• Published 4th Jan 2024
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Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 4: Master And Student

"Very good, young one," Said Guru, As he turned his head towards Nail, "I want you to take care of this young girl and make her undergo the trials of our people, and when you get to Moori's village, you will have her learn of our magic there under him. This is the trial you are going to take, is something everyone who wants to use the dragon balls goes under, however your trial will mostly be up with Nail, where normally you would go to every village where there is a dragon ball and do a task to be decided by that village elder, but to your wish of learning both our magic and our warriors, you have been allowed this special trial."

Twilight looked at Nail and then back to Guru. "I'm very grateful to you for this Elder Guru, but I want to ask what about my mom? what will she be doing while I train with Nail?" asked Twilight as she towards her mom.

To this Vomi just gave Twilight a smile. "Well, Twilight, I will be learning about everything Guru is willing to share, and he has already shared something we have been looking for. Due to the talk I had with him before you came in, he told me what your race is." said Vomi, " You are a Saiyan, and we were right about you being from a Warrior Race, who gets stronger whenever you get close to death, which we have already seen the fruits of when you had your fight, this is call a zenkai Boosted, and there is more, but it's not important right now. Else I'm going to learn other things here, one of them being how to fly on my own, for it's far to useful a skill to not get myself while we are here, and there is a place for me to put the ship up as our home while we are here, so don't worry about me, now come Twilight let's go and set it up, Guru probably wants to talk to Nail before the two of you start." And with that Twilight and Vomi left leaving Guru and Nail alone to talk.

"Lord Guru?" asked Nail

"Yes Nail, I know what you wish to ask me, and to answer there is nothing there can be done to stop it, even if the girl was to die the darkness inside her would just get the body for it self." answered Guru.

"Then why are we helping her get stronger? For if the darkness will come out no matter what we do, then should we not do what we can to limit the damage there will happen? Not add on to what power it might have?" said Nail not looking happy about what he was saying.

"That is what we are doing nail," said Guru with a small smile, which surprised Nail, "The Darkness inside of her is strong and far stronger then anything we have seen before, but she got the ability to make that power her own, but if the darkness was to take over right now she would fail, but if we help her get stronger she will be able to beat the darkness even after it gets out, so while you train her as much as you can, I will look for another places she can gain more power to help her, and if we do our work right, the darkness will be stop by herself and what other friends she might make. So make sure she learns everything you can teach her, for you never know what might be the thing to save the girl."

Nail was quiet while thinking over what Guru had told him "Should we tell her what she got hidden inside? For that might let her get ready to fight back when it wakes up."

"No sadly I think that will just make things worse for the girl, for she got her own things to worry about, adding this on top of it would just leave her think about it and only it, so to give her the biggest chance she can get it would be better to let it be and give her all the support we can."

"If you truly think that Lord Guru then why make her think she can fail, when we both know how much this wish means to her?"

"Simple it's a goal for her to complete, which will be good for her and allow her to keep her focus on this, and it also let us keep our own traditions alive as well, and when she get the wish she will have done so by her own power. That will be a small confidence booster, something she needs, for she does not seem to believe in herself as much as she claims."

Back with Twilight and Vomi.

As Twilight and Vomi set up their home for the next 4 years, Vomi told Twilight everything else there was to her race: how their heir never changes from the day they are born, how they stay small up to their young adulthood to make it easier to fight, and how there is a legend about the Saiyan's about a Super Saiyan. Other things she had learned was that it was the Namekians who made the dragon balls, and how Piccolo was one of two, so that means there was another Namekian on Earth that they did not know about. Of course, all this information will be sent back to Earth, so Gero has more to work with, and just as they were about to be done setting up, Nail returned to them, landing near them.

"So are you ready to begin your first day on namek Twilight?" asked Nail as he started to lead her towards where they were going to start her training.

"I think so, but I want to ask you one thing before we focus on the training. Is it not your duty to protect Guru? At least that is what I understood your job to be." repay Twilight as she followed Nail.

"You are correct on this; however, Guru thinks I am the best one for handling you and wants you to have a good teacher, for he sees a bright future for you, one that will help many, and so I am taking on your training, and while I do that, Tanissh and Tsuburi will take over my duty's for Guru." answered Nail.

"You must be amazing, for there need to be two to replace you," said Twilight while looking at Nail in awe.

