• Published 4th Jan 2024
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Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 10: Tempest Takes The Stage!

As Twilight, Tempest, and Ginyu were waiting for the ship to land, Tempest had something she wanted to ask: "Hey Twilight?" Getting a hmm from Twilight "I want to take on the big guy here, if it's ok with you, for I really want to see how well my training has paid off, and I think this guy would be perfect for it." Asked Tempest

"Well, I would not mind you doing that. But you would have to ask Ginyu first. For it's him who is going to wait on you having your fun." Reply Twilight, as she was looking over at Tempest. With Ginyu on her shoulder.

"Well, as long as you don't kill him, I can wait a bit longer to get my body, as long as Twilight can heal it up before I get it. So it should be fine, so go and have fun." Said Ginyu.

"Alright, you heard him, and this works perfectly for me. For I'm sending Owlowiscious to keep an eye on the Z Fighters, for there has been some odd energy coming from that area, so I want to find out what is going on, and this way I can keep an eye on both your fight and them, just to be sure that they don't mess up and get the planet blown up. which leads me to my next point. There are a lot of Ki signatures, and I don't really feel like dealing with all those the slow way, so let's remove all the small guys in one go." Said Twilight as she was stretching herself a bit. making Tempest look her way.

"Sure, I'm game for that. But how do you want to do that?" Tempest replied while giving Twilight a curious look.

giving an evil grin to Tempest. Twilight lifted one of her hands and let the magic flow into it. "With our magic. When we see the ship, we will both grab a hold of the whole ship and then slam it down as hard as we can. That way, all the weak ones will die, and their boss will hopefully be the only one who lives, for with a Ki like his, there is no chance that he will die from this. At worst, he might be a bit hurt."

A bit stunned by Twilight's idea Tempest replied. "Twilight, how much have you been talking with Ginyu? for that does not sound like you... But I do agree that it would be a good way to go about it."

"What can I say? She will probably be my future boss. So I am just giving her some ideas on how to get things done faster. And it's not like anyone on that ship is good, so you might as well remove them fast. And I did not think that you two had that kind of power with your magic when I gave her the idea." Answered Ginyu.

This got him a deadpan stare from Tempest. "Okay, that is it. I am not letting you talk to Twilight while I am not around, for I am trying to keep a bit, of the woman who saved me around. Not make her into someone like myself." said Tempest while looking a bit down thinking about her past.

"Hey come on Tempest, your past is your past, and even if you did some bad things in it, I would not look down on you for it." said Twilight while looking at Tempest and giving her a smile.

looking back up at Twilight Tempest gave a smile back," Yeah I know you would not do that, and that is why I care so much about you."

"Also I might jump in to help you if it becomes needed, for he is more powerful then you, so I want you to promise me that you will be careful and take him serious for if you do that you should be able to make up for the power gap." said Twilight in serious tone.

"Oh I know, that is why I think he is perfect for me to test my power on. So don't worry I'm going to go at him like I mean to kill him." reply Tempest while giving a thumbs up.

"Anyway, I think we should get ready, for the ship is coming now. So are you ready, Tempest?" Ask Twilight as she starts to draw magic into her arms.

"Ready as I will ever be." Reply Tempest, as she did the same as Twilight, where both of them sent their magic up in the air, grapping the ship with their magic, and when they had full hold of the ship, they both started to pull it down with all their might, sending it flying at high speed towards the ground, hitting the ground at full speed, and shattering the ship on impact, just to be followed up by a missive explosion, leaving nothing but ship parts in the impact crater.

But after a bit, something flew out of the crater, landing a good bit in front of Twilight and Tempest. which turns out to be a big man who turns out to be a Namekian, but not a nameless one; this one Twilight had been told about from her teachers back on Namek. Known as the Demonic Namekian Slug, he had become a conqueror and saw himself as a rival to Frieza. The only reason Frieza had not ended him was that he found the whole thing amusing.

