• Published 6th Oct 2023
  • 2,872 Views, 168 Comments

A Cold Ending. - Knight of Crows

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Chapter 13.

Author's Note:

This chapter will show just how brutal Jason has become. This is how cruel and sadistic he has become.

As for the end, what do you think should happen?

Discord can honestly say that it is the first time he wishes he was not the center of attention. Many reproachful eyes are watching, waiting for the truth of his involvement. He was counting on his little ruse to work, that he would take the fall and his friends could be free. But, he did not account for the Gjallarhorn or Jason's resolve for justice. It's why hiding away in his realm was a good idea at the time. With another sigh, Discord begins to speak.

"I wasn't lying when I said I bring you here was relating to Twilight's experience with humans. But it wasn't to pick at the scab. It was to help her deal with that issue by showing her that not all humans are imperfect. I believed that if she was going to be a princess - one that could fulfill the needs of everypony - then she couldn't have any resentment that could impair her judgment. So, I reached beyond the veil to find a human and bring them to Equestria. That human was you, Jason."

"You made the website that brought me here to help Twilight be a better princess?" Jason said with an undercurrent of rage.

"Well, I didn't know exactly how my spell was going to manifest on your side, but it worked regardless."

Jason was seething now despite the anticipation on his face. He knew precisely how this correlated directly. It was the same as when Discord united Equestria's villains to help Twilight with her doubts about Equestria's sole ruler. "Of course. It makes so much sense now. You fucked me over to help that one be a better ruler for Equestria. Unfortunately, you did it in the asinine way possible, just like in the show."

"W-What do you mean?"

Discord flinches when Jason touches the horn again. This time, the elements were in Canterlot. Unlike the previous memories, no one was familiar with these current events. The mention of a coronation threw everyone present for a loop. Discord eventually came onto the scene. He gripped his reptilian leg as his body was covered in dirt and debris. "Oh! My aching metatarsals! You know you forget how convenient snap travel is."

"Wait, did you just say you walked here? On foot?" Spike asks.

"Yes. Actually. And I have a confession to make. You see, I might have made the tiniest boo-boo. All very well-intentioned and noble on my part but--"

"Get to the point, Discord," Applejack said.

"You remember that whole thing with King Sombra? That was slightly my fault, and by slightly, I mean that I brought him back..."

"You did!? But why?!?!" Rarity exclaims.

"Well, it seemed like a good idea then, so I brought back three other villains, who are now on the loose and not big fans of yours. So, uh, my bad,"

"Wait, I never did that!" Discord hollers as the memory ends. "You can't seriously try and pin events on me that I haven't even considered! That's like arresting me for a crime I was only thinking about doing!"

"It's not to show your guilt!" Jason said plainly. "It's to compare what you have done to me. It's precisely the same concept. You going off behind everyone's backs with a solution you think is best for the situation when, in reality, it is beyond fubar. No one fucking asked you to rip me from my home to help Twilight get over being a bigot. A trial she failed spectacularly!"

"I only had the best intention like in the memory. I-I never knew things would go so wrong!"

"Like I've said before, good intentions are the surest path to hell. What were you expecting to happen? That she would see me and we would be instant friends? Or that Pinkie would have one of her famous welcome parties? All I got from visiting Ponyville was pain and misery. So, at what point did you notice things were going wrong? Was it when I was sleeping homeless on the streets? What about the lightning strikes that left me half blind or the buck that shattered my ribcage? The flash mobs were always a fun time too! Maybe you missed my new place of residence in the fucking cave with manticores! Tell me something; in what part of your social experiment would you intervene? When shit hit the fan, why did you not get me out of there? Why was there magic on me preventing me from leaving? Why erase everyone's memories?"

