• Published 28th Dec 2022
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Fallout Equestria: S.T.A.L.K.E.R - aegishailstorm

Most fear that which they cannot comprehend, whereas a Stalker must figure out a way to make a career out of it.

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Chapter 26: Don't Start What You Can't Finish

Chapter 26: Don't Start What You Can't Finish

"What? No... I can assure you, I have not stolen anything from you. Please, I come out, we no shoot? Make friend?" The Stalker waved at the Zebra cultists.

"Who- What are you?" One of them stuttered. " Nikolai waved again. "This is sign of good will! No shoot please?" He could hear some whispering among them.

"He attacked me just a short while ago! He's dangerous! And he's hiding one of us!" Nikolai couldn't tell what they said after that, they all remained still. Unnatural for beings that were arguing with one another in such a passionate manner. There was no pacing, no shouting, no glances quick head twists. He could tell their voices all carried meaning behind them. A bit like a church pastor.

"Nikolai. Remember what I said." Willow whispered. He had redonned his hood, and covered his leathery bat wings. Making sure that anything which could tip someone off to his true nature was obscured and out of sight.

"This is bad idea." Flashpoint nodded in agreement with Willow.

"Eh... What do you want exactly?" Nikolai asked, holding his gun up with one hand while eyeing the hooded zebras.

"Please. No want fight, you seem like agreeable folk, da?" He waved at the semicircle of zebras again.

An eerie silence swept over the whole crowd, until finally, the lead zebra removed his hood. Revealing a face like Flashpoint's, just with a few more years and scars. And eyes that didn't glow but were full of earnest concern. The zebra stallion raised his right hoof and gestured towards the wall which Nikolai was taking cover behind.

"Please, step forward. If you speak the truth, then you shall not be harmed" Nikolai glanced back at his friends and gave them an enthusiastic thumbs up. Then safetied his rifle and let it fall on it's sling.

"Hello! Name is Nikolai!" He stepped out and waved to the crowd. "What is yours?" A flurry of murmurs rose up from the rest of the zebras.

"I come from place far far away from here. Is nice place! Much nicer than this! But... Wasteland has charm of own, yes?" The Stalker scratched his chin, and took a knee to shake the Zebra's hoof. To his surprise, the Zebra pulled back and frowned.

"What are you doing?" Nikolai kept his gloved hand extended." Is called handshake, or... I suppose, hoofshake for you? Please, is sign of greeting. Surely you cannot be that disconnect from rest of world?" The lead zebra looked at his compatriots.

"Yes- Sorry, it is just that we are... Unaccustomed to seeing such..." The Stalker laughed, and smiled under his mask. "You are strange to be sure." The zebra continued. "But it is not you we hold interest in, but your companion. You are traveling with a zebra, correct?" Nikolai hesitated, but nodded anyway.

"Yes, I am. He is good friend, I save him from cage in caravan about week and a half ago. We make fast friend!" He held up his hand and turned to wave to his companions.

"I also befriend nice b-regular pony, sorry- But he is just a little bit shy. Давай! Come!" He exclaimed. Willow poked his hooded head out first, with Flashpoint close behind him. The zebra smiled uncomfortably, all while Willow stared on ahead in silence.

"Well?" Another hooded figure asked. "Show yourselves, come out." The two stallions trotted out.

"That is Flashpoint, and that is Willow." Nikolai told them. Both friend. Like I said, Willow is shy pony, would be best if not ask him to show self. Ask favor." Willow wasn't a shy pony, Nikolai just wanted to keep his friend safe, and if that meant hiding his nocturnal friend's true nature from some religious cultists pointing guns at him, then so be it. Flashpoint swallowed, and uncomfortably looked around at the strange zebra's. Removing his helmet flashing a smile at them.

"Um... Hello? I'm Flashpoint. What's your name?" He asked, trying not to sound as scared as he was. He had never actually met another zebra, with the exception of his parents, whom he had barely known.

"Flashpoint." The lead zebra repeated. Slowly nodding his head as the words left his mouth, as if he was subconsciously approving of it. His head snapped to Willow. "Willow. A peculiar name, where did you get it?" An awkward silence rose over the group. Lasting for about half a minute, before Nikolai finally cut in with. "Please, he means no harm. Is just simple pony is all. No need to harass. If you would like to ask questions, please, ask me! Go on."

