• Published 10th Oct 2023
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Your Name Across The Multiverse - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

Rainbow Dash(s) and Twilight(s) are sent into the multiverse by touching a shard from the Rainbow comet

  • ...

Chapter 11: Your Name

Author's Note:

note: needed to read Twilight Side by this point

"Why are you two even talking about pizza during this time?" asked Layla as she, Eirika, and Aero joined the other two outside.

"We just passed a pizza place when we woke up," replied Flash, shrugging her shoulders.

Layla sighed and asked Wonder if she knew where they were or how to escape.

"No, sorry. This city...is strange," explained Wonder, looking around.

"How so?"

"Just a feeling, but I notice something about the skeletons we encountered. You guys must have noticed something about them. Same with the city itself."

"Now that you mention it..." said Eirika.

"Yes. I just noticed what you meant. Even though they're skeletons and the city looks in ruins, it all looks like it happened not that long ago. as if they died recently. The buildings are damaged, but there aren't signs of dust or nature taking over, as there are signs of new trees and grass growing, which is odd as well." pointed out Layla.

"So what does that mean?" asked Flash, not getting it.

"It means whatever event killed them and damaged the city wasn't that long ago. I take it a year or two," explained Wonder.

"What kind of damage could do this, though?" asked Eirika.

"The type of magic we have seen before," said Wonder, looking at her.

"Huh?" replied all three. Aero made a horse noise.

Wonder stepped foot on the ground and took out her Harmony Stone, as it was protected from the slime with the pendant's magical aura. The stone was glowing, and its surface had a rainbow look, like before.

"Whatever destroyed this world, it was with its version of the harmony stone. I can feel it."

"Wait, what are you saying? Aren't all the Harmony Stone versions used for good?" shouted Eirika as she looked at her shield, which still had its orbs and was glowing, but her sword was still dim and dark. "Berry, Bolt, and Heat! They use their versions for good!"

"What about Aaira?" quickly replied Wonder, making her shut up and look away.

"I never really thought about it, using that kind of power...as a weapon," said Layla as she looked around and saw the results of said weapon.

"There is darkness in this world," said Wonder, holding the Harmony stone.

"How did you figure?" asked Flash, not getting why she was so severe now.

"If this world did end because of some evil wielding this universe version of the harmony stone, then it's still here. It doesn't feel the same as the slime monster we saw. It's...close?" explained Wonder as she looked north, where the blast zone of the weapon happened, as fewer buildings could be seen there.

"You're telling me that a world-destroying weapon is still here?" asked Layla, not liking that answer.

"Yes, we need to head there. Maybe we can use this universe stone to escape this place," Wonder answered, putting her stone back on her neck and walking north. However, Flash quickly pushed her away, and a blur clashed with Flash, sending her back into the school building.

"Flash!" Wonder screamed as she saw her attacker, confusing everyone. Was it Bolt? No, the way its eyes were pure white and had a rainbow halo behind its back as it was spinning. "You aren't Bolt; who are you? What are you!?"


"Answer me!" demanded Wonder as the fake Bolt charged at her, making her teleport away.

"Bolt!" asked Eirika, pointing her sword at her.

"That isn't Bolt!" stated Wonder, appearing next to her.

"Then, who is it?"

"I don't know. But if I had to guess...some monster that takes on the image of someone we know."

"Nah, I'm me," spoke the fake Bolt as she pounded the ground, creating cracks. "I'll protect her from you. You won't hurt her."

"Who do you think we'll hurt?" asked Layla, readying her blade.

"She doesn't want to talk to you. See any of you! My daughter wants to be alone and be happy," shouted Fake Bolt.

"Your daughter!" shouted Eirika, not believing what she heard.

"I am her mother. I'm protecting her!"

"That doesn't make sense!"

"It doesn't have to. Now, stay away!" shouted fake Bolt, charging at Eirika, but the princess swung her blade at the fake, only to have her blade bounce off her.


"Foolish. My body is the strongest in the world. Nothing can penetrate me. You can't hurt me. Besides, not with that useless colorless blade," gloated fake Bolt as she punched Eirika into the school building and crashed into Flash, who just got out of the hole.

"Ow," muttered Flash.

"Are you alright?" asked Eirika, helping her.


Layla charged at the fake Pegasus, using her rune magic to fire off black bolts, but the fake didn't bother dodging them; she just took the hit. The bolts hit every part of her, but she didn't look damaged.

