• Published 28th Dec 2022
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Fallout Equestria: S.T.A.L.K.E.R - aegishailstorm

Most fear that which they cannot comprehend, whereas a Stalker must figure out a way to make a career out of it.

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Chapter 21: Stalker, Stalked

Chapter 21: Stalker, Stalked

Nikolai and Flashpoint sat around a bar table on rickety stools. Nikolai a mason jar filled with vodka in his left hand, and his right was fiddling with the controls of his PDA.

The Stalker hit a tab on his map, scrolling back along his previous route. "Blin, I hope we did right thing!" Flashpoint raised an eyebrow, and reached over the table to take a sip from his sparkle cola.

"Still haggling over Amber? She isn't our problem any more. You said it yourself. We were... Good Samaritans." Nikolai's eyes drooped.

"Heh, haha! You are right! Ah, conscience fulfilled!" The Stalker poured a bit more Vodka into his jar and took a long swig from it. Followed up by an Ibuprofen and a bit of water. The two laughed in unison.

"You said that that stuff tastes like carrots? Well, could be worse flavor! Just like could be worse place I could have landed in Equestria!" Only Nikolai laughed that time around. Flashpoint was busy scanning the Saloon floor. Inspecting each pony from hoof to mane.

"Wha- What are you lookin' at?" A drunken stallion sneered. Nikolai waved his hand, ushering him to stay where he was.

"Please, sir. My friend is only curious." The stranger's eyes went cross, and he made a poorly thought out attempt to stand up.

"Whas tha supposed to mean!?" He demanded, his voice slurring, a bartender walked up to the stallion, and the two slowly trotted outside. Nikolai smiled, and pointed back over at Flashpoint, who had just about finished his warm soda. "Is good hospitality, eh? But is bad idea to stick your nose where it doesn't belong. I personally, approve of it. Is good thing to be curious, but again, is also bad thing to be dead. Very bad thing." The Zebra rolled his glowing eyes.

"Do you think those glowing eyes of yours will fade?" Nikolai asked him. Flashpoint shrugged. " I don't know. But it doesn't hurt, I don't get headaches. It's as you say, 'cool'. Right?" The Stalker grinned and finished his Vodka. "Da, is like permanent headlamp!"

"Speaking of headlamps. Or, at least, armor in general. Remember what those mercenaries to you back in Whiskey Springs? That old military base they spoke of-The way they were kitted out, but I would be surprised if there is anything left there but death. But, we have nothing better to do, and, if we start a few hours before nightfall, we should be able to find it by sunup."

Flashpoint rolled his eyes and grinned back at Nikolai.

"I think you meant to say, pitch black to light grey." They both laughed. They laughed so loudly that the ponies at the next table over covered their ears and winced in disgust. Nikolai glanced over at them, and then kept laughing.

Following an awkward conversation with a barkeep about table manners in which Nikolai actually had the moral high ground for once, the two Wastelanders reemerged onto the towns one and old street.

" You know, I am running rather low on MRE's, perhaps we should look around for a trading post. I mean, a settlement this large this close to a big road? There are sure to be caravans that pass through here all the time on the way to Whiskey Springs and Salt Cube city." The Stalker heard a radio that wasn't crackle to life. The voice on it sounded vaguely familiar, but Nikolai wasn't too good at keeping track of passing things like that.

"Hey there folks, It's DJ-Pony, your voice in the wasteland, bringing you the truth no matter how much it hurts..." The Stalker was about to wave the staticky broadcast away and walk off in search of food, when the voice over the radio mentioned something about Splendid Valley. The Stalker pushed his way to the front of the crowd and looked around.

"What did radio person say?" He demanded, glancing around.

An earth pony mare answered him with, "Oh, a zebra and a pony cleared out a gang of raiders that were blocking the route into Splendid Valley. But it ain't like anyone would ever wanna go there! That'd be a damn death wish!" A murmur of agreement rose up among the crowd as they all went their separate ways. Nikolai removed his mask and smirked back at Flashpoint.