"Who do you two think you are being brave enough to destroy my ship! I want your names so I know what to call the trophy's when I mount them to my wall!" Yell Slug at them.

"Well, what did you think would happen when you came and attacked my home? Did you think we would roll over and let you do what you wanted?" And if you want names, then try asking nicely," answered Twilight.

looking at Twilight for just a second before looking towards Tempest instead. "You're scientist got a big mouth on her; tell her to shut up, and then give me your name. For it's obvious looking at you that you're the one I'm going to kill for ruining my ship." Slug said while making it clear he was not going to take Twilight seriously at all.

This made Tempest look over at Twilight, who looked like she wanted to take him on really badly now. "Twilight, remember we talked about it, and you agree that I would handle him. So please clam down." Said Tempest quiet to Twilight, so Slug did not hear her.

This made Twilight look over at Tempest. "You better go and fight him fast then. For right now, I really want to shut him up myself, for what is wrong with being a scientist?" said Twilight while looking herself over.

"If you want, we can talk about it when we are done here, but right now I need to shut him up," said Tempest to Twilight before turning back towards Slug. "Well, for names, you can call me Tempest and this," she said, pointing a finger at Twilight. "She is my boss, and she is stronger than me. But I will be the one you fight, for unless you can get past me, then there is no reason for her to do anything." She said as she started to walk towards Slug.

"Well, I hate to wait on what I want, so I will make this quick. Try not to die too fast, girl; I would hate for this to be too boring." Yell Slug as he charges right at Tempest with a punch just for Tempest to block with her elbow, giving her the chance to counterattack, punching him right into the stomach, followed by her grabbing his head as he bends over and brings it down while lifting her knee at full speed and slamming his head into it, where she followed with an uppercut, sending him flying up do to the forces where she followed up rushing in front of where he was flying, where she hit him with a palm strike, sending him right into the ground buried in rocks.

"What was that about this being boring?" asked Tempest. As she was looking down at where he had been hit to while crossing her arms.

But it was not long after that before the rocks were blasted away. Slugs were flying out of where they were slowly while looking perfectly fine, other than a bloody nose. "Well, color me surprised. There is some fight in you, and here I was told that Earth was full of weak humans'. It seems my men did not do their job, for you are clearly a Saiyan, now that I look you over. So I will make sure to take you a bit more seriously. Now then, shall we continue?"As he finished saying this, he took a stance.

Which Tempest took it as her que to go on the attack. Crashing with Slug again, but this time Slug was ready, attacking back with more power than Tempest had. Forcing her to use one of her three special abilities' Berserk Rage a power there slowly builds up more and more power and speed, but having it go on too long hurts the user. Forcing Slug back on the defends, drawing more and more power out of Slug, who still seems to not take her fully seriously, even though she was the one hitting him. He was seemingly waiting for something to happen. And he got just what he wanted when Tempest had send him flying away with a gut strike, followed by a roadhouse kick to the face, sending slug flying towards the ground, but before he hit it, he took control over his fall and landed on his feet. And before Tempest had any chance to follow up on it, Slug had sent his arm flying at her by stretching it and grabbing her by the foot. As she had tried to get to him, the second he got a hold of her, he started to slam her into anything he was able to swing her close to. This lasted for a short bit before Tempest used her second special move, Ursa's Claws. Making claws of pure Ki, cutting slugs hand off, and then rushing him to try and take the other arm as well, ignoring every kick, punch, and even Ki blast, Slug sent her way, going fully into a Berserk Rage, attacking faster and faster to get at that arm with each swing made with more and more power. Slug was doing everything he could to get her away from him, and when he finally did get her away, she took his arm as well, with him sacrificing it to her by punching her hard in the jaw and sending her flying into a lot of trees.

"Well you are just full of surprises aren't you? If I'm not careful with you, then you might actually kill me!" Yell Slug as he used Regeneration, to restore everything he had lost before going right back into battle.

