• Published 2nd Aug 2023
  • 1,892 Views, 78 Comments

Changing Diamonds - ShowShine

Has Rarity ever been a pony? She's very sure that she is, but her recent behaviors have been very...unponylike

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Rarity loved Canterlot. The sights, the ponies, and every single building impressed her. This is exactly what she needed. She needed new surroundings! She didn’t need to be cooped up in the same old town with the same old problems.

Now that Rarity thought about it, her problems started in Canterlot. She shook her head. That didn’t matter; all that mattered was that she was having a day out.

“Rainbow, dear, I can’t thank you enough for inviting me!” Rarity sighed in relief.

“It’s no problem! I really wanted to see the Wonderbolts with someone.” Rainbow flapped her wings excitedly. Her stomach grumbled loudly, making her freeze in place. Rainbow hovered, tapping her chin.

“Before the show, we should get something to eat. I think there’s Hayburger nearby.” Rainbow suggested.

Rarity almost chuckled at the statement. She had stopped attempting to eat a week ago. Of course, her dear rainbow-maned friend didn’t know that. Though, she still tried to humor her.

“Why would we ever go to such a low-class fast food chain? We’re in Canterlot, for Celestia’s sake!”

Rainbow Dash scoffed.

“Canterlot Schmanterlot, Hayburgers is good.” She defended.

“It’s just a burger. You can get one anywhere.” Rarity retorted. Rainbow Dash sputtered, her jaw hanging open.

“It’s not just a burger! It’s like heaven in your mouth!” Rainbow proclaimed. “It’s like eating a cloud, it’s like-”

Rarity began to tune out Rainbow Dash’s rant. As much as she loved her friend, she couldn’t handle another love-filled rant. She had ranted about the Wonderbolts for the entire train ride; Rarity had almost lost control of herself right then and there.

She began to admire the streets of Canterlot. They never failed to impress her with the spotless pavement and luxurious buildings.

Rarity’s eyes followed a mare who strutted down the streets. The mare had long legs, sauntering down the pavement. Rarity sighed in awe. Oh, how Rarty wished that she had legs like that. Long and slender, absolutely perfect for modeling.
Rainbow landed next to Rarity, pointing towards a rather fancy-looking building.

“You see that? That’s where the Wonderbolts are…” Rainbow trailed off, and she began to eye Rarity curiously. She put her hoof to her forehead, inching it toward Rarity’s chest. Once her hoof hit her chest, Rainbow cocked her head.

“Have you always been this tall?” She asked. Rarity looked at her legs, stretching them out. They did seem a little longer. She shrugged.

“I suppose I have.”

Rainbow shook her head, pointing to the building again.

“That’s where the Wonderbolts are staying! Isn’t that awesome?!” Rainbow excitedly pointed out.

‘I must say, that’s quite a fancy building.” Rarity commented, eyeing a passing stallion. While his mane was utterly unruly, the color matched perfectly with her new fabric. She had to take note of that color.

“Psh, yeah! Only the best for the Wonderbolts!” Rainbow stated as if it were obvious.

“Oh. My. Gosh!” Rainbow shrieked happily. She bolted to a store, pressing her face against the window. Rarity sighed. If she kept chasing Rainbow like this, her legs were sure to fall off.

Rarity quickened her trot to a light jog. Unfortunately, she wasn’t paying much attention to her surroundings. She collided head-first into a mare.

“My apologies!” Rarity gasped, taking a step back. The mare only huffed, throwing her head back. She continued to trot past Rarity. For a mare with such a pretty pink coat, she had quite the attitude. Rarity wasn’t going to let one rude mare ruin her day.

Rarity kept her head high, catching up to her rainbow friend. Rainbow Dash excitedly pressed her hoof on the glass. “Do you see that? Those are perfect replicas of the Wonderbolts uniforms!”

Rarity rolled her eyes. They had been wandering the streets for nearly an hour; it was getting rather sickening. As much as Rarity loved Canterlot, she would also love to sit down.

“As much as I love your enthusiasm, shouldn’t we be getting to the stadium?” Rarity asked.

Rainbow’s head whipped around, eyeing Rarity curiously. She looked around as if she were looking for someone. Her eyes met Rarity’s once again.

“Do I…know you?” Rainbow shifted uncomfortably. Rarity scoffed, playfully rolling her eyes.

“Enough with the jokes, darling. Are we going to the stadium now or not?” Her own voice startled her. She slapped her hoof over her muzzle. She didn’t sound like herself. Rainbow Dash gave her an odd look, inching away.

“Yeah…sure. I’ll…see you around.” Rainbow dashed off, leaving Rarity alone.

“Rainbow, where are you going?” Rarity called, chasing after her friend. Unfortunately, her friend was much faster. Rarity slowed down, catching her breath. She groaned, stomping her foot. Now wasn’t a time for her little pranks!

“When I catch her, I’ll be sure to-woah!” Rarity cut off, catching a glimpse of herself in a store window. Or rather, not herself. She staggered back, blinking in surprise. Was that her?

