• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Contest Tutors

Kanto. Pallet Town. Ketchum Household. Afternoon.

Ash had returned to Pallet Town, aiming to pay for Fluttershy's funds, but luckily for him, he had more than enough for what the Pony wanted. In fact, he could easily construct 10 rooms for her to enjoy with all the money he had, and one of those was meant to be exclusively Fluttershy's for her to finish her plan.

Helping him out was his mother, who would check all the money available to him, making sure he would have the much-needed funds for her.

"Um, hmm..." Delia looked at all the digits in Ash's wallet. "That's far more than enough. The number here is massive."

"I won a lot, Mom. I won some big time. Plus, I think some of it's from that Yard Sale we had. I'm gonna use all that money to get a whole new expansion for the Pokemon House over in Equestria. Fluttershy will love it." Ash exclaimed, rather proud of his accomplishments and proud to have gotten everything working out on his end. "I thought it'd be perfect."

"It's a great goal for your Pokemon friends, Ash, and I wish you and Fluttershy the best of luck. It'll be perfect for both Fluttershy and her Pokemon once everything's renovated," Delia smiled while humming. "Oh, I'd absolutely love to see it completed once it's all over."

"You will, I promise," Ash responded happily. "Now to get this to Fluttershy so that she can finish things up. It could take like...huh. I don't even know. A couple of days, maybe a week?"

"If it's a massive expansion, then it would take more than a week. Maybe even a month or two." Delia explained. "You'll need to wait to really see it be completed."

"Works for me. A month is just fine." Ash would get up, making his way out of his home, dashing out with Pikachu. They were off to Ponyville, immediately jumping through the gateway and setting their sights on this town.

Equestria. Ponyville. The Pokemon House.

Once Ash got all the money Fluttershy needed, the work could continue. To say that Fluttershy was elated was an understatement. She could barely contain herself but once everything was set up, she wouldn't need to. She'd do exactly what she thought and what she believed in. Expanding the old building.

Obviously, she would need a lot of help to make this a reality. Much like how Ash and Twilight brought a lot of Pokemon to help make that hole, all the work would require dozens, if not more. So Fluttershy required the assistance of many many strong ponies.

She now had the funds to pay for the much-needed resources. Now, it was up to everyone else to get these resources in the best places possible.

Again, Ash would lend the help of his Pokemon once more for the day along with Twilight, pouring in extra muscle. Tons and tons of Pokemon began working hard to build the rooms. From different areas of the place, Ground-Types aided in the digging of the trenches, deep enough for large Pokemon to rest and live.

Staraptors were above, making another hole this time for bigger, flying Pokemon to feel comfortable within, opening more space on the ceiling and the sides while others would be on the ground, with the same intentions as their bigger counterparts. Others dug even more holes, tunnelling, some even linking back to those, leading to a water-filled pool of some sort, an underground version of this one.

Every single type, species, family, whatever, had its own room. Everywhere had a different project going on with every single species aiming to make itself feel right at home. Their rooms would come out nicely and would have themes, similar to other homes had.

Their individual rooms were a feat all of themselves, using their natural abilities and skills to make their home the way they'd like it to be. To accommodate themselves, of course. Many of them had a certain way in which they'd like to reside for certain times, based on their habitats.

The ones with smaller bodies, and smaller, lightweight bodies, went to a completely open area, right beside the entrance. It would be more of a meeting room for the little critters. The Pokemon would do an incredibly fantastic job at making these habitats.

Not only that, but the way it looked, with the big open and airy room, reminded them greatly of their habitats, such as one for an Altaria, another for a Braviary or even a Chandelure. Naturally, those two were Rainbow Dash's choices since her Pokemon certainly enjoy their time here.

The day was slowly coming to an end, and the sun would begin to set. The first day of working on the Pokemon House's upgrade was closing to a nice, fulfilling end.

"Aah..." Fluttershy fell on her back and hooves sprawled in bliss, happy to have completed the first day. Satisfied, she could call it a day. "We've made great progress today."

"We sure did, but the toughest part is still ahead of us," Twilight announced. "Hopefully, a lot more are willing to come in and help you again in the future, Fluttershy."

