• Published 19th Oct 2023
  • 653 Views, 32 Comments

The Great Crusade - TheGJ90

What did the CMCs do after the Battle of the Bands? Crusade!

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Chapter #1 - The Call to Crusade!

Apple Bloom

Turns out, the Rainbooms had walked up to the clubhouse door when Scootaloo had started singin'. They probably thought it polite to knock, since the ramp was already lowered. But, once they started hearin' Scootaloo's singin' voice, they made sure to listen closely to our song. When we started repeatin' the chorus, they snuck their way over to the walkie-talkie can and waited for the right moment to get our attention and sing the last line for us. At least, that's what Applejack told us after we welcomed them inside;

"Yeah, we figured it right to show ya'll what we think of your song.", she told us with that sweet Apple smile of hers as she and her friends gathered at the table. Sunset sat on the seat she had used last time, while the other band members stood around her. Once settled, they all looked at us with warm smiles as we took our seats at the table. I was sittin' directly opposite of Sunset, while Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle moved their chairs to sit to my immediate left and right respectively. We smiled back at them as Ah explained with anticipation and excitement in my voice;

"Oh, Ah get the feelin' ya'll are gonna love what drove us to sing that fun little number!"

Sunset, with a sly smirk, questioned to the three of us with her right thumb pointed at a certain piece of paper hangin' on the wall to the right of the clubhouse desk;

"Does it have anything to do with that list over there?"

Our smiles grew so large our teeth were showin' as Sweetie Belle responded with glee;

"You bet it does!"

We then shot up out of our seats and rushed over to the list while gigglin' excitedly. Ah stood at its left while my pals stood at its right. Once the Rainbooms turned to look at us, Scootaloo explained to them with that almost endless enthusiasm we all loved about her;

"We're on a crusade! A mission!"

"To make amends with everyone we wronged!", exclaimed an absolutely joyful Sweetie Belle when she got an openin'. Instinctively, she allowed me to finish with joy in my heart;

"And heal the pain caused by our horrible mistake!"

Just mentionin' that huge error in judgement made the girls grimace in silence, but only for a moment. With a quick breath, Ah started declarin' with pride;

"We call our mission..."

We closed our eyes and shouted out in unison with a several bushels' worth of happiness in our voices and hearts while doin' a happy hop;


We opened our eyes to see that the whole dern band were coverin' their ears to protect themselves from our loud and proud vocals. Ah didn't blame them none for that. Ah mean, whenever we got mighty excited over somethin', we'd let folks know about it without restraint or volume control! On the inside, though, Ah was worried and so were my pals. We honestly feared that the girls would not like our crusade or, worse, try to stop us! It took them mere seconds to start provin' our fears wrong, however. Once the Rainbooms recovered, they looked back at us with smiles that were so bright, they were basically shootin' rays of sunlight at us! Sunset was the first to verbally respond, her voice as sweet as the look in her eyes;

"I'm already proud of you kids."

To get Sunset's approval of our crusade alone made our hearts soar! But, she wasn't the only one to compliment us. Rarity, with love in her eyes, declared with plenty of sweetness;

"You darlings clearly have your hearts in the right place."

Applejack suddenly belted out one of her hearty laughs before addin' while givin' me an understandin' glare;

"Ah knew ya'll would do somethin' about your past foolishness one day, but this 'ere crusade sounds better than Ah imagined!"

Rainbow Dash rushed over to give each of us kids fist bumps, which we gladly accepted. While she did this, she told us with gusto and pride;

"You squirts got your heads on straight and I'm all for it!

With a bump to her chest with her right fist and the most confident smirk she could create, she added;

"I'm calling it right now: every single Wondercolt on that list will be your friend by the end of your crusade!"

"This is such a wonderful idea, girls!", said Fluttershy in her usual soft voice that was just barely louder than a whisper. Pinkie Pie, in contrast, was not at all subtle with her reaction. She bounced over to us after Rainbow got out of the way, pulled all three of us into a big hug with the strength of a pink mama bear, and told us in rapid-fire excitement;

"The goal you've set for yourselves is super-mega-ultra-incredibly-wonderful! The joy you can bring! The happiness you can spread! The smiles you can make!"

