• Published 10th Oct 2023
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Your Name Across The Multiverse - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

Rainbow Dash(s) and Twilight(s) are sent into the multiverse by touching a shard from the Rainbow comet

  • ...

chapter 8: The Burning Light That Shall Not Go Out

Heat and the others watched as Bolt and her lookalike entered the Rainbow Comet and vanished into it. The slime monster's remains quickly covered the exposed surface.

"She can do it," said Heat, as her eyes were shining with hope and faith.

"What? She just took off with someone that looked like her, and they vanished into the comet. What can they do?" replied Aaira as she pointed something below the comet. "Don't forget that!"

Heat lowered her eyes, and she could see what Aaira was pointing at. It was the massive version of the slime pony monster as it roared, slowly opened its mouth, and swallowed the comet whole. Everyone watched as the comet reappeared on its chest, protected by a dark shield.

"Odd, is it protecting the comet? It almost doesn't want us to follow Bolt," whispered Wanda as everyone looked at her. "Maybe stopping this monster is within the comet? Flare and Heat, can you get us through that shield and inside the comet? We need to help Bolt and the other version of her."

"I don't know. In her power-up version of her super state, Bolt wasn't enough to take on that monster; I don't know if I can...but..." replied Heat as she looked at Flare. "I can try. Flare, when I get that shield down, you must break through the comet's surface and get inside."

Flare nodded, but Berry quickly stood up in Flare's arms. "But what about you? It sounds like you won't be coming with us!"

"Someone has to keep that creature at bay. I'm the only one who can. I need you, Berry, to help our friends." said Heat, her wings spreading, her hair burning, and her eyes full of determination.

"But!" cried Berry as she looked into Heat's eyes, which were filled with tears. "We can't keep losing more friends! This isn't how adventures should be! In my world, big adventures against bad don't have friends losing their lives!"

Berry didn't finish her sentence, and Heat gave her a warm smile and petted her small little head.

"I understand, Berry, but this isn't your world, and you can't stop the deaths of people and ponies; that is the reality of life outside of your universe. You have to accept it, like everyone else has." Heat looked at the others, and she could see it; they saw death and losing someone they loved and cherished. "Berry, we have to do something. We can't let Bolt and the others fight this thing alone. Bolt may be the strongest pony in the multiverse right now, but even she can't stand alone. She taught me always to remember when you have friends and family. Never face a challenge alone. Don't let someone else die."

Berry looked around and saw the others nodding as they agreed with Heat. She didn't want to admit it, but Heat was right; she could see it within them—the pain of losing someone close and using that as strength to fuel their determination to continue and help others. Berry sighed. Her heart told her not to agree with Heat, but her head agreed with her and the others.

"Okay, but I'm staying with you, Heat!" shouted Berry as she tried to jump out of Flare's arms while holding her dim wand.

"No, you can't help her, Berry," whispered Flare as she stopped her from jumping out and put her down, kneeling to her level and smiling. "Heat will be okay, and don't worry; we will ensure the monster pays for hurting everyone."

"Flare is right, Berry. Let's go," Wanda said as she, Rain, Terra, and Aaira walked to the edge of the cliff, seeing Heat off.
Heat hovered there and looked at everyone as they said goodbye to her.

"I will miss you, Heat," said Aaira, shaking slightly.

"Same. You were great company. My mother would have loved to meet you. You have her spirit," replied Wanda as she looked up to the sky, thinking about something.

"Heat, be careful, and try not to get killed!" shouted Rain, giving her a thumbs up and smiling at her.

"Heat. Come back alive. I have seen young people die like this, allowing others to escape while they stay behind. Please don't die." whispered Terra, hiding her sadness by lowering her visor and covering the lower half of her face with her mask.

"You can do it, Heat. Make sure you don't get hurt." Aaira said she knew Heat couldn't promise that, but she felt it was worth asking as her suit put her helmet back on.

