• Published 6th Oct 2023
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A Cold Ending. - Knight of Crows

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Chapter 5.

Jason was becoming more and more excited for the end as the trial picked up where it left off. He savored the look of unease on the faces of several ponies, especially the defendants. As everyone took their places again, he thought now would be a good chance to weaponize a certain performer's treatment.

"The court is back in session. You had other grievances against Twilight Sparkle, correct?" Luna started.

"This next one isn't specifically against her or for myself, but shared with Ponyville and Equestria as a whole. I would like an 'intermission' of sorts to further point out what other races have to deal with under the oppressive Equestrians." Jason clarified.

"You already have it out for Ponyville, what's so different about these?" Rainbow groaned.

"I'm so glad you asked! Specifically you, the most arrogant creature here! I'm initially referring to, though a pony, a certain show-mare by the name of Trixie."

"Pffffaaaahhaahaha! Her?! She's your first example?" Rainbow laughed.

"Indeed, what could she have possibly endured that would warrant being used against us? We did nothing to her." Rarity chimed in. Jason replayed the memory of Trixie's performance for all to see a group of ponies standing before a stage.

Trixie came out with her pitch. She was telling the audience of her feats in defeating an Ursa Major. The elements voiced their opinions on Trixie being a braggart, prompting Trixie to challenge her hecklers. Applejack went first, showing off her skill with her lasso. Trixie enchants the rope to wrap around Applejack's legs and shoves an apple in her muzzle. Rainbow went next by bursting through clouds, making the water splash on her for a miniature rainbow to appear above her head. Trixie used her magic to make the rainbow swirl around Rainbow Dash, leaving her dizzy. Finally, Rarity goes up and uses magic to fashion a beautiful dress. Trixie uses magic to turn Rarity's mane green with twigs. The memory ends with Trixie professing her greatness.

"What was that supposed to prove? All everypony saw was her being nothing but a big jerk!" Rainbow slammed her hoof down as her friends and the judges seemed to agree.

"There's a few problems with that claim. The first being that she had a contract signed by Mayor Mare that allowed her to perform at the town hall. As a stage performer, everything on that stage is an act, a persona. What she did is hardly any different, if at all, than a pony starring as the serial killer in a horror film."

"Where are you going with this?" Twilight asked.

"The short answer to that question is you, the hecklers, disrupting her performance, otherwise known as disorderly conduct. And before any of you try to accuse her of any crimes on that stage-" Jason replayed the part where Trixie issued an open challenge to anyone interested "-those three accepted that challenge and immediately became part of a government sanctioned performance. What she did was perfectly legal. Yes, she humiliated you, AFTER you all tried to humiliate, discredit, and provoke her first. She did nothing wrong."

"Trixie did plenty wrong!" Twilight said as she approached the horn. A new memory plays with Twilight reading in her home until Spike rushes inside in a panic.

"Twilight. Come quick!"

"Spike! I told you I am not going to show up, Trixie!"

"No, it's--"

A roar cuts Spike off. "Was that what I think it was?"


The memory continues with Twilight and Spike running past a crowd of citizens and bumping into Snips and Snails. "What's going on?!"

"We brought an Ursa Major to town," Snips said nonchalantly.

"You did what?!"

"Don't worry. The Great and Powerful Trixie will defeat it," Snails said.

Trixie hangs her down in shame as she confesses. "...I can't. I never have! No one can defeat an Ursa Major! I made that up to make myself look better!"

Spike once again urges Twilight to act, causing the unicorn at the time to gulp. Twilight's horn starts to glow as a soothing melody plays in the wind and lulls the star bear into a calm state. Next, her aura envelopes a nearby water tower and passes through a barn full of cows. Now filled with milk, Twilight strains her magic, lifting the bear and feeding it milk. Finally, she hovers the Ursa back into the Everfree forest. The ponies all cheer while Twilight looks remorseful about her magical display. Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash all assure Twilight that magic was never the issue, but Trixie's attitude. Twilight later explains that the bear was only a cranky baby due to Snips and Snails waking it up.

