• Published 22nd Jan 2024
  • 1,116 Views, 51 Comments

Marking the Generations – Part One - Glimbursts

A reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. Follow the adventures of Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp and Misty as they meet two ponies from the past, Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer. Then try to find the Elements of Unity.

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Chapter Fourteen - Surprises

The main doors of Canterlot’s castle creaked and groaned but held firm. Suddenly there was a dull thud as something banged against them on the inside. The vibration caused a large cloud of dust to fall. Then, the rusty hinges creaked and squealed in protest as one of the doors slowly opened. Finally, Sunny and the others emerged, walking out onto the dark and eery street before them and coughing through the dust cloud.

Their path to the archive had been blocked by multiple collapsed corridors. Clearly caused by the additional building that had been placed on top of the castle. Therefore, Sunset had suggested they headed to the public Canterlot library.

Specks of kicked-up dust danced in their torch beams as they scanned their surroundings. Not much light being able to penetrate down between the taller buildings that now made-up Zephyr Heights. Sunset led the way, skirting around piles of debris and sometimes climbing over the top of them where required. Many streets were completely blocked by towering buildings, forcing them to take alternative routes.

Eventually, they came to the large and imposing frontage of the Canterlot Library which fortunately looked intact. The doors were closed, and it took a lot of effort to open them before they were finally able to walk inside.

“This is… This is…” Sunny gasped.

It was like time had stood still, the curving balconies were all intact, each with large bookcases that contained many, many books. Sunset looked over to the librarian’s counter, half expecting to see the librarian still there ready to check books in and out. Sunny meanwhile was stood with her eyes as wide as saucers as she struggled for breath.

“Okay Sunny, remember to breathe,” Hitch smirked.

“So, how are we going to find what we’re looking for?” Misty asked. “It’s so dark.”

“Hold on, I know what can help with that,” Sunset replied.

She walked around the library, casting an enchantment on each of the torches that were attached to the walls. Bathing the interior in a welcoming glow as she went.

“Hay there Pippsqueaks,” Pipp smiled after starting a new video. “We’re back with the exploration of old Canterlot and I’m excited to say we’ve found the library. Look at this place, it’s like a total time warp.”

Pipp started flying around and filming the library interior, continuing to narrate. Sunny meanwhile had finally caught her breath but was still standing in shock.

“Are you okay Sunny?” Izzy asked.

“I’m… I’m better than okay!” Sunny beamed at last. “This is what my dad always hoped we’d find. Eee he he! There has to be so much history told within these books, history we’ve no idea about. Misty, Izzy isn’t this exciting? We’re going to find out so much more about magic and what you can really do.”

“Yeah, but it’s what you can do too,” Izzy smiled. “You can do magic with your alicorn powers.”

“Remember we don’t have that much space to carry books back with us,” Zipp cautioned.

“That’s right,” Sunset replied as she walked back into view. “The whole place is lit now, and we need to focus on what we need. Books about history and basic spell casting may have to wait.”

Sunny took a deep breath and calmed her excitement. “Okay, let's split into groups, Sunset if you keep jumping between groups, you’ll help us all stay on track. We’ll likely need you to tell us what is useful at times.”

“Sure, I can do that,” Sunset smiled.

“Okay, so Pipp and I need to find out what we can about Together Trees,” Zipp smiled. “It’s the biggest link we’re missing in trying to work out how to find the Elements of Unity.”

“Izzy and I will look up anything that could help us keep an eye on Opaline,” Hitch grinned. “So, alarms or watching spells right Sunset?”

“Correct,” Sunset confirmed. “But she’s also a fire alicorn and I’ve never actually heard of those before. Anything about them and their weaknesses will be useful.”

“Meanwhile, Misty and I will find out what we can about healing,” Sunny smiled.

Sunset nodded. “Healing tends to be more potions and natural remedies which magic helps along. There are very few actual spells that heal.”

“So, focus on burns?” Misty asked.

“Not just burns,” Sunny replied. “There’s Sparky to think about, as well as you.”

“I’m fine though, honest,” Misty smiled. “I wouldn’t be here if I weren’t.”

“We’re glad you’re okay Misty,” Zipp smiled. “It wouldn’t be the same without you.”

“Thanks, Zipp.” Misty grinned. “Let’s get looking, hopefully, the answers don’t fall on me this time.”

“But it would be so much quicker if they did,” Izzy smiled.

“Yeah, but we need so many I think it would hurt,” Misty laughed.

The search was soon well underway. The piles of books around each pony grew ever larger as they looked through tome after tome, searching for their allotted information. Sunset spent most of her time with those looking for magic. They needed the most guidance when it came to what would and wouldn’t work. Pipp also fluttered over a few times, still getting shots for her videos.