"Heat, I want to be here with you but can't. So let me tell you something that my dead father once told me. He said, 'In times of trouble, when you face an enemy or something you are afraid of, always look up at the sky, remember where you came from and who you are, and keep moving forward,'" said Flare as she hugged her and could hear Berry's sniffling.

Heat and Flare let go of the hug and watched Berry slowly approach her. Berry couldn't find words for her, so she raised her arms, asking for a hug as well. Heat softly smiled and gave the little pony a big hug, hearing her crying and sad voice. "So warm. So kind, like Grape. Never let that monster burn out that warmth."

Heat could feel her tears and slowly let her go, wiping them away.

"I will try not to." proudly said Heat as she slowly hovered away from the group.

Everyone watched as Heat headed toward the comet. They could see the slime monster's shield around the comet, and its surface was rippling and shaking as if it knew what Heat was after.

"Here we go," whispered Heat as she surrounded herself with flames and boosted towards the slime monster. Its pony shape started to melt away while still keeping the pony figure. It roared and tried to swat her away, but she was too fast and was able to slam her hooves into the shield. Her fire magic was burning the surface.

"GO!" screamed Heat as her body was covered with flames, and she began to spin around, faster and faster, as she tried to drill through the shield, but the shield blasted her away, and the monster's melting hooves slapped her.

"Hahaha! Do you think you can beat me, Heat? I know all about your weakness and your power. I saw your world and every adventure you have. You undone a multiverse crisis event with the help of Bolt, but this time you are alone. The lone flame within the endless sea of darkness. You will break," roared the monster, its voice echoing across the dark ocean. "I'm the breaker of all things. Soon, the breaker and Ender of the multiverse. You all will understand our pain! OUR SADNESS!"
Heat blasted the hooves away, and she rocketed towards the shield again. However, she increased her speed and shouted back at the monster.

"I don't care what you are or were! You will pay for this and every life you take! You won't break this world or others—the world that Bolt protects—not on my watch! I will never give up and never surrender."

Her body was glowing brighter, her fire magic was increasing, her horn was shining more colorful, and her body was spinning faster.

"THAT'S RIGHT, HEAT! SHOW HIM YOUR MOMENTUM!" shouted Flare, holding Berry tightly in her arms as her eyes were glowing with hope and happiness.

"YEAH! BLOW UP THAT MONSTER!" shouted Berry, her eyes shining bright.

The two watched as Heat's fire magic surrounded her body. Then she slammed into the shield, and this time, she didn't fly back as the shield cracked. Heat continued to spin her body, and her momentum was reaching its limit.

"YOU CAN DO IT!" shouted Rain and Aaira, who were watching from afar, both cheering her on.

"YEAH! YOU GOT THIS!" shouted Wanda, who was smiling at her.

Terra was also smiling. Her eyes could be seen as she lifted her visor a bit and said, "Come on Heat."

Heat could feel the shield cracking from her attack. She increased her flame powers and spun, and even when the monster slammed its hooves onto her, crushing her, she kept spinning as the shield finally started to crack open.

"COME ON!" shouted Heat as the shield finally exploded. She rocketed into the comet, smashing through its crust and leaving a long trail behind her.

"NO, YOU DON'T!" screamed the monster, its voice echoing as the comet slime surface shot out and covered Heat, sending her flying back out of the shield, which closed behind her.

Heat blasted the slime off of her, and she was about to try again when she saw the monster charging up a laser beam from its mouth and pointed it at her.

"NO HEAT!" shouted Flare and Berry, and the laser beam blasted towards her.

Heat couldn't react in time, and the blast hit her, sending her crashing into the slime ocean and creating a giant wave. The beam somehow was able to damage her in her super form.

"HEAT!" screamed the girls as the comet was again covered with slime, and the shield was more substantial than before.

Heat floated there in great pain as the waves pushed her along, and her eyes were filled with sadness. Soon, she started to be dragged under the surface.

