• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 3,421 Views, 147 Comments

If Music Be The Food Of Love, Play On - flutterdashforever

Rainbow Dash is sent to boarding school where she meets Fluttershy. A Flutterdash fic.

  • ...

And yet we sing on

Fluttershy awoke the next morning to the sound of singing. The dawn was bright and the voice was like a gentle tide washing over her still muzzy brain.

“I’ll walk in the rain by your side,
I’ll cling to the warmth of your hoof,
I’ll do anything to keep you satisfied,
I’ll love you more than anybody can…”

Fluttershy lay still, her eyes shut tight. Somehow she had been expecting Rainbow to be depressed or upset but her voice sounded full of joy and hope.

“And the wind will whisper your name to me,
Little birds will sing along in time,
Leaves will bow down, when you walk by,
And morning bells will chime…”

Unable to help it, Fluttershy smiled lightly.

The song drew to a close and the little yellow filly still hadn’t stirred. “I know you’re awake, Shy.”

“Prove it.”

Rainbow grinned and leaned forward. Fluttershy’s eyes snapped open at the sudden, and very passionate, kiss. “Proven.” There was a self-satisfied smirk on the cyan face.

Fluttershy just stammered incoherently, still stunned.

“What’s the matter, Shy? It’s not like I’ve never kissed you before.”

“Y-yes but not like that. What’s put you in such a good mood anyway?”

“I dunno, maybe it’s just having the best filly friend in the whole of Equestria and no end to the time I get to spend with her.”

“Suck up.” Said Flutterhsy, in mock chastisement.

“And you love it.”

“I never said I didn’t.”

“Come here, you.” She grabbed the yellow filly and pulled her close.

After a moment Fluttershy said, “Um, Dashie? Can’t breathe.” When the cyan filly didn’t let up, Fluttershy rolled them over so she was lying on top of Rainbow, trapping her to the bed. “Pinned ya.”

“Shy, do you really think you could hold me like this if I really wanted to stop you?”

“Yes, but I don’t really think that’s important.”

“And why’s that?”

“Because you love it and you know it.”

“Hmm…” Rainbow flipped them over so she was on pinning Fluttershy. “I prefer being on top.”

A slight pink tint came to the yellow cheeks but she smiled and flipped them over again. “I’m much stronger than I look, Dashie.”

“Still not stronger than me.” She flipped them over again… or tried to but Fluttershy held her pinned tight.

“You’re not going anywhere, Dashie”

Rainbow struggled again but it was to no avail. Struck with inspiration, she reached under and brushed her hoof along the yellow belly. Fluttershy squeaked and, just for a moment, slackened her grip. It was all Rainbow needed to flip them over once again. She smirked and looked down at the little yellow filly.

“That’s not fair! You tickled me, that’s cheating.”

“Oh, I’m all ridden with guilt.” From outside the bell rang, summoning fillies and colts to their first class of the day. It was math.

Rainbow took her seat next to Fluttershy as had become her habit. They both listened intently to the teacher and neither of them spoke until halfway through the class when Rainbow leaned over and said at a whisper, “How would you like an A+?”
Fluttershy grinned and nodded. Things really had gone back to normal.

After class, the young couple walked outside, laughing. They froze when they saw a group of students gathered around the notice board. There was excited chattering but the two looked at each other nervously. They could only think of what had happened last time.

In the end they decided it couldn’t be any worse so they went to see what the fuss was about. This time, the crowd just parted in front of Rainbow. There was a notice on the board that read, “Singing competition tonight! First prize is a weeks-worth of Finest Kind chocolate.” Rainbow and Fluttershy turned to each other and smiled broadly.

“Are you ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

After finishing all their lessons for the day, they had gone back to their dorm for a last minute practise and to decide on a song.

Now they walked on to the stage and looked out at the hall full of ponies. It looked as though the whole school had showed up. Fluttershy had a flash of nerves but then the band started to play.

Rainbow took a deep breath and started to sing.

“Do you hear me, talking to you?
Across the water across the deep, blue, ocean,
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I’m trying…”

Flutterhsy began to sing, her voice as sweet as ever.

“Girl, I hear you, in my dreams,
I feel you whisper, across the sea,
I keep you with me, in my heart,
You make it easier when life gets hard…”

Rainbow joined in and they sang together.

“I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend,
Lucky to have been where I have been,
Lucky to be coming home again,
They don’t know how long it takes,
Waiting for a love like this,
Every time we say goodbye,
I wish we had one more kiss, I’ll wait for you,
I promise you, I will.
I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend,
Lucky to have been where I have been,
Lucky to be coming home again,
Lucky we’re in love in every way,
Lucky to have stayed were we have stayed,
Lucky to be coming home someday…”

Fluttershy stopped and let Rainbow sing on alone.

