think the racers would understand the consequences for ignoring such a crucial rule, but some took there chances and learned the hard way.

"Number 21 is disqualified." The pitty said eyeing an unsuspecting racer attempting to fly over the clouds.

Slowly, but surely, Dusty and Rainbow began climbing up the placings. And, as a bonus, showed the spectators what they could do. They swung around a racer in the blink of an eye.

"What a move!"


"Look at that radial-G pass."

The gang celebrated.

"They're finally making progress." Spike said happily.

"Was there really any doubt?" Applejack said rhetorically.

"I would hope not." Chug exclaimed.

"Yay." Fluttershy squeaked.

"From last place, all the way up to eighth and nineth respectively."

interviews were held for some of the racers.

"Mr. Ripslinger, you were built for racing."

"Yeah! You know it!"

"So how can a crop duster and flying pony out-fly you?"

"Wait, what?"

"There they are!"

The reporters gathered around the pegasus and plane, asking them questions.

"Dusty, Rainbow, how do you keep up with the pros?"

"Did working on the farm make you stronger?"

"What was your profession before you started racing?"

"Ha! That's easy. It's all about being faster than them." Rainbow boasted.

Dusty glared at her.

"...Okay, maybe a bit of strategy, too. Rainbow huffed.

As the reporters kept bombarding them with questions, an incensed Ripslinger stared at the forming crowd.

"Why are they wasting their time with them? He's a tractor with wings and she's some worthless creature that shouldn't even exist." Ripslinger said angrily.

"Actually, it's a pretty compelling underdog story. It's like Rocky." Zed responded.

"It's more like David and Goliath." Ned chimed in.

"Or Old Yeller..." Zed added.

"That's not an underdog story." Ned stated.

"Well, there's a dog in it." Zed argued.

"Enough!" Ripslinger yelled angrily. He had grown tired of his henchmen's antics.

"Yeah, enough!" Ned bashed his brother in the head.

"You know, they shot Old Yeller at the end, you twits." Ripslinger said heartlessly.

"Ah, spoiler alert!" Ned whined.

"Soon, we'll be overrun by every banner-tower, skywriter, and air freighter who thinks they can be one of us." Ripslinger said angrily.

"That farm boy and feather brain forgot who they are and where they came from. They're not about to stop me from making history." Ripslinger said darkly.

"Dusty, Rainbow, where did you learn to race?"

"Well, I was born with it." Rainbow said smugly.

"But are real training came from our coach, Skipper. He's the reason we're even here. He's an amazing instructor." Dusty answered.

"And a great friend." Rainbow added.

"He flew dozens of missions all around the world. And I'm sure, if he could, he'd be with us right now." Dusty finished.

Sparky looked over at Skipper, giving him a joyful look

"Only respectable for ah student to give credit to the teacher." Applejack said.

"I bet you're really proud for them." Twilight said looking at skipper.'

"Heh, yeah." Skipper said with an awkward smile.

Twilight could tell something was bothering Skipper.

"Is everything alright?" Twilight asked the veteran plane.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry." Skipper brushed off her concern.

Twilight continued to give Skipper a concern looked. Sparky saw this.

"He's just a bit awkward with taking credit is all." He said to the alicorn princess.

"Oh. Okay. I guess." Twilight spoke softly.

The alicorn wasn't entirely satisfied with that answered, but decided to continue watching her racing friends instead of pressing on information that wasn't really any of her business.

(Later that night)

The night was cool and crisp. Not a sound was heard from Propwash Junction, until now. Skipper sat at the beginning of the runway. He looked around as he lowered his wings, preparing for flight.

Sparky watched at a distance. His eyes wide with excitement and anticipation. Skipper's engine sputtered to life, propeller spinning faster and faster. Skipper had a determined look in his eyes as he glared into the starry night sky. He slowly began to move forward. Then, as if a switch had been turned off, he halted and shut down his engine. His faced went from determined to dejected.

