• Member Since 16th Jan, 2023
  • offline last seen 15 minutes ago


Only by studying the past can we win the present.


Comments ( 27 )

Your title is missing an apostrophe.

you got a plus for ruby here

did you forgot the aurthor note, or was that a mistake?

Mistake lol. I didn't even realize till you said something

Ruby and Dinky are tied for favorite background fillies. Kids in this case

Very enjoyable so far (Good job)

Awww, loved this chapter

again, the author note

i think you did well

And so it begins. Makes me shiver if I think about something here...

Yeah. Setting up for a later story with him and Sunset

Thanks for the chapter

Np thank you for reading


Berry chuckled. "I'm sixteen. How about you?"

Mother in sixteen...


Red light means stop, yellow means slow down

Maybe it depends on country, but here yellow means stop before stop line if possible without emergency breaking.


"We can regather and figure out a new way to punish everyone else here. It's what they deserve, they don't deserve free will." Shoeshine snarled as she glared up at a Twilight. Twilight held a hand down to Sunset. She crawled out of the crater and slumped onto her stomach. Sea Swirl, Shoeshine and Berry joined her.

Hauge awaits them

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