• Published 27th Mar 2023
  • 1,079 Views, 296 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: Zipping It - The Blue EM2

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The Unbreakable Bond

I looked at the figure before me, albeit still surrounded by somewhat ragged soldiers. Although he had aged a bit and now had a beard attached to his face, this was most certainly the same stallion in the photographs mom had been looking at when I'd accidentally walked in on her crying.

Which meant that one big question that the G5 community had was now answered.

This was my dad.

I had two living parents!

I decided to keep my mouth shut, though. Spilling the beans about who I really was could end badly, after all. I mean, I doubt he'd believe the story. I'm terribly sorry, but your daughter and wife standing before you technically aren't your daughter and wife but two humans who happen to inhabit duplicates of their bodies and got brought here for some unknown reason.

I mean, how ridiculous would that be? Anypony in their right mind would dismiss that theory right out of hoof. So, it was keeping the mouth shut it was.

Mom then noticed him, and her jaw dropped as she seemingly recognised him too. "Oh my hoofness..." she said. "It's him." Well, that nicely lines up with my suspicions about what was going on.

I stepped aside as one of the front soldiers continued to look closely. He hadn't been given an order to move, so stayed in position.

The Colonel glanced over to mom. "Your Majesty, should we let him closer?"

Mom glanced to the Colonel. "Perhaps we should avoid doing this on a rocky ledge where there isn't much clearance. After all, it would be a shame if this reunion were cut short by falling off a mountain."

"Capital idea," the stallion said. Actually, you know what, I think I'll just refer to him as dad from now on. It'll make the rest of this narrative a lot easier to follow. "In fact, I know of just the facility we can use for getting caught up on our respective pasts. I imagine we have a lot to catch up on."

He turned to his captain. "Captain Feldsturm, lead ourselves and the guests into The Nest."

"Yes Sir!" the Captain said, saluting as he did so. He ordered his unit to turn around, and they proceeded into some sort of tunnel.

We followed a few moments later, watching our surroundings carefully to avoid falling off the cliff and making sure we held in a solid formation on our way in. Once we were inside the cave and well past the entrance where falling off might be a possibility, we stopped under some lights, and dad then looked at mom with a happy smile.

"After all these years... I found you again." He looked unbelievably happy... but then again, wouldn't you if just reunited with the one you chose to spend your life with after ten years? "Merry... you're just as beautiful as the day I last saw you, all those years ago."

As they tearfully embraced, I noticed his words revealed something else. Dad had called mom 'Merry', not 'Haven'. This suggests that Haven is a surname, not a given name. Interesting, given that normally the regnal name is the given name and not the surname. Would that make me Queen Storm when I take the throne? Not that I particularly want to think about that day, of course.

We made our way deeper into the facility, looking about at all the lights strung up inside the facility. It seemed oddly organised, and there were deep cuts made into the walls with support structures.

"So, what's this meant to be?" I asked.

Dad looked back. "Based on what I could find out, this is an old aircraft base. It was built to enable the rapid launch of fighter aircraft without anypony noticing or being able to track the pilots. The equipment would suggest it was built during the War of the Seven Mountains, and much of the technology suggests pegasus build. The only build you'd want, of course- you'd never see the unicorns building anything of this quality."

Mom shared a look of discomfort with me. It seems that we had a bit of work to do to bring dad up to the status quo. I mean, after all, he did share the views of the world we'd arrived in, which was hardly surprising given the time period, but in order to complete our mission we'd have to ensure he was onboard.

Anyway, we were now much deeper into the former hanger, and a launch facility was in front of us. Several jets sat in old parking bays, clearly not having flown in decades. Computer screens were off, and a large amount of old equipment was simply left in place by the previous occupants. It was pretty much abandoned.

"How'd you make this place livable?" I asked.

"Sargeant Stormfly was able to get a generator up and running using parts from the crashed helicopter's engine, and they had a lot of long life food in the base that we could use. Astonishingly much of it was still in life. But that's not all. If we ran out, we could always just hunt the local wildlife and eat that. Water wasn't a problem as there was a water purification plant that was still working."

He hung his head. "Mind you, getting here wasn't easy. When we crashed the site was swarmed with kirin, whom we had to fight off. We lost one soldier that day- his grave is outside the crash site. But enough about us. How are you two here?"

