• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,718 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

Task for Trixie

Author's Note:

Here is my hope that you enjoy my chapter. Don't forget to comment and share.

She was staring at it again.

The point Mordane had been standing.

Nothing there spoke of the clawing darkness, nor the chill in her bones. Nothing roared at her, as it seemed it should. Just bare stone staring at her blankly.

Trixie’s hair stood on end. Whispers clawed at her ear with their frightening insistence.


“AH!” Trixie started, hopping a foot to the side only to look wide eyed at Mortimer who stood holding out a piece of paper.

“He wants stone.”

“Stone?” She asked, frowning as she calmed down. Taking the letter, she opened it to read the missive. “How much of it?”

“Two tons of it. The merchant will do the work and pay a little cash, but he needs the stone.” He gave a sheepish grin - “Apparently he has a colt on the way.”

“We will have to tell him our congratulations.” Trixie said with a monotone. She turned and trotted over to the desk to set down the letter, ignoring the open ledger before grabbing another premade envelope of her own.

“Here…take this one.” She said, passing over the letter. “This is to the Golden Hammer, fourth ward of the midden.”

“I know where it is,” Mortimer said before his face loosened as if from a tightly bound rubber band. “Shouldn’t you be the one doing this? I don’t think they are taking me seriously…”. “Just do as I say Mortimer.” Trixie mumbled, eyes tired as she turned back to the ledger. “I have important things to do.”

Mortimer watched her walk back, his eyes searching for something before he sighed and lowered his hat for a moment before screwing that loose board back down.

“Alright, just… get some sleep Trixie.”

“I already got some sleep.” Trixie grumbled as the door slammed shut behind him. She leafed through the three-page ledger, which was more a list of expenses than anything else.

Mordane was burning through money fast.

Oil rags, food, that mine, the armor… it was all adding up. The party had been the real right hook though, all the sudden they were in real danger of bankruptcy.

She couldn’t have imagined before, in her little cart, how quickly so much money could disappear. Even so she had already recounted the currency. After all their expenses they were down to forty thousand bits.

Looking over her estimation for the cost of stone, even if she had a way to transport it, would be around six thousand bits itself.

Mordane, had given a budget of twenty thousand for the cost of building his engine. She was glad that the mine had been purchased already at least.
Some time later as she was going over the book and thinking, the door opened behind her again.

“Miss Trixie.”

“Yes, Mortimer?”

“Golden Hammer wants ten thousand bits.”

“Ten thousand? Would he not come down at all?”

“No, I don’t understand.”

Trixie looked out the window and rubbed her chin.

“Perhaps they know…” Mortimer shifted between his hooves swallowing. He let the silence hang a bit before saying quietly.

“Know what?”

“They probably know that Mordane is a noble and expect to be able to get more from him.” Trixie sighed.

“Funny, in any other city that would mean cheaper prices.” She weakly said before floating another envelope. “Still, we should be okay. The name is on the envelope.”

Mortimer grimaced, but took the note. This time though when he came to the door he stood there. His brow furrowed and mind pensive. He couldn’t help, but think going would be wrong, but to stay…

“Mortimer? Is there a problem?”

“No, Miss Trixie. I will be back shortly.” Bowing slightly, he turned and trotted out the door. His mind on the few coins in his personal purse.

Trixie looked back away from the door and continued to read her ledger.

A few minutes later she snapped the book closed and growled in frustration.

One month, two weeks. That was how long until Mordane was out of money. It didn’t matter what she did that was the hard limit. Afterwards he would be left with an empty warehouse and a defunct mine.

Trixie rubbed her head and eyes. The weight of this was pressing on her mind and gripping it like a vice. Her stomach felt like it was boiling. Her skin felt thin and itchy.

It felt like her soul was being pushed out.

Trixie shivered. The stress pushed away as the shock of the memory entered her system. Her knees popped as she tightened them suddenly along with her whole body.

The sensation played across her again as she recalled from memory. The numbness, the darkness closing in and then, the tingling before finally…

She shook her head and rubbed her shoulders to get rid of a sudden chill. Trotting over she placed some coal into a stove and lit it with a spark from her horn.

She looked into the fire and let its warmth play over her sweating form.

Slowly, she turned and looked at the spot.

An impulse flickered at the edges of her mind.

At first, she pushed it away, reasoned that she had something to do, that it was simply poor sentiment. Achingly though, she took a step forward. Walking toward where he stood.
She approached the spot which showed nothing, yet screamed at her.

Her eyes played across the stone surface as she stepped past where she had stood. Then to the edge of where he had been.