"I failed," she whispered as her tears started to float away and disappear into the sea.

"Heat," whispered Bolt as she and Blitz floated above the city. In a world within the comet, its surface was black, like coal. Its buildings were in ruins, and its ground was cracked and covered with dust. The city was destroyed.

"So this is your world?" Blitz asked herself, as she could feel the other selves asking her, "Yes."

Bolt looked back at how they came in and could feel something happening to Heat. She wanted to head back, but she couldn't. It hurt her, but she had to keep going.

Within the darkness, heat was slowly dragged to the endless bottom of the slime ocean. She was crying, and her body was slowly losing its burning flames, until she heard a voice—a bolt voice—as she remembered the lesson that she had given her when their worlds were merging.

She remembers that day when both Discords created a space station and used the Harmony Diamond for their cannon. They were watching her as she covered her body in flames. Bolt covered herself in the wind, and both boosted towards each other, clashing their elements and creating a powerful shock wave that blasted the Discords away.

"I said I would defeat him!" cried Heat, her eyes filled with rage.

"Stop it, this isn't going to change anything!" replied Bolt. Her eyes were sad, and her tone told Heat that she shouldn't use her anger and rage to win.

"What do you know? I am the guardian of the Harmony Diamonds. It is a fate that forces me to live with my curse, my flames... Because of my powers, I have always been alone. It's also why I must do this alone! It is my responsibility!" shouted Heat. Her eyes were burning, and her voice was breaking; she was crying within.

"I admire your fortitude, but... carrying the entire world on your shoulders?" asked Bolt. She didn't want to force her to let go, but she needed to understand that she needed to stop being alone and let others help her.


Heat quickly increased her speed by creating fire boosters from her wings, pushing Bolt back and swinging her flaming hooves at her. Still, Bolt stopped her with a mighty gale, finally blowing Heat back and out of her boost and almost falling off the small arena they were in, as it was a flying platform in the middle of the space station, but Bolt grabbed her hoof and pulled her back up.

"Hey, not bad."

Heat looked at her and could feel her warmth—the warmth that was the complete opposite of her. Bolt smiled, but Heat swatted her hoof away and was ready to attack her again.

"I don't need your praise... And I don't need any help from you; this is my fate to bear!" shouted Heat; her tone was different, her voice was shaking, and she could feel her emotions breaking her down.

Bolt gave her a sad look and could tell she'd had a rough past. Bolt placed her hoof on her shoulder and said, "Hey, don't bite off more than you can chew. And be yourself. You don't need to do everything on your own."

"Don't touch me." Heat pushed her hoof away and backed up, her wings covering and hiding her face.

"You're not alone."

"But... But if I..."

"Listen, I know this sounds crazy, but... We can be friends; we can help each other."


Heat looked at Bolt and saw a warm smile—the same smile she had given her earlier—and her eyes were the same. She didn't understand why Bolt was so nice to her after she had tried to hurt her and her friends.

"Let's save the day together, yeah? Let's kick those Discord butts together." Bolt was smiling, and she was offering her hoof to shake her hoof.

"Perhaps you're right. I can rely on friends if I let myself," whispered Heat. As her flames returned to her, her tears no longer fell, and her determination rose.

Heat slowly moved her hoof, placing it on Bolt and shaking it. The two nodded, and the Harmony Diamonds and Element Emeralds were floating above the two, shining brightly.

Heat opened her eyes, and she saw only darkness. She smiled as she remembered that memory. She slowly started to swim, trying to head to the surface as another memory flashed.

In their super forms, Bolt and her just beat the two Discords and are floating in space between the walls of their universe, looking at each other. Heat is especially sad, as she could see their worlds pulling them away from each other and the broken walls slowly repairing themselves.

"This is it," whispered Bolt with a bit of sadness.

"Yes, it is," whispered Heat. She couldn't find the words to say and just nodded.

They were smiling as their golden and blazing light filled the darkness.