Sparky shared a saddened expression as he looked at his conflicted friend. The veteran's wings slowly closed back up, signaling to the forklift that he just couldn't do it. Sparky rolled up and hooked Skipper back up.

"Your engine sounds kind of rough. Must be a mag misfire. It's probably not a good night for flying anyway." Sparky comforted Skipper as he towed him back to his hangar.

(The next morning)

It was a foggy morning, but that didn't stop Chug from selling as much Dusty and Rainbow merchandise as he could.

"Okay. Come back soon." He said as he finished putting a Dusty antenna bobble on a car.

Just then, two forklifts pulled up. One was wearing a Rainbow Dash themed hat.

"Hey, you got anything new?" One of them asked.

"I'm glad you asked. I'm now selling these one-of-a-kind Dusty and Rainbow commemorative mugs." Chug said.

To demonstrate, he poured hot oil into each mug. The Dusty mug's propeller spun and the Rainbow mug's wings moved up and down. The forklifts were awestruck and excited with the new merch.

"This is Dusty Crophopper calling..." Dusty spoke through the radio.

Chug pulled a 'will return' clock onto the stand.

"I'll be back in ten." Chug reassured before driving into the hangar.

"Dusty, eighth place and Rainbow, nineth place." Dottie exclaimed.

"Way to go, Dustmeister." Chug shouted excitedly.

"Absolutely marvelous, darlings. We all knew you could do it." Rarity said happily.

"Yeah, I'm gonna make a big "Dashie and Dusty in eighth and nineth place" party!" Pinkie said ecstatically.

"Uhh, Pinkie, don't you think a party is more appropriate if they end up getting first and second?" Twilight asked.

Pinkie gasped.

"You're right, Twilight! It'll have to be extra big for that!" Pinkie said excitedly, getting right into her friend's face.

"Hey! You finally removed your M5000." Dottie said to Dusty.

"His wut, now?" Applejack asked confused.

"His Micro-Air-5000-D-L Aerial Applicator." Dottie said.

Dead silence.

"Again, ah say what now?" Applejack asked.

"Use your words." Chug said.

"…His sprayer." Dottie said annoyed.

"Ohhhhhhh." The rest of Main 6 and Spike said in unison.

"Right. Sprayer." Chug said simply.

"Dusty, Rainbow, you got a big leg tomorrow." Skipper said.

"Yeah." Dusty responded.

"How you feeling?" Chug asked.

"Absolutely pumped up! No mountain can stop 'The Rainbow Dash!'" Rainbow said thrillingly.

"Uhhhh..." Was all Dusty could say.

"I can't believe it. The mighty Himalayas." Chug said barely containing his excitement.

"Dusty, that vertical wind shear is going to be wicked over those mountains." Dottie warned.

"Umm, that's a bad thing, right?" Fluttershy asked.

"Sure is." Dottie answered.

"Well, the good thing about being that high up, you see, there's not a lot of oxygen. So, if you crash, no explosion." Chug explained.

"Great, chug." Dusty said in an unenthusiastic tone.

"Getting in a crash still wouldn't be a good thing, Chug." Spike said.

"Oh, please. That'll never happen with us." Rainbow said.

"Besides, I doubt explosions are the least of Dusty's worries, Chug." Twilight said.

"You're right. They both could die of hypothermia or an avalanche could get them. Then, of course, there's pneumonia or even frostbite." Chug continued on.

Fluttershy turned pale at all the horrible things that could happen to her friends.

"Chug, I think we get it now!" Rainbow said annoyed.

"Skip, what if a guy wanted to fly through the mountains instead of over them?" Dusty inquired, looking at a map in the hangar they were staying in.

"Bad idea. The Wrenches flew through terrain like that in the Assault of Kunming. And Dottie is right. Wind coming over the peaks can stir up rotors that'll drag you right down. If you ask me, it's time you lug-nut up. You can fly a whole lot higher than you think." Skipper explained.

