• Published 21st Mar 2023
  • 1,775 Views, 29 Comments

Dusk & Twilight Swap Places - Cxcd

Twilight finds herself in a gender-bent version of Equestria. She needs to find a way home! Of course, she does want to go home, right?

  • ...

04 - Hungry? Hungry.

The door latched shut. Twilight squeezed her eyes shut, resting her head against the door with a fretful sigh. That was… a strange experience to say the least.

Was that what flirting feels like? Twilight asked herself. Did I like it? I-I don’t know.Twilight sighed, taking a few steps back and reopening her eyes.

This was the first time she’d seen the library from the outside in this universe. And she was disappointed. It looked identical to the one back in her world in every way imaginable. From the color of the windowsills to the distribution of each individual flower in every planter box. She was expecting at least some variation. The gender ratio was no longer one-to-five, it was five-to-one. That must have some kind of bearing on this world, right?

She turned around, looking down the street. Rarity had stopped trotting, turning around and looking at Twilight with a gated curiosity. The street behind her still had the same amount of litter on the ground, somewhat disappointingly, and if her magic wasn’t still, shot, she would’ve levitated a drifting newspaper into the trash can outside her front door.

Twilight redirected her attention to Rarity, who was still standing expectantly. She looked prettier than the model on the front of a postcard. Twilight’s breath hitched.

Do I… like mares that way? She asked herself. Is that even okay? She bit her bottom lip, forcing her eyes away. She had some talking to do, and not with Rarity. Instead, it seemed a certain blue Pegasus was keeping space occupied in her brain. I know for a fact I don’t like Blitz that way. So why do I like Dash that way? Do I even like Dash that way?

“Thought for bits?” Rarity asked. Twilight took a deep breath, looking towards the ground, and instead opting to start trotting ahead. Rarity stared curiously, deciding to walk side-by-side with Twilight down the path towards the center of town, where their destination resided.

Twilight wasn’t stupid. She knew Rarity probably knew something was going on. Rarity’s social smarts might’ve played into the reason she was currently shooting Twilight so many glances out of her side. Twilight decided to distract herself from the stretching silence, looking up and around the town.

So many ponies she recognized, but at the same time, didn’t. So many ponies looked so much smaller. Harpsy, the Unicorn that always sat weirdly, was also sitting weirdly, but as a mare. She witnessed as a lumbering stallion picked up a stack of apples on his back. Surely something as arduous as that still needed stallions, right? So, what was happening in her universe? Was there not a stallion there?

“So…” Rarity finally broke the silence. Twilight forced her head to raise, almost pretending to be non-bothered. “Has a certain mare caught your eye?” She asked forcefully.

“N-No!” She instantly denied. Rarity had caught her so off guard, she tripped over her own hooves. She eventually stabilized, forcing herself back up into a semi-normal walking position. “M-Maybe?” She admitted. “I-I don’t know. Everything’s so- weird right now!” She sighed, removing a hoof from the ground and rubbing it through her mane. “T-This isn’t my world, so I don’t think it’s right to-” She didn’t get to finish her sentence. Suddenly, her hoof was forcefully thrown from her head.

Twilight’s mane was encompassed in a pale blue aura as Rarity began working diligently to straighten out the mess that Twilight had just made. Twilight looked away from her mane, towards Rarity, as her face was scrunched into something only describable as concentration.

Elusive would’ve asked for permission fist. Hay, all of her friends would’ve. It was an uncertain, but also very welcoming feeling. Like for the first time in ever,Twilight was being treated as an equal. Much better from being part of the snobbish Upper-Canterlot folk.

“There.” Rarity said, finally dispersing her magic. “All better. Now- onto the spa?” She suggested, beginning to walk again. It took Twilight less than a moment to catch up. “Perhaps we could discuss your feelings there.”

“A-Actually…” Twilight started. “I skipped breakfast. Would it be alright if we took a detour? I can pay.”

You can pay?” Rarity asked, putting a hoof against her own chest in shock. “You’ll pay? Absolutely not, darling! You are a guest here! I simply insist, I must pay!” She put her hoof back down.