"Everything will be back to normal," replied Bolt, looking back at her returning universe and feeling it calling out to her.

"Yes, I have to return to my world as well. Harmony Diamonds and Element Emeralds cannot exist in the same world. It would cause another crisis," said Heat, as she, too, looked back at her universe, sensing it calling out to her.

"I guess it's time to say... goodbye. Flurry will miss you," said Bolt, goodbye turned, looking at Heat.

"I have no choice," replied Heat, remembering the cute alicorn filly that followed and helped her get back the Harmony Diamonds.

"No words from you?" asked Bolt, seeing Heat wasn't turning around.

"It's better this way. I first came here as a stranger out of nowhere. I think it's appropriate to leave it the same way. Bolt, thank you for your help. Bye." said Heat as she started to head home but stopped as she felt Bolt walk on her shoulder. She turned around and could see that same warm smile.

"Hey, don't worry. You're not alone. If you ever need me, I'll come running, no matter where you are."

Heat was surprised by Bolt's kindness and could feel a warm feeling growing within her heart.

"I..." She couldn't find the right words and just smiled and nodded. Bolt let go, and both stared at each other until Bolt rose her hoof, as she wanted to shake Heat's hoof.

Heat slowly looked at her hoof and grabbed Bolt's hoof, and the two shook it.

"We are friends. Don't forget that, okay? Promise I'll be here if you ever need me. I'll see you again!" Bolt spoke, her eyes filled with friendship and the same warm smile.

"Yes... again," replied Heat, as her tears were filling her eyes.

Then, a white light starts taking over the space between them, and they float upward, holding each other's hooves. Both are trying hard not to let go and trying their hardest to stay together. Then they are forced apart, with Heat especially reaching her arm out toward Bolt as they are tossed back into their universe.

Heat kept swimming and trying to reach the surface as the memory made her tear up.

"Thank you, Bolt. I'm so glad to have met you. And our story isn't over yet, is it?" spoke Heat as she slowly felt her flames leaving her, the Harmony Diamonds going dim within her, like something was draining them of their power.
Heat closed her eyes, letting her body drift into the dark sea. She remembers the last part of her memories when she was back in her world and returning to her kingdom. She remembered what she said as she spoke the exact words again.

"I understand now... My inherent power over fire... As a princess, I must protect the Harmony Diamonds. But because of my duty, I shut people out and kept to myself... But trying to make it solely my responsibility, I put my world in danger. But then..."

"You need to be true to yourself!" echoes Bolt's voice through Heat's mind.

"Bolt the Pegasus..."

"We'll meet again!" Bolt echoed as her smiling face filled Heat's mind.

"I believe in you!" echoed Bolt's voice, as Heat could feel a bright light entering her heart and a mighty wind blowing around her.

"You aren't alone. Not anymore; you have me and your new friends, Heat. Let's do this together, okay?

Heat opened her eyes; her flames were burning once more. She smiled as the Harmony Diamonds within her shone brighter than before. She began to swim again, reaching her hooves up towards the surface, towards the light.

"Yes, Bolt," said Heat, remembering Bolt's promise and her voice. A tear ran down her face, and her voice was filled with confidence and hope.

"You aren't alone anymore, either. You have us, your new friends. They're coming to help you!"

She reached the surface; her flames were burning, and her tears were falling, and she looked up, her horn shining brighter than before and her wings glowing red. As she could see, the monster was readying to fire another beam at her as it was charging the beam within its mouth, and the beam was growing larger.

Heat took a deep breath; her tears were no longer flowing; her fire magic was increasing; her eyes were full of hope, and her flames were dancing around her.


Heat shot out of the slime, and the darkness was filled with a burning small flame. The tiny flame grew, growing larger and larger until it became a roaring giant blaze. It was heading straight for the comet, and the monster was readying itself by firing its beam.

Heat charged forward, her flames burning even hotter and her speed increasing. The monster beam was getting bigger and almost ready to fire, but Heat was closing the distance.