"I'm pretty sure she was talking about us!" He whispered to his friend, who chuckled uncomfortably. " But how did they find out? We were the only people around for kilometers in any direction!" The Stalker furrowed his brow and redonned his mask. " Blyat! No one ever tells me anything! I do not want to be famous! I could use fame to get free stuff, sure. But would leave big bounty over head! Me no want!" Flashpoint tapped his friend on the leg.

"Nikolai, ponies are staring at you. Perhaps we should go find that food you were talking about?" There was a long pause, Nikolai stared off into the distance, his eyes seemingly trying to focus on something in the clouds. All of a sudden, he shook his head and clasped his gloved hands together. "Da, is good idea. Come, we go. "

It wasn't long before the mildly intoxicated Nikolai found what he was looking for. Right in between the jail, and an old sealed off bunker entrance was the towns one and only General store. Nikolai stepped onto the single story brick buildings wooden deck and turned to Flashpoint.

"Alright, be on lookout for anything non-perishable, and with high calorie count, preferably fatty, and protein rich. "

For some unexplainable reason, the overwhelming majority of what the Stalker was able to dig up on the shelves was an obscene amount of canned corn. When he asked the store clerk, the only answer she was able to give him was that... Over two hundred years ago, when the bombs had first fallen, the town residents had two options for dealing with their crops, either let them die in the nuclear winter, or can and dry preserve everything they could. Which led to an overabundance of popcorn within the town. The residents attempted to set up a greenhouse so they could continue growing, but without the sun, they've had little success. Nikolai thanked the clerk, and ended up walking away with some hardtack crackers and deer jerky. Which, strangely enough, the clerk claimed used to be sentient. Nikolai didn't care, venison was venison, and he was hungry. The Stalker also snatched up a can of corn, and a can of dry black beans which he could stick in a thermos with some water and rehydrate as he walked. The sum total came to just 11 caps, he paid the fee, and met back up with Flashpoint, who had somehow figured out a way to amuse himself with a bowl of popcorn for 10 minutes straight.

"You'll regret that later." Nikolai told him. Flashpoint stepped away from him and glanced around at the townsfolk. Who met his glowing gaze with passing indifference.

"Popcorn and Sparkle Cola. I'm living my best life with you Nikolai. The Stalker furrowed his eyebrows and set his hand on the Zebra's barded shoulder, Flashpoint noticed the gesture, and smiled.

"Should we say goodbye to our...' Mutual Acquaintance' before we leave?" They both laughed. " Nope."

"Do you want to take up the Sheriff's offer and take a nap in one of those hotel rooms above the saloon before we leave?" Flashpoint smirked. "You almost read my mind." The pair laughed, and walked back off towards the saloon.

"Agh! Oh... Ow..." Nikolai sat upright in bed. He barely remembered what had happened over the past couple of hours. He glanced over at a pile of pillows in the corner of the room. There lay Flashpoint, still wearing his armor and saddlebags. Nikolai slipped off the side of the bed, and and rolled his neck. The Stalker stuffed his gas mask into a coat pocket, and then redonned his ballistic vest, belt, and boots. He looked at his watch as he stretched.

"Oh... I've been asleep for 3 hours. I feel much better now. Hey, lazy creature. Awake!" He gently kicked his friend in the stomach, and backed away.

"W-what now?" Nikolai took a knee and tapped Flashpoint on the ear. "Hey, friend? Wake up! Is time to go!"

The Zebra's eyes rolled back, and he let out a groan, " Oh... Just 5 more minutes, please!" The Stalker shook his head in refusal.

"Nyet, you get up now!" He pulled his friend onto all fours." Come, we go raid abandoned base for your sake." Flashpoint coughed into his hoof and whisked his tail around. Nikolai held his head high, and motioned towards the door. "Alright! Off we go, and you know what? Is nothing really wrong with this place, may come back here in future. But, right now, we go!"

Two left the saloon in high spirits, Flashpoint took a second to wave goodbye to a sour Amber Reins from the other side of iron bars, he still silently hoped she would find a way to turn her life around.