That girl was never one for subtlety, Ah tells ya'. She squealed in delight, released us from her pink grip, and bounced back to her friends. This prompted Sunset to ask us with calm seriousness, even though her smile stayed strong;

"But how will you complete your list? What will you do to make amends?"

We had our answer all ready to go. Ah started us off strong with a big ol' grin on my face;

"We'll be doin' all kinds of good deeds, of course!"

Sweetie Belle jumped in with a happy squeak;

"No cruelty or malice for us!"

Scootaloo finished while doin' a quick hop for good measure;

"Yeah, because hurting people is so lame!"

That last part got the whole band to laugh, which encouraged my pals and Ah to do the same. At this point, our hearts weren't just soarin', they were zoomin' through space with rocket boosters fueled by family and friendship! It was wonderful enough to get Sunset's approval, but gettin' it from the Sonic Rainbooms was a thousand-times better, Ah tells ya'! Once the laughter cooled down a smidge, Scootaloo noted with a smirk;

"With that said, we know exactly what we're gonna do first!"

All eyes were on Scoots as she pulled the note we had gotten from Luna out from her right pants pocket and offered it to Rainbow Dash while tellin' her;

"Expect to see us tomorrow at the appointed time!"

Sweets and Ah nodded our heads at Rainbow to confirm our decision. With a chuckle and a smirk laced with pride, she took the note from Scoots' hands and tucked it away in her own pants pocket while declarin' confidently;

"I'll pass it down the line, squirts."

Before anyone else could speak further, Sunset asked with curiosity in her voice;

"What do you girls got planned for tomorrow?"

Hearin' that got the three of us feelin' mighty nervous within moments. It wasn't time for Sunset to know about what we were gonna do... Yet! Oh, if she had specifically asked me about it, Ah'd be in a heap of trouble! Pinkie Pie, to our relief, jumped right into the conversation all excited like;

"It's a surprise! So, don't spoil it for yourself until it is reeeaaaadyyyyy!", she exclaimed to Sunset, who stared at her for a moment before decidin' to not press the matter further. That would've been the end of the talk, if it weren't for there bein' one more outstandin' issue for us to resolve. Just the thought of it caused my friends and Ah to drop our smiles to replace them with frightened frowns. As if sensing our frowns, Pinkie quickly turned towards us and asked with worry on her face;

"Girls, why do you look so afraid?"

Our sisters noticed this too, with Applejack speakin' for him with concern in her eyes;

"What's eatin' at ya'll, sugarcubes?"

At this point, the whole band had caught on and was now waiting for us to answer. Sweetie Belle hesitantly spoke first;

"While we do have every Wondercolt we wronged on the list..."

Scootaloo finished for her a soft shy voice that we didn't normally hear from her;

"There's one person who's name is not on the list right now... And she's no Wondercolt."

It took the band mere seconds for them to connect dots. The worry on their faces grew faster than yeast could rise. Rainbow Dash, with her eyes locked on Scootaloo, spoke aloud the name of the varmint who we were all thinking of;


At the exact moment when that name was uttered, the whole clubhouse was filled with tension so thick, ya'd need one of Granny Smith's extra sharp kitchen knifes to cut it. Ah looked over at each of my fellow club members to check on how they were doin'. Sweetie Belle, as terrified and hurt as she both appeared and felt, was holdin' Scootaloo's shoulders with both hands and thoughtful gentleness. Poor Scoots was shiverin' with her eyes closed while huggin' herself. Ya'll better believe Ah gave that pal of mine a warm hug to make her feel safe! Ah could hear Sweetie hummin' Darin' Do's theme song to her as she too hugged Scoots in her arms. Ah could feel her shiverin' slowly fade away, which was a good sign that our efforts were helpin' her. After a minute or so, Ah heard her tell us with soft appreciation;

"Thank you girls. You're awesome."

We broke out of the hug to give Scootaloo some room to breathe. She looked at the both us with a smile fully loaded with gratitude and renewed confidence. That smile, she went on to aim right at Rainbow Dash, who was smiling back at her along with her friends. The athlete's face twisted into a frown before she spoke with clear regret and concern;

"Squirt... I didn't mean to scare you."

Ah, but Scoots would not let herself get angry at her idol so easily. With a shake of her head and confidence in every word, she told her;

"It's alright, Rainbow. We gotta talk about that jerk anyway. The sooner, the better."

