• Published 7th Dec 2023
  • 482 Views, 83 Comments

Past & Future - Quillion9000

Flash Sentry made mistakes during his first journey while Spike Armor is just entering the world of pokemon. These two trainers have enrolled in Uva Academy where they shall go on the journey of a lifetime in search of their treasure.

  • ...

Two New Students

Hoenn: Ever Grande
A tall, thin boy smiled slightly at the letter he’d received. He had slightly tanned skin and grey-blue eyes. His attire consisted of a black/orange collared short sleeved shirt, dark gray pants, and orange slip on shoes.

He also wore a green backpack, orange fingerless gloves, and a green headband. He currently sat within the main stadium of Ever Grande where their regional conference was held. Aside from himself, a Absol, and a Metagross, the place was empty. He read the letter.

Hey Brendan,

It’s been a while…

I know you and May said we were good, but I want to say, this last time, that I’m sorry. I made mistakes, refused to listen, and blew up on you both when you never deserved it. If only I had listened at times, my Hoenn journey probably wouldn’t have ended like it did.

Now, I’m going to try again, here in Paldea. This time, I’ll be the trainer I should have from the start. One day, I hope to become a champion like you have. When that day comes, let’s have a proper battle.

Flash Sentry

P.S. If Absol and Metagross are still with you, continue to encourage them to find a better trainer.

Bendan leaned back before glancing at the two pokemon. “You two want a different trainer yet?”

Both looked at the young champion offended.



“Figured, you’re still loyal to him.” Branden chuckled softly. “Still, he did ask.” He then sighed. “Flash seems to be doing better, but he’s hung up on the past. If only there was…” Suddenly, he stood. “That’s it!”

He pulled out his Rotom Phone and dialed a number.


“Professor Birch, I need a favor…” Brendan began.

Cabo Poco: Sentry Residence, Morning…
A teenage boy with blue hair and matching eyes sat atop his bed playing his red and silver guitar. His present attire consisted of the spring uniform for his new school, Uva Academy, consisting of a long-sleeved white top and purple pants with black suspenders.

His uniform’s brown loafers and bucket hat were nearby. From what he understood, there was customization allowed, but he didn’t really have anything to substitute them with. He also had a blue backpack, slung across a chair, which his mom gifted him.

His room held a rather impressive TV with a Nintendo Switch, a few books on pokemon, a wardrobe, and a desk. Eventually, he was done playing and stood before looking at said desk. There sat a framed photo of himself smiling along with a Torchic.

An empty pokeball had been placed just before the picture. A sad look graced his features before he shook his head to collect himself. He walked down the stairs and into the living room, which held a TV of its own, two blue couches, one yellow chair, and a coffee table.

His eyes quickly shifted to the kitchen where his mother, Somnambula, seemed to be finishing dishes. She had long cyan hair in a pony tail and blue-violet eyes. She wore tan pants, a long blue top, and an apron. The guy wandered on over which his mother immediately took note of.

“Good morning, Flash.” Somnambula greeted, with a smile. “I assumed when I heard your guitar stop that you would be coming down.” She dried her hands before turning to him. “Oh, don’t you look handsome in your uniform.”

Flash blushed and looked down like how any son typically would when your parent made comments like those.

“It’s good to see you’re prepared for your first day.” Somnambula continued. “While I am excited for you, it’d be best to cool your jets before you go racing off to school. I was contacted and told you should wait here a little longer.”

“Oh really?” Flash asked. “Any reason why?”

“Apparently, there’s something important for your first day that hasn’t arrived yet.” Somnambula informed before someone rang their doorbell. “Maybe that’s it now. Flash, would you mind answering the door?”

“Yeah, no problem.” Flash answered as he moved over there.

Before he could answer, an old man with white hair, goatee, and glasses entered the house. He wore a purple blazer with pokeballs on it, a black shirt, and white pants with matching shoes. He hadn’t come alone as a young boy was accompanying him.

This boy had a green mohawk, matching eyes, and wore the same uniform as Flash; however, he seemed to have chosen to forgo the hat. He glanced at Flash briefly before ultimately turning his attention to observe the room.

“Do forgive the intrusion.” The man stated. “You are…Master Sentry, yes?”

Flash nodded. “Yep, that’s my last name.”