Once Nikolai and Flashpoint had said farewell to what few residents they had spoken with previously, they left Grassy Meadows and made their way back onto the main road. They'd wasted quite a significant portion of their day just being lazy around town, and they would have to work fast if they were to find this 'base'. Nikolai was personally unsure of the idea of going to such a place. His only other experience with old Equestrian military bases had ended in nothing short of disaster and him barely escaping with his life from a... Flock? Of heavily armed and armored Enclave pegasi. The thought gave him an idea for a joke that he had to share with his friend.

"Hey, Flashpoint? I have funny joke for you." The Zebra's eyes were transfixed ahead of him, and his ears were on an alert swivel. "Hm?" He muttered absent-mindedly.

"What do you call a pegasus kill squad? To be specific, what do you say when one is after you?" Flashpoint raised an eyebrow in inquiry.

"Sure, go on ahead. You have my ear." Nikolai grinned.

"Well, that's one flocking angry murder!" The Stalker held his chest and began to laugh. Flashpoint continued walking alongside him in complete confusion. "I don't understand, what's so funny about what you just said?"

"Wings, flocks? A murder is another name for a flock of crows. A bird species I've seen quite a bit of on account of the fact that, as I said before. Everything is dead!" He pointed back to the northern horizon. Flashpoint was about to facehoof.

"Yes... That's... What a wasteland is. It's... A waste." Nikolai continued to laugh. " Oh, oh! Is all dead except for good Slavic sense of humor! Haha!" Flashpoint rolled his eyes, and stopped paying close attention, allowing Nikolai to laugh to his only mildly intoxicated hearts content.

As the shadows of the afternoon grew longer, Nikolai and his zebra companion drew further along the defunct highway. Using the faint pink glow of Canterlot as their compass. Nikolai stopped laughing after some time, and the two fell silent with the exception of Nikolai's radio. Which played an eerie six string guitar rendition of a Ukrainian folk song as they walked along the dusty road.

About an hour later, Nikolai spotted what he was able to easily identify as old power pylons and railroad tracks leading off somewhere into the wastes. Nestled off to the side of the highway right where the terrain evened back out into open ground. About a hundred meters ahead of him, was a rusty sign filled with bullet holes. But that wasn't caught Nikolai's eye in the scene. No, that honor went to the rusty tracked armored personnel carrier lying of to the right side of the highway just parallel to the sign.

"Yeah, I think we are in right place. I see structures off to northwest, we get off main road here at let's see... Green Valley? Blyat! What is with naming convention in this place!? Any creativ- I just ate my own words, didn't I?" Flashpoint nodded slowly.

"Yes Nikolai, you did." The Stalker hung his head and smile awkwardly under his mask.

The pair walked right up to the front gates, as usual, just a single guard bar that had long since been smashed to cinders. Being that this base was less than a half kilometer off a very well-traveled highway. Well, that was what the ponies at the saloon had claimed, in truth, Nikolai hadn't seen any more ponies on the road then he had when he was walking along Route 52 a week or so prior. He was worried that the base would be occupied by raiders, or some other group who wouldn't be too keen on him rummaging through it. It was smaller in overall territory when compared to the airbase he had visited. With no apparent airfields, however, this was made up for by the massive, fortress like structures that took up vast swaths of land within the base's flimsy barbed wire perimeter. There was no apparent live around with the exception of a few skeletons of what must have once been guards, based on the fact that they wore similar uniforms to the skeletons he had encountered at the last military base.

"Alright, let us prioritize. We most certainly are not the first to scavenge and sack this place. We are here to get you a proper suit of armor. And, maybe, a better gun. More to point, I am curious." Flashpoint looked at him strangely.

"Curious about what?" Nikolai laughed. " Flashpoint, I am simple Stalker, I see things that make big boom. I want that thing." Flashpoint scoffed. " Of course, you do." Nikolai stopped to gaze up at the two massive steel doors that led into the largest building on the compound.

