• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 379 Views, 5 Comments

Toadal Magic Island - Starlight Fan

What if Toad invites twenty citizens from the land of Equestria to compete for 1,000,000 bits instead of bringing in competitors for the Mushroom Kingdom. Find out what would happen on a brand new version of Toadal Magic Island!

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In Your Wildest Dreams

“Last time on Toadal Magic Island! My group of interns quit so I had the campers do my bidding. Some people sucked but the Killer Dragons sucked even harder and since Scootaloo sucked the most, she got eliminated. Who is really safe in this show? Will Starlight ever admit her feelings for Twilight? And will Spike ever stop being the butt of the joke… actually, we all know the answer to that one. If you thought the last challenge was bad. This one will be a nightmare. So stay put and enjoy this next episode of Toadal! Magic! Island!”

The episode begins with the campers all sleeping in their cabins and we cut to Spike sleeping in his bed and murmuring softly into his pillow, “Why yes I will marry you Rarity.”

Suddenly an airhorn went off causing all the contestants to wake up, “Meet me in the main lodge! The next challenge is about to begin!”

“Seriously?!” Starlight asked incredulously as she got out of the cabin, “It’s two in the morning!”

“Welcome to today’s challenge.” Toad said happily as he and Bobei stood in front of the contestants outside of the cabins.

“At this late in the night?” Fluttershy yawned.

“Yes. It’s a sleeping challenge.” Toad beamed which just confused everyone so he elaborated, “ "I raided Ludwig's lab last season and stole a bunch of devices. One of them being 'The Dream-a-Tron 3000'."

“What does it do?” Spike asked curiously.

"It enhances my dreams tenfold, so anyone can go inside my dream." Toad answers. "Your challenge is to go inside my dream and destroy the nightmares I've been having for days. The first pony to do so wins invincibility for their team."

"Princess Luna could've easily done that for you." Twilight remarks with a roll of her eyes.

“Yeah, but this way is more fun.” Toad laughed.

“I feel there’s a catch to this challenge. It seems way too straightforward.” Trixie whispers to Starlight.

"Well of course there's always a catch to everything. There's alway a catch." Discord scoffed, having overheard his fellow reformed villains’ conversation.

“Okay fine. The catch is that you can die in the dream world without dying in the real world." Toad rolls his eyes.

“Isn’t that basic logic?” Applejack scoffed.

“Don’t question my techniques!” Toad cried out furiously before calming down, “However, if you die in a dream world, you will wake up and the challenge will be over for you. Everyone ready?"

"No we haven't even had any breakfast." Lightning Dust complains.

"Zap away Bobei." Toad ordered.

Bobei then used the Dream-a Tron 3000 and soon all seventeen contestants were transported to the dream world.

We then see that the Killer Dragons were altogether in some distorted version of the island. It was now purple and blue instead of green and brown.

“Where are we?” Trixie rubbed her head in confusion.

“Inside my dreams, this challenge is so on." Toad said over the loudspeaker.

“Hustle everypony. We need to-“ Twilight began before Pinkie Pie began gasping in awe at the sights of the dream world.

“We should totally go sightseeing guys! It’s not everyday you have a dream where you know you’re having a dream.” Pinkie Pie suggested happily.

“That’s sounds great! I’m in!” Cheese beamed excitedly.

“Me too!” Grubber, Applebloom, and Snips cheered before running off with Pinkie Pie.

“Guys… GUYS!” Twilight cried out but the five teammates had already ran off before looking to see only Spike, Starlight, and Trixie were still nearby.

“Come on guys.” Twilight sighed miserably, “Let’s go find the nightmare.”

“What about the others?” Spike asked in concern.

“Who cares?!” Trixie scoffed, “They’re probably not gonna be much help considering what they just pulled.”

“No. We’re all a team. We need to find them as well.” Twilight reminded the showboat, “Just follow me.”

Twilight and Spike immediately began walking together with Trixie following, Starlight gave a look of concern before following as well.

We then see the Screaming Parapsrites were together as Discord was once again trying to take charge.

“Alright team. As the team leader, I suggest we all split up.” Discord smirked confidently.

“You do realize that you were only the team leader for one challenge right?” Fluttershy reminded her friend.

“Let’s just do what he says. It’ll save us a lot of time.” Rainbow Dash said, deciding to go along with the Draconequus’ plan.

“I’ll go by myself if that’s alright.” Lightning Dust smirked arrogantly.

“Oh but please, don’t let us stop you.” Rainbow Dash said sarcastically.

Lightning Dust rolled her eyes but flew off regardless.

Back with Twilight, Spike, Starlight, and Trixie, it was clear that there was some tension in the air but sooner than later, Twilight and Spike began to have a private conversation.