"Ha! You may have defeated the Ursa Minor, but you never have the unique, show-stopping ability of the great and powerful Trixie!" Trixie stamps down, producing a smokescreen, before running out of town.

"Why that little!" Rainbow Dash said before taking off after her.

"Let her go, Rainbow. Hopefully, one day, she'll learn her lesson,"

Twilight's horn glows as she produces another letter. "Here's the lesson for that fiasco. Dear Princess Celestia, I have learned a precious lesson about friendship. I was so afraid of being thought of as a show-off that I was hiding a part of who I am. My friends showed me it's okay to be proud of your talents. And there are times when it is appropriate to show them off. Especially when you're standing up for your friends," Twilight said with more pride than was warranted.

"So, ignoring the fact you all were trying to get Twilight to one up Trixie for being a loud mouth, she's responsible for the stupidity of Snips and Snails? The only thing she's guilty of is doing her job. She never even implied they should lure an Ursa Major to town. It's not her fault they couldn't tell the difference between an act and reality. But it is the fault of the two idiot colts for luring it to town from one of the most dangerous places in Equestria, and the fault of the parents for their negligence that could've easily resulted in the towns destruction."

"I was unaware of the context behind your lesson, Twilight." Celestia looked down at her with disappointment.

"With crimes like these, what were their punishments?" Luna asked.

"They were given mustaches via magic, which they enjoyed, tasked with clean up, and grounded for three months. All for the crimes of reckless endangerment and property damage. Legally, they should've been taken by foal protective services, and given the risk of their crimes, banishment I would assume. Trixie lost her home, her job, her reputation was destroyed, and was denied money the town legally owes her."

"Big whoop! It's what She deserved after she came back with the alicorn amulet!" Rainbow calls out.

"The alicorn amulet?" Queen Novo asks.

"It's an artifact of dark magic that can give regular unicorns the powers of alicorn but at a dreadful cost. The amulet slowly corrupts you until everything you were is gone. It was crafted by a fanatic cult of ponies a millennia ago that wanted the powers of an alicorn. We caught wind of this and shut down the cult. I secured the amulet in the vault. But, we did not account for a surviving cult member infiltrating our ranks. Thankfully, we caught the pony over by the waterfall. Unfortunately, the pony put the amulet on and utilized an unstable beam spell. The explosion destroyed the pony and presumedly the amulet as well," Celestia explained. "It was not until Twilight sent a letter that I discovered the amulet survived. How did she even come across it?"

"A pawn shop. I wish I was joking, but I'm not." Celestia stared at Jason with a flat expression.

"Don't matter where she got it. The point is that she had it. Trixie could not leave well enough alone and challenged Twilight to a magic duel. She was all decked out with that amulet and forced Twilight to duel her. When she won, Trixie banished Twilight from Ponyville and cut the rest of us off, where she made us her servants!" Applejack said, touching the Gjallarhorn. It showed Trixie causing havoc in Ponyville until Twilight arrived. She used the citizens and Twilight's friends to goad her into a magic duel. Despite Twilight's best efforts, Trixie displayed advanced unicorn magic that she could not contend with, and thus, Twilight was banished from Ponyville.

"Oh, it was dreadful! Trixie had us slaving away at her every whim. Some of the things she wanted hardly made sense. She forced me to make crude banners. I can't tell you how often I picked myself trying to keep up with her demands!" Rarity said as the memory displayed what she was saying.

"Yeah, and we had to carry those banners all day. She made the Cakes build a cookie throne. She said it was when she got hungry and wanted food available pronto," Rainbow said.

"She had me mash up my apples for some applesauce face cream. You can't use applesauce for that, and she tickled me something fierce if I don't comply," Applejack said. "Thank goodness Twilight thought of a plan to get that amulet off of her,"

The memory ends with Twilight utilizing her friends to trick Trixie into taking her fake amulet while Rainbow snags the alicorn amulet. Twilight performs her show for the Saddle Arabian delegates and Princess Celestia. Jason tried to remain stoic as each scene of Trixie's occupation played. But Jason could feel one of his hands start to tremble as a scowl slowly formed.