“Excellent.” The man smiled. “Then, on behalf of Uva academy, I must apologize for my late arrival with your enrollment documents. Ah, also for delaying an introduction of myself to boot. I am the director of Uva Academy. You may call me Mr. Clavell while the young man accompanying me is another who enrolls today, Spike Armor.”

“The director!?” Somnambula joined them. “You came in person to help my son?”

“Well, I am responsible for the entire academy, and that includes any failings on its part.” He approached. “So, here are the documents that should have already been delivered to you.”

Somnambula accepted them before shaking her head. “Goodness, you really needn’t have, but since you’ve come all this way, can I at least offer you two a cup of tea?”

“Ah, no need to trouble yourself.” Clavell answered.

“No thank you, ma’am.” Spike added.

“Flash, I have a thing or two I’d like to discuss briefly with the director here.” Somnambula stated. “Why don’t you head to your room and finish getting ready.”

“Right, I’ll get it done mom.” Flash answered before taking his leave.

Flash climbed the stairs and entered his room. There, he slipped on the brown loafers and hat before attaching his guitar to his backpack. Then, he threw that on before taking one, last look at his room. He couldn’t help but linger on the photo for a bit before taking his leave.

It was a bit surreal that this was even happening right now, but he felt fortunate Uva academy took students of all ages. It gave him this opportunity to start fresh. He walked down the stairs and entered the living room.

“Oh, just look at you!” His mother had noticed him and stood before Clavell and Spike followed. “All ready for your first day!”

“Yes, the uniform of our storied academy suits you well indeed.” Clavell chimed in.

“Mr. Clavell, does this mean you’ll finally let me see the pokemon?” Spike asked, clearly anxious yet trying to maintain his cool.

“Ah, of course.” Clavell seemed to have been reminded of this. “I had nearly forgotten, Master Armor. Though, the Sentry’s living room is hardly the place for it. Please, follow me outside everyone.”

Spike eagerly did while Flash shared a look with his mom before they joined the pair.

Caba Poco
Upon exiting the house, Flash and Somnambula joined Spike in standing across from Clavell. “Right then, dear pokemon.” He produced and threw three pokeballs. “Time to come out.”

A Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly, the three starters of Paldea, appeared.

“Wow, they’re all cool!” Spike marveled as he crouched before the pokemon.

“We provide each student entering the academy a pokemon of their own.” Clavell informed. “You two are in luck as the pokemon I have for you are Palde’s official starters. One of these three shall be a partner to each of you.

Sprigatito, the grass cat pokemon.” She purred. “Fuecoco, the fire croc pokemon.” He gave a goofy grin. “Lastly is Quaxly, the duckling pokemon.” He waved his head a bit. “They’re all good company. Why, they even usually refuse to leave my side.”

Sprigatito and Fuecoco ended up approaching Spike while Quaxly gravitated to Flash. The former watched as the two pokemon ended up running around him while the latter bent down and ran his hand along the water type with a small smile.

“Oh, it would appear these three are more interested in you two than familiar, old me.” Clavell smiled. “I do wish I could stay to see which one each of your picks, but I must be off to my next home visit.”

He turned to the large house in the distance. “I’ll be just down the road, at the large house over there. Take your time before coming to find me with your decision. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” He walked off. “Until next we meet.”

“What a mannerly fellow that director of yours is.” Somnambula addressed Flash drawing his attention. “These three are lovely, but it would appear you need to choose just one, right?” She shook her head. “Certainly not an easy choice.

Especially since this young man here is expected to pick one from among them. Well Flash, why don’t you take this opportunity to walk with them and your fellow classmate? It would be good for you to get to know them all.”

Flash looked from the pokemon to the younger boy before shrugging. “Sure, why not?”

“Oh, before you set off, I got you a little something more to celebrate today than that backpack.” Somnambula presented him with a new Rotom Phone. “Take it with you if you’re going out.”

“Thanks mom.” Flash hugged her before whispering in her ear. “For everything.”

Somnambula held her boy tightly. After everything that happened last time she let him go, she really didn’t want that kind of hurt to befall him again. She ultimately sighed knowing that keeping him home wouldn’t help him grow past it any longer.

“Remember, if anything becomes too overwhelming for you, you’ll always be welcome to return here, day or night.” Somnambula whispered.