"There will be plenty of time for that later." The strange zebra raised his right hoof and redonned his cloak. "You seem trustworthy, and but attempt to harm one of us. And it will be the last thing you do." He turned to Flashpoint as he snapped his visor back in place. The eyes glowed an eerie blue. "There may be potential in you yet. Follow us." Flashpoint looked around at the strange zebras, and then up at Nikolai as the group began to move. There was a burst of light, and several of the zebra's disappeared from sight. All of a sudden, the lead zebra halted in place, and snapped around to stare at the group.

He glared at them with a firm expression of contempt. "Do you serve the stars?" He inquired, his tone growing dire.

"What?" Nikolai furrowed his eyebrows and glanced down at him. "I do not know what you are talking about. It must be religious thing, yes? Please, you talk about later. Right now... Has been tiring day. Would like rest-you too, I am sure?" The Zebra stood motionless.

"Oh well... I suppose that obliviousness is better than a 'yes'. Continue along if you wish." Nikolai nodded, and unslung his rifle.

"Da, I do indeed wish!" The Stalker turned to look over at his friends. Willow's face was obscured by his hood and sunglasses, and Flashpoint seemed to be just slightly worried, hanging his head as he walked, like something had disappointed him and he now had no choice but to accept it. The zebra in the lead nodded slowly, but said nothing.

The 3 zebras that still remained visible slowed down and took up positions on either side of Willow and Flashpoint. Nikolai noticed this, and took a step on ahead, almost brushing up against the robe of the lead zebra.

"Would it be alright if we walk side by side?" The zebra didn't respond, so Nikolai took this as an invitation to do so. Gripping his rifle with his right hand, he took a place beside the zebra's leader. He wanted to get his name, but he'd have to bide his time if he wanted it.

"If you do not give me name," Nikolai began, "Then I will give you the nickname, yes? Ok?" The zebra still didn't reply to the enthusiastic Stalker.

" Quiet? No... Spooky? Nyet... Guild? Because of gilded robe? Da... I like, will make good use until you tell me actual name. I apologize if inconvenience you."

"Not at all." The zebra replied in the same, strange pattern of voice as before. "Call me whatever you wish." This took the Stalker by surprise, he wasn't expecting this cultist to be so forthcoming and accepting. Nikolai simply guessed that he had a high degree of patience. Either that, or it was simple humility. Or, that this zebra thought himself above a simple Wastelander or Stalker. But wasn't willing to outright say it. After all that conversation, the group fell entirely silent for the three or so kilometer odd trek to the zebra's hideout. They made their way up and out of the low lying residential neighborhoods and through the few destroyed mansions clustered atop the hill. They continued along until they had arrived at a building that was somewhat smaller than the rest, but at the very highest point on the hilltop. Overlooking the glassed city ruins beneath it like a sort of crumbling citadel. The only thing out of place was that there was no obvious entrance, the structure looked like a collapsed wreck from the outside.

"Is it inside, mister Guild?" Nikolai asked the zebra beside him. The zebra slowly turned his head, and nodded.

"Follow me, all the three of you, and don't stray too far behind. Nikolai walked up to one of the exterior walls, with Flashpoint and Willow behind him, Guild directly ahead of him. The zebra set a hoof on the walk and closed his eyes. He laid a robed armored hoof on the wall. As it made contact with the chipped plaster, something odd happened. The portion of the wall he had touched began to glow with a pale blue light, and an armored doorway appeared where once there had been only a wall.

"Tell nothing of this." Guild informed Nikolai and the rest. The Stalker set his hands in his coat pockets and nodded in understanding.

"No worry, is no big issue. Is pretty cool, in fact." The zebra seemed disinterested in his statement, and walked on inside, only after muttering a phrase to someone else inside in a dialect that Nikolai couldn't recognize. It sounded south African. But... It wasn't any language he could recognize, just little bits and pieces that sounded vaguely familiar. Though, he wasn't a linguist. But he was still pretty sure of himself.

"Wow." Flashpoint said under his breath, crossing the threshold into the buildings interior was much, much larger than it appeared to be on the outside. Red draperies hung from the ceiling, massive curtains that glowed with engraved sigils alongside wood fed braziers. The internal space was at least a half hectare in size, if not more. With ceilings large enough to fit a small forest under, all leading down towards a massive arena with a dirt floor in the center. As soon as they were through the entrance, the entrance to the outside disappeared.

"What is this?" Nikolai asked in genuine surprise.