"This is oppression to you? You know nothing of pain and suffering. If that's the worst you've ever experienced, I got three years of stories that will make you wish Trixie with the amulet became your Princess! Try living in a cave. Try surviving the bitter cold at night. Try crying yourself to sleep, only to be awakened by nightmares every night and then being unable to sleep again because your body is in so much pain, even breathing hurts! I wish I bumped into a corrupted Trixie instead of meeting you. She, at least, would've given me a roof over my damn head!" Jason saw the ponies flinch over his bite.

"But we're getting away from that now, because if you think she deserved everything, let's see if you'll still think that after this:" Jason continued as he replayed perhaps her worst memory. Her meeting with Poon Sleazy and how she was so down on her luck that she was almost roped into an adult film. Rainbow didn't look as smug anymore. Fluttershy and Rarity had massive blushes on their face. At the same time, Twilight made her best impression of a goldfish. Celestia visibly shifts slightly away from the elements as she hangs her head. Pinkie was a different case. She wasn't expressive like her friends. She merely stares at her bench while sending the occasional glance toward Jason, which he dismissed.

"After the damage you all inflicted, the only way she could get back up was to beat Twilight. What she didn't know was the risk the alicorn amulet posed, but given the nature of her crimes that didn't even hurt anyone or their property, she wouldn't even be charged for this. But she can still sue Ponyville. She rented the venue for three days, fled after one, and wasn't paid for the attending audience like she was supposed to. Not to mention reparations for her destroyed possessions and her struggles later."

"The crown will see to it that she is compensated fairly for her harrowing experience." Celestia proclaimed.

"None of you will live long enough to follow through with that." Jason thought darkly.

"Moving on, I'm sure some of you might be thinking that Trixie and I are simply isolated incidents, but that is not the case. In fact, I can think of at least four other examples of Equestria's oppressive rule. As we speak,-" Jason used the Horn to show a live feed of an Abyssinian inside a cell in Baltimare "we have dear old Janus here. He was charged with assault as well as drunk and disorderly conduct 8 years ago. Note that I specifically said 'charged', but not convicted."

"What are you getting at?" Novo asked. Jason replayed the events leading up to his arrest, where Janus had just ran around a corner on his way home from a long day at work and was immediately knocked out by a drunk stallion in a brawl with others who were just as bad.

"The actual offenders were fined and let out the next day. Janus on the other hand has yet to receive a court date or even a lawyer. Even if the fight were to get bad enough for anyone to go to trial, the maximum sentence is 6 months, 3-4 on good behavior. He's been in prison about 16 times longer than that, and he hasn't even been convicted of anything. Due process doesn't extend to other races, a pony convicted of rape can get out sooner than a petty thief." Alarm could be seen on the faces of all the non-ponies as shock was on the Princesses and the Elements. "And if this wasn't bad enough for Janus, who was sending money home to bring family over, they've moved on under the belief he abandoned them."

"Eight. Years?..." Ember seethed.

"In Manehatten, there was a griffon that literally didn't even survive a day in Equestria." Jason replayed the griffon's arrival into the city, only to be avoided by almost everyone he met. Every business either refused service, raised the prices for him specifically, or threatened to call the guards under the pretense of him scaring the patrons.

"Gale?" Gruff said, both surprised and weary of what's to come.

The memory continues to Gale trying to rest in an alleyway late at night. Before long, he was asleep, but was quickly awoken by pain and shouting as three stallions mercilessly pummeled him.

"Stop. Stop this!" Gruff watched as the young griffon was brutally beaten, his cries for help ignored as bones snapped and laughter from the stallions eventually drowned it out. Gale was still alive when they left, but he didn't survive the night.

