• Published 16th Apr 2024
  • 156 Views, 6 Comments

Clan: Adventures In Another World - Snugglewarmscale

Hitch leaves his home of Maretime Bay to help his son.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Hitch yawned as he slowly woke from his slumber. As his eyes opened he came face to face with his baby. Sparky purred happily as he slept next to his father. He smiled and gently kissed the little dragon on his forehead. His baby stirred a little before settling down again. He gurgled a little before snuggling further into the pillow his head rested on. Gently, Hitch got out of bed and stretched his body out. He looked around the room; forgetting for a moment that he was not back in Maretime Bay. He looked around the room; he still couldn't believe how much it resembled the one back at his hometown.

His eyes fell on the desk just across from the bed. There were some items sitting on top of it. He walked over and got a better look at them. There were three full jars of baby dragon food; he had no idea there was such a thing. There was also some kind of strange pad next to the jars. It kinda reminded him of Zipp's phone; except this one was thinner. He looked at it curiously before gently tapping it's screen. The screen glowed and a message appeared on it. It wanted him to enter his name, age, species and power.

He wondered. “Why does it want that?”

He entered what it asked for and the screen went dark again. It beeped once before it started to shrink. Hitch watched as it went from being a pad to a simple small square. It then vanished in a small flash of light. Before he could ask what happened he heard his son groan. He turned and saw his son sitting up in the bed. His baby rubbed his eyes and yawned. It was then Sparky's stomach growled causing the little dragon to whine a little. His father smiled at him before walking over and picking him up. He felt him press himself into the crook of his neck. The poor baby was still tired.

Hitch greeted his son. “Good morning, Sparky.” He asked him. “Are you hungry?”

Sparky only gurgled in response before nuzzling his father. Hitch chuckled a little before walking back to the drawer. He picked up one of the jars and looked around. The room was indeed an exact match; there was a small table and chair in the corner of the room. He walked over to the table and set his son on top of it. His baby whined a little as he reached for his father. Although, he was feeling better, it still took a moment for his body to wake up.

Hitch shushed. “Give me a moment baby boy.” He looked around and saw a spoon behind the other two jars of food. He sighed and said. “Be right back.”

Sparky whimpered as he watched his father walk away. His stomach growled again causing him to whimper. He was still waking up and he was hungry. He was like this every morning. As his father walked back he reached for him. He wanted to be held, to be warm. His father smiled lovingly at him before he reach for a strange jar. Hitch struggled for a moment to get the lid off. The moment he heard it pop; he sighed happily and removed the lid. His son must have smelled something; for immediately he started to reach for the jar.

He calmed him. “Hold on, Sparky.” He took the spoon and scooped out some of the food inside. It had the texture of applesauce. But, it was a deep purple color and it appeared to have some kind of crystals inside of it. He chuckled again as his son eagerly opened his mouth. After a few minutes Sparky had finished the jar. He was a little messy; but he was happily fed. Hitch chuckled again before walking back to the drawer and opening one of it's drawers. Inside he found some towels.

As he walked back to his baby he heard a knock at the door. He replied. “Come in.”

The door opened and Goose stepped in. He smiled happily at them and greeted them. “Good morning.” He chuckled at the sight of the messy baby and commented. “I see he likes the food.”

Hitch nodded and replied. “Yes, he does.” Sparky giggled as the fibers of the towel tickled his scales. Hitch asked him. “Where did you get that?”

Goose answered. “I'll show you after.” He turned towards the drawer and noticed the datapad was gone. He commented. “Oh, you already did it.” He smiled happily.

Hitch figured he was mentioning the pad from earlier. He spoke. “Yeah, there was some kind of pad on there earlier.” He asked him. “What was that?”

Goose answered. “It was a datapad.” He explained. “It's what the Clan Masters use to keep track of us.”

He questioned. “Huh?” He ducked as he heard a grumble from his son. Sparky let loose a massive belch of flame.

Goose commented. “Yep.” He chuckled a little before continuing. “Definitely, healthy.” Both of them heard Sparky chuckle. The moment his father stood back up he reached for him again. Hitch chuckled and gently scooped his son up; he hugged him before the little baby crawled onto his favorite spot on his back.