"This... Is a Zebrican temple, outsider. Welcome." A voice responded from among the crowd of gathering hooded zebras gathering around the trio. One of them walked right through the crowd, and slowly removed his hood, revealing a young face like Flashpoints, just with less scars and blue eyes rather than brown ones. Eyes that didn't glow. He bowed first to Nikolai, and then to the zebra who had escorted them.

"Elder." The new zebra whispered. "Sorcerer." The other zebra replied, nodding slowly in affirmation.

"Are you happy Nikolai? Willow asked him. The Stalker laughed, and nonchalantly patted Willow on the very top of his hood.

"Yes, I am. Is much fascinating." He looked over at the new zebra, and attempted his best bow in return.

"Please, you say you are sorcerer? What is name? I am curious." The zebra seemed hesitant. But, he responded with,

"Mystic. My given name is Mystic, what about you?" The Stalker pulled his mask off and lowered his hood. "Name is Nikolai. please to meet you. So, sorcery, I am curious, how does work? You teach?" Mystic seemed as though he was going to respond, when all of a sudden he noticed Flashpoint standing behind Nikolai.

"Greetings, kin, what is your name?" All 20 or so eyes in the room suddenly snapped to the zebra in the blue and black armor. The sorcerer looked from Nikolai, to Flashpoint, then over to Willow, who had fallen dead silent, and finally, back to Flashpoint.

"Flashpoint." A roar of applause rose up from among the crowd. Out of place, given their demeanor. It filled Flashpoint, a Zebra who had been neglected his entire life by various captors and Wastelanders, a sense of immutable joy. But also, an immovable sense of dread. These were strange religious cultists that, as far as he knew, shared nothing in common with him but his stripes, and very likely, suspicion of Thestrals.

"Please, tell us." Mystic asked Flashpoint. "How did you come to be with these Wastelanders?"

"I'd held captive by Slavers, and- While they were on their way to Dodge city, the caravan I was in was ambushed-" Flashpoint raised his hoof and pointed over at Nikolai.

"By him, he saved my life and the life of the others. Not only once, but twice." The sorcerer's gaze shifted to the hooded figure.

"And him?"

"In a way." Flashpoint responded, his voice tinging with resentment. The zebra whom Mystic had called, 'Elder', approached Nikolai with lowered brows. "Is this true?"

"Yes! Of course it is! Flashpoint is great friend! Get into little bit of trouble, but, I help! Is simple as that. Yes?" This statement elicited a small smile from the zebra. "Yes... I suppose it is. We humbly welcome you into our residence, no harm shall come to you while you remain within these walls." Nikolai chuckled, and slung his rifle over his shoulder. "Good! Good! I was worried this was going to be one of those evil psychotic cu-" He stopped himself, and replied with a double thumbs up. These zebras, in spite of their strange demeanor and appearance, were offering hospitality. Something Nikolai wasn't known to turn down without very good reason. And so far, in spite of Willows vocal concerns, the invisibility, and the strange question asked by the Elder. They did seem to be holding true to their word,

"Do you serve the stars?" He mind was swimming with a quite a few questions. Some of which he was more afraid to ask than others. But, on the other hand, this all fascinated him. Plus, after witnessing the alicorns from Splendid Valley cloak and decloak to such a blatant tactical advantage, he almost felt jealous.

"We would like to speak with Flashpoint in private." The Elder told them. Flashpoint chuckled nervously. "Why?"

"We would simply like to know more about you." The tone of his voice told Nikolai that there was more to this. "You will not hurt him, yes? No-" He made a stabbing motion with his hand. The zebra shook his head.

"He is one of us, why ever would we do such a thing?"

"Is no problem, go on and borrow him for little while." The Stalker looked back at Flashpoint. "Nikolai?"

"Ah do not worry! Will be fine! Probably, we talk at dinner, yes? I want to find out more about the sorcery thing." Willow rolled his eyes under his dark glasses and giggled.

"Oh supreme wizard Nikolai! Please, enlighten us!" He continued laughing, and was joined by Nikolai and Flashpoint. The zebras around them seemed just a tad bit confused. "I eh... Digress." Nikolai said to them. "Flashpoint, enjoy your time, I will go with Mystic. And Willow, eh... I do not know, just no get in trouble, you can follow me if you want."

"Eh..." The hidden bat pony took one look around at the curious zebras. " I'll... Go with you. Yeah!" He stood up and took a place by Nikolai's side. After a little more conversation, the two groups parted for the afternoon.