“And so I’m sailing, through the sea,
To an island where we’ll meet,
You’ll hear the music fill the air,
I’ll put a flower in your hair…”

Rainbow’s last note was only just fading in her throat when Fluttershy began to sing.

“Though the breezes, through the trees,
Blow so pretty, you’re all I see,
As the world keeps spinning round,
You hold me right here right now…”

Rainbow took a breath and the two began to sing together again.

“I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend,
Lucky to have been where I have been,
Lucky to be coming home again,
I’m lucky we’re in love in every way,
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed,
Lucky to be coming home someday,
Ooh, ooh, ooh…”

The two voices faded in unison, and the two looked up at the whole school in front of them. There was a moment of silence, then a thundering applause tore through the large hall. Every single pony was stamping and cheering. Rainbow reached over and grabbed Fluttershy in a tight hug.

“I love you, Shy.”

“I love you too, Dashie.” Rainbow leaned forward and kissed the yellow filly on the lips. The hall fell silent for just a moment but then the applause broke out and this time it was even louder.

Fluttershy smiled sheepishly. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

And the two walked off the stage and back to the warm cosy bed that would be waiting for them. This truly was the happiest they had ever been.

The end.

Alright fillies and gentle-colts, this really is the end. first of all I'll just do the usual and say that the first song was "For Baby" by John Denver, and the second song was "Lucky" by Jason Mraz and featuring Colbie Caillat. Now as this is the end, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who read, liked and favorited this story. I'd also like to thank everyone who trudged through my endless grammatical and spelling mistakes to make this story better. I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have.

Comments ( 41 )

Just for this, I'm going to use 19, count 'em, 19 emoticons.

1470351 Crap. that was 20. My life is over!

You must do another story. This is to good to end it right now "But Tonight We Dance". Sorry just wanted to say that has another great Rise Against song. Anyway, like I said before and I shall say it again, You must do more of this. Such an amazing story you have created and it would be so sad to see this be the end. Love it though :yay:

Great story, loved reading it.
I give you four out of five mustaches :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:
Looking forward to seeing what you do next!

1470351 I'm glad you thought my story worthy of twenty nineteen emoticons. :pinkiehappy:

1470464 Actually I have got another story in mind that I plan to do at some point soonish but it wouldn't be from this story line. I may do a sequel to this one though so keep your eyes peeled. :pinkiehappy:

Cute. Very sweet end. I guess that sorts out the problem and we know they are quite likely going to get a bit of a following soon. :pinkiehappy:
I look foward to more Flutterdash from you :rainbowkiss::heart::yay: this is a promising start.

1470491 That is such a sad picture... :fluttercry:

1470492 Why, thank you. :pinkiehappy:

1470553 And I look forward to writing it. :twilightsmile:

1470671 any hints to your nex story?

1472308 ...There will be Pinkie Pie and a broken fourth wall... :pinkiehappy:

Well, overall this was a very good fic. It was fun to see alternate character interpretation on both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. And the interpretation of their school years. The songs were well chosen, and the song sequences fit into the story nicely, making it reminiscent of a musical. The sentences were well-worded and flowed well, aside from the occasional spelling mistake or grammatical error. I really enjoyed this fic and you get 5 moustaches. :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

“I’ll walk in the rain by you side,

By your side.

Fluttershy Squeaked and,

The word "squeaked" shouldn't be capitalized.

By the way,
This is now part of my headcanon collection.
You say you're writing a sequel? Good. I will be there to stalk it.


1474007 I don't think we even have the notion of attendance at my school... there wouldn't be much point as none of the students go full time anyway. :derpytongue2:

1474095 You know, I think that may actually be less mistakes than last time... I'mma believe it is anyway. :twilightsmile:

1474505 Thank you so much. *Squee* :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:

1473737 ... :facehoof: ... yes... yes it is...

(Where are these other fabulous mixtures of the best band and he best shipping ever? I've only ever seen one)

omg wat a way to end the episode wit da most romantic song EVA! i love lucky :rainbowdetermined2::heart::fluttershyouch: luved it

1495688 Most romantic song in my itunes library, there really was nothing else I could have ended this story with. :twilightsmile:

I'm glad you liked it. :pinkiehappy:

wow! amazing work! touching story too!

