• Published 24th Nov 2012
  • 2,312 Views, 42 Comments

Playing a Pegasus - Eletricka

She has to heal not just her heart broken friends, but the heart breaker and her past

  • ...



Love can never be so beautiful without friendship

With a satisfied sigh, Rainbow Dash snuggled deeper into her cloud. "This is the life." She said, closing her eyes as the sun hit her face. It was lunch break for her and the rest of the Weather Team, and most of them had decided to meet up with friends. Apart from Cloud Kicker.

"Yeah," Mumbled the lavender pony next to her. Cloud Kicker was her closest friend at work, mostly because she wasn't afraid of Dash, in any shape or form. But she also knew when to just let her boss get the stupidity out of her system. Plus, she knew ponies who were good for a one night stand. "I could live like this forever."

Rainbow nodded in agreement, "Sun, sleep and se-"

"Cloud Kicker!" A high pitched voice called out from below, "Cloud Kicker!" With a sigh, Cloud Kicker peeped over the edge of her cloud.

"Yeah, Pinkie?" She replied, glancing at the pink mare who was trying to grow wings...or something.

Pinkie stopped bouncing and stood on her hind legs, trying to get closer to the mare, "Have you seen Rainbow Dash?" She asked.

Another head peered from the clouds. "Right here."

"Perfect! I've got a party tonight, you two will come, yes?"

"A party for what?" Rainbow Dash asked, scratching the back of her head thoughtfully as she stared at the pony beneath her bounce on the spot like she needed to take a whiz. And today had started so peacefully.

Pinkie let out a high pitched giggle, "It's a 'party-because-it's-the-day-before-tomorrows-party' party!" She somehow reached Rainbow Dash and her into a tight hug, "Just imagine it, Dash. Cider, everywhere. All different types of cakes," She whispered, licking her lips at the imaginary cakes, "Carrot, chocolate, every type you can dream of. And then, don't forget about the cupcakes and muffins and donuts and-"

"Thanks, Pinkie," Rainbow Dash said sarcastically, "Now I'm hungry again." Her stomach grumbled in agreement as the cyan mare muttered something under her breath.

Pinkie blinked before a gigantic smile appeared on her face, "No problem, nopony can ever be full of cakes!" She replied, missing the sarcasm dripping from Dash's voice. "But, you're both still coming, right?" With a sigh, Rainbow Dash nodded.

Cloud Kicker smirked, landing gently beside Dash, "Will there be any cute mares there?" She asked.

A frown found it's way onto Pinkie's face, hating the idea that two of her friends were asking her if there were any more of her friends they could do that too. Just, ugh.

Changing topics swiftly, she asked the mares a question which often worried her. "...Do you two like those new cupcakes I made last week? Y'know, the ones with chocolate sauce and strawberry sauce and thing-a-berry sauce- No, bad Pinkie." She tapped her head with a hoof, trying to focus, "I mean, is it mean that I'm not inviting Fluttershy or Twilight to this party?" The frown turned into worry.

Rainbow poked Pinkie in the side, "Na, remember what happened last time?" They both shivered at the memory while Cloud Kicker laughed. Never, ever give those two strong cider... Ever.

A look of horror struck the pink pony, "Good gosh, don't need to see that in the rest of my life." With a shake of her head, the normal smile she wore appeared on Pinkie's face. "Well it's best I get going now, see you later, bye!" She then trotted off, humming to herself as she did.

Rainbow Dash sighed, "That mare's gonna be the death of me."

"You mean Equestria, right?" Cloud Kicker joked, "But seriously," She flew up to her cloud once again. Rainbow followed. "What are you gonna go for at the party?"

The cyan pony shrugged, "Eh, whatever gets my attention, I suppose."

"Well, there's still your friends if you can't find anypony else." Cloud Kicker said skeptically.

Rainbow grimaced, "You know I don't like that, Kicks." She shook her head, "It just doesn't feel right, asking one of them for a quick bang, y'know? They're my best friends. They each deserve to find a stallion or mare who will treat them with the love and respect they deserve." She paused before pushing her head into the soft cloud. "Jeez, I really need to spend less time with Rarity."


The party at Sugarcube corner was coming to an end. It was only early evening, but everypony had work the next morning and most of the guests had already gone, leaving just a dozen or so ponies behind. They are all saying their goodbyes and disappearing out the door, eager to get home to their warm beds.

"Pinkie, thank you for inviting me to such a wonderful occasion!" Rarity exclaimed as she sat down next to Pinkie, "I must admit, I prefer your parties to the ones in Canterlot." Her eyes darted back and forth to make sure nopony else had heard.

"Aw, thanks Rarity." Pinkie replied, turning her attention to Rarity. "I tried to make it a bit more Canterlot-y for you because I know you're a fancy mare." She nodded to herself, "I think it worked."

Rarity laughed, "It did, darling. This has to be one of your best parties." Letting out a soft sigh, she gave Pinkie a friendly nuzzle, "Well, I am going to get some cider before it all runs out."

As she disappeared from sight, a drunk Rainbow Dash walked up to Pinkie, a sluggish smile on her face as she let out a yawn, "This is an awesome party, Pinkie." Her eyes scanned the small crowd, most likely for her prey that night. Her mane was more disheveled than usual and her wings were furling by her side as she bit her lip, a smirk slowly found it's way onto her face.

