• Published 22nd Jan 2024
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Marking the Generations – Part One - Glimbursts

A reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. Follow the adventures of Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp and Misty as they meet two ponies from the past, Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer. Then try to find the Elements of Unity.

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Chapter Fifteen – Growing

Misty awoke the following morning a bundle of nerves. At the dinner, it quickly became clear that she was the oldest pony participating in the event. She was only happy that she’d blended in with the proud families of her fellow participants. Especially as she’d been with Sunny and the others.

However, since then she’d gotten more and more nervous and that meant she’d not slept at all well. She knew soon there would be no blending in today, especially on the stage.

She headed to the mirror to take another look at the makeover Pipp and Izzy had given her. As she turned her head, she had to admit she quite liked the new purple colouring on her mane and tail. Especially as it changed towards the ends, she only hoped she wouldn’t have to keep reapplying it too often.

“Do I really have to do this?” she said to herself. “I’m so nervous.”

She looked at herself in the mirror again, angling her right flank to see her cutie mark. She thought about how she’d wanted it so badly before, but also how Opaline had used that against her. What did she want now?

She was thinking about this so hard she completely missed Sunny knocking on the door and entering.

“It’s your big day Misty,” Sunny grinned. “Are you buzzing? It’s time to show off your cutie mark to everypony.”

“Y…yeah,” Misty replied with a gasp.

“Oh, I didn’t startle you, did I?” Sunny asked with concern.

“It’s fine,” Misty sighed. “I…I just…erm.”

“It’s okay to be excited,” Sunny smiled. “I remember how excited I was to take part when I got my cutie mark. We all want it to be special for you too. Especially after how you were treated by Opaline.”

“But…But what about Starlight and Sparky?” Misty asked. “Don’t they need us?”

“Sunset, Zipp and Hitch are going through the books this morning whilst you get ready,” Sunny replied. “Then, once the event is over, we’re heading straight back to the Brighthouse. We’ll be there and helping them before the end of today.”

“Oh, that sounds okay then,” Misty sighed. “I think.”

“Come on,” Sunny grinned as she headed to the door. “It’s time to get you ready, Pipp and Izzy are already waiting.”

“Oh, more makeovers?” Misty sighed as she followed. “What is there left to makeover?”

“You’ll see,” Sunny beamed.

Sometime later, Misty stood in front of a full-height mirror and looked at her reflection again. The latest ‘makeover’ consisted of makeup and outfit. Pipp had spent ages getting a match for Misty’s coat colour before applying it to many areas. Notably, the pink highlights in her leg fur had been completely removed. It gave her a more youthful appearance, something Misty was thankful for.

Her outfit meanwhile looked deceptively simple. Consisting of a sash, neck choker and a flag with her cutie mark attached to her back. A flower corsage was pinned to the sash and a green and yellow flower had been placed in her mane. The sash and straps to hold the flag had taken Izzy ages to get right, often being uncomfortable. Despite Misty saying it would be fine, Izzy had persevered until it was perfect.

Misty sighed as she moved around and looked at herself. She looked prettier than she could ever remember being, and it was all thanks to the perseverance of two of her friends. She moved over to the window. From there she could see the huge stage, the covered walkway to it stretching out from the castle. Dotted around were cameras, ready to film the event for a live broadcast. Indeed, one of the large TV screens in the background had a reporter standing on the stage, explaining what was going to be happening. The audience was arriving too, and Misty could feel a knot forming inside as she saw more and more ponies filling into the massive audience area. She froze, closing her eyes and could feel her breathing getting faster as her heart rate increased.

Suddenly, the door to the room opened, the noise startling Misty out of her trance with a squeak. Turning and trying to put on a smile she saw Sunny, Izzy and Pipp.

“Oh Misty,” Sunny beamed. “You look incredible, eee!”

“Didn’t I say she looked fabulous,” Pipp beamed. “Dare I say, better than Zipp and me on our bash day. Mum showed us the video last night.”

“You’re going to be the most beautiful pony out there Misty,” Izzy grinned. “You’re going to stick out in a good way.”

“I’m so glad we could be part of your special day Misty,” Sunny beamed. “It’s such an important day in everypony’s life.”

“Y…yeah, I know,” Misty replied, trying to smile. “I…I’m glad you’re with me too.”

“Come on Misty,” Pipp grinned. “It’s time to take your place.”

Misty sighed as she stood in line with all the young ponies who were taking part in the bash. There were hundreds of fillies and colts, all with flags on their backs depicting their cutie marks. They were stood in the order that they’d received them, and this meant that Misty was right at the back of the queue. She gulped as she looked at the length of it, snaking back and forth in the large hall.

Slowly but surely, the line edged forward. However, with each movement, Misty felt more and more anxious. She was out of place here, an older pony in a young pony event. It was taking ages, and her fears were continuously growing.

When she finally reached the door to the hall, she realised the waiting was still not over. The line continued down the hallway before looping all the way back. Then it stretched down the hallway again before it went through another door. The area beyond this door was obscured by blinding daylight, almost as though the line was heading into some sort of oblivion.