Goose spoke again. “Well, now that babe's been fed.” He looked at Hitch and asked him. “You hungry?” Hitch's stomach answered for him; it caused him to blush a little in embarrassment. Goose reassured him. “Hey, nothing to be embarrassed about.” He motioned for him to follow him. “Come on. I'll take you to a place that makes the best egg sandwiches.”

This time it was Hitchs' stomach that growled. It caused him to blush a little in embarrassment before he followed him. As they exited the home he noticed it was still nighttime. He started to ask Goose. But, he already answered. “It's always nighttime here.” Hitch mentally commented that it had to be some kind of strange magic. Goose lead them down the stairs and back to the massive courtyard. From there he lead them to a massive double door.

The trio entered the first district of the town. It was an area that had a large item shop in the center. The shop was surrounded by two smaller shops and what looked like a small restaurant in the plaza. Hitch was amazed by the sight of the district; it was a little smaller than the area they just came from. But, the place looked so lively. There were so many creatures walking about; some were chatting with others. While some were entering the various shops.

Goose spoke. “Welcome to the first district of Traverse Town.” He smiled again and pointed at the restaurant. “We'll grab you a quick bite there before I show you around.”

Hitch blushed again as he felt his stomach growl. As they started to walk across the plaza; Hitch couldn't help but feel eyes on him. He heard various whispers and heard some voices commenting on how cute his son was. They stopped at the front of the restaurant and a waiter greeted them. He smiled at them before directing them to a free table. As they were seated the waiter pulled out a small notepad.

He asked them. “What would you like to drink?”

Goose ordered. “Two Fire teas, cold.” As their waiter wrote down their drinks he added. “Can you get him a power egg sandwich.”

The waiter nodded and answered. “Certainly.” He wrote the order down before asking. “Would you like anything?”

Goose shook his head and the waiter smiled at them before nodding and walking away. His attention was brought back to Hitch; who was looking at him with a curious look. He chuckled before saying. “Trust me. You're gonna need all the fuel you can get.”

Hitch only replied. “Okay.” He was still unsure about all of this.

As he looked around his curiosity about the town grew. There were so many creatures here he had never seen before. A town where it was constantly nighttime. He still couldn't believe that he was here. Goose noticed the curious look on his face; he also noticed the unsure look Hitch had. He had a good feeling about how Hitch felt. He felt it too when he first came to this town. He wondered for a moment.

He asked him. “Hey, Hitch.” Hitch looked at him and he continued. “Mind if I check your stats real quick?”

Hitch questioned. “Stats?”

Goose commented. “Oh, boy.” He chuckled again before lifting his claw and saying. “Scan.”

Hitch watched as the tips of his claws glowed for a moment. A small window suddenly appeared in front of Goose. He hummed in amusement; he appeared to be reading something. Before Hitch could ask Goose turned the window towards him. At the same time he somehow made a duplicate window.

Hitch stared at the screen in front of him. It had his name on it. It didn't just have that it had his size, weight, species, there was also some kind of description below all of it. There was even some kind of rank displaced by his name. It was a ranking of zero.

Goose explained. “These are your stats.” Hitch looked at him and he continued. “Everyone here gets this the moment they enter this world. For now you're at rank zero, the lowest rank.” He closed the window and finished. “Don't worry. After a few quests you'll be up a couple of levels.”

Hitch asked. “Quests?”

Before Goose could explain the waiter came back with the sandwich, the two teas and what looked like a datapad. The waiter placed the sandwich down in front of Hitch. While also handing both of them their teas. He then handed the datapad to Goose.

Goose asked him. “Y'all already need a quest done?”

The waiter nodded and answered. “Unfortunately.” He explained. “One of our farmers just north of town has been having problems. Vanitati Hare's have been eating most of his crops.”

Hitch wanted ask what those were. But, his stomach had a firm hold on his brain at the moment. When the delicious smell of the egg sandwich snaked its way up his nose; he couldn't stop himself from taking a bite of it. He enjoyed the taste of the sandwich. He enjoyed it so much he didn't even know he had eaten it all. He looked at the drink that Goose had also ordered for him. He took the drink and took a quick sip. The tea had the strong taste of cinnamon. It was cool yet warm at the same time.

Goose asked the waiter. “Has Jack already got him signed up?”

