• Published 13th Mar 2024
  • 671 Views, 9 Comments

Equestrian Mew - Kitsulestia

Five humans turned Mew must learn to adapt to life in a world they know nothing about

  • ...

Where are We?/ Friendship is Magic part 1

*Lan's POV*

I groan in pain as I slowly woke up, not realizing that I was smaller than I used to be. I stumble about, tripping over Chaud and landing in a puddle.

I groan "That's the last time Dex dares me to do something stupid."

Chaud spoke "His dare is the least of our concern, Lan."

I ask "Have you even looked in a mirror yet Chaud?"

Chaud spoke "I can guess what I look like, but that’s what I should be asking you."

Maylu had covered her ears.

I spoke "Well, for one... None of us are wearing any clothes."

Yai freaks out a bit bfore crawling to hide in a bush.

Chaud spoke "*Deadpan* You forget about the fur."

Maylu asks "Anyone seen Roll or the others?"

A fluffy pink catlike creature trips over Megaman and landed in the puddle.

Roll groans "Ugh…"

Megaman groans "Gutsman... get off me..."

Gutsman spoke "Guts…"

Megaman spoke "Get off me before I shove a mega-buster in your face."

Gutsman asks "Uh… Where Mega Buster?"

A raw burst of psychic energy flings Gutsman into a tree.

I ask "Was that you Megaman?"

Megaman spoke "Uh, maybe. I’m not sure though."

Still in the bush, Yai spoke "I don't think we're in DenTech city anymore... Moreover, five of us aren't humans anymore."

Chaud spoke "That was already clear when we woke up."

Dex asks "Yeah but WHAT are we?"

Maylu spoke "*Sees something* You really need to see this."

Roll shook the water of her body, causing her fur to go poofy.

Roll spoke "Quit laughing at me Gutsman."

Gutsman was covering his mouth, trying to hold in his laughter.

A sudden Fairy Wind shot out of Roll's mouth and hits Gutsman in the face.

Roll spoke "That's new... And I have a tail... In fact, all ten of us do... Well, Yai's got two..."

Yai shouts "WHAT?!"

A yelp was heard from a small pony.

The pony asks "Who are you... In fact, what are you?"

Maylu, Yai and Roll said nothing… before they tackled the pony while hugging her.

The trio of females spoke "SO CUTE!!!"

A soft giggle was heard from another pony.

The pony spoke "It seems you've made some new friends already Twilight, ten in fact."

Protoman asks "*Straight to the point* Who are you two?"

The larger pony spoke "My name is Celestia, I'm the ruler of this wonderful land of Equestria. And the pony that three of your friends are cuddling is Twilight Sparkle."

I ask "Sorry, what?"

Megaman spoke "Lan, I don't think they can hear our voices since to the two of them, it sounds like we're meowing."

But then…

Chaud asks "*Telepathically* Would this help explain things?"

That surprised Celestia for sure.

I spoke via telepathy "That's Chaud. The two meatheads are Dex and Gutsman, the trio that are cuddling your student are Yai, Roll and Maylu. Mr Blunt is Protoman. I'm Lan, the dark blue is Megaman and the winged fuzzball is Glide."

Celestia asks "So you’re speaking with your mind, hmm?"

I spoke via telepathy "We used to talk normally but we can't now... I wish we could speak like how we used to."

Celestia spoke "Hmm… There may be a spell for that."

Twilight gasps "You had me at spell, Princess Celestia!"

I ask "You sure this will work?"

A pained mewl was heard since a blue furred catlike creature that had two tails fell face first onto the ground after falling out of a portal.

The shiny Mew groans "That hurt..."

But then the Mew gasped at seeing us. “More Mews?! I’m not alone anymore! Whoo-hoo!

Yai asks "What's a Mew?"

The creature immediately froze. “You don’t know what a Mew is?!

I spoke "The ten of us aren't from around here. And by the looks of things, you aren't either."

The shiny Mew spoke "Oh."

A sudden boom startles Twilight enough to jump-start her magic in order to hatch the dragon egg, revealing a baby purple dragon. But she soon loses control of her magic, causing eleven strands to break off and absorb into the throats of the blue Mew as well as my friends and I thus causing all eleven of us to talk for real.