"I don't thing we're going to open these any time soon." Flashpoint murmured. Nikolai, meanwhile, was busy searching for another exit, and he found one in the form of a pair of much smaller double doors that led into the structure, the concrete and brick exterior reminded Nikolai a bit of a public school house. Just with far less windows. And far, far more ominous. As soon as Nikolai entered the structure, he was immediately greeted by the concerning sight of uniformed skeletal remains, and, strangely enough, some weird turret shaped device on the ceiling a few meters ahead of them with the twisted barrel of what must have once been a machine gun sticking out of it. Nikolai looked at the holes in the skeleton, and then back at the gun barrel.

"Well, that is one simple mystery solved." Flashpoint stood warily behind the doorway. "Nikolai, we should tread with caution, that is the remains of an automated turret system. They were specifically designed to target Zebras. Especially when you consider the Ministry of Wartime Technology flag just below the old Equestrian one outside." Nikolai chuckled.

"I keep hear so much about Ministry, must have been very important. Well... Not important enough to survive magic nuclear holocaust! Hah! But those Pink pony posters are sort of creepy. Come, watch back." Nikolai raised his rifle and took it off safe.
" They we will be brief; we will find the armory. We will acquire you a suit of armor, and then we will leave this forsaken place." Nikolai waved Flashpoint into the building, and the two rounded a corner around 10 meters down the hallway, and spotted another destroyed turret, they moved up past a conference room, and immediately came to another break in the hallway. Nikolai switched his flashlight on and began searching around for things of value. Strangely enough, there was no one here. The skeletons still had their weapons and equipment, and more to the point. The filing cabinets and tables seemed mostly unavenged. If this base had been sacked before, then whoever had been through here had done a lousy job of it. Nikolai rounded another corner as he advanced through the structures administrative branch, and ended up brushing the suppressor on the end of his rifle up against a lone ghoul, which he immediately dispatched. And, which immediately set off some kind of overhead alarm.

"Flashpoint, what is that?"

"Base security... I'm surprised it's still working after all this time, be on the lookout. " Nikolai could hear a metallic whirling down the hallway across from where he was, he peaked out behind a corner. And was instantly met with a live, functioning turret which spun to his presence and began to fire off sporadic bursts of... Well, he didn't particularly care what caliber it was in the moment. Just that it was loud, and, per what the voice over the automated intercom was saying;
"Die, zebra scum."
That it wanted to kill him and his friend.

"How did those mercenaries not set these things off!?" He shouted to his friend, who winced in pain as the gunshots echoed down the hallway. " The must have gone in some different way! You didn't ask for specifics!" Nikolai groaned, and drew a grenade from a pouch, he pulled the pin, and, and tossed it down the corridor. One loud bang and a cloud of dust later, and all that was left was a burning, sparking husk. Nikolai brought his gun up, and advanced towards it with Flashpoint behind him. After a way, the two came to a ramp which brought them below the surface, there they found a circular steel vault door roughly twice as tall as Nikolai in all parameters, a wheel lock with a code box right in its center.

"This must be armory." Flashpoint looked concerned. " Are you sure? It doesn't look like anyone's been down here since... Well, forever." Nikolai tapped the door.

"Hm..." The Stalker tapped it again and felt around it's edges. "How do I open this thing? Looks like it could headbutt tank, and tank could cry. Hmm..." He gave the locking wheel a tug, when it didn't budge, he turned his attention back to the code panel. Computers were never his strong suit. He kicked the door with his boot and looked over at Flashpoint.

"There must be code to open. It's got to be somewhere around here. " We have to go back-" Nikolai sighed as Flashpoint casually reached into his saddlebags and pulled out a crusty old manila file folder, and then reached in and pulled out a document with the words, "Armory door maintenance written over it."

"You cannot be serious. Is that-" Flashpoint repeated his nod. " Yes it is. I found it while you were busy 'booping' that ghoul with your rifle." Nikolai clasped his hands together. "Alright... Let's get to it then, what does paper say?"

It took the two Wastelander's nearly half an hour of toying around and rage induced 'hacking' before they were able to get the door to slide open, and when it finally did, it put a massive smile on the Stalker's face, and a gag on Flashpoint's from the stale, unfiltered air.