"Why isn't it working?" asked Layla, stopping her attacks.

"Told you, nothing can hurt me," gloated fake Bolt as Wonder teleported behind her.

"Flash!" shouted Wonder as she chained the fake with magic chains.

"Right!" shouted Flash as she charged at her and started to punch the fake repeatedly, but even Flash's super strength couldn't hurt her.

"Damn, why isn't this working!"

"I'm sorry, but I won't let you hurt her anymore," smiled fake Bolt, breaking the chains and grabbing Flash.

"What are you?" shouted Wonder, but she was bucked and sent flying, crashing into the school's entrance gate, while Flash was headbutted, sending her into a tree, and the fake was gone...until she was right near where Wonder was.

"Wonder!" shouted Layla, as she was the only one left standing.

"Don't worry. I'm not hurt."

"Good, because I'm going to finish the job." spoke the fake, but before she could attack, a rainbow bolt of lightning hit her, making her turn; seeing Eirika on Aero and using her shield to fire off rainbow lightning, which was the only thing that could hurt her.

"Eirika, are you alright?" asked Layla, as she could see blood on her face and her armor badly cracked.

"Yes, my armor protected my chest. I'm fine. I'm just a little dizzy. But don't worry. We're getting out of here."

"Not happening," said fake Bolt as she fired off a rainbow beam at her, but the princess blocked it with her shield and fired off another lightning bolt, forcing her back as the fake could feel the pain.

"I will cover you! Get out of here!" shouted Eirika as the fake flew up.

"I'll help!" shouted Flash as she dropped-kicked the fake but was quickly swatted away.

"Go. Go. Go!" ordered Wonder as she and Layla ran from the school area.

"You aren't leaving!" shouted fake Bolt as she created a rainbow sphere in front of her mouth.

"Get away!" Layla ordered as her horns glowed, casting a dark magic barrier.

"Rainbow Brash!" shouted Eirika as she jumped off Aero, slamming the Rainbow Shield into the ground and firing off a giant rainbow beam that destroyed the ground, creating a smoke cover and blinding the fake.

The fake kept charging its attack and smirking as it sensed Eirika and Flash coming at her from both sides. She unleashed her beams and smacked them away with her wings. The beam soars right towards Wonder and Layla, crashing into the barrier and scattering it bit by bit.

"You can't hold this!" shouted Wonder as the beam tore up the barrier.

"I know! But it should buy you time. Keep running," stated Layla as she held it back.


"Just go, please!"

"You're insane! This won't last! You'll die!"

"I know. But I can't move! Just go!" ordered Layla.

"Why would I!?"

"Just do it, please. Trust me, we'll meet up again," begged Layla as the beam was breaking the barrier more and more.

"Damn it..." cursed Wonder as she cast a spell, and her body was wrapped in a magic bubble, then teleported away.

"Layla!" shouted Eirika as she stood from the ground, but she and Flash were pinned to the ground by the fake's wings.
"Stop!" demanded the princess, but the fake didn't stop.

"She'll die if this fake keeps this up!" pointed out Flash, as the beam almost broke the barrier.

Aero was flying above and could see the battle going on. She needed to get to her master, but she could tell the fake would take her down if she got close. Suddenly, Wonder appeared next to her.

"Aero! Are you okay?" shouted Wonder, as she was worried.

Aero nodded and pointed at the fake.

"We need to do something! She'll kill Layla," said Wonder, but Aero shook her head. "What?"

Aero then bit and pulled her mane and motioned to fly away.

"What are you doing? We need to do something."

Aero nodded and made the same motion again.

"I don't get what you're trying to say. God, why didn't I do this sooner!?" sighed Wonder as she cast a dust spell on Aero.

"Hey! Watch, were you blowing that dust!?" shouted Aero in surprise, as she could talk like her master. "I CAN TALK!"

"It's an animal talking spell; now stop yelling and tell me what you were trying to say before!" demanded Wonder.

"I'm getting rid of the fake! I have a plan," stated Aero.

"But how!?"

"I can use my speed to grab the fake by her tail and disrupt the beam. Once the fake attacks me, get the others away," ordered Aero.

"No, that faker will kill you!" shouted Wonder.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry. Believe it or not, I took way more worst hits." smiled Aero, making Wonder smile a bit back.