The waiter nodded and answered. “Yes.” He remembered and added. “That reminds me. Jack had already finished a quest we requested earlier. We informed him about this one and he said for you three to meet him there.”

Goose questioned. “Three?” It took a moment for the information to click. He realized and asked. “He signed the youngin up?” The waiter nodded and he grumbled under his breath. “Of course he'd do something that crazy.” He looked at the waiter and said. “Okay.” He asked. “Can you tell him we'll be there soon.”

The waiter nodded and walked off. Goose looked at the datapad and read the information on it. It was pretty much a pest control quest. A simple one that any rank zero team or clan can take. After reading the information, finishing his tea, and then paying for the items. Goose lead them to the town exit. As they walked Goose informed Hitch of their quest.

Hitch asked him. “So we have to help a farmer with a rabbit problem?”

Goose answered. “Pretty much.” He pressed his claw against the door and the three walked outside of the two.

The two was surrounded by a vast country side. The nighttime sky was cloudless and filled with so many stars. Both Hitch and Sparky were mesmerized by the amount of stars the could see. Goose on the other hand had walked over to a vehicle rental kiosk. He selected a truck for their vehicle and paid the galleons it asked for. In a flash of light the vehicle appeared just in front of them. Goose felt the keys appear in his claw.

He called to both of them. “Alright, you two. Let's hit it.”

Both of them turned to look at him and were amazed by the sight of the new vehicle. As Hitch walked closer Goose opened the passenger door. At first he was unsure; until his son laughed in excitement and jumped into the vehicle.

Hitch called to his son. “Sparky.” He climbed into the vehicle to catch his son; somehow he ended up closing the door behind him.

Shortly after Goose started the vehicle; the trucks seat belts automatically buckled all three of them in place. Sparky grumbled a little at the sudden binds. Hitch on the other hand was amazed by the inside of the vehicle. It wasn't as advanced as the marestream. But, it had a unique dashboard. Various lights glowed and music started to play through the inside. Goose quickly changed the station and the music too a softer tone. He then put the vehicle in drive and started driving to the location.

As they drove Hitch and Sparky looked out the window. As they drover further from the town; the night sky kept getting brighter and brighter. It was then they reached the border of the towns night sky and drove under the light of the early afternoon sun. now, both of them could see how beautiful the countryside was. It could rival Maretime bay's countryside. Vast green fields, the occasional flower patch to the side of the road. All of that combined with the music being played.

Goose smiled at the two as he continued the drive. He acted the same way the first time he went on a quest with Jack. He saw the dirt road he had to take and turned down it. The drive down it was a little bumpy. But, that was the joy of traveling down the dirt roads. As they drove down the dirt road; Goose tapped a few icons on the trucks GPS. He saw that Jack was waiting for them and in a few minutes they should be at the farm. He tapped another icon and a screen appeared in front of Hitch and Sparky.

Hitch questioned. “What's this?” Sparky cooed in wonder as he stared at the screen.

Goose answered. “Our quest.” He deactivated the console and focused back on the dirt road. He continued. “I want you to read up on the details of the quest.” He looked down at Sparky and closed his screen. The little dragon let out a surprised gasp. He looked around for the screen. Goose chuckled at the baby's curiosity. He continued. “We're almost to the farm. Read up and get ready for your first quest.”

Hitch nodded and read the information on the screen in front of him. It was just a more detailed explanation of the quest they were on. A farmer having trouble with some rabbits and needed them gone. He wondered for a moment what that meant. He shuddered as a morbid thought crossed his mind. Hopefully that wouldn't be the case.

Goose announced. “Old Joe's farm. Dead ahead.”

Both Hitch and Sparky stared in awe at the size of the farm. Sparky had never seen a farm before; while Hitch was amazed by the number of crops the farmer was growing. He had seen pictures of farms like this in books and movies. He never though he would see one like this. As they pulled into the driveway; Hitch saw Jack resting against the side of the farmers home. He waved at them before walking towards them.

The moment Goose parked and shut the engine off; the seat belts unfastened and the three were free to exit the vehicle. Goose opened his door and got out. He was followed by Hitch and Sparky. All of them heard Jack shout.

“Bout time all three of you go here.”

