• Published 28th Jul 2023
  • 451 Views, 19 Comments

The Saiyan - Blood fallen

When a Saiyan finds him stranded in Equestria after being in suspended animation for 52 years he must choose between his nature and new feelings of friendship.

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Chapter 8: The Legend

It has only been a month since the wedding at Canterlot and with Rodas's true power having been revealed during the failed Changeling invasion Celestia had been putting Rodas's skills as a warrior to use by tracking down the surviving Changelings to be arrested for their crimes against Equestria, so far he'd managed to track down fithty of the surviving Changelings and was now sat on a militariy train with his free kicked up despite the protest of the servers on the train, seated in the row of seats Sky Skipper looked at the Saiyan nervously. "Mr. Rodas Sir, could you please put your feet down?" Sky asked as he nervously locked eyes with his C.O who was shooting the Saiyan a death glare.

"Why, I'm comfortable right now." Rodas said keeping his feet up.

"Because, Lieutenant Brawd Sword looks ready to come over here and give you a piece of his mind." Sky said looking nervously between the Saiyan and his C.O.

"Well he can go take a long walk off a short peer for all I care." Rodas said looking over to the grey earth pony stallion in silver armor.

"Not so loud, if he hears you he'll come over." Sky said nervously.

"He doesn't scare me." Rodas said looking over at the Silver armored smug cunt for a second. "Besides we're heading back to Canterlot now, so it's not like we'll be seeing him again any time soon." Rodas said looking out the window into his own reflection.

"Easy for you to say, you don't report to him five days a week." Sky said as Canterlot came into view. An hour later the train pulled into the station and Rodas departed the train heading to the castle to report the missions partial success, when he arrived at the castle he found the main 6 being told about the Crystal Empire.

"Rodas your back, good. I need you to go with Twilight and the girls to the Crystal Empire." Celestia said seeing Rodas walk in.

"What, but I only just got back." Rodas said crossing his arms.

"I know, but I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important." Celestia said walking over to the Saiyan with a pleading look in her eyes.

"I must be getting soft." He thought before saying. "Fine, but I'm sleeping on the way there." Rodas said looking at the ponies in front of him. Three days later the main 6 plus Rodas and Spike were riding a train through a blizzard in the harsh cold of the frozen North.

"Damn it's cold." Spike said his teeth chattering despite being inside the train with a thick winter coat on.

"Suck it up Spike." Rainbow said as she read the newest Dareing Do book.

"Yeah it's not that cold." Pinkie said hopping between the seats.

"Would you lot shut up already, I'm trying to sleep over here." Rodas said laying across a row of seats as if it was a bed.

"Oh, come on. It's freezing." Spike said shivering.

"Spike darling, you already have a winter coat, besides you Don't see Rodas complaining." Rarity said looking over to the Saiyan who was trying to sleep, Twilight then looked at Rodas a question burning in her mind that she had been thinking of for the last three weeks.

"Rodas, what was that golden power you used to defeat the Changeling Queen?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know... I have my suspicions but that's about it." Rodas said waving a hand dismissively.

"What do you think it could have been, something like the magic of friendship?" Pinkie asked.

"No, I think it may have been the power of the Super Saiyan, but that's unlikely." Rodas said now sitting up.

"What's a... Super Saiyan?" Fluttershy asked.

"According to legend, the last Super Saiyan could only maintain his status in the transformed state, his power was extraordinary, he had no equal in the universe, but he was too primitive to control it, his rage burned so intensely that it eventually consumed him, in the end he was destroyed by his own power." Rodas explained as he crossed his arms the girls all looking at him in wonder and fear, even the guards watching the car doors looked spooked.

"And you think you may have tapped into that power some how?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know, the legend mentions being in the transformed state, which must mean the Great Ape form." Rodas said closing his eyes. The train eventualy pulled in to the most northern station in the kingdom and they all departed the train and were met by Shining Armor at the station who led them through the blizzard along the way they were attacked by a shadow, the girls and Shining Armor ran Rodas turned to fight. "Come on then, I'll show you the might of a Saiyan warrior." Rodas said firing his Rapid Fire Ki attack at Sombra making the great shadow dodge the energy attack. "Your not getting away that easily. FINAL CANNON!!!" Rodas said shouting the name of his finishing move, but once again Sombra dodged. "Stop dodging and fight me like a warrior damn it!!!" Rodas angrily shouted at Sombra who stayed in shadow form.

"Rodas what are you doing, come on." Twilight's voice called out through the blizzard.

"Tch. We'll settle this later." Rodas said flying towards the Empire. When he landed he saw that the girls were glairing at him as if he'd just smacked them, even that Bata male Shining Armor was looking at him like he was a fool. "What?" Rodas asked looking at them.

