• Published 7th Dec 2023
  • 484 Views, 83 Comments

Past & Future - Quillion9000

Flash Sentry made mistakes during his first journey while Spike Armor is just entering the world of pokemon. These two trainers have enrolled in Uva Academy where they shall go on the journey of a lifetime in search of their treasure.

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Set Stage

Uva Academy: Classroom, After Homeroom…
Flash and Spike started not long into the start of the year, so there wasn’t an immense amount of expectation. Even then, things were open ended at Uva Academy. Naturally, there are classes one can/should take; however, the structure wasn’t set in stone.

All you really had to do was let the receptionist know you’d be attending a class and show up naturally. None of that accounted for the fact that there were days of the week without classes. All of this is to say that Flash stood up intending to have a look around the academy.

Flash exited homeroom with his hands in his pockets. “I’ll see what there is to see before attempting to find my dorm room.”

“Wait up Flash!” Spike called out as he exited the classroom after him. “Are you going to have a look around the academy?”

“Yeah, figured I might as well take a look.” Flash responded.

“Do you mind if I come with you?” Spike asked.

Flash truly confused Spike. While he could come off as cold and a bit jerkish, the walk to the academy showed he wasn’t truly like that. While he clearly didn’t want to talk with strangers about his past, perhaps he’d be more willing to confide in a friend.

Flash shrugged, indifferent. “Do what you want.”

Flash had walked to the academy with Nemona and Spike because the director arranged it that way, and he didn’t care one way or the other. He supposed that was this situation in a nutshell. A sort of compromise between isolation and truly opening himself to people again.

It’s not that he didn’t trust people, if anything his prior problem was that he hadn’t put nearly enough trust in arguably the people closest to him. It’s more that he wasn’t looking for negative emotions in more people who just didn’t understand what he’d been through.

Despite how his prior mindset came about, he laid the blame for it on himself. It was his reactions to external problems which led to his downward spiral. In essence, he knew he messed up, that it was all his fault. He didn’t need more confirmation or anyone else’s pity.

Flash and Spike ended up seeing many classrooms with quite a few of them having a variety of uses for various classes Uva Academy offered. It was certainly confirmed that this academy wasn’t just large for the sake of it.

Eventually, the pair ended up within one of the school’s cafeterias where various students were chowing down on dishes. An entire staff was in an open kitchen cooking up meals as well. Before the pair could leave, Sunset approached them.

“So, we meet again.” Sunset voiced. “You two remember me, right?”

Both students remembered her from the lighthouse; however, Flash specifically remembered how unhelpful she’d been to Nemona. While he still didn’t consider the girl a friend per say, she’d still done him a kindness.

“Can’t seem to recall.” Flash retorted.

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Oh, real funny.”

“Eh, seems justified.” Flash shrugged. “After all, you get back the energy you put in.”

“Wouldn’t that mean you’ll both just be giving each other the same energy back?” Spike asked.

“Fair, to both of you.” Sunset crossed her arms with a sigh. “I was going to ask him for a favor; however, I can see now that won’t exactly go well unless there’s something in it for him. From what I hear, you want to be a strong trainer.”

“Depends.” Flash now crossed his arms. “You may not have heard everything correctly since I only want to be strong the right way.”

“No, I’ve heard.” Sunset nodded. “I have a potential challenge for you.”

Flash stared critically at this girl before Spike gently nudged his side with an elbow. “Come on, it can’t hurt to at least hear her out.”

“Fine.” Flash sighed. “I’m listening.”

“I’m looking to make a dream of mine a reality.” Sunset began. “Truth is, I’m big on cooking with a particular specialty in making sandwiches.” She pulled out a magenta book and began flipping through it. “Right now, I’m researching recipes to make pokemon feel better.

I found this book the other day, and it has a section on these Herba Mystica things. Basically, they’re herbs that heal pokemon as soon as they eat them. Based on what I’ve read, there are five in total that are said to be found around Paldea and are rare to boot.

This book always says they’re guarded by Titan Pokemon, meaning it’s going to be tough to grab these herbs. Check it, they got to be things like this, and I bet they’d be a good challenge for someone like you.”

Sunset turned the book around to reveal the left page had two sketches. The top was of a prehistoric looking Donphan while the bottom was of a futuristic, robotic looking Donphan. The right page contained information.

"As we descended further into Area Zero, we began to catch glimpses of mysterious pokemon—though we wondered if these compact, cruel and huge, ferocious beasts were indeed pokemon at all. Two of our team suffered brutal blows from such beasts and were mortally wounded, forcing us to retreat for a time.”

She then flipped the page to showcase two photos, in the same orientation as the sketches, with more information on the following right page.