"YOUR STORY ISN'T OVER, BOLT! KEEP FLYING LIKE THE WIND! KEEP SMILING!" screamed Heat, as her flames were growing larger. Her fire was roaring like a wild beast, and her body was engulfed with a blue flame.

The monster was about to fire its beam. Its beam was reaching its limit and ready to fire, but the blue flame was closing the distance more and burning faster and faster.

Heat was now a blue-and-white flaming comet. Her fire magic was beyond anything she had ever used before. Her body was covered with flames, her tears were gone, and her eyes were full of life. Even the Diamonds were floating around her as they burned brightly.


The monster fired its beam and clashed with Heat, but she quickly went through it and, once more, crashed into the shield of the comet. This time, the shield didn't stop her, and the shield began to crack within seconds, and the entire shield exploded. The shards of the shields quickly became one and became another laser but more powerful than the large one. It and Heat were in a back-and-forth clash, as she needed to destroy this so her friends could pass through without danger.


Heat pushed forward, her eyes were locked on her target, and the shards were trying to push her back, but her flames were burning through the beam, finally passing through it and slamming into the shards, which became a pony-sized orb. It was trying to push Heat away, but she didn't let it. Heat and the cracking Diamonds gave one last push and scattered it,

causing a huge explosion and the shards of the shield were now nothing more than dust and the blue flame was slowly fading from Heat, she was now floating with the dim Harmony Diamonds, causing her flames and super form to die out and she was smiling.

"...this is where..."

The monster roared and was quickly absorbed by the comet, and everyone watched as the comet became pure black. An eyelid appeared and opened, revealing a red bleeding eye, as it searched around the area in front of it until it spotted Heat. It bled out a tear, which quickly formed into a blood-oozing alicorn, which caught Heat by surprise as it looked like her dead mother. Within seconds, Heat could see the alicorn horn shoot out like a long blade and pierce her chest...


The comet's eye was crying blood, and the alicorn was smiling, as the tip of the blade was in Heat's chest. The Harmony Diamonds were all dying out. Their light was finally gone as they dropped out of the sky and into the slime ocean below. Soon, Heat followed them as the flames of life slowly burned out as she spoke one last time.


Heat closed her eyes as the alicorn removed its horn and watched as Heat fell, with no life left within her. She hit the ocean's surface; her flames were gone, her magic was dead, and the Diamonds were gone.
Heat was gone, but she was still smiling, as she knew Bolt would save the day, like always...

"HEAT!" cried out Berry.

"NO! HEAT!" cried out Flare.

"THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" shouted Aaira as she fell to her knees.

"DAMN, IT!" screamed Rain as she pounds the ground in sadness and anger.

Terra returned her visor down on her eyes and clutched her fist harder as she was forced to watch another person die like this again.

Wanda said nothing but looked away, but she could see a rainbow light in the center of the crater. Soon, another version of her appeared, but she looked like Heat as she was wearing a red jacket. She ran to her and asked her what her name was, as she bet she was like Blitz and how she had something to help Bolt.

"My name is Nightfall," said Nightfall as she looked around and could see the bleeding eye and the red blood-covered alicorn. "...oh Blitz. You even had my mother within you as well. No, it's just a memory from Sky and me. When father unleashed her on Sky that day."

"Who are you? What did you mean just now?" asked Wanda after hearing Nightfall.

"Sorry, it's a long story, and we don't have time to explain. We need to get inside that comet and stop her," said Nightfall, pointing at the bleeding eye.

"We fucking tried!" shouted Rain as she faced Nightfall.

"Yeah, Heat died trying..." said Aaira as she looked down.

"Wait, what? Died? Heat? Discord told me to give her this," said Nightfall as she walked towards them and took out a wand with a bright jewel.

Everyone asked what that was until a voice was heard above them.

"That's the Jewel Scepter of Harmony. I got it from the castle's vault."