Discord looks down in shame at Jason's inquires. "I wasn't keeping an eye on the things. There was no reason to believe that the capital of friendship would treat you so poorly. If they can accept somepony like me, then I doubt any creature couldn't make friends with them." The element all seem to deflate at how badly they proved Discord wrong. "Never in my wildest dreams would I believe any of what happened to you was done by the ponies in Ponyville, let alone the Elements. But here we are. I did check up on your progress near the end. But I never found it in Ponyville that day. I saw you thanks to the residual chaos magic inside of you. I believe some chaos magic got stuck in you when you crossed over to our dimension. I never gave it a direction or purpose. My only guess is that since I frequent Ponyville quite often, the magic inside was drawn to the other signatures around town. Thus, you were drawn to it as well. Back in my realm, I tried sending you back home. But I realized I don't know where your home is. It's like finding a needle in a haystack."

"And what about their memories?" Cadance asks.

Discord could not face anyone at that question. "After I returned to Ponyville, I noticed Jason was on Applejack's farm in the middle of the night. At first, I thought that perhaps it was a sleepover while all of you got to know each other. Fluttershy would be gushing over the fact of an exotic creature. Pinkie would try to mack friends. Rarity would do her fashion thing, and so on and so on. Instead, when I followed my residual magic to him, Jason was hanging by his neck from a tree with the girls just standing before him. I couldn't believe it. What led you to go to such extremes? I did not know, but I knew that whatever happened must've damaged Ponyville by a large margin. Suicide was not a concept ponies could handle. So, I took away everyone's memories of you."

"Well, if it's any consolation, Ponyville wasn't harmed in the slightest. Though in hindsight, I probably should have. After all, with their track record of rewarding some of the worst criminals and punishing the innocent, I'm confident I could've killed half of them in their sleep, and both Princesses would've made me their King. But how very convenient for the Elements are the rest of that pathetic town. Let's spare the ponies the mental anguish of knowing they drove someone to end their lives. Their weak constitution can't handle their guilt."

"I am sorry for--"

"No. You don't get to apologize. Not after everything you've done. Not after trying to hide your crimes from everyone. Not after everything that will follow. But I'm curious about something. I overheard what you and Fluttershy discussed at the Gala, how you wanted to make amends with the other rulers. That tells me you did something unsavory to them as well. So, why don't you share with the rest of the class?"

"I don't see how that is relevant." Discord says.

"I believe it is very relevant. It does concern us, after all. And your guilt is clear for all the see. There shall be no more hiding it!" Queen Novo said harshly.

"W-Well, initially, I wanted to mend some bridges that I broke with each of respective kingdoms after some introspective thinking of my actions when I was a young Draconeuus. You see--"

"How about you start with what you did and cut out all fluffy squeaking!" Grandpa Gruff said.

Discord sighs as he pulls out a list. "Okay, for the griffins, I put all their positive moral aspects into that precious Idol of Boreas. I thought it would be funny to know that all your decency would disappear as soon as somepony stole it. I significantly decreased their intelligence for the diamond dogs because of this one diamond dog know-it-all. I made the desert surrounding Saddle Arabia-- a prank on the ruler of that period. I made the staff the Storm King wielded that lets him control Alicorn's magic. I was drunk on poison joke juice at the time. That's also why I was absent during his invasion. I cursed the zebra's to only speak in rhymes. And the dragons, I messed with their internal emotional spectrum so their bodies would respond to their emotional state. I was bored that day and decided to wing it."

Many of the creatures from the kingdoms Discord brought up were in an uproar. The judges all are wearing a look of disgust and rage. "You scum!" Ember snarls, with flames licking her lips as she says this.

"T-That cannot be! Rhyming is considered sacred and free!" King Zekia said.

"I had always been told stories about how Saddle Arabia was once a giant oasis. It was more fertile than even Equestria. And you robbed us of that as a prank!?" Shifting Sands said in outrage.

"You took my nation's decency and threw it into our idol. No wonder my griffin folk acts greedy and indifferent! Whatever happens to you, I wholeheartedly agree with it!" Grandpa Gruff squawks as all the Judges agree.