The crowd of zebras either dispersed and went off to do their own things, or followed Flashpoint. Mystic led Nikolai over to the left hand side of the visible interior. Nikolai and Willow were led down a set of ornate stairs into a large underground chamber with walls made from tree bark. They passed a few more hooded and robed zebras on the way, who gave only looks of suspicion to Nikolai and Willow.

"Welcome to my abode. Apologies for the mess but- I haven't much time to clean up." Nikolai chuckled upon seeing the room. It was modest compared to the one they had just left. A tent was pitched in the corner made from strange animal hides that Nikolai couldn't quite identify. A myriad of shelves and notches lined the walls, filled to the brim with all manner of books, scrolls, strange items, and flasks of liquid- A few of which even glowed. In the center of the room, stood a large metal cauldron. The entire room smelled strongly of pinewood, copper, and turmeric for some reason.

"Wow! " The Stalker exclaimed. "Now this is something! I've seen talking ponies, magic radiation, griffons, all sorts of monsters, pegasi, power armor, alicorns, and a weird eldritch thing in a vat! But this... How do you say? Takes the cake! Well... Not whole cake, but definitely slice!"

"Is that a good thing, I apologize, I'm not familiar with many pony mannerisms. I am our resident Alchemist." The Stalker continued laughing.

"I am not pony. But, my right here friend is." Willow sat down on a floor cushion and looked around the room. Staring for quite a while at the sorcerers skull collection. Nikolai walked over to the cauldron and peered inside.

"What kind of potions do you usually brew? I am curious." The sorcerer looked at him. "That is a closely kept secret, I apologize. But- If you would like- I can tell you about our religion.

"Yes." Nikolai responded. "What is that whole, 'serve the stars thing' about? Are you scared of the night time? The sky?" The Zebra breathed a heavy sigh, and took a seat by the cauldron on another floor pillow. "Please, sit. I have a story to tell you." The Stalker unslung his rucksack, and took a seat cross-legged beside the cauldron. The Stalker turned down his radio, which at this point had been practically relegated to playing music all the time. Nikolai made a mental note to check the batteries later on.

"You see, it all began over a millennia ago... In the homeland of Zebrica..."

Moment's turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours. Nikolai sat and listened intently. The zebra spun a variety of tales. Starting back where it all began, he told him about an ancient cataclysm called, 'The Eternal Night'. That tore apart zebra kind. The Stalker couldn't understand it, but then again. Maybe it meant something here. He hadn't seen a single star since he had first shown up. It all sounded a bit to much like a cartoon he had watched when he was younger to himself. If there were a collective council of modern religions on Earth, they would probably look down on Zebras like either a concerned parent, or a group of humans discovering aliens for the first time. It was odd, to be sure. But it was much more... Active, in a way, though... The thought of the Pope wielding healing potions and an invisibility cloak was petty funny to him.

"Fascinating." Was the only reply he could think of in the moment. "It is truly intuiting. And... In all fairness, totally understandable."

"Now let me ask a you a question Nikolai. Why did you attack one of our operatives, and who were you running from when you came across them." The Stalker furrowed his brow and looked over at Willow, he turned back to the intrepid sorcerer.

"The Enclave, what do you know about them?" The Sorcerer scoffed. "Not much, unfortunately, I fear they're just as mysterious as you may find us to be. They utilize ancient armor and weapons from the Old World, they maintain fleets of flying craft. They live above the clouds. And every single one can fly. Worry not, we are at odds with them, whatever it was they targeted you for. Worry not, this is a safe haven. They will never find you here." Nikolai laughed.

"It is much appreciated. Hey, do you know what is happening with Flashpoint?" The Stalker glanced behind himself, towards the entrance. " It has been while. What is going on?"

"Why-" Mystic responded. "He is being introduced to Zebra culture, and hopefully, by day's end... One of us." The Stalker facepalmed and groaned. "Blin! I never gave you permission to stick him in cult! You better not be like Monolith!" With another frustrated grunt, the Stalker took up his rucksack and his rifle, and briskly walked off towards the structures main chamber.

"Monolith, Zebra- Cults! Of course! Who could I have been so... Ok, fair point, fair point. I am not really good with these things. Still, I hope they haven't hurt him!" The Stalker thought to himself as he paced himself back up the grand staircase with a confused Willow trailing behind.