They all felt fulfilled and satisfied with the work done here. Thus, they could all rest and head home for the night. Ready to get started on the next big day. All of them thought the same; tomorrow will be a better day. Ash's Pokemon returned to Oak's lab while all of Twilight's Pokemon made their way back to the PokePark.

All the while, Fluttershy continued to lie there on her back, having te brightest smile on her face. The amount of happiness going through her heart was astronomical. A moment like this had to be savoured under the golden glow of the Sun before it could let the Moon take over for the night.

The Crystal Empire. Nightfall.

Elsewhere, the Pokemon House wasn't the only thing being developed on. While that place was mostly a complete product with new things being added, something entirely new was being built at this very moment. Prior to Nightmare Rarity's attack and what Daybreaker did, the funds for this creation were already set.

It was of course the building for the Pokemon Contest Tutoring. In this new age of Pokemon Coordinators from this world,

Currently, the building for this program was being built over at the Crystal Empire. It was almost complete due to how many were working on it. Its appearance was that of a traditional castle, only this one was built in the image of a contest hall. Inside were various classrooms and arenas. Even a greenhouse was made for growing rare and exotic berries.

However, the place was being decorated by a particular group. Straight from Magehold, it was the vampire ponies. Since they have recently grown interested in Pokemon Contests, a few of them had decided to help out with the construction of the Contest Training School. Led by Fantina, they had brought out the best to create a dazzling spectacle.

"Wonderful! Magnifique!" cheered Fantina. "This place will be a marvel when finished."

"Your Majesty. Is there anything else you would like to be done?" asked one of the vampires.

"I don't think so. I'll take a look around to see what more needs to be done. In the meantime, go help the others," said Fantina.

"Yes, your Majesty," bowed the vampire as he walked away.

With that done, Fantina took a walk through the halls of the new building. There was still a lot to do. Yet, she felt good knowing this school was coming along. She couldn't wait until the opening day. She continued walking, humming a tune to herself, as she made her way towards a door. When she opened it, she saw an arena where two Pokemon were locked in combat. One of them was a Rapidash while the other was an Alakazam.

Some kids snuck in just to have a battle in here. They were immediately caught once Fantina arrived, startling them. However, she was not upset at all since there was nothing bad being done here. She actually wanted to join in.

"Oh, do not let me stop you," smiled Fantina. "Go on and continue your battle. Very soon, the Coordinators will be showing off their best moves in an absolutely spectacular display."

"O-Oh! Okay! Umm... thank you!" said one of the kids.

"Do not mention it. Now go ahead," said Fantina as the kid returned his attention to the battle. As they continued, Fantina's right-hand vampire, Dimstar, appeared at her side.

"Well, I think almost everything is done, Your Majesty. The decorations are in place, a majority of this building is nearly complete and so on. Perhaps our work here is done. We've added our own touches to this place."

"Ah, but we aren't done, Dimstar." Fantina wiggled her finger. "There's one thing missing."

"Oh? What's that?"

"I believe Fantina here is going to mention the ones that'll teach the other coordinators." Walking over was Ms Harshwhinny who was helping with this building's development. "After all, we have everything but the tutors."

"Exactly. Once the Coordinators come, the students will be in need of instructors," nodded Fantina. "They can't teach themselves now, can they?"

"I suppose not. So then, who are we looking for, Your Majesty? Is it going to be yourself/ You did teach the young vampires about contests and battles after all."

"I could do that. From time to time anyways. I always love to teach others about the wonders of Pokemon Contests. But there will be more like me who have their own styles to teach. I've already asked for other Coordinators to fill in. Most of them used to be coordinators that have retired from the limelight. But they can still teach and will love to do so. I'm sure there will be more who would want to fill in," said Fantina.

"So that is where the auditions will come in," said Ms Harshwhinny. "Of course, whoever gets selected won't be working here every single day. Having to travel to the Crystal Empire, even when using a gateway just won't do. At most, these tutoring lessons will last for 2 or 3 days."

"That is correct. I will be interviewing any potential tutors that wish to fill in. Not any coordinator can just show up and ask to be a tutor. They must have experience. They have to be a good example and have to prove they can handle the responsibilities. They will also need to have a certain degree of patience. Being a tutor won't be an easy task. They will have their fair share of students."

