• Published 16th Apr 2024
  • 156 Views, 6 Comments

Clan: Adventures In Another World - Snugglewarmscale

Hitch leaves his home of Maretime Bay to help his son.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Hitch walked slowly down a dirt road outside of his hometown. On his back his son rested. He carried a saddlebag on his shoulders; it was filled with some food for him and his baby. Along with some bits and a few other supplies. He had an angry scowl on his face.

He mumbled. “How could they?!”

He was remembering what had happened just about an hour ago. They had just rescued his son from this psychotic alicorn named, Opaline. She was trying to steal his dragon fire. She nearly succeeded. But, now his son felt really cold and he had been asleep for a good while. He would never forgive that alicorn or that unicorn they all trusted. Just thinking about her filled him with rage. She tricked all of them, kidnapped his son and had the courage to come back to them. And, all of his so called friends forgave her.

He shook his head and continued walking down the trail. He didn't have any destination in mind. He just wanted to get his son away from all of them. His gaze shifted to the night sky. He wondered if they had an answer. But, all he saw was the stars. He then caught sight of what looked like smoke in the distance. He focused on it and sure enough it was smoke. It looked like smoke from a campfire. He looked over his shoulder at his resting son. For a moment he thought about it.

He whispered to himself. “I'll just let them know we need a place to rest.” He started to make his way towards the smoke.

What he saw shocked him. The creature at the campfire was another dragon. It was a dragon with dark gray scales. He wore what looked like a scarf around his neck and had weird objects strapped to his legs. He was laying on his back and gently strumming a banjo. He could hear him barely humming a tune. This was the last thing Hitch expected to see. He didn't think there were any other dragons out there. But, to see one here in the countryside. He wondered how old the dragon was.

The dragon stopped playing and spoke. “It's not polite to stare, pony.”

Hitch felt his eyes go wide as his heart stopped for a moment. He continued to hide in the shadows. But, that was pretty much pointless. The dragon looked right at him and motioned for him to come out of hiding. Slowly, Hitch stepped out of the shadows and approached the campsite. He stopped a few feet away.

The dragon spoke. “I'm not gonna eat ya.”

Hitch gulped and stepped a little closer. When he felt the warmth of the fire on his body he stopped again. He continued to watch the drake as he slowly reached for his son. The moment he pulled his baby from his back and held him in front. The dragon looked at him with a stunned look.

The drake spoke. “Didn't think you had a babe with ya.” He noticed the hatchling shivering a little and asked. “Poor thing is freezing.”

Hitch glared at the dragon for stating something that obvious. His son whimpered a little as he pressed himself further into his fathers fur. He sighed sadly as he gently rubbed his sons back. He muttered a small curse to both Opaline and Misty.

The dragon asked. “What's wrong with him?”

For a moment Hitch remained silent. But, a thought crossed his mind. Maybe this dragon could help his son. He answered. “An alicorn tried to steal his dragon fire.”

The dragon immediately replied. “Damn.” He set his banjo down and walked over to them. He stopped just beside them and knelt down. He held out his claws and said. “Let me see him.”

For a moment Hitch was a little hesitant. He didn't know who this dragon was or why he was so quick to help them. Another whimper from his son helped him change his mind. He gently hand his son to the dragon; Sparky whimpered and reached for his dad as the dragon brought him in front. The dragon looked him over. Sparky whimpered more and more. All the poor baby wanted was a warm place to sleep now.

The dragon spoke. “This should be an easy fix.”

Hitch questioned. “What do you?”

He never got to finish his question. From the dragons mouth a sliver of fire snaked it's way through the air and into his son's mouth. The fire entered through his mouth and made it's way down into his fire gland. The moment the fire stopped Sparky's eyes shot open and he seemed to regain most of his color. Sparky began to giggle happily and he started to squirm in the larger dragon's hold.

The dragon commented. “There ya go.” He chuckled as the baby dragon jumped out of his hold and started zooming around them. He added. “Back to normal already.”

Hitch couldn't believe what he was seeing. Just a moment ago his son was at his weakest; but now he was running around like his old self. He smiled happily when his baby looked at him. He held his hooves out and his son ran to him. The little drake nearly tackled him to the ground as he tried to wrap his father in a hug. Hitch chuckled happily as he hugged his son.

He looked at the dragon and thanked him. “Thank you.”

The dragon replied. “No problem.” He smiled at them and then introduced himself. “Names, Goose.”

Hitch replied. “I'm Hitch.” He motioned towards his son. “And, this is my son Sparky.”

Goose nodded before picking up his banjo again. He played a gentle tune while the three of them rested next to the campfire. Sparky eventually settled down and rested against his father again. But, this time he didn't shiver or whimper. Now he purred happily in his fathers hold. Hitch only held his son happily. He was thankful to have his son back. To see him back to his old self. He was tempted to thank him again.

Goose suddenly asked him. “So, what's your plan now?”

Hitch questioned. “Huh?” The question had caught him off guard.

Goose stopped playing his banjo again and continued. “You're not exactly dressed for a return trip.” He motioned towards the items Hitch had in his saddlebags and continued. “Plus, you're not prepared for camping and roughing it. So, I'm gonna guess.” He paused for a moment and finished. “You just got really lucky.”

Hitch was rendered silent by the obvious information. He had no real plan. He only acted on raw emotions. Emotions that once again got him in trouble. But, now it wasn't just him but his baby as well. He shifted his son into a more comfortable position and held him closer. What could he do now?

Goose looked at them with slight pity and suggested. “You could come stay with me and Jack.”

Hitch raised a brow and asked. “Who?”

A bright light suddenly appeared at the side of their camp. Hitch shielded his and his sons eyes from the intensity of the light. While Goose smiled at it. A shadowed figure stepped out of the light. The moment the light faded a human teen stepped closer to the campsite. The human wore a large black trench coat with matching clothing underneath. He smiled at Goose who was smiling back at him.