"Nikolai, where are you going?"

"To get my dear friend back!" He exclaimed, shaking his hands in the air. Nikolai whipped around, and stomped his way across the chamber in the direction he had seen the zebra's depart off in. A couple Zebras turned their heads from whatever they had happened to have been doing at that very moment to watch Nikolai as he searched for his friend.

"Not again... I could not have lost him again!" The Stalker rubbed his temples. He really, really wanted to befriend these Zebra's, they would make good allies. And probably good friends, as well. Well... They would have, just like the Unity. If what Mystic had told him was true, he'd have at least as large a problem as them. And he silently prayed that would be the case.

"Flashpoint?" He asked out again.

"Nikolai!" The Stalker ran to the voice, and found him, sitting by a brazier with several other zebras, his blue and black armor, as well as his gun and saddlebags had been neatly set aside. " What is it? What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing whatsoever Nikolai, they just pulled me aside to talk to me. They'd like me to join their sect of the Zebrican Remnant... The only thing is, I'd have to stay here."

"Are you actually considering this?"

"No. Of course not... It's just a little interesting is all." The Stalker breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

"There's just one issue." Flashpoint stood up and turned around.

His feeling of was instantly swept away by a encroaching crowd of Zebra's, among them the Elder from before, and a new one, who's robes glowed in a bluish shimmer, this one carried with him a strange staff, almost like that of an Earthly shepherds. It's arc was adorned with strange feathers, and... Just to tie the whole thing together, a canine-like skull at it's peak.

"Greetings, I was not present when you first entered, I am this Sect's Shaman. You see, Flashpoint is a Zebra, he is one of us. And he will be treated as such, this is a sanctuary. He's been apart from his kin for so long... He must learn our ways if he is to be a true Zebra." The Stalker began to grit his teeth. "Hah! Flashpoint is friend of mine! You no take him."

"How dare you disrespect our wa-" The lead Zebra was silenced by a raised hoof from another Zebra, it was Mystic.

"What?" The Stalker asked, genuinely confused at the sudden change in tone of voice. He didn't see it as that big of an issue, he just wanted his friend back.

"Apologies, Nikolai. I understand you are confused, but... Flashpoint is a Zebra, and... It is, in a way, our formal policy that we take in all non-defectors. Your friend must remain with us. You can still return to see him and speak with him from time to time, if you wish." The Stalker shook his head and lowered his brow. "Nyet, is not good enough. I have just met you, you will not take my friend from me." Nikolai's worried gaze shifted to Flashpoint.

"I just said it was intriguing," Flashpoint spoke to the Zebra Shaman, "I never said that I wished to join you. I am glad to have met you... But my place is with Nikolai and Willow."

"This cannot stand." The Shaman said coldly. "You would choose a cloaked pony and a strange two legged beast-" Nikolai huffed and crossed his arms.

"Over your own kind?" Flashpoint's faintly green and yellowish tinted eyes flashed with a nod of his head.

"It might not look like it, but you cannot judge them- Well... Him," Flashpoint gestured towards Nikolai. "By appearance alone. He has done more for me at his own cost than any other creature in the Wasteland in my living memory." A few of the Zebras began to whisper amongst themselves.

"Silence, Night comes, and we must retire. First come morning, we shall settle this by ritual combat." The Stalker cracked his knuckles. "Are you sure... Could we not just go? What was talk about Hospitality earlier?" The Zebrican Shaman sighed under his hood.

"We allow you to remain here for the night. And... We will allow you, an outsider, to represent Flashpoint." The Stalker nodded, and looked back over at a weary and uncertain Flashpoint. "Nikolai- You cannot be serious, have you seen-" The Stalker clapped his hands together. "Yes... I have, is no big issue. Is just couple of bullies, da? I beat. Is no big issue, I say! No worry self. " He opened his rucksack, and pulled his sleeping back from it. He turned to the Shaman and the Elder.

"I hope you do not mind if my friends and I sleep here by fire tonight? Will be no bother, promise." The Elder looked to be on the edge of rolling his eyes. "Yes, yes. You can sleep here if you wish. Please, allow us to retire in peace." The Zebra crowd dispersed in a flurry of white, black, marron, and gold.

"Fun bunch." Nikolai told his companions as he reclined back on his rucksack like a makeshift pillow and removed his gloves. He unholstered his Makarov and began to fiddle with the slide, ejecting the magazine loaded with .380 ACP first.

