• Published 4th Oct 2023
  • 650 Views, 58 Comments

Why Do I Feel This Way - TheKing2001

When visiting an orphanage in Canterlot with friends, Moondancer realizes she actually cares about one of the fillies and hits the books to investigate.

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Chapter X


“Everytime I see this house, I get reminded how awful it is,” I sighed as we all sat around my dining room table. If it acould be called that. It was just a misshapen cut piece of plywood on a cement block.

“Don’t worry!” Lemon Hearts grinned as she wrapped a foreleg around me. “We will get this place fixed up in no time!”

“It’ll take a bit. Starting with this table. If it can be called that,” Lyra frowned as she examined the table. “I honestly don’t know how you thought this was a good idea. And your walls have some weird liquid dried at the top. And your carpet smells like cum.”

“Is that what I smelled a few weeks ago when I stopped by?” Minuette demanded as my cheeks turned red and I looked away. “Oh my Celestia, it was!”

“Who gets off on the carpet?” Twinkleshine asked as she gave me a smile. “Don’t be embarrassed, we all masturbate. We all have needs and it’s okay, don’t worry.”

“Yeah!” Lyra chimed in with a smile. “I mean just last week Bon Bon and I-”

A light blue glow enveloped her head as Twinkleshine gave me an apologetic grin as I glanced at her glowing horn.

“Pretty sure you don’t want to hear about her well experiences,” Twinkleshine smirked as we watched Lyra wave her hooves around. I don’t think she realized we didn’t hear her yet.

“Thanks,” I sighed in relief and looked at Minuette. “I’m uh sorry. I didn’t really feel comfortable telling you and I figured I’d scare you away forever if I told you the truth. There’s a uh lot you don’t know about me.”

“I know,” Minuette said and I raised an eyebrow as a yellow hoof smacked her upside the head. “Ow!”

“Uh what do you mean by that?” I asked worriedly. “Did you girls actually read my journal?”

“No! Everypony has secrets is what she meant,” Lemon Hearts said as she shifted her glare from Lemon Hearts to give me a smirk. “Let’s get this house fixed up, shall we?”

“Where do you want us to start?” Twinkleshine asked as she levitated some paint buckets and other random tools on my makeshift table.

“Uh I don’t know,” I muttered as my ears flattened against my head. “I’m not really well versed in house repairs.”

“I got this,” Lemon Hearts announced and stood up. “Lyra, Twinkleshine, you two started cleaning off the walls for the new paint. Moondancer, Minuette, you two start cleaning up the bedrooms and throwing away unnecessary items. I’ll do the same in these rooms.”

“Aye, aye captain!” Lyra mocked and tossed her a salute as she levitated two wash cloths and bucket full of water on the carpet. “Add new carpet to the list.”

I grunted in response to that as Minuette followed me into one of the rooms as her eyes widened. I had four massive books shelves filled with books, neatly dusted and the rest of the room was messy.

My bed was messy with the blankets tossed everywhere, the pillows strewn about and I turned faintly red as Minuette stared at me.

“Moondancer, I honestly don’t even know what to say about this. This is just a huge no! First off, your curtains don’t even match your sheets!”

“My curtains? What?”

“Everypony knows you need blue curtains to match your white walls and blue sheets!” Minuette exclaimed as I rubbed my chin with a hoof.

I think it was pretty obvious by now I didn’t understand anything she was saying. Color matching isn’t necessarily my strong suit. I just buy whatever fits my bed or fits me.

“And sweet Celestia, so many books! You’re like a second Twilight!” Minuette continued as she examined my book shelf.

For the next hour or what felt like an hour, we cleaned the three bedrooms I had, tossing out the sheets and the bent curtain holders. I vigorously scrubbed the wall as I smirked at the sound of Lyra and Twinkleshine laughing.

“So what’s Berry Punch like?” I asked curiously as we finished up in the final room. How Minuette answered this question would be the deciding factor if I came out to her.