"Those three are still walking free right now. There was never an investigation. Just think, he died before he even saw morning. I survived similar treatment for three years. What did both have in common? We weren't ponies. But wait! There's more! Here's another example of how poorly ponies treat others, and this one actually caused an invasion!" Jason claimed. The courtroom's attention was divided between Jason and the weeping griffon.

"An invasion? I can't remember any invasion that was done out of retaliation." Celestia said.

"History is a tale told by the victorious, not that any of you ever cared to ask 'why'. But allow me to enlighten you of your sins and how truly wrong your history is:" Jason replayed a scene featuring a changeling queen accompanied by her daughter.

"Mother. Why are they staring at us like that? I feel something making me ill."

"Tis alright, little Chrysalis. Keep close to me, always. We'll see the king and Queen of the pony land for aid,"

"Chrysalis??!!" Cadence, Shining, and the Elements shouted, shocked at the reveal.

"Indeed, this is when ponies and changelings first made contact with each other. Let's just say that if I were in Chrysalis's position back then that I would've made sure everyone there suffered as I did. Well, I'm still doing it now, but not out of grief." Jason commented.

A moment later, a large teleportation dome appears. Two alicorns were flanked by two unicorns, a commander pegasus and a grinning Earth pony. The female alicorn arches a brow as she speaks while holding her foals. "Husband? What manner of creatures are these?"

"Egads!" The Earth pony said. "They remind me of the ants during the summertime harvest."

"They do appear insect-like at first glance." The breaded wizard unicorn said.

"Urgh! And they are as vile!"[/] The unicorn mare said.

"State your business. Why have you come here?" The king spoke in a commanding tone.

My name is Metamorpha. With me is my daughter, Princess Chrysalis. We have to your budding kingdom to ally ourselves with you," "/b]

The alicorns looked skeptical, while the unicorn mare was unimpressed. "You come to us, asking to participate in our kingdom and reap our spoils, with nothing to prove your worth? Such impertinence!"

"We are waring with the minotaurs of the east. What might you bring against them? Mayhaps you will use your visage to terrify them," The pegasus said.

Metaphorma smiles at her before green flames shroud her. A moment later and a minotaur was standing before the ponies. "We are changeling. We assume the form of any we desire. With our skill, we can--"

"ABOMINATION!!!" The king roars as the guards aim their spears. "You steal the form of your slain? Might you do the same to us if left unchecked,"

Chrysalis flew up to eye level with them. "No, sir. You don't die for us to change. We can do so on our own," Chrysalis morphs into one of the foals in the Queen's hooves. "See?"

However, this did not get the reaction she hoped for, as the Queen sent out a burst of magic at her. Metamopha had little choice but to take the blast herself. "MOTHER!!!" Chrysalis shrieks as his mother collapses.

"Seize them!" The king ordered.

"Stay. S-strong little June bug...!" With the last of her magic, Metamorpha's magic surrounds Chrysalis, and she finds herself back in the hive. The memory ends with the little nymph releasing a wail of sadness.

"And that is how their first attempt at peace went. They offered their services in exchange for food, love specifically, or whatever they needed and what did they get? Grounds declare war. But it doesn't stop there. Your beloved Starswirl the Bearded tortured and experimented on Metamorpha for days before she finally succumbed. And when she died, that innocent filly, as a result of changelings being connected through a hivemind, all those memories flowed into her. A traumatizing experience at any age I'm sure." Jason continued, reveling in this chance to reveal a monster portrayed as a hero.

"B-but... That's Starsw-" Twilight started, but Jason didn't give the chance.

"'He wouldn't'? You lot said the same about several of the injustices I've suffered by you and your town, same thing with Spike, why would he be any different? But it doesn't stop here. The second time they tried for peace..." Jason showed a younger changeling writing a letter to Celestia, from June Bug.

"Dear Princess Celestia. My name is June Bug. I am the Princess of the changelings. I am writing this letter to you because I heard you were a kind pony, unlike the others. My mother doesn't like ponies very much. But I know you are good and that there are good ponies. I look forward to meeting you."