Rarity curiously waved her hoof. The reflection waved back. Rarity hastily looked around. Did anyone notice her changing? It didn’t seem like anyone did. She leaned toward the glass, inspecting her new form.

Now that Rarity got a good look at herself, she couldn’t blame Rainbow for not recognizing her. Even she wouldn’t know it was her.

Her coat was a pale pink, and her once luxurious mane was now a bold blue. She whined, running her hoof through her mane. Her once-tight curls were now loose, falling to her shoulders. She even grew a couple of inches. The only thing that remained the same was her blue eyes.

How did this happen? She had changed before, but never to this extent. Was being a changeling really this complicated? She knew changing only took a few thoughts, but she would’ve never guessed it came this easily.

Rarity looked at a nearby clock tower. She had half an hour until the show started.

“Alright, I need to figure this out.” She muttered. All she had to do was change back to normal; it shouldn’t be that hard. Rarity looked around, noticing the ponies surrounding her.

Well, she couldn’t change here! She needed to be somewhere private. No need to cause a mass panic. Rarity looked up, staring at the bookshop. She hastily trotted into the store, walking straight to the counter.

“Pardon me, may I use your facilities?” Rarity asked. Though she was in a hurry, it was rather rude to use a business’s restroom without asking. The uptight-looking stallion’s eyes remained on his book, not giving Rarity the time of day.

“They’re over there.” He responded, pointing past her. She made a mad dash to the bathroom, weaving through bookshelves. She ran into the bathroom, her hooves slipping over the too-clean floors.

Rarity locked the door behind her, looking in the mirror. She winced. She looked worse than she had thought. Alright, all she had to do was change. She squeezed her eyes shut, attempting to envision herself.

She couldn’t remember what she looked like. Rarity’s eyes snapped open. Why couldn’t she remember what she looked like?

She looked back at her reflection. She couldn’t stay like this stranger forever.

Was this what being a changeling had resorted to? Not being able to remember who she was?

Rarity’s stomach grumbled. Perhaps it was the lack of nutrients that was making her scatter-brained. But what was she meant to do? Eat someone's love? She was a peaceful changeling, not one of those disgusting ones.

“No need to panic. I’m sure I could think of something.” Rarity hastily reassured, pacing through the bathroom. Looking at pictures of herself was out of the question. Maybe if she felt more like herself, she could be herself.

Rarity always felt like herself when she was sewing. She shook her head; she didn’t have time for that! An idea popped into her head. While she couldn’t sew, she could do the next best thing.

Rarity entered a fabric shop, keeping her head low. Being an artist, she had memorized every color that she came across. It was more of a habit than anything. Surely, her colors were stored somewhere in her brain.

First things first, her height. Rarity approached a mannequin, getting so close that their muzzles were nearly touching.

Her height was easy to replicate. She was never taller than her mannequins. Standing in front of them for hours assured her of that. Rarity looked around the mostly empty shop. To her relief, no one was looking at her.

She quickly transformed, shrinking to her usual height. Rarity stretched her hindquarters. That was much better.

Rarity began to wander the shop, admiring each fabric. A certain silk caught her eye. It was covered in frills as if it could be used to make a coaster. Rarity ran her hoof across the smooth fabric. There was a pang of familiarity with the color.
Her coat was white. But not just white; a blueish cyan, to be exact. With a flash of green, her fur turned back to her beautiful shade of white. Rarity looked at her hooves, a smile spreading across her face.

Now, to deal with this mane. It simply wasn’t her style. Rarity continued her trot through the store, her chest feeling lighter.

Under different circumstances, she had to be sure to visit this shop again. All of the materials were simply to die for, though a little out of her price range.

“Ooo, what’s this?” Rarity asked, eyeing a purple fabric. She admired it, levitating it above her head.

“This would make for an excellent robe.” Rarity said in awe. Now she definitely recognized this color. Purply blue, to be precise. It was the color she’d see for hours while styling her mane.

Rarity felt her mane bounce to its regular shape. Did it work? Rarity rushed to a nearby mirror.

Sure enough, her coat was white, and her mane was purple, just as it was meant to be. Rarity beamed. She was herself again.

“I’m here!” Rarity announced, plopping next to her friend.

“Where have you been?” Rainbow asked. “I thought you got lost!”

Rarity let out a nervous chuckle.

“Who wouldn’t get lost in the marvelous streets of Canterlot?” She deflected. Rainbow let out a playful raspberry.

“Yeah, yeah. Canterlot is just soooo cool.” She responded, playfully nudging Rarity. “I’m just glad you made it in time.” Rainbow wrapped her wing around her torso.

The familiar scent of love hit Rarity's nostrils. Rarity unwrapped herself from her friend's wing, attempting to inch away. She fanned herself with her hoof.

“Rainbow, darling, it’s much too hot for so much physical contact!” Rarity excused. Before Rainbow could answer, the speakers above crackled.

Put your hooves together for…the Wonderbolts!” The speakers blared. The crowd erupted into cheers. Rarity let a sigh of relief, looking to the sky.

Rarity could hold herself together. She could.