• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 382 Views, 5 Comments

Toadal Magic Island - Starlight Fan

What if Toad invites twenty citizens from the land of Equestria to compete for 1,000,000 bits instead of bringing in competitors for the Mushroom Kingdom. Find out what would happen on a brand new version of Toadal Magic Island!

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Disharmony Is Magic Part 2

The episode begins with the Killer Dragons walking around the forest when Applebloom decided to speak up, “Guys. I don’t think we’re going the right way. We’ve been walking for hours.”

“Yeah, honestly. You might be right.” Starlight said awkwardly.

“I think something’s watching us.” Grubber said shakily, “I don’t want any part of this!”

Grubber then ran off in horror as Twilight grunted at how fast the hedgehog took off.

“Guys, forget about all that right now. We need to go after Grubber.” Twilight sighed in annoyance.

"Maybe we can split up." Applebloom suggested.

"I like that. Half of us look for Grubber, and the other look for the crate." Scootaloo smiled back at her friend.

“Oh yeah! Search party!” Pinkie Pie cheered excitedly.

“This is more of a search and rescue mission Pinkie Pie.” Trixie rolled her eyes.

“I’ll go with Spike, Trixie, and Pinkie Pie to find Grubber. The rest of you should probably go after the treasure.” Starlight suggested, which the team didn’t seem to have any objections to.

Confessional: Starlight

“I would have preferred to stick with Twilight instead of Pinkie to establish a four-way alliance with her, Spike, and Trixie, but I don’t want to look too suspicious.” Starlight explained before adding, “Also, someone needs to keep those kids away from danger and I’m not sure how much I trust Pinkie Pie and Cheese to do so.”

Confessional Ends

Meanwhile with the Screaming Parasprites, they were all getting worn out by how much walking they’ve been doing, except for Discord who just resorted to flying.

“Alright guys. Here’s how it’s gonna work. I’m the leader of this team and that’s final.” Rainbow Dash declared boastfully.

“Oh please. Why should you be our leader?” Lightning Dust glared hatefully at the pegasus.

“Because I’m not super reckless and hateful.” Rainbow Dash smirked at her rival which caused her to growl.

Confessional: Lightning Dust

“I cannot STAND that pony!” She screamed out furiously.

Confessional Ends

“How are we gonna find the crate though?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“Just follow me.” Rainbow Dash told the team before she ran off with the rest of her team following her.

“I swear, we better get this over with. I can’t have mud on my hooves.” Blueblood began complaining which caused those such as Discord and Sweetie Belle to glare at him.

“Oh yeah. This is gonna end well.” Applejack mutters sarcastically while Snails had a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Confessional: Snails

“Y’know, with Snips and I on different teams, I think I really need to prove my worth to these guys.” Snails admits sheepishly before smiling, “But that shouldn’t be too hard, right?”

Confessional Ends

Back with Starlight, Trixie, Spike, and Pinkie Pie, they were wandering hopelessly through the forest when Starlight sighed miserably, “Guys. Once again, we’re clearly lost.”

“Pinkie Pie just had to lead us off track because she ‘smelled something lucky’.” Trixie grunted in annoyance.

“But I did!” Pinkie Pie whined, “I swear I smelt something good.”

“We’re supposed to be looking for Grubber and the coins, not whatever food you most likely are smelling and the Great and Powerful Trixie is very infuriated right now!” Trixie cried out venomously.

“Oh my gosh!” A familiar lisp cried out to which Starlight beamed at.

“That’s Grubber! Come on guys!” Starlight cried out happily to which the group followed her deep into the woods to find Grubber next to a broken crate full with a pile of bananas.

“Hey guys! While I was gone, I found all these bananas!” Grubber said excitedly.

“Oh, that must be what I smelled.” Pinkie Pie giggled, “This is awesome! Now we can have a banana party.”

Trixie’s eye twitched furiously much to Starlight and Spike’s worry.

Confessional: Trixie

“Just when you think things could not be any worse, you find out that the team is full of morons!” Trixie said venomously.

Confessional Ends

Back with the Screaming Parasprites, they were still basically wandering around aimlessly through the forest when Rarity groaned, “This is absolutely dreadful. The other team probably found that box already.”

