• Published 24th Nov 2012
  • 2,313 Views, 42 Comments

Playing a Pegasus - Eletricka

She has to heal not just her heart broken friends, but the heart breaker and her past

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Don't bet with Pinkie

Chapter 1: Don't bet with Pinkie

I hear you're a player, so let's play a game.

The sunlight streamed through the half shut curtains, hitting Rainbow Dash and waking her from her not-so-peaceful slumber. Her eyes cracked open, glaring at the sunrise. With a yawn, she slipped out of the covers and hit the floor with a quiet thump. Sticking her rear in the air, she stretched her forelegs as she took in her surroundings.

Spearmint was a quite well off pony. She had a rather posh house, with lots of furniture that Rarity would die for. The bedroom, in it's original state, would probably be quite beautiful, but now...now it was a mess. Sheets and pillows were scattered all over, feathers from those pillows were sticking to any surface they could find, which included Dash.

Well, she was always a bit of a biter.

Looking over at the resting form of Spearmint, Rainbow Dash grinned wildly. What a night.

Quietly as she could, Rainbow Dash trotted downstairs and into a long hallway. The whole hall, actually, the whole house, was sparkling. Heck, even the the floors were cleaner than Dash's house. It was scary in it's own super-clean way.

She then headed to the front door and opened it, once again greeted by the Sun's somewhat hateful glare. Which was strange, since it was Celestia...kinda. It was as if she was glaring down at all of her little ponies.

Spreading her wings, Dash lifted into the air and steadied herself before taking off in the direction of her floating house.

Not many ponies were outside yet, most were still in their beds sleeping as it was early in the morning. So early, that Rainbow Dash couldn't hear any birds. Out of her closest friends, it was probably only Applejack and her family who were up at this time of day.

When she saw her house in the distance, she slowed down and landed softly on the roof. When she entered, she was greeted by Tank, her pet tortoise. He lifted his head slowly at her and gave her what must of been the equivalent of a grin.

Walking to a pair of saddlebags propped up against the wall, she grabbed some tortoise food , that she had been given by Fluttershy, and gave it to her pet. He gazed at the food for a minute, blinked, took the food and ate it. Like always.

"Well, see you later, Tank." Dash nuzzled him affectionately and once again headed outside.

Jumping off the side of your house would have most ponies labelled insane, but as she was a Pegasus, it was totally fine. With a little spring, she plunged off of the cloud house and down to the Earth below. Seconds before impact, she spread her wings wide and soared high into the morning sky.

With a yawn, she tilted her wings so she headed in the direction of Ponyville. As she got closer, she could see ponies coming out of their homes, ready to start the day. Gliding over the town, she soon realized that she hadn't had anything to eat for breakfast.

Now she just had the tough decision of choosing where to eat. There were lots of places in Ponyville where she could eat, but only one place she could get food where it was virtually free.


As she entered Sugarcube corner, she had her personal (and sexy) space invaded by Pinkie.

"Dash!" The pink mare yelled, before giving Rainbow Dash a grin that should of split her face in half, "What are you here for? Huh? Huh? Huh?" Her bright blue eyes seemed to be trying to attack Dash's magenta.

Rainbow Dash gently pushed her away, "Just here for some breakfast," She sniffed the air, smelling the sweet aurora of the shop, "Got anything tasty?"

Pinkie let out a dramatic gasp, "Dash!" She cried, a somewhat terrified look on her face, "This is Sugarcube corner, of course there's something yummy!" Grabbing Rainbow's hoof, she dragged the blue mare over to the counter, "Today we have pancakes, waffles and muffins. Then we have syrup and applesauce, too!" Licking her lips, she left Dash at the counter and disappeared into the kitchen.

As Dash made the toughest decision she'd ever face so early in the morning, whether or not she would have waffles with syrup, Twilight Sparkle came up beside her, "Good Morning, Rainbow." She said politely, her own purple eyes scanning the food.

"Hey, Twi." Rainbow smiled at the pony next to her, she seemed awkward yet happy. Ah, Dash leaned over to whisper in her ear, "So, who's the lucky Stallion?"

