• Member Since 12th Jul, 2022
  • offline last seen 24 minutes ago

Saiyan Cartoon Champion


She tried to give her a chance, she tried to redeem her. But the time for that has passed. And now Princess Flurry Heart must confront the villainous Cozy Glow and settle things once in for all.

My second entry in the 4th Cozy Glow Short Story Contest.

Prompt: Cozy Glow vs...

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 14 )
Comment posted by Furkan ARSLAN deleted Sep 6th, 2023

good story


would add your name but I don't know how to put it in

Finally got around to reading this. Adorable ending for an adorable story!

"Practically, probably not anymore. Legally, still yes." Cadence answered while pulling the pink quilt up to Cozy's neck. Who simply pouted in response. "Maybe if you weren't so hostile with Twilight when she comes to check on you, I could convince her ease up of the terms of your probation,"

Wouldn't Cozy technically be under the jurisdiction of the Crystal Empire rather then Equestria?


As for Cozy's legal situation, I like to think Twilight's her "parole officer" for lack of a better term. And she made a deal to give custody over to Shining and Candence because she believed it would be a better environment for her than Canterlot or Ponyville, given her history there. But Twilight still sets the terms for all this, which her family in The Crystal Empire agreed to.

Just out of curiosity, do you think the twist in this story was too obvious?

The twist wasn't that obvious at first, but it became very clear as to what was going on before the first half of the first chapter when Cozy started acting particularly childish.

Auh, well, thanks again for reading the story.:twilightsmile:

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