Her eyes staring intently at the stone until… she saw it.

A faint color change in the stonework, traveling out from where he had been. Invisible to casual observation and obvious to those who saw it.

Trixie began to shake. A cold wind that did not rustle her fur seemed to snake around her hooves as she stood there.

Suddenly she wanted to back up, move away, but it was as if she was facing down a great hill. Her eyes fixated on that single spot as she slowly sank to the ground, hooves folding behind her.

Her heart beat painfully in her chest and something wormed its way from deep in her mind.

‘Mordane is going to kill me’

The thought raked her mind, coming up like a great fissure disrupting the landscape. It felt so wrong, Mordane had become such a big part of her life, he was more than a friend yet… she could not shake the solidness of this thought, the unyielding insistence.

The blackness around Mordane called for images of a mare, much like herself, sitting on a throne, paranoia gripping her mind as she forced two foals to drag her along.

In this moment, what happened suddenly became real. She couldn’t ignore it any longer.

“Mordane is a necromancer.”

Her blood flashed to ice as she slowly stood up. She closed her eyes and stood there trying to sort her feelings.

She had heard, what felt like so long ago, that he had been a monster. A murderous and blood hungry necromancer.

But when she had met him instead he had been kind and now he was sometimes… tender even. He was so limited in what magic he could do, his broken horn hobbling him to no end. Having to eat like an earth pony, dress like one. All the spells a unicorn could cast being beyond his reach made Trixie feel important to him. The stories started to sound just like that.


Seeing him standing there, feeling that power roll off of him. For that moment he didn’t feel like the Mordane she knew. He felt like… an alicorn. An alicorn of death.

She shivered again.


“AH!?” Trixie jumped as her hair stood on end and the door behind her slammed open. Mortimer had run in around the corner, his ears drooping as he had a hoof on his cheek.

She trotted after him before finding him at the sink floating small amount of water to a cut.
“What happened!?” Trixie shouted, turning his head with her magic.

“He hit me.” Mortimer sniffled.

“Hit you? What? Why!?” Trixie shouted rushing over to him to examine the wound.

“He said ‘I won’t speak to a street urchin’, saying that if Mordane wanted his help he should come himself. When I insisted he wouldn’t he struck me!” He sagged a bit in the seat before continuing. “He kept the blueprint as well.”

Trixie groaned a bit before floating over a needle and thread. Over the next few minutes she gave him some stitches.

“I’m sorry you got hurt, Mortimer.”

“Its okay.” He sniffed “I’m used to it, but I lost the parts plan! What if the forge pony steals Mordane’s idea?”

Trixie cursed herself, she hadn’t considered that, before remembering an important fact.

“That isn’t a concern. Alone, the part is useless. It is only when brought together that it has any use.”

“But what will Mordane think?”

Trixie froze.

What would Mordane think?

The feeling came back as Trixie realized she didn’t know. She didn’t know what this Mordane would do with them.

She realized she had no idea what he would do if she failed. Swaying slightly, she considered what to do for a few moments.

“Mortimer...” She whispered intently. “We are going out. Get prepared.”
As Mortimer cleaned himself up, Trixie trotted back over to her desk and drafted a letter. She chewed on her woden quill a moment before putting pen to paper.

To Lord Mordane Stronghoof.

The application of your task proceeds at haste.

I have been focused on this for the last few days working with Moritimer and securing the warehouse without One Eyes assistance. While I am unsure as to the possibility of utilizing One Eye for more complex tasks than as a guard dog the concern of this missive is not him, but me and my task.

Due to circumstances beyond our control I worry that this task is beyond my current means.

I will not concern you with the details, of which you cannot intervene, I only wished to make you aware of the possibility of my failure.

I am certain that you are aware of the dire consequences should I fail to bring reason to those ponies who are currently behaving unreasonably to your personal social and financial standing, as well as myself.

On this matter I will keep you promptly informed.

Your Servant,
Trixie Lunamoon

Placing down her pen, Trixie folded and sealed the letter before motioning Mortimer over. The two of them had work to do.


Trixie knocked on the door again. She waited for a moment, biting her lip.

“Well then, if you will not even speak with me, I will take my business elsewhere.”

Turning, she flicked her tail towards the door and snorted. Her brow furrowed and she motioned for Mortimer to follow her.

This was starting to get to her. In her bag were the five wrapped up blueprints.

Trixie trotted down the corridors of the Miden with Mortimer trailing behind. His tail swishing softly from side to side trying to get comfortable as he occasionally rubbed his cheek.

