• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 19,439 Views, 1,942 Comments

The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 68: A Dress

Purple Haze was not enjoying herself, not one bit at all. Flying Shield would laugh her flank off should she see her like this. All around her scrolls of fabric, needles and and thread floated around in a whirlwind of colors. Next time somepony asked her what she would wear at a gala she would keep her mouth shut, especially if the pony asking was Rarity. The moment Purple Haze had told her she was planning on wearing her armor Rarity had gone insane and had simply dragged the wildly flailing Purple Haze off to her boutique.

Right now Rarity was happily attaching a myriad of differently colored fabrics to a fidgeting Purple Haze. "Why can't I wear my armor at the gala? It's my decision!" Purple Haze tried once more to escape Rarity's magical grasp on her, but she would have none of it. The gnoll was watching from a corner with amusement, he knew better than to try and stop Rarity during one of her fits.

"It is simply impossible for a dame to appear on such an important event dressed in full armor! It is simply inappropriate and I will not have it!" she levitated another piece of fabric towards her, "Now hold still or I cannot finish my work, you don't want to look like a slob, or do you?"

"What is slob?" Scar asked from his corner.

"What's wrong with my armor? It's my official uniform after all! I wear it all the time!" she looked over to Scar, he was currently wearing his white cloak. "He gets to wear his normal clothes so why shouldYOUCH!"

"See what happens when you fidget around to much? I need to concentrate on my work and handling needles is a delicate task. Please hold still from now on."

"You did that on purpose!" Purple Haze replied angrily as the needle was removed from her flank.

"Why would I do something like that my dear? Now try to keep still." Rarity answered with the tiniest of smiles, "As for Scar, of course I will fashion him something more appropriate for the event! I already have the most fabulous gems and colors ready for his robes. He will look simply adorably fabulous in a light blue!" she swooned. The gnoll felt the blood drain from his face. He made a quick check, if he could get down the stairs and through the door fast enough... Rarity saw his look.

"Sweetie Belle..." Rarity called out.

"Yes?" came the answer from bellow.

"Be a dear and lock the front door."


"Did you hear the latest news?" a unicorn inside Canterlot castle scoffed, "It seems that a guard and that dreadful beast were invited to attend the founder's gala!"

"That is simply unheard of!" exclaimed the other noble, "To think that we should share out tables with a common guard and a wild animal! It is an insult to our very traditions!"

"Indeed, should we have to suffer under such indignities? It is an affront to our status unlike any other!"

"We should file a complaint about this to the princesses! The other nobles will surely agree that this can not stand! The founder's gala shall not be degraded by the presence of these savages! Who in their sound mind would even think of inviting common folk such as..."

Their discussion came to a sudden halt as princess Luna walked up to them, "Oh, princess Luna!" the two nobles bowed, "We were just about to request an audience with you, your highness. It is about..."

"I have already heard what concerns you, it was difficult not to overhear the both of you." Luna answered in a dangerously calm voice.

Luna's mood seemed to go unnoticed by the two, "You did? Splendid! Then surely you will agree with us when..."

She interrupted him, "Before you continue any further, know this. The gnoll and the captain where invited by my sister and myself." The color started to leave the noble's face, "They are our personal guests of honor and just as my sister and myself, you will feel honored that they take time to participate in these festivities."

She paused for a second to let her words sink in, the nobles' jaws had already traveled a considerable way down. She continued with a calm voice but her eyes showed her anger, "Should any of you find it unbearable to sit at one table with true heroes you are of course excused to feel free to not attend the gala. But let me be very clear on one subject, should any of you do something to insult either the gnoll or the captain me and my sister will take it as an insult to ourselves. And we shall react accordingly." the ponies shivered.

"I take it that your concerns are laid at rest with this?" she asked with a sweet voice.

One of the nobles managed to stammer, "Of course, princess."

"Good. You are excused."


"Scar feels ridiculous..." the gnoll muttered as he turned in his new robes before the entrance of the castle. Rarity had made him a creation in light colors with colorful emblems. Countless jewels and gems covered the robes. Scar didn't like it at all, wearing this meant he could be spotted for miles.

"You feel ridiculous? Imagine how I feel." Purple Haze quoted on his side. She was wearing a long dress of deep blue with streaks of black. Countless stars of diamonds were sewn into the cape accompanied by a white moon on the sides. Even her mane had been redone, the normally spiky hairs now combed and running down her shoulders with the help of countless hair-care products and a shiny brooch. Rarity had even added a dab of various perfumes.

"At least Purple Haze looks pretty." the gnoll commented as he eyed her, "Scar looks like flower!"

Purple Haze almost missed a step, "Pretty?"

"Looks very pretty..." he held his nose close to her, "Also smells nice..."

Purple Haze could feel a blush start to spread on her cheeks, "Uhm... Thanks..." she almost whispered.

"Purple Haze feels well? Looks red..." the gnoll tilted his head as he observed her.

"Nono, everything's fine..."

"Purple Haze is sure? Scar can carry Purple Haze..."

The image of him carrying her over the steps of the castle flashed before her inner eyes, she could feel the blush growing. "No!... I mean, thank you I'm fine. Let's just go in already."

The gnoll watched her head towards the doors with a questioning look, had he said something wrong? "You coming?" she called back at him. Scar looked at her for a second longer before following her lead as the guards opened the doors to the gala. She really did look pretty.

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