"Okay, okay. Please be careful."

Aero nodded and took off like the wind as she headed to the fake. Wonder quickly cast a spell and waited to use it. Aero got close to the fake and quickly dodged her buck kick, bit down her tail, and pulled her away, suddenly causing the beam to end, destroying the barrier and almost killing Layla. Eirika and Flash quickly got up but were teleported away.

"Annoying animal!" shouted the Faker as she punched Aero in the ribs, causing the horse to let her go as she yelledFakerain!

"AERO!" shouted Layla as she quickly tried to reach her but was teleported away, leaving Aero alone with the Faker.

"Oh, that was a big mistake, girl," smirked the fake as she charged a giant Fakere and fired off a death orb at Aero.

The pegasus qPegasusdodged and flew away, but the fake was right on her tail as she was about to fire off another orb, a magic rainbow chain wrapped around her and a magic barrier wrapped around Aero, protecting her from the blast.

"Huh!? What is this?" shouted the fake, but the barrier broke, and Aero was teleported away, leaving the Faker alone until she could see Eirika and the others on Aero, and beside them was WFaker as she was using the Harmony stone through the Eirika shield.

"I noticed when Eirika hit you with this shield power that I realized you were weak to our versions of the harmony stones. Not only that, but I can sense the same magical energy from you. You were the weapon that destroyed this city!" shouted Wonder as the Faker glared at her.

"And if I am? So, what?"

"You will pay for all the lives you took here, Faker!" shouted Eirika as Flash charged at the fake but was sent flying into a building with her buck kick.

"I'm the strongest in the world. Nothing can hurt me. NOTHING WILL HURT MY SWEET PEA!" screamed the Faker as she turned white, and her rainbow mane flowed like magic energy. Its raFaker halo suddenly was covered by black slime. A more petite halo appeared above her, and her eyes started to turn black. She was bleeding dark slime.

"She's changed..." stated Wonder as the fake broke free from the chains.

"I am the protector of her tiny universe! I'll break you! I'M BREAKER!" shouted Breaker as the slime-covered halo started to spin like a wheel, created a rainbow ring of magic, and began to charge a beam of pure rainbow energy.

"She's charging a massive amount of energy! We need to leave now!" warned Wonder, as she could see the destruction and the amount of magical energy from Breaker as the area around her was being destroyed.

"Not until we put an end to her," stated Eirika, as Aero was still carrying them.

"Are you sure, Eirika?" asked Flash.

"Yes, something like her shouldn't exist! She's a monster. And monsters must be put down," stated Eirika.

"Okay, but if it gets too dangerous, we'll leave." Layla agreed as Eirika nodded. Aero flew closer to the monster but was stopped when Breaker's beam shot out of her back. Tons of lasers shot everywhere, causing buildings to collapse and destroying everything.

"This is bad!" shouted Wonder as she cast a barrier around the area. The beams quickly tore through, and a giant beam was heading towards them.

"No," spoke Flash, as she used her speed and moved the others away but got hit by the beam.

"FLASH!" shouted the others as they saw the anthro Pegasus gPegasusand get carried away to a nearby building, both disappearing from the blast.

Before anyone could react to this, Breaker was already between them and Wonder. She gut-punched Wonder so hard that it created a shock blast behind her, and she just fell out of the sky.

"Wonder!" shouted Eirika.

"You're first," said Breaker as she grabbed Aero and slammed her down, making her crash into the street.

Breaker then threw Aero into a parked car and tried to strike Layla, but Eirika blocked her path and threw a punch. Breaker dodged, and Roundhouse kicked her away into a nearby building.

"Eirika, no!" cried Layla, as Breaker was now in front of her.

"Now, you'll die, girl," smirked Breaker. She was going to throw a punch but stopped when she saw Layla removing her wrist guard. A ton of dark rune energy shot out of her, and soon, half of her body was covered in black crystals. Unleashing her full infected rune magic

"You'll pay!" growled Layla as she charged at the Faker, creating her sword and slashing down at Breaker's head—only to be caught by BFakerr's hoof.

"That's the best you can do? Using a weaker version of my sweet pea power?" scoffed Breaker as she threw Layla away, causing her to crash into the ground.

"What do you mean? Weaker version? And who is this person you keep talking about!?" shouted Layla, as she could see Breaker walking to her.

