• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,718 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

A Mares Question

Mordane walked hoof and hoof with his escort. The four guards flanked him on all sides as he was taken to the outer district. All around him, dozens of ponies were whispering behind hooves. It was only now as he walked past slowly that he could hear the dozens of individuals whisper at his passing. Something that he had not noticed before.

He took a moment to, as in the carriage, take in the city and surroundings. The dozens of ponies, walking around and breathing in the putrid, stale air. The stink pooling into his nose mixed with the punch of strong perfume. Even in this place the rot could be felt. The roads were not straight. The ponies were not walking line with each other, crossing each way in chaotic rush to get where they were going. It irked him and pushed him as they passed into the outer cut and angled toward the arena as the perfume faded.

The rot was still there.

Trixie followed behind Mordane, her steps shaky. Her horn arching slightly. Mordane had told her not to act. To wait and follow.

She only paused at the main gate between steps. Pulled forward as Mordane walked on solidly, the guards parting the growing crowd.

“Hear ye! Hear ye! Come now and purchase your seats for the month of games! You will not see it again till next year-”

The stallion caller paused as the guard motioned him down. Leaning in he whispered to him while motioning to Mordane.

The caller snapped his head to Mordane before grinning and motioning toward a door.

The guard waved Mordane over and they began to head inside as the cries began again.

“You can’t follow him inside." Said the guard to Trixie.

“Mordane?" She asked, furrowing eyebrows.

“Be prepared to leave after the games Trixie.”

“What am I to do with myself until then?" She frowned "I have no money, no food. Nothing.”

Mordane frowned before turning and looking her over. He smirked and pointed a hoof at her.

“No food, no money, nothing but the dress on your back." Mordane smiled at her “Ponies die around me Trixie. If you can’t make due with what you have then I have no use for you and you have no future with me.”

Mordane turned around.

“What am I supposed to do?"Trixie asked


He turned and walked into the arena underground leaving the teeth grinding unicorn behind.


Trixie practically stomped through the town, walking down the road center, trying to ignore the smell. She wore the only dress she owned. It was patchwork, barely worth wearing by the consideration of the elite, but an exorbitant luxury out here.

She was trying to think, but the nerve of Mordane was making her blood boil.

That bastard! Treating me like some, some... thing! To throw away and pick up as it suits him. She knew already where to go. It had seemed beneath her before, now though the prospect seemed favorable. In truth, she regretfully admitted to herself, she hadn’t been willing to start at anything but a lead role.

After all that had happened though…

She wasn’t going to think of that.

Should I sell the dress or hold onto it? She knew what choice she would have made. The same kind of rash thinking that had lead to Mordane being thrown into that black pit. Then he escaped. Those months of preparing him for balls. The witty messages. His bright eyes.

No, no more thinking about him. It's time to make my way back to Equestria.

She sighed, there was no going on such a long voyage without a lot of money. So she stepped into a dress shop and a few moments later walked out with nothing on. She slipped her small money sack into her mane and trotted off.

Trixie entered the theater district which was only a short way from the colosseum. She made her way past the drinking parlors and then to the theaters before coming to one of the smaller ones.

Here Trixie goes she gulped before knocking on the back door. A few moments later the door opened.

“Miss Lunamoon?" Said the theater manager. “It is a surprise to see you here again.”

“Yes, Playwright" Trixie said bowing her head slightly “Trixie has come back to ask for work.”

The stallion blinked then frowned.

“Last time you were here I offered you a part and you said that it was beneath you. I don’t have room in my theater for those with inflated egos."He began to close the door but Trixie put out her hoof, stopping it.

“Sir Playwright. Tr- I am sorry for my words from before. I won’t do such a thing again.”

The manager's eyes softened slightly. He stopped trying to close the door.

“I… made mistakes before. I let my pride push me to make bad decisions and have suffered for it." She put on her best puppy face. "I am willing to do any part you would have of me and I hope that you can treat this as our first meeting. I hope to serve with this theater for a long time.”

The stallion looked her over and then sighed.

“We have a minor role open. It's not glamorous.”

“Even if its as a slave Trixie will do it." She said quietly.

“Not that bad" the stallion smiled.”It is as a maid actually.”

“Trixie shall be the most eager maid ever seen on stage.”

The stallion laughed.

“Now that's the spirit. Come in, we are practicing the play right now.”

Trixie smiled happily and followed the stallion in. Perhaps the play was ‘Catching a stroll mid summers day’ or maybe ‘Ironhide’, both classics. The parts wouldn’t be that important but she could start somewhere. Soon she would be a rising star, and eventually everypony would know her name as that nopony faded from the public.

Oh who is there, she thought, fake waving in a little fantasy where Mordane was trying to get her attention from the crowd. Did I know you some time?

Yes, she would be rid of Mordane. Free at last to pursue artistic mastery.


Trixie's eyes snapped to the stage. Her eyes shrinking to pinpricks. There on the stage was an earth pony stallion with a pair of fake wings and a horn attached to him.

He was wearing a full breastplate armor. His four foot hair blowing in the wind from seemingly nowhere.
“But Mercenary-sama, I have been struck" Spoke up a mare with ample posterior facing where the audience would be sitting, was laying in front of him. “And I am dying because of it.”

