• Member Since 16th Jan, 2023
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Only by studying the past can we win the present.

Comments ( 21 )

Did not expect this but nice!

Heh, if they stay human in equestria, better be careful about the kids, no offense.

Also, you discribed luna as Black, would dark blue not fit better?

Fair I actually started this drunk lmao. I really like the Berry Sunset pairing so it's gonna continue for a while

Okay and hope i didn't Sound upseting about luna and such

Nah it's all good. I completely forgot about that mistake tbh. It's fixed now

Glad to hear it. With children, i am pretty sure the equestria girls cmc, diamond, silver and such could be countered as kids here

Mhm, thus best be careful

This is overhated it needs more likes

Thank you and it is overhated I agree.

never thoought I'd see a pony saying jesus

First time for everything

Wow cozy glow at this point in time. Ive got a bad feeling about this

I kinda figured in canon she would have been watching Twilight for a long time tbh so I was like fuck it I'll add her in. It's gonna play a big role later on in future stories

Yeah the actual story will have the full chapter

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