“Hey Twilight, you seem to be a little down. What’s wrong?” Spike asked in concern.

“I don’t know Spike, it’s just that sometimes I feel that our friends don’t take me that seriously.” Twilight sighed miserably, “I mean, you saw what happened earlier. The rest of the group ditched us to go sightseeing!”

“Well… that does sound kinda rough, but they are your friends, I’m sure they’ll take you seriously when it counts.” Spike said in an attempt to comfort Twilight which made the alicorn smile a bit.

Meanwhile, Starlight and Trixie were having their own conversation.

“You want us to do what?!” Trixie whispered in surprise.

“I know it seems crazy, but Twilight and Spike are two of my best friends like you. It would just be really great if all of us were in an alliance. It’s a great power play.” Starlight explained giddily.

“But what if it comes down to the four of us and Pinkie Pie. We all know Twilight would rather vote off Trixie over her.” Trixie reminded her best friend.

“That’s true, but I plan on convincing Spike to vote her off if it comes down to that.” Starlight smiles uneasily, “And besides, if we’re lucky, we’ll never get to that point.”

Confessional: Starlight

“I want to protect Trixie from the vote just as much as I want to protect Twilight and Spike. I just hope I can get Spike to vote off some of Twilight’s other friends.” Starlight admits nervously, “I know, I know it’s probably a sucky thing to do to Twilight but it IS a game.”

Confessional: Trixie

“Trixie does not want to place her faith in Twilight’s assistant that he will vote our way.” Trixie shakes her head in disapproval, “Sorry Starlight, but Trixie needs to take matters into her own hooves.”

Confessionals End

Back with Pinkie Pie’s group, they were all staring at the rainbow waterfall above them which made them all at awe.

“Wow! This is super duper amazing!” Pinkie Pie hopped up and down, “I should visit the dream world more often.”

“I’m glad you’re having fun Pinkie.” Cheese smiled before gaining a look of concern, “But we should probably look for the nightmare now. That is the challenge after all.”

“I gotta agree with Cheese. Twilight and the others can’t do all the legwork for us.” Applebloom admits sheepishly.

“Yeah, I agree there. Let’s save the dream world!” Pinkie Pie cheered ecstatically which made Cheese and Applebloom smile.

“Hey guys. Do you all know what this is?” Snips asked as he held up a Bob-omb.

“Snips, watch out! That’s a bomb!” Grubber gasped as he ran over to Snips to slap the bomb out of his hands but all it did was cause it to explode and make Grubber and Snips disappear in smoke.

“Oh crud.” Applebloom groaned once she realized that both of them were out of the challenge.

Meanwhile Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash were all walking together in the caverns when they came across Rarity and Sweetie Belle.

“Hey girls, why don’t you come with us.” Fluttershy offered kindly.

“Really? Are you sure about that?” Rarity asked, “Discord did tell us to split up.”

“Yeah, and besides, the two of us are together. I’m sure we’ll be fine.” Sweetie Belle said reassuringly.

“Well… it was just a suggestion.” Fluttershy shrugged before she, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash walked off and once they were far enough, Rainbow Dash decided to speak.

“Okay girls, we gotta talk strategy.” Rainbow Dash told her friends.

“Why do we gotta discuss strategy now in the middle of a challenge?” Applejack asked incredulously.

“Considering Lightning Dust is still in the game, I think it’s for the best to ensure one of us doesn’t get voted off.” Rainbow Dash scoffed indignantly.

“This again.” Applejack sighed in annoyance, “Maybe we should just focus on finding the nightmare and deal with the vote when it comes down to it.”

“I agree. Strategy talk makes me feel uncomfortable.” Fluttershy smiled weakly.

“Fine.” Rainbow Dash groaned.

We then cut to Lightning Dust having some sort of meeting with Discord and Tempest in the caverns.

“Okay, so I officially declare this the first outcast alliance of the Screaming Parasprites.” Lightning Dust said sternly.

“Okay really? How are all of us outcasts when you’re the only one with a target on your back?” Discord raised an eyebrow.

“I think we’re meant to presume that if Lightning Dust gets eliminated, the remaining Elements Of Harmony will just target us next.” Tempest explains dryly.

“Yep. That’s exactly what I meant.” Lightning Dust smirked proudly before speaking again, “So now that the two of you are in my alliance.”

“No one said that we were…” Discord trailed off.

“You need to protect me from the nightmares and the dangers to keep me alive in this challenge." Lightning Dust said, not knowing that shadowy purple hands were appearing behind her.

“Behind you!” Discord and Tempest cried out in horror before the purple hands blasted Lightning Dust from behind, turning her into stardust.