"She insisted on being an interviewer." Fantina grinned while kneeling at Harshwhinny's level.

Dimstar didn't know Harshwhinny all that much, but just from one look, she could tell that she wasn't one to be easygoing. The look in her eyes were judgemental and strict, even making Dimstar flinch a bit.

"I'll give out the flyers! We're almost finished, so we might as well promote it~!" Fantina sang. "Dimstar. I need you and everyone to help me promote this new program. Can you do that?"

"Of course, my queen. It will be done," nodded Dimstar.

"Wonderful~! Then I'll start putting out the flyers now," said Fantina as she went on her way to promote it all.

The Next Day.

Promotions for the new building were starting to kick into full swing. The moment the next day arrived, the flyers were spread across the regions. Since all of the experienced Coordinators were in the regions, they needed some of them to teach those in Equestria. The way these flyers were spread across so many regions was by Flying-Types delivering them.

And if Flyers weren't enough, Fantina had another way of doing so. She would make a promotional video, which would be put up on TV, Computers and Rotomphones. The video had her introducing herself, along with a brief synopsis of the building, and a reminder that auditions were still going.

Not only that, but Fantina would reveal that during the grand opening, they will hold a brief contest to see who will get the chance to be a tutor.

"Now then, are you a Pokemon Coordinator looking for a chance to spread your talents and knowledge?" asked Fantina in the video. "Then look no further! Join the first-ever Pokemon Contest School located in the Crystal Empire! Auditions are still open until the opening day, so apply for a chance to teach the next generation! And, during the grand opening, a special contest will be held to see who will be a part of the staff. The winner of the contest will become a tutor for the students. It's a dream come true! Don't miss out!"

Watching this did interest the Coordinators who have retired, but it also interested coordinators who had some experience under their belt for a few years or so. Some have partaken in a few Grand Festivals or even gathered a fair amount of ribbons and made some progress before. They all started to send their applications.

On top of that, they wouldn't have to work there for too long. 2 or 3 days was incredibly kind, especially for the ones who have been working their way up and had other priorities to tend to. Of course, those who didn't have much experience as the retired coordinators were mainly interested in getting their name out there and gathering some fame.

One individual was interested in it. Not exactly as a tutor, but just to see how this all plays out. That someone was Dawn, who was watching the video while out in the wild, eating lunch.

"Ooh...Hear that, Piplup?" said Dawn. "A place just for Pokemon Contest Tutoring? Sounds a lot like the Pokemon School but...I guess this one's different enough. Not really a school. Maybe we can visit the Crystal Empire one day. That would be nice."

"Piplup," replied Piplup, eager to check it out as well.

It wasn't just her who thought the same. Elsewhere in the world, May had seen the video as well. She was sitting outside a Pokemon Center, checking it out for herself as her interest had been peaked. She actually knew about this beforehand since it was announced during this year's Pokemon Festival, but the part about them recruiting coordinators with experience around her range was new.

"I'm not really cut out to be a tutor...but I do wanna see this place in action. Maybe I can check it out one day," May grinned, considering seeing it for herself. So far, two of them were mainly interested in checking the place out to see what it has to offer. May and Dawn both have their goals to become Top Coordinators after all.

Somewhere in the Johto, another coordinator was busy with her Pokemon, tending to them after a day of training. She had gotten a copy of the video from one of the Pokemon Rangers who came by. The Rangers were the ones who spread the word across the world to the coordinators, so it was easy for the news to reach her.

"Woulda ya look at this...," said the girl with a particular orange hair colour. "Not too shabby, don't you think, Glameow?"


Equestria. Ponyville. Day.

Elsewhere, over at Equestria, the flyers travelled fast and were all over the place since it all started from the Crystal Empire. Ponyville received the flyers, attracting the interest of their local coordinators. Such as Sweetie Belle who had found a flyer and the video, making her squeal in excitement.

Sweetie Belle was actually on the newer side and could be considered someone who needed tutoring. But, she did gather enough ribbons to qualify for the Grand Festival, meaning, she was technically eligible.