Everyone looked up and could see a black and yellow Draconequus as he was typing away on an MLP-themed laptop.

"Who or what is that?" asked everyone.

"Discord? Why are you here?" asked Nightfall as she watched the draconequus drop before her.

"My world walls of between is gone. I'm holding "her" off, but the other Discords will soon be here. You need to hurry and get to her. We're running out of time. Give the wand to Heat."

"Heat is dead," whispered Berry as she sat there, all hope lost.

"Huh? Dead? Do you mean Heat is no longer living? That she's gone from existence, never to return?" asked Discord

"Yeah, that's right!" cried Rain.

"Is that what you all think? Please," asked Discord as he snapped his fingers, summoning Heat's dead body. Her body landed in front of everyone in the family guy's death pose and was lying there with no flame, magic, or life.

"What did you mean?" asked Wanda as she looked at Discord.

Discord snapped his fingers again, summoned the gray diamonds, and caught one.

"These are the Harmony Diamonds, the physical form of the elements of harmony, and another take on the prime version. They're also counterparts of elemental emeralds, and just like those, if all seven are gathered, a miracle will happen. watch."
Discord placed the gray diamonds around Heat's body and told Nightfall to hand him the wand. He stabbed the ground with it, and the wand started to spark with a purple light. Soon, the gray diamonds began to float, circling the scepter. Soon, color returned to the diamonds and increased in size. Everyone realized what was happening, as they had seen before, but Nightfall didn't, as she looked in awe.

"Heat, get up. This isn't where your story ends. It only ends with my hands," evilly spoke Discord as he watched Heat's body floating in the air with the enormous diamonds.

The diamonds spun around Heat, and soon, it and the scepter fused into her. It created a burning black star as everyone covered their faces. As the light calmed down, everyone could see Heat, as she was alive again and hovering there. Her skin turned from purple to light black; her mane was partly glowing with orange flames; her purple jacket was now red; her feathers on her wings were glowing, and finally, her eyes were glowing bright green.

"Heat!" cried Berry as she jumped into Heat's chest, hugging her.

"Berry," whispered Heat as she hugged her but turned to Discord and spoke to him.

"How did you know the wand could do this? Even I didn't know this, and I'm their guardian."

"It was a gamble. I figured that since they're a copy of the Element Emeralds, they're similar to them, and just like those gems, they can bring someone back to life. Create a miracle because we need it right now," said Discord as he pointed to the Blood Alicorn and the comet eye. "Also, the other Discords are coming. You need to break through that "thing" and get inside because...

"Bolt needs us?" Heat asked, but Discord shook his head and turned to Nightfall before returning to everyone here.

"No, "she" needs you. I can't say anything more, but know this: there was a reason. "She" picked you all." finished Discord as he turned to Nightfall again. "Why she created "you"! Damn the rules; I love seeing chaos!"

"Hey, what are you saying?" asked Heat, confused.

"I'm sorry. Later, Heat" smiled at Discord as he did a peace sign and just disappeared, causing Heat to sigh as she hated Discord and his annoying ass.

Wanda turned to Nightfall and asked, "You truly know what's going on, don't you?"

Nightfall nodded and spoke as she passed them and walked to the crater's edge, looking at the alicorn and the bleeding eye comet. "Yes, that blood-covered alien came from my memories. It was once my dead mother. My father wanted to recreate the Final Harmony project and conquer the world. Blitz must have seen that memory from one or both of us."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" asked Aaira, as she and everyone else were confused.

"It's too long to explain, but know this: I'm not the real Nightfall, just a memory of her created by Blitz. The part of her who still has hope—hope that someone can save her and free her from the pain... What I'm saying might sound weird, but she isn't evil. She's just a child, lost and scared of herself and what she has become. Please, help me. It's like Discord said. We picked you for a reason. We've heard your stories and witnessed all of your hardships and adventures. Please help me. Save my daughter," cried Nightfall as she bowed to them and begged them for help.