Twilight's eyes widened and a small squeak escaped, "What?"

Dash laughed, nudging the pony, "Come on, I can totally tell," It was like a sixth sense with Rainbow Dash, and it also helped that Twilight was now a lovely shade of red.

Twilight coughed and let out a nervous laugh, "I-I have no idea what you're talking about, Rainbow Dash." She whispered, her eyes refusing to meet the cyan mare's.

Deep in thought, Dash put a hoof to her chin, "Hmm, was it Caramel?" She asked, squinting her eyes and flaring her wings aggressively.

Celestia's prized student shook her head and walked over to a clear table, Rainbow Dash hot on her heels. Sitting down comfortably, Dash put her forelegs behind her head and wished that she had her cool sunglasses on her. "What about Big Macintosh?" She then proceeded to go down the list of all the Stallions she knows in Ponyville. Each time receiving a 'no' as an answer.

"So, it wasn't a Stallion, was it a Mare?" She asked, her magenta eyes sparkling with mischievousness. Twilight went scarlet and suddenly found the floor to be very interesting. "It was, wasn't it? You screw-"

"Rainbow Dash!" A stern voice called out, breaking Dash's mini-freak out. Turning around, Rainbow found herself face to face with Pinkie's glare. It was quite scary when Pinkie glared at somepony, it just wasn't right. If either she or Fluttershy gave you a glare, then you most likely deserved it. "We'll have none of that talk in here, please."

Seconds later, the smile that she often wore appeared back on her face, "Now, what can I get you two lovely Mares?" Her big blue eyes fixed on both Mares at the same time.

Twilight smiled cheerfully, happy to leave the uncomfortable conversation behind, "Hi Pinkie, can I just have a blueberry Muffin and a milkshake to go, please?" Pinkie nodded brightly.

"And you?" Pinkie asked Rainbow Dash, who noticed that she didn't seem as happy as talking to her as she did to Twilight. Weird.

"Em, I'll just have waffles and syrup, Pinks." With a small nod, Pinkie turned around and headed back to the counter. Okay, Rainbow Dash thought, Pinkie's mad at me for some reason. She'll be fine in a minute or two.

Shaking her head, she turned back to Twilight, "Does Pinkie seem a little...off...to you?" She asked cautiously, fully aware that the Mare she was asking about could pop out of nowhere.

The Unicorn shrugged, "She does seem a little angry with you. But she's always like that when you bring that topic up." Twilight sighed, "Seriously, Rainbow. You know how traditional some Earth ponies are, try to be a little more...oh, I don't know. How about you don't bring it up around her, see, problem solved."

Rainbow Dash's ears flattened against her head and a scowl graced her face, "I don't see why she gets so bothered about it though. It's not like I'm hurting anypony."

"...And breakfast is served!" Pinkie said in her sing-song voice, balancing muffins, a milkshake and pancakes on her head while bouncing. Placing them down onto the table, she told her friends, "That'll be four bits please."

Twilight took four bits out and gave them to Pinkie before Rainbow Dash had time to respond. "Thanks, Pinkie!" Twilight laughed, "But, er, you got some syrup on your muzzle." She giggled again as Pinkie tried to look down and see her muzzle, her eyes widening.

"Oh my gosh, Twilight! There really is!" And then she frowned and her eyes started to water. "That's such a waste of syrup." She shook her head sadly. "But, oh well, more for me!" Licking the syrup off of her muzzle, the pink mare then continued on her way, humming a song.

Dash immediately started stuffing her face with the food in front of her. It was smothered in a more than generous amount of syrup, something only Rainbow Dash and a few other ponies ever got, mainly because they were Pinkie's friends.

"So, Dash," Twilight started, having finished her muffin, "You were saying..."

The cyan Mare blinked at her for a second before realization dawned on her, "Like I was saying, I'm not hurting anypony. I tell them I'm not looking for a relationship and that it's all just some fun." She shrugged.