We all gave that wonderful daredevil supportive glares after hearing her say that. She even got a big hug from Rainbow Dash, which she enjoyed with happy giggles. The tension in the clubhouse weakened quite a bit, but it was still there as we began to talk things out. Scootaloo started things off after getting out the hug;

"Sooooo... the movie club hasn't agreed on what to do about Gilda.", she said with a sheepish grin and nervous voice. After takin' a quick breath, she explained further;

"On the one hand, she had hurt a lot of people before disappearing, the three of us especially..."

Ah noticed that Sunset looked off to the side with a regretful frown. Without hesitatin', Ah gave her one of the biggest brightest grins Ah could muster. She must have caught it in the corner of the eye, because she looked back at me soon after I got that grin goin'. There it was again, that wonderful smile of hers that could melt the lowest circle of Tartarus with its warmth. Pleased as punch to see that our new friend felt a little better, I turned my attention over to Scoots as she went on;

"But, on the other hand... We had hurt her too..."

Ah'll never forget the terrible shame oozin' from Scoots' face as she placed both hands on her heart and finished with soft certainty;

"None of that's cool."

Ah gave her a sure nod and chimed in;

"We're all in agreement there. As for how to deal with Gilda..."

Ah felt my pent up frustration over that varmint rise to the surface to push me to loudly admit;

"Ah think we ought to keep that dern bully off of our list!"

Scoots turned her head to glare at me faster than Winona could run as Ah continued;

"We done her wrong, that ain't no lie. But, that lady is plum dangerous! Too dangerous for us to be around!"

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, having heard my take on the subject back when we first discussed our crusade, were not surprised or upset by my words. Of course, that didn't stop Sweets from jumping in to make her case known as well;

"I know she's dangerous and cruel, we all do."

I looked right at her before she added;

"But, we can't let what we did to her slide just because she was terrible too!", she exclaimed with a pleadin' squeak. We stared each other down while feelin' certain about our positions. Oh, we weren't angry with each other none. Our friendship was tougher than a bull's hide, ya' see. So, a single disagreement wasn't gonna tear it apart! Still, neither of us would budge from our opinions. Ah certainly didn't, for Ah added with a thoughtful nod and soft tone of voice;

"Ya' bein' so dern nice to people is one of the reasons why Ah call ya' my friend. But, what if we do somethin' nice for her and she responds by throwin' her fists around?"

Before Sweetie could counter that point, Scootaloo told us with loud concern;

"Girls! Hold on for a moment!"

We looked at her to see that she was clearly worried that we were gonna get into a shoutin' match. Immediately, Ah gave that girl a big ol' honest smile and told her sweetly;

"Sorry, Scoots. Didn't mean to worry ya' none. We ain't gonna tan each other's hides over this, right Sweetie Bell?"

I turned my head to face her again, only to see her beamin' with goodwill as she happily nodded at Scootaloo. We managed to ease our orange pal's concerns, allowin' her to contribute to the discussion at hand while we watched her closely;

"As for me..."

She scratched her head nervously with her right hand before finishin';

"I don't know what I want to do about Gilda."

Ah looked at each of the Rainbooms when Scoots finished sayin' her peace to catch their reactions. Most of them gazed at her with concern and patience on their faces. As for Rainbow Dash, she looked away and started pacin' left and right, her face filled with a mixture of frustration and worry. It was clear to to the three of us movie buffs that she was wrestlin' with somethin' big in her mind and Ah could make a guess as to what it was. Soon, all other eyes were on Rainbow as she continued to pace while grumblin' in a tone that was barely above a whisper. Ah couldn't really make out what she was grumblin' about. After a few seconds that, frankly, felt longer than they actually were, Rainbow stopped grumblin' and turned to face Scootaloo, who was twiddlin' her thumbs all nervous like while lookin' at down at them. Rainbow got down on her right knee and placed her right hand on Scootaloo's left shoulder, which got her to look up at her idol. The confident smirk on her face was enough to ease Scoot's worries, but it was Rainbow Dash's words that kicked them to the curb;

"You take all the time you need to figure that one out, squirt. When you do, let us know and we'll go from there. Sound good?", she told the daredevil with a soft tone of voice that was not regularly used by the athlete. Seein' Scoots give Rainbow that giant smile filled with appreciation and love made my day to say the least. The two hugged it out, which made Sweetie Belle gush out loud;


Haha, Scoots' cheeks turned redder than a fresh red delicious apple when she heard that! After some more deliberatin', we all agreed to put a pin on the Gilda Problem until Scootaloo's decision was made. Thankfully, the varmint's disappearance meant that we didn't have to worry about her causin' us grief. Ah couldn't help but wonder where in the world Gilda had run off to.