A giggle erupted from Pinkie as the Pegasus stumbled to the side, energy completely gone, "Thanks, Dash!" Pinkie answered, her eyes watching Dash's movements as the Pegasus locked onto her prey. "Dashie..." Pinkie drawled out in warning as Rainbow Dash's eyes lit up.

"Yeah, Pinkie?" She smirked, not really paying attention to her friend. Her eyes were locked on a young Unicorn mare, talking with Berry Punch. What was the Unicorn called again? Peppermint? Spear? Spearmint!

Pinkie giggled, knowing how to snap Rainbow Dash out of this mode. Perhaps her only weakness at times like these were her friends. "I've been thinking," She started, a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth, "It's late now and there's an empty bed just up the those stairs." Rainbow Dash's ears flickered over to her, staring at Spearmint, but listening to Pinkie, "And, I'm sure it just wants me, little old Pinkie, to warm it up, with the help of somepony, of course."

Rainbow's eyes almost popped out of her head, her wings sprung up and became stiff, and her mind had no time to process what Pinkie had said, leaving the only answer to be a very intelligible, "Buh?"

"Oh, nothing Dashie," Pinkie turned, swishing her tail in Dash's face. "...Sweet dreams, Rainbow Dash." She gave the cyan mare one of her knowing smiles and then Pinkie made her exit, walking upstairs and disappearing without another word.

Dash stared after her for another minute or two, before finally, she gained enough will power to bring her wings down and settled them on her back. She blinked, bringing her head out of the clouds. Haha, clouds. 'Cause I live in them, she giggled to herself, her mind fuzzy. Making an exit for the door, she soon realized that she wasn't going to be able to fly to her house. In fact, she'd be lucky if she could walk to her house. For someone who could manage these types of parties and drinks, she was sure not handling them tonight. She was, in every aspect her brain could think of -which was currently only one- hammered.

Attempting to shake the stupidity out of her head, she stumbled down the road, in which she hoped was the right way to her house. Blinking again, she took a step forward, stumbled, and decided that the ground was an excellent place to sleep for the night.

It was cold, then again, the weather was meant to be cold for the entire month. It wasn't too bad for Rainbow Dash, she and Cloud Kicker would sleep above the clouds, like they'd done earlier that same day, so that they could get some sun whenever they wanted it. Selfish, yes, but whatever, she was Rainbow Dash.

Rolling onto her side, she looked back at Sugarcube corner, ponies still filing out of the place. And Pinkie was in her room, waving goodbye to some ponies only she and Celestia knew the names of. It didn't matter though, the only time Rainbow Dash would ever talk to them would be to see if they wanted a to do it.

Closing her eyes, Dash let the darkness of sleep carry her away from reality, and hopefully into some sexual fantasy. She snickered at the thought. Not like that's never happened before.

"Aw, you're not going to sleep there, are you?" A melodic voice rung out, "Not when I'm all alone and cold in my bed." It cooed. Seconds later, Dash could hear a gentle clip-clop getting louder as it approached, interrupting her much needed sleep.

Cracking an eye open, Rainbow Dash locked eyes with the mare's jade green ones. Spearmint. With a drunken grin on her face, the Pegasus rolled onto her back, "Hey there, Spearmint." She licked her lips as her eyes traveled up and down the Unicorn. "How 'bout you and me go to your place for some fun."

Spearmint fluttered her eyelashes at the drunken Rainbow Dash, "I think that would be absolutely amazing. No strings?" She mused.

"No strings." Perfect, this was just what she needed right now, a good one night stand with somepony and to top it off, no crazy stalker wanting to be her girlfriend or whatever.

Spearmint nodded, helping the mare onto her hooves. As they continued on their way, a shadowy figure appeared in front of them.

"And just where d'ya think yer going?" The mare drawled out, her green eyes focusing on Rainbow Dash who was almost unconscious. Her wing was draped over Spearmint's back as she lent into the mare.

"It's 'not your business, Applejack." Rainbow spoke, jabbing a hoof at the mare.

Applejack sighed, "I'll take her to her house, or as close as Ah can get," She told Spearmint, "And you should get home before it gets real dark out."

"I'm not going with you." Rainbow Dash said, managing to find her hooves and then pushed her muzzle against Applejack's angrily. "Me and Spearmint are going to her house, and then-" She smirked, "And then we're gonna have fun."

Applejack rolled her eyes, "Sure you are, now get your flank over 'ere so Ah can take you home."

Rainbow Dash pouted before letting out a very childish "No."

"Rainbow Dash. Ah said-"


"Ah'm tellin' ya-


"Ah'll give ya till the count of three. One," Applejack said, narrowing her eyes at the stubborn Pegasus who glared back at her. And a little to the left. Seeing another Applejack standing beside the first Applejack.

"Two." They continued their glaring match.

"Three." Rainbow Dash stood her ground. "...Rainbow Dash. Get yer skinny flank over 'ere now."

Rainbow Dash let out a sly grin, easily letting the tension dissolve, "So you've been staring at my flank, huh? Well, you must of been if you know it's skinny."

Applejack stared at her, and Dash saw her right eye twitching, "Ya know what?" Applejack said with a shake of her head, "Go ahead, knock yourself out, idiot." With that, she turned and trotted in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.

"...She's right, you do have a skinny flank." Dash grinned and looked at Spearmint who bit her lip and gave Dash a sultry smile and wink. "And I'm not afraid to say that I've been staring at it."

"So, where were we?"