While Flash did want to do this, some small part of him didn’t want to even risk falling into past mistakes. Ultimately, he was the one to part from his mother before walking up to Spike.

“Alright, let’s take a stroll down to that house there with them.” Flash kind of brushed past Spike without meaning to. “Should be enough time to decide which one we want.”

“This guy’s a little cold.” Spike thought.

Ultimately, they were expected to head that way anyways. The younger guy figured he might as well tag along. It helped that Flash at least didn’t seem like a bad guy, from what he could tell. As they moved out, the three starters moved with them along the path.

“So, are you from Paldea?” Spike broached as they walked.

“Nah, mom and I moved here recently.” Flash responded. “I was actually born in Hoenn.”

“Oh, that’s cool.” Spike stated. “I was born in Paldea, and I think it’s a great region. I take it you don’t know your neighbor?”

“First thing I learned was that they’re apparently at the academy with us.” Flash responded, referring to what he literally just learned. “Why, you know something?”

“I don’t think you’d find anyone in Paldea who doesn’t know Nemona.” Spike responded. “Since you don’t, I won’t spoil much beyond that.”

Flash did raise an eyebrow at that before deciding not to press it. As the pair continued along the path, the starters moved about, not too far from them, investigating things. Considering Flash didn’t seem much for conversation, Spike took to observing them.

He smiled as the pokemon moved about with such energy and a willingness to explore. While Flash now did the same, he was also thinking critically about which pokemon he’d take. He knew, boy did he know, just how critical this decision was.

Eventually, the group climbed some stairs and entered the gated yard of the larger house. Once there, the starters broke off. Quaxly went to the nearby water source, Sprigatito smelt some flowers, and Fuecoco was going to eat an orange. He sneezed letting of an ember which burnt it.

A moderately tall girl bent down to run her hand along the fire croc. She had long black hair, with a green hair streak, tied in a ponytail, orange eyes, and several freckles. She wore their school uniform with black leggings, a pair of red/white sneakers, and a black/red wrist glove.

“Do any of these pokemon belong to the two of you?” The girl, Nemona, asked as she stood.

She, Clavell, and the starters all gravitated towards the boys.

“Not quite.” Clavell answered for them. “Masters Armor and Sentry have yet to make their choice, you see.” The starters moved to stand before them with Fuecoco happily eating his now burnt orange. “I do wonder, what is their choice?”

“Buenas!” Nemona greeted. “I haven’t met either of you, have I?”

“I do know who you are, but we haven’t actually met.” Spike responded.

“I don’t even know that much.” Flash shrugged. “Mom and I moved in up the road not long ago.”

“Ah, so you two must be the new students.” Nemona nodded in understanding. “Well, I’m always interested in meeting some newbies, but I’ll admit I’ve been dying to learn more about the guy from Hoenn.”

“Well, my name’s Spike Armor.” Spike greeted.

“Flash Sentry.” Flash stated simply.

“I’m Nemona.” Nemona introduced. “Normally, I live in the school dorms, but home is here. What do you say, want to be friends?”

“Sure, can never have enough friends.” Spike declared, happily.

“Alright, love the enthusiasm!” Nemona then looked to Flash expectantly.

“These two are a little weird.” Flash thought. “I don’t go calling people friend that fast.”

“Huh?” Nemona was shocked. “Did I come off too strong?”

“Yes, well.” Clavell cleared his throat. “Miss Nemona here is the student body president and a champion ranked trainer.”

“She’s a champion like Brendan!?” Flash thought, stunned.

“I absolutely love pokemon battling!” Nemona declared passionately. “In fact, I want to battle both of you, right now! One right after the other!”

“Easy now.” Clavell chuckled. “You three will be in the same class, so there’ll be plenty of opportunities to battle. Naturally, plenty of chances for you to get to know one another. For now, have you two decided which pokemon you would like?”

“Oh, would it be alright if I go first!?” Spike exclaimed excitedly.

Flash shrugged. “Eh, go ahead.”

He was confident the guy hadn’t had his eye on the pokemon he wanted anyways.

Spike grinned as he ran right up to and crouched before the fire croc. “Fuecoco is my choice!”

“Fue!” Fuecoco declared excitedly, leaping into his new friend’s arms.