Megaman spoke "Woah! I can talk for real and not with my mind!"

“Now this is awesome!” I cheered before my stomach growled. “But man… What I wouldn’t give for some curry.”

Maylu tail slaps me on the back of my head.

Maylu spoke "Jeeze Lan, you forget that Twilight can't eat meat. She doesn't have the right teeth for it."

Megaman chuckles "Hehe, always thinking on your stomach, Lan."

Roll giggles "You're one to talk Mega, we have to eat food for energy since we're living creatures now."

Roll curls her tail around Megaman's neck, embarrassing him.

Megaman stammers "*Blushing* O-Oh… Right."

*13 years later*

I was carrying a two year old male Mew on my back as the others and I followed Twilight to her tower.

I ask "You okay Twilight?"

Roll had twin Mews clinging to her belly and back.

Twilight calls out "Spike! Spike! SPIIIKE!"

Spike spoke "Jeeze Twilight, can you please tone your voice down? You really don't want a pair of angry females attacking you if their children start crying."

Twilight spoke "Sorry, but I’m looking for the Elements of Harmony."

Danyelle spoke "Maybe that loud boom we heard 13 years ago had something to do with the connection."

Maylu spoke "Maybe."

Dex was having a donut from Donut Joe’s. Again.

I groan "Dex, you know we have to keep a low profile because there could be bad guys out there that will get their hooves on us... Especially Patch, Volt and Jazz."

Yai ggiggles "Not to mention you’ve been putting on more than a few pounds, Dex."

I spoke "Yai's right Dex, you do seem a bit more chunky than you were 13 years ago."

The trio of baby Mews giggle.

Megaman chuckles "I’ll say this much, Dex and Gutsman may be best friends, but they’re definitely opposites."

Gutsman obviously looked like he got a bit tougher.

Danyelle spoke "You know Lan, you and Megaman are lucky to have mates. I haven't found mine yet."

Roll spoke "I’m sure you’ll find your special someone."

Danyelle asks "I know... But who?"

Spike soon found what Twilight was looking for.

Danyelle spoke "I have a gut feeling that Nightmare Moon is about to escape tonight... It's important that we warn Princess Celestia right away!"

But then Spike burped out a letter.

Danyelle spoke "It's like I predicted, Princess Celestia wants the 15 of us to head to where the Summer Sun Celebration is being held this year. A quaint little town called Ponyville."

Spike looked at the letter and was shocked. “How did you…?”

I chuckle "She's got a gift not commonly found in ponies or Mews."

Twilight spoke "*sigh* I won’t say I’m not jealous."

Danyelle spoke "I can't turn it off anyway."

Roll asks "But is it a good idea to be traveling with three baby Mews?"

Danyelle spoke "Something tells me there’s babysitters there."

Maylu spoke "Don't make me use Fairy Wind on you Danyelle."

Danyelle asks "You do realize that won’t hurt me much, right?"

Maylu grumbles "Fire-types..."

Dex spoke "Huh, wonder if there’s anything to try in Ponyville."

Danyelle pulls Dex's tail.

Dex yelps "Gyah! Hey!"

Danyelle spoke "You're such a glutton for food."

Yai whispered to Maylu and Roll. “Wouldn’t be surprised if a big mare got attracted to him.”

The three female Mews giggled.

Roll giggles "But you know we Mews can't breed with other creatures."

Maylu asks "Well, we can never really know for sure. ‘Cause if what Dany said is true, how could all those Pokemon be descended from Mew?"

Roll bops her fellow Mew on the head.

Roll spoke "You forget, we are the only 14 Mews in Equestria."

Maylu spoke "Still, you can never know what could happen with us."

Danyelle giggles "something tells me that after we arrive in Ponyville, a hyper pink mare spazzes out and zips off to get a party started. And Twilight, you still owe Moondancer an apology for skipping out on her own party."

Twilight facehoofed. “I completely forgot on who it was for.”

Danyelle teleports before reappearing with Moondancer, Lemon Hearts, Twinkle Shine and Lyra.

Danyelle spoke "Now would be a good time."

Twilight asks "Spike?"

Spike spoke "Sorry, Twi. You’re on your own for this one."

I cuff Twilight on the back of the head with my tail, giving her a wake up call.