"Gold coins!?" He exclaimed, rushing into the room and scooping dozens up out of a wooden crate. "Yep, they used to be used as currency before the war. Now it's just dead weight." Nikolai facepalmed and sighed. "I suppose you're right. " He pocketed two and left the rest there. The space within the armory was miniscule compared to the rest of the structure. Roughly a dozen by a dozen meters. And, to both Nikolai and Flashpoints annoyance, most of the weapon racks were empty, with those that weren't having firearms either too big, or too uninteresting for Nikolai to want and take with him. Over in the corner, was a bulky, pony shaped object. While Nikolai looked around for spare munitions as well as any interesting odds and ends, Flashpoint went over and examined the object in the corner which had first caught his eye, he instantly lit up with gratification.

"Nikolai, I think I found what you were looking for. Flashpoint dragged the item out, and Nikolai glanced closely at it. It was a suit of black and grey pony shaped barding, with cutouts for a tail and lightweight armored plates which covered the chest, shoulders, haunches, and upper forelegs of the wearer. On top of all of this, the suit came with a built-in mini battle saddle to allow for ease up use when operating conventional pony firearms, it wasn't as big as the other full-sized ones in the armory. But it would allow for Flashpoint to be able to operate a pistol or submachine gun while keeping his mouth free, and, perhaps the best part of it all, the suit came with a helmet with built in eye protection and a mount for a gas mask, which while it did fit Flashpoint, was too uncomfortable for him to wear for a duration of time without potentially causing him more harm than good.

"That thing looks awesome, go on ahead! Try it on!" Nikolai insisted, waving at the suit. He took a step outside the armory for a moment, and when he came back, his friend's dirty raider armor was lying on the ground, and Flashpoint was struggling back to his hooves.

"Well? Do you like it?" The zebra asked him. Nikolai removed his mask, and examined it with an exaggerated;

"Hm... Da. Is good." Flashpoint rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on Flashpoint! You look awesome!" The Zebra smiled, "Glad you like it... it's a bit... Ugh" He tugged his tail. "... Tight fitting, but I can feel it loosening up. You all done here?" Nikolai nodded.

"You have got built in battle saddle now. Perhaps would be good idea if you took pick from guns here?" He walked over to one of the racks, and held out what resembled an early M16 with wooden furniture. Flashpoint shook his head.

"No, I'm good." Nikolai groaned and picked up a similar looking rifle with black polymer furniture. " How about this one? Takes 5.56? We could share bullets? No, blyat! Ok..." He rushed to the far rack and came back with a drum fed, semi-automatic shotgun with iron sights that glowed a faint red in the dark room.

"How about this one!? Chambered in twelve gauge, labelled as,' Riot shotgun'? It looks pretty cool. I know if I was pony, I would definitely want one of these for personal collection!" The Zebra simply shook his head. Nikolai bit back a curse.

"Fine, have your way! Blyat! If only I could take this stuff with me, it all looks so cool! And that is not word I use lightly! I overstocked on ammunition back in Whiskey Springs. I have no room for this stuff. I couldn't fit it all even I had empty rucksack! Please Flashpoint, for your friend?" The Zebra let out a shaky breath and groaned.

"I had no idea you were such a gun nut, but you're the one who insisted we stay light. I'll tell you this, I will take this open bolt 9 MM submachine gun right here," Flashpoint picked another gun off the table with his teeth.

"And use this alongside my pistol, like you said, ammo interchangeability? You're right, all this stuff does look like it would pack quite a hoof load of power. But it's just too much for me. Besides, this little submachine gun is Iornshod surplus. There's a ton of spare magazines for me out there." Nikolai nodded, and helped his friend strap his guns to either side of his body and set up the trigger. All Nikolai left with was some caps from generic brand soda bottles and a half magazine worth of light armor piercing ammunition. This side adventure had been all about make his friend stronger and safer, not him. But, as they exited out the way they came, they suddenly heard voices just outside, the two took cover and listened in.

"Hey, boss, you sure you saw those punks that nabbed Amber head this way?" A growl echoed down the hallway, "I'm sure of it."

"What should we do if we find them?" Another grunt followed.