Then, Misty caught sight of a screen. On it was the coverage of the Bash but it wasn’t playing audio. Seashell was walking down the covered runway alone. Eventually, she walked up onto the stage, gave a twirl, and then waved to the crowd. She spoke with Queen Haven who shook hoofs before they posed for a photo. Then Seashell walked towards the edge of the stage and towards a presenter. Misty couldn’t hear the presenter, but she froze as she saw them speaking to Seashell. Then, Seashell started talking back, speaking into a microphone that had been placed in front of her. The image then panned to show the audience and the hundreds of ponies that were watching.

Misty began panting, her heart was pounding. She didn’t notice the line had moved ahead of her until she heard a voice. Turning toward it, she saw one of the Guards, looking at her with concern and pointing towards the line. Towards the light, towards the stage, towards the TV cameras, the microphones, and the audience. “Noooooo!” Misty cried.

It was all too much. She hurried backwards into the hall she’d just come out of. Her horn lit up as she used her magic to close the huge doors and bolt them tightly. Skittering back, her hind hoofs slipped, and she landed on the floor. Gasping, she lay there and covered her eyes as she began to weep.

Sat on a balcony above the proceedings were Pipp, Sunny, Izzy and a very bored-looking Zipp.

“Why couldn’t I have stayed with Sunset and Hitch a bit longer?” Zipp moaned. “It’ll be ages till Misty gets here, she’s right at the back.”

“Zipp, you’re here because you’re a Princess and you’re supposed to be interested in seeing all the ponies,” Pipp replied as she waved down to the young colt currently on the stage.

“It’ll be fine Zipp,” Sunny smiled. “I’m sure Sunset and Hitch will handle the research without you.”

“We were finally getting somewhere Sunny,” Zipp replied. “I can feel it all falling into place now. I can’t wait to add what we’ve found to the info I’ve already got.”

“Excuse me, Your Highnesses,” a voice said.

They all turned to see a Guard had walked up behind them.

“We have a slight problem with your friend, could you come immediately.”

Hitch and Sunset ran down the corridor towards the hall. Outside, they could see Pipp, Zipp and Izzy looking worried whilst Sunny was standing at the door talking.

“What’s happening?” Hitch asked.

“Misty’s locked herself in,” Izzy replied. “Sunny’s trying but Misty’s not answering.”

“Do we know why?” Sunset asked.

“Not really,” Zipp replied. “The Guard said she looked at that screen over there and then froze. When they tried to speak to her Misty ran back into the hall and locked all the doors with her magic.”

“I don’t understand,” Sunny said sadly. “I was so excited for her this morning. I thought she was excited too.”

“We all thought she was excited,” Pipp replied. “It’s not just you Sunny.”

“What did she say this morning?” Hitch asked.

“Not much really,” Sunny replied. “She was worried about Starlight and Sparky, but I made sure she knew they were going to be fine.”

Sunset walked over to the door and looked at it as her horn lit up. “She’s locked it physically but not magically,” she explained. “I can get in, give me a moment to talk to her.”

With a flash, Sunset teleported. The others looked at each other feeling helpless, all they could do was wait. After a few minutes, the doors unlocked and slowly opened. Sunset walked out with a very sad-looking Misty.

“I’m sorry,” Misty sniffed. “I’ve ruined everything. I…I couldn’t do it.”

“Misty no,” Sunny said worriedly. “You’ve ruined nothing. Tell us what’s wrong, please?”

“It’s okay,” Sunset comforted. “They’re your friends, you can tell them. They’ll understand.”

“I can’t face that crowd,” Misty admitted. “The cameras, the microphones, the fuss. I can’t handle any of it. I didn’t say anything because everypony was so excited for me. I wanted you all to see me having a good time, so I tried to, but it was all too much. I’ve got to face it, I’m shy. I don’t like being in the spotlight and being so different to everypony else taking part made it worse.”

“Misty, I’m so sorry,” Sunny sighed. “I didn’t realise when we spoke this morning. I thought you were excited because I was. You’ve come out of your shell so much around us, I completely forgot how shy you were when we first met. I should have checked what you wanted.”

“None of us checked,” Pipp admitted. “We just dressed you up and expected you to do like we did when we were younger.”

“I want to show off my cutie mark, I really do,” Misty admitted. “I’m so proud of it, that I finally have it and that I have it because of meeting my friends. When I look at it, I think of all of you. But I don’t want to do it like this, why does it have to be so big?”

“It didn’t used to be,” Sunset smiled. “I remember my cute-ceañera party, it was just me and my family. I didn’t have many friends when I was little. But I remember being so happy to show off my cutie mark.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner,” Misty sighed. “I’m still learning about friendship.”

“We all are,” Sunset smiled. “It’s something you never stop learning about. That’s why Starlight is the Headmare of a School dedicated to it.”

Whilst they had been talking, Zipp had pulled Sunny to one side and whispered something to her. After a moment of conferring, Zipp hurried away.