And for that matter, whether or not she would come back. Just the thought of that made me shudder somethin' fierce!

After gettin' a comfortin' head pat and a helpful reminder from my big sis that there were chores that needed doin', Ah declared the meetin' ajorned. My friends and Ah watched as the Rainbooms left the clubhouse one-by-one. Before AJ could call for us to move our keisters, we made a quick run for the safe. Ah opened it up and grabbed a somewhat wrinkled piece of ripped notebook paper that was small enough to fit in my right hand and closed the safe. With that settled, we made a bee-line for the door to catch up with the band. Ah couldn't help but feel super-excited over what was comin'.

The next day in CHS's entrance lobby. After the final bell.

Ah was standin' at the front entrance doors inside the school alongside Scoots and Sweets, with Sunset Shimmer standin' in front me while carryin' her backpack. That little piece of paper from before was in my right pants pocket, which Ah had tucked it into earlier that mornin'. We had just finished talkin' about how troublesome our homework was gonna be and Sweetie Belle decided to remind us of the quality of the cafeteria food;

"Granny Smith joining the school kitchen was the best thing to ever happen to lunch hour!", she exclaimed with a happy squeak. Scootaloo agreed with that notion, for she added with a watery mouth;

"I know, right? Her hotdogs and chili are delicious!"

It was true, Granny's cookin' was always a treat, as any Apple, Pear, and Orange would tell ya'! Before Ah could start gushin', however, Ah noticed Sunset lookin' a bit queasy. Her face grimaced while she held her stomach with her right hand all tender like. Concerned, Ah asked her;

"Feelin' okay, Sunset?"

Recognizin' the worry in my voice, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked right at her to see what was goin' on. After takin' a moment to settle herself down, Sunset gave us a gentle smile and explained;

"Sorry girls. I'm just not a fan of most meat products."

Sweetie Belle, with a raised right eyebrow, suggested;

"So, you're a vegetarian?"

Our Phoenix Friend shook her head and clarified;

"Not exactly. Chicken and fish, I don't mind eating. But... meats from animals like cows, pigs, and..."

She shuddered heavily before finishin' with clear disgust;

"Horses... I'd rather not touch."

Hearin' all of that got me thinkin';

"That's... oddly specific."

What was it about those specific meats that made them revoltin' to her? Ah couldn't figure out a guess for the life of me. The more Ah thought it about, the more Ah realized somethin': Ah knew next to nothin' about Sunset Shimmer's past.

Seriously, where did that lady come from?

Regardless, Ah figured it best to not pry any further for now. Ah didn't want to bug her about her history and as long as she was eatin' well and healthy, her odd diet was no skin off my back. With a friendly chuckle, Ah offered to Sunset;

"Ah'll see if Ah can save an apple or two for ya' for whenever you're in Sweet Apple Acres."

That clearly soothed her disgust, for she gave me one of her sweeter smiles and said;

"Thanks, Apple Bloom. I'll keep that in mind."

Taking a quick glance at the doors behind us, she declared;

"I'll need to get home soon, girls. Catch you later!"

We waved at each other with smiles all around before she walked through the doors and out of sight. The entrance lobby turned quieter than a mouse. It wasn't long before the task head, our task, jumped to the front of my mind. Along with it came my memories of the horrible mistake we had made that led us to this moment. It hurt, ya'll. It hurt so much to remember all of that. The pain, the strife... the tears! A part of me wanted to not think about those memories, to just forget about it all... But, Ah knew in my heart to never let myself forget, not just what we did, but why we want to be better than that!

My fellow movie buffs and Ah looked at each other, sayin' words to each other with nothin' more than eye contact. Scootaloo's determination was all over her face while Sweetie Belle's was filled with positivity. Just as Ah expected from them. Ah made sure to show a heapin' helpin of hope and cheer on my face. With our silent agreement in place, Ah looked straight ahead towards the center doorway in the lobby that led to one of the halls and declared with confidence inherited from generations of Apples;

"Come on, CMCs! We've got work to do!"

