• Published 27th Mar 2023
  • 1,079 Views, 296 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: Zipping It - The Blue EM2

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Lost in my Memories

Suddenly, there was a massive amount of noise coming from down below. I looked to one of the monitors and switched it on to try and find out what was going on. One of the features of the information suite in here was that it I could access ZBS to find out what was happening on the ground.

And what I saw was shocking. The cameras which had been broadcasting Pipp's performance showed her upside down, and the room was swarming with soldiers. None of what they were saying could be made it out, but it seemed that something bad was going on. Clearly the world had discovered we couldn't fly.

I looked to Misty. "What happened in the past doesn't matter now. All that matters is we find that crown and get the buck out of here."

Misty nodded. I could see the terror in her eyes. I could only imagine what it would be like here as a unicorn in an openly xenophobic society. "OK. Let's get out of here."

I tore out of the room and charged down the corridor, hearing the alarms blaring as I went along. There was also a voice shouting over the loudspeaker.

"All units! The capture of the Princesses is our primary objective! Ensure they are brought to justice for their actions! Death to the enemies of the Pegasus Revolution!"

This was so much worse than the situation in the film. I had to try and get out of here. I could only hope Pipp and mom were OK.

Misty was doing her best to keep up, but she seemed to be struggling with the pathway. I slowed my pace slightly and suddenly crashed into something on the side of the path. It was a box. My hoof had pulled it open somehow, and something glimmering seemed to be inside it.

I stopped, and took a look inside. To my amazement, it was a crown. And the real one, this time! With the real crystal! The metalwork was devoid of the patterning of the jewellers, confirming this was the original. "Mission accomplished!" I said, before starting up my radio. "Crown secured. Proceeding to extraction point!"

"You'd better hurry!" Sunny radioed back. "The city's being locked down! There's tanks and soldiers everywhere I look!"

This was pretty bad. I charged along when suddenly I heard Misty scream. "Get off me!"

I turned to see two guards had cornered her, and one had placed her in a chokehold. One glanced to the other. "A unicorn, all alone," she smiled. "Fancy some fun?"

It was clear they planned to beat her. "Hey! Get away from her, you monsters!"

The guards turned to look. "It's the princess!" the other said. "Remember, the General didn't say she had to be conscious."

Guards began flooding in. I kicked them off and tried to fight them off, but I must have been tasered at some point as I collapsed, convulsing, as rifle butts were slammed into my body and face. Soon joined by kicking.

I saw Misty in the crowd on the other side. I slid the crown under the crowd. "Misty... run... save yourself..."

I saw Misty scamper away as the beating continued. Then a boot came down on my face, and everything went black.

The world was oddly blurry and poorly focused as my eyes began to process where I was. "Urghhhh..."

This was very similar to when I'd first woken up in Zephyr Heights after being turned into Zipp. I internally cursed the day that happened now. Now that I was in this mess. A revolution? Some sort of beating?

Something whirled above me as I slowly stirred. A ceiling fan. And the walls were nicely maintained as well. As my vision slowly returned I recognised where I was.

I was in the prison cells in the palace. Funny how life can be so ironic, huh?

"Where... what?"


I heard a voice bellowing at me, and I turned to one side. As I was now more aware, I had a sense of my position. Something metal was chained around my left front hoof, and as I looked around I was in some sort of orange jumpsuit. A number was written on the front.


Suddenly, an electric shock caused me to convulse, and to make the pain stop I got up. "What is this? What do you want with me?"

There was a guard looking there, with a cruel smile on his face. "That always wakes them up," he smiled. "Greetings, prisoner 03272023. Hopefully you had a nice nap."

"My name is Zipp. Zipp Storm," I replied.

The guard bared his teeth. "Your name is whatever I decide it is," he said. "You have no name, just a number. It's what ponies like you deserve, especially that bitch over there."

I looked over and saw mom, also chained in place and clad in a similar jumpsuit to my own. She looked a mess as well, covered in dirt and bruises. Her mane was also a mess, and all of her regalia had been removed.

