• Published 28th Jul 2023
  • 451 Views, 19 Comments

The Saiyan - Blood fallen

When a Saiyan finds him stranded in Equestria after being in suspended animation for 52 years he must choose between his nature and new feelings of friendship.

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Chapter 6: S2 E4

It had been a few weeks since the Gala, and Discord had been dealt with, Rodas however didn't take part in defeating Discord due to him having found a strange cave in the Everfree that increased gravity the further in you go (basically Rodas's version of Vegeta's gravity room), by the time he came back to Ponyville the problem had already been resolved with Discord being transported back to Canterlot for safe keeping once more. In the days that hat passed Rodas has pulled back from interacting with Twilight and the others to train in the gravity cave he found in the Everfree on a daily basis from sunrise to sundown and the girls had noticed a changed in his personality going back to how it was when he first woke up in Equestria.

Rodas walked down the dark streets of Ponyville after another day of training going back to Twilight's treehouse he couldn't help but notice that the ponies were wearing costumes. "What the hell, why is everyone wearing such strange outfits." he thought as he passed a group of Phillis and Colts in costume, after a while Rodas got back to the library. "Twilight, I'm back." Rodas said as he kame into the main room only to see Spike dressed as a purple dragon even though he was one.

"Rodas, your back." Spike said running over to the Saiyan. "Are you coming with me and Twilight to celebrate Nightmare Night?" Spike asked looking up Rodas.

"Uh, what's Nightmare Night?" Rodas asked looking at Spike in confusion.

"Oh yeah, I forgot this is your first Nightmare Night." Spike said.

"That doesn't answer my question." Rodas said crossing his arms with a raised eyebrow.

"Nightmare Night is the is the celebration of Nightmare Moon's first appearance." Twilight said dressed in her Starswirl the bearded costume.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, You look ridiculous Twilight." Rodas said pointing at Twilight.

"I'm Starswirl the bearded." Twilight said getting annoyed.

"Your forgetting I'm from another world Twi, and I don't know who your on about." Rodas said holding back laughter.

"Well it's not like I gave you books about him." Twilight said under her breath.

"And I told you, I can't read pony nonsense." Rodas said lowering his arms.

"Well are you coming with us?" Spike asked.

"I don't know, is it a full moon tonight?" Rodas asked looking at Twilight.

"No, it's supposed to be a moonless night." Twilight answered.

"Then I guess I am, although don't expect me to take part in whatever this is." Rodas said crossing his arms again. Not long later Rodas, Twilight and spiker were walking through Ponyville and Spike had amassed quite a bit of candy, Twilight was still going about Starswirl while Rodas just kept quiet looking at all the costumes he could see. After a while they arrived at town center where Applejack was hosting a bobbing apple game.

"Hi Twilight, Spike, Rodas." Applejack said standing by the bucket of apples. "Where's your costume Rodas?" She asked noticing that the Saiyan was in normal clothes.

"I don't care about this sort of thing." Rodas said crossing his arms while looking at Applejack dressed as a scarecrow, before the conversation could continue Mayor Mare began talking at the stage that had been built for the night telling all the foals to follow Zaccora to the statue where offerings of candy were made, Rodas was happy to stay in town but Twilight pulled on his arm to follow so he rolled his eyes and followed the group. At the statue Zaccora explained the story of Nightmare Night which Rodas found boring, after Pinkie and the foals left an offering the skies quickly turned dark as a storm formed and from the eye of the storm a dark chariot pulled by two bat pony night guards descended quickly, coming to a stop a few meters above the ground Pinkie and the young ones ran off while Rodas and Twilight returned to town in time to see a female cloaked figure jumped to the ground and landed throwing her head back to drop her hood as lightning cracked across the sky. "Damn, she knows how to make an entrance." Rodas said as he crossed his arms again.

Suddenly all the ponies say for Twilight bowed low to the ground in fear as Rodas looked at them with a raised eyebrow. " Princess Luna." Twilight said walking forward to greet the Princess of the night, before Spike pulled her to the ground and covered her mouth with a hand.

"Citizens of Ponyville, We have graced your tiny town with owe presents so that you might know the real Princess of the Night." Luna said in the Royal Canterlot voice, honestly she could give the Dragonborn a run for his money with that thing. "A creature of the night no longer, but instead a pony who desires your love and admiration, together we shall change this dreadful celebration into a bright and glorious feast." Luna said once again using the Royal Canterlot voice once more as lightning struck again.

"You had me at feast." Rodas thought feeling hungry.

Pinkie got up and said. "Did you hear that every pony, Nightmare Moon said she's going to feast on us all." She then proceeded to scream which made the kids scream and they ran away.

"What, no children no, you no longer have reason to fear us, screams of delight is what your Princess desires, not screams of terror." Luna said quickly turning to Mayor Mare.