He greeted him. “Sup, Goose.” He noticed the pony and hatchling and asked. “Who the new faces.”

Hitch couldn't believe he was seeing an actual human now. He had read about it in one of Sunny's books. But, to think he would actually see one. His son was looking at the human with a curious look. The human looked at the baby and chuckled. He reached for something in his back pocket. Out of instinct he shielded his son.

The human quickly explained. “It's nothing bad.” He pulled a card out of his pocket and threw it at them.

Hitch moved his hoof to catch the card. He gasped in slight shock when the card glowed and transformed into two items. One was his favorite snack, hay jerky. The other was a large amethyst crystal. Hitch held the items in his hoof. Sparky eagerly reached for the crystal. While his stomach growled at the sight of the snack. He looked up at the human.

The human commented. “Y'all looked hungry.” He looked at Goose and asked. “Gimme the short version. I'm tired.”

Goose chuckled and explained. “They're kinda like us. Just without the trauma I have. And, without the psychotic mother you have.”

Jack chuckled a little before pulling two more cards from the pouch on his belt. He kept one and handed Goose the other one. The cards turned into drinks. After finishing their drinks and snacks; Jack introduced himself to the two and they sat in silence for a moment. After some time had passed Jack and Goose stood up. Goose walked over to Hitch and Sparky and offered a claw to them.

He spoke to them. “Both of you are coming with us.”

Hitch questioned. “What?”

Jack spoke up. “Got no where to go. Goose pretty much saved you. And, you got a baby with ya.” He pulled another card and threw it out in front of him. He continued. “I'd take the offer. Not for yourself, but for your baby.” The card glowed a bright light and a portal opened in front of him.

Hitch was unsure for a moment. But, the moment of hesitation passed when he remembered why he had left his hometown. He wanted to find a way to heal his son and to keep him safe. His baby was now back to his normal self. He nodded and grabbed Goose's claw and pulled himself up. He moved his son to his back as Goose lead them to the portal. He felt uneasy again as they walked closer to the strange thing. Goose stopped just before it and gave him a reassuring smile. He then stepped through the portal.

Jack spoke. “Don't worry.” Hitch looked at him and he continued. “You're going some where safe.”

Hitch nodded before taking in a deep breath and walking through the portal. He felt a strange sensation move across his body as he walked through. His son giggled in his sleep as he passed through the portal. The moment they were through Jack looked at the campfire and threw another card at it. The card turned into water and quickly extinguished the fire. He then walked through the portal and it closed behind him.

A voice called out. “Hitch!?”

Hitch stared in pure awe at the sight in front of him. He was standing in the middle of a huge town square. He looked up and saw a clear night sky. He had no idea where they were. He looked at Goose who was standing a few feet away from him.

Goose spoke. “Hitch, Sparky, welcome to Traverse Town.”

Hitch questioned. “Traverse Town?” He asked. “Where in Equestria is that?”

Jack answered. “We're not in Equestria anymore.” He walked by them and continued. “You two are in another world.”

It took Hitch a moment to process what Jack had just told them. Both him and his son were in another world. He heard Sunny mention something like this once. How Princess Twilight had done something like this a long time ago. He couldn't believe he had just done it.

Jack walked away from them and headed towards some stairs. He called to them. “Come on.” He waved for them to follow before he finished. “My Home is up these stairs.”

Goose walked by him and motioned with his head for him to follow. Hitch was a little unsure at first, but he followed him shortly after. They rounded a corner and walked up a single flight of stairs. At the top of the stairs was a large building and a large door. The door lead to a place called the second district. Hitch heard the sound of a door opening and looked in front of them. Jack had opened the door to the building and was holding it open for them. Goose walked in and was followed by Hitch.

The inside of the building was amazing; the walls looked like they were made of tall grass. The floor felt like they were walking on a dirt path. The furniture looked like it had grown in place there. The table looked like a large tree trunk that had been cut in two. The chairs were like stumps. The ceiling resembled a wonderful night sky.

Hitch could only mutter one word. “Whoa.”

Jack chuckled and commented. “Wonderland.”

He turned and looked at him and questioned. “Huh?”

Jack shook his head and replied. “Nothing.” He pulled a solid white card from his deck and held it out to Hitch. He instructed him. “Take it and walk over to that wall over there.”

Hitch gulped a nervous gulp before doing as instructed. He took the card from him and walked over to the wall. He stopped in front of it and stared at the wall. He wondered what he had to do next. The card in his hoof started to glow; it floated out of his hoof and shot towards the wall. The outline of a door appeared on the wall and after a few seconds the door opened. Hitch turned and looked at Jack; who only motioned for him to walk in.

He nodded and slowly walked into the room. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The room looked just like the inside of the station; just a little more compact. His bed was there, Sparky's crib, even his desk was in the corner of the room. He wondered how all of this just happened. Before he could ask he heard Goose's voice.

“Get some rest. We'll talk more later.”

At that moment Hitch felt a wave of exhaustion hit him. He didn't think he would be this tired. He walked over to the crib and reached for his son. The little dragon whimpered a little as he was taken from his fathers back. Before Hitch could lay him down in the crib; Sparky reached out for him. The little baby wasn't cold; he just wanted to rest with his father. Hitch chuckled again before pulling his son close to his chest and walking over to the bed. He carefully climbed into the bed and layed down. His baby was snuggled close to him; purring happily as he slept with his father. Hitch smiled lovingly at his son. He was happy to know he was in a safer place now.

Author's Note:

This is a story that’s gonna be crossed with multiple series. Sadly, tags don’t have miscellaneous. But hope y’all enjoy. Let me know what y’all think.