"I could be a tutor..." Her eyes lit up with stars. The young unicorn was thinking about being a tutor herself since she had enough ribbons and tricks of her own. "What do you think, Rarity?! Isn't it exciting?!"

"Absolutely not." But Rarity shut that down in an instant. "It's exciting, but you aren't being a tutor, young lady."

"But I'm already good with coordinating," protested Sweetie Belle.

"You may have enough ribbons to be one, but I can't let my sister be one. Do you think you can go to school, go and be a tutor while also having to think about your own future as a coordinator? You'll have to travel all the way to the Crystal Empire and then, go back and forth between home and there. And you'd have to worry about the Ponyville Schoolhouse as well. Do you honestly think you can do all that?"

"Ah..." Sweetie Belle immediately frowned and slumped her shoulders. Rarity's words made sense. "You're right...Bummer! If only I was older and I finished school...!" She bit her hoof, a bit frustrated, but there was nothing she could do about this. It is what it is.

Sweetie Belle would merely have to view it instead which could still be fun, so it was not a complete loss at all.

Beyond Equestria. Mount Aris.

The flyers had also reached the Hippogriffs, travelling via Flying-Types once more but this time, some Water-Types were also involved. These Pokemon were carrying the flyers underwater and towards the location of those over at Mount Aris and by extension, Seaquestria.

They were mainly brought to Mount Aris to avoid getting wet, dropped from above or picked up by the Hippogriffs when dropped near the shore. The Hippogriffs grabbed the flyers, viewing the contents.

Hippogriffs were most definitely new to Pokemon Contests as almost none of them had even dabbled in one yet. They weren't completely oblivious though. Many Hippogriffs who lived in the world and had travelled across, have seen or at least heard about them.

One Hippogriff in particular was intrigued by the concept and has actually dabbled in them. She was the only one to do so, but kept it a secret. She stealthily grabbed the flyer while no one was looking, holding it close to her. It was none other than Queen Novo.

Novo was heavily interested in them, even wearing a disguise and undergoing a different name when she took part in her very first contest. She was curious and had a great passion for coordinating. However, she felt like she couldn't tell anyone, fearing that they would look down upon her.

She couldn't resist. Novo just couldn't. The idea of her being taught some coordination skills and being able to show them off without anyone knowing it was her was too exciting. She was tempted to apply and wanted to be a part of the program. Not as a tutor, but as a student, of course.

"This is perfect! Just what I was looking for! It's so tempting...!" said Novo. "It's so perfect..."

"Are you sure about this...?" Skystar leaned in to look at the flyer. "Isn't that kinda risky? Everyone's gonna figure at that you've been leaving more often. They're bound to notice if you're gone."

"Ah, it's only 2 or 3 days. I'll simply go for the 2 days. I'll be there, then go back and act as if nothing happened." Novo shrugged it off. "Not a problem."

"Mmm..." Skystar didn't sound convinced. "If you say so."

"With this, I can grow as a coordinator at a faster rate. I'll win as many ribbons as I possibly can, enter the Grand Festival and become a Top Coordinator. And after that, I can put it to rest and not worry about it ever again, so no one will even have an inkling as to what I've been doing. They'll never find out," said Novo. "This'll be a dream come true. It's the perfect opportunity."

"Well, if you're happy, I'm happy," said Skystar. "But still...It's not gonna be easy. There's all that Dragon Matter and Fairy Matter stuff going around. It's a bummer the others can't leave here yet...but you can."

"Ah, it's fine. I'm the Queen. I'm completely allowed to do so and I promise you, I'll be fine. What's the worst that can happen?"

With all these flyers and the video going around, it didn't take long for many to be interested. Many who were aiming to tutor and many who were looking to be tutored in the ways of the Pokemon Coordinator. Quite the challenge, honestly. There were certainly fewer Coordinators than there were Pokemon Battlers that try and take on the league, especially over at Equestria. That didn't mean there were minuscule amounts of them.

That fateful day was closing in with the program nearing its completion. And that wasn't all. With how many were assisting Fluttershy, soon, even the Pokemon House could be finished in time. Perhaps just as soon as the Contest Building as the journey continues.

Chapter 495 End.

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