"What makes you think you can speak to her like that?" I asked.

The guard unholstered his weapon. "I have a gun and you don't. That's reason enough. Besides, this is more than you deserve after the millenia of lies you've hoisted on us."

Mom was oddly silent, not saying a word despite the insults being thrown about.

"But none of that matters now. The New Pegasus Empire will lead us into a new and glorious age, one governed by military power and might. General Gulfstream has liberated us from the likes of despots like you, and we can step forward into a better and brighter future- one where pegasi show their superiority over the other races- rather like those friends of yours. This regime takes especially unkindly to race traitors like you." With that rant over, the guard suddenly left. "Enjoy the time you have left."

Once the guard was gone, I turned to mom, who had walked as close to me as her chains let her. "Mom, I'm so, so sorry-"

Mom reached forward to try and touch my hoof (the chains weren't long enough to let us hug or anything like that. "Zephyrina, this isn't your fault. I failed to see what Gulfstream was up to. We're all paying for my negligence now."

"They wouldn't know we can't fly if hadn't done what I did. I should have listened to you."

There was a silence. "It would probably have been found out eventually. But I have another confession to make."

It seems a lot of things were being revealed today. I looked to her. "Yes?"

She took a deep breath. "I'm a fraud. I'm not really your mother. I'm just a person who ended up as her. I'm not from Equestria, or from this world- I'm from another reality entirely."

Wait, what? Mom was in the same position as me? This was a pretty big bombshell. "Hey, welcome to the club."

Mom blinked. "You're not from here either?"

"Nope. Northern England, weird feather, woke up in a hospital bed. You?"

"A jewel, oddly enough, in London." Mom paused. "I worry about Pipp. I noticed she's not in any of the cells, which can only mean she's out there in the wilds! However will she survive? She's lived here all the time and doesn't have wilderness skills! I hope she doesn't starve!"

"Update on that; Pipp's not from here either. She's yet another human turned pony."

"Talk about a small world," mom said calmly, before glancing to the window. "At least during the confession I told her to run and save herself."

"Hauled before state TV like in the film," I mused to myself. "Why did you confess?"

Mom looked back, suddenly agitated. "They threatened to kill you if I didn't!"

Suddenly, words mom had said weeks ago flashed back into my mind.

"But there's always a final line of defence."


"Me. What sort of mother would I be if I was unable to protect you two from the world out there? There's nothing to fear, because I'll be here for you. Always. That's a promise."

"Your promise," I whispered. "You did it to protect us!"

Mom nodded. "There's nothing more powerful than a mother's love. And even though I'm technically not your mother, and you're technically not my daughter, I still feel the familial bonds nontheless. I have for a while. Even for your father." She stopped, and wiped her eyes as best she could. "We're lost in the memories and feelings of these characters- where do our former selves stop and the characters we are begin?"

I tried to get closer again, or as close as I could without this blasted chain in the way. "There's always hope for a brighter tomorrow," I said. "And as long as there are ponies out there willing to fight for it our work won't be in vain."

Another voice spoke. "Sir, you may interrogate the prisoners."

Author's Note:

Well, this is quite a turn! Quite a topic of discussion amongst the fanbase after the film came out was the Pegasus Revolution which marks the turning point of the film's plot. A lot of these discussions hinged on the fact it turned out to be what is termed a Velvet Revolution, a term originally coined in reference to the peaceful transfer of power from Communist to Republican government in Czechoslovakia in 1989 (compared to the Romanian Revolution at the same time, which was violent). A key idea of fanfic fuel was what if the Zephyr Heights revolution turned violent, and it was this idea I am exploring in these chapters.

If you look carefully in the chapter, Zipp's prisoner number should have significance. If you spot it, let me know in the comments. On that topic, having Zipp be captured and imprisoned throws a significant spanner in the works for the plans to bring the magic back.

We shall return to the prison tomorrow, with whomever wishes to interrogate the former Queen and Crown Princess...