• Published 13th Mar 2024
  • 671 Views, 9 Comments

Equestrian Mew - Kitsulestia

Five humans turned Mew must learn to adapt to life in a world they know nothing about

  • ...

Bridle Gossip

*Twilight's POV*

Well, this is odd. Town's empty.

Dex and the other Mews were hiding.

Danyelle spoke "This is weird..."

Spike spoke "You're telling me."

Danyelle asks "Is it some sort of new holiday?"

Danyelle's ear twitches since she heard Pinkie's voice.

Danyelle asks "Hmm?"

A speedy blue furred Mew zooms past while trying to escape a pissed Mew with a hammer.

I ask "*sweatdrop* What was that?"

Danyelle spoke "*Bead of sweat* We probably shouldn’t ask questions we don’t want answers to."

The hammer-wielding Mew spoke "GET BACK HERE SONIC!"

“…I’m not sure what to say of this.” I admitted.

Danyelle spoke "Amy's always like this..."

A lilac furred Mew with gold eyes whacks Amy with her tail.

Amy spoke "Why don't you back off Blaze? It's obvious I will be Sonic's mate!"

Blaze spoke "With that clingy attitude? It's no wonder he's scared of you!"

Blaze and Amy were soon in a fight cloud. A literal cat fight. Again.

A yellow furred two tailed Mew groans "Not again... Hey Knuckles, mind putting a stop to it?"

Knuckles spoke "Heck no!"

The two-tailed male Mew facepalmed.

Danyelle gasps "Miles, is that really you bro?"

The two tailed Mew spoke "Whoa whoa whoa, please don't call me that. I go by Tails now."

Danyelle spoke "Nickname or not, you're still Miles to me."

Tails gasps "Dany?!"

A pair of baby Mews were clinging to Danyelle's back.

Danyelle spoke "I was worried about you bro!"

Danyelle grabs her brother and gives him a noogie.

Tails spoke "*Pouting* Hey! Quit it!"

Spottedleaf climbs up onto Danyelle's head.

Tails asks "Huh? Who's the mitten?"

Danyelle giggles "There's not just one, I have three."

Tails spoke "But I'm asking who they are."

Danyelle spoke "The dark tortoiseshell is Spottedleaf, the calico with a pale red tail is Redtail and the gray with a dark gray stripe down the back is Graystripe. Hey Sora! Get your furry tail over here with Ravenpaw!"

Sora spoke "Coming!"

Tails asks "Sora?"

Sora spoke "Hey bro."

Tails asks "Seriously, who're the mittens?"

Danyelle spoke "Spottedleaf and Redtail were caused by a strange flower, Graystripe's adopted."

Sora spoke "Ravenpaw's my son."

Danyelle spoke "In other words, your niece and nephews."

Tails was frozen stiff about what he heard.

Danyelle asks "You okay bro?"

Tails exclaims "…*Shouts out* I’M FINALLY AN UNCLE!!!"

Danyelle notices a pale silver-white Mew with green eyes.

Sora giggles "Hey bro, isn't that Inari I see over there?"

That made Tails suddenly panic with a blush. “What-Who-Huh-Where?”

Inari was soon behind Tails with her paws over his eyes.

Inari giggles "Guess who?"

Tails' fur suddenly blushed sun-red with steam coming out of his ears and nose.

The next thing Inari did was wrap her tail around Tails' waist and nibbled one of his ears, giving him a nosebleed with a gigantic blush.

Spottedleaf covered her eyes since she didn't want to be exposed to that sort of stuff until she was an adult.

Sora was looking up at the sky with a few tears in her eyes.

Pinkie spoke "Come here... Come here!"

I grab the small group of Mews as well as Spike before darting into Sugarcube Corner.

Danyelle asks "What's got you so paranoid Pinkie?"

A zebra-colored Mew with a brown cloak was digging at the ground.

"A Mew?" I noticed.

Applejack spoke "But look at 'er mane! That just ain't normal."

Danyelle spoke "For the love of Arceus, you're all being paranoid..."

Amy spoke "I know someone who's far more paranoid."

Knuckles spoke "Call me crazy, but something tells me she wouldn't be suspicious of that Mew at all."

Danyelle slams a bowl of grapes on Knuckles' head.

Danyelle spoke "Knuckles, shut up and eat your grapes."

Sonic spoke "Actually, Knux might be onto something there."