"Good day, yes? Please, summarize! Who would like food?" The sound of happy laughter and MRE's being pried open filled the room.

About 9 hours later, Nikolai rolled out of his bag and stumbled to his feet. "Hey, Flashpoint! Willow! Is big day, wake up!" The Stalker shook his friends awake.

"Breakfast will wait! We must do the... Eh, fight first."

"You mean, you're fighting. And we get to watch you get mauled by religious zealots?" Nikolai nodded. "Yes, pretty much. I am sort of regret, what if they use crazy magic? Well... I am practical Ukrainian man! Shake off the worry, and be happy!" Nikolai turned his radio on, and picked up his rifle.

" Ready already? I am impressed Nikolai." Mystic's voice echoed out across the chamber. "Now, pack up your things and follow me." Nikolai pointed over at the miniature colosseum-like pit towards the far center of the massive room. Nikolai packed his own things, and then assisted his friends. The trio hiked to the far side of the building and down a staircase, where Mystic stopped at a gate, Nikolai gazed out at the dirt arena. It was oval shaped, taking up about a third of the available space within the structure.

"There are some rules to this. You will obey them, just as your combatant shall." The Stalker nodded, slipping his gloves back on.

"Is no issue. What are they?"

"No firearms, no energy weapons, no explosives. You will fight with these." The Sorcerer hoofed over a tribal spear, tipped on the end with a fine obsidian point. The shaft was short by human standards, just a meter in length from the tip to the end. The Stalker set his AK 101 down by Flashpoint alongside his Makarov, Rucksack, and grenades. Making sure to be especially careful with the later.

"Look after my things! No loose, understand?" Mystic laughed. "Your things will be safe, we are not thieves." Nikolai noticed the enthusiasm in his voice, and smiled.

"Good luck out there Nikolai, do us a favor and come back in one piece." Willow told The Stalker. "Thank you." Flashpoint added. "And... Good luck, you'll probably need it."

"Ah... No need luck!" The Stalker exclaimed. "Only need Vodka, is true Slavic Elixir! Never fail!" The Stalker fumbled around in his rucksack, and pulled out a bottle. He unscrewed the cap, and took a long swig. In an instant, his face puckered into a big grin. "I'll be back." He told his friends in a sarcastic monotone voice. Picking up the spear and twirling it around, nearly dropping it in the process.

"He's insane." Flashpoint murmured.

"Yep." Willow agreed, the two stallions picked up Nikolai's things and brought them up above group, they took a seat on some rugs on the far left side of the arena, facing northeast. As the Stalker treaded out into the arena, he fumbled with his radio, much to the continued confusion of the two dozen or so zebra's in the stands watching him. Finally, the head Shaman appeared in the arena.

"Very well then! This... What are you?"

"I am a human." Nikolai whispered to him.

"This human has graciously accepted to fight on his companion's behalf." A pair of Zebra's appeared on either side of Flashpoint, standing dead silent as Willow tried not to look over.

"This is madness..." Flashpoint thought to himself. Meanwhile, down below him, Nikolai let out an almost insane laugh as the Shaman turned around and trotted out of the arena.

"Begin." The Elder exclaimed. Nikolai bended his knees and brought his spear up.

"Hello?" The gate was open, but nothing emerged from it. He knew exactly what was happening.

"давай! Come on!" The form of a single robed zebra materialized about 10 meters ahead of him, wielding a spear just like his own. His facial expression was one of ferocity. Nikolai laughed, and spun the knop on his radio.

"What is he doing?" Mystic asked himself. "His life is in danger, and he reaches for a device on his vest? It is not a weapon, that must be a radio! But... Why now?" A few moments later, the earsplitting noise of accordions and guitar filled the room.

"Bandit Radio, cyka!" The Stalker cried vigorously, gripping his weapon and laughing madly.

"Cheeki Breeki!!!!"

The entire crowd leaned in. Flashpoint face hoofed and hung his head. The Stalker raised his spear like a bayonet and charged towards his opponent. The suddenness of it all took the Simple Zebra Initiate off guard. And, for a moment, the robed zebra just stood there in surprise. But only for an instant, the Zebra doubled back, and threw his spear. Nikolai halted, nearly stumbling over himself.

"Hah, you are poor- Blyat!" He looked down at his lower left leg, and the spear tip protruding from it's side, had it been thrown any harder it would have broken skin.