“But-” Twilight noticed the steeled resolve that flickered through Rarity’s face. A sort of determination that was easily recognizable as Elusive’s own stubbornest. A determination that Twilight had only seen on Elusive’s face. It was a bit strange seeing the expression on a mare, but the message was shouted loud and clear. Twilight simply sighed. “Okay…”

“Splendid!” Rarity giggled. “Come! I know just the brunch-eon!” She began to pick up the pace, as did Twilight, before a single thought crossed her mind. She slowed back down, turning to talk. “-unless your mare friend has a problem with me taking you to breakfast?”


“Just checking!” She smiled cheekily, actually picking up the pace this time. Twilight grumbled something that sounded distinctly like a swear, before following Rarity to destination unknown.

Rarity’s muzzle was upturned into one of disgust.

Rarity had led Twilight to a fancier lunch restaurant. One with a waiter in a suit, delectable food, and a great outdoor view to the town hall. The restaurant itself was renowned for its soups and vegetables, and even a few tourists had come from out of town to experience the food.

Unfortunately, Twilight was too busy eating nothing other than hay fries to properly indulge in the delectables the restaurant offered... And it made Rarity sick.

Rarity had brought Twilight to the fanciest restaurant this side of Canterlot, and Twilight decided to buy the grimiest, greasiest, cheapest food she could find on the menu.

Meanwhile, the polite and patient mare looked down at her own bowl of cream mushroom soup with a proper spoon and even garnishing. Rarity’s eyes flickered back up, witnessing as Twilight lowered her muzzle into the basket and started to eat. Rarity grimaced.

“D-Dear…” Rarity began slowly, capturing the attention of the purple mare. “Proper ladies use magic. See?” She said in an almost mocking tone. Her spoon levitated off from its napkin, scooping up a properly portioned amount of soup. She politely sipped, making sure to minimize the amount of sound coming from her lips. She swallowed, letting the spoon fall into the bowl for a second sip.

“I would like to…” Twilight began. “But I drained my magic reserves yesterday. Remember? I can’t use magic.”

Pfft!” Rarity, for the second time in twenty-four hours, let the liquid in her mouth spray across the table. Unlike last time, Twilight was much less fortunate in her positioning, getting a face full of cream soup spray. She squinted her eyes, immediately reaching out to her lap-napkin to pat her coat.

You’re still not recovered?” Rarity said less than quietly. A few perturbed patrons of the restaurant turned around in their seats, witnessing the scene. Rarity lowered her voice and head. “T-This is preposterous!”

“Wow. Um.” Twilight wiped her face. “It’s fine. Seriously. It’s probably because I skipped breakfast today.” Rarity stared in absolute disbelief at the irrational Unicorn. “I’m prescribing myself absolutely zero magic use. I should be fine by either today or tomorrow morning.” She shrugged.

“Y-You’re still not-” Rarity looked around quickly, noting how everypony had once again went back to eating their lunches. “Twilight, this isn’t good!” She whispered. “You need to go to the hospital!”

“I’m fine!” Twilight spread her hooves. “So- how’s life like over here-”

“You’re not getting off that easily!” She whisper-shouted. “What if you cracked your reserves? What if they heal wrong? What then?” Rarity stood on her chair quickly, leaning over the table and planting her wrist firmly on Twilight’s head. In a fit of surprise, Twilight had next to no time to react, only dodging after Rarity felt her head. “You’re not warm anymore…” She sighed fretfully. “I don’t like this, Twilight!”

“I’m fine!” Twilight responded, watching curiously as a concerned Rarity sat back down. “Worst comes to worst, I’m still not recovered by tomorrow, I’ll go to the hospital!”

“You need to go to the ER!” Rarity fumbled her hooves on the table, straightening out an already straightened spoon. “What if you get an infection? You won’t be using magic for months! Not even counting what could happen if your reserves are cracked!”