Goose shot back. “Don't you start. I had to get the new guy fed.”

Jack chuckled and greeted Hitch. “Good to see you again.” Hitch nodded and he asked him. “You two know why were here.” Hitch nodded again.

Goose asked. “You already locate the burrow?”

Jack nodded and answered. “Yeah.” He turned and pointed towards a nearby treeline before explaining. “Burrow's just pass that treeline. This is pretty much just a simple find and exterminate job.”

Hitch's ears flattened a little as the morbid thought from earlier became true. He hoped they could relocate the rabbits or at least work a deal out with them. Last thing he wanted was to kill rabbits. He asked. “Can we just move them or something.”

Jack replied. “Not equipped for the job. Plus, this farmer is paying us to get these hares off his land.” He explained further. “Apparently, their not just eating the crops he sells to the town. But, they've also been eating some of the medical herbs he grows. That's a problem that can really hurt the town.”

Hitch asked him. “How?”

Goose looked at him with a deadpanned look and explained. “Their eating medicinal herbs, dude. You know herbs used in medicine.”

Jack reminded him. “Remember, Goose. He's brand new here.”

Goose rolled his eyes while Hitch thought to himself. He just couldn't see himself killing rabbits. Yes, by what they just said; they were causing some trouble. But, the town seemed fine. He heard Jack say. “Let's go.” before he started to lead their group towards the tree line.

Hitch followed close behind Goose; as they stepped closer to the tree line. A few thoughts raced through his head. He kept thinking it over and over in his head. Could he really do this? Did he really want to do this? Did he make the right call coming with them?

Sparky looked up at the tall trees in wonder as they walked through the forest. Hitch looked at him and smiled happily. He was still grateful for Gooses help. But, he was still having doubts about this quest. As they walked he continued wondering what else could be done. But, at the same time the two seemed determined to finish this quest they were on. Eventually, the group stopped behind some bushes that overlooked a small grotto.

Jack motioned towards something in the grotto while saying. “There it is.”

The three joined him and looked down into the grotto. There in the grotto was a large tree with large hole dug into the ground at it's base. The tree was a glorious site; this was definitely a really good place for a rabbit burrow.

Jack spoke up. “Alright, let's get closer.”

He walked out from behind the bushes and down into the grotto. The others followed behind him. They stopped in front of the burrow while Jack knelt down and looked down the hole. He stared down it for a moment before pulling a card and throwing it down. The card turned into a bright ball of light; allowing him to see a few hares running about.

Hitch heard voice echo from the tunnels. “They see us! Run! Get out the back!”

Jack stood up and faced them before saying. “Okay, I'll move to the back and push them back here.” He started to walk around. He stopped for a moment and told them. “Get ready. Looks like a lot of them.”

Before he could take another step Hitch spoke up. “Hold up.” Jack stopped and looked at him.

Jack questioned. “What's wrong?”

He suggested. “Let me try talking to them.”

Jack questioned. “What?”

Hitch stepped up to the hole and said. “Let me just try talking to them real quick.”

Jack was tempted to tell him no. but, instead, he simply rolled his eyes and walked back towards Goose. Hitch smiled happily and knelt down. He couldn't see the rabbits but he could hear them.

He called down the hole. “Hey, come on out. We're not gonna hurt you.”

Jack whispered to Goose. “This is gonna be good.” He chuckled a little; Goose joined him in the quick chuckle.

Hitch heard one of the rabbits say. “He's lying!” He quickly assured them. “I'm not lying.”

A rabbit questioned. “Can he hear us?”

Hitch answered. “Yes, I can hear you.”

Goose commented. “He sounds like he's actually talking to the hares.”

One of the rabbits commented. “It's a trick. He's using some kind of magic.”

Hitch acknowledged. “Yes. It is magic. But, the magic helps me talk to animals.” He saw one of them poke their heads down the tunnel. He called out to it. “Look, see. I'm not gonna hurt you.”

The hare was unsure. He looked back at his wife and their kids. His burrow mates hid among the roots of the tree. He thought about telling them to run. But, something made him want to go out and talk to the pony. He started walking down the tunnel.

His wife called to him. “No, dear. Don't go.”

He quickly turned and tried to reassure her. “It's gonna be okay.” He did his best to smile and gently kissed her on the forehead. “I'll come back. I promise.” He turned and started to walk down the tunnel again.