"What-!" As Nikolai stared down at his leg, the Zebra drew another spear, and tossed it at Nikolai. He tried to duck away, but it struck home and impaled itself in his other leg.

"Agh!!" He screamed. "What the hell!? Ти маленький безбожний шматочок гнилої смугастої сорочки! You little ungodly piece of rotten striped shit !"

Nikolai just stood there in place screaming. The whole scene was so absurd, that a few of the zebras in the stands had to stomp on their own hooves to keep from bursting out laughing. Here was this random two legged menace fighting for his zebra friend, tipsy off Vodka while blasting circus music and screaming at the spears lodged in his legs like he had just stubbed his toe. He winced and wobbled around, swatting at them and screaming more. This was so odd that once again, his opponent paused to look at him in sheer confusion. Probably wondering if his enemy was just flat out clinically insane.


The Stalker exclaimed, tearing out both spears, throwing one to the far side of the arena, while raising the other two above his head and advancing on his adversary, who drew a 3rd spear, and charged at him.

"Haha!" Nikolai exclaimed again, using his long arms to parry the zebra's blade. It was at this point that an idea donned on him. He ripped the spear out of his opponents hooves and smacked him with the blunt end of the obsidian blade. The zebra began to shimmer with blue light, and disappeared from sight.

"Lazy Cyka!" He pounced, just as he had back in the department store. He glanced behind him, just in time to spot a second zebra advancing on him, a bit unaware that the Stalker had just spotted him.

"Oh my- I don't believe it." Willow thought to himself. " Go Nikolai! Go!" The drunken Stalker didn't turn for one moment to pay attention to his friends. He grappled with the invisible mass, picking the zebra up like a large dog and tossing him over towards the other zebra, so that the 2nd one impaled the first with his spear. The first decloaked and stumbled up, but not before Nikolai marched up and sucker punched him in the face, kicking the other one in the stomach and knocking the wind out of him as he went.

"I no like you anymore!" He punched them again, and again rushing over to grab another spear as Bandit Radio echoed through the arena, Nikolai flipped his opponent off, and began to cane one of his opponents over the back. The other Zebra tackled him and drew another, smaller spear. Nikolai snatched it by the handle and forced the grip of it back into his opponents face. Chackling as it bruised his snout. But he wasn't done yet. He brought his elbow up, and landed right on the first zebra's side, he heard something snap as he once more lifted him up, and threw him a short distance. They both stumbled back to their hooves and tried to flank Nikolai from alternate sides, a move which ended in two boot shaped bruises on each of their faces, this went back in forth for a few more minutes, until both Zebra's were sprawled out on the floor, groaning and moaning in pain and on the edge of blacking out.

"Eh? Eh! Say яблуко вільніше! Скажи це! Say it!!!!" His insane laughter overtook the music on his radio.

"Stop!" The Zebra Shaman's voice ordered. "It is finished! You get your way. Nikolai reached under each Zebra's hoof, and shook it as the final notes of the upbeat Stalker folk song concluded.

"Good game! Good fight! You did well friend! Actually, not friend, me no like!" The Stalker turned, flipped them both off, and left the arena through the opposite gate to the sound of cheering from two good friends, and a few Zebras.

"Nikolai- You actually did it!" Willow exclaimed, patting him on the leg, the crowd cleared a path for Nikolai, who took a knee by Flashpoint.

"You did it. You did it!" The Zebra exclaimed, caught up in the excitement of the moment. "We celebrate with the breakfast now!" The Stalker stood back up, and then fell forward onto his face. Flashpoint and Willow caught him by either arm, and sat him down.

"He'll be up in a moment. He's drawn to his food almost as much as his caps." Willow told the mildly concerned zebras behind and all around him.

Unbeknownst to all, the small bit of blood that the Stalker had lost when the 2nd spear impaled his right leg, had been noticed by Willow. As soon as he had smelled AB Positive blood, his eyes had widened behind his glasses, and he had to actively pay attention to his wings and fangs. Though, he didn't know it belonged to Nikolai yet, as far as he knew, it had come from one of the Zebra's his friend had clobbered. And now, the smell was gone, but regardless. He had almost blown his cover. And he had more pressing things to attend to.

Like now awake Stalker, who was still insisting on drinking before medical care. Much to the dismay of everyone else there but himself, who had already refurnished himself with his guns and his rucksack. A strange sight to behold, for sure. But, one completely fitting nonetheless

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