This is a beautiful story, although I'd have loved to see the singing part at the end get some closure and perhaps a little more background and content surrounding the setting and characters (for example, the issues with Cherry Sprinkle and Dashie's old school)~ The romance itself sometimes felt hurried or not properly fleshed out, but that's all a matter of personal preference~

A wonderful story; it was full of loves and feels~<3<3<3 :yay:

Amazing, I have been singing the last song with my bf, we sing just like in the song, I have a request your probably gonna turn down, please do Derpy x Rainbow Dash, it would make me sooooooooo happy! Thanks for the amazing fanfic!

1628737 That sounds great, I was really happy with that as a choice for the last song of the story. :pinkiesmile:

What, and have Rainbow cheat on Fluttershy? :fluttercry: I'm not sure I could do that to her. Sorry but I'm glad you liked this one. :twilightsmile:

Awesome fanfic, loved it till the end c: One of the few fanfics that I dreamed on while not able to finish it over night XD:fluttershysad:

1673990 I dreamed about Background Pony once or twice and let me tell you that those were some seriously strange dreams. Glad you liked it :twilightsmile: one of my friends finished it one half an hour. That felt kinda anticlimactic after so long writing it. :ajbemused:
I'm curious though, how did these dreams go?

1676426 I 'unno, it was just really weird, but I saw two ponies, more particular, RD and Fluttershy, and somehow they were singing something familiar, probably heard in this fanfic o_O So when I woke up, I quickly went and finished this, and I am really glad to have found it interesting, and nice c:

1865901 I think that's a good thing? :rainbowhuh:

:yay::heart::rainbowlaugh: I really enjoyed this story :) And i can't complain about the best ship Flutterdash.

Thanks for the intertaining read :) and the songs were a very nice addition!

1884148 Thank you :twilightsmile: glad you enjoyed it.


Heh you bet it's a good thing :yay:

I can't believe I forgot to comment on this after I read it! I loved this story! It shows a much deeper side of Dash and Fluttershy. I look forward to reading more from you in the future. Keep up the great writing!

2462606 Uh... more from me...? Uhh... *closes Skyrim guiltily* yea, writing... totally... :twilightsheepish:

Seriously, though, glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

I am glad to have read it. Thank you for writing such a great story.

Gahh, I really like this story but the lyrics keep distracting me! (Which is a good and bad thing, I just had to keep stopping and finding the songs that was written) And I had a feeling the first time that I was going to really start like Rise Against, and after reading it a second time (and having the proper youtube music that correlates) I must say that now I will have to find and own most of Rise Against's stuff because you got me hooked on it. :facehoof: :ajsmug:

2892887 I also found Rise Against because of a pony fic. It was called Make It Stop, I really recommend it. I must admit that, when I wrote this, I hoped people would take the time to listen to the songs I chose. I wouldn't own all of Rise Against if I were you. Their best albums, in my ever so humble opinion, are Endgame, Appeal To Reason and The Sufferer and The Witness. :twilightsmile: (Also you should check out The Offspring) AAAAnnyway, glad you liked it. :pinkiehappy:

(see, you should never get me started on music, i'm like the thing that wouldn't shut up.)

A good modern take on FlutterDash. I read this a few months ago, and loved it so I figured I give my approval. :heart:

nice story, a lot of "hands" and i still cant think RD is best student but a pretty story afterall :3

2894434 I've got all the albums ;) Worth every penny. My favourites are Appeal to reason, Siren Song of the Counter Culture, and Endgame.

3432678 I'm glad you liked the story. :pinkiehappy: There is a sequel, if you wanna check it out, but it's incomplete and not my best work. (wow, amazing self promotion there :ajbemused:*slow clap*)

Anyway, if you're thinking about learning Make It Stop, you should check out this video, that's the one I used. I also used this one to learn the solo in Swing Life Away. In fairness, I play Swing Life Away on capo four, so the solo doesn't really work, but if you sung it in a different key, it'd probably be fine. :twilightsmile: If you like Rise Against, you might also enjoy Linkin Park, The Offspring or My Chemical Romance. Acoustic covers of The Offspring usually sound great, but the chords can be a little tricky to find. I've tried using tabs I found, but they're really designed mostly for electric guitars and don't sound as good on an acoustic. (see? it is almost always a bad idea to get me started on music)

(also, if you find good chords for Hairline Fracture, send 'em to me, i've been meaning to learn that one.)

I just want you to know, this is still one of my favorite fics ever on this site. Thank you for bringing it into existence.
~ Wywint

This had a bit of an abrupt ending, and I kind of want to know what happens next.But other than the sad fact that this is the end :fluttercry: It's an amazing story! :twilightsmile:

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