“She’s a complicated mare. She’s pretty good obviously or I wouldn’t be dating her. Her daughter is adorable as usual. Just like Cotton Cloudy,” Minuette said and winked as I blushed for some unknown reason. “We’re just having some issues right now. Me and the others are going to visit Ponyville and Twilight if you wish to come along. Berry Punch is a recovering alcoholic but she slips up sometimes.”

“I would but I’m spending my bits on fixing the house. I don’t have any more till the next payment comes in from the last university I did some work for,” I said as I levitated some unneeded items into the hallway.

“I got it. Don’t worry,” Minuette winked as we examined the now empty room.

“Are you sure?” I asked incredulously. “A train ticket isn’t cheap.”

“I’m sure. Don’t you worry.”

I reared up on my hind legs and hugged her as she raised her eyes before hugging me back. I didn’t really do touch often.

“You’re a good friend, Minnie,” I said as we dropped down to all fours.

“I know.”

I gave a faint laugh as I inhaled, flicking my eyes to Minuette examined a window.

“Can I uh tell you something?”


“I’m serious. The others can’t know,” I said as Minuette turned around and patted the floor with a hoof.

“I’m listening. Here, sit down and tell me everything,” Minuette said and I sat nervously next to her.

“So you know Twilight right?” I asked as Minuette nodded. “I well you know, love her. And I’m well, gay.”

“I know,” Minuette admitted as I recoiled. I hadn’t known anypony knew. “Before you freak out, hear me out. You weren’t exactly subtle about your feelings, all the way down to the same manestyle.”

“And you don’t hate me for it? I know your parents were strict about it growing up.”

“Moondancer, none of us hate you for it. Hell, Lyra is dating a mare, I’m dating a mare. I’m bi, Lyra is gay and the others are perfectly okay with it. I’ve been with a fair share of stallions, romantically and one night stands. It’s up to you if you want to tell the others but I think you should,” Minuette explained as she placed a hoof on my shoulder. “My parents came around and all, I know you have your parents anymore but your sister won’t care either.”

“So you’ve uhm,” I searched for the right word.

“Had sex? Yeah, with mares and stallions. Don’t rush it. It’ll happen when it happens, Moonie. Let’s focus on getting you a marefriend first okay?”

“Okay,” I muttered sheepishly with bright red cheeks and traced a hoof in a circle on the floor. “Sorry for uhm asking personal questions.”

“If it helps, I have nothing to hide. Under normal circumstance, the sex questions would be awkward but you’re my friend,” Minuette smiled warmly as she wrapped a foreleg around me. “How about you come over to my house in a few days and I can loan you some books that can give you everything you need to know. Stuff you won’t find in a library.”

“I guess I can find the time. Can we uh keep that between us for now?” I asked hopefully and she gave a quick nod.

“Hey guys,” Twinkleshine said as she stepped into the room. “Hope I’m not interrupting anything, but Lemon Hearts is going to get us some take out and will bring it back here. She just left. Figured I should let you two know.”

“Okay,” I said as I glanced outside and flinched at the sun setting. I didn’t know we had been working all day. Guess things truly are better with friends. “And thanks Twinkleshine. For helping.”

“What are friends for?” Twinkleshine winked as she yawned. “We got the whole living room, dining room and kitchen cleaned up and the furniture out on the street. We can go get new furniture whenever you want. Heck, I think I might have some spare couches I don’t use anymore.”

“And we can always ask Twilight if we can reuse some of the stuff in her old Canterlot house,” Minuette agreed as she stood up and stretched.

“Okay. She does have some pretty nice couches in there. I uh may have fallen asleep there accidentally,” I admitted as the other two mares snickered.

“Oh why am I not surprised?” Minuette giggled as I joined her in standing up. “Maybe we should use it as a sleepover spot one of these days.

Yeah, maybe we should. Pretty decently large area. But who knows? Maybe even Twilight would join us. And Spike, of course.

But first things first, I had dinner to look forward to with my friends.