"In other words, what you mean to say is that like 80% of the world's problems can ultimately be traced to the irresponsible use of your power, ponies being hypocrites and capitalizing on your crimes against other races, or their supremacist views and xenophobic tendencies?" Jason asked.

"So, in the end, you still prove yourself to be a plague." Luna said with a shake of her head.

"It is regrettable, Discord. Sadly, we are at this point now. Mister Wirght, I believe you can carry out your sentence now." Cadance said in disappointment.

"I got the answer I wanted from you. You're all guilty of many crimes that would be grounds for execution!" Discord and the defendants went pale at Jason's words. "But don't worry. Unlike your sorry excuse of a legal system, I'll ensure my punishments fit the crime. Let's start with the big mastermind of this shit show. Discord!"

Discord feels all the saliva dry in his mouth. "Yes...?"

"For a creature that revels in chaos, you have given your allegiance to Equestria. In my world, the disorder is natural. It is tied to no loyalty but its own. I mean, there is no guiding force like you to give chaos direction. It flows freely, and the rest of us simply adapt to how it goes. You, on the other hand, give all your powers to Equestria. You did so at the behest of Celestia's absurd plan to reform you using Fluttershy as a means to an end. But that reformation was never genuine. If that were the case, you would've told the Princesses about the plunder vines or removed them yourself. You would've never sided with Tirek and betrayed everyone. You also had plenty of time to fix all those horrible misdeeds you did to the other nations and their people. But, no, you were fine with what you did. You were fine with letting everyone wallow in ignorance."

"I was going to try and make amends..."

"And it would've been either meaningless or had conditions along with it. The fact of the matter is, Discord, you are nothing but an immature brat that constantly plays with fire and everyone else but you gets burned. Not that the world will ever be safe while I exist here, but how can the world be safe and free of the fate I suffered when you can wield godlike power with the whim of a foal? However, I'm not going to punish you per se." Jason said. Everyone's eyes shot wide open at the declaration.

"You can't be serious??!!" Ember snarled. To which Jason held up his hand.

"I wasn't finished. I'm definitely taking away your magic and keeping it for myself, but my true punishment to you is that I'm going to punish everyone else but you! And every time you fuck up from here on out, your closest friend in proximity will suffer a spike of pain similar to what Applejack or Rainbow did to me in a random location on or in their body. You will be powerless in a world that hates you, and you will be forced to truly think before you act, lest someone you care about pay a hefty price!" Jason said excitedly as Discord's magic flowed into him. Before he could say anything, Jason froze his mouth shut.

That was one down and seven more to go. Standing before Celestia, the princess of the sun felt a nervousness she had not felt in some time. "Princess Celestia. One can say that you are perhaps the most decorated ruler in the world. You kept Equestria going for over a millennium. But your peace comes with a hefty price that other creatures besides ponies must pay. Non-ponies are just one step above being slaves, thanks to your laws. Spike the dragon is nothing more than a pet in the eyes of Equestrian rules. At the same time, you maintained peace, you could've changed all that, but you did not."

"I did the best--"

"Your best was faulty and insufficient. It was manipulation at the best of times, especially when it came to those six to your right." Jason said more forcefully as he cut Celestia off. "The elements list of crimes goes further than merely what they did to me. Yet, you always gave them a pass. You always bailed them out, made excuses, or outright ignored the glaring laws they broke. But you always had the nerve to charge anyone else that was not a Bearer of Harmony. Your punishment is as follows. You will become a tyrant if you have to in order to unfuck this country. I'm talking 'Daybreaker' tyrant. If you survive my attempt to kill the world, you will have one year to do so. Failure will result in you taking the full legal punishments for every crime you didn't punish the Elements for. Succeed, and you might be allowed to keep your crown on the condition you continue to be an actual ruler instead of a negligent enabler.." The courtroom gasped as Celestia looked up at Jason, unable to tell if this was supposed to be mercy or punishment intended to force her into betraying her morals.