“You and me Fuecoco.” Spike stood and grinned. “We’ll be a perfect team.”

He then managed to hold his new pokemon in one arm before fishing out his Rotom Phone, which had a purple case, and scanned him:

Fuecoco, the Fire Croc Pokémon. A Fire type. The fire energy from its body makes the flame on its head ripple like waves. When its emotions run hot, the flames grow bigger accordingly.

Ability: Blaze

Gender: Male

Current Moves: Ember, Leer, Tackle

“Ah yes, you two seem to have taken an immediate shine to one another.” Clavell then looked to Flash. “Master Sentry?”

Flash approached his pick being Quaxly before kneeling in front of him. “I’m aiming to become strong Quaxly, so if that’s something you’d want, I’d be glad to accept you.”

Quaxly observed him for a few moments before happily leaping atop his shoulder. “Quax!”

“Alright, you’re my pokemon.” Flash stated.

He then got out his Rotom Phone to scan him:

Quaxly, the Duckling Pokemon. A Water type. This Pokémon migrated to Paldea from distant lands long ago. Its strong legs let it easily swim around in even fast-flowing rivers.

Ability: Torrent

Gender: Male

Current Moves: Growl, Pound, Water Gun

“Quaxly seems to have taken a liking to you, Master Sentry.” Clavell nodded as he tossed the respective pokeballs to their owners. “Both of you, do raise your pokemon with love and care.”

“I will.” Spike declared.

Flash looked at his new pokemon firmly. “This time, I’ll make sure of it.”

Both returned their new pokemon while the grass type looked on sadly at being left out.

“You each will make great combos with your new pokemon!” Nemona declared excitedly before looking to the director. “Could I take Sprigatito, Director Clavell?”

Sprigatito perked up at that.

“Oh, didn’t you receive a pokemon upon entering the academy?” Clavell asked.

“No, I didn’t.” Nemona shook her head. “I had other pokemon I was focused on raising at the time, but now I want to raise up a whole new team alongside these two.”

“Hm, it could be a rather splendid idea.” Clavell took out and tossed the last pokeball to her. “If you wish to raise Sprigatito, then I shall permit it.”

“Yesss!” Nemona cheered before turning to the remaining starter. “Alright, we’re a team from here on out, Sprigatito!”

“Sprig!” Sprigatito celebrated by excitedly running circles around her new trainer.

As the pokemon ran, Nemona got out her Rotom Phone to scan her:

Sprigatito, the Grass Cat Pokémon. A Grass type. With every step it takes, it releases a sweet scent, enchanting those nearby.

Ability: Overgrow

Gender: Female

Current Moves: Leafage, Scratch, Tail Whip

Nemona turned to the boys before focusing solely on Spike. “Alright, with a new pokemon in hand, I challenge you to a battle.”

“You’re on!” Spike returned excitedly.

“Awesome!” Nemona declared. “I’ll be awaiting down the beach, so come see me when you’re ready.”

She then ran off prompting Clavell to turn to the boys. “As you may have noticed, Miss Nemona is a tad overly fond of pokemon battles.”

“No kidding.” Flash muttered.

“I think it’s great.” Spike took off. “Time to have my first battle!”

“I see he’s just as excitable.” Clavell chuckled. “What do you say, Master Sentry? Care to watch the battle with me?”

“Sure, why not.” Flash shrugged and they started after the pair. “If nothing else, I’d like to see how a champion battles.”

Spike slowed upon seeing an actual battlefield down here. “Whoa, that’s so cool!”

“If you have pokemon by your side so much becomes possible.” Nemona declared upon noticing him. “As trainers, we can push what is possible all the further through training. What do you say, Spike? Ready to battle?”

“You bet.” Spike took to the trainer box across from her.

“Perfecto!” Nemona declared. “I’m so excited for this battle that I think I’ll use…”

“Is she about to use her champion team!?” Spike thought, wide eyed. “I’m not nearly delusional enough to think my newly acquired Fuecoco could match that!”

“Miss Nemona.” Clavell pulled up with Flash. “I trust you remember that this is Master Armor’s first time wielding a pokemon?”

“Heh, whoops…” Nemona chuckled nervously. “Good call, director. I was about to call on one of my usual partners right off the bat.” She turned to Spike. “That would have defeated the purpose of using a new team, so I’ll go with my new buddy instead.”