"You could have been hurt, just look at what he did to Shining Armor's horn." Twilight said pointing it out her brother's useless horn.

"Your brother's weakness is not my problem." Rodas said flying off into the city. "Honestly, why do I even bother, and now I need to blow off some steam before I kill someone." he thought as he flew a few laps around the city after a while he noticed Twilight and the girls setting up some kind of fair. "Now what are they doing." He said watching the festivities. "Oh well not my problem." Rodas said dropping to the street to look around rather than help the girls who seemed more interested in criticizing him. As the day went on Rodas noticed the sky flickering but shrugged it off as more strange weather from this world but when the sky started flickering more frequently like someone turning a light on and off. "I don't like the look of this." Rodas said as the sky darkened and the crystal ponies began to panic, seeing what was going on Rodas flew over to the girls. "Hay, what's going on?" Rodas asked landing on the balcony with the others.

"Cadence's magic has ran out and Sombra is heading right for us." Shining Armor explained.

"Guys up here." Spike said holding the Crystal Heart.

Rodas saw the sharp black crystals getting closer to Spike and with out warning quick as a flash he shot up to where Spike was grabbed him and flew back down.

"Thanks Rodas." Spike said getting put back on the ground. "Here you go Princess I hope you know what to do with it." Spike said handing the Crystal Heart to Cadence.

"Where's Twilight?" Cadence asked.

"She's trapped at the top." Spike said as Sombra jumped from a black crystal to the top of the castle and then teleported back to the crystal holding Twilight by the neck.

"Twilight!!!" they all shouted.

"Put her down, your fight is with me." Rodas said taking a fighting stance.

"One more step warrior and I'll snap her neck like a twig." Sombra said turning to Cadence. "Now then, give me the Crystal Heart and I'll let her go." Sombra said making his demands.

"Or else what?" Rainbow asked.

"Or else I kill her and take the heart by force." Sombra said menacingly placing a blade of sharp black crystals to Twilight's throat. Rodas's rage began to surge as his hair and tail once again took on a faint golden shine but now his hair was trying to stand up on end as a tense energy filled the air.

"Alright, I'll give you the heart but you have to let her go." Cadence said getting to her feet.

"You are in no position to barter, the heart first then her freedom." Sombra said looking down at them all the while Rodas's anger was building to something legendary as he saw the one friend he had on this world who he actually cared deeply for in danger.

"Fine, just let her go." Cadence said tossing the Crystal Heart to Sombra. "Now let her go." Cadence said losing her strength by the second as Sombra took the Crystal Heart in his magic.

"As you wish." Sombra said pulling out a knife and stabbing Twilight in the back before tossing her to the balcony.

"TWILIGHT!!!" the girls along with Cadence and Shining Armor screamed rushing over to their friend as she bled out on the cold crystal balcony, Rodas was left stunned, he didn't think anyone on this world had it in them to kill let alone a pony.

Suddenly music started to play out of nowhere.
Dragon Ball Z - SSJ 3 Theme (US. Ver.) | Epic Rock Cover - YouTube

At the sight of Twilight's limp body and the blood spreading across the floor Rodas let out a mighty scream that became the roar of the Great Ape as his power exploded turning bright gold pushing back Sombra's shadows as his hair fully stood and slicked back turning gold, even the fur on his tail was gold as his body was charged with gold energy that flowed from him like a great flame. "Your not dealing with the average Saiyan warrior anymore, your now dealing with the legend feared across the universe, your now facing a Super Saiyan." Rodas said flying up from the balcony to Sombra and punched the shadow king Squair in the face sending him flying across the city, Rodas the caught the Crystal Heart in one hand and tossed it to Spike, he the flew across the city leaving a golden trail in the as he closed the distance between himself and his foe. Sombra barely recovered from Rodas's punch when the Saiyan was on top of him this time attacking with a round house kick to the gut, just as the attack landed Sombra knew he fucked up, Sombra was sent flying again fully out of the city and back into the wastes, from the streets of the Empire ponies could be heard cheering. "The Warrior of Light is fighting the Shadow King."

"Warrior of Light." Cadence said as she raised her head to see the city and saw it in the distance the shadow of Sombra being pushed back by a golden light.

"Rodas must have become that Super Saiyan thing he was telling us about." Rainbow said as she watched the battle get tuther away from the city.

"Cadence get the Crystal Heart in place, I'll take care of Twilight." Fluttershy said with a determined look.

"Right." Cadence said getting up as Spike gave her the Crystal Heart.