Jason moved past her and stood before Applejack. The farm pony swallowed a large gulp while Jason glared at her. "You know, I had thought about putting Wynonna down for the attack command you gave her."

"Please! Please don't do that! As you said, I made her do it! Please! She has been a part of the family since I was a filly. We need her on the farm to warn us against the Everfree critters! Please, don't hurt her. I'm sorry!" Applejack begged.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to kill her..."

"O-oh! Tha-"

"You are. In the same way you tried to kill me." He said with a small grin.

Her heart sank as her wide eyes were just as quickly tearing up. "What?! No! I-I can't-"

"Your compliance isn't a factor." He interrupted as he noticed her family wasn't present.

"Disappointing." He thought.

"The alternative is that every member of the Apple family will have the tendons in all their legs severed and their tongues cut out. And I do mean all of them." He said with finality.

"You can't do that! They ain't done nothin' to you!" She protested.

"The Gjallarhorn says otherwise. I can punish you by punishing others as I see fit for the simple fact it will still count as a punishment to you. Besides, we've already established I fully intend for every last mare, stallion, foal, and equivalents of other races to become ice sculptures in my 'Frozen Garden'. What difference does it make? All you have to do to ensure the Apple family's survival, assuming they survive the coming blizzard, is to kill a single animal." He used the Horn to teleport Wynonna to, holding the dog by its neck. "The choice is yours. Kill a dog or doom your entire bloodline. The choice should be an easy one." He said before throwing the dog to Applejack.

He then moved on to Rainbow Dash, who still had a look of defiance. "We probably wouldn't be here today if you had you had anything resembling humility, competence, and self-control. I hope it was worth it, because three years of pain and suffering and a lifetime of the same thanks to all of you makes this so easy for me. I'm sure you recall what I said during our little session, yes?" He asked as he snapped his fingers to hold her in chains and formed a serrated sword out of ice.

"What-urgh??!!" She wheezed.

"You still owe me an eye. And I'm taking those wings for good measure." He unbound her wings and held one up, causing her to scream in pain as they were still heavily damaged from his hammer. But he didn't start at the base of her wing, rather, near the end of the limb itself.

"Wai-AGH!" She was just as quickly backhanded by a fist encased in ice.

"You don't get to beg. Now take it like a champ!" He said excitedly as he drew the weapon closer.

"Stop this!!!" Fluttershy screamed.

Jason simply glanced at her. "Did anyone stop when I begged for them to stop beating me? When I begged for them to stop doing something that could kill me? Did anyone stand up and say 'stop it' when I begged for mercy in similar positions? What about you? When I was beaten within an inch of my life by the so-called 'honorable' royal guards and left for dead on the side of the road. Did you try to help?" He snapped his fingers and teleported her to him, slowly gliding the blade down her cheek as a reminder that she's not protected by the Horn either. "Or did you run away like a coward and tell them how to hurt me even more? You don't get to beg for mercy for others either when you would rather do the exact opposite."

He turned his attention back to Rainbow and noticed she was missing a few teeth now. "I would ask for one good reason why I shouldn't, but I'd probably do it anyway. Just remember, you brought this on yourself. Let us revel in this." He froze every pony in place including her to ensure no one would interfere, then froze her mouth shut like he did to Discord before cutting away at her wing.

Piece by piece, he cut off her wing, using the Horn to ensure she wouldn't bleed out or die of shock. Her screams and protests muffled by her frozen mouth. Every creature kept their eyes shut as they covered their ears in an attempt to block out the horrific scene before them. Once he was done with both wings, he kicked her chin upward, forcing her onto her back. After which, he climbed on top of her and slowly reached for her eye.

"I believe this is mine." He dug his fingers into her eye socket, taking his time ripping it out, then tossing her to the side.

He then focused his attention on Fluttershy, who was cowering as she sobbed for her friend. He glanced at Discord to see him struggling against his binds, his eyes pleading "not her". Jason smirked before addressing the mare.