Twilight sighed, turning back to her hay fries. They hadn’t given her any Earth and Pegasus adapted utensils. Unicorns usually just got silver silverware, perfect for levitating, while Earth and Pegasus ponies had a sleeve to slide onto their hooves for easier use.

Maybe I should ask for one..?Twilight hummed. Not using magic for a prolonged period of time was difficult, to say the least. She couldn’t imagine not using magic for, as Rarity so eloquently put it, months.But it wouldn’t come to that, right? Bare minimum, she could always ask Prince Solaris, or his equivalent over here, for help getting back home. It wasn’t like she was going to be stranded.

Although… all of the other times she had any form of magical exhaustion was because of constant and prolonged spell use. Like reorganizing the library twenty times in one day, or practicing new spells. It was rare when she had to use a spell that let magic flow from her horn like that. That spell wasn’t like poking a hole in a water bottle and letting the water drain out slowly, it was more like using a machete to slash it in half.

No. No, she couldn’t think like that. She was fine.

“Boy howdy, Big Mac!”

Good. Something to distract her with. And, if that accent was anything to go off of, she had a good idea of who that was.

Rarity let her spoon finally relax, clinking into the bowl as she looked over Twilight’s shoulder. She followed her gaze, watching as a pair of very recognizable ponies trotted around the corner. A very familiar red stallion, and more importantly, a very recognizable orange mare.

“It’s barely noon and we’ve already emptied our entire stock! Now, ain’t that somethin’?” She asked, elbowing the massive, hunking stallion firmly in the chest.

“Eeyup.” He responded simply.

Twilight’s eyes went wide as she stared at the red stallion. It was obviously meant to be Red Gala, Applejack’s sister, but- if it was even possible, he was somehow larger than Applejack back home. Not only that, but he somehow managed to pull off the stallion look incredibly well. And- if it was even possible, better than Applejack could.

“Hey ya’ll!” Applejack’s double greeted. She was an orange mare with a blonde mane, and unlike the photograph Twilight had seen earlier in the day, did also pull off the mare well equally as well as Rainbow. Applejack could’ve had entirely different coat colors, as long as he had his stetson, it was always Applejack. “How’s it-” Her bright green eyes landed on Twilight. “-going…?”

“Hello!” Twilight greeted, waving her hoof. “My name is Twilight Sparkle!” She said, already completely acclimated to the sensation of greeting ponies she probably should know. “What’s your name?”

“Uh- Howdy!” Applejack said after a moment of hesitation. “The name’s Applejack!” Twilight had to hold back a laugh. Well… I guess Applejack is a gender-enough-neutral name.Applejack held out a hoof. Instead of shaking it, Twilight opted for bumping, as memories of having her arm shaken loose resurfaced. Applejack gladly took the bump, setting her hoof back down. “This here is Big Mac-” She said, pointing and turning back to the stallion. “Ya’ll wanna load up another crate of apples?” She asked. Big Mac nodded, trotting away.

“Well…” Applejack turned back to the table. “Anypony ever tell ya’ll look just like our good pal, Dusk?” She asked.

“Dusk?” Rarity laughed, leaning forwards on the table. “Funny you mention that, Applejack!” Rarity turned towards Twilight. Twilight shot a look of pain back at Rarity for being put on the spotlight.

“You see, uhm-” Twilight cleared her throat. “I actually am Dusk!” Applejack’s eyes went wide in confusion. “I’m just from another universe!”

“What?” She asked. “Another universe? Those exist?” Rarity stifled a giggle.

“Yeah!” Twilight said proudly. “I come from a universe where everypony’s gender is flipped!” Twilight leaned forwards on her chair. “Rarity’s name is Elusive, my name is Twilight, and your name is Applejack!”

“Huh?” Applejack blinked in confusion. “I ain’t no scholar, Twilight Sparkle, but- you’re Dusk?”

“I have the exact same memories, experiences, whatever! Just- our gender is flipped!” She let out a little laugh. “You can treat me the same, promise!”