“Members of the survey team managed to capture these photographs. I notice they bore passing resemblances to the pokemon known as Donphan, yet there exists clear differences. The first’s sheer size and shape of its back set it apart—as do its great tusks. The second’s texture and way it moves suggest it is biologically separate—to say nothing of its treads of iron."

“I wish to procure these herbs myself, but I’m not too good at battling pokemon.” Sunset shook her head. “Unfortunately, I don’t really have friends with strong pokemon who could lend me a hand, and I’d never hear the end of it if I went crawling to Nemona.”

“Well, I’ll be traveling Paldea anyways to do the gym challenge once the season starts.” Flash uncrossed his arms. “I suppose I could make it a point to keep an eye out for these Titan Pokemon, if for nothing else than they should be good training.”

“Works for me.” Sunset nodded, as their phones came out and exchanged numbers. “I’ll compile what I have and send over the potential locations of Titans later.” She started to walk past him but not before handing over an envelope. “In the meantime, have this as a show of good faith.”

Flash looked at the envelope he’d been given with a raised eyebrow. It was your standard envelope which already was open yet seemed to contain whatever was inside. Sunset’s full name was written out on it in some form of formal writing. By this point, Sunset had already taken off.

“What is it?” Spike asked.

Flash didn’t respond as he took out the contents of the envelop finding a letter and key card.

“To whom this letter concerns,

You are invited as a special guest to the First Annual Los Platos Battles, starting the day after Uva Academy announces its independent study assignment. You do not need this letter to join the tournament, but it, along with the included key card, are for the villa you will be allowed to use for the duration of your stay.

The Platos Battle Committee”

“Huh, lucky you.” Spike noted.

“I suppose so.” Flash voiced, putting the contents back in the envelop before safely tucking it away on his person.

Suddenly, both their Rotom Phones went off before coming out to show the boys who was calling. They both saw an exact mirror of an unknown number before the person on the other end started talking. Whoever this was had called them simultaneously.

“Are you Flash Sentry and Spike Armor, respectively?”

The two boys shared a look since this voice sounded synthetic. It didn’t sound like it could belong to a real person, and it shifted from masculine to feminine. It seemed someone was going to great lengths to hide their voice.

“Yeah, that’s us.” Spike answered.

“I hacked your phones to speak with you both; however, I was uncertain if you’d be together. Hope you don’t mind.”

“So, you’ve basically overtaken both our phones.” Flash stated.

“My name is Cassiopeia; however, I didn’t do this to talk about myself. No, I wish to talk about you two. You’re trainers with serious potential. If that’s accurate, then there’s something I must ask of you. Tell me, you know of Team Star?”

“Team Star.” Spike went wide eyed at that. “You know something about them?”

“I’ll take that as you know of them. Team Star are a group of troublemakers who were formed by some academy students awhile back. They caused headaches for the school and attempted to bring other students down to their level.

I refuse to sit by and let them get away with it. That’s why I’ve come up with a plan to bring Team Star down and force them to disband. I call it, Operation Starfall; however, I’m in need of allies, and I’d like two of them to be the two of you.”

“Take down Team Star…” Spike pondered on that.

“Team Star.” Flash’s mind flashed back to what they were doing to that girl, Twilight. “They don’t seem as bad as Teams Magma and Aqua, but I can see why they’d need to be stopped.”

“We’ll discuss the details some other time, until then.”

Before Flash or Spike could speak on what just happened, Clavell entered the room. “Ah, Masters Armor and Sentry.” He nodded. “Please, do try to keep your voices down if you’re making calls within the school, won’t you?”

“Of course, sir/I’ll be more careful.” Spike/Flash responded.

“Good, then on you go young men.” Once they were gone, Clavell looked off to the side in thought. “Team Star…”

After getting well away from the cafeteria, Spike looked Flash’s way. “What do you think of what Cassiopeia had to say?”

“No comment.” Flash responded, his mind was still on Aqua and Magma.

Spike remembered the last time Flash said that, so he merely sighed before deciding to focus on seeing the rest of the school with this guy. See the school the pair would as they’d continue to find various classrooms.

Staff Room
Eventually, Flash and Spike ended up entering the staff room where various teachers were going about their day. Nemona was also here talking with a tall, broad-shouldered guy who had blue eyes and neck length, two toned blue hair.

He wore a gray undershirt, lavender pants, black wrist bands with matching boots, and a purple overshirt with a Terastallization gem depicted on the back. His sleeves were rolled one fourth of the way up his respective arms.

“Very well, Champion Nemona.” The man nodded. “I will entrust you with handling this in my stead.”

“Sure thing!” Nemona declared. “You can count on me. In fact, I bet this will be fun.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” He turned away from her. “Good day then.” As the guy moved to leave, Flash and Spike drew closer. “Spike, the uniform looks good on you little brother.”

“Thanks Shining.” Spike responded. “It feels good to be wearing it.”