This made Nail laugh a bit. "Thank you for the kind words. I hope you are not just saying that to make me go easy on you, for that will not happen." answer Nail, as they were coming in for a landing in a village where they were having a lot of eye's on them, but Nail kept going forward towards the village's leader, a Namekian by the name of Moori.

"Well, it's good to see you, Nail. I take it you are on break from your duty to our Grand Elder, and who is your little friend t there?" ask Moori, while giving them both a wide smile.

"I am indeed taking a bit of a longer break, 4 years to be exact, you see this young girl here is call Twilight and she has been graded the rights to take the trail for the Dragon balls, but she is not doing the normal trail, for she wish to learn of our ways, both that of the Warrior clan and the Dragon Clan, something Guru has given the ok to, so I am here to ask you if you would teach her of the Dragon clans ways, tomorrow, for today I am going to teach her of the warriors way." answer Nail."And her mother is going to be around as well, and she will probably come here and ask you to teach her to fly so be on the look out for her."

"Well, that is a lot to take in, but I would love to add another young one to the number I teach, and with the Grand Elder approving of her, then I see no reason to distrust her, so what do you say, young Twilight? Are you ready to learn magic?" asked Moori.

"That I am, but I want to ask, why do you all keep calling me young? I am 17 years old," asked Twilight, looking at them looking a bit sour.

"Simple to us, you stop being a young one when you stop growing in size, and for you, that will be in about 3 years still," answered Nail while giving Twilight a smirk. "Now, we are going out of the village to start our training, and from what I have seen, I think we need to start on energy use, for if I am not mistaken, your only ability to use Ki right now is flying, correct?"

Twilight gave Nail a nod as they were flying out to where they were going to train. "I do have some ideas on how to use Ki; the training I used did show a lot of use of it, but I did not dare try and use it due to us being in space," said Twilight. "Blowing a hole in the ship would just have gotten us killed."

"It's good to hear that you think about your surroundings before using something like this, for Ki can become powerful enough to destroy planets; however, the big blasts are not always the most dangerous ones; let me show you." Said Nail, as he threw a blast at a small mountain, where it turned into falling rocks, then he walked over to another mountain. This time, however, he made a blast the size of a bus, and this time there was nothing left where his attack had hit. "This is what happens when you make more control attacks; the power of your Ki becomes many times more powerful. However, this is not the only way to make your Ki do more damage than just big blasts; a way to make it more deadly is by using an amplifying tool, like a weapon, and adding your Ki to it. But do to how low Namek is on metals, we do not do that anymore. But another thing a master can do is change their Ki into elemental powers, and those powers are things like lightning, fire, and Ice. There are more elements, but they are far more rare."

"Oh, that I do know about that, one of the masters I studied knew how to do that. There are two times I have seen him use lightning. The first attack, called Lightning Flash Surprise, is an attack I have been trying to learn, and I think I can do it. The other time he has been seen using lightning was when he was training at his home alone in a thunderstorm, where he absorbed thunder strike and then used the power from it to fire a beam out over the sea. It was beautiful and probably powerful to." said Twilight.

"Well, now it seems the one you have been studying is a great master of Ki, for to turn one's Ki into one of the elements is not something many can do. Now, if you think you can do this, for it will show me just how much power you have hidden in you." said Nail.

Twilight gave Nail a node on the head, so she took and stands, and started to charge her power into both of her hands while putting them together by the palm of her hands, slowly slowly electricity to move around them, and as she started to pull them a part powerful Lightning was jump between Twilight's hands, the sheer power of it was starting to burn the ground where it ran across it as it jump away form Her hands, and that is when She released it by pushing both her hands towards a boulder nearby them, leaving it burned and crumbling do to all the power there was throw at it, leaving Twilight with a smile, and nearly drain dry of Ki at the same time, while looking at a stunned Nail for he had not be ready for her to really do it, while taking in deep breaths of air.

"I will be honest with you, Twilight. I did not think you would be able to do it; however, I think you put far too much of your Ki into it, for you should not be this drain by a single attack like that," said Nail as he walked over to touch the boulder. She had hit just for it to turn into dust, proving his point. "As you can see, turning a boulder into nothing but dust with electricity alone is not something you just do, so let's truly get started on your training. So let's get started with meditation training. This will help you understand your Ki and let you learn how to sense Ki. This is how we knew your Mother was coming, but we did not know of you. The reason for this you will learn when we talk with Guru again. Now, let's get started.

And so begins Twilight, 4 years on Namke.