Sombra tried putting up a barrior of black crystal but Rodas crashed through it without slowing down, Rodas then unleashed rapid punches into Sombra then grabbed him by the tail and threw him back to the Empire, Sombra looked to the city and saw a powerful wave of magic coming at him on one side and on the other an enraged Super Saiyan flying right at him with the intent to kill. "Your done, SUPER FINAL CANNON!!!" Rodas shouted firing his attack at Sombra pushing him into the wave of magic from the Empire destroying him completely. With Sombra defeated Rodas flew back to the Crystal Empire the ponies in the streets cheering when they saw the so called Warrior of Light returning from battle alone and victories, the girls watched as he got closer and landed on the balcony before them still in his newly gained Super Saiyan form. "Is she?" Rodas asked looking at Twilight and the blood around her.

"She's alive, we're waiting on a doctors coming and moving her to a hospital." Fluttershy explained.

"But she's fading fast." Cadence said doing what she could to help keep Twilight among the living.

Rodas raised his left hand towards Twilight and formed a Ki ball. "What are you doing?" Shining Armor asked trying to pull Rodas away, but Rodas fired the Ki ball at Twilight. Instead of exploding like everyone thought it would, instead it re-energized Twilight.

"I gave her some of my energy, it should keep her going long enough for the doctor to treat her wounds and save her life." Rodas explained dropping back to base form.

"I didn't know you could do that." Applejack said.

"You have no Idea about my abilities, and I'd rather keep it that way." Rodas said crossing his arms.

"Thank you. Twilight just might pull through this thanks to you." Cadence said unexpectedly hugging Rodas.

"Let go, let go get the fuck off." Rodas said pushing Cadence off of himself.

Three days later.

Twilight woke up in a hospital bed, looking around she saw Rodas sleeping in the chair in the corner of the room with Spike sleeping in the chair next to him. "What happened?" Twilight asked.

"You got stabbed." Rodas said.

"Your awake?" Twilight asked sitting up in bed.

"I wasn't sleeping." Rodas said opening his eyes looking at Twilight.

"How long have I been here?" Twilight asked.

"three days." Rodas said.

"That bad?" Twilight asked.

"No, you got lucky, turns out that bastard missed anything important." Rodas said looking over at Twilight. "Don't scare me like that again, your one of the few I truly consider a friend." Rodas said getting up and walking to Twilight's bed side taking one of her hands.

"Just a friend?" Twilight asked.

"Do you really want me to say it" Rodas said looking away from Twilight.

"Say what, that you lover her?" Cadence asked walking in having been listening at the door with Shining Armor, Rodas quickly took his hand back as he blushed slightly.

"I wasn't going to say that." Rodas said turning away.

"Sure you weren't, how are you feeling Twilight?" Cadence asked standing next to Twilight.

"Hay it's cool man, we all fall for the right mare when we meet her." Shining Armor said putting an arm around Rodas's shoulder. "Besides, I know I could sleep a lot easier knowing Twilight is with some one like you." he added gently elbowing Rodas in the ribs only to hurt himself.

"Shining, don't embarrass him." Twilight said a huge blush on her face.

"Twilights awake." Pinkie said throwing the door open followed by the girls who surrounded Twilight, while the girls all talked Rodas walked out before leaving the room he looked back at Twilight with a smirk.

7 Days later - Canterlot

"Yes Twilight, you passed the test." Celestia said.

"I would like to know more about this Super Saiyan, if it even exists." Luna said looking at Rodas who was leaning against a wall. Rodas smirked and opened his eyes as he walked over to the Princesses and Twilight.

"Well I guess I'll have to change your mind about that." Rodas said and then powered up into Super Saiyan in front of the three mares. "Tell me Luna, do you believe the legend now?" Rodas asked the golden aura of Super Saiyan flowing over him.

"By Faust, he really is a Super Saiyan." Luna said looking at Rodas.

"Are you convinced yet?" Rodas asked with a smirk.

"Y... Yes I'm convinced." Luna said looking at Rodas in his new transformation.

"Good." Rodas said powering down. "Come on Twilight, let's go home." Rodas said putting an arm over Twilight's shoulders as they walked out together.

"She's ready." Celestia said watching as the two left.

"Yes, and with Rodas at her side, Equestria will be safe for decades to come." Luna said with a smile as the doors closed behind Rodas and Twilight.

The End.

Comments ( 5 )

Is this really the end

Yes it is.
With Rodas having Super Saiyan every bad guy moving forward would get slapped with no challenge.

what about making a slice of life?
If you ever decide to make sequel.

Comment posted by Blood fallen deleted Aug 17th, 2023

To be honest I might do a bonus chapter or two, if I get any good ideas.

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