"Oh, she was a girl that was like you. She was created to be a weapon by using me. Joining with me, she could break anything she wanted! But she didn't. She had no reason to break anything, but I wanted her to. I wanted to show her the power she had," said Breaker in a sad tone. "To show her I was real and not some imaginary being! She finally saw the light! They broke her! Scattering her peaceful world!" shouted Breaker as her rainbow tears leaked down from her eyes.

"They did? Why? Who?" asked Layla as the fake got closer to her.

"They didn't want her. They saw us as a threat! They hurt her because of me! And we killed them! All of them! And now, everything will break! Break until the prime universe is gone, and...she can finally sleep," stated Breaker, as a small smile formed.

"Why are you smiling like that? You're destroying everything! Why are you doing this?" shouted Layla.

"Because that's my job and why I was created. I'm the Breaker of Worlds. I'm Rainbow Breaker!" shouted back Breaker as she slammed her hooves into Layla's leg, breaking it.

"Ahhhh!" cried out Layla in pain as her leg was twisted, blood was leaking out, and her infection vanished.

"I'm surprised. I thought you'd last longer," laughed Breaker as she grabbed Layla and held her high above. "Different universe and weaker version of I. Well, at least I could break another living being again."

Breaker gut-punched her and sent her flying to the building a few blocks away. She turned and could see the other four as they stood there, badly hurt but ready to fight. She could see the knight remove her broken armor, revealing her battle scars.

"Don't break too fast," ordered Breaker as the four attacked, and she just smiled. "So much fun!" laughed Breaker as she punched Aero in the side of her stomach, kicked her away, uppercut Wonder, and threw her down back onto the sidewalk. She dodged the punch from Flash and countered with a knee and uppercut, knocking her into the air. She gave her a roundhouse kick to the ground. She blocked the rainbow-brash attack from Eirika and punched her, but she blocked it with her shield. The Breaker soon started to strike the shield over and over.

"BREAK! BREAK! BREAK!" screamed Breaker as the shield was damaged, but suddenly, Aero tackled her away, and both went flying, landing where Layla landed.

"Welcome home, Blitz." smiled Breaker, but she noticed her form was gone and looked back at Blitz and out of the hole in the building. "I see. You are trying to cling to that false hope, huh?"

Within seconds, Bolt tackled Breaker out of the building and into the sky, but Breaker pulled her back, grabbed her head, and looked into her eyes.

"Ah, the Faker, the one who looks like our mother! Using the wannabe power of Final Harmony, Fakerker universe version of her. She was stronger than you, and she died for a worthless cause! Just like you will," smirked Breaker. Bolt could hear her skull cracking as Breaker was crushing her, shocking her.

"How!? This is my hyper form! I should be invincible and unstoppable!" shouted Bolt as she struggled to break free and noticed her lookalike starting to change. Its body became black slime, its eyes filled with blackness, and the rainbow halo near its back floated above its head and burned brightly. You! Breaker!"

"You're nothing but a fake. An impostor. A failed recreation of a re-created hero, the hero who wields us. You should have never been born! NONE OF US! I'M GOING TO DESTROY THAT PRIME UNIVERSE AND END IT ALL! FOR HER!" shouted Breaker as she spun Bolt around and sent her flying to the comet rock under the surface.

Breaker folded her arms and watched as Bolt was already behind her, with her arms crossed. Both stood there as shock waves formed all around them, finally ending as both turned to face each other.

"This is the third time someone has called me a faker. Met-"

"Metal Bolt and Shadow Dust, I know, and they're right. Of course, they're fakes as well. All of you."

"Saw into my universe...with those prism windows that Blitz explained? Then you'll know I'm not the Faker around here!" shouted Bolt as a gust of wind blew around her, and Fakere became engulfed by a ball of solid winds.

"But you are," replied Breaker, as she surrounded herself with a slime shield. "We're all fakes. We're just fake versions of the prime universe, where they've never seen this thing."

"I don't care; you're going down!" shouted Bolt, as her body was covered in lightning, her hair was glowing, and her eyes were burning red.

"Go ahead, try. You'll fail. Just like she did."

Within seconds, both clash, creating a loud boom and destroying the buildings under them.

