• Published 25th May 2023
  • 1,433 Views, 84 Comments

Being A Parent Is Hard - TheKing2001

Sunset deals with the effects of the Fall Formal while Cheerilee learns how hard being a parent can be. Together, the mother and daughter learn more about each other and deal with more challenges.

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Chapter XIV

With a groan, I lifted my backpack and hoisted it onto my back. I actually hated school. The only good part was seeing Bon Bon, Derpy, my other friends and
Sunset. I was really surprised Sunset actually accepted my offer of friendship. I never thought in a million years I would be friends with the former Queen Bee of Canterlot High. Or that I would actually trust her. Bon Bon was iffy on her and Octavia was against her a little. Derpy loved her and just didn’t give a fuck about anything or anyone’s opinions. I respected that girl so much. Derpy was an inspiring girl. Sure, she had her eye that got her made fun of but deep down, she’s a real good, friendly caring friend. I’d beat a motherfucker up if they came after her. Hell, when Sunset insulted her that one day, Derpy had to convince me to not fight her.

“Did I do my daily list today?” I wondered aloud as I brushed some of my mint green hair away out of my eyes. Let’s see, I did my makeup, check. Brushed my hair, check. Took a shower, check. Brushed my teeth, check. Brought my lunch, check. Did I put deodorant on? I lifted my arm up and sniffed, scrunching up my nose in disgust. No, I did not. Looks like I’ll be borrowing Bon Bon or Derpy’s perfume. No offense to my girlfriend, but Bon Bons perfume was horrendous, just like Octavia’s. Octavia always smelled like God awful fancy smells that hurt my head after being in within close proximity to her. I preferred Derpy’s. It smelled like baking supplies and cinnamon. Makes sense, because she makes muffins and other baked goods daily. Hell, it wouldn’t surprise me if she was bringing muffins with her right now. They were her favorite food, hands down.

“Hey Lyra!” Speak of her and she appears. Looks like I was right, based on the brown bag in her right hand. Derpy was walking up to me, eagerly waving with her trademarked big grin.

“Morning Derpy,” I waved back. She wrapped her arms around me and made a face.

“No offense Lyra but you smell,” Derpy whispered in my ear.

“I know. I forgot to put my deodorant on today, thanks for the reminder. Can I uh borrow your perfume please?” I begged. Derpy stepped away and rolled her eye.

“Yeah sure. Hold my muffins please,” Derpy held out the bag and I took it, taking a big inhale of the smell. If heaven had a smell, it would be a bag of Derpys muffins. She rummaged through her bag and held out her perfume. “Here you go.”

“Thank God. You’re a lifesaver Derps,” I handed her bag back and took the perfume, quickly spraying it twice under my arms and once on the front of my shirt. “Have you heard from Sunset?”

“Uh no. We don’t have her phone number, remember?” Derpy reminded me. We had completely forgotten to exchange phone numbers with her. I feel stupid about it to be honest. Usually, that’s the first thing we do when we meet new friends is give our phone numbers to them.

“Oh right.”

“Plus she’s still grounded and Miss Cheerilee took her phone away for three weeks,” Derpy continued. “So even if we did have her number, she couldn’t text or call us.” That also made sense.

“That checks out,” I sighed. Derpy raised an eyebrow as we continued walking to our school.

“What on earth does that mean?” Derpy asked in confusion.

“Basically means that makes sense,” I explained as I climbed up the stairs with her and held open the door. “After you.”

“Oh. Thanks Lyra,” Derpy gave me an appreciative look before stepping inside and I followed her, slamming the door behind me.

“Oh I did not miss this place,” I muttered as we stared at our classmates laughing and catching up.

“Oh come on Lyra,” Derpy scoffed. “So much potential for friends here. How can you hate this place?”

“Because school fucking sucks,” I grumbled. Derpy opened her mouth to retaliate.

“I sure hope you don’t think about us that way darling,” a British accent called from behind me. We spun around and made eye contact with Octavia, Vinyl and Bon Bon. My eyes lit up and I stepped forward, giving Bon Bon a kiss which she eagerly returned.

“I’ve missed that,” Bon Bon sighed contently.

“How was everyone winter breaks? Have a good Christmas?” Derpy asked. Me, Octavia and Bon Bon echoed each other with a simple yes while Vinyl gave a thumbs up. She rarely talks in public.

“Yeah. What about you Derpy?” Bon Bon asked with a smile that I loved.

“It was okay. Just wish Sunset was able to text me and Lyra,” Derpy kicked the ground and Octavia’s smile vanished.

“Do we really need to bring her up?” Our British friend scoffed. “Have you forgotten what she did?”

“Yes. And she’s been making amends with me and Lyra,” Derpy retorted. “We even slept over at her house a few times.”

“What?” Bon Bon stared at me. “You never told me that.”

“Because it wasn’t your business. It was between the four of us,” I answered. Bon Bon held up a hand.

“Hold on. The four of us? Who else was there?” Bon Bon looked at the two of us. Me and Derpy exchanged nervous glances. We had agreed to not tell anyone about Sunset being Miss Cheerilee’s daughter or the whole prostitution for money fiasco.

“No one,” I lied. Derpy nodded, surprisingly backing me up. She hated lying to our friends.

“Uh huh,” Bon Bon folded her arms and gave us her look that says I know you’re lying but I won’t push it because I’ll figure it out later. I’ve been on the receiving end of that look many times. Been on the receiving end of stuff from her multiple times. I really should get a hold on my dirty mind.