“Huh.” Applejack stopped for a minute, looking at the pebbles in the floor. “Well- this is a might strange… but hay!” Suddenly, Applejack approached Twilight, punching her on the shoulder. Twilight winced, feeling the sudden burst of pain. “If you’re my stallion’s friend, then you’re my friend, too!” She laughed at Twilight’s expression. “How’d you even get over here?”

“By damaging herself.” Rarity responded for Twilight. Applejack turned to Rarity. “Twilight’s experiencing something us Unicorns call magical exhaustion.” Applejack’s face raised in concern. “And she has yet to go to the hospital.”

“And that’s… bad?” She asked. Twilight cringed, knowing that this conversation would end with two of her friends suddenly concerned for her.

“Indeed, it is.” Rarity explained. “Unicorns can drain their magic reserves by doing spells for a prolonged period of time. Twilight here- and Dusk for that matter- both casted an incredibly complex and draining spell.”

“It actually wasn’t that complex-”

“And then, instead of immediately resting, Twilight decided to use her magic to make tea.” Rarity explained angrily. Applejack kept looking confused, so Rarity continued. “Imagine bucking the largest tree in your orchard, Applejack. You bucked it so hard, the bones in your legs shatter.” Applejack blinked, cringing at the description. “What do you do?”

“Err- Ah’ would go to the hospital?” Applejack wagered a guess.

“Indeed, my farmer friend. You would go to the hospital, or Celestia forbid, rest.Instead of resting to heal, or going to the hospital, imaging you keep bucking trees with your shattered legs, pretending it’s not a problem.”

“Ah…” Applejack turned to Twilight. “That don’t sound too healthy, Sugarcube…”

“I’m fine!” Twilight said angrily. “I’ll be using magic in no time!” Applejack bit her lip.

“This is soundin’ a lot like when ah’ had to buck the whole orchard by myself. What happens if ya’ll aren’t okay? Are we gonna ever see Dusk again?”

“Yes!” Twilight exclaimed. “Worst comes to worst, Prince Solaris can cast the spell for me.” She explained. Both Rarity and Applejack exchanged some glances of confusion at the Prince, but bit their tongue none the less, able to take a wild guess at who that was supposed to be.

“If you’re Dusk from another universe, that means our counterparts are havin’ the same conversation.” Applejack guessed. “Ah’m sure Ponyville’ll treat ya’ll with the same hospitality, no matter the universe.” She sighed. “But what’s your backup plan, Dusk? What if ya’ll actually did damage your noggin?”

Twilight let out a huff of frustration, opening her mouth to respond, but instead finding the words die on her tongue. What would happen if her reserves were damaged? No more magic? For how long? Forever?

She bit her tongue.

“Okay…” She sighed. “Fine. I concede. I’ll-” Twilight gulped. “I’ll go to the hospital.”

“Preferably, now.” Rarity demanded.

“B-But our spa-”

“Your health is more important than the spa.” Rarity said with a small frown. Applejack chuckled. Rarity shot a look at Applejack, something that seethed violence. “Of course, you’d think anything is more important than the spa, Applejack.”

“Because anything is!” Applejack retorted. “Ah’ mean- ah’d rather tango with Lucihoof himself than go to the spa!”

“You went to the spa that one time! And you loved it!”

“That was after the poison joke! Ah’ had no dang choice!”

“But you still loved it!”

“Because ah’ wasn’t two inches tall anymore!” Applejack let out a mustang sigh. “Ah’ should leave before this turns into a shoutin’ match. Take it easy, Twi.” Applejack said with a nod, turning around and trotting away. Twilight waved as she walked away.

“Your bill, madams.” A waiter in a nice black suit approached the table, resting a receipt between the two bowls. Rarity placed her bits down, a stallion nodding at her as he whisked away the money.

“I have a few dress orders to fill.” Rarity started talking. “Unfortunately, I won’t accompany you to the hospital.”

“Why not?” Twilight almost shrieked. “I-I’ll have to go alone?”

“It seems so.”

“But- you were willing to go to the spa with me!”

“I’m still going to the spa.” Rarity explained, hopping down from her chair. “Your health is more important than the spa.”

Twilight just let out an angry sigh.