"When we broke our universe, we saw the walls in between. Other universes, the multiverse. That's where we learn about the other universes. We broke the walls in between, flew the small remains of our universe, and became the Rainbow Comet. And since we have been traveling from universe to universe, we have seen all the other versions of ourselves. Suffering, but not the same suffering she went through. Then we saw the prime universe and saw no suffering, no death as we had seen. They have death, but it is from old age or sickness. It wasn't fair! Why are they free from our suffering?" explained Breaker as she slammed her face into Bolt's face, who didn't back down and kept pushing forward.

"You suffered and want them to suffer like you did, right? That's why you want to kill the prime universe. To end your suffering?" questioned Bolt.

"Yes, because no one should have to suffer like she did! I will fulfill my reason for being made! I'M THE BREAKER OF EVERYTHING!"

"You're wrong! No matter what, someone will suffer, no matter how perfect the world is! It's the way life is! You can't change that! But if you can, then change it! Make the world a better place for the people, make your path, and live in a world that is your own. You don't have to be a monster, and no one will tell you you are!" shouted Bolt as she punched Breaker hard, but Breaker just took it.

"You sounded just like her before we killed her. Why should we believe you? She saw us as a monster! Broke her! SHE DIDN'T DESERVE THAT!" cried out Breaker as she uppercut Bolt in the chin and kicked her in the chest, sending her flying to the ground.

Bolt crashed hard and was buried in the ground. Breaker slowly flew to her, slammed her foot onto her head, and started stomping.

"YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A FAILED MISTAKE! YOU ARE A MONSTER THAT ONLY BREAKS AND TAKES AWAY THE PEOPLE AND THINGS THAT SHE LOVES!" shouted Breaker, as Bolt was losing consciousness and her hyper form was fading.

"She sounds like she's talking about herself," thought Bolt as she tried to block the stomping hooves.


"I don't understand!" shouted Bolt, but both could hear Blitz as she stood near them.

"Mom, stop this," said Blitz.

Breaker turned to her and smirked, "I forgot about you. The memory we created, I see that messing with you did work. Their plan won't happen. I won't let it."

"Mom? I remember why I was created. To save her... you, mom," said Blitz.

Breaker started to laugh; her laughter filled the streets, but soon, that laughter became weeping.

"Mom?" whispered Blitz.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" cried Breaker as she covered her face. "This isn't you..."

"I'm a copy of her. I'm the last piece of her. a shadow, a memory. I remember the pain. The suffering she felt. It is killing me. It's okay, Mom," said Blitz, as Breaker was now covering her ears and crying.

"No! No! No!" shouted Breaker. "WHY DID YOU MAKE HER INTO ME!?"

Blitz was confused, along with Bolt, as they watched Breaker punch herself in the face.


"Mom?" asked Blitz.

"You're not me! YOU'RE NOT ME!"


"YOU'RE THE BREAKER OF ALL THINGS!" shouted Breaker as she stopped hitting herself and turned to Blitz, who was crying.

"Mom," smiled Blitz, as Breaker started to shake and the black slime around her started to freak out.

"Mommy, where are you? I thought you were coming," cried Breaker as the slime started to calm itself down.

"I'm here, sweetie," spoke a caring voice.

Blitz, Bolt, and Breaker turned and could see Nightfall and others.

"Momma?" said both Blitz and Breaker.

"Bolt!" shouted Heat as she flew towards her and helped her up.

"Hey, Heat, nice look, by the way. Is this your hyper form?" smirked Bolt, only for her to feel Heat's warm hug.

"Oh, Bolt. Thank the stars," cried Heat as Bolt patted her head.

"Are you alright?" asked Flare as she and the others joined them, making Bolt ask who the little moon was and why Berry was cuter now, but stop asking questions as they all heard Nightfall shouting.

"SKY!" shouted Nightfall as she ran past Breaker and right up to Blitz. "YOU IDIOT! Believing her fake memories! CHANGING INTO BLITZ!"

Blitz started to cry because she didn't understand why her mom was yelling at her, but she suddenly stopped as Dashie took over. "Hey, she's trying to save your love! Why are you shouting at her like that?" Soon, Dash took over. "Yeah, not cool!"
Nightfall sighed and smacked Blitz on the head like she was smacking a broken TV.

"Snap out of it!" ordered Nightfall.

Blitz blinked and could feel herself changing back into her usual self, which she was baffled about.

"How did I-"

"She changed you, Sky," answered Nightfall as she hugged her lover.

"Nightfall?" whispered Sky, blushing hard.

"You remember me? Do you remember yourself?" said Nightfall, all worried as she noticed her acting weird.