“W…what’s going on?” Misty asked.

“Wait and see,” Sunny smiled. “Hopefully we can celebrate your new cutie mark in a more traditional way.”

A short time later, Pipp and Zipp led a confused Misty through the castle, followed by the others. Eventually, they came to a large pair of doors and stopped.

“What are we doing here?” Misty asked.

“Why not open the doors, and see?” Zipp smiled.

After looking at the others for reassurance. Misty’s horn lit up and she slowly opened the doors. Revealing a stunning garden set into the mountainside. Beautiful curving flower beds, multiple statues of Pegasi and two large trees on a lower terrace. There were tables set up around the central area of the mowed lawn which contained food and drink.

“This is our private garden,” Pipp grinned. “Zipp and I have so many memories of playing here with Mum when we were little.”

“After our Cutie Blossom Bash, we came here and planted those trees,” Zipp said as she pointed them out.

“So, why are we here?” Misty asked.

“Because we’re going to revitalise an old tradition,” Sunny smiled. “We’re going to have our own cute-ceañera lunch party. Just for you and your friends.”

“It’s just the way I wanted to celebrate getting my cutie mark,” Misty grinned. “With the ponies, I trust the most, who don’t judge me, who like me for being me.”

As they moved out into the garden, Misty couldn’t help noticing a hole that had been dug in the middle of the lawn. As she walked up to it, Pipp landed beside it, carrying a sapling.

“I’ve been singing, er, nurturing this sapling for some time,” she smiled. “I’d like you to plant it, Misty, to mark your special day the same way that Zipp and I planted ours. It represents you growing into the pony you were always supposed to be.”

“We’ll also watch it grow stronger the same as our friendship has,” Sunny grinned.

“Thank you, Pipp,” Misty beamed. “I love it.”

Taking the tree with her magic, she carefully removed it from the pot and started planting it. After firming the soil, she turned to her friends. “It’ll take time for my tree to catch up to Pipp’s and Zipp’s.”

“You know, actually it doesn’t have to,” Sunny grinned as she walked up to it.

Just plant the seed
To be who you wanna be
Because the magic it lives within you and me
It takes time to grow
And to learn on your own
The transformation is beginning.

Butterflies don't get their wings over the night
It all takes time
Birds don't just wake up and fly
It comes from deep inside

Hitch and Sunny stood on either side of the freshly planted sapling. Their hoofs started glowing and they tapped on the soil around the tree. As they did so, green energy started to glow all around it.

Find your light
Let it, let it glow
You got it, got it go
Find your light
You got it, got it go
Everypony can grow

Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh (grow)
Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh (everypony can)

Sunset stood back in awe as the cutie marks of each of the six ponies started glowing. The energy wisping off of them and combined with the green Earth Pony magical energy at the base of the tree.

Just like a tree
Standing tall, so you'll see
The roots are buried deep in harmony
It's not a race, just go at your own pace
Everypony will be here waiting

Butterflies don't get their wings over the night
It all takes time
Birds don't just wake up and fly
It comes from deep inside

The tree started growing now, increasing in size rapidly as all six friends continued singing.

Find your light
Let it, let it glow
You got it, got it go
Find your light
You got it, got it go
Everypony can grow

Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh (grow)
Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh (everypony can grow)

As the song finished, the tree’s foliage appeared and beautiful flowers opened within its branches. A radiant aura of majestic harmony erupted from it. Misty, Sunny, Izzy and Pipp stood back in wonder and awe. Meanwhile, Zipp and Hitch looked at each other knowingly before looking at Sunset who nodded.

“From the books we found,” Zipp grinned. “We think this is a new Together Tree.”

“The one in Maretime Bay we grew is too,” Hitch added. “They’re connected to us and our friendship.”

“The same way the Tree of Harmony was connected to Twilight and her friends,” Sunny beamed.

“Exactly,” Sunset smiled. “But not just that, they’re connected to all of pony kind. So now there’s one for Earth Ponies and one for Pegasi.”

“So, there must also be one for Unicorns too,” Sunny gasped. “Do we need to grow one or…”

“The Wishing Tree,” Izzy shouted. “I bet it's one. It has to be, it’s a special place where Unicorns all come together.”

“It could easily be,” Zipp smiled. “We’ll need to check it out.”

“All in due time,” Sunset laughed.

“Yeah, first there’s food waiting and I’m starving,” Sunny grinned. “Then we need to get back to the Brighthouse and help Starlight and Sparky. Then we can all head to Bridlewood together. We’ll all do our part, hoof to heart.”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Izzy grinned already tucking in.

Misty stood back and watched her friends for a moment, then she looked at the tree and smiled.

“Feels good doesn’t it,” Sunset grinned knowingly as she stood alongside. “You feel like you’ve turned a corner in your life and there’s only going to be good things ahead.”

“I’ve never felt happier,” Misty agreed. “Whatever Opaline throws at us I know we’ll face it together.”

“Come on,” Sunset smiled. “We’d better get in there before all the food’s gone!”

Misty nodded in agreement before she joined her friends.