• Published 4th Oct 2023
  • 650 Views, 58 Comments

Why Do I Feel This Way - TheKing2001

When visiting an orphanage in Canterlot with friends, Moondancer realizes she actually cares about one of the fillies and hits the books to investigate.

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Chapter XXII


I looked at Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine with concerned looks as Moondancers face slammed into her pancakes and she let out a long snore.

“What is her deal?” Lemon asked as she set her coffee cup down.

“Well, she’s probably tired,” I answered as the a pink blur pushed the rug up and jumped out, rolling into the dining room from the living room. “Uh Pinkie? What are you doing here?”

“Or maybe she’s really tired because she’s been running around Canterlot for the past week because she’s adopting a filly and has been working on her house a lot,” Pinkie ignored my question and pressed face to mine. She licked my cheek slowly and I turned red as she giggled. “You had whipped cream on your face.”

“Uh Pinkie?” Twinkleshine raised a hoof as Pinkies head whipped over to her. “Moondancer doesn’t like children. There’s no way she would ever adopt.”

“You don’t know!” Pinkie sang as she sprayed some whipped cream from the spare can down her throat.

“Wait, how did you even get here and know this?” Lemon Hearts waved her hooves around as Pinkie giggled and booped her nose.

“Pinkie sense!” Pinkie giggled as she bounded back to the living and lifted the rug up, disappearing under it as we all stared.

“What the buck?” Lemon finally asked as she looked at me.

“When did you get a cellar?” Twinkleshine asked as Moondancer snored again.

“I didn’t,” I answered slowly.

“You must have because she just went into the cellar it looked like.”

“I don’t have a cellar or a basement!”

Twinkleshine levitated the rug up as she and Lemon both gawked at the hard wood floor under it as I gave them smug, triumphant grins.

“I told you!”

“I have so many questions about what the Tartarus I just witnessed and I have no idea on where to begin,” Twinkleshine grumbled under her breath as the rug fell back on the floor. “Moondancer! Wake up!”

Moondancer shot up with a pancake sticking through her horn as she looked around with wide eyes.

“What?” Moondancer asked as she opened her mouth and tried to bit the pancake hanging from her horn as syrup dripped onto her tongue.

“What are you up to recently?”

“Oh nothing. You?”

“Work. Be honest, we’ve all seen you doing weird stuff recently that you don’t normally do. Carrying books on how to look after a foal, going into furniture stores for kids, I saw you going into the states office. What’s going on?” Twinkleshine asked as she placed a hoof on Moondancers should and pulled it away, leaving a strand of syrup connecting the two as she gave a distasteful look at it.

“Was it that obvious?” Moondancer asked as she pulled the pancake off her horn and bit it.

“Yeah pretty much. What’s up?” I asked as she sighed. “Ooh is it a stallion?”

“What? No!”

“Is it Twilight?”

“Sadly no.”

“We still have to talk about that,” Twinkleshine commented as Moondancer groaned. “I don’t have any guesses. Ooh, wait. Are you planning to be a surrogate or whatever it’s called?”

I rolled my eyes at that. That was out of the question. She wouldn’t be looking into how to care for a foal that she would have to give up if she was a surrogate mother.

“I’ve done some thinking,” Moondancer started as we all leaned forward a bit. “And well, I met a filly.”

“Isn’t that illegal?” I asked nervously as she face hoofed.

“Not like that you weirdo! I uh mean to adopt?” Moondancer offered weakly as we all stared at her.

“Wait are you serious?” I asked.

“That’s great!” Lemon Hearts added.

“Who is it?” Twinkleshine continued.

“You girls remember Cotton Cloudy?” Moondancer asked sheepishly as my jaw slightly dropped.

“Woah are you sure? She’s pretty rough around the edges,” I pointed out.

“I’m certain. We get along very well you know? We just sorta happened. She deserves a decent chance at life too, just like we got growing up.”

“Good answer,” Twinkleshine smiled warmly. “What do you have to do?”

“I just need a bed. I chose not to buy one at the kids store because I want her to have a bigger bed,” Moondancer admitted as Twinkleshine stood up.

“Well, let’s go!”

“Wait what?” Moondancer paused as she looked at us.

“We’re your friends. We’re not about to let you do this alone. So let’s go get your filly!”

“Thank you,” Moondancer muttered as I hugged her. “Can I uh get a shower first?”

“Yeah, that might be smart.”

We trotted down the aisles of a different mattress store as Moondancer and I examined a grown up bed. Moondancer had wanted to get Cotton an adult bed to give her space to move around.

“This is nice,” Moondancer said as she dragged a hoof over the surface. “Pretty soft, she could move around a lot on it. I got a dresser already for her clay figures she likes to make.”

“That’s good,” Lemon nodded as she examined the bed with us. “So the mare inspecting your house was to make sure it was safe for her then?”

“Yes. Her name is Sunbeam.”

“When were you gonna tell us about this?” Twinkleshine demanded as she raised an eyebrow.

“Once I was certain I was approved. I didn’t want to raise your guys hopes up if it wasn’t gonna happen,” Moondancer explained as Twinkleshine nodded.

“And did you?”

“Yes. Sunny Flare dropped by herself to tell me the news.”

“Congrats!” I chimed in eagerly. “So is this the one?”

“Yeah,” Moondancer nodded as a salepony approached.

“Hello. You need help with anything?” He asked smoothly as Moondancer nodded.

“I’d like to purchase this mattress, frame and all please.”

“Excellent choice ma’am! This one is in stock so you can take it home today. Just follow me to the register and we will get you all squared away,” the stallion said with a smile as Moondancer smiled back. “You can either take it with you or have it delivered and assembled today.”

“Delievered works for me. Is it guaranteed to be here today?’


“Great!” Moondancer said as we followed the stallion. “I just realized something.”

“What?” Lemon Hearts asked curiously as she trotted next to me.

“All I have to do now is go pick up Cotton Cloudy. This is a surprise for her,” Moondancer answered and sighed. “I hope she is happy.”

“I think she will be,” I reassured her as Twinkleshine raised a hoof.

“We’ve been going to that orphanage for a while. How come we didn’t guess this sooner?”

“Because Lemon Hearts was all like, let’s get drunk and go get donuts because drunk donuts are better than sober donuts!” I said in my Lemon Hearts voice as she glared at me.

“I did not say that!”

We all gave her flat looks as she turned red and looked away.

“Okay, I might have said that.”

“Did. Not might have. You did.”

“Shut it Minuette!”

I looked at Twinkleshine as the two of us burst out laughing. I will admit, drunk donuts are spectacular. But not when thinking about important things.