He wasn’t used to wearing clothes of any kind, but she had insisted that if he was to be hired in a professional manner, he will dress to the expectation.

He wore a tight cloak and dress shirt. On his side was a polished wood carrier for papers and pencils.

“I’m surprised he didn’t even answer. Evening Tide is a well known greed-blinded pony.” Mortimer said, frowning and rubbing his chin.

“Perhaps we have already begun to make enemies,” Trixie said quietly. She shivered as the image of last night came back to her. ”Come on. Let’s go to Starlight next.”


“One ton of iron.”

“You can’t be serious,” Trixie said. “You have already used all of the iron I brought last time?”

“What is it to you?” The mare replied, polishing her hammer. “I had lots of demands for various items, and now I need more.”

“My item isn’t worth as much as one ton.”

“But that is how much I need.”

Trixie slammed her hoof on the counter. “But it wouldn’t be worth it to me!”

“Then I’ll give you a ton of coal in exchange as well as the goods! I have too much of that already!” she growled.

“That still makes no sense.”

“A ton and a half then. Figure it out yourself. Now just get out!” she hissed, gesturing to the door.

Trixie straightened and trotted out of the shop. Snorting in frustration, she exited the smithy and her eyes saw a metal bucket by the door, which she kicked.

“Did it not go well?” Mortimer asked.

“No. It did not.” Trixie nervously replied “Who was that first stallion you went to?”

“Sorry, wife’s with child and I have plenty of bits. I need graded stone to extend my house. Been waiting for an opportunity for months.”

“Perhaps we could escort it for you?” Trixie asked desperately. “If you cover the cost…”

The pony snorted.

“With the work you’re having me do, the price is already at a huge discount. I’m not going to be paying you to make this thing for your liege.”

The two of them stood in the far corner of the midden. The area least able to be supplied due to the conflicting gangs. Around here empty buildings were abound. Everything was expensive and only the most profitable business could sustain itself.

Trixie frowned and shook her head.

“I disagree, what you ask is something very risky. Why don’t you offer something else in return?”

“Well, I can offer my spare iron. Just tell me how much. I’m practically drowning in the stuff.”

Sighing, she picked up her satchel and headed to the door.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”


“10,000 bits.”

“...” Trixie frowned. “Surely you can come down Mr. Running Slide. This is a simple part, more orders would soon come at a lower price point.”

“And when those orders come I’ll be glad to lower my price.”

“Do you doubt my lieges ability to pay?”

“I doubt Mordane Stronghoof’s ability to survive.” He said simply.

Trixie frowned and looked down for a few moments.

“I see. It seems that you have a lack of faith.”

“More like I know how things go in Herridon. Now please, I might have other customers.” the stallion gestured toward the door. “Come back when you have the money.”

“It is a bad idea to speak ill of Mordane.”

Trixie stiffly turned around and trotted out. Turning the corner her relative, calm fell away.

Her eyes darted as she seemed to consider what to do next as Mortimer waited nervously nearby.

Trixie was getting desperate.

It felt as if her eyes were tied to her tail, following her wherever she went.

Something deep inside her needed a win so she turned to somepony she had come to know.

Precious Stone had grown into a valuable contact since her arrival a short time ago. She felt a little relieved when he had been home and invited her for some tea.

He sat calmly and listened to her request, taking a look at the blueprint himself and nodding along the way.

“Well, I certainly hope your employer knows what he is doing, but yes I believe that this is within my means.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Trixie said with a smile. “What would be the price though?.”

Leaning back into his seat the stallion seemed to ponder for a moment before motioning a butler over. After a whisper and a few moments of silence the pony in question brought out a letter on a tray and sat it between Trixie and Precious Stone.

“It has come to my attention that your lord had contact with… a certain mare in Tietus. His owner I believe. It was my hope that this letter could make its way into her hooves within the next seven days.”

“In seven days? Seems reasonable” she said softly while sipping her tea. “And you wish for this to bypass the usual filters?”

“Yes. That would be my hope.” He said simply. “Do this, and your part is free. I hope to be making several for him in the future as well… that is, if this is acceptable to you.”

“Indeed it is.” Trixie said with a smile. “Please, have one of your servants bring an envelope large enough for this and a letter explaining the situation and urgency of this message.”

With a nod, Precious Stone’s servant proceeded with the task leaving the both of them to chat idly before they returned.

A quick note later Trixie closed the letter, before sealing it with Mordane’s seal. Much to Precious Stones surprise.

“He trusts you that much hmm? Well I am sure that it will go well. Please inform me when the letter is on its way… Perhaps over tea, two days from now?”