“Welp… she’s out.” Discord gulped before he and Tempest noticed the hands going after them next, causing Discord and Tempest to scream before Discord snapped his fingers to teleport them out.

Back with Rarity and Sweetie Belle, they were hiking through the forest together. It was silent, very silent and it was starting to creep Sweetie Belle out.

“I think we should go back. I’m starting to regret not teaming up with Rainbow Dash and Applejack when we had the chance.” Sweetie Belle gulped.

“Sweetie Belle, I’m sure we’ll be alright. After all, this is all only a dream.” Rarity smirked confidently, “Besides, as long as I’m here, you’ll be fine.”

Suddenly a screech was heard causing Rarity to scream before regaining her composure, “Fear is only in the mind.”

“Uh-huh.” Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes dryly.

We then cut to Twilight’s group near a cave when Spike gasped, “Guys, look! Maybe the nightmare’s in there!”

“In that case, be quiet. You might alert them or something.” Trixie said harshly.

“Should we go in?” Starlight asked curiously.

“Sorry, but I don’t feel comfortable letting either of us face anything that terrifying alone.” Twilight spoke adamantly.

“Well someone has to go in… well except me of course.” Trixie rolled her eyes.

“Uh-huh.” Spike said unamused.

“Hey guys!” Pinkie Pie said happily as she, Cheese, and Applebloom all made it over to the cave.

“Pinkie! I’m so glad to see you!” Twilight smiled optimistically before raising an eyebrow, “But where’s Snips and Grubber?”

“They encountered a bob-omb and got blown out of the dream world.” Applebloom sighed.

“At least all of us are together again.” Cheese said optimistically, “What’s going on here anyway?”

“We’re trying to figure out who should go in this cave.” Trixie replied pessimistically.

“Ooh, I can go. I have a lot of experiences with caves.” Pinkie Pie said optimistically.

“Okay… I’ll go with you just to be safe.” Twilight gulped nervously.

“You sure about this, Twilight?” Starlight asked worriedly.

“Well I’d rather let myself go through this than any of you. I’m sure I’ll be fine though.” Twilight said reassuringly before going inside the cave with Pinkie Pie following her.

Suddenly a rabbit showed up much to the surprise of the rest of the Killer Dragons but Applebloom was quick to gush, “Aw. This rabbit is so cute.”

“Yeah. It really is.” Cheese began admiring the bunny himself.

“Wait, what is a random bunny doing inside the dream world?” Spike asked curiously.

“Yeah, it doesn’t make any sense.” Trixie raised an eyebrow but Starlight’s eyes widened in horror.

“Guys! Get away from the rabbit now!” Starlight cried out in realization but the bunny suddenly grew purple arms and zapped Cheese and Applebloom before they could react, causing the two to become stardust like Lightning Dust was.

“RUN!” Trixie immediately ran off while the hands made a move to try and blast Starlight and Spike but Starlight was quick to form a shield and then lowered it to blast the purple hands herself while Spike joined by breathing fire, putting them in a standstill.

Back with Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash, they were still trekking through the forest together when suddenly Trixie ran over screaming.

“Trixie. What’s going on?” Applejack asked worriedly.

“The nightmare attacked us from the cave!” Trixie panted dramatically, “Trixie was lucky enough to escape with her life!”

“What?! Where’s your team?!” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously.

“Uh… Trixie doesn’t know. Trixie ran off and assumed they followed me.” Trixie said sheepishly.

“Ugh.” Rainbow Dash facepalmed, “C’mon. We gotta head to that cave.”

Rainbow Dash then flew off with Applejack running after her. Trixie just turned over to Fluttershy before they both followed.

We then see Rarity and Sweetie Belle continuing to explore the forest when a flash appeared in front of them much to their surprise before realizing it was Discord and Tempest.

“Phew. Thank goodness we found you.” Discord sighed in relief, “Lightning Dust just got taken down by the nightmare.”

“What?! Did you just lead it right to us?!” Rarity cried out indignantly which caused Discord to laugh comfortably.

“Would you relax? I literally teleported. I’m sure the nightmare isn’t anywhere near us.” Discord scoffed in amusement.

“Hold up, you’re the Lord Of Chaos. Why didn’t you just use your powers on the nightmare?” Tempest said in realization.

“I just saw Lightning Dust get blasted! I panicked!” Discord crossed his arms in annoyance.

“So the one time you could’ve used your powers for the good of the team and you fail to do that. Way to go.” Rarity rolled her eyes.

“Don’t you dare pin this on me. I’m doing my best.” Discord argued in annoyance before they suddenly heard a shrill scream and saw that a purple hand had grabbed Sweetie Belle and threw her into a black portal.

