• Published 25th May 2023
  • 1,432 Views, 84 Comments

Being A Parent Is Hard - TheKing2001

Sunset deals with the effects of the Fall Formal while Cheerilee learns how hard being a parent can be. Together, the mother and daughter learn more about each other and deal with more challenges.

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Chapter VII

“Any pain while urination, lower abdominal pain, vaginal discharge or bleeding in between periods?” Nurse Sweetheart asked as she overlooked her clipboard. Sunset sat on the hospital bed, looking around the room with a mixture of curiosity and nervousness. I sat in the chair across from her watching. Even though she swore up and down she had no stds, I still wanted to make sure she didn’t. And if she did, this way we could at least get ahead of it.

“No. None of that,” Sunset shook her head. “What are those symptoms of?”

“Chlamydia. And good that you don’t have any of those symptoms. Any thick, cloudy or bloody discharge?” The slightly overweight nurse asked.


“Any pain or a burning sensation when urining?”


“Heavy menstrual bleeding or bleeding between periods?” She asked. Sunset sighed and gave her a frown.

“Isn’t that similar to the first question you asked?” Sunset raised an eyebrow. “I already said no to that one. Why ask twice?”

“Hospital procedure. I have to ask,” the nurse apologized and looked at her expectantly. Sunset let our a long sigh.

“No, no bleeding. Just like the first time I answered your question,” she grumbled.

“Good, good. Another painful bowel movements or scratching?” She asked with her pen resting on the paper.

“No,” Sunset shook her head and the nurse wrote down her answer.

“Okay so no symptoms of gonorrhea so that’s good. Next up is Trichomoniasis. Any clear, white, greenish or yellowish vaginal discharge?” Sunset gave her a disgusted look and turned green.

“That is absolutely disgusting sounding. No I have none of that. Bring me a bucket to vomit in if these questions continue to be as gross as that one was,” Sunset growled. The nurse chuckled and slid a trash can over.

“Alrighty. These are pretty gross and uncomfortable questions, I know. But they’re necessary to make sure your safe and healthy,” the nurse smiled. “Any strong vaginal odor, painful urination or vaginal itching or irritation?”

“No, no and no.”

“Okay, perfect.”

“Why did you ask if I had gonorrhea? Isn’t that when my eyes get red or something?” Sunset asked curiously.

“It’s a bacterial infection. Most sexually transmitted diseases are. Trichomoniasis is a microscopic, one called parasite. Gonorrhea can be received by giving someone oral sex,” Nurse Sweetheart explained. “We’ve already gone over HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, HPV and genital herpes. You’ve said no to all those symptoms which is very good. I just need to take some blood.” She held up a small piece of plastic. “This is a fingerprick machine. It’s gonna be a uncomfortable feeling for a second. A small needle is gonna poke your finger and draw blood for us to test.”

“Okay,” Sunset cautiously held out a finger and Sweetheart pressed it against her finger and pressed a button. “Ow.” The nurse dropped the stick from the machine into a bottle and closed it.

“Great job,” she smiled. “Now I need a mouth swab. Open up please.” She picked up a swab and Sunset rolled her eyes before complying. Nurse Sweetheart did a quick swab and dropped it into a separate jar. “Just one more thing. You already gave me a urine sample when you first got here. Just need a cervix swab. You can leave the room, Cheerilee if you want.” I gave a nod and quickly stood up.

“You’re gonna do great. We can get ice cream after this,” I reassured Sunset as I stepped out of the room and softly closed the door. I started pacing back and forth before I heard a startled yelp come from Sunset’s room. The nurse stuck her head out.

“It’s done. You can come back inside now,” she smiled. Well that was fast. I turned around and walked back in.

“If you ever come near me with another swab again, I’m shoving it so far down your throat. Do you understand me lady?” Sunset fumed. She had been grumpy all morning because she didn’t sleep well. I blame that on my tossing and turning. I’m a pretty annoying person to sleep next to. I move around a lot sometimes. The nurse gave a smile and looked completely unphased by Sunset’s threat. She probably got them a lot.

“She’s just doing her job Sunset,” I chided.

“I know,” Sunset stood up. “Can we leave now please? I want to get these errands down so I can relax in bed with chocolate and ice cream.”

“You’re free to go. We will call you when our test results come back,” Nurse Sweetheart nodded. We stepped out of the room and started walking to the waiting room where Derpy and Lyra were sitting. They had for some reason insisted on coming but weren’t allowed in the room because they weren’t family or related to her. Even if they were, I wouldn’t have allowed them in the room. It was a private matter.

“What was that yelp we heard?” Lyra asked curiously. Sunset gave a shudder.

“I don’t want to talk about it.”


“Who do you wanna do first?” I asked as we walked through the mall. “Lyra, Derpy, Cherry Berry, Berry Punch or Ruby Pinch?”

“Uh Derpy. She was my second friend,” Sunset stepped away from a mannequin. I raised an eyebrow.

“Who was your first friend?” I asked curiously. Sunset gave me a smirk.

“You of course. Can you believe the nurse gave me a sucker and a sticker? What does she think I am, five?” Sunset grumbled. She ripped the wrapper off and shoved it in her pocket, sticking the sucker in her mouth. “Hmm. Not bad.” I gave a chuckle.

“Where to?” I asked. Sunset looked around before pointing to a stuffed animal store.

“She loves plushies. I’m looking for a giant stuffed sea lion. They’re her favorite animals,” Sunset explained as we started walking inside.

“How much money do you have?” I asked curiously.

“About two thousand or so,” she said casually as she picked up a stuffed walrus.

“And you went out last night for money? Two thousand is a decent amount for a teen,” I said in awe.

“I had a panic attack like I said. I wasn’t really thinking,” Sunset sighed as she set it down. Her eyes lit up. “There! A giant ass sea lion!” She bounded to it and picked it up. I was tempted to tell her to not cuss but decided against it. This was the happiest I’ve seen her all day. Derpy and Lyra had to go with their parents, much to Lyra’s frustration. Made getting them gifts easier though. “This is the one. I need to get playing cards for Lyra. And then it’s just your sisters and you left. "

“Berry Punch likes video games, mainly gta. She likes wine glasses, Alabama and comedy movies,” I smiled. “Cherry Berry loves aviation. You could get her a model kit and she would be happy. She also likes Dr.Who and Gotham. Ruby Pinch is five so pretty much any toys would do. Berry Punch told me Ruby was obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine and building blocks recently.” Sunset nodded as we moved to the check out lane.

“Children are so much easier to get gifts for than adults,” she mused as the cashier scanned the stuffed animal.

“One hundred and fifty dollars please,” she intoned in a monotone voice. I vaguely recognized her. She was always with Pinkie Pie at school carrying a pet rock. Sunset nodded and handed her the cash. I tried hard to not think about who’s hands have touched those bills.

“Thanks have a good day,” the girl spoke as we walked out, Sunset carrying the sea lion in both hands.

“We should probably put that in the car first and then come back inside. It’ll be a lot to carry,” I decided. Sunset gave me a slow nod.

“You're right.”

Author's Note:

So I actually Googled std symptoms and let's just say, my search history is fucked lmao. I wanted to be as accurate as possible to real life though. As for Sunset threatening the nurse, I gave her a bit of my personality. I absolutely hate hospitals and I'm grumpy whenever I'm in one. I was a bitch to most doctors when I was a kid. I didnt really wanna focus on the hospital scene much because well I wanted to not gross everyone out. Enjoy