• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 7,358 Views, 374 Comments

When We Were Young - FlimFlamBros.

Celestia has been having recurring dreams; dreams that she wishes would go away. But they only increase in their frequency. One night, she gives in and visits that statue in the royal garden. The statue that haunts her sleep. The statue of her love.

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Chapter 4: Foalsitting

I don’t think I’ve ever been able to remember my dreams exactly, just vague blurs and clips from the fantasy. Sometimes I would see you… or Luna, my brother… even my mother from time to time. But I could never remember what we were doing. It was something that I’ve always envied about Luna… I really should have been nicer to her, all those years ago…

The light of the sun pierced through the curtains of the young sun princess’s room. Celestia cringed against the intensity of the summer rays as she rolled in her bed so that her messy mane faced the sun rather than her face.

“I swear… I need blackout curtains…” she mumbled to herself.

Last night had not left her lots of time to sleep, what with the surprise talk with her mother and that pervert Discord breaking into her room. But then again, that was what she would make that day about. She would do her best to drift through her lessons that day and then sneak into town and find the draconequus. With that in mind, though, she realized that it would be a good idea to actually get out of bed.

Moaning loudly, she threw her covers off of her and sat up in her bed while massaging her aching eyes. She probably looked like a wreck. Once again, she went to her makeup table and levitated her many combs and brushes to style her long pink mane. Today, she decided to do her mane in a ponytail, a look she hadn’t used in a while but she was feeling a bit lazy and sporty today, plus it was a rather cute look. With her hair done and a dash of makeup applied, she headed out of her room and to the kitchen.

It was odd, she felt rather upbeat this morning, considering the little sleep she got. Did it have to do with her plans for the day or her encounter with Discord? It wasn’t important at the moment though, what was important was getting through breakfast and her lessons so she could find a way to sneak into town unnoticed. And while she knew the dim-witted and incompetent guards wouldn’t be much of an issue, she still needed to find a way to slip past her family and find a way to blend in with the average mundane pony.

When Celestia got into the kitchen her brother, mother, and sister-in-law were already filling their plates.

“Everything looks so delicious, your majesty,” Symphony said as she placed some hay bacon strips on her plate. “It’s so hard to get real hay bacon back in The Empire.”

“Please, Sweet Symphony,” said Faust. “Thank the cooks, I didn’t make any of this.”

“Well, then my compliments to the chef,” beamed the crystal queen, taking a sip of orange juice from her glass.

“Good morning, everypony,” said Celestia as she took a seat next to her brother.

“Good morning to you too, Celestia,” said Symphony. “How lovely for you to join us.”

“Yeah…” mumbled Celestia. “Morning, Curator.”

“Morning, Tia!” said Curator. “Toast?”

“Sure,” she said, taking a piece from his plate. “So, what’s on the agenda today?”

“Well, me and Symphony have to talk to mother and deal with some political stuff this morning, and we actually wanted to ask you and Luna for a favour.”

“A favour?” Celestia wondered. “What kind of favour?”

“We’ll wait for Luna to get here before we tell you.”

“Oh come on, you jerk!” grumbled Celestia, playfully nudging her brother. “You’re such a tease.”

“What can I say? I like keeping ponies in suspense,” grinned Curator.

“You’re awful.”

“I know.”

“Are you two done?” Faust asked. “Honestly, we get you two in a room and you start acting like foals again.”

“Sorry, mother,” apologized her son.

“Why are you apologizing?” Celestia asked.

Curator was about to say something but the door to the hallway opened up. Luna walked in the room in her blue starry pajamas and her blanket wrapped around her. She still had on the headgear for her braces, so her lips were pushed slightly open to make room for the metal halo that orbited her head.

Celestia could hardly contain her laughter. “Hey there, metal mouth,” she laughed. “Sleep well?”

“Shut up…” grumbled the little princess. “I’m having a bad morning.”

“Aww… what’s the problem?” the sun princess asked sarcastically. “Is there a problem on planet nerd-tron? Maybe there’s not enough geek in your atmosphere.”

“Celestia,” her mother said, her tone slightly stern. “Stop it. And Luna, why do you still have your headgear on? You know you only have to wear it at night.”

“It’s stuck…” the moon princess sighed. “I’ve been trying to get it unstuck for hours but I can’t get it unjammed. It sucks.”