He heard his kids calling to him. “No, dad. Don't go.”

Goose and Jack continued to watch as Hitch talked to the hares. They found it a little amusing. But, their amusement turned to shock as they saw a hare walk out of the tunnel and stop just in front of Hitch. The hare was huge; this was possibly the burrow leader. If they took him out; the whole burrow would run out the back. The heard the rabbit squeak a little.

Hitch smiled and greeted him. “My name is Hitch Trailblazer. Nice to meet you Cedar root.”

Jack was about to ask something until an information box appeared in front of him. His eyes went wide in shock. The box was an alert about his new team mate. Hitch apparently had an hidden ability called natures tongue. The ability allowed him to talk to various animals. It was at the moment limited to rank zero and one monsters. Jack motioned for Goose to look at the screen.

Jack looked at Hitch and spoke. “Excuse me, Hitch.”

Hitch turned his head for a moment before looking back at Cedar and saying. “One moment, please.” He looked at Jack and asked. “What's up?”

Jack explained. “You're about to see an alert flash in front of you.”

The moment he finished a box appeared in front of Hitch. He jumped for a moment; nearly dropping his son in the process. Sparky grumbled a little while Hitch looked at him sheepishly. Hitch looked at the box. It asked him if he wanted to share his hidden ability with the rest of the team. Could they not heard Cedar talking? He shrugged his hooves and looked underneath the words. He saw a yes and no button at the bottom. He tapped his hoof on the yes button and a glow came from his body. The glow moved from him and the two and a chime was heard.

Hitch asked. “What was that?”

Jack answered. “Ability Share.” He added. “Watch.” He looked at Cedar and asked. “Can you understand me?”

Cedar root answered. “I recognize your voice.” His voice held some fear but he tried to sound fierce. “You were going to drive us to the front of our home.”

Goose commented. “Whoa. I actually heard that!” He smiled happily and added another comment. “This is awesome!”

Hitch asked. “You can both hear him now.”

Jack answered. “Clear as day.” He asked Cedar. “Do you know why?”

Cedar root interrupted him. “I don't want to talk with you, or that dragon.” He pointed at Goose. He looked at Hitch and continued. “But, Hitch here took the time to talk to me. I'll only talk with him.”

Another alert appeared in front of Hitch. Goose and Jack also got the alert. Apparently, Hitch had unlocked another path for the quest. Now, instead of having to exterminate the hares. They could negotiate a deal. Hitch smiled happily.

Jack asked Cedar. “Can you give us a moment to talk to our friend?”

Cedar nodded before commenting. “I need to go talk to my family. Let me know when you're ready.” He turned and headed back into the hollow.

Jack motioned for Hitch to walk over and the group started to talk amongst themselves. He commented. “Hitch. Gotta say that was good work. Didn't think you'd find an alternate quest this early.”

Hitch questioned. “What do you mean?”

Goose answered. “Now, instead of exterminating the hares. We can probably end this without having to kill them.”

Hitch questioned. “Probably?” He asked. “What do you mean by probably?”

Jack answered. “You just started a negotiation. If all goes well all of us walk out of here without bleeding.” He added. “But, if it fails.” He stopped the sentence when he saw the look on Hitches face. He didn't need to explain what happens if they fail.

Hitch asked. “What do I do?”

Jack answered. “Find out why their stealing both the crops and the medicinal crops. After that see if you can't get them to stop.”

Hitch nodded and knelt down to let his son off. At first Sparky was confused and gripped his fathers back tightly. That was until he felt gentle claws wrap around his torso. He was lifted off his fathers back and held close by Goose.

Goose spoke. “I'll watch him.” He wished him well. “Good luck.”

Hitch stood back up and nodded before walking back to the burrow. He looked down the tunnel and called out to Cedar. “Hey, Cedar. I'd like to talk to you again.”

Cedar's voice called back. “A moment please.”

Hitch nodded and waited patiently for the rabbit to come back out. After a moment Cedar walked back out of the burrow and looked up at Hitch. He smiled up at him while Hitch smiled down at him.

Hitch started. “A farmer that lives close by is why were here. He gave us a quest to get all of you to stop stealing his crops.” He asked him. “Why are you stealing his food?”