Dusty was still unsure. As much as he knew that high-flying was the safest and most practical way through the next leg, it still didn't quell his massive fear of heights.

"Skipper is right, Dusty. It's okay to have fears, but, you'll have to overcome them eventually. And remember, Rainbow is there for you, too." Twilight encouraged.

"Yeah, I got your back, Dusty. We both got this." Rainbow confirmed.

"Roger that." Dusty said.

With that, the call ended. But then, Rainbow and Dusty overheard another interaction.

"Hola, corazón." El Chupacabra called out to Rochelle. "Are you tired?"

"What?" Rochelle was confused.

"Because you have been flying through my mind, nonstop." The Mexican racer flirted.

"Is he still trying to flirt with Rochelle?" Rainbow asked flatly.

"Seems so." Dusty said.

"Hmph. And why would I be tired flying through such a teeny, tiny space." Rochelle huffed before rolling away.

Rainbow had a hard time holding her laughter from such a nasty roast.

"You can only pretend for so long." El Chupacabra cried out.

"Hey, El Chu, what's the problem?" Dusty asked.

El Chu sighed in defeat.

"I am Icarus and she is the sun. I fly too close and I melt." He said sadly.

"Dude, your analogies don't make any sense." Rainbow said.

“I would appreciate a bit more sympathy.” El Chu rolled his eyes.

“Maybe you should try just talking to her instead of being overly flirtatious.” The colorful pegasus suggested.

"Rainbow may have a point.” Dusty said. “Maybe you're trying too hard. Look, all you got to do is go over, open you mouth and say..."

"Hello." A different voice came.

They all turned to see it was Ishani with a warm smile on her face. Dusty gulped a bit which was quickly notice by El Chupacabra.

"El Chupacabra." He said in a fake voice. "I think someone is calling me. I have to go. Rainbow, come with me too."

"What? Why me?" Rainbow asked.

"Just come with me." El Chupacabra hissed.

"Oh, fine." Rainbow grumbled before trotting off after El Chupacabra.

This left Dusty all alone with Ishani.

"I wanted to compliment you on your success, Dusty. You're doing very well for your first race. Rainbow, too." She said.

If Dusty could blush, he would blushing madly right now.

"That means a lot, coming from you. I mean, come on, you were named most aerodynamic racer by Air Sports Illustrated. And let me just say, you are so aerodynamic." Dusty said.

Meanwhile, Rainbow and El Chupacabra were secretly watching Dusty's conversation with Ishani from behind the hangar.

"Dusty." El Chupacabra said knowingly.

"Great, another blooming relationship." Rainbow groaned.

"Oh, zip it." El Chupacabra hissed.

Ishani giggled. just then a tractor lumbered between her and Dusty. Disrupting their conversation.

"What's with all the tractors around here?" Dusty asked.

"They're sacred. Many believe that we will be recycled as tractors." Ishani explained.

"Oh, well, I believe in recycling." Dusty said.

There was a couple seconds of silence until Ishani got an idea.

"Have you ever been to the Taj Mahal?" Ishani asked.

"No. No, I haven't." Dusty responded, knowing where this was going.

"Come on, let's go." Ishani encouraged.

Ishani and Dusty left the premises leaving El Chupacabra and Rainbow Dash by themselves.

"It's like they were made for each other." El Chupacabra said sweetly.

"Yeah, sure." Rainbow grumbled. "Hey, fifty bit they share a first kiss." She challenged.

"What's a bit?" El Chupacabra asked confused.

“Never mind.” The pegasus sighed.

Back with Dusty and Ishani, They were flying over the Indian countryside. Dusty was admiring all the views.

"Must be nice to be back home." Dusty said.

"Well, it's complicated. I have a billion fans. And they're all expecting me to win." Ishani explained.

"Maybe this time, you will." Dusty responded.