Eventually, time was getting past them, and they started packing their saddle bags for the return journey. “We’d better get all these Glimburst books in,” Hitch commented as he rearranged one of his bags for the umpteenth time.

“Yeah,” Izzy grinned. “There’s so much that will be useful in each one. Not just for what we need right now but in general too.”

“I can take a few,” Sunset smiled as she trotted over. “I’ve got space in this one.”

She took off her left saddle bag and took the book Hitch had been struggling to fit into his.

“Brilliant, thanks Sunset,” Hitch smiled. “Now let’s head out, I need to give Grandmare Figgy a ring soon and make sure Sparky and Starlight are doing okay. Plus, she’ll start to worry if I don’t.”

“Queen Haven will be worried too I expect,” Izzy smiled.

“Of course she will,” Zipp replied as she trotted over. “She’d have been worrying from the moment we left. I’m kind of glad we got going before she got up.”

Sunny looked around with sorrow as they started making their way toward the exit. Sunset went around and made sure the torches were all extinguished before making her way to where Sunny was stood.

“Hey, I’m sure if you speak to Queen Haven she’ll arrange to get all the books here back to Zephyr Heights,” Sunset smiled.

“I know,” Sunny replied. “It’s just, I wish my dad could have been here to see this.”

“He’ll be proud that you were Sunny,” Sunset smiled. “Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

Sunny gave Sunset a grateful smile before they all headed out the door and pushed it closed. Sealing the books still left behind away again safely.

They retraced their steps for the return, Sunny resisting the urge to carry out more investigation. However, she couldn’t help another pause in the throne room to look at the stained-glass windows.

“Just think what this would have looked like with light coming through them,” she breathed.

“Honestly, most of these I don’t actually recognise,” Sunset admitted with a sigh. “I’ve not spent much time here recently, my recently that is.”

“Does all this make you homesick?” Zipp asked.

“It does actually,” Sunset confessed. “I was already unsure what to do once my last year at CHS was over. Returning to Equestria, returning to here, is totally an option.”

She sighed again, looking up at the throne, then with a deep breath started heading towards the corridor that led to the staircase back up. Looking at each other with concern, the others followed.

However, as they walked down the corridor Sunny was unable to resist peaking in one of the rooms. She carefully opened the door and gasped. Then, after a few moments, she closed the door again and hurried to catch up, taking up the rear.

A Guard was waiting for them when they started to emerge from the staircase. Even before Sunny emerged, Queen Haven arrived.

“I presume from those heavily loaded bags your mission was a success then,” she smiled. “Thank hoofness you’ve made it back safely.”

“We’re fine Mum. No worries,” Zipp smiled. “Hopefully we’ll have the information we need once we’ve connected all the dots.”

“So, no need to go back down there?” Queen Haven asked hopefully.

“But we’ve only got a tiny fraction of the knowledge that’s down there,” Sunny sighed. “The Canterlot library is still there, fully preserved. It’s almost as if the ponies never left. There’s so much history that’s been lost.”

“Oh, forgive me, Sunny,” Queen Haven smiled. “I meant there’s no need for you and my girls to go back. Now that Equestria has unified again I’m sure the information there will be most beneficial. I know only what the Pegasi felt relevant was saved as Zephyr Heights was constructed.”

“The Unicorns in particular will love to see the magic books that are there,” Sunny grinned.

“As long as they’re careful,” Sunset cautioned. “Magic can be dangerous to those who are unaware of its capabilities. I know for a fact there’s a restricted area in that library, one only the Princesses could access. The knowledge there is there for a reason because it could be dangerous.”

“Duly noted Sunset,” Queen Haven nodded. “Thank you for your warning, I’ll ensure that any future expedition is informed.”

“The books in the public area of the library should be fine right?” Hitch asked. “Like those we’ve collected.”

“They should be yes,” Sunset confirmed.

“Then those are what they will start with,” Queen Haven smiled. “Now, whilst I’d love to show you the arrangements for the Cutie Blossom Bash, clearly you all need some time to get ready. Needless to say, Misty, you are going to have a wonderful time. I’ll see you for the dinner soon.”

“The dinner?” Misty asked.

“We completely forgot about that,” Pipp gasped. “Misty, we need to get you ready.”

“But what dinner?” Misty repeated feeling worried.

“The evening dinner with all the other participants in the Cutie Blossom Bash,” Queen Haven replied. “Part of the hospitality we’ve arranged for everypony ahead of tomorrow’s event. Everypony from Bridlewood and Meretime Bay is invited to it as part of their stay in the castle.”

“Okay, come on Misty,” Pipp grinned. “It’s makeover time.”

“It…it is?” Misty gasped.

“Yeah, it is,” Izzy giggled. “Come on.”

With that, Misty found herself being led away by an excited Pipp and Izzy.