“Sweetie Belle! No!” Rarity began tearing up as Discord readied himself for battle.

“Alright. No more Mr Nice Guy.” Discord growled before snapping his talons and immediately sent a bunch of ice cream cones to attack the nightmare hand before conjuring up a cage and taking advantage of the distraction and trapping the hand inside. The hand tries to escape but the cage was really strong.

After that, Discord snapped his fingers again and the cage began electrocuting the hand which made it disintegrate.

“Phew. Now that that’s over with, we better go.” Tempest said in relief.

“What about Sweetie Belle?” Rarity said in distress.

“She’ll be fine. It’s only a dream. Now come on.” Discord told the unicorn before snapping his fingers to send them elsewhere.

We then see that Starlight and Spike were starting to grow tired from fighting the shadowy hands and it looked like they were about to be blasted by them before Rainbow Dash suddenly punched the both of them away.

“Haha! Nailed it!” Rainbow Dash said happily.

The hands then began trying to grab the rainbow pegasus but because of the impact of the punches and their earlier fight with Starlight and Spike; they were getting tired and worn out, just enough for Applejack to lasso the both of them up and pin them to the ground.

“You did it girls.” Fluttershy sighed in relief as she and Trixie made it to the scene.

“Hey. We’ve faced against a power hungry centaur and a Changeling Queen. At this point, these nightmares are practically nothing.” Rainbow Dash scoffed arrogantly.

Suddenly Discord teleported over with Rarity and Tempest by his side.

“Ah. Glad we found all of you.” Discord smiled in relief, “Is everyone alright?”

“I’m good.” Starlight said weakly, “How about you Spike?”

“Oh… I’ll be fine…” Spike said drowsily.

“Wait. Where are Twilight and Pinkie?” Trixie asked worriedly.

Suddenly two laser beams were seen from inside the cave and soon Twilight and Pinkie Pie came out looking worse for wear.

Suddenly, a gigantic anthropomorphic bat appeared floating out of the cave with a nasty glare.

“You vill regret messing vith my dreams. For I am the Bat King of Nightmares Antasma, and you vill not get away vith this!” Antasma growled before charging up an orb in his hands before blasting pretty much all of the contestants into the wall, turning them into stardust.

After that, Toad had finally woken up with all of the contestants doing so as well.

“Well… there are worse ways to spend my night.” Toad sighed in annoyance, “All of you failed to destroy the nightmare for me. Just great.”

“Oh give it a rest. I’m pretty sure the rest of us have suffered enough.” Rainbow Dash groaned.

“Whatever. Since the Screaming Parasprites did the best job of evading the nightmare. They win the challenge and can go back to bed.” Toad grunted, “Killer Dragons, let’s get this elimination over with so I can hit the hay.”

“How about you hit it right now amigo.” Bobei smirked before blasting Toad with the dream beam, sending the mushroom creature to sleep.

We then cut to the elimination ceremony for the Killer Dragons when Bobei began announcing, “Okay primera, the creature that receives a marshmallow can continue on Toadal Magic Island, or should I say Bobei's Magic Island."

“So you’re the host now?” Trixie asked in confusion.

“As long as Señor Toad is in the dream world, I Bobei have complete control of the show." Bobei replied smugly.

“Whatever, I guess.” Trixie rolled her eyes.

“Anyway…” Bobei began.

“Senor Grubber.”






“And Spike.”

Pinkie Pie and Snips gulped as they saw the final marshmallow in Bobei’s hands.

“Pinkie Pie.”

“Aw man.” Snips said sadly, “I was doing so good.”

“Next time, don’t play around with a bob-omb.” Grubber scoffed.

“Noted.” Snips sighed sadly.

Snips was seen on the Hurl Of Shame when Bobei asked, “Any last words Senor.”

“Not really.” Snips said solemnly before Bobei flung him out of the catapult.

“Huh? That wasn’t really as dramatic as I thought it’d be. Perhaps I should wake up Senor Toad.” Bobei sighed before doing the frantically outro, “Tune in next time what happen to the rest of the campers. How mad will Toad be since I trapped him in his own nightmare? Who will be the next camper gone? And what will be in store for the Killer Dragons? Tune in next time for ISLA! DEL! MAGIC!" Bobei said frantically.

Author's Note:

Yeah, Snips may have been blindsided a little here but I didn’t really have anyone else to justify leaving here and he had the least plot.

Screaming Parasprites: Applejack, Discord, Fluttershy, Lightning Dust, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Tempest

Killer Dragons: Applebloom, Cheese, Grubber, Pinkie Pie, Spike, Starlight, Trixie, Twilight