Twilight's Training was hard but fair, learning from Nail and Moori made things a lot easier, for both turn out to great teachers, to such a point where Twilight even had time to make friends among the Namekies, but those she was closes to was of course Nail and Moori with one other name Dende, who Twilight had become really close to in Her lessons on healing Magic, else Twilight was fully grow now, and as her mother had seen coming Twilight had grown into a beautiful young Woman, now that she was 21 years old, with the same high as Her Mother of 175 cm, and it was a good thing that Vomi had made the armor Twilight and herself wears like a sports bra for that was one of the places Twilight had grown the most with her Bra size now being 34D which might have been a problem to deal with, if not for Twilight Growing up with them, and it help that she was body building, making her body, have a easy time dealing with the add weight, it was like they where not even there for her.

Else Nail had made Twilight train her tail as well, for after he had grabbed her tail, in one of their training sessions, made him realize that it was a weak point, for when he got a hold of it, Twilight had lost all her power, so it was either train it, so the weakness goes away, or cut it off, and Twilight did not want to lose her tail, so she had started to train that as well, and it had worked; she no longer got weak when he grabbed it, so that had been time well spent.

And speaking of her Mother she had learn a lot, even that Namek used be a high technology planet with with space ships and all, while still having a lot of Natural beauty, their own metal types and alloys, this had all disappear do to a great storm hitting their planet, this storm had remove all of the planets beauty, and somehow taken it's metals as well, but Vomi found a few of the old stockpile's of metals from that time which made Guru make a request of her, that he wanted her to make a few ships out of the metal, so his people had a way to get off planet if it become needed, and as a reward for doing this he would let her keep the rest, for it is far to valuable to stay as long as she keep it away for it would only curse troubles if it came out that Namek still had hidden stocks of metals from that time, which Vomi had agree to, so she went to work, and put the rest away into some of her capsules, that she had taken with her to store tech they might find, which had made Guru happy to know, else she had learn to fly as well, something She was a natural at, and she had learn their language as well, something Twilight had done as well, and she had made improvements to the gravity machine, and started on another project which was now in it's beta stages, and Guru had point her at a new planet there would be good to go to for Twilight and herself when they were done with Namek, which was soon for there was only one trail left for Twilight to complete.

And so time went by for the two, up to their last day on the planet.

A fury of blows was flying between Twilight and Nail, to the point that the shock waves from the hits were shaking the water in the area they were in.

breaking away from one another for a moment. "You have come much further than I had ever believed, and that has pushed me to a new level as well. I am proud to say I have ever been your teacher, but for a good time now, I think you have taken that over and become the teacher yourself, for this training was to make you stronger, not me yet. That is what is happening now, and I know that you have to hold yourself back, Twilight, for if you went all out, then I would be dead."

Looking back at Nail, Twilight gave him a smirk. "Well, I would not have gotten this far without a great teacher. so you can see the power I have gained as proof of how well you have done." She finished saying it before going into a ready stance to show she was prepared to continue.

"Vary well, Twilight, let's finish our last training before we go to Lord Guru, and I will let you know I'm planning on using everything I got today to try and take you down. So come at me like you mean it." Said Nail as he started to fire small Ki blasts at Twilight to get her to put up her guard. Using this to get close, he tried to land a kick on the side of her head, but Twilight had to be fast enough to block it and deliver a combo of hits to his chest before he could get his foot back, ending the combo with a powerful kick to nail's ribs, sending him flying away.

Twilight started to rush after Nail as he was flying away, righting himself just in time to block a full-force elbow into the palm of his hand. where Twilight quickly went for a knee right into Nail's stomach, making Nail kneel over, leaving him open to a hammer attack right to his back, sending Nail flying right into the ground, giving Twilight the time needed for her next attack, charging her Ki into her right hand, making her Ki around her arm pure electricity while forming into a chain that she swings at Nail just as he comes out of the ground from being sent into it, catching him by surprise around his arm, shocking Nail while Twilight was swinging him around her, hitting him into anything she was able to.