We exchanged looks, before mom spoke. "Golden, there's been a coup in Zephyr Heights. Rogue portions of the military overthrew the government, and their leader is planning on bringing about the end of the world. I've been able to find allies to help up, so we were heading there when we got shot down."

"History truly does work in cycles," Golden mused.

Mom looked at him, intently. "I'm not asking you this next question as a ruler, but as your wife. Please... will you help us?"

Golden nodded. "Restoring order to our homeland and removing those who hurt you? Say no more. We're in."

The conversation went on well into the night and included many things that I'd been wondering about but hadn't really discussed. But I'll save that for later, as I doubt you want to her minutiae about how the Colonel used to serve under the Captain. What I learned about mom and dad was surprising though. Turns out dad was a commoner whom mom met at university. Caused quite the scuffle in the Royal Family as they were expecting her to marry a noblestallion!

Guess things aren't too different to the old world, huh?

That night, it was restless sleeping for me once more, as so much had changed yet again in the world around me. A totally different family dynamic had emerged, and with a figure I both knew and barely recognised. Thanks to the unusual circumstances of my arrival here I hadn't really gotten caught up on everything. But I reckon it was harder on mom. After all, she had to be able to run this place and hit the ground running, so to speak.

I shrugged my shoulders and decided to go and get some air outside. Recirculated air is well and good, but it can be very stuffy, after all. And stuffy air gets, well, stuffy, after a while, so I fancied a change.

I got up and headed outdoors, dropping past the soldier standing guard and made my way towards the outdoor sky, which was brilliantly lit with stars- something you don't really get to see in Zephyr Heights thanks to all the light pollution. I stepped out of the outer hanger area when suddenly I heard voices.

I stepped round another corner and stopped. Mom and dad were sharing a moment under the moonlight, snogging. I mean, full on mouth stuff.

Well, that's an interesting mental image. They broke from the kiss, and then started to talk romantically.

I backed up, deciding they deserved their time alone. After all, they hadn't seen each other for a decade, so it made sense they'd want to have some time together.

I trotted back to the other entrance, reflecting on what this meant. Obviously, mom looked very happy, but what did this mean for us?

If that means what I think it does, the personalities are merged very closely- otherwise how would mom be having these emotional reactions with a pony she hadn't known before ending up in this world?

How much of me was left? How much of this was Zipp now? Could I truly be considered the individual I once was, all that time ago?

Right, enough navel gazing. Time for bed. I headed back further and slipped into a sleeping bag, closing my eyes as best I could.

After all, if they'd found happiness in each other, there was hope for me, right?

Author's Note:

Well, the big moment that was first hinted at all the way back in Chapter 7 (chapter 5 of Royal Approval) has arrived- Pipp and Zipp's father is back in the picture! As I'd planned the plotline long before Mare Family, Mare Problem and the Jinxie Games aired, this will mean later stuff will need some rejigging. For those wondering why Golden Skies is a prince and not a king- if the figure in the line of succession is female, the spouse cannot gain the title of King as they have no claim to the throne. This is why stories where Haven succeeded her husband don't really work- if she'd married into the Royal Family the throne would have passed immediately to Zipp on the King's death as Haven would have no claim to the throne. But maybe I just overthink ponies.

Monarchs usually pick a name or use their actual given one when reigning. Often they'll pick from one of their existing names; King Charles III had Charles, Phillip, Arthur, and George to pick from. Personally I'm rather relived he picked Charles, as this country has had a lot of Georges!

Who royalty could and could not marry was a source of much contention in English (and later British) history, as many marriages were political alliances rather than bonds of love. The idea of royalty mingling with those not of 'royal stock' caused a lot of consternation in the past; Prince Albert Edward, later Edward VII, caused scandal when it emerged he was romantically involved with an actress. His mother, Queen Victoria, promptly married him off to Alexandra of Denmark to avoid further scandal. Even more recently this issue has flared up; Prince Charles (Charles III) was pressured into marrying Diana as she was seen to be of more suitable noble stock than Camilla despite the fact Charles was much happier with the latter. Happily, though, it seems this sort of snobbery is past us if Prince William being permitted to marry Katherine Middleton, who is from a much more normal background than any other figure mentioned so far, is anything to go by.