"Your response, Celestia, was this!" Jason showed more excitement than he meant to.

"To whom it may concern, it is within the interest of preserving Equestia's wellbeing to not associate with the inferior likes of literal bugs. Your presence would be a plague to our way of life. Therefore, an audience with you and your ilk is denied. Further attempts at interactions will resort to ill tidings. Don't write again, signed Princess Celestia."

"With your seal, of course." Jason pointed out.

"I never received that letter or wrote this one." She denied, not causing the Horn to react. She more closely examined the letter and realization dawned on her face. "I know who wrote this letter. It was a unicorn by the name of Flippant Desire of house Avarice. They were a noble clan that I disbarred for stealing from the royal treasury and selling equestrian secrets to the enemy. One of his duties was handling royal documents while I was busy with other affairs."

"Doesn't matter. It was obviously written by someone you trusted to handle your mail, and not knowing personally your writing or personality, it came from you as far as they knew or had reason to confirm. This makes twice they tried peace: Your kind responded with regicide and traumatizing a child the first time, then you insulted them, told them to fuck off, and threatened them all at once the second time. Is it any wonder why they invaded during a wedding where they could feed like kings?" Jason asked like the answer was obvious.

"Had I known,-"

"It wouldn't have changed anything." Jason interrupted. "I, Gale, and many others are proof of that. You might have accepted peace and even helped them to thrive, but at this point, it's been proven your subjects wouldn't have shared the same sentiment. Back to the invasion, Chrysalis initially planned for more fire and blood, so to speak, but June Bug had an arguably better idea."

"Which Chrysalis clearly didn't take." Shining commented.

"She did, actually. June's terms for joining in the invasion were that no one got hurt, their memories would be wiped, and to generate more emotions with a stressful situation, send a letter warning of the attack. But everything went to Hell because Twilight couldn't leave well enough alone." He turned his attention to the mare in question.

"She treated everypony like dirt!" She said as if she were offended. "If she had acted nicer or not sent me to the caverns, I wouldn't have freed the real Cadence!"

"Let's see you try to be civil when you're around the very people who attacked you and your mother when you were a child, tortured and killed your mother, thus implanting all the memories of such into your mind, then threatened you not for what you did, but what you are, when you tried again to make peace. I have a proposal, I'll let you decide who in your immediate family I kill in the most brutal way available to me. If you can refrain from attacking me, I'll drop all charges against you. Do we have a deal?" Jason offered, knowing full well she would refuse such.

"You won't be ki-"

"Then shut up." Jason interrupted. "Now, keep in mind, it was supposed to be a bloodless invasion, which was already a long time coming, and was initially going to be very bloody. But she loved her daughter more than she hated any of you, and how did you repay that mercy? By hitting them all with that love infused spell which killed many of her subjects via sensory overload before they even hit the ground, others on impact, and some more who died from their injuries later."

Realization dawned on Cadence's face. "You mean..."

"Hehehe... HehehehahaHAHAHAHHAA!!!" Jason laughed. "That's right. You're a monster like me. You're a murderer, and legally a child killer since a certain changeling wasn't even an adult by your laws." He showed the courtroom the aftermath of the blast.

Chrysalis was the first to hit the ground. Her limbs broke apart upon impact, and the chitin around her torso cracked. Despite these injuries, Chrysalis slowly heals. Her features are one of pain and anger.

"Gah! Insolent prey. I will - Ah - I will be back!" A shadow looms over the downed Queen as she looks back up. There was a heavy thud and sickening splat as Chrysalis saw several of her drones crash against the ground Blood and viscera shot out in every direction as she watched her hive die. "N-No. No!!!" Chrysalis could only watch as my body fell. A particularly harsh impact lands right next to Chrysalis. The dust settles as Chrysalis feels all the color drain from her being. There, her daughter June Bug lay with a jagged, sharp stone piercing from her bin through her left eye socket. The vision was lost while blood oozed from the wound. Her right gaze was unfocused, with tears streaming down her cheek. Chrysalis hobbled to her daughter as best as she could. She stumbles and falls next to her daughter's face as she gently caresses it.