"Look, Dash," Twilight said, "You're the Element of Loyalty, aren't you?" Dash nodded. "That was a rhetorical question by the way. Well, anyway, as that Element, surely you can put aside that little thing, just for Pinkie's sake. I mean, she's your best friend." When Rainbow Dash didn't reply she continued, "Rainbow, look at Pinkie." Complying to the Mare's request, Rainbow Dash turned her head and saw Pinkie talking to some ponies she didn't know and giggling with them. "Now, imagine what it would be like if you lost a friend like that because you couldn't push aside your ego for her sake." Placing her hoof over Dash's in a comforting way, Twilight pleaded with Dash, her eyes boring into Dash's.

With a sigh, Dash nodded, "Okay, Twi."

Twilight smiled, "Good." Jumping out of her chair, she said goodbye to Dash and yelled bye to Pinkie before disappearing out of the shop, her milkshake floating beside her in a pink glow.

Dash groaned and slid down in her chair, pouting like a foal. "Stupid Twilight being smart and being right all the time."


Half an hour of hitting her face on the wall later, Dash was visited by a confused Pinkie. It was only the two of them in Sugarcube corner at the moment.

"Dashie, are you trying to hit a fly? I think you would have got it by now." She laughed, bouncing on the spot, "You'll probably hurt your head soon. Oh! Have you already hurt your head?" Her smile faltered for a moment, worry creeping onto face.

"I slept at Spearmint's place last night." Rainbow Dash blurted out. Wow, well done Dash. Go against everything you promised Twilight, Rainbow told her self, how about a round of applause.

"Oh, for goodness sake, Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie whined, stomping her hoof. In a matter of seconds, Pinkie's mood had changed from happy, to worry, to alright annoyance.

"Eh, aha...oops?" Obviously it wasn't the best thing the blue Pegasus could of done in that situation.

Pinkie narrowed her eyes at Dash, before turning around and mumbling to herself, "Sometimes, I want to take your big dumby dumb head and just..." She gritted her teeth and glared at the wall.

"Pinkie, what's the problem?" Rainbow Dash said, standing up and heading over to her pink friend.

"Problem?" Pinkie turned on the Pegasus, angrily pushing her muzzle against Rainbow's, forcing the Mare to fall onto her haunches, "There's no problem, Rainbow Dash. It's just that sometimes you make me so...so..."

"So, what?"

"So...Angry! You make me so angry!" Pinke yelled, her eyes blazing with an inner fury.

They stared into each other's eyes, one pair filled with anger, the other filled with surprise.

Within seconds, Pinkie blinked and backed away. "S-sorry Dashie, I was out of line there." She whispered, making circles with her hoof. But then she paused, why should I be apologizing? I haven't done anything wrong. "But, you know what, Dash? I'm going to make a bet with you."

She walked around the still frozen Pegasus, circling her like a wolf would circle it's prey. Rainbow Dash gulped, not liking the predatory gleam in Pinkie's eyes. "A-a bet?"

"Yes..." Pinkie continued walking in circles as the Pegasus tried to find her hooves.

With her confidence back, Dash met Pinkie with a cautious look, "What kind of bet?" She asked, her eyes locked on to Pinkie.

"Well, I guess it's more of a game." Pinkie said, "But, anyway, I bet that you, Rainbow Dash, can not go three months, spending time with one Mare or Stallion," She smirked, "Without falling for them."

Rainbow Dash blinked. Twice. Then a grin grew on her face, "Ha! That is the worst bet I've ever heard!" She laughed, clutching her belly.

"Maybe it is, but are you willing to take it?" Pinkie spat on her hoof, and put it in mid-air. "Or are you too, chicken?"

"I will take you up on that bet, Pinkie," Dash then spat on her own hoof and pushed it onto Pinkie's, "Just so you know, I'll never, ever, fall for anypony." With a pause, she continued, "How about I add something more interesting to this bet? The pony has too fall for me, too."

Getting caught up in the moment, Rainbow Dash said something she'd sworn to herself she would never do,

"I pick you."