“But Stalker, you are my one true love. How will I live on." His voice went from ear shattering to a dull roar.

“Take, my heart." Said the mare, presenting a red gem.

“Oh, sweet Celestia no." Squeaked Trixie. She would have to do something about this.


“I don’t understand." The theatre director was frowning as Trixie passed the room. “You’re saying you… met the alicorn?”

“Yes." She looks at the frowning pony. “Did you not hear rumors of a blue haired unicorn going with him to the king's party?”

The director's eyes lit up and his frown softened.

“Trixie was… enslaved." She said quietly dipping her head. The director froze. His mouth opening slightly. ‘Trixie… was made to be Stronghoof’s maid.”

The director blinked. His ear twitching.

“Tell me…something distinct about him." the director said before swallowing. “Something obvious.”

“Mr. Stronghoof… his left ear was damaged. It was sewn back together.”

“Anything else?”

“He doesn’t have a black coat and… he has no cutie mark.”

Suddenly the director's’ eyes lit up.

”Yes I noticed that as well. When I saw him at a party I mean. It's not in any of the rumors so…" He smiled “I believe that you are telling the truth.”

“Thank you." Trixie beamed. “Now...What you have to understand is that Stronghoof talked to me. He told me what happened at the fortress and I saw him doing other things personally.”

“Like what?”

“He was thrown into the pit, and survived.”

The directed froze for a moment before grinning.

“Really? That's… unheard of. Tell me, where is he now?”

“He is in the colosseum." Trixie answered quickly. “After all he killed a noble saving-"She blushed “saving me.”

The director burst out laughing. Pulling out some parchment he motioned for her to sit down.

“Miss Lunamoon. I need you to tell me everything.”

Trixie left the theater managers office with her head spinning. The director had asked her so many questions about Mordane, where he walked, how he talked. If she and he had…

Trixie shook her head.

Mordane confused her so much and she wanted to leave. She found herself drawn back though, and defending him. Telling a story about him.

Trixie shook her head.

There was much to do. The director had given her the role of herself. Trixie nearly laughed at that. As if her life had any place in song or play, but here she was.

She couldn’t stop it anymore and let out a small giggle. Even if this wasn’t exactly what she had wanted Trixie loved the idea of being an actor almost as much as being a powerful wizard of legend.

Now where was the Stars room. She had to inform the former actress she was being replaced.


Trixie slapped Stronghoof. She was wearing a pretty dress. Her hair tied up with a piece of cloth. She was sitting with him in a cage. All around could be heard the jostle of the road and the clip clop of hooves.

“Don’t you touch me roughen.”

“But isn’t it cold." The stallion smiled. Moving close to beside her. He laid his fake wing over her flashing white teeth.

“Well, it is cold"she said

“Sleep then. I’ll keep you safe." Stronghoof said.

“That was the first time I met Stronghoof." Trixie said, standing as the cage bars were lifted away. “Sold into slavery, not certain. The first time I met Stronghoof, he offered to shield me from the cold" She walked out onto the stage. Her eyes looking up to the crowd.

“His voice was warm but hard. Even caged he was reaching out and trying to worm his way into ponies souls. I tell you, above all his magic, sword skills and tactical brilliance it was this more than anything that bound his soldiers to him. It was that which was his greatest strength.”

The lights dimmed and the crowd began to clap. Trixie waited and bowed at the appropriate times as the lights came back up. The playwright telling the crowd of ponies to come again soon for the finisher.

Trixie made her way off stage. Through the congratulations and questioners she made it to her room where she closed to door.

She walked over the chair and sat down. She looked into the mirror and pulled off her headcloth, looking down at it. “I would have loved to have this in that cage.”

She shivered.

She knew that the story she told was embellished but that is what the crowd wanted. Not the real story. Not of the pony who had lain broken beside her…

In a few days they would be coming out with the final part of the play. Where Mordane would then abandon her at the arena. Again.

She shook her head.

“Miss Lunamoon?”

“Yes?” Trixie said “come in!”

A short mare walked in with a sack. Trixie paid her for her merchandise and dismissed her with a large tip.

When she was alone she took out all the things and laid them on the table.

A short simple knife, not a prop and sheath. A blank book with slot for a pen. A sizable empty money bag and a flyer with a familiar face on it.

She picked up the flair. On it was a shadow outline of Mordane with a caption below. ‘ Come see the VIOLENT WARLORD MORDANE in the ARENA during the FINAL ROUND

She looked it over and turned to the window.


Months later, with a few thousand bits in her enchanted moneybag, Trixie was waiting in line for the highlight of the evening. She had spent a hefty sum on a ticket. The rest she had earned and kept. She had never kept any money before, leaving her hoof as fast as it got there. Now she was doing well and the director was getting along well with her. Even the actors liked her.

It was a far cry from before. She was doing well

Yet she didn’t spend anything and now she was in line, waiting to see the pony she had left. That pony just seemed to stick to her mind. The thought of him made her heart quicken as she asked once again.

"Why am I doing this?"

Author's Note:

Two more chapters coming out over the next two days.