“I would certainly appreciate it.” Spike thought.

“C’mon Spike!” Nemona suddenly declared. “Let’s have a fruitful match! Battle, Sprigatito!”

“Right, Nemona.” Spike grasped his pokeball. “Go, Fuecoco!”

The two starters appeared.

Flash walked up to stand beside the director. “This should be interesting.”

Spike vs Nemona
“Alright, let’s start off with an ember.” Spike ordered.

“Sprigatito, dodge and use tail whip.” Nemona commanded.

Fuecoco attempted to land the small sphere of fire, but Sprigatito lunged to the right before rushing in. She went about brushing her tail over Fuecoco lowering his defense by one stage.

“Now that there close, show off your tackle.” Spike commanded.

“Use tail whip once more.” Nemona ordered.

Sprigatito managed to brush her tail over Fuecoco lowering his defense by another stage before being tackled which knocked her back.

“Now that they’re off kilter, ember.” Spike ordered.

“Sprigatito, we need one more tail whip, and you’ll need to hang tight while you’re at it.” Nemona instructed.

Sprigatito managed to just brush the tip of her tail against Fuecoco, lowering his defense a third stage, before taking ember head on which pushed her back.

“What is Nemona doing?” Spike asked himself in confusion. “She hasn’t attacked…wait, is her pokemon glowing?”

Sprigatito was glowing as her overgrow ability activated. She was close to fainting now, but her grass type moves would receive a serious boost in power.

“Now, leafage!” Nemona ordered.

“Fuecoco, ember!” Spike commanded.

Sprigatito fired off a massive number of leaves at the same time Fuecoco shot his sphere of fire. Given the grass type’s ability, the leaves cut through the fire before smashing into Fuecoco full force. Given their increase, and his decreases, it was enough to knock him out.

“I lost?” Spike blinked in shock. “How?”

“All three of our pokemon have abilities meant to power up moves of their type when near fainting.” Flash informed as he approached. “It’s a potent enough force to the point they can even overcome type advantage…depending on how strong the pokemon you’re battling is.

Leafage is also a physical grass move hence Nemona sticking to tail whip which lowers a pokemon’s defense by one stage each time it lands. In short, she set up in a situation where you couldn’t have overwhelmed her, given the similar strength our pokemon should be at.”

“Still, it was impressive for your first battle.” Nemona voiced as she approached. “I think you have the potential to be a strong trainer.”

“Fuecoco and I will certainly work on it.” Spike crouched while pulling out a potion to restore his new partner. “Thanks for giving it a good try.” Fuecoco looked at him and grinned happily before he was returned. “Take a good rest.”

“Now, you and I should battle.” Nemona zeroed in on Flash. “I want to see…”

“Miss Nemona, I’d advise against it given your pokemon’s current state.” Clavell stepped in.

“Sprigatito!” Nemona crouched before her new pokemon. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” She pulled out a potion and used it. “I got caught up in the excitement.” Sprigatito licked her chin, giving a clear sign she didn’t hold any ill will over it. “Aw, thank you.”

“Good.” Clavell nodded. “Now, I was hoping I could put your new schoolmates under your wing, Miss Nemona. I’m sure both could learn a great deal from a champion-ranked trainer, such as yourself.”

“You bet, sir!” Nemona answered cheerfully.

“I was hopping you’d agree for there are still matters I must discuss with your parents.” Clavell smiled. “Please, see these two to the academy.”

“Right.” Nemona nodded. “Leave it to me.”

“Excellent, then they are in your hands.” Clavell stated before taking his leave.

Author's Note:

Why an I going with Spike and Flash as the main characters? Why not? If you can't tell by the summary, the Mane Six will be taking on the roll of Team Star while there's another role fit for Sunset. In case you can't piece that together, I won't spoil it.

Despite going with Uva, this story will include both box art legendries. When it comes to the starter selection, Sprigatito has always fit Nemona in my opinion, Fuecoco seems like a good pick for Spike, and Quaxly could fit Flash.

While Spike did lose to Nemona, I think it makes sense given I'm not wholly adhering to game logic here. For those of you worrying Spike will always loose, this is only the start to a potential story. Give me a little time to cook.