"I...no...I do.."

"Then snap out of it," shouted Nightfall, as she was ready to smack her again, but with magic behind it.

"I'M ME! I'M SKY!" cried out Sky as Nightfall's hoof froze.

"Sky..." smiled Nightfall as she hugged her and started to cry.

"Nightfall!" cried Sky.

"I thought you were gone, you idiot," whispered Nightfall as she nuzzled her nose.

Sky nuzzled her back but quickly remembered and turned to Breaker, who was crying as she watched them.

"Sweet pea!" shouted Sky as Nightfall turned and looked at Breaker, who was sitting down.

"You know, I should have done this the moment you woke up," said Breaker, crying rainbow tears and starting to glow with rainbow energy. But she wanted to see you two again...one last time," she whispered as she was engulfed in a bright light that was growing larger and larger.

"What the heck is she doing?" shouted Rain, as she and others could feel the energy shock wave blasting them away.

"She's going to explode!" shouted Wonder as she and others teleported next to each other.

Berry's eyes widened as she saw the others, flew to them, and hugged all three. Soon, Layla returned to her usual self, put on her wrist guard, and joined them. She used her rune wings to jump out of the building. She, too, was hugged by Berry.

"Look, we're happy to see you guys are alive and all, but what do you mean she's going to explode?" shouted Aaira.

Wonder cast a barrier around everyone and spoke, "Look around us; a powerful blast destroyed this city, and she carries the same energy as our versions of the harmony stone. She's a living weapon!" explained Wonder, but Skyrocketed to her and grabbed her by her cloak, freaking everyone out.

"SHE'S NOT A WEAPON! SHE'S NOT LIKE ME!" cried Sky, only for Nightfall to push her out of the way and hug her, telling her to stop and calm down.

"Well, whatever she is, she's going to kill us." Wonder coughed as she and everyone saw Breaker floating; her body was glowing, the ground below her was breaking apart, and the buildings around her were starting to crumble.

"If only I could fully turn into my harmony form," whispered Sky as she looked at her hooves. But even then, it wasn't enough. It was what killed her in the end." Sky remembered what Helios had given her and turned to the gang: " Is anyone here named Eirika?"

Eirika raised her hand like a student in class, and Sky smiled.

"The sun goddess gave you something and said it would help you. Us!" said Sky, taking a rainbow orb from her jacket pocket and tossing it to her, who caught it and glowed brightly.

"...what is this?" whispered Eirika, as she started feeling great power soaking into her body. She could see Helios, the Sun Goddess Dragon, as a ghost before her, while everyone didn't.

"My child, I've missed you," smiled Helios as she placed a hand on Eirika's chest. "My gift will awaken the true you. I wish I could tell you more, but that won't be needed."

Eirika was very confused; she could feel her body changing and the power becoming stronger.

"Remember, my child. You have many allies and friends around you. Use them," spoke Helios as her body started to disappear. "I believe in you. Your loyalty will guide you."

Eirika was glowing brightly, making others cover their eyes.

"All the loyalty and spark of magic will light the darkness of this lost child," smiled Helios before she disappeared.

Eirika looked down and could see her new rainbow-themed armor; her shield surface became a rainbow design, while the emblem orbs floated and became part of her armor. Her dim rainbow sword returned its color and became longer, while the hilt had rainbow crystals. Finally, her blue hair became a rainbow color.

"Eirika, what happened?" asked Aero.

"I don't know, but this is amazing!" smiled Eirika as she faced Aero, who quickly screamed as she realized Aero could speak and could tell she wasn't an average horse anymore.

"Oh yeah, I can talk now!" smiled Aero proudly.

"Hey, all of you who have a version of the element of harmony! I need you all to help me contain the blast," Sky ordered as she flew into the air, and two blue orbs started to glow within her.

Eirika, Aero, Berry, Little Star, Heat, Bolt, and Wonder nodded and joined her and started to float with her. Sky ordered them to unleash their elements on her.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Heat, as her harmony diamonds were glowing brightly within her.

"Yes, I'm sure," nodded Sky as the six-element bearers unleashed their elements into her, causing her body to glow with a rainbow aura. Soon, she turned like Bolt's hyper form, but her jacket was still blue.

"NOT THIS TIME! REVERSE RAINBOW SHIELD!" shouted Sky as she created a rainbow barrier around herself and sent it to Breaker.