Danyelle spoke "So says the Mew that loves chili dogs."

"Okay, what is going on?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

Danyelle spoke "Basically, everypony and the rest of the Mew colony is afraid of the newcomer and... *nose twitches* I smell blood!"

Leaving the mittens with me, Danyelle zooms off into the forest before finding an injured pony.

Danyelle asks "Are you alright?"

"Storm Cutter" was out cold.

Danyelle thinks "{I need to get him to the hospital.}"

Danyelle pulls the unconscious stallion by the tail out of the forest and to the hospital.

Danyelle asks "Hello? Nurse Redheart?"

A calico chakat asks "Find something new huh?"

Danyelle spoke "Somepony."

The calico chakat spoke "Oi Redheart! Another one, we have!"

Redheart spoke "Gingerheart, please talk normally."

Gingerheart spoke "I have a speech problem you know."

Redheart spoke "And don't say it's some kind of disease. You lied to me about that a lot."

Gingerheart chuckles "But you know you love me Red."

Redheart blushed at that.

Danyelle giggles "You two are so cute together."

The two blushed even more.

Danyelle giggles "Not to mention, I see a little ponykat in your future. A calico and white named Mistheart."

One of the other nurses carried the injured stallion off to a treatment room.

Then Renee showed up with a stressed expression.

Danyelle asks "Renee? What's the matter?"

Back at Sugarcube Corner, Corina had put on a few pounds due to stress eating.

Corina groans "Ugh... At this rate, Renee doesn't seem to like me the same way I like her..."

Pinkie spoke "This day’s going crazy!"

I spoke "You're telling me! Danyelle zooms off into the forest for no reason, Corina's stress eating and I have no idea where Renee went off to."

Dex spoke "I'm kinda surprised she's eating that much."

Corina spoke "Shut up will you? I don't want to hear it!"

Maylu spoke "Dex, you're an idiot."

Despite Corina's bloated stomach, she kept stress-eating.

Bridget spoke "And here I thought Kiki was obsessed with candy..."

Cadence pulled Corina away from the food.

Cadence asks "What's wrong with you?"

Zoey delivered a tailslap upside the back of Corina's head.

Corina asks "OW! What was that for Zoey?"

Zoey spoke "Pull yourself together, Corina!"

Corina spoke "You have it easier Zoey! I don't since I doubt Renee even swings that way."

Cadence had beads of sweat at that.

A lot of yelping was heard since Danyelle was dragging Renee back by the ear.

Renee whines "Owowowowowow! My ear!"

Danyelle asks "Renee, do you realize that you're hurting Corina on an emotional level?"

Renee asks "W-what?"

Danyelle spoke "Don't think I wasn't paying attention to her behavior, Corina really does love you yet you only see her as a friend."

Renee definitely looked conflicted.

Danyelle spoke "Her stress is out of control but only you can stop it."

Renee asks "But... What am I supposed to do?"

Cadence spoke "just tell her the honest truth."

Renee spoke "I don't know how to though..."

Danyelle slaps Renee upside the back of the head.

Renee yelps "Ow!"

Danyelle giggles "Like I always say... Slap in the face would be humiliating, back of the head's a wake up call."

Cadence giggles "Too true."

Danyelle asks "Now, what are you going to do now Renee?"

Renee looked like she didn't have any idea on what to do.

Corina asks "Renee?"

Renee panicked at that.

Danyelle spoke "Don't even think about running away."

Renee panicked more before she suddenly started stress-eating rapidly, causing most of us to gain a bead of sweat at that, even Corina.

Corina pulls Renee away from the food before slapping the wolfish Mew across the face.

Corina spoke "Quit being a scaredy wolf and just tell me what you want."

Due to how fast and how much Renee ate, she was as chubby as Corina.

Renee spoke "*Whimper* I’m scared…"

Corina spoke "I'm scared too but I'm sure you and I can figure something out."

An amethyst ring fell out of the tail fur on Corina's tail, surprising Renee.

Corina spoke "*Bead of sweat* Whoops."

Zoey was about to lose her cool since it was her idea to prank Corina.

Renee asks "Corina, what is this?"

Corina spoke "Don’t know how it got there. But might as well roll along with it now."

Zoey was giggling quietly.

Renee asks "*blushing* But how did you know that was my favorite gemstone?"