"I'm going to be nice to you and give you back your cutie mark." Fluttershy's heart sank, fully expecting his 'kindness' to come with a hefty price. "But you will never be able to use it again. This world doesn't have the rabies virus, let's fix that and make it progress like 10X faster. Effectively immediately, every animal you have or will ever give care to will begin suffering the final stages of it. This includes animals you simply helped the owners with. In addition, you will lose your hearing, sight, and your voice. Hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil." The Horn glowed as her eyes became like his. For good measure, he unfroze her mouth just so the world can better see how broken she is.

He then turned his attention to Rarity, who looked at him with nothing but hatred, to his amusement. "If I know you as well as I think I do, you're probably thinking I can't do worse than you've already done to yourself. Or maybe that changed after your friends? But we both know you did basically nothing. Regardless, let's test that theory! You can say goodbye to your business, for all your assets will immediately catch fire. Every time you try to charm or manipulate anyone, you will taste something akin to ash and vomit. Every time you insult something's looks or try to 'beautify' it, you will become progressively hideous. Lastly, modesty will no longer be part of your vocabulary. All your fur, as well as your mane and tail, will be forever shaved completely. Better get used to flashing everyone the goods because you're not going to wear anything either." Not wanting to hear her, he froze her mouth shut as she tried to hide herself from everyone as best she could.

He then moved past Pinkie Pie and stopped in front of Twilight. "Really, I'm doing the world a favor with what I'm going to do to you. As of this moment, you are stripped of your royal status. You will receive no aid of any kind from the crown. You will have no part in anything political. You will sever all ties with your family." He continued to list off everything she would endure as her eyes began to tear up more with each one. "Anyone who looks at you will see nothing but your failures and shortcomings. Lastly, all your magic, the very thing that made you special in any capacity, will permanently disappear." Her cutie mark disappeared as her magic ceased to exist, then her body fell over, as if she was clinging to life.

"And now for the last guilty party." Jason announced.

"What? But I thought the trials only included the defendants?" Luna asked, concerned she was now a target.

"If you think you're getting one specifically for you, don't worry. It's not like you had up to FIVE YEARS to find and enter my nightmares that would make even Nightmare Moon murderously angry towards the guilty so we could've avoided all this. But maybe you just can't enter the dreams of other creatures?" As if reading her mind, he addressed her concern in a way that turned everyone's attention to her. "Doesn't matter now, because we are well past the point of no return."

"Then who?" She asked.

"Ponyville, of course." He answered. "They weren't influenced in the slightest by Discord, so everything they did to me was 100% of their own free will. They went above and beyond to outdo her. But I'm going to be better than Twilight in my punishment."

"I... I don't... Understand." Twilight barely managed to say.

"It's quite simple. Unlike you, I'm not going to discriminate. Every sapient creature who has lived in, owned property, had friends or family, or any investments in that town during my 3 years there will all relive every injustice the town did to me first from my perspective within their respective timeframes. Afterward, they will find they've suffered the same damages I have in real life as well. If for example, my first lightning strike happened during my second week, all of them will enjoy it as I did when it happened."

"But you'd be punishing more than just the resi-"

"That's the point, Cadence." He interrupted. "Guilt through action or inaction. Guilt by association. Or guilt through their contributions through life that led up to that point like with Rainbow's parents. In addition, they will starve and freeze as I did. No matter how much they eat, they will never be more filled than I was. No matter how close they are to the fire or how many blankets they wear, they will never be any warmer than I was. And when I say 'everyone', I mean everyone."

"'Everyone.'" Celestia stared wide-eyed at his choice of punishment.