Right then and there, we took one step forward and started marchin' like little soldiers goin' to battle. For us, our battle was against a foe that we knew all too well, for it was the three of us who had created it: the pain we once caused to our school.

Ya'll better believe that we were itchin' to kick its butt like trained boxers in the ring!

We kept on marchin' through the halls with purpose in every step. We knew exactly where we were goin', thanks to the heads-up we had gotten from Applejack earlier. As we passed by the lockers, Ah could this urge to sing from the warmest, sweetest, most wonderful part of my heart rise to the surface. But, Ah held it back down, since in my mind, it wasn't time yet. There was work to be done, after all, and Apples never leave honest work alone when they can do it. With an ear-to-ear grin, Ah marched forward alongside the two greatest friends this 'ere Apple could ask for.

After a minute or so, we arrived at our destination: the doors to the cafeteria. We looked through one of the doors' windows to see what was happenin' on the other side. We saw a whole slew of students and staff, five of the Rainbooms included, either sittin' at the tables or walkin' around with tons of paper and other craftin' tools either in their hands or scattered about on the tables. There were a bunch of folks we recognized, but there was a number of them that held our attention with a tight grasp. Twenty-five of them. We backed away from the doors in a hurry and gulped out of fear. My body was tremblin' a little and my breathin' felt shaky too. The memories... those dern painful memories came roarin' back, threatenin' to make me fail at the first hurdle! Before they could torment me, however, the voices of my kin and friends rose to match them in my head;

Ya'll got this, sugarcubes!

Ya' little whippersnappers got big hearts, Ah tells ya'!


This is your chance turn all those frowns upside-down!

I know you can show those people kindness, little ones.

Show the whole school how awesome you squirts are!

You'll turn yourselves around with smashing aplomb, darlings!

Ah felt my fear weaken quite a bit when those voices rang out in my brain. Ah looked over at Scoots and Sweets. They were clearly plum frightened too, but the big smiles they gave me were as honest as can be. So, I knew they were gettin' help from the inside as well. Before that terrible fear could regroup, the voice of Sunset Shimmer finished it off for me. For all three of us;

Your past is not today, CMCs.

Ya' got that right, Phoenix Friend! We took a deep breath and exhaled in unison to get our minds and bodies to settle. After that, we stood straight and glared at the cafeteria doors with fire in our eyes. Hope swelled within our hearts and minds, addin' fuel to the fire as we marched up to the doors and pushed through them with gusto. All eyes were on us within seconds of our arrival. Oh Nelly, it felt like my body was being turned into swish cheese with all the glares bein' thrown at us! Ah looked around to get a better sense of the situation. Some of the students showed polite expressions, others were givin' us beamin' smiles that soothed my growin' nervousness. There were a few specific students that really caught my eye. The five Rainbooms, who were sittin' together at a table to the right, gave us big supportin' smiles and waves, with Pinkie's smile bein' the biggest and brightest of them all. The party planner was bouncin' in place, for land's sake! Fluttershy's was soothin' like a cup of hot cocoa after a snowball fight. Rarity's was all dignified and sweet. Rainbow's was big, proud, and toothy. Then there was Applejack's grin, which was filled to burstin' with honesty, goodwill, and familial love that made my heart sing. AJ was always there for me and Ah knew she always would be! Another student that got my attention was Flash Sentry, who gave us a warm grin and a thumbs up from his seat at a table closer to us. Ah figured he would at least not be too angry with us, since he was not one to carry resentment around for very long. Lookin' to our left, Ah saw another person of note: Twist. A young lady who was around our age, she sat alone at a table far from the other more populated ones while starin' the three of us down with a face that was stoic. Calm, cold, and stoic. My guilt instantly became mighty inflamed as Ah looked away with haste. Ah couldn't bare to look that girl in eye... It took me a moment of lookin' around to find two more students. This pair was sittin' together at a table closest to our left side. They were, thankfully, givin' us warm friendly glares as we walked over to them. Out of all of the people in that cafeteria, these two were ones the three of us wanted to meet with the most: Octavia Melody and DJ-P0N3.