Back with Twilight and Ginyu.

"Argh, what is she doing? She is ruining my new body before I can even get a chance to use it." Complained Ginyu to Twilight. while they were seeing the fight.

"Calm down, Ginyu. He is a namekie; losing a limb for them is not a problem; they have the ability of regeneration, where they can resto even a lost limb, as long as it's not their head. As long as he got Ki, he will keep fighting back." Said Twilight. While looking both towards Tempest and seeing what was happening at the other ship, it was just about to land, thanks to Owlowiscious and her tablet, which she was using to see and hear what he was.

Hearing this did calm him down somewhat. "Well, that is good to hear, but what about Tempest? She has taken a lot of hits just to get his second arm. And her power level is far lower than his; is this not something to be worried about?" He asked while looking at Twilight and then back towards where Tempest was coming out of, where she had been sent flying, looking bloody with a pissed look on her face. while charging right back at Slug, who had just regrown his hand and arm and was looking ready for her.

"Normally, I would agree and want to pull out Tempest and finish this myself. But Tempest is not out yet and still has a trick left to use, which makes me sure that she will be fine. So put your trust in her, like I have. And besides, she said she would handle it, and I fully trust her to do just that," explained Twilight as she kept keeping an eye on both the screen and Tempest's battle.

Back to the fight.

Tempest had dropped her Ki claws to save Ki while still fighting hard to get at Slug. But the berserker state she was in was starting to do more damage to herself than to Slug, and she was starting to feel the pain a lot. But she pressed on, for Twilight trusted her to handle him, and so she would. Ignoring the pain that Berserker was starting to do to her, she pushed on.

landing a punch right to his jaw as she got to him, following up with a jap right into the guts and then an uppercut. sending him up a bit just enough to where she grabbed him by the foot and used that to slam him into the ground just to lift him up and throw him away, and just as he righted himself in the air, he got hit by her having followed him, landing a lariat right on him, where she controlled the force of it, sending him into the ground again, this time following it up and landing a knee right in his guts on top of him. But when she tried to pull back, Slug grabbed her by her leg while getting up fast and punched her right in the face. the face while also pulling her towards the punch, gave him time to turn the table around. While punching Tempest in the gut, Slug started to talk. "Running out of steam already? And you were starting to do some damage to me as well. To bad for you that your stamina is nothing like your power." He said this as he kicked Tempest into the ground. Where she rushed right back at him, just to stop her again by punching her in the stomach. Following this up, he grabbed her with one arm by the legs and another, taking her arms, and brought her down on his knee. making her scream in pain, and after that, he let her fall to the ground. "So, because you have given me an okay fight, I will give you one chance. Join me, and I will let your little friend live. Or die here, and I will take my sweet time with her. What do you say?"

Looking up at him from the ground where she was, Tempest started to laugh a bit while coughing a bit. "This... is nothing... next to what my training has been... this is a walk in the park..." said Tempest while looking Slug right in the eye's. As he was charging a blast in his hand.

"Shame, I was hoping you would be smarter. Oh well, then I will end you here and be done with it." As he finished saying this, he shot his blast at Tempest. And as the smoke cleared, she was still laying there with her eyes closed and not moving. making Slug turn towards Twilight while he was laughing. "Now, little scientist, are you going to accept your death with grace? Or are you going to beg me to let you live?" But he stopped laughing when he looked at Twilight, for she was not showing one bit of care about what had happened. "Why do you seem so calm?" Not liking one bit that she was starting to smile.

For the first time, after Tempest had started her fight with Slug, Twilight first looked towards Tempest and then back at him giving him her full attention, smiled smugly before snapped her fingers, and a little light happened for less then a second. "Now why should I fear you or even care about you? You are nothing but a discount Frieza. You don't even having any strong men helping you? And beside why is your focus on me? When your first fight is not even done yet," said Twilight with an evil smile while taking her time to say this. As she got done saying this, she turned to look back at what was going on with the Z fighters.

