• Published 30th Jan 2024
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Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 7 - TDR

The continuing adventures of the Sparkle Siblings going into the filler arc... I mean season 7

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The Celestial John Advice, prologue

The Celestial John Advice

[Ponyville. Mid summer. Seshat.]

It was a good day, it had been a good day, Starlight thought. She had just been sitting here reading, and then....

“Hmmmmmm.” Twilight intoned, tilting her head to the right as she stared at Starlight having just trotted up and started staring at her.

Starlight swallowed hard where she sat as Twilight looked at her.

“Hmmmmmm.” Twilight and Spike intoned, both of them tilting their heads to the left staring at Starlight with Spike resting his fist against his chin.

Starlight fidgeted a little her eyes not meeting either of the Sparkles she hadn't even seen Spike walk up.

“Hmmmmm.” Twilight intoned tilting her head back to the right, Spike doing the same, and Rahs joining in as well with the head tilt, the taller Sparkle having his thumb and forefinger resting along his chin.

Starlight started visible sweating at the gazes, Rahs had NOT been there a moment ago.

“Hmmmmm.” Twilight intoned tilting her head back to the left, with Spike, Rahs, and also Princess Luna joining in. Princess Luna was copying Rahs though with one of her wings and her feathers instead.

“AHHHHH!!!!” Starlight screamed and fell over backwards off the couch passing out.

“Huh... That hasn't happened in a while. Spike, the salts please.” Twilight nodded.

“On it.” Spike called, the drake was a bit more gangly now, though he had also lost a lot of his baby fat as he moved towards being a teen dragon. He had grown a lot in the last year, but most people didn't really notice until it was pointed out that he was currently was taller than his sister, and came up to Rahs' chest, if a little taller with his head spines.

Applebloom didn't seem to mind.

Popping the small vial and waving it under Starlight's nose, Spike pulled back as Starlight woke with a scream, then noticed who was around her, screamed again and backed up a bit before getting control of herself.

“You've conditioned her well.“ Seshat snarked.

“That you three, plus your brother feature so heavily in this mares nightmares worry us. It is interesting that she does not have a Moon-dog of her own however.” Princess Luna offered.

“Woof.” Rahs sighed.

“Mmm this is true, outliers like your sister who are born without one to watch over directly are rare.” Princess Luna nodded.

“Ruff.” Rahs added.

“Ahh so she is being covered then. Good. Her fear of you could make a powerful Tantabus.” Princess Luna nodded.

“Not to interrupt... but.... what.. what is going on?” Starlight asked. “ Why is Princess Luna here?”

“Wuff.” Rahs pointed out.

“Yeah, same as me, no clue, but it looked fun.” Spike shrugged.

“We were here speaking with Rahs and did not want to be excluded.” Princess Luna offered.

Twilight turned and glared at the other three. “Ugh... any way not the point. What I was wondering was what to do with you.”

“Do with me?” Starlight flinched.

“Of course. “ Twilight stated. “You've done very well to integrate with everyone in Ponyville, you've made friends and have yet to do anything to make me regret not letting Rahs eat you.”

Starlight swallowed and looked at Rahs who only grinned wide, prompting Princess Luna to belt him in the back of his head with a wing.

“What did we just say about her nightmares?” Princess Luna huffed.

“Shining owes me twenty bits.” Twilight nodded.” But no, that's not the point. Once you settled down I was going to see if I could use you as a test case to reform villains in a way that doesn't involve them trying to get into Rahs' pants.”

“Pass.” Starlight said immediately.

“He's two for six former villainess' after him for lewd reasons... five of six if you count the time Trixie was affected by the Alicorn Amulet, when Saturnia was plotting to invade Canterlot with her mother and was stealing his mail, and that time Applejack turned into a monster in the woods.” Spike considered.” Maybe even six of six if you count that Jynx is a Diamond Dog and what they did to him.”

“Wrong pack, but we understand the intent young Spike.” Princess Luna offered. “And to push our own choice in the matter, Trixie was under a compulsion with that amulet and not entirely in control of herself.”

“Bah that sounds like a bad bit store drama story.” Spike huffed.

“It does... doesn't it.” Princess Luna grinned at Rahs, who rolled his eyes.

“Well the idea was actually to put you in charge of Golden Oaks library rather than have you just work there under Trixie.” Twilight sighed. ”Trixie sniped the head librarian position before you recovered.”

“I don't mind.” Starlight offered.

“Still it means I need to think of something else. You are a powerful unicorn and powerful unicorns tend to get into trouble if not watched.” Twilight explained.

Everyone in the room slowly turned to stare at Twilight with one eyebrow raised. Seshat also seemed to be doing it despite not having eyes or an eyebrow to raise.

“I'm not a powerful unicorn, I'm an alicorn.” Twilight snapped.

“Now.....” Spike grumbled.

“Any...way.' I've got two things I'm working on. I have an idea for a school that's little more than a couple of ideas jotted down.” Twilight explained. “The other you might be more interested in which is the research into restoring Tempest's horn. I know you've looked over the notes and a few tests, but with sunset focusing on getting her interweb thing up and running fully, she can't focus as much on it. I could always use an extra pair of hands or a extra horn for the study.”

“A school? Of what?” Princess Luna asked.

“Oh right now it's just an idea. A school of Friendship and Magic and basic general learning, but open to everyone everywhere. Sorta like a super version of the School for gifted unicorns, but better because I will make sure that the teachers actually pay attention, the phys-ed teacher doesn't smell like old socks, and any bullies will be fired from a cannon into the sun.”

Everyone stared at Twilight again.

“It's a work in progress.” Twilight admitted.

While there were likely going to be more questions directed at Twilight, the sound of a scream of panic dopplering from out side the tree approaching at high speed and volume, then tearing past before fading a little then cutting off, stopped any further conversation for a moment.

“Wuff.” Rahs offered his ears perked and swiveling.

“Sounds like it stopped mid town?” Twilight considered. ”Well, best we see what it is in case it's something we have to deal with, it is the right time of year for shenanigans.”

“This conversations not done.” Spike accused.

“Yes it iissss.” Twilight called as she darted out the door.

TDR Presents
Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 7