"Mr. Salt wants the one with the mask, if you find anypony else, kill them. I wanna make them pay for taking Amber from us." Nikolai and Flashpoint looked at one another.

"Should we ambush them?" Flashpoint asked. Nikolai shook his head and answered with a soft, " No. Let's try and find a way around them, they do not know we are in here. We can get away, and they will be no wiser." Nikolai peaked out, they sky was darkening again. Night would soon fall, and, given the fact that the only night vision he had seen a pony use had been an Enclave pegasus or Steel Ranger spotting him at close range. Other than that, it was flashlights and torches. His only concern was that his friends glowing eyes might give them both away. While Nikolai was busy trying to figure out how to sneak past the raiders, a series of screams quickly echoed outside, and when Nikolai and Flashpoint peeked outside, there were no raiders to be found. There were hoofprints in the grounds, sure, put it was like they had just... Vanished.

"Well, that isn't creepy at all." Nikolai muttered, tapping Flashpoint on the shoulder. "Let's get out of here before whatever did that comes back!" The two looked at each other, and then made a mad dash for the gates.

"There they are, a voice cried a few moments later, Flashpoint hear a bullet wizz past him and hit the dirt just a few paces away. They turned to find 8 raiders, coming at them from behind in a semi-circle. They carried raider weapons and wore crude armor, but they seemed cleaner than usual, and more organized, judging by the way they were slowly advancing on Nikolai and Flashpoint from about 80 meters away, Nikolai took cover behind an old guard shack and brought his scope up to his gas mask to return fire. But, as he got ready to pull the trigger, there was a soft crack from behind them, and the lead raider fell dead, right on his face. The rest continued, unfazed by this.

"Woosh!" Another one fell dead. They kept moving forward. Out of the corner of his eye, Flashpoint spotted a dark figure moving about within the base's perimeter, gallop and almost floating from abandoned vehicle to abandoned vehicle. Something darted upward into the air, and another raider fell dead with a hole through his chest.

"Should we... Get out of here?" Flashpoint asked Nikolai, his voice full of both concern and terror. The Stalker snickered, and then his eyes went wide. " I saw something in sky. It must be Enclave, we should go while we have chance. Nikolai pulled Flashpoint up to all fours and stood up himself to begin to run. Just as he turned to point his gun back at the remaining raiders, a cloaked figure appeared seemingly out of nowhere, Nikolai blinked, and watched as the raiders froze in fear less then 10 meters from where he was hiding. The Stalker watched as the raiders turned and ran off. The hooded figure turned to Nikolai, who slowly raised his gun.

"What are you?" He asked, his voice calm, but firm. As the creature approached him, Flashpoint began to grit his teeth. Nikolai looked closer, and he began to connect the dots.

"I recognize you. We walked back in Whiskey Springs, what are you? What do you want with us!?" The being remained silent, it glanced around, and finally came back to stare at Nikolai. It's entire body was covered by drab brown cloaks, and its eyes were masked by a pair of dark goggles. Not even the tail or its ears were visible. Finally, it stopped just 4 meters from Nikolai, pausing to cast a glance over at Flashpoint, who chuckled uncomfortably.

Finally, the being raised up its hoof, and pulled off its hat. Revealing a glint of very dark greenish mane. Nikolai kept his gun raised as a measure of caution. The pony calmly removed his head cloak. Revealing a pair of bushy grey ears, followed by the rest of his mane, finally, the pony removed his goggles and cowl. Revealing a pair of softly glowing yellow slit eyes and a fanged mouth which gazed at Nikolai curiously. The Stalker's worry was beginning to fade into intrigue. Finally, the being let the cloak on his back slip off, revealing a pair of leathery wings which shifted at the creature took a step forward.

"Hold it!" Nikolai demanded. " Just what the blyat are you- Why are you stalking us!? You do not stalk Stalker, never!" A smile crept across the creature's fanged mouth.

"Nikolai, this is going to sound crazy. But that... Is a bat pony." The Stalker's eyes went wide.

"Like a vampire?"

"Like a what?" The bat pony asked with enthusiasm, extending his wings and baring his fangs. Nikolai and Flashpoint screamed.

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