“That would be delightful.” Trixie replied before taking another sip of tea.


“What do you mean, all the pegasi are gone? There are some right there!”

“Please miss Lunamoon. I meant to say that all the pegasi messengers to Tietus are gone. The last carrier left yesterday and all our fast flyers have been called out.” The mail pony shook his head. “I’m sorry to say that none will be back within the time frame you specified.”

“Celestia!” Trixie cursed stomping out of the mail office with Mortimer shortly behind.

The comforting letter of Precious Stone now burned in her satchel. With the normal method gone Trixie didn’t have access to a trustworthy source for transport. Turning to Mortimer, she asked as calmly as her nerves would allow if he knew some other pony that could do it.

“I-I am not sure. The royal guard might be willing to do it on a week off if you pay enough. They always like to slip away to Tietus to spend coin from what I heard. They also wouldn’t ever lie to a noble or their servant.”

“Okay, we’ll try them then.” She replied before angling toward the elevator.


“Try old Copper Wings. He is the only one available that can make the journey.”

The royal pegasi guard slapped on his helmet. “The rest of us have been denied leave, we are to be on full patrol. Niel is acting up again sending scouts into our territory. Some think it's going to be war. You can find him up on The Precipice this time of day usually, watching the ships come in.”

“I see, thank you.” Trixie said shaking slightly as she watched him trot off.

Making her way around town Trixie quickly found somepony to point to where The Precipice was.

An outcropping of ground hanging off the edge was just unstable enough that the crown had no use for it.

Though it looked as if the Royal Pegasi Guard had turned it into some kind of open air shrine. Flowers and vines were dropped all over the prespas. Small statues dotted the area depicting old legends Trixie had heard as a filly. Culminating in a statue of Luna center stage, fighting a demonic Celestia, where gifts could be seen at the statue’s base, usually a knife, or coin.

As she passed, a pegasi mare in a rope with an X on her forehead walked around picking up the offerings.

“May the sun and moon watch over you.” Whispered the mare giving a small bow.

“T-thank you.” Trixie said awkwardly, walking past her and the half dozen other mares quietly sitting in the garden.

Sitting on the edge past all the statues sat a stallion, pure black fur unadorned by any finery. Instead opting for a simple vest of leather dyed in the royal colors.

Trixie hesitated on the edge of the prespas for a moment. Aware that the pegasi could just fly if it fell while she would be left to his mercy. Summing her bravery though she ignored this and pushed on to stand behind the stallion.

“What is it that you want, Miss?” Croaked the old stallion.

“I was wondering if you would perhaps be able to take a message to Tietus for me? It’s urgent and I’ll pay you well.”

The stallion stirred, causing Trixie to step back.

It wasn’t until then that Trixie realized just how old this stallion was. He looked like he had months, if not weeks in him at most.

“Money don’t mean nothing to me anymore. I don’t have the time to spend it, nor the inclination. I’d rather just spend my time here while I have it.” he said simply continuing to stare at the ocean.

Trixie opened her mouth, but found she couldn't think of what to say. All that she could think, all that she could feel was the words echoing in her head.

He is going to kill me…

Slowly, achingly, she turned around and left.


Trixie walked slowly into the warehouse.

Mortimer had pestered her, but she had just sent him away with some small coin to occupy himself. Instead he had followed her in silence, watching her with brow furrowed.

Trixie took a few step forward, her eyes locked onto that particular spot. She shook, her hair poked out at strange angles. A strange silence settled over the building.

Mortimer shrank back and ears dropped as he looked at her.

Suddenly, Trixie made her way over to the desk. Floating over pen and paper she began to write.

To my dear Mordane.

I have spent the last thirty minutes as I walked and rode down from the top of Herridon what I would say to you. What excuses I would make. What lies I might tell. In the end however I couldn’t think of anything.

Then I thought about why. Did I want to ensure your wrath? Did I feel I deserved it?

No, I didn’t think that.

Mordane, who are you?

I do not ask this in jest, but instead truthfully. It is a question I think I asked you before, but now I must ask again.

Where did you learn the dark arts of necromancy?

Why are you called a murderer?

How did you really escape Celestia?

And what I fear to ask most of all… Are you evil?

I don’t know if I will ever know the answers to this. By the time you receive this letter I will be long gone. Alone on some road with a new cart, making my way back to Equestria.

It seems… that I just don’t have what is needed to follow you. Once you told me ponies die around you…

What you didn’t say is that they never knew you.

I have failed at the mission you gave me and worse, I have made a promise in your name that I cannot keep.

I’m sorry Mordane, but I must go.