And before Slug was able to react, a hand grabbed him by the head and forced him down into the ground, dragging him along the ground. When they got to a rock, she lifted him up and let go as he hit the rock and flew back towards her. Where she followed up with a headbutt and then finished up with a powerful palm strike ready for him, hitting him right in the gut and sending him flying through the rocks like they were butter. And this time there had been far more power to the attacks, leaving him fully stunned in a rock he had ended up getting stuck in. The last thing he saw was Tempest, but instead of her black hair that she had at the start of their fight, it was now golden and now also had a golden aura, which was the last thing he saw before he went unconscious.

"Are you ok, Tempest?" asked Twilight as she was flying towards her.

"I think so... But all I'm feeling is rage. And I really want to put my fist through Slug's head. So I would like some help controlling this." Said Tempest as she was fighting to control herself.

"You know you don't even need to ask me for help; that is what friends are for." Reply Twilight as she gave her a friendly smile. As she started to teach Tempest how she learned to control her rage back when she mastered the Great Ape, As she also started to channel the rage control magic the people of Yardrat had used to help her while also checking if she needed any healing.

"It's no wonder Frieza lost if this was the power he was up against, for seeing something like that is not an everyday thing." Add Ginyu from Twilight's shoulder.

moment's before Slug got taken out

Tempest had opened her eyes again, more pissed than she had ever been, due to how she had failed to prove herself in her own eyes, for she wanted to have done it without her third special skill, Hibernation, which, at the cost of half the Ki she has left, can heal back up fully, a skill she can only use once a day. She had gained this skill thanks to all the times Twilight had healed her, which her inner magic had imprinted on, and do to this imprinting it had allowed her to do this. But having to use it was something she was not happy about. Sure, Slug had more power than her, but with her skills, she should have been able to beat him. She should have handled him she own it to Twilight to handle him... She need more power. That is what her rage was telling her. Not realizing it, Tempest's hair started to glow slowly, and an aura was built up as Tempest let out a scream in pure rage and frustration, which resulted in her going beyond her limits. After the transformation, Tempest was feeling more rage than before at Slug, who had not heard her at all, which Tempest realized was thanks to Twilight, for just as she was starting to feel her rage building up, she felt a silent zone being put up around her, giving her the perfect cover to let some of her rage out on Slug.

back to the moment Slug was knocked out. As Twilight, Tempest, and Ginyu got over to his body,

"So how do you want to go about this, Ginyu?" Asked Twilight, who was looking over at Slug as he was stuck in the rock, still knocked out. With Tempest still in Super Saiyan but in full control now, thanks to Twilight's help.

"Well, having him be awake would be for the best, for I have never taken over anyone who is not awake. And I would love if he was healed before taking him over, for the first thing to feel is pain in a new body is not fun. So Tempest can you hold him? As Twilight heals him, and when he wakes up, I will take him over then and there." said Ginyu as he explained his plan.

And so they did their jobs, and it was just after Twilight got done healing Slug that he woke up.

And before he had the chance, Ginyu took over. "Change now!" Yell Ginyu as he had jumped off Twilight shoulder with the beam coming off the frog hitting clean on slug. Where all there was seen after was the changing of bodies.

Before the frog, who was now Slug, even landed on the ground, Twilight took the voice box away from him, not wanting to hear anymore from him.

"So what do we do with Slug now? I am all about either killing him and being done with it or letting him live. But it was your body for a time, Ginyu, so you get to pick." Said Twilight. As she was looking at the frog, who was now sitting on the ground, look up at his old body in pure confusion, not understanding anything about what just happened.

Ginyu did not even think about it and just blasted the frog away, leaving nothing but dust. "Living like a frog was not something I wanted for my worst enemy. But now that that is done, I want to get to know my new body!" As Ginyu was done speaking, he was given a scouter from Twilight so he would be able to enjoy his new body while still being part of the talks going on. After that, he started to move around and get used to the new body.