However, Nail got free by cutting his own arm by making a blade of Ki and quickly changing kick Twilight right into a mountainside, giving him time enough to regenerate a new arm, and prepared a Ki blast from his finger tips, shooting it right at Twilight as she comes flying back, just for her to slap it away while still flying at him at full speed, where she grabs him by his shins, throwing him towards the ground while rushing after, and Nail managed to right himself in the air just before the ground, and the kick off it sent him flying up, landing a fist at full force into Twilight's stomach, after punching her right in the face, just to follow up with a Mystic flasher right at her chest.

which had done nothing to stop Twilight as she punched Nail right in the jaw, sending him flying into the ground again, and following after him trying to land with a kick right into the stomach, however Nail got away in time and started to fly away, while she was still getting out of the ground do to her miss, allowing Nail to get a bit away so he was able to start throwing countless Ki blast at Twilight covered her in smoke, but out from the smoke stood Twilight with not a single blast hitting her, due to her having herself covered in a transparent wing that looked like a purple dragon made with her magic, while she had been charging an attack in her right hand that she had pointed upwards and said "Lightning Shower," unleashing the bolt in her hand and raining down lightning on Nail, who barely got out of the way of the countless bolts coming from the sky, giving Twilight enough time to rush Nail again and grab him by his arm, swinging him around before sending him flying into the ground.

Giving her the opening she needed to end the fight, so Twilight put both her hands forward while charging her Ki into both of them. While doing this, her Ki took the form of a dragon head with its mouth open, and the Ki blast right in its mouth. As Twilight fired this attack at Nail, she yelled "Dragon Buster," a purple blast flying right at Nail, taking him down to the ground, where it exploded with enough force to take down a mountain form just the shock wave, where he was no longer able to move.

Realizing that she might have gone too far, Twilight rushed to his side and started to heal him, which turned out to be good because she had gone a bit too far, for Nail was nearly killed in the last attack, which Nail was fine with because he was the one who had chosen that they were going to fight like they meant to kill each other.

"I am so sorry, Nail. I did not mean to go that far; I got a bit too far into the fight and just started to use far too much power." Said Twilight in a bit of a panic, for she had gotten close to Nail in the last four years; he had become a bit of a big brother to Twilight.

"It's ok, Twilight, you are fixing your mistake and healing me after you beat, and it's my own fault anyways; it was me who said to come at me like you meant to kill me; you just followed my lead on this; else, I am happy to see how far you have come these last four years; you have been able to take every lesson I have given you; you have shatter my expectations and done far better than I could ever have asked of you; and for that, I thank you for being my student and my honorary little sister." said Nail, as he gave Twilight a big smile. "Now that we are done here, we should probably go to Guru and let Him know, so are you ready to learn what it was that Guru did not tell you when you first got here?"

"I'm, but will he let me use the dragon balls to bring my brother?" asked Twilight, looking nervous. "This is something I really have been really hoping for, for if I can bring him back, that would let my family become whole again, and that would mean the world to me."

"I know Twilight, and if it were up to me, then you would have had that wish a long time ago; however, Guru has his reason for this, and I trust him fully, so your wish for your brother to be brought back will most likely come true," said Nail, while giving Twilight a reassuring smile. Now let's fly towards Guru's." And so they took off towards Guru's home, where they would meet up with Vomi and, of course, the Grand Elder himself.

As they were flying towards Guru's home, they were joined by Both Owlowiscious, who Twilight had let out after her first day, for being able to train using it's new camouflage ability, on Namek had been perfect for it, for the namekies had seen it as a game to spot the bird, and it had made for the perfect training place for Twilight's pet. Sure, it was an android, but he has a self-learning AI and feels like a real bird to the touch, so to Twilight, he was a real bird who just needs an update now and then. Otherwise, they were joined by Dende as well, who had joined the lessons on magic two years ago; he had become a great friend of Twilight, and he wanted to be there for her meeting with Guru.

"Hey Twilight, how did your fight with Nail go?" Asked Dende, as he got close enough for them to hear him. "We were able to see it all the way to Moori's village."

"Hi Dende, I would say that the fight went well, but I kind of went too far. I did reduce the power of my last attack before letting it go, but it did more damage than I had planned on Nail," said Twilight while looking at the ground as they were flying past.

"Twilight, I have already told you that it was my own fault, for I know how your race is about fighting, and I was feeding into your warrior spirit, making you let lose far more than you want to, so the fault is fully my own, so I ask that you stop hitting yourself over it, and besides, nothing permeant really happened," said Nail in a relaxed tone. "And it seems that your mother is already here, Twilight."

Waving them in as they came in for a landing outside Guru's home, Vomi was standing near the door. "So are you ready for today, Twilight?" asks Vomi, looking at Twilight and getting a nod of her head. "That's good; else, I see that Dende has come along for today as well."