“Why would you even stay the night with her?” Octavia asked. “She was evil!”

“So was the Joker and Anakin Skywalker but they redeemed themselves,” I shot back. Bon Bon facepalmed.

“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.” I glared at Bon Bon.

“What? He killed The Emperor to save his son!”

“After killing children, enslaving the Wookies, murdering a bunch of Jedi and doing what God knows else!” Bon Bon retorted. “And the Joker beat Jason Todd to death with a crowbar!”

“Technically he only beat him half to death,” Derpy pointed out. “The explosives in the warehouse is what actually killed Jason.”

“Not helping Derpy,” Bon Bon replied with gritted teeth.

“Would you three stop fighting over pop culture nonsense?” Octavia demanded with an eyeroll. “It’s dumb.” All three of us glared at her.

“Shush Octavia,” we all said in unison.

“Speaking of Sunset, here she comes,” Bon Bon nodded subtly in her direction. Sure enough, the fiery haired girl was walking to us. Octavia folded her arms and looked away while Vinyl kept listening to her music.

“Uh hi Lyra and Derpy,” Sunset muttered. I wrapped an arm around her and made sure Octavia saw it.

“Sup Sunny! Have a good Christmas?” I asked with a grin.

“Yeah it was good for a first Christmas. Spent time out of town,” Sunset admitted. Well, that explained why she didn’t answer the door everytime me and Derpy went over to see if she was busy.

“Wait. You’ve never had a Christmas before?” I asked in shock and even Octavia looked a bit surprised.

“Well no. First time for everything,” Sunset answered sheepishly. “Had no time for it or for Hearths Warming Eve back home.”

“What’s Hearths Warming Eve?” Derpy asked.

“It’s the Equestrian equivalent of Christmas. Before Equestria was founded, the unicorns, earth ponies and pegasi hated each other. There was no food for any of the tribes and everypony was starving. The leaders from each tribe went in search of a new land and each found a patch of untouched land. They each laid claim to it and fought over it. They soon turned to ice by the evil Wendigos and the ponies they brought with them because friends and banished the Wendigos. And Equestria was formed,” Sunset explained. “Earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi all living together peacefully.”

“Fascinating,” I muttered in awe. Octavia rolled her eyes.

“I have a surprise for you later Lyra,” Sunset winked at me.

“What is it?” I asked excitedly.

“You’ll see. Come to the assembly Principal Celestia has arranged for me.”


“So what do you think this assembly is about?” I asked as we took our seats in the gym, Bon Bon to my right and Derpy to my left.

“I have no idea,” Bon Bon admitted. “We will find out.” She pointed to where Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, Miss Cheerilee and Sunset were talking. A box sat on the podium shut.

“Alright quiet down everyone,” Luna spoke into the microphone and we all got silent. That women knew how to silence a crowd. “First things first, welcome back to school after a long break. We hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas. My sister and I would like to announce we have a school wide music showcase planned for the beginning of next month. So make your bands and submit them to either my sister or I or Miss Cheerilee and we will enter you. Any music acts are allowed as long as it’s SCHOOL APPROPRIATE. I’m looking at you, Sweet Leafs.” We all burst out laughing and even Octavia cracked a faint smile. Sweet Leafs had protested climate change by stripping naked and painting herself green and standing outside the school. What being naked had to do with climate change, I have no idea. I sure enjoyed the show till Bon Bon intervened and dragged me away. I still don’t hear the end of that. It was a free strip show. How could I refuse that?

“And now, a student has a few words,” Vice Principal Luna nodded to Sunset and stepped away. She cautiously stepped forward to the mic.

“Hello.” A bunch of booing and insults were thrown her way and her face fell. Miss Cheerilee’s face turned cold and angry. She scared me when she got mad. I’ve only seen it once and that was back when we caught Sunset.

“Quiet!” Vice Principal Luna shouted and her voice echoed, the gym instantly quieted down. Even without a microphone, her voice demanded attention.

“Thank you. My name is Sunset Shimmer,” Sunset spoke again.

“We know,” Octavia muttered and Derpy elbowed her.

“I was a very evil person. I took advantage of you all. I bullied and harassed my way to power. I did awful things to you all and I’m truly sorry. I have one person I want to start with. My friend. Could Lyra Heartstrings please come up here?” Sunset continued. Everyone stared at me and I pointed a confused finger to my chest. Sunset nodded.

“Go!” Bon Bon hissed. I shakily stood up and walked down the bleachers, feeling everyone’s eyes on me. I hesitantly climbed the stairs to the stage and stood next to her.

“What is this Sunset?” I whispered. I was getting a bit uncomfortable with everyone staring at me.

“This is one of my friends, Lyra. She and another friend believed I changed and gave me friendship even when I didn’t deserve it. Nothing will make up for what I’ve done, but I can fix what I did to Lyra,” Sunset stepped to the box and opened it. She lifted a crown out and smiled. “Lyra, I crown you the Sophomore Year Fall Formal Princess.” I covered my mouth and gasped as she gently put the crown on my head. “You were the rightful winner of that year, not me. The year book may not recognize you as the winner, but I do. You deserved it.” I wiped a tear away. I had always wanted this. I could see Bon Bon grinning alongside Derpy’s wild clapping. Vinyl gave me a thumbs up and Octavia gave me a grudging smile. I spun around and hugged Sunset tightly.

“Thank you Sunset.”

Author's Note:

Well, here is Lyras chapter. Let me know if you enjoyed it. Have a good night!