“I wish we could talk more; however, I must be off.” Shining voiced.

“I understand.” Spike nodded. “I was outside of Mesagoza, so it must have been a no brainer to meet up with Cadence, using whatever free time you had.”

Shining smiled and nodded before taking his leave.

“I take it that’s your older brother?” Flash asked.

“Yep, that’s Shining Armor.” Spike declared proudly. “His strength is second only to Nemona.”

“We also call him La Primera.” Nemona voiced as she joined the pair. “I might be stronger than he is, but there’s a reason Shining still stands as the one who heads our region’s league. He’s the person any pokemon trainer should strive to be.”

“As the one who stands atop the league, it’ll mean he’s the final challenge between me and Champion Rank.” Flash thought.

“This does remind me, remember in homeroom when I asked you two what your dreams were?” Nemona asked and received nods in return. “Since your hearts are set on becoming strong trainers, you should aim for Champion Rank like me.”

“One of my goals is to defeat my brother, so I’m already on board.” Spike declared.

“I have my reasons for reaching your rank as well.” Flash alluded.

“Oh wow, hang on you two.” Nemona smiled, loving their enthusiasm. “I have a whole spiel I want to give. The trainers who reach Champion Rank are the ones who raise their pokemon to be strong. They’re pro-tier battlers whose moves keep crowds on the edge of their seats.

To even get a shot at the rank, you must do more than simply take classes here. First, you must win eight badges from across Paldea. Then, you got to win the Mesagoza Conference, a huge tournament where everyone competes to crown a sole victor.

As a Champion Ranked Trainer myself, I can’t compete there again. Anyways, the victor is given the right to take the Champion’s Assessment. If you pass all that entails, you’re a champion. I reached that rank on our school’s last Treasure Hunt.”

“Treasure Hunt?” Flash questioned.

“It’s the school’s independent study which usually happens around the start of gym season.” Spike informed, remembering Twilight and Shining telling him about it. “It happens not long after the start of Uva’s scholastic year to boot.”

“It’s great!” Nemona cheered. “You get to leave school on an adventure and learn however you see fit.” She crossed her arms, deep in thought. “I suppose you could say my journey to become champion was the treasure I found…maybe? I don’t know if it’s the answer I truly sought.”

“Look for one’s own treasure.” Flash muttered.

“Here, let me save their locations to your maps.” Nemona voiced as their phones popped out and information was exchanged. “There we go, give it some thought.”

She then took off, leaving the pair standing there…before there was a dinging signifying an announcement.

“Calling Master’s Armor and Sentry to the director’s office.” That got the boys’ attention. “Once again, Master’s Armor and Sentry to the director’s office.”

“Oh no.” Spike was worried. “Think Director Clavell wants to reprimand us for talking to loudly in the cafeteria?”

“Fairly certain he’d have taken us to his office himself if that’s what this was about.” Flash walked out the door. “Whatever comes, it can’t be that bad.” He shrugged. “It’s just our first day after all.”

Spike found himself agreeing with the points the older student made, but even if he didn’t, it wouldn’t change the fact that they’d been requested to the office.

Director’s Office
Clavell’s office was rather large to the point Flash would not put it past this being the place where every teacher met when something important needed discussing. Clavell himself sat at a desk on the other side of the room from the door. Both boys approached.

“Thank you for coming, you two.” Clavell greeted. “Have you been enjoying your time here at Uva Academy?”

“Yeah, it’s great sir.” Spike responded positively.

Flash shrugged. “No complaints here.”

“That is wonderful to hear.” Clavell responded genuinely before standing. “Now, you may be wondering why we could not have simply conversed in the cafeteria.” He walked away from his desk and towards a large TV. “Let me assure you, there is a reason I’ve asked you here. It seems a couple of friends of mine have rather serious matters they would like to discuss with you two.”

“Sir, no one else is in this room.” Spike commented.

“They would not be.” Clavell responded. “Join me before the screen you two. They should connect with us shortly.”

The boys approached before the screen turned on to display two professors, one male and one female. The woman was slender yet tall with magenta eyes. She had long, multi-toned hair, being light cerulean, turquoise, blue, and pink, in a neatly kept ponytail.

She wore a gold bodysuit with white outlines resembling circuit lines underneath her white lab coat. The man had a wild mane of black hair with red eyes. He wore no shirt with a necklace adorned with sharp teeth, black pants with red boots, and his lab coat.

“Hello Flash and Spike.” The woman greeted. “It is nice to meet the two of you.”

“My name is Professor Sombra, and this is Professor Celestia.” The man, Sombra, picked up. “We carry out research within the Great Crater of Paldea, at a site known as Area Zero.”

“Celestia and Sombra, they’re Sunset’s parents.” Flash noted.