Thank you,
Trixie Lulamoon.

Trixie waxed and sealed the letter into the envelope.

Putting on her hood she trotted down to the lower level mail office. She got in line and waited to in it. Her face blank.

After delivering her letter she would return and take some coin. She would take Mortimer with her and head north via ship. That should throw him off long enough for her to escape.

Soon she was at the front of the line.

“Envelope and payment please.” said the pony behind the counter.

Trixie floated over the bit and then placed the envelope on the counter.

The mail pony moved to slide it over, but then stopped.

Trixie aura still surrounded the envelope.


Shadow fell across Trixie’s eyes as she didn’t move. Nothing showing on her form or face that pointed if she was even living.

“Miss?” asked the mail pony a little more nervous this time. “You need to let go of the letter.”

Trixie stayed stock still, then one rear hoof took a half step back. Followed by another. Then another.

Before she knew it she was running back, tears streaming down her face with the letter in her magical grip.

Bursting through the warehouse door she dived to the bed furthest from the door. There she curled up and sobbed. Teeth gritting as the letter was burned up in magical fire, the wax and ash falling to the bed.

She sniffed the pillow. Blushing and glad that she had seen Mortimer at a nearby stall she used her magic to close an lock the door.

Burying herself into his sheet she breathed in deep, wrapping her hooves around the pillow and sheets she weeped.

Biting it she cursed. Twitching away only when she felt something foreign.

Out she pulled a feather, a primary. Dark brown.

She hugged it close, tenderly even as she felt somehow repulsed by it. Desire, fear and need all wrapped into one.

She sniffed his pillow and shivered, she pulled the cover over and remember a forgotten dream of her father tucking her in. She held the feather even as it felt like it would burn her.

Trixie remembered the magical energy she had felt. It had been nothing like unicorn magic. She wondered if perhaps such potent energies would remain.

As she called on the resonance of the feather her horn began to glow brighter and brighter. After a time she felt . Bringing all the energy it contained into alignment.

Then it glowed.

Trixie shuddered again at the soft glow.

She knew for a fact, no pegasi feather contained such power of this kind.

And so Trixie was reduced to a shivering sobbing mess.


Day turned to night.

Mortimer returned knocking until Trixie finally unlocked the door.

He gasped a little and took a half step back for a moment before hopping onto the bed to push her out the door and over to the stove.

There he narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brows as he elevated a pot in his magic before filling it up.

As he floated the full pot over to the burner his tongue popped out a little and cheeks puffed out.

He huffed a sigh of relief as the pot settled in place.
Waiting patiently he comforted the stricken mare while the pot boiled. Once done he quickly made them both tea.

“Are you okay Miss Trixie?” Mortimer asked

“No Mortimer. I am not.”

Mortimer looked down into his cup of tea, eyes searching for something, but her hoof found him first as she pulled him in close and into a snuggle.



The moment hung in the air. Simple and beautiful, broken only by the knock at the door.

Trixie walked over and opened to door, surprised to see a mail pony standing there.

“Message for Trixie Lulamoon?”

“Thats...me.” Trixie said hesitantly as she took the letter from the stallion.

“You fit the description. Okay, have a nice day Miss.”

“You as well.”

Trixie closed the door as she turned looking at the unexpected letter only to freeze a few strides in.

Mordanes personal seal and signature draped the envelope bringing back that feeling of dread Trixie had been feeling.

Trotting back to Mordanes room she sat on the bed.

Hesitating for a moment she broke the seal and opened the letter.

To Trixie

From Mordane Stronghoof

It is good to know that you are taking your tasks so seriously. The training is going as I expected. Ponies will be rather surprised by the results I think.

As for your task. I can imagine many issues that may crop up and that they may cause delays. We are working on a tight time frame but know this-

Trixie, I trust you.

I know that this task is difficult, but I didn’t give it to you because I had to. We haven’t known each other for a long time but during this period of time, I’ve realized that you are an intelligent mare capable of making due in even the worse circumstances.

Having said that...

I understand that this task may very well be impossible. Don’t let this discourage you though. I know the consequences of failure. I know how little money we have remaining.

Nothing is gained without risk.

Be bold, as I know you can be. Those who are not bold are trampled by the march of time.

Be brave, as I’ve seen you be. Fear is the mind killer.

Trust in yourself and even if the worst happens, we will simply pick up and start again.

We will get through this together Trixie, no matter the failures we suffer. It is only a matter of time.

Your Master
Mordane Stronghoof

Trixie lowered the letter for a moment before reading it again. Then a third time.

