• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 3,428 Views, 147 Comments

If Music Be The Food Of Love, Play On - flutterdashforever

Rainbow Dash is sent to boarding school where she meets Fluttershy. A Flutterdash fic.

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A thing of the past

Later that night, Flutershy lay in her bed trying to get to sleep. She could hear uneven breathing coming from Rainbow Dash’s bed. She wasn’t asleep, that much was obvious.

“Dashie?” She said it quietly. Although she was sure Rainbow heard it. It was so quiet that she could feasibly pretend she hadn’t. “Dashie?” This time it was louder but still not loud enough.

She sighed and got up, careful not to make a sound. She slowly walked over to the other bed and dangled her head over Rainbow, who had her eyes open but still didn’t respond.

“Dashie? What’s wrong?”

This time the queery was so pitiful that she found herself unable to ignore the little yellow filly anymore. “It’s nothing Shy, go back to sleep.”

“Not until you tell me why you’ve been avoiding me all day.”

“Just drop it Shy, it’s nothing, really.”

“You know you can tell me anything.”

“I know. There’s nothing to tell.”

“I think there is, you haven’t been yourself ever since you saw that notice. What’s wrong?”

“Drop it, Fluttershy.” This time there was a faint warning note in her voice.

Fluttershy hesitated but she had come this far. “No. Tell me.”

Rainbow sat bolt upright and glared at her. “For Celestia’s sake, Fluttershy! Drop it means DROP IT!” For just a moment, she saw the hurt in those teal eyes and regretted her words before the little yellow filly ran to the door, and slammed it behind her, running off in to the night.

Fluttershy lay at the edge of a cloud. She was curled up in a tight ball and her whole body was shaking with the force of her sobs. Rainbow had shouted at her, had glared at her, told her to drop it and not done a thing when she ran away, tears streaming down her cheeks. Now she lay there, crying her eyes out where there was no one to hear, no one to care.

Rainbow Dash had been her best friend and now she had ruined it over some stupid little thing. She didn’t care anymore why Rainbow had reacted the way she did about the notice. She just wanted to have her best friend back. She remembered the night they had slept in the same bed. this only made her cry all the harder.

At last, the exhaustion of the whole ordeal wrestled her body in to sleep. So it was that she never felt the strong hooves that picked her up. The way one brushed over her cheek, clearing the still fresh tears. She never heard the powerful wing strokes that carried her back to her warm, comforting bed. And she never heard Rainbows gentle voice say, “I’m so sorry, Shy.”

Fluttershy awoke in her bed. She looked around wondering why this came as a surprise. The events of last night suddenly came flooding back and a single tear leaked from the corner of her eye. She looked across to Rainbow’s empty bed. and saw that the covers were flung back and the sheet was twisted, suggesting that she had been tossing and turning in her sleep. On the pillow was a small piece of paper. Fluttershy hopped out of bed, stretched and, curious, walked over to examine it.

It turned out to be a photo. It was of a light pink Pegasus with a white and pink mane. She was quite pretty. There was a half smirk on her face suggesting a slightly cheeky personality. The photo was battered and looked as well loved as Rainbow’s mp3 player. Odd, thought Fluttershy before she was distracted by the bell, summoning her to the first class of the day. She sighed as she realized that there would be no help from Rainbow Dash this time.

Rainbow Dash was a model pupil that day. She always was, despite her tendency to argue with the teacher over small things, such as the bad punctuation used on the blackboard, but today she was perfect; she didn’t speak out of turn, she answered all questions asked with pinpoint accuracy, she paid perfect attention, she didn’t pass notes or talk to other students and as soon as the bell marked the end of class she would hand in her work and then walk outside, and vanish.

Fluttershy spent the whole day trying to get her alone, or even to see her at all. It was nearly night time when she finally succeeded at cornering her prey. Rainbow was sitting on the old swing set, gently rocking back and forth.

Fluttershy walked up behind her and said as gently as she could, “Who was she?”

She expected Rainbow to start, to be surprised, to ask what she meant or to tell her to go away. Instead she just said, in an equally gentle and quiet tone, “Her name is Cherry Sprinkle.”

“Why do you keep her picture?”

“It’s a long story.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

Rainbow finally turned to look at her and Flutttershy was surprised to see tears in her eyes. “Alright.”

Flutterhsy sat down and got comfortable in the cloud. After a moment Rainbow took a deep breath and started her tale.

“It all began at my last school. It was a small private school. It was quiet, the work was easy and the students were a bit on the unruly side. I don’t know why but I’ve always liked leaning, I was always excited to go to class and I paid attention to the teachers. Pretty soon I was the smartest student there. You would think the teachers would be overjoyed to have an attentive student wouldn’t you? But no. I always finished my work too quickly and outshone the rest of the class. The teachers had to keep coming up with new work for me and after a while they just stopped. It got to the point where I didn’t have to pay attention in class. I did the work and I didn’t even have to think about it.

“Well, as you can imagine, the other students weren’t too happy about it. They called me a nerd, a dork, a weirdo, and worse. I never let it get to me though, never. Until one day a new filly came to the school. Oh, she was everything I wanted and more. She was smart, just like me she paid attention in class and got marks that rivalled my own. I was overjoyed and we soon became the best of friends. Things were fine for a while, too good it just couldn’t last. I started, following her around, caring too much… dreaming of her. When I realised what was happening I panicked. I was falling in love. I’d always known I was… not that in to colts but this was on a whole other level.

"I stared... avoiding her, leaving school as soon as I was allowed to and spending my lunch time flying, just trying to get away. Well of course she noticed. So one day she cornered me. Told me she wouldn’t leave until I told her why. Sound familiar?”

Fluttershy was breathless. She had had no idea Rainbow had any friends before now. “So what did you do?” She asked at a whisper.

Rainbow smiled a small, brave smile. “I told her. I expected her not to return my feelings of course. She was always eyeing off colts but I thought that maybe, just maybe there was a chance. So I told her everything. I had hoped that even if she didn’t return my feelings we could at least still be friends but I never expected what happened next. She punched me in the face and ran away. the next day when I went in to school everyone knew and they tormented me relentlessly. I could have coped with that but it was the fact that Cherry was the main one doing the tormenting that broke my heart. So my mum brought me here. And I met you.

"I had hoped that I would never have to tell anyone here about my… preferences but when I saw that notice I realised that wasn’t going to be an option if I was expected to bring a date to this stupid thing.”

Fluttershy sat in silence for a moment before rushing over and hugging Rainbow tight. They stayed like that for several minutes until both their tears had dried.

Wow, no disclaimers this time. Sorry about the lack of songs in this chapter but it just didn't feel like either of them would be much in the mood for singing. Thanks to everyone who's been reading this little story of mine. I promise the next chapter won't be so sad. As always: if you notice any spelling or grammar mistakes do tell me. I still don't have any school for a while so the the next update will probably be quite soon. Thanks again and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.