“We need to think of something quick if we’re going to win this challenge.” Fluttershy sighed sadly.

“Or maybe we should leave this section of the forest before something bad happens.” Sweetie Belle gulped nervously.

“If we stop the challenge, we are so voting you off.” Lightning Dust glared at the filly before Rarity stepped to her defense.

“Leave Sweetie Belle alone. She’s just saying we should look somewhere else.” Rarity glared furiously at the former Washout.

“Ugh. Well I am simply done with this challenge. I want to eat already.” Prince Blueblood cried out indignantly.

We then see a dinosaur foot stomp near Blueblood causing him to scurry and hide behind Discord much to his annoyance.

The dinosaur roared at the Screaming Parasprites much to their fear before suddenly a purple blast hit the back of its head, knocking the creature unconscious.

“Why’d you do that Twilight?” Snips voice was heard as he spoke curiously, “You’re helping the enemy.”

“I had to help them, I couldn’t just let them die!” Twilight explained to the colt as she, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Cheese had appeared nearby.

“Thanks losers. We’re gonna win this thing.” Lightning Dust smirked mockingly before flying off to the closest path in front of them.

“Hey! I’m the leader here missy!” Rainbow Dash cried out angrily before speeding off to catch up to her.

The rest of the Screaming Parasprites grunted before following the two competitive pegasi.

Soon, Starlight had teleported with Spike, Trixie, Pinkie Pie, and Grubber in tow next to Twilight’s group.

“Oh hey! You found Grubber!” Cheese cried out happily.

“But we still don’t know where the budget is.” Trixie reminded the group worriedly before Snips seemed to smell something and beamed when he did.

“The money for the season! I can smell it!” Snips jumped up and down excitedly before running off to the left path to which the Killer Dragons looked confused by but followed Snips anyway.

Confessional: Snips

“I have a knack for knowing the scent of money. What can I say? It’s a gift.” Snips smirked.

Confessional Ends

Back with the Screaming Parasprites, Lightning Dust had finally stopped flying when she saw a crate was nearby and smirked, soon after that, Rainbow Dash had arrived.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” Rainbow Dash began lecturing, “I made it perfectly clear that I’M the leader.”

“And I made it perfectly clear I don’t care for your opinion.” Lightning Dust replied smugly.

The two then devolved into endless bickering so by the time the rest of the team arrived, they were all glaring at the rivals.

“Oh my word, are they still fighting?” Tempest rolled her eyes.

“You get used to it.” Applejack scoffed.

“Look, it’s the crate!” Sweetie Belle cried out giddily.

“Yeah, I was the one who found it.” Lightning Dust stopped arguing with Rainbow Dash to boast which caused the Element Of Loyalty to groan.

“Stand aside.” Applejack told her team before kicking the crate with her hind legs and once it opened, what came out was… a bunch of cookies and cupcakes.

The entire team gasped in shock while Lightning Dust looked on in horror at what just happened.

“I thought you said you found the crate.” Rainbow Dash smirked.

“I did… or… I thought I did.” Lightning Dust admitted sheepishly.

However, the Killer Dragons were all cheering when they found all the coins in the crate they found just earlier thanks to Snips.

“You’re welcome. You’re welcome.” Snips said boastfully, “It was no trouble at all.”

“Yeah, thanks.” Trixie replied shortly, still not exactly liking the colt.

We then see Toad fly by on his helicopter with a smile on his face, “Thanks for finding me the budget guys. My interns will collect it for me later. Anyway, the Killer Dragons win today’s challenge which means that the Screaming Parasprites will be the first team to eliminate a contestant at the campfire ceremony." Toad announces. "As for the Dragons, there's a delicious treat waiting for you in the mess hall. Enjoy."

We then see that the Killer Dragons were in the Mess Hall with the food they got as a reward, it was just gruel.

“So this is our reward?” Trixie asked in disgust as she held up her bowl of gruel.

“Well since we don't have it in the budget to buy real food yet, we just dug up whatever ingredients we could get.” Toad explains which causes the Dragons to groan.

“You cannot be serious.” Spike whined which made Starlight pat his back sympathetically.

"More serious than a monkey's bottom on a hot summer day in the middle of gritzy desert." Toad replies.

"That doesn't even make any-" Applebloom began before Toad interrupted.