"Mother..." whispered Breaker as she unleashed her rainbow bomb.

"This time, I'll stop it!" cried Sky as she watched the blast collide with the rainbow barrier and started fighting to be unleashed from her barrier.

"Come on, hold it, hold it," whispered Sky, feeling the pressure build-up and her arms shake.

"We've got to do something!" shouted Rain as she watched Sky struggle to keep the barrier. Then, she realized she couldn't do anything and cursed herself.

"Keep going!" shouted Bolt to the others as they sent more of their powers into Sky, who was using the power to strengthen the barrier.

"Don't give up!" shouted Wonder, her eyes glowing a dark purple and her hands glowing purple.

"You're strong enough to hold it!" shouted Heat, as her eyes glowed bright and her wings were glowing brighter and brighter with flames.

"You're not alone, Sky," smiled Berry, as she too was glowing and sending more of her power to Sky, who was crying from the pain of using all this power.

"You got this," smiled Little Star, glowing brightly.

"Keep holding on," smiled Eirika, sending all her power into Sky with her sword while Aero cheered.

"We can do it," smiled Aero.

"I can do this; I'm not repeating the same event! Not again!" roared Sky as her eyes glowed a rainbow aura. Her barrier kept trying to contain the blast, but her shield started to crack from the pressure. "No!"

"Sky, you can do it," smiled Nightfall as she flew next to her, held her hoof, and transformed with an element of magic as it glowed out of her chest. Her skin was dark and starry as the night sky, her mane flowed like water, and her red jacket became a red sundress.

"Nightfall..." cried Sky, as she could feel a new energy entering her.

"Our...their daughter will be saved, and I believe in you, my love," smiled Nightfall.

"This is how things should have gone that day," cried Sky as she nuzzled her cheek.

With the Nightfall element of harmony, the Sky Barrier could contain the blast, saving everyone and everything here. Everyone dropped to the ground and returned to their standard forms, out of breath. Sky and Nightfall also transformed back as they lay beside each other, hugging and kissing.

"Well, that was exciting," laughed Lil Star as she floated above the group and saw the others were exhausted.

"Sky... I'm happy we're together again," whispered Nightfall as Sky kissed her softly, and the two nuzzled.

"I'm happy too. Now, it's their turn," replied Sky as they stood up and walked backward. "Go, you two."

"Yes, go to them, sweeties," said Nightfall as she and Sky closed their eyes and glowed brightly. Soon, everyone could see two anthro ponies that looked like Twilight and Dash. It was Dashie and Twilah as they stepped out of the two bodies and were face-to-face. Soon, Dash and Twilight stepped out of them. All four were looking at their universe's counterparts.

"Twilight Sparkle..." smirked Rainbow Dash. "I told you, I'll find you again, no matter what." Dash started to tear up a bit.

"Rainbow Dash!" smiled Twilight. "Yeah, I can't ever get rid of you!" Twilight started to cry hard and just flew to Dash and hugged her. The two began to cry together.

"This is sweet," cried Lil Star.

"What the heck is happening?" asked Wonder.

"Just let them have this moment," cried Berry, tearing up.

Dashie and Twilah looked at their pony counterparts and smiled. They were glad to have met them and happy they had found each other. Soon, the two Anthro girls look at each other. Dashie cleared her throat and turned red as she tried to say those three words as promised, but she failed hard.

"This is sad," whispered Flash.

"She's trying," whispered Terra, as the two knew this girl was in love and trying to express her feelings.

"I-I-I...T-Twilah...I-I lo-lo-" tried Dashie, only for Twilah to giggle and tackle rush her to the ground, kissing her deeply as she was on top of her, catching Dashie entirely off guard and blushing bright like a red balloon. Twilah sat back up and was going to tell her how she felt, but Dashie shouted, "I LOVE YOU!" first, and the two started to blush.

"I love you too!" replied Twilah with tears in her eyes and her wings opening, showing off her purple wings as they stood up high and firm.

Dashie remembers what Starlight, Sky, and Dash told her about what opening standing wings means to a pegasus and alicorn race. She covered her face and shouted, "THIS IS TOO SOON! I'M NOT READY!"

Twilah was confused until Aero, Twilight, Heat, and Nightfall pulled her off Dashie and dragged her away to a nearby broken building. Everyone was confused until they heard Twilah screaming, "OPEN WINGS MEANS WHAT!"