But then Corina and Renee's stomachs growled in hunger, making them both blush more.

Zoey soon burst into laughter.

Corina spoke "*Nervous giggle* Guess we're both kinda nervous."

Renee spoke "*Nervous giggle in agreement* Yeah, definitely. *Gentle smile* Why don't we stuff ourselves and then we'll continue when we're both calm."

Corina spoke "*Nods with a gentle smile* Totally, sorry about all that's happened earlier."

The two giggled as Zoey comically face-faulted before the two started eating the sweets together.

Dren chuckles "Guess your little prank backfire, eh kitty cat?"

Zoey spoke "Not as badly as I feared though."

*Danyelle's POV*

While Corina and Renee were eating nonstop, Apple Bloom snuck outside to meet with the zebra-colored Mew.

The zebra-colored Mew zooms off somewhere when she heard a scream as a fluffy silver-gray Mew with amber eyes followed after her.

Zecora spoke "Are you alright? You sounded like you saw monsters at night."

After transforming into a pony-sized cat, the fluffy tom spoke "She was attacked."

The pony-sized cat grabs some nearby cobwebs and presses them onto the mare's flank, slowing the flow of blood.

Zecora spoke "Allow me to assist you. It is the least I can do."

The tom spoke "I do believe we're being followed."

Zecora asks "Hmm?"

The tom pointed his tail at Applebloom.

Applebloom spoke "Uh... Hi."

The tom spoke "You are gonna be in so much trouble with your sister once she finds out you went into a dangerous forest and..."

The tom soon hears a filly cry out before running off.


Bolts of lightning fly at the Timberwolves, causing them to get shattered.

Applebloom spoke "*Starry-eyed* Wow!"

The tom climbed up the tree before climbing back down with a Pegasus filly on his back.

The tom spoke "I smell six ponies coming, all females though one has a foal on the way."

Applebloom asks "Huh?"

Applejack spoke "Applebloom! Git away from that Mew and the cat!"

The mare spoke "No... Don't hurt them... They saved my life and my little filly."

I whack Applejack on the head.

I spoke "Don't be racist, the zebra colored Mew can't help it. She was born with the stripes."

Zecora smiled at that.

I spoke "I never really introduced myself yet, I'm Danyelle Prower."

A howl was heard, spooking the ponies.

“What in the?!” I gasped.

Applejack spoke "That sounded like a wolf..."

A second howl was heard since two larger than normal wolves were hiding in the darkness though one wolf was smaller than the other.

I spoke "Oh boy…"

Applejack spoke "Don't mind them though gals, they're harmless."

the silver wolf pounces on Applejack before tickling the earth mare.

Applejack laughs "*Giggling* Hey! Ease up, you silly wolf!"

Pinkie gasped, remembering something.

Pinkie spoke "Sugarcube Corner!"

I spoke "Pinkie, you are so random!"

After we got everything calmed down and sorted out, we got the mare to the hospital as the tom cared for the filly before we headed back to Sugarcube Corner, only for our jaws to drop in shock, seeing both Corina and Renee being fatter than Dex, each weighing 1,000 pounds, lying on their backs. The two were laughing and smiling before they got up with their overstuffed bodies and faced each other, despite not floating in the air and standing on their feet.

The silver tom spoke "Talk about awkward...."

Zoey spoke "You’re telling me."

Corina spoke "Well, at least we both calmed down."

Renee spoke "Yeah, definitely not stressed anymore."

Cadence giggles "So, what will you two do next?"

Corina giggles "I think Renee and I will travel around like we are right now for a bit."

Renee giggles "Yeah, and see what happens next."

Twilight spoke "She was talking about the ring though."

Renee spoke "Funny you should mention that."

Renee showed the ring on her finger as her and Corina's fat tails coiled around each other.

Corina spoke "We'll find a way to make it work, it'll just take time."

Zoey spoke "Even though it is a little bit weird."

Pinkie spoke "Huh, I have a feeling it'll get weirder."

The tom spoke "I got problems of my own too but I don't want to talk about them."

I spoke "Okay."

The tom spoke "You lot can call me Featherwhisker."

Rainbow spoke "Cool."

Sonic spoke "Hey Skittles! I challenge you to a race!"

Rainbow asks "*Ears twitch* What was that?"

Tails groans "Not again..."

Pinkie spoke "Something tells me we should run."

I spoke "This is not going to end well."