“Well I have an elimination to host. When you're done, go to the west cabin that's where you'll be staying." Toad told the winning team.

We then see the Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity in the Screaming Parasprites cabin discussing the vote.

“I say we vote off Lightning Dust, she totally found the wrong crate. Don’t tell me you can’t see why she should be eliminated?” Rainbow Dash said sternly.

“Well, I can see that, but…” Fluttershy began before Rarity interrupted.

“Blueblood never stops complaining and doesn’t care about anyone except himself.” Rarity said furiously.

“We can get rid of him at anytime but Lightning Dust has to go NOW.” Rainbow Dash argued in annoyance before she left the cabin leaving the other three mares together.

“Girls, can we talk?” Rarity asked curiously to which Applejack and Fluttershy nodded at.

Confessional: Rarity

“If there’s one pony I can’t stand on this team, it’s Blueblood. He’s an absolute egomaniac and shows no effort whatsoever. Lightning Dust can wait, clearly it was an accident she found the pastries.”

Confessional Ends

We then see Lightning Dust grumbling to herself as she paced around the arts and crafts center before she heard a chilling voice, “Getting all worked up over the challenge, I see?”

She then turns over to see Tempest giving her a stone-faced look which caused the reckless flyer to glare at her, “Well Duh. I’m sure Rainbow Dash is getting all her friends to vote me off right now.”

“Ah yes. It is quite a shame, isn’t it?” Tempest nodded, “But what if I told you I could help you escape elimination tonight?”

Lightning Dust raised an eyebrow before smirking, “I’m listening.”

We then cut to campfire as all ten members of the Screaming Parasprites sat in their stumps, “Welcome team of ten losers." Toad begins. "I would be standing here to say how sorry I am that you're here, but I'm not because you didn't find my budget for me. Instead, you found a stash of pastries, MY secret stash of pastries."

“Wasn’t hidden very well.” Applejack rolled her eyes.

“And that’s why you’re one of the campers I respect more than others Applejack, you got spunk.” Toad admitted fondly before getting back to business and holding a tray of nine marshmallows, “Here at camp, these marshmallows symbolize life. If you don't receive a marshmallow, it's game over and you're out of the competition for good. Which is good because some of my interns are suffering from malnourishment, and I can't look over the likes of you all season. Anyway, the first marshmallow goes to.."






“Sweetie Belle.”


“And… Rainbow Dash.”

Lightning Dust and Prince Blueblood looked worriedly at the last marshmallow as Toad spoke up, “Only one marshmallow left for tonight. Lightning Dust, the campers of the Screaming Parasprites feel like you're an untrustworthy member in alliances, yet good at challenges. Prince Blueblood, all you do is complain consistently and don’t do anything useful for the team. The final marshmallow goes to…” Toad began.

“Lightning Dust.”

“YES!” Lightning Dust cried out victoriously while Blueblood stared in shock at the fact he lost.

Confessional: Tempest

“I mentioned to Snails and Discord how Blueblood does nothing for our team and voting him off now would be our best option. I should’ve told you sooner, but I came for the million.” Tempest spoke with a smirk.

Confessional Ends

We then cut to Prince Blueblood in some sort of catapult in which Toad begins explaining, “So because of budget cuts, I can’t exactly send you out by the Boat Of Losers Blueblood, so I made you this nifty Hurl Of Shame. Should be fun for me and not so fun for you.”

“Um… sir, does this thing have a seatbelt-“ Blueblood begins complaining before Toad launches the catapult with Blueblood flying off into the distance.

“Man, that was really satisfying." Toad smiled. "One down, too many to go. Who will be the next one eliminated? How will Rainbow Dash deal with Lightning Dust breathing down her neck? Will Pinkie Pie ever stop being so creepy? And how much longer can Trixie stand Grubber? Find out next time on Toadal! Magic! Island!"

Author's Note:

Blueblood brought absolutely nothing to the table. I just brought him in as fodder.

Screaming Parasprites: Applejack, Discord, Fluttershy, Lightning Dust, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Snails, Sweetie Belle, Tempest

Killer Dragons: Applebloom, Cheese, Grubber, Pinkie Pie, Scootaloo, Snips, Spike, Starlight, Trixie, Twilight