Cedar sighed sadly and answered. “We only take what we need to survive.” He explained. “The soil here stopped being fertile. We're unable to grow any of our own crops.” He admitted sadly. “Me, my wife, and most of our burrow mates have not eaten for weeks. We've given most of the food to our children.” He pleaded. “Please forgive us. We only wanted to feed our children.”

Hitch felt bad for him. Being a father himself; it reminded him about what happened to his son yesterday. He was willing to do anything to help his son. That was the real reason why he was here. To help his son get better.

Hitch apologized. “I'm sorry to hear that. I know all to well the situation your in.” He asked him. “The farmer also mentioned medicinal herbs missing? I'm sorry to ask but is one of your children or burrow mates sick?”

Cedar nodded his head and answered. “My mother is sick. We're not sure what's making her sick. But, whatever it is; it's not getting better.” He sighed sadly and added. “We may lose her.”

Jack and Goose looked at each other and nodded. Goose then handed Sparky over to Jack before he reach into the satchel he had. He pulled out an odd looking bottle and started to walk towards the two. Cedar noticed this and was about to say something.

But, Goose raised a claw and spoke. “I just want to give you this.” He showed Cedar the bottle he had and explained. “It's Panacea. If what you say is true and the herbs you have been taking are not helping. She's more than like being effected by poison or worse. The herbs you've been taking are health restoratives. They don't cure poison or any other ailments like it.” He gestured to the bottle and finished. “But, this will.” He extended the bottle towards Cedar.

At first Cedar was a little unsure about this. But, at the same time his mother was dying and they couldn't help her the way they were. Cautiously he took the medicine and retreated back into the burrow. Hitch wondered if everything was going to be okay.

He asked Goose. “What now?”

Goose answered. “We wait.”

The group waited for a good thirty minutes until happy laughter was heard coming out of the burrow. They looked towards the opening just in time to Cedar come hoping out of the tunnel. He had a smile on his face and he was heading right towards Goose. The drake let out a surprised yelp as he was knocked off balance by the hare. It wasn't that the hare was heavy. Goose, just didn't expected to be tackled by the hare.

Cedar happily announced. “My mother is cured.” He thanked Goose. “Thank you! Thank you, friend! Thank you!”

Goose smiled sheepishly before replying. “No problem.”

Jack spoke up. “Cedar?” The hare looked at him and he asked. “You mentioned something about soil not being fertile. By chance do you and your family have a plot of land close by?”

Cedar answered. “Yes.” He sighed sadly and continued. “We will stop taking crops from the farmer. But, food is scarce in these.”

Before he could finish Jack interrupted him. “Can you take me to it.” The hare looked at him and he continued. “I can't promise anything. But, I think I may have something that may help.”

At this point Cedar would take any kind of help he could get. He hopped of Goose and motioned for the group to follow him. He lead them to an area just to the north of the grotto. The plot of land was covered in dead grass. It's ground dried and cracked almost like the dried bed of a desert. It as a depressing sight to see. Cedar looked away sadly. He remembered how their garden used to be.

Jack looked at the land for a moment before kneeling and touching the barren soil. He picked a pinch of dirt up and examined it. He commented. “This may work.”

Cedar looked at him in astonishment and questioned. “What?”

Jack stood up and looked at him. He quickly explained. “Listen, Cedar. I can help you. But, I need you to trust me.” He started reaching for something on his backside.

The hare noticed and all but yelled. “What are you reaching for?!” He was ready to make a mad dash back to his home.

Jack answered calmly. “My weapon.” He quickly added. “Don't worry. I promise that it will help.”

Cedar felt nervous as Jack continued to reach for his weapon. All of his instincts screamed at him to run. But, he didn't feel threatened. It was then Jack pulled a solid gold card from his deck. Goose was shocked to see him pull one of his gold cards.

Goose questioned. “Jack. You sure you want to use one of your wild cards.”

Jack nodded before looking at Cedar and explaining. “Cedar. My weapon has incredible magic embedded inside. Magic that the create and restore objects, buildings and landscape.” He looked down at the ground.