Danyelle teleported once again before reappearing with a pale grayish pink unicorn mare and a dark mulberry unicorn mare with a broken horn.

“Uh, who’re they?” I asked.

The pale grayish pink unicorn mare spoke "I'm Starlight Glimmer."

The dark mulberry unicorn mare spoke "Tempest Shadow but you can call me Fizzlepop."

Twilight asks "Wait… Starlight Glimmer? Where did I hear that from…?"

Starlight spoke "Probably from somepony named Sunburst."

Twilight asks "Sunburst…? Didn’t he drop out?"

Moondancer spoke "I heard rumors that he did."

Needless to say, Starlight definitely looked shocked at that. “But why?”

Danyelle spoke "My guess is that he wanted to pursue his own path... Kind of like another pony that's currently missing."

Roll giggles "But I bet a certain Pegasus stallion will be here soon."

Twilight's goes redder than a tamato berry.

Megaman chuckles "Good one Roll."

Danyelle asks "*Ahem!* Party apology, ‘member?"

Twilight spoke "oh right... Look Moondancer, I'm sorry for skipping out on your party but I promise I will make it up to you. Right now, I have things to do down in Ponyville."

Moondancer spoke "I understand Twilight, I'll hold you to that promise."

The two mares exchange hugs.

Glide spoke "I’m glad that problem has been resolved."

Tempest spoke "There's still the issue with my horn."

Danyelle senses some sort of ancient magic sealed in a strange lamp buried in a wall.

Danyelle digs the lamp out, causing it to fall to the ground near Twilight.

Twilight asks "What the?"

Danyelle asks "A genie lamp?"

“Reminds me of MistMan.” I noted.

Patch mewls in a confused tone.

Maylu spoke "A story for another time."

Right after Twilight touched the lamp, a unicorn mare with old fashioned Saddle Arabian clothes emerges.

The mare "Ten thousand years can give a pony such a major crick in the neck! Nigh cosmic powers in an itty bitty space!"

Danyelle asks "Why do I feel like I’ve heard that somewhere?"

Twilight spoke "Never mind that, we have to get going."

Danyelle spoke "We better bring the lamp along just so it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands, or hooves."

Twilight spoke "Fair enough but one thing first, I wish that Fizzlepop's horn was repaired."

Fizzlepop asks "Wait, what?"

Danyelle asks "Do you miss having a working horn?"

The wish still caught Fizzlepop off guard.

A golden glow surrounds Fizzlepop's horn, restoring it thus balancing out the mare's magic.

Fizzlepop was definitely speechless.

Danyelle spoke "we're going to be late!"

Danyelle teleported with Twilight, Spike, Flash, Fizzlepop, Starlight, the other 13 Mews and I straight to Ponyville.

Danyelle notices a pink earth pony.

The pink pony spotted us and gasped before zipping off.

Maylu spoke "What a strange pony."

Dex's stomach growled, causing the other adult Mews and I to snicker.

Twilight spoke "Can you not think about food right now? We have to oversee the preparation for the Summer Sun Celebration. And it just so happens that our first stop is Sweet Apple Acres. And for the love of Celestia, please stay close to me. We don't know what could attack you guys."

Danyelle spoke "Twilight, calm down."

Yai giggles "So says the unicorn that has a crush on a royal guard."

Twilight spoke "*Stammers while blushing* Shh! Let’s just go!"

Danyelle snickers "Scaredy Skitty."

We were soon at Sweet Apple Acres as Dex’s stomach growled again, a bit louder this time.

A honey blonde furred chakat with sap green eyes whistles loud as an earth pony mare with a straw blonde mane and sap green eyes gallops past before kicking a tree.

Danyelle asks "Twilight, what is that?"

Twilight spoke "I think it’s a… Chakat? But this is the first time I’ve seen one."

Before any of us could say anything, our stomachs rumbled a bit too.

The chakat notice the group.

The chakat asks "Y'all hungry?"

Fizzlepop spoke "There's 19 of us total."

Crosswind spoke "Ah'm Crosswind, nice to meet ya all. Hey Applejack! We got hungry ponies, four of them along with a dragon and 14 catlike creatures Ah've never seen before."

Applejack asks "Say whut now?"

To be Continued...