Chrysalis choked back a sob at the pitiful sound her daughter was making. There was no saving her. With tears streaming from her eyes, Chrysalis taps her horn against June Bug and the noises she is making. The memory ends with Chrysalis softly crying while holding her deceased daughter, glaring into the space toward Canterlot.

"How?... How can you stand there and laugh??!!" Twilight shouted in disbelief. "Lives were lost, and you laugh??!!"

"Simple, life has no meaning to me anymore. All life is worthless. Yours. Theirs." Jason gestured to the judges before pointing to himself. "And mine. I'm not laughing at the death itself though, it's still pretty funny in a cruel and disturbing sort of way, but I'm mostly laughing at the fact that perhaps the best of the four princesses of Equestria, morally speaking, isn't above mass murder for the crime of stealing something that has literally no monetary value." Jason turned towards Cadence

"She begged Chrysalis to show you mercy, and you repaid that mercy with blood and steel. Had Chrysalis done it her way, June Bug would still be alive. It should go without saying that she won't make that mistake again."

"...I'm sorry..." Cadance said after a moment of silence. "I didn't mean to - I wanted her gone for ruining my wedding and attempting to steal Shining. But I'd never wish that on a mother..."

"Don't be too quick to lay your sympathies, dear. What happened was a tragedy, yes. But she still attacked another nation's capital with an army. Casualties in any conflict of that scale are bound to happen." Shining Armor said in an attempt to comfort his wife.

"Need I remind you that you're the ones who gave them justification for war when you brutally killed Metamorpha? Then you instigated the invasion later, all while leaving no room for diplomacy either time with a race that was clearly desperate both times. You can try and defend your actions all you want, it's just more fuel for your funeral pyre, courtesy of yet another monster that you created. Maybe if she's feeling merciful again, she might kill the two of you before turning your daughter into paint on your thrones." Jason continued to take delight in the growing fear and anguish of the Elements and the married couple before turning his attention back to the defendants.

"How about we move it a little closer to home? I'm sure you'd be happy to know of how Ponyville was built mostly by under paid zebras in service to Filthy Rich's ancestor, who when they went on strike for equal pay, they were instead fired and denied pay they worked for."

"That's a darn lie 'n you know it!" Applejack stomped. "Apples would have nothin' to do with-" Jason cut her off with a replay of exactly that.

"You were saying? People back home complain about big corporations exploiting their workers and refusing to pay livable wages, but they at least always have some kind of excuse for this besides 'we're not violating labor laws'. The Rich family decided to abuse their power that unfair labor laws still give today, which we'll get into later. How does it feel knowing that your home was built on the backs of the same people who you accused of witchcraft and curses? Well, Zecora specifically, but same difference." Jason turned his attention to Twilight.

"Tell me, who knows Cranky and Matilda?" He asked.

"The donkeys?" Fluttershy answered.

"You do know them? Well, you're going to love this then!" Jason made no attempt to hide his excitement as he showed the second to last memory for today.

Three equine creatures standing around. The first was a unicorn stallion with a doctor’s coat on, the second was an earth pony nurse, and the last was Cranky Doodle.

"There's got to be something you can do for her!” Cranky was shouting desperately at the doctor and nurse.

The doctor shook his head and frowned. “The law is the law,” he said in a surprisingly stony tone, “this is a hospital for ponies only, and you’re not a pony.”

“We’re not that different!” Cranky said, a look of desperation in his eyes. “Surely there’s something! I can pay or work off my debt!”

“Even if you were a part of our medicare system, I still can’t treat her. I would be disbarred from practicing medicine.” the doctor said.

“I tried medicare, but they told me the same thing!” Cranky was growing angry. “You were at my wedding, doctor! You too, nurse! I thought we were accepted into your community! Why are we so different?! Are we nothing but stupid, dumb animals to those bigoted minds of yours!”