"Damn, she's fully invested in that old speak." Rodas thought as he watched the train wreck of Luna trying to interact with others after 1000 years.

"Madam Mayor, thy Princess of the night hath arrived." Luna said scaring the poor mare moving her pointing finger from one pony to the next, while Rodas held back a snicker. "What is the matter with you"? Luna asked still pointing at random ponies. "Very well then, be that way, we won't even bother with the traditional royal farewell." Luna said walking of with her head held high despite her feelings.

"I'm going to talk to her." Twilight said getting up to leave only to be stopped by Spike.

"You can't talk to her, she's Nightmare Moon." Spike said as Twilight pulled her robe free from his claws.

"No she's not, I saw the Elements of Harmony change her back to good, but it seems she's having some trouble adjusting after being gone for a thousand years." Twilight said following in the direction that Luna had gone not even a minuet before.

"Spike I've never had to say this before, but grow a pair, what's one mare going to do with me here." Rodas said following Twilight to the candy offering statue that Luna had walked herself to, Twilight and Rodas found Luna sitting in the shadow of the statue.

"Princess Luna, hi, my name is." Twilight said but was cut off.

Star Swirl the bearded, thou even got the bells right." Luna said standing up to face her two guests.

"Thank you, finally some pony who gets my costume." Twilight said while Luna looked at them with a small thrown.

"It still looks stupid to me." Rodas said speaking up and catching Luna's attention.

"And who is thou?" Luna asked taking note of the alien, who she was yet to meet.

"I am Rodas, a Saiyan warrior from planet Vegeta." Rodas answered crossing his arms as he looked down at Luna, which wasn't surprising given that Celestia was taller than Luna and Rodas was taller than Celestia, even if just by a little.

"We came to welcome you to our celebration." Twilight said raising a friendly hand. "My actual name is."

"Twilight Sparkle." Luna said finishing the sentence for her. "It was thou who unleashed the powers of harmony upon us and took away our dark powers." Luna said in the Royal Canterlot voice.

"And that was a good thing right?" Twilight asked adjusting her hat and fake bearded.

"I get the feeling I missed something here." Rodas thought to himself staying silent.

"But of course, we could not be happier, is that not clear." Luna said getting into Twilight's personal space.

"Oh for the love of Beerus, can we just get on with this already." Rodas said growing inpatient with Luna's old speak. After a bit more talking mostly between Twilight and Luna the three went to Fluttershy's house to get her help in helping Luna speak with a softer voice, which didn't go so well due to Rainbow letting off some lightning as a prank buy Rainbow didn't get away unsaved because Rodas fired a low power KI blast at her that hit her in the back as she flew away, not enough to hurt her but powerful enough to make her take a break from pranking for a while, only for Pinkie to show up and caules a scan again.

The two Ponies and the Saiyan then returned to town to find Applejack, just as they found her she saved Pipsqueak from falling into the bobbing apples bucket only to turn around and be faced with Luna making her drop to the ground in fear. "Uh Applejack the Princess is looking for a little advise on how to fit in around here." Twilight said as she got down to lean in close to Applejack to speak.

"Fit in, really?" Applejack asked and got a mean glare from Twilight while Rodas and Luna watched in silence as Applejack got back up. "I mean, that's easy, all you gotta do is have the right attitude, loosen up a bit, be positive, play a few games, have some fun. she said giving Luna some encouragement.

"What is this fun thou speak of?" Luna asked and Twi and AJ pointed over to a bowl of fake spiders, Luna walked over followed by Rodas and they both looked at the toy spiders in the bowl.

"Prey tell, what purpose do these serve?" Luna asked picking one of the spiders up.

"Try to land the spi-spiders on the web." A mare who was on the floor said while shaking like a leaf in the wind, Luna and Rodas both took a spider, Luna threw first landing just short of the web, then Rodas threw his going over the web and landing on the other side.

"You can do it Princess." Applejack said.

"You too Rodas." Twilight said. Both Luna and Rodas took a second spider, Luna managed to hit the center of the web while Rodas only hit the outer web.

"Your Princess enjoys this, fun, in what other ways may we experience it ?" Luna asked.

"Damn it, I can't believe I lost, I won't lose next time, next Time she looses." Rodas thought as he grit his teeth, his Saiyan pride not letting even the smallest of loses go easily. Next they played a game using catapults and pumpkins resulting in a draw between Rodas and Luna, even if the contest was only in Rodas's mind.

"Ha, ha the fun has been doubled." Luna said getting around of cheers from the locals.

"Why don't you two try bobbing for apples, we got the best apples in Equestria here Princess." Applejack said having lost her earlier fear of Luna.