Slowly, the ball of thorns in her stomach began to unravel. The relief washed over her and left a smile in it’s wake.

The feather she had left on the bed continued to glow as she lifted it and looked at it again.

She still felt afraid, but no longer like the world was going to fall out from under her again. No…

Like even if it did she would be okay.

As she looked at the feather, an idea began to work its way into her mind…


The sun was low in the horizon. It had been a long evening of watching the ships.

The old pegasi guard sighed, a small smile on his face.

The ships had come and gone, moving on the ever changing wind. For most, an invisible or one dimensional thing.

For him though? Who had spent his years flying on those winds? They were clear as day. He could trace them as they kissed the waves to their scraping of the face of the heavens. The alicorns domain.

He breathed in the sea air and for a moment his painful joints seemed to float away.

In his foolish youth, he had once dreamed of stowing away on one of those ships. To sail the world and see the many skies.

Luckily though his father had set him straight.

Still, in his old age, a part of him longed to sail away over that horizon, never to return.

“Commander Copper Wings.”

The old stallion sighed. The voice from earlier that day was back. Just when things had been going so nicely.

“Yes?” He grunted. “Can you just leave an old stallion alone?”

The sun was well into setting now, the long shadows of the ships were playing across the waves.

“I’m sorry, but I cannot.”

“And why not?” He asked, growing irritated.

The mare said nothing. After a few moments he was ready to tell her to begone or just fly off when he noticed something.

Around the edge of him a light was playing, slowly getting brighter even as the world grew rapidly dark with the setting sun.

Behind him he heard gasps from several of the other ponies. One saying a quick prayer to the alicorn of light.

Something about this light was... different.

Slowly, he pushed and turned to look at the lights source.

There, a blue hued mare sat. her hoof outstretched and in her hoof a feather.

The feather was a normal looking one. From a younger stallion, or a large colt. It would be like any other feather of millions he had seen if it wasn’t for the glowing.

“What...What is this? You are offering me an enchanted feather?”

“No.” the mare shook her head. “I am offering you the feather of an alicorn.”

The clearing broke out in murmurs. Several simply gaped at the thing.

“And where” he asked, eyebrows furrowing. “Did you gain the feather of an alicorn?”

“From my master. Mordane Stronghoof.”

The old stallion frowned. He had heard of this Stronghoof.

A winged unicorn. Not an unheard of birth defect. Some heretics even said that it was the source of the ‘story’ of alicorns. He didn’t take such words lightly.

For generations he and the pegasi of Herridon had worshiped the alicorn of old. Taking heed they had followed the Lunar princess last command to them to guard Herridon and the academy.

Pretenders had come before, but this one…

He had heard whispers. That he could fly, that he could use magic. Two ponies who said they had even preened him had brought a few feathers. Giggling like foals that he had the hooves of an earth pony.

Personally he hadn’t concerned himself with this, but if it was true…

Lifting out his hoof he took the feather from her.

He reached and called the wind trapped in the little feather, not too surprised when it began to float in his hoof.

However, the glowing didn’t fade, if anything it grew a little brighter.

“This magic...it is not unicorn magic.” He said matter of factly.

“No. It isn’t. This feather detached after I saw him….After I saw him touch the realm only alicorns can reach.”

Copper Wings stood there, feeling the wind play over his hoof. From it he could feel something else.

A greater wind. One not bound by sky and air.

“...Just because it might be. I will take your letter. Will you see that he gives me and my blood his boon?”

The mare broke into a smile. Her eyes playing in light as she lifted out a letter.

“Yes, you and all your kin.”


Trixie was giddy upon her return. She had done it. Figured out how to get Mordane the most complicated part done without costing a bit!

As she walked through the door of the warehouse, she picked up Mortimer and gave him a spin around.

“I did it!”

“Yeah!” Mortimer cried in joy.

The two of them enjoyed a giddy laugh together. Trixie even going so far as it give him a little belly rub to tickle him.

“Hehe stop it! How are we going to get the rest of the parts anyway?”

“Leave that to me.” Trixie said confidently. “First though, I’ll need a lot of paper and ink.”

Trixie and Mortimer were up late into the night figuring out a plan. It wasn’t until hours after the dark that they struck onto an idea...

Iron Tongs groaned as he pulled on the cart of stone.

It had been a rough morning and noon as he had argued with Trixie Lulamoon.

After he had got rid of that stupid brat yesterday he was shocked in the morning when a blue unicorn named Trixie came to his shop, shouting up a storm and threatening to have him dragged to prison for striking the servant of a lord.

It had taken forever to convince her to stop yelling and get down to compensation, but then she had made a ridiculous request.