Everyone was silent until Heat spoke.

"Okay, go save her. I think I understand why I'm here. It's like a weird feeling. Even the Harmony Diamonds say the same thing: We're meant to be here."

The others looked at each other, not so much about this, but Wanda stepped up and said, "Same here. I feel the same as Heat. Besides, it's like what my mother told me—not see the world as it is, but as it could be. Maybe we're here to change things for the better."

"Agreed, there's always good in everyone; you just need to find it," chimed in Flare.

The others weren't too sure, but they agreed as well. If they can save this Blitz person, maybe they can save this universe.
Nightfall wiped her tears and thanked them for helping, even if it wasn't their destiny.

"So, how do we get inside the comet?" asked Rain.

"I can take on the alicorn in my hyper form," said Heat. "But I'm unsure if I can break through that "eye." The Harmony Diamonds are telling me this. I need more power."

"I see..." whispered Wanda as she tried to think of a plan but watched as Aaira walked up to Terra.

"Terra, go into my mind. The Element Pillar can help Heat," spoke Aaira as Terra removed her eye visor and face mask.

"But Berry lost her powers; how can we create them?"

"Yeah...unless you know how to create it, Aaira?" spoke Wanda.

"I do, letting the Pillar do what it wants. Me."

"What? But Aaira-" spoke Berry, worried as she and the others remembered what was inside her mind.

"Iokay. If anything happens, you guys need to kill me. I don't want to be like Charles... Terra, do it."

"Charles..." whispered Nightfall as she remembered the audio device and heard Aaira killing him.

Terra nodded. Terra set Aaira flat on the ground, put her hand on Aaira's forehead, and entered her mind.

"I'll go take that alicorn down while they're doing this," said Heat as she set Berry on the floor and took off as a black, burning star.

"Be careful," whispered Berry, but she felt a hand on her head. She looked up and saw it was Flare.

"This time, she's not alone. Watch over everyone," said Flare, as she took off as a red streak and went after Heat.

Heat soars towards the alicorn, and she can see it charging at her. She could tell by its eyes that it was angry at her and wanted to kill her.

"I'm sorry about this," spoke Heat as she dodged the alicorn's attacks and hit its body with a flaming punch and kick, which caused its skin to burn, but the burns healed fast.

"Darn, I can't do any real damage with these moves."

The alicorn fired a red beam from its horn and hit Heat's chest, sending her flying backward, but she stayed in the air. She touched her chest and sighed, saying she was okay this time. She summoned black and orange flames around her body, rebounded, and hit the alicorn. It cried out in pain as its skin was burning and slowly healing.

"Now, you're feeling my wrath!" shouted Heat as she punched the alicorn repeatedly until the alicorn's tail became a shard of bloody blade and swung it over Heat's head, and she couldn't dodge it in time.

"Need help?" asked Flare as she caught Heat before the alicorn could hit and carry her away.

"Flare! Thank you." thanked Heat

"You're welcome. Let's do this!" replied Flare, her eyes glowing red and Heat's eyes glowing green.

"Yeah, let's!" agreed Heat as Flare dropped Heat, and they both charged at the alicorn, ready to take it on.

Flare quickly soars past the alicorn, grabbing its tail and spinning it around.

"Take this!" cried out Flare as she threw the alicorn into the air.

Heat followed up the attack by punching the alicorn and hitting it with her flaming horn, and finally, she did a flaming ax kick, slamming it toward the sea, but it recovered. The alicorn wasn't giving up and flew into the air, stabbing the two with its horn. The two dodged and continued the attack. Anything they did to it was quickly healed.

"We're not making much progress here. It's healing too fast!" spoke Heat as the alicorn hit her.

"Well, it's not our day," replied Flare as she punched the alicorn, blasting her heat vision at its face.

The alicorn was getting mad, as its face was melting and slowly being restored, and it started to attack wildly.