Ishani giggled again.

They continued flying across the rivers and fields until, finally, They reach the Taj Mahal in all its ancient beauty.

"Wow! This place is amazing." Dusty exclaimed.

"It really is. And tomorrow, you'll fly over the magnificent Himalayas." Ishani said.

"Oh. Those little hills? Yeah, well...no big deal." Dusty said confidently.

"You like to fly low, don't you?" Ishani asked.

"Oh, that? That's strategic. Air density and combustion." Dusty half-explained.

Ishani smiled.

"You know, you could follow the Iron Compass, instead." Ishani said.

"Iron Compass?" He asked in confusion.

"Yeah, railroad tracks. Through a valley in the mountains, so you can still fly low." Ishani explained.

"Really?" Dusty was left mesmerized.

They began their journey back to the airport.

"Thanks, Ishani." Dusty said.

"Anytime." Ishani responded.

(The next day)

"Every racer's nightmare is scaling the Himalayas. It's a short leg ahead, but extremely treacherous." Brent explained.

whilst every racer began their climb over the monstrous mountains. Dusty and Rainbow kept low, following the railroad tracks that scaled the mountain.

"I'm surprised Ishani even told you about this. I would've kept this to herself. Maybe even use this route herself." Rainbow said.

"Come on, Rainbow. just because we're all competitors, doesn't mean we can't give advice to each other." Dusty explained. "Wouldn't you give advice to your teammates when you joined the Thunderbolts?"

"It's the Wonderbolts, but yeah, I get your point." Rainbow answered.

They continued following the tracks. The weather became more frigid. The snow became heavier and the winds became stronger. Suddenly, there was another problem. The tracks led into a tunnel. Dusty gasped knowing that he couldn't go into a tunnel. However, there was where else to go, but up.

"We got no choice, Dusty." Rainbow said.

Dusty knew this too. He put on a determined look and began a rapid climb up the cliff face. Rainbow followed after. Try as he might, however, Dusty looked down and the familiar, spiraling sensation came back. He choked on his breath and immediately starting descending back down to the ground.

"Dusty, wait! You can still do this!" Rainbow called after her friend.

Dusty wasn't listening. He leveled down, flying away from the tunnel. Rainbow caught up to her.

"Well, now what do we do?" Rainbow asked, annoyed. “We can't just give up, now."

Dusty weighed his option. Either try again and climb the cliff face or do what was even more dangerous. He came to a decision, a look of determination on his face once again.

"No." He said angrily.

He turned back around and raced back toward the tunnel.

"Dusty, what are you doing?" Rainbow asked bewildered.

Dusty didn't answer, instead he titled sideways and flew right into the tunnel, much to his friend's shock. It was dark inside the tunnel, so Dusty turned on his headlights to see better.

"Are you crazy?! You can barely fit. Rainbow said still in shock.

And she was right. Dusty's wing occasionally scraped against the tunnel walls, no matter how hard he tried to stay stable. Suddenly, they both heard a very distinct and, given the situation, terrifying sound. The sound of a steam whistle.

"Oh, no." Rainbow said fearfully.

"Woah!" Dusty shouted.

"Dusty! Move faster!" Rainbow said as the sound of a train came closer and closer.

On the other side of the tunnel, a fully-loaded passenger train chugged along the tracks. The train spotted Dusty and Rainbow desperately trying to escape the dark passage. He gasped and slammed on his brakes, but it did almost nothing. The two machines and pegasus were on a collision course.

The train shut his eyes and Dusty and Rainbow screamed in horror at their inevitable fate.



Dusty and Rainbow were still flying as they looked around seeing only white.

"What the hay happened? Last thing I remember is flying inside a tunnel and trying to beat a train." Rainbow said.

"I...don't....know." Dusty said.

Slowly, the sight of an mystic-looking airport came into view through the clouds. Dusty and Rainbow landed on the runway.

"Uhhh, hello?" Dusty called out.