"Yes." Jason smiled. "Every mare, stallion, even non-ponies in that town. Even the children. Sins of the father and all that. The only exceptions to this will be the accused here in this room and Sweetie Belle. The first is meant as a psychological and emotional torture of sorts. As for Sweetie? It's my way of thanking her for being the only good soul in that town before I personally kill her as painlessly as possible. I hope everyone kept track of when they hurt me, because if by the off chance they survive the coming Winter and rabies, it'd be a real shame if their surgeons and patients came down with a sudden case of 'near death via electrocution' while he's already got the scalpel inside the patient." The Horn sent out a pulse that went out further than the eye could see, highlighting any creatures included in his sentence, even a few of the creatures in the stands as well as a few of the judges.

"So, on top of conspiring to murder everything in the world, you're trying to cause as much suffering as possible." Shining said as the wave washed over him. "What's even the point if you're trying to commit genocide?!"

"Simple. It's because I want to drive the nail in deeper. If this world survives, I want the world to have a constant reminder of who is truly at fault. I may have plunged the knife, but the world will remember who gave me every possible reason I needed to justify it. Every time they endure this punishment, they will be reminded of who did this to me and who brought this upon them while the ones here basically got a slap on the wrist. That Hatred will only feed the Wendigos and potentially keep them going longer, which is the other purpose it serves." Jason explained.

"Now that I've passed my sentences, I no longer have need of the Gjallarhorn." He grabbed the Horn and shattered it with ease thanks to his newfound powers. Light blinded the courtroom for a moment as he stood over the relic, smiling still. "Let that be proof your Goddess has forsaken you."

The courtroom stared in equal parts horror and disbelief at what just transpired. A few members tried to escape, but he froze their wings, horns, and the doors shut. "There's no running from this. You should be thanking me for being merciful enough to save you all for last." Jason said as Wendigos surrounded him.

"Then we have nothing to lose." Ember snarled as she flew over him, breathing fire along the way.

Jason stood unharmed, finding her attempt amusing. "It's futile. But if you're that eager to die, then who am I to refuse such a request?" The Wendigos swarmed her, negating her flames as he slowly walked towards her with an ice spear in hand.

Several members of the courtroom cried out for him to stop, but he ignored them all. A few even tried to attack him, but the Wendigos shielded him as he drew closer to the Dragon Lord. Even Luna tried to shield her, but her focus was broken as he teleported her in front of him. After grabbing her horn, he raised his spear.

"This is the Ending you've all been dying to watch." As he was about to thrust the spear through her, a bolt of magic blasted it to pieces. Surprised that anyone could do so, he looked in the direction of the caster to find Celestia, whose mane and tail were slowly burning up in flames. "Interesting, but your fire is far too cold to stop me."

Celestia - now Daybreaker, looked down on him with a mix of anger and pity. "You wanted this, didn't you? You're so consumed with Hatred, fallen so far into Despair that you can only march towards Death with as many victims as possible? FINE THEN!!!" Her mane and tail flared up as her eyes changed. "This is our last goodbye, Jason Wright."

He released Luna, who teleported back to her family. "Heh... If you truly possess the resolve to kill your 'friend' when you know I'm in the right - if you truly possess the power to kill me, then fucking FINISH THE JOB!!! DON'T STOP EVEN FOR AN INSTANT!!!" He shouted as the Wendigos roared with him.

"... For what it's worth," Luna spoke up as she conjured a scythe and numerous swords. "- I'm sorry it came to this."

"... That makes one of us." As he was about to snap his fingers, everyone heard a humming sound that became increasingly louder coming from the Gjallarhorn. Within seconds, it pieced itself back together and flashed brightly, blinding everyone once again.

When the light dimmed enough for everyone to see again, a white alicorn with a red mane and tail stood in its place. Every creature there looked at the mare with recognition and reverence. Jason on the other hand looked eerily calm. "Well, you took your sweet time, Faust. I was wondering if you were ever going to do your job or if you were going to let me play the part of the Four Horsemen by myself."

She looked at him with sorrow. As she stepped closer, even the Wendigos seemed to stop what they were doing.

"That's enough, Jason Wright."