We took our seats in front of the pair, with myself sittin' between Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Restin' in front of us were sets of glue bottles, scissors, construction paper, and crayons organized in three piles. Octavia and P0N3 had their own sets that were restin' before them. Ah looked down at my pile as that guilt of mine grew even stronger. With a sigh, Ah told those two young ladies;

"We were plum terrible a while back and we've been pushin' folks away ever since..."

My hope flared up enough to scare my guilt away, drivin' me to raise my head back up and show them musicians the determination in my eyes that Ah was sure my pals were showin' them too. With a smirk, Ah declared on my club's behalf with a clear voice filled with confidence;

"That changes... now!"

The smiles on the faces of Octavia and P0N3 grew larger as Ah reached into my right pants pocket, pulled out the notebook paper, and offered it to the cello player while tellin' her;

"The Canterlot Movie Club accepts your gracious invitation!"

Sweetie Belle, with nervousness in her voice, added;

"That is... if you'll have us..."

Octavia's eyes grew wide for a moment before they startled to twinkle slightly. With gentle grace, she took the paper into her right hand as she spoke with a Trottingham-type accent and a level of sophistication that rivaled that of Rarity;

"We would be delighted to have you around for a visit."

As she placed the paper in her pocket, she looked over at the DJ, who gave her a smirk and a nod, before returnin' her attention to us. She then asked politely;

"How does 4:00PM tomorrow sound?"

Ah turned my head to check on Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, who both nodded at me happily. Ah gave Octavia a big ol' grin while givin' her my answer;

"We have an accord!"

With that settled, she got us up to speed on what we were all doin' in that cafeteria. The invitation that Luna had given to us made it clear that we were gonna do somethin' nice for Sunset, but it was mum on the details. Once Octavia had given us those details, the excitement in our hearts could barely be contained by our self-control!

"Oh, this is more than just fair: this is wonderful!", I thought to myself with glee as Ah went right to work alongside my friends and fellow Wondercolts.

The next afternoon right after school, in front of Sunset's apartment.

There we were, standin' right at the door that led to Sunset's home. Turns out, she had set herself up in an apartment complex at the poorer end of town. Ah didn't judge her for it none. If she could make an honest livin' in these parts, that was all fine and dandy. But, did she have to make a livin' around 'ere? Was she barely scrapin' by? Ah hoped not! Scootaloo stood my right, with Sweetie Belle to my left. Sittin' behind us was a large square wooden delivery box that held within it the surprise that we had put together alongside our fellow Wondercolts. Watchin' over it from behind were, of course, the five Rainbooms. Standin' with them to their right was Flash Sentry, with Bulk Biceps to their left. It was agreed that the Canterlot Movie Club be the ones get Sunset's attention, an honor that we accepted with pride. It just seemed... fittin', ya' know? The three of us stared at the door in silence as we tried to muster the courage to knock. A vile inner voice decided to intervene from within my brain;

She'll reject your stupid gift, Ah tells ya'!

Righteous anger grew in my heart and conspired with my hope to silence that mean voice. What a load of horse manure! This was Sunset Shimmer! She wasn't gonna reject our gift! With determination in my eyes, Ah raised my right fist up to the door and gave it three hard knocks. We waited for five long seconds in silence before the door was pulled open from the inside, revealin' Sunset herself. The three of us had to hold back the urge to giggle when we saw her wearin' her violet pajamas and matchin' slippers. She looked at us all with surprise on her face for a moment before givin' us a warm welcome;

"Hey there! What brings you all to my home?"

She then peeped at the box and asked with a raised right eyebrow;

"What are you up to?"

Ah gave her a smirk laced with pride as Ah told her the honest truth;

"Doin' right by ya', sugarcube!"

Ah moved out of the way alongside my two pals, allowin' Sunset to get a better look at the box. Flash gave the top of it two good taps with his right hand before tellin' her with a kind smile;

"This is for you, Sunset, from Canterlot High."

"Yeah!", Bulk Biceps exclaimed with a lower volume than usual. He didn't even flex his muscles that time, for a smile of his own was apparently enough for the big guy. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Ah gave her the biggest, sweetest, most lovin' grins we could give the former bully. Sunset's smile grew twice as large, a single tear filled with happiness streamin' down from her left eye as she responded with absolute sweetness;

"Oh, guys... you didn't have to do this for me!"