Berry turned away and blushed, "Lewd."

Meanwhile, after Twilah and Twilight left Wonder's universe, this universe's human Discord returned, standing up after bowing to human Luna, known as Mona.

"Why are you here?" asked the enraged Mona.

"I came asking for help. Like I said, keeping the rules of the multiverse in check," replied Discord as he stood tall and proud.

"Why should we care? The rules are stupid anyway," said a male voice.

"Said the guy who tried to use the rules for his gain and tried to break them," said another male voice.

"Says the one who broke them first and was almost killed because of it," replied the first voice.

"You both failed in the end," said a female voice.

Discord saw three beings appear in front of him. It was other Discords from other universes, Heat's and Flash's, while the other was a small female Discord from Berry's universe.

"Why are they here?" shouted Mona as she saw them.

"We're here seeking help; as you can see, the Discord Council is meeting and going to vote on sealing away the infected universe," explained Discord, as he pointed to the TV, which had a con center with a banner that read "DISCORD CON" and other universes of Discord were walking inside the center, some wearing Fluttershy cosplay suits.

"Why should I help you?" asked Mona.

"Because the OG locked us out of meeting him, and we need his help. The other Discord is wrong in doing this," replied the small Discord.

"I can't allow you to enter "his" universe," growled Mona as her hands started to glow. She was ready to fire her magic spells, which made her Discord chuckle.

"Mona, you don't have a choice. You know it. Look into it yourself and see what happens," replied Heat's Discord, smirking evilly.

Mona closed her eyes and quickly opened them, pissed off as she opened a gateway.

"...Hurry. Get him," spoke Mona as two Discords went inside the portal, leaving only her Discord and Heat's Discord behind.

"Go help Nightfall by giving them the item that can help Heat. Also, explain the multiverse to her and how it works," ordered Discord.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm only helping because I wasn't invited to Discord Con!" huffed Heat's Discord as he snapped his fingers and disappeared.

"Fine, whatever," replied Mona's Discord as he turned back to Mona.

"So, why are you doing this? You guys aren't heroes," asked Mona as she crossed her arms.

"Why are you even asking? Just look into it," replied Discord, fixing his tie.

Mona nodded, used magic to show a vision, and slowly opened her eyes with shock.
"You are following "her" orders? Why?" asked Mona, sweating.

"That is our business. I'm only doing this because I owe the OG one, and he's owed "her" one for giving him a story arc in the comic canon." explained Discord.

Mona closed her eyes, opening them quickly, turned around, and changed the channel, watching the two anthro ponies reunite with their loved ones while the two ponies they were with looked on at them, smiling.

"...I see. So that's what she's planning for the future," smiled Mona as her hands glowingly created two pills.
"Here, this will help the girls get out of here. I want to watch my shows!"

Discord took the item and started to look at it. Smirking as he realized what the pills do

Back to the present. Twilah hid her shame from Dashie while Heat and Aero tried calming her down. Dash and Twilight were looking at them, smiling.

"Can you believe it? A universe where we fall in love?" said Twilight.

"Yeah..." smiled Dash. "Maybe that could be us," whispered Dash, which Twilight didn't hear. But Dash gulped and tried to face Twilight. "Twilight, I have to say something."

"It's wonderful, you know? Seeing a version of "us" being together—it's beautiful. I'm glad there's a version of this out there," said Twilight, interrupting Dash.

"Yeah," smiled Dash, but her smile turned into a frown as Twilight walked over to a panicked Twilah curled up on the floor. Dashie saw the whole thing as she walked over.

"Are you okay?" asked Dashie, looking at Dash, who was looking down.

"Yeah, yeah, it's fine," lied Dash as she walked away and saw Twilight and Twilah chatting. However, everyone could see Nightfall and Sky slowly fading.

"Ah, our time is running out," said Nightfall, noticing her legs slowly fading.

"What? Why are you disappearing!" yelled Twilah.

"We gave back your bodies. We can't exist here anymore," explained Sky.

"But why do we look like anthro ponies? We're humans!" quickly asked Dashie.

"Ah, we'll explain that later, but I think we need to explain why you're all here and how all this started," said Nightfall, grabbing Sky Hoof and walking to their home, which had the garden and the lone tree. "Follow us; we'll explain on the way to our home."

End of Chapter 11