"Anypony here?" Rainbow called out.

Suddenly, three three-wheelers showed up from an alter.

"Is this where we're supposed to be?" Dusty asked.

The first two three-wheelers resonated.

"That is one of life's great question." The third one said.

"*Gasp* We're dead!" Dusty exclaimed in shock.

"Dead?! No, we can't be dead! We still have a race to finish! I still have my full life ahead of me! I haven't joined the Wonderbolts! How are my friends gonna handle this?! Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie." Rainbow panicked.

Then, three more three-wheeler monks came up to them.

"Mr. Crophopper, Ms. Dash. Welcome to Nepal." One of the Nepalese monks said to them.

"I don't understand. Have the others left already?" Dusty asked.

"Actually, no one else is here yet. You're in first place and your friend is in second." The monk answered.

"Really?" Dusty asked in disbelief.

"Wait, so were not dead AND we're the first ones here?" Rainbow asked also in disbelief.

The monk nodded.

"WOO-HOO. Finally, we're in first. Well, technically, you're in first and I'm in second, but that doesn't matter. We're both at the top." Rainbow leaped for joy.


"He flew through a WHAT?!" Ripslinger asked furiously.

"A tunnel?!" Bulldog was in disbelief.

"That is crazy." Rochelle said.

"Sí, crazy like a firefox." El Chupacabra added.

Nepalese reporters swarmed Dusty and Rainbow.

"Dusty, how does it feel to be in first place?" One reporter asked.

"It feels great. But, more than anything, I'm just happy I fit through that tunnel." Dusty said.

"Don't forget about the train." Rainbow added.

"Heh, guys, I gotta tell you, if you're ever in a tight squeeze just..." Dusty stopped mid-sentence.

He spotted Ishani, but something was different about her.

"Excuse me, guys." Dusty said pushing through the reporters.

"Wait up, Dusty." Rainbow said following him.

They both caught up to Ishani.

"Crazy day today, huh?" Dusty said.

Ishani gasped in surprise.

"Oh, yeah, a very exciting win for you today. Quite a risk you took." Ishani said uneasily.

"Tch, risk-taking, is my middle name." Rainbow said smugly.

"Yeah, yeah. Hey, your propeller, is it new?" Dusty asked.

"Oh, I didn't notice that." Rainbow said.

"Oh. I suppose it is." Ishani said still uneasy.

"Sky Slicer Mark Five, right?" Dusty asked.

Ishani was slowly getting more nervous

"Aren't those made exclusively for Ripslinger's race team?" Dusty continued to question.

"Ripslinger?!" Rainbow said in appalment.

"Are they?" Ishani asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, they are." Dusty answered.

"Dusty..." Ishani tried to say something.

The pieces fell into place and, suddenly, the horrible truth came crashing down

"Don't tell me." Rainbow growled.

"You set me up." Dusty said angrily.

"Look, I didn't ever want to hurt you." Ishani said.

"You were against us the whole time! You intentionally led us down the wrong path! And for what? So you can just outplace us again?!" Rainbow asked angrily.

"Why?" Dusty asked.

"It's complicated, okay?" Ishani said desperately.

"You could have gotten us killed out there today." Dusty said angrily.

"And you didn't seem to have a problem following through with that green jerk's offer. That's a whole new low." Rainbow added.

"I really thought that you'd just turn around." Ishani tried to explain.

"Well, you were wrong. And I was wrong about you." Dusty said coldly before turning away.

"I hope it was worth it." Rainbow growled before following after Dusty, leaving Ishani alone and full of regret.

Then they saw Ripslinger who was fuming at his failed plan.

"Oh, hey, Rip. Thanks for first place." Dusty mocked.

"And second. Bet you feel extra proud of yourself." Rainbow said sarcastically.

They past by they third placer. Ripslinger eyed them angrily, growling to himself with his left eye twitching.

(To Be Continued)