As Twilight and Tempest were looking at Ginyu putting his new body to work, Tempest looked over at Twilight. "So before we go much further, I would like for you to give me the capsule with the spare clothes, for what I have on right now is falling apart." The response she got was Twilight throwing a capsule to her, but one was a small capsule house. So Tempest put the house down and went in, and Twilight followed her inside the house and sat down at the table, waiting for Tempest to come out from a short shower. And when Tempest did come out, she was wearing a T-shirt and her normal pants and boots. "Now that I am dressed, how are things going for the others?" Tempest said this as she walked over to Twilight and Sat down next to her.

Before talking, Twilight, turn on the Scouter phone and place it on the table so Ginyu would be able to hear as well. "Well, it's been a bit wield, and by that, I mean you went Super Saiyan just as a newcomer did over at their end. A guy who looks just like the kid Bulma had with Vegeta, which, when I think about it, might be my fault." Said Twilight with a blush as Tempest started to laugh. "And he did not take long to end King Cold. It was just as fast as your takedown of Slug, but Cold was killed. Also, why did you find it so funny that I, by mistake, pushed Bulma and Vegeta together?"

As she was calming down, Tempest started to talk. "Oh, when I can tell you about your old family, you will understand why I find that so funny."

"To be honest, I'm not surprised that King Cold died so fast after seeing the power of the Super Saiyan. But, I will be honest, I am a bit sad to hear of him being killed like that, for I do own him for setting me up with my team. King Cold will be missed by me and my team. But do not fear, for as it stands, we now serve your family, Lady Twilight." said Ginyu over the Scouter. For I am now sure my men will want to follow as well.

"Anyway, from what I have seen, it has made me believe that they might be one and then the same. And before you ask how, I am not sure yet, but there has been an odd energy I have never seen before in the same area he showed up. Now they just seem to be waiting for Goku to land, and from what I can feel, they still have a long time before that happens." As Twilight finished explaining what had been happening, she had gotten up and walked over to the fridge in the house and grab two sodas, one for herself and one for Tempest, and walked back to the table where they had sat down and gave Tempest hers while taking a sip from her own. "So now all we can do is wait and see what will happen. Though seeing the new guy looking really confused about Bulma with a baby makes me close to being sure there might be some time travel going on here, and if so, then that can be really bad."

This made Tempest look up from her soda and look towards Twilight. "Why would that be so bad?" She asked.

"Well, the reason I say that can be really bad is due to what happened a year ago, for there my dad found an odd energy spike that fits the one that happened here today, meaning we might have two time travelers. And if the one there happened a year ago did not show itself, but the one there did here did show himself. That, to me, says our first-time traveler might not be someone good. And it might be really bad. Though right now I need more proof before I start to worry too much, for as it stands, this is only a theory." said Twilight as she was keeping an eye on the mystery guy. which made Tempest look at him as well, and then at the baby that Bulma was holding.

"You are not wrong about those two looking just like each other. Though I am not worried about the idea of two-time travelers, For with you on our side, we will find a way to deal with it. Else, how far away would you say Goku is from Earth right now?" Asked Tempest to Twilight, for she had the best ability to feel Ki.

"Well, from what I can tell, we still have about 2 or 3 hours before he gets here, so we can easily relax for a bit of time." Said Twilight as she leans back on the couch next to Tempest, who seem to have gotten the same idea.

Author's Note:

Fun fact Lord Slug was the first time Super Saiyan was going to be shown, and that from is this.
But they changes SS's hair color to blonde to save ink when drawing Super Saiyan, so the form seen in the movie became known as either False Super Saiyan or Pseudo Super Saiyan. And do to this I chose here for Tempest to go Super Saiyan, for If Goku needed SS to take him down, then so would Tempest.