"I ask that thou call us, me, Luna fair Applejack." Luna said the turned to the crowd. "Here me villagers, all of you call me Luna." She said getting ponies to talk in approval. On the way to the bobbing apples Luna saw Pipsqueak about to fall in again, seriously you'd think someone was keeping eye on him around the bobbing apples after the first time, Luna rushed into action to save the colt's life after he fell in, when Luna saved Pip, Pinkie caused another chaotic scan that resulted in Luna unintentionally scaring the residents of Ponyville, while the ponies backed of Rodas stayed close.

"What are you all backing off for, she saved that kid's life." Rodas said turning to the crowd, unintentional taking a somewhat aggressive stance.

"Let us join together in fun." Luna tried to say throwing a toy spider to the crowd, who backed off a little more. "Not enough fun for, what say you to this." Luna said using her magic to turn the toy spiders real, causing a panic only for the spiders to crawl onto the web, but the damage was done ponies were in a panic running this way and that, Rodas just watched as Luna tried to command the ponies to no avail, getting desperate Luna used the Royal Canterlot voice. " Be still." She commanded and the chaos stopped near instantly as lightning struck over head again.

"Princess remember watch the screaming." Twilight said as walked over hoping to calm the situation.

"No Twilight Sparkle, we must use the traditional Royal Canterlot voice for what we are about to say." Luna said spreading her wing to fly above the street. "Since you choose to fear your Princess rather than love her and dishonor her with this insulting celebration, we decree that nightmare night shall be cancelled forever." Luna said making lightning strike again as the storm clouds kame back.

Rodas just watched as this happened barely containing his laughter at the sight of every ponies faces as Luna made her decree, Rodas noticed Luna walking off with her head low and he felt something in his heart. "Why I'm I feeling this way, do I actually feel bad for someone else, damn it." Rodas thought as he follows Luna suddenly getting a strange sensation as though he could feel the energy of those around him, Twilight also followed Luna but before he could think of the right words to say Twilight spoke up.

"I'm sorry it hasn't worked out how we wanted, but you have to believe me when I tell you, nightmare night is one of the most popular celebrations we have." Twilight said trying to raise Luna's spirits.

"Yes, I can tell by the adoring shrieks of the children as they run away." Luna said annoyed as she walked off.

"Princess." Twilight said reaching out a hand after her.

"Leave her be Twilight, she needs space for a few minuets." Rodas said speaking up as he walked past her to follow Luna, Twilight then convinced Luna to speck with in an ally only for Rainbow to mess it up but when Pinkie mentioned that. "It's fun to be scared." Twilight, Luna and Rodas thought up a plan that could even scare Celestia. A little while later as the children were offering candy Pip was the last to give candy.

"Goodbye nightmare night forever." Pip said head hung low as high winds picked up.

"Citizens of Ponyville, who were wise to bring this candy to me, I'm pleased with you offering, so pleased that I may just eat it instead of eating you." Luna said looming over the gathered ponies disguised as Nightmare Moon, when suddenly Rodas jumped out of the forest behind Luna in his Great Ape form like some kind of monster under her control and let loose a sky shattering roar as he pounded on his chest, all the ponies ran for their lives from the truly terrifying double act, Luna the tuned back to normal and Rodas snapped his fingers dispelling the artificial moon he made to transform. "I am no certain that did what you meant for it to do Twilight Sparkle." Luna said unsure as Rodas came back from the forest having put his clothes back on.

"Just wait." Twilight said.

"For what, for them to scream some more?" Luna asked only to get a tug on her dress leg.

"Um Princess Luna, I know there's not going to be any more nightmare night, but do you suppose maybe you could come back next year and scare us again anyway?" Pip asked.

"Didn't see that coming." Rodas thought as he adjusted his shirt after putting it back of from taking it off to transform.

"Child, art thou saying that thou likest me to scare you?" Luna asked as Rodas stood by her side his arms crossed.

"It's really fun, scary but fun." Pip said looking up at the two who only minuets ago has scared the life out of him.

"It is?" Luna asked.

"Yeah, nightmare night is my favorite night of the year." Pip said with a smile unknowingly dressed as a little Jack Sparrow.

"Well then, we shall have to bring nightmare night back." Luna said using the Royal Canterlot voice blowing Pip back a few feet.

"You're my favorite Princess ever." Pip said running up to Luna to hug one of her legs before running back to his friends, Rodas just smirked as he yawned then walked back to the library to take a shower and go to bed.

Author's Note:

If it's not clear S2 E4 is my favorite episode of the show, sadly there just isn't much for Rodas to in this chapter.

And for anyone curios about Rodas's power level after training in the gravity cave, his power level has gone from just over 7,500 to around 92,000. And before anyone leaves any comments about that being an unjustified power up, I would like to point out that in DBZ Goku went from a power level of just over 9,000 to over 150,000 in only 9 days by the time he arrived on plaint Namek.