Dende gave Vomi a head nod. "Yes, I want to be here for when You and Twilight summon Porunga, for it's not everyday that he gets summoned, and I want to say goodbye as well for when you leave," said Dende.

"Now then, let's go. Grand Elder Guru is waiting for us." Said Nail, as he took the lead on the way into the house, followed by everyone, and as they got in, Nail took his normal spot, with Dende going over next to Nail as Twilight and Vomi walked in front of Guru. "Elder Guru, we have returned, and I can easily say that Twilight has passed every test I put up in front of her and has mastered everything Moori and I have challenged her with."

"Very good Nail. Now Twilight, I want to see what your time on Namek has done for you, so I would like for you to come over to me and let me see for myself." which Twilight complied to, and walked over next to Guru's chair, where He lay his hand on her head, just for Him to give a smile and let her walk back to where she was. "I can see that your time here on Namek has done you great, better than I had hoped. So first, I want to start up by telling you why it is that no one can feel your Ki; it's not that you do not have any Ki at all far from it; it's that your Ki is that of the Gods; your Ki is pure God Ki." This surprised Twilight and Vomi both, for the idea of Twilight having god Ki would mean there is a lot more to her than they first thought; otherwise, they let Guru keep talking. " Which few in the universe can feel, and it's far more powerful then that of the normal Ki, but works just as that normal Ki, only those who got pure god Ki like yourself will be able to feel it without any special training, which makes me surprised that you have not had any of the gods of our universe come to you, for leaving someone with your power to find your own way can be bad, which is why I wanted you to spent some time learning from us in more the just Magic and Ki, you learn of our people and our ways, which is why I will call both you and your mother honorary Namekies, and so I will let you get your 3 wish's." said Guru, with a smile at the two as he took the Dragon ball on his chair down, and gave it to Nail, where Tanissh, Tsuburi and Moori came in with the last 6 dragon balls.

As they walked out, Twilight was glowing with pure happiness. "I have already let your father know what will happen, so your brother's head is ready to get it's body back, for Guru told me that those who get wish back come back to how their body was before they full die, and sadly he lost everything but his head, so we need to restore his body first, so we will have 1 wish back after bringing him back, so do you have any idea's for that Twilight?" asked Vomi as they were flying to the front of where their ship was set up and ready to, for when they had made their wish's they had to go, for with what they had to do at their next stop they would need all the time they can get.

"Well, I got one idea, and that is to ask where I really come from, for my pod should not just pop into space like it seems to have, and this is not because I want to find my birth mother; I just want to find out why I got God Ki, for no one can replace you," said Twilight as she flew close to her mother and gave her a hug while flying, which was returned like only a mother can.

"That sounds like a good idea, Twilight, and if that wish does not work, then I think I have an idea for something." As they got there, Nail and the others put all the dragon balls together and walked over to Twilight and Vomi, telling them that the dragon balls were ready and just needed to be called in the Namekie language and by his name, which Vomi already had. "So, are you ready, Twilight, to make our family whole again?" asked Vomi with a smile.

"As ready as I will ever be." taking a deep breath, she called out to the dragon in the Namekie tongue. "Come fore, Maker of Dreams, there are dreams to be fulfilled, Porunga." After saying the words, the dragon ball started to glow, and the sky turned dark like night had fallen, and then out of the dragon balls came a golden light coming up from the dragon balls, looking like a lightning bolt coming from the balls, as the light took the shape of a giant dragon.

"You have collected all 7 dragon balls, and now as it has been said, I shall grant you 3 wishes within my power," proclaims Porunga as he looks down on those who have summoned him.

Twilight stepped forward. " For my first wish, I want to know where I came from."

"Your wish is outside of my power, for this wish is inside the realm of the gods, meaning I am unable to do this wish." Porunga, surprising everyone there.

"Well, that is something to think about, but that is for later. Then my first wish will be to restore the body of Gevo, my big brother, and the second wish is to bring him back to life." said Twilight as she looked back up at the dragon, hoping for it to be able to fulfill this wish.

"Your wish's has been granted; what are your three wishes?." Porunga said, but Twilight had already turned around and ran into the ship, for she wanted to talk to her brother again over their link back to earth.

"Well, it's a good thing I got a third wish then," said Vomi as she looked toward where Twilight had vanished and turned around to look up at the dragon. "I got the last wish, and I hope Twilight will like the gift I am going to give her."

Author's Note:

The second time that Twilight is talking where Master Roshi used Lightning is this.