He would make her stupid useless device, return the blueprint and provide a supply of stone he had lying around and in return she would give him coal.

Working it out, he was a little worse for the deal, but it was better than any other option. Especially since he had to only bribe two ponies to get this wagon up here.

She had given him a site on the midden to drop off the stone were she would meet him.

Once arriving he was surprised to find the same colt he had hit yesterday waiting at a podium, ledger in hoof.

The little open area was basically empty save for a rather large pile of coal in one corner. The little pony looked at him wrinkling his nose.

“Oh. Its you. Just leave the stone in that corner” He said pointing at the end.

“Uh...okay.” he said moving his cart into place as the colt scribbled down in his notebook. “You..you’re not a slave?” He asked hesitantly.

“No. I am a employee of Lord Mordane Stronghoof.” Mortimer said, glaring at the stallion.

“S-stronghoof!?” He hissed, feeling his nethers retract into his body.

“Yes.” the colt replied simply, looking back down at his book.

The stallion gulped, moving his empty cart to the pile of coal. When first arriving he had planned to just load up the whole lot but with that bloody necromancer involved...

“Uh, h-how much of this is mine?”

The colt looked up, blinking once before replying.

“I believe that half of that pile is yours. Is that satisfactory or are you saying you and Miss Trixie agreed to a different amount. If so I’m sure my master could clear it up…”

“No! I mean no. Half seems right...yeah, I think one ton is what we agreed on?” The stallion gulped.

Mortimer looked down at his notes and shook his head.

“Yes, that seems right with what I see here. I will need you to sign a receipt though.”

“Of course!” The stallion said, rushing over to sign a paper offered up by Mortimer.

“Do you need help loading?” Mortimer asked wrinkling his nose.

“No. No I’m good.” the stallion replied before rushing over to the pile and loading like a mad pony.

Not ten minutes later he was, gone leaving Mortimer with one ton of coal and just under two tons of stone.

“Strong pony.” Muttered Mortimer. Floating over the old contract he lit it on fire. Noting the two tons listed in the agreement. Instead filing away the new agreement after filing the proper amounts. He would have Trixie sign it later. “Bit of a nervous sort though.” He winced touching his cheek “Quick to anger as well.”

He gave a small smile as he went back pretending to do equations, waiting instead for their next customer. Luckily, he didn’t have to wait long.

“Huh, well I don’t believe it, but here you are.”

“Hello Golden Hammer, how is the missus?” Mortimer asked with smile.

“Good, good. I’m surprised Trixie was able to get ahold of all this so fast...you must have bits coming out of your flanks! I didn't’ get harassed or anything coming over here.”

“Well Mordane wouldn’t want his business partners to be inconvenienced. This does happen to be at the edge of the line between three factions though.”

“Oh? That explains it. Must have some serious pushers around that bend though.” he went to a corner and gave a big shake, letting all the iron ore roll off his cart onto the ground before Mortimer hopped up into it and threw out the last few pieces.

Then he noticed a couple of bags in the bottom.

“What are these?”

“Coal! For being so quick. I happen to have a lot of that as well. Consider it thanks for working so fast.”

“Don’t mention it!” Mortimer said grunting as he helped the stallion roll out the five bags onto the coal pile.

Trotting over to the large stone pile he gave a whistle.

“I don’t think I’ll need THIS much stone.”

“Oh? Well take as much as you need…” the young stallion said hesitantly.

“This really two tons? It's more than I thought… I’ll just take as much as I need. Trixie can make us square later. Maybe when she buys more of this part?”

“Definitely.” Mortimer nodded. “I’ll let her know.”

Golden Hammer grunted and worked hard and after about an hour he finally stopped, giving a loud huff and a big grin.

“That should do it, plus a little extra! Tell you master I appreciate it!”

“I will! See you soon!” Mortimer waved as the pony left. Even as another pony pulled in from the other side.

“Oh...Well It seems you have my iron and coal…” Starlight’s nose ruffled a bit as she positioned her cart. “A little thing like you is the only one here? Well I guess I will have to load up myself…”

The two of them worked together to load up all the coal and iron which turned out to be enough to fill her cart to the brim.

“Darn, I didn’t think she could get ahold of this much…” The mare said “Now I feel like I’m cheating her...oh tartarus, here.” She reached into her satchel and pulled out a small purse. “This should make the difference. If not we will square later. Okay?”

“Okay, thank you miss Starlight. I’ll pass this on to Trixie.”

“See that you do.” grumbled the pony as she threw sales of corn over her new supply, grunting as she pulled the heavy cart to the left without saying anything else.