“These professors are alumni of our fine academy and have become splendid researchers.” Clavell informed.

“Allow us to get straight to the point.” Sombra declared. “Flash, student ID number 805C393 and Spike, student ID number 805C394. You are the students who travel with Koridon and Miraidon, right?”

“That’s right.” Spike stated.

“Thank you for your honesty.” Celestia nodded. “We appreciate a swift resolution in confirming this fact. Ah, not that we meant to offend you. In fact, we wish for your assistance.”

“Assistance with what?” Flash asked.

Suddenly, Koridon and Miraidon popped out their respective pokeballs.

“Ah, it is good to see you two are well.” Celestia voiced. “It has been a little while since we last met.”

They both seemed happy to see the professors.

“Koridon and Miraidon were once in our care.” Sombra informed. “I once held Koridon’s pokeball while Celestia held Miraidon’s. I assume you two fell into their possession from Sunset.”

“She challenged one of us to a battle to see if we had what it took to control them.” Flash responded. “I beat her and acquired both before passing Miraidon’s pokeball to Spike.”

“Well, we are no longer in a position where we can look after them ourselves.” Celestia informed. “As such, we hope you two will continue to look after them on our behalf.”

“No problem here.” Spike declared.

“Eh, I can keep an eye on him.” Flash added.

“We do appreciate your agreement.” Celestia stated. “Both have been greatly weakened and are incapable of battle; however, they can take on a form fit for mobility.”

“In all likelihood, it will require time for them to regain their former capabilities.” Sombra informed. “We shall provide you both with our contact information if you would get out your phones.”

Their phones sprang forth and received the info.

“We will be in regular contact going forward to keep tabs on your status.” Celestia informed. “Until then.”

Both then walked off screen before it turned off. The two pokemon grew close to the screen, clearly not wanting them to vanish. Flash and Spike moved to comfort the two pokemon.

“Could these pokemon have their origins within Area Zero?” Clavell muttered before shaking his head. “Celestia…Sombra…Don’t tell me you two did it.” The boys soon got the pokemon to return.

“Well, it seems the professors are asking quite the favor of you two. Of course, the academy will always be here to support you in any way we are able. I do hope you will continue to enjoy your school life, together with those pokemon.”

“Thank, director.” Spike stated genuinely.

“If you can do anything to aid me, I’ll come to you.” Flash added.

With this meeting concluded, the boys began to leave only for Nemona to enter. “Oh, you’re both still here.” She laughed. “Oof, getting called into the directors’ office on the first day. How ever did you two get in that much trouble?”

“Hey, it wasn’t like that!” Spike defended.

“Relax Spike, I was just kidding.” Nemona grinned. “I know it wasn’t like that. Anyways, Ms. Luna wanted me to show you to your dorms. You’re very own, private rooms. Let’s go check them out.”

They both followed Nemona out.

Spike’s Room
These rooms were something else, more like a small apartment. They had a dedicated bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. There was a hot plate, microwave, sink, shelving, desk, bed, and wardrobe.

“This here is your room Spike while your room is just three doors down on the right Flash.” Nemona informed.

“Good.” Flash opened the door and walked out. “I’m going to my room and hitting the hay.”

“Looks like someone is worn out.” Nemona noted. “Anyways, see you tomorrow, Spike.

“Yeah.” Spike nodded. “Take care, Nemona.”

The girl nodded back before taking off. Once she was gone, Spike closed his door to have some time to unwind. He didn’t feel tired enough to sleep, so he figured he’d get a better lay of his room now that he had the time.

Author's Note:

The three paths are set; however, I'm not immediately jumping right into the story. There's time between the start of the Treasure Hunt and when this chapter ends. That's time I can use to set more things in motion and do some stuff.

Comments ( 11 )

heh. can't wait till my oc in this story comes up soon.

Good to see you back my friend! And looking forward to seeing what will be happening in each path!

And, with the epilogue released, SV has been officially completed! Which means you can get ideas and have the full story planned with both DLC’s and the epilogue

Like showing some other characters, a series of events that is just a montage of their classes, and/or Pokémon hijinks?

Sometimes during these coming chapter, before getting to the independent study.
Yeah, there is a lot I can do and much I have planned.
Yeah, there are other characters to introduce, more story elements to bring up, more catches, and ect.

ok then. that's good to know.

And thus, the path of Victory Road, Legends, and Starfall are all set.

I am curious what you plan to have between now and the start of the treasure hunt. I am excited to see what happens in the latter given how Team Star Captains will be the Mane 5.

More catches, other story outside the games ones, new people, and more to come starting from next chapter to however long I decide. Shouldn't be too much.

Comment posted by FMD313 deleted March 12th

When is the next chapter.

Comment posted by Quillion9000 deleted March 19th
Comment posted by Quillion9000 deleted March 19th
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