"But, we wanted to!", the three of us said to her in joyful unison. That made Sunset laugh a little before she declared with excitement in her voice;

"Alright then, bring it in, Bulk!"

Usin' his gloriously large muscles that would make Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime look skinny, Bulk Biceps took the box with both hands, lifted it as if it were as light as a kitten, and started carryin' it on his right shoulder while holdin' it under his right arm. It took a good two minutes for him to get himself and the box through the door without breakin' anythin', even with help from the rest of us! But, the big guy got it done! Once it was inside, Bulk carefully moved it over to her livin' room and placed it on the round table in the center that was thankfully bare, with the rest of us comin' in from behind. Sunset rushed over to the nearby kitchen to grab a knife. While she did this, Ah took a quick gander at her livin' space. It wasn't too bad, honestly. It had the standard furniture and other fixin's with a few choice decorations here and there, with one of them fancy gamin' consoles placed in front of the livin' room TV. The whole place was a bit cramped, Ah admit. The kitchen, for that matter, looked smaller than it should have been! It wasn't long before our host found a sharp knife, walked back to the box, and started cuttin' the top down the middle with strength and care. Flash, Bulk, the Rainbooms, and the three of us movie club members stood together while givin' Sunset some space as we watched her work, my excitement growin' with every second that passed. Soon enough, she cut through the top of the box and opened it up. What she saw inside of it drove her to gasp in shock while droppin' her knife on to the table below her with a long clang. With her right hand clutchin' her heart, she spun around to aim her back at us. Ah could her hear breathin' mighty heavily as she slowly walked two steps way from us and the table before losin' her balance and fallin' to her knees. The poor sugarcube was snifflin' somethin' fierce! To say Ah was worried for her would be a huge understatement. But, before anyone could say somethin' to comfort her, Flash stepped up. He walked over to Sunset, sat with her at her right side, and told her with a soft voice that was soothin' to a wounded heart;

"I'll be real with you: It's gonna take us all time to work things out with you... some more so than others. But..."

He looked over at each of us with one of his confident smirks before lookin' back at her and declarin' with surety;

"What the school just gave you represents the chance that so many of us should have given you two seasons ago."

My worries went away in a flash (pun proudly intended this time) when he spoke. Ah figured if anyone could help Sunset out, it was Flash. Turns out, Ah was right! She got back up, slowly turned around while wipin' her eyes with her right arm, and lowered it to give us all a look of pure gratitude and joy. Her eyes were as watery as can be, tears streamin' down her face as she exclaimed with relief and happiness;

"Thank you!"

Just like that, the former queen bee of CHS got pounced with hugs from the whole group, with Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and myself laughin' our butts off as we showered her with friendship. Ah would say what the surprise we had all made for her was, but for now, the Canterlot Movie Club will keep it close to the chest.

What was no secret, though, was the fact that, on that day, Sunset's list of friends had grown larger than ever before.

Author's Note:

The trio is off to a good start on their crusade and the Wondercolts have shown goodwill to the mare who helped save them! But, the CMCs' noble work has only just begun...

Key Locale #1 - Canterlot High School

Description: One of the two major educational institutions in Canterlot City, Canterlot High School welcomes students from the city, the neighborhood it stands in, and the surrounding Equis Country area. Like any traditional high school, it covers grades nine through twelve. But, it also covers the eighth grade to give younger students a smooth transition into the high school life. Of course, open spots in CHS's eighth grade roster are limited in order to keep the crowds manageable. Its friendly atmosphere, diligent staff, and long-standing history of treating students fairly allow the school to attract and retain young folks from numerous walks of life.

In recent times, CHS has enjoyed a strengthened reputation after recovering from the machinations of former queen bee Sunset Shimmer, who is now a respected member of the student body. On top of that, wild rumors, including unproven reports of strange incidents occurring in the school, have only increased the school's popularity, not to mention its enrolling rates. These rumors began to surface after what folks connected to the school call the 'Fall Formal Incident' and have only gotten wilder after the recent 'Battle of the Bands Incident'. To this day, no one has publicly revealed the truth underneath the hearsay...

Today, CHS is run by Principal Celestia alongside her younger sister, Vice-Principal Luna. Overseeing the school as well as the Canterlot School District is Superintendent Neighsay, who has been rumored to be keeping a closer eye on the school than usual ever since the previous Winter season...