Mortimer looked down at his fake ledger and the pile of coins before looking at the small pile of stone left.

He scratched his chin for a few moments before grinning, hopping down from his podium and running off.

A few minutes later a gruff stallion showed up with a cart carrying him on the back.

“Well I’ll be darned. Its really here.” the stallion reached into his satchel and pulled out a bag of coins before tossing it back over his head for Mortimer to catch. “Where did you get this stone anyway?”

“Oh you know I don’t tell my ways Hacksaw. Just load away. This is enough, it's yours.”

The stallion grinned and started packing. A few minutes later leaving the lot completely empty.

After waving the stallion goodbye, Mortimer ran back over to the podium and quickly packed his things. Only pausing to look at the sun to check the time before running off into a nearby ally.

A few minutes later Trixie and a mare came walking around the corner. Both laughing and carrying on.

“I’m really sorry we were not able to make an arrangement Trixie. It's just that I have the Bloodhoofs breathing down my neck. I can’t sell until there is a change in the wind and I certainly can’t rent to you with a mole in my department.”

“That's quite alright Miss Silverhorn. I will find some other way of storing my goods. I’m sorry for appearing so late to our dinner.”

“No, no It's quite alright. I can understand what it means to be accosted in this city. Taking you to that spa was the least I could do.”

“We should definitely do it again some time.” Trixie said as they walked up the steps to the building next to the empty lot.”Take care now. I hope you have a good work day.”

“Work day? Oh darling I dismissed them today for a meeting.”

“Oh my, I hope we didn’t disturb your business…”

“Not at all. I needed the break. Here is a hope to a sea change. Good day.”

“Goodbye.” Trixie said with a smile. It only started turning to a smirk after the door had closed.


“Once again, I must thank you Miss Trixie.”

“Don’t mention it.” Trixie said sipping her tea. “It was my pleasure to pull a few strings. Iron wing is an excellently trained flyer. If anypony can reach Tietus in your time frame it is him.”

“Indeed.” Nodded Precious Stone. “Still, I can’t help but wonder how you persuaded a retired royal guard during this tumultuous time to actually go.”

“It was not easy.” Trixie said nodding her head “I looked for many other options. The cost was rather steep.”

“I imagine.”

“Indeed. Concerning that, I was wondering if you could do me a service in addition right fast. A letter of recommendation…”


“Is this…”

“Of course it is Mr Running Slide. Precious Stone is a friend of mine. Would his recommendation serve as reason enough?”

“Yes...Of course it would. How about seven thousand bits?”

“Four thousand sounds more reasonable.”

Running Slide sighed.

“How about six thousand and we forget any insult that may have been implied.”

“Five, and I’ll forget to mention the insult.”

“Fine. You’ll have the part in a week.”

Trixie smiled and trotted out of the door again, giving a flick of her tail as she left. Leaving the grumbling stallion to his work.

Trixie smiled. Ink still not dry on her hoof as she had sent a letter to Mordane informing him of her success.

Her and Mortimer sat in the most expensive restaurant in town. Both eating their fill and enjoying the music in the background.

Tomorrow, she would have more work to do. Planning the move of so many disparate parts to the mine wouldn’t be an easy task. Not after she had distracted them from Golden Hammer.

For now though she was happy.

Work could come tomorrow.


In a room few knew of, but many visited.

Many ponies were crowded into the small space. Up in the rafters, standing between legs of larger ponies.

The whispers, though were piercing to the ear, seeming far louder than they should have been.

Copper Wings flew in through a window, bringing the whispers to a close as a mare in a cloak walked forward.

“Copper… you know flying directly here is against the rules.”

“Peace, mare. I bring a gift…”

Reaching into his satchel he pulled out the feather.

The whole room gasped as in the dark room the light from the feather was incredibly obvious. Its glow shifting all the time.

“That color…”The mare whispered.

“I have received a boon from the one who claims to be an Alicorn.” grunted Copper Wings. “For now I’ll leave this with you...sister.”

“Of course brother.” The mare said. Her hoof reached out and the feather seemed to almost jump between them “We will hold it dear.”

“Dear?” asked the brother, brows rising “Are we so certain?”

“Certain enough.” The mare nodded.

Turning she walked to the back of the room, a small altar stood, Two alicorn statues waiting.

And in between, two feathers.

As she came and laid the feather down on top of the other two all three began to glow in a slightly dimmer light.

The whispers of awe did not reach beyond the small hiding place. No words would leave any ponies tongue.

Their eyes wondered though.

Had the alicorn returned?