"Damn, it looks like this girl is no pushover," muttered Heat as she dodged another attack, but the alicorn was faster.

Heat hit her as the alicorn horn impaled her body and started to push her towards Flare, who got caught. All three were heading towards the sky, which had the slime ocean, as the whole universe was being filled by it and much faster now.

"This is bad; if we're not careful, we're going to fall into the slime!" yelled Flare as the two struggled to move and get away from the alicorn.

Heat looked at her wound and saw no damage; her hyper form saved her. She grabbed the alicorn's face and unleashed her flames on it, hoping it would be enough to let them go.

"Come on...burn! BURN!" yelled Heat as she tried her hardest to burn it, but nothing was happening.

Flare used her heat vision to help her burn the alicorn head. The two kept it up until Heat noticed the sea of slime was coming closer to them. The diamonds told her that if both of them got caught there, they'd die.

"Heat, we're close to the slime!" shouted Flare.

"I know, but...this is all I got without hurting you!" replied Heat, still trying to burn the alicorn head and horn.

Flare started laughing, making Heat ask why she was laughing suddenly.

"You said, "Hurting you?" Girl, the sun gives me my powers. You can't hurt me. I can be in the sun and not get hurt," said Flare, petting Heat's back. "Give it your all!"

Heat nodded and fully released her black flames. The alicorn was burning but didn't care, as it was willing to sacrifice itself to stop them. Heat kept releasing her flames, turning her into a black star. She wasn't giving it up. She wouldn't lose; she couldn't, not when the multiverse was at stake. Not when her friends are fighting alongside her.

"Harmony...Diamonds, please help me!" cried Heat as her black star grew. The seven Harmony Diamonds appeared and fused with the black star.

There was a bright black flash. Soon, the black star became a mini-supernova and exploded.

"Woah..." spoke Flare, as she was within it and being tossed away by the blast.

The alicorn tried to escape but couldn't, as Heat wasn't letting it go. Heat moved her face closer to the alicorn and spoke with a dark and mighty voice.


Soon, the alicorn was engulfed by the flames and burned away, leaving nothing behind. There is nothing to recover from.

"Holy..." spoke Flare as she couldn't believe what she saw.

The supernova flames quickly returned to Heat's body. Heat was panting as using her power took a lot out of her. The diamonds appeared around her and started flashing at her, almost like they were talking to her before returning inside of her. Heat couldn't help but smile, happy to hear the gems were asking if she was okay.
"I'm okay, thanks for the support," replied Heat, turning her attention to Flare, who quickly grabbed Heat before she fell. "Thanks."

"You're welcome," said Flare, as she turned to the eye comet and noticed it was looking at them the whole time. "What now? We can't break that."

"Leave that to the others," replied Heat as she and Flare flew down to where the others were, only to hear Aaira screaming. They could see Wanda and Nightfall holding her down while Terra twitched as Rain and Berry tried to wake her.

"What's going on?" asked Heat as the two landed near them.

"Aaira's losing it. She tried to choke herself, and Terra is having a stroke!" answered Nightfall as she and Wanda continued to hold her down.

"Terra, can you hear me? Can you talk?" asked Rain, holding Terra's head while Berry held her hand.

Terra was saying something, but no one could understand her, and soon, her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Finally, she spoke clearly.

"MAKE US WHOLE AGAIN!" screamed Terra before going limp.

"Shit, this is not good," muttered Nightfall as Wanda let go of Aaira as Flare took over and quickly hurried to the unconscious Terra.

"She's breathing, thankfully," said Wanda as she checked her body.

"What happened?" asked Flare, confused about what was happening.

"Terra said that she heard a voice begging her to make them whole again, and it was from the Element Pillar. Then this happened. This looks like a mental condition, but somehow it's not. I can't explain it," replied Wanda.

Everyone could watch as Aaira kept screaming like she was being attacked by something or someone.

End of Ch8