He brought the card up to his mouth and whispered something. He then threw the card towards the land and in a flash of golden the light. The land was restored to it's former glory. The land was now fertile and the grass had been completely restored. Cedar couldn't believe his eyes. Their field was back to the way it was. It was then the ground started shifting and moving. The grass was cleared and only loose soil remained. Jack smiled before he opened the teams item box. He pulled three small bags of seeds out.

Goose commented. “I forgot we had those.” Hitch looked at him curiously.

Jack looked at Cedar and said. “You can have these seeds.” He handed him two of the bags. “But, this one.” He pulled another card. This time it was one of his regular colored cards. He brought the bag of seeds against the card and it was absorbed inside. The image on the card showed a variety of fruits and vegetables on it. He smiled before finishing. “This one is gonna help y'all have a few good meals.”

He threw the card at the soil. The card turned into a ball of light that spread itself all over the field. For a moment the land glowed bright like a star. When the light faded Jack motioned for all of them to move back. They did and just in time too. The ground rumbled violently for a few seconds before a large supply of fruits and vegetables erupted from the ground. Hitch and Sparky stared in awe. While Jack smiled proudly at the use of his magic. Goose chuckled a little. Cedar could feel tears welling in his eyes. This harvest would last his family for a year, maybe two. They no longer needed to steal. In fact, there was enough food here to give back to the farmer as an apology for what they had taken. He couldn't believe it. His family was saved. All of them were saved.

He choked out. “Thank you.” They looked at him as he finally broke down crying. “Thank you! Thank you!”

The group smiled as Hitch walked over the comfort him. All four of them received a notice. It was letting them know the quest had not only been fulfilled. But, a minor quest had just been added. It requested them to help carry the food back to the burrow. Which they happily accepted. After getting the harvest back to the burrow and enjoying a more pleasant conversation with the hares. Cedar thanked all of them one more time.

He spoke happily. “Again, I cannot thank all of you enough for this.” He vowed. “From, this point on. If you need any crops or herbs grown. We will be happy to grow them.”

Another alert appeared in front of Jack. It was a notice that his team had just forged a contract with Vanitati farmers. It let them know any seeds that come into their possession; they can have them sent to the farmers and they will grow them. There was some more information. But, it appeared to be locked out.

Cedar then looked at Hitch and thanked him once more. “Thank you, especially, Hitch Trailblazer. If a Beast tamer like you had not been here. I don't think any of my family would be alive still.”

Hitch wondered. “Beast tamer?”

He gasped when a suddenly light appeared over his body. It felt and odd tingling sensation shoot through him; before a surge of power coursed through his body. It all ended just a second later and another notification appeared in front of him. The window said he unlocked his class. He was now a Beast tamer. He saw a rank zero underneath it along with the word beginner.

Jack commented. “This quest has definitely been one worth recording.”

Hitch questioned. “What do you mean?” He asked. “What's a Beast tamer?”

Goose answered. “It's a rare class of warrior.” He explained further. “It means you can tame beasts. The more you train, the more powerful beasts you can tame.”

Hitch was a little shocked to hear that. He knew he always had some kind of attraction for animals. But, he didn't think he'd ever become something like this. It was then the group said their goodbyes to the hares and made their way back to the farm. After telling the farmer the hares would no longer be a problem; all of them loaded themselves into the truck and began to drive back to Traverse town. The sun was starting to set; none of them could believe that had been gone for that long.

As they drove back Hitch smiled happily to himself. Not only did he help them complete a quest. But, he managed to help them find a way to do it without hurting the rabbits. He smiled happily as he looked up at the darkening sky. He saw the nighttime sky in the distance along with the town. Maybe, he did make the right call about coming here with them. He wondered when the next quest would be.

Comments ( 6 )

What show is this crossover with?

As stated in the notes. It’s gonna be quite a few not just one. Unfortunately the sites doesn’t have a miscellaneous tag. Would be great; could add a new twist on many of the stories here.

But, Hitch refused to forgive Misty so easily.

If I had a dollar for every one of these, I'd be rich :facehoof:.


For the record pretty sure that link that bot posted lead to one of those sites. Same link is on the homepage.

Don't worry, I reported them for Bot Account as well as tell the mods in the notes that the link in the bio of that user goes to a nsfw website.

Hey, if you don’t like the story. Don’t need to read it.

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