The doctor’s frown turned into a glare. “I will not stand around here and be insulted by the likes of you.” He replied with a hint of anger in his tone. “I told you the reason I can’t treat her. If you’re desperate for medicine, try that zebra shaman.”

“You know I can’t! Can’t somepony else help!? Maybe one of the town’s local guards??”

“They’re here to protect the town, not to run errands for every little thing.” the doctor replied.

“The most we can do is give you one of our older medical beds.” the nurse said with a bit of sympathy in her tone, but she also seemed a bit afraid of the doctor. “We’re upgrading and throwing the old ones out. They’re good beds.”

The doctor shook his head. “Nurse, we can’t do that, either. It’s standard policy.”

“Forget this!” Cranky said, stomping the ground hard enough to create a crack in the floor, “I thought you ponies were all about friendship and junk, but apparently that only applies to ponies. May Faust judge you!” With that, he turned, flicked his tail at the doctor and nurse angrily and stormed towards the door.

The Elements had looks of heartbreak and flashes of anger. The judges were utterly disgusted by the conduct of the hospital staff and the implications their own people were being denied healthcare.

"That was life-saving treatment they denied Matilda, who is dead now because it was apparently illegal to treat non-ponies. I also find it curious that they not only referred to saving Matilda's life as an 'errand' and a 'little thing', but I must ask what was so different about Spike during his greed growth?" Jason questioned the legitimacy of what the staff were saying.

"His greed growth? What'd they do to him this time?" Ember growled.

"That was after the incident that anyone did anything to him. He was harassed and abused multiple times by the townsfolk for what he did during it, but I'm referring to his visit to the hospital itself. You see, they didn't refuse service at all despite the fact he was not a pony, and the fact they had absolutely no business with him because he is still an animal by law." Jason answered as he played the memory.

"Well now, what seems to be the problem?" A brown stallion with an orange mane asked as he entered the room.

"This is Spike." Twilight began to answer as she kept smacking Spike's claw away every time he reached for something.

"Well, let's have a look see." He walked in front of Spike. "Aaaawww wi'l guy not feewing too good?" He talked as if his patient were a baby. "Whoozh a bwave big boy?" He began a short physical examination until Spike accidentally let out a small stream of fire, which barely phased the doctor.

"So, what do you think, doctor?" Twilight asked as the doctor wiped his face clean.

"Well, I think I know what the problem is." Twilight perked up at this. "He's... A dragon!"

"That's not the problem, he's always been a dragon."

"Oh! Well that would explain it. Listen, I don't know anything about dragons. I know about baby ponies!"

The memory ends as Jason looks between every creature present. "What was so different about Spike compared to Matilda? She was legally a person suffering from a life-threatening illness that could've been treated, but was refused because she wasn't a pony. Spike isn't a pony either, he's an animal by law, he wasn't suffering anything deadly or crippling, but they still offered him service." His attention shifting between the judges and Twilight.

"So, which is it? Was that actually a law? Were they playing favorites with Twilight because she was Celestia's student? If so, some doctors are losing their medical licenses. Was Spike's doctor a complete fucking idiot? Or is each doctor that refused to treat Matilda guilty of willful, negligent homicide because of her race? Even if the law was passed after Spike's appointment, quite a few non-ponies would be due for treatment and reparations, wouldn't you agree?" He turned his attention back to Twilight and her friends.

"You can call me a monster all you want. At least I don't abuse my power. At least I haven't destroyed anyone's life. At least I haven't crippled or killed anyone. I know I'm not good, but at least I don't pretend to be. Can you say the same? Can anyone here say the same at this point?" Jason turned to address the entire courtroom, only to receive no response.

"If that is all you have for today, we will continue the same time tomorrow." Luna announced.

"Nothing more besides a friendly reminder to prepare any defenses needed." Jason turned to leave.

"All the world will share the same grave soon enough if you don't finish what you all started."