“I think it’s a good look for you,” her sister said with a smug smirk. “It really screams ‘I’m a giant loser.’”

“You’re the giant one, cake-flank.”

“Oh… ouch…” said Celestia. “It’s not like I’ve heard that one a million times before.”

“Both of you, quiet,” hushed her mother. “Your brother has something to ask of both of you, so please listen to him.”

“Curator wants something?” the little princess asked. “What do you need?”

“Well…” smiled Curator. “As I told Celestia a bit earlier, Symphony and I need to go over some political things with mother. Just a bunch of boring paperwork and things like that. But the thing is… we need somepony to watch over Cadence while we’re dealing with—“

“No,” droned Celestia.

“Oh come on, Tia,” pleaded her brother. “It would just be for a few hours, and it would really mean a lot to me.”

“No,” repeated Celestia. “No offense, but last night at dinner she threw up on me like three times and I’d rather not have to re-live all that.”

“I swear, she’d never done that before,” Symphony said.

“Not blaming you, but for an infant she has great projectile trajectory.”

“Well, what about you Luna?” Curator asked. “Will you help us out?”

“Oh… umm,” the little princess said nervously, shifting in her spot a little. “I would love to help… but I have a full day ahead of me and I need to get some sleep,” she gave a fake yawn. “Yeah, see? I shouldn’t even be up right now…”

Their brother gave a heavy sigh as he turned to his mother. “See, I told you they wouldn’t help.”

“Nonsense, they will help you,” their mother said. “Regardless of whether or not they want to. Celestia, Luna, you two will spend the morning foalsitting your niece and that’s final. You two are going to rule this kingdom together one day and you need to learn to get along better, and I think looking after Cadence is the perfect way for you to bond.”

Both Luna and Celestia gave their mother deadpanned stares.

“This isn’t optional,” said Faust. “You are to go to the nursery and take care of Cadence the second you’re done with breakfast and that’s final.”

“But that’s not fair!” complained Celestia. “I have plans for today!”

“What kind of plans?” her mother asked curiously.

“Nothing important, but—“

“Then I see no reason for you and your sister to not take care of your little niece,” Faust said. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I believe that we should get started with our business.”

Queen Faust got up from her chair as she, Curator, and Symphony all started to head out. Curator smiled warmly at his sisters, trying to reassure them that everything would be all right, even if the two didn’t think it. When the door closed behind them, Celestia took a bite out of her toast.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” she asked Luna. “Go take care of Cadence.”

“I’m not going to take care of her,” replied Luna with a yawn. “I’m going back to bed.”

“You’re not dumping this on me.”

“Really, because that sounds exactly what you’re trying to do to me,” frowned Luna.

“So what?” asked the sun princess. “You’re a baby, she’s a baby. You’ll get along fine. Besides, I have plans.”

“Plans for what? What do you have to do that’s so important?” Luna asked.

“None of your business!” Celestia growled. “Now leave me alone and go take care of the brat.”

Luna sighed. “Look, maybe we should just both look after her like mom wanted us to,” she said, walking up next to her sister. “Like she said, we need to start getting along better.”

“So stop being a dork,” suggested Celestia as she got up from her spot and headed towards the door. “I got things to do, so be a good little pony and screw off.”

“You’re not dumping Cadence on me!” yelled Luna. “Mom said we had to do this together!”

“Mom also said not to jam a plate of doughnuts between your headgear,” Celestia grinned sinisterly as she levitated a large plate of the jelly filled pastries in the air. Before Luna could react, Celestia slammed the plate into her face, the cherry jam smearing everywhere with a gooey splat. She then wedged the dish in between Luna’s face and the steel wire halo of her headgear until it was stuck. “Have fun,” the sun princess said satirically, as she opened the door. “Now what to do with Discord…”


The sun princess stopped in her tracks as she slowly turned around. Standing next to her distressed sister was her mother, who had somehow appeared in the dining room without making a sound.

“Hello, mother,” Celestia said sheepishly, putting on a fake and innocent looking smile. “I was just about to head to Curator’s room and pick up my adorable little niece.”

“I know exactly what you were doing and that was not it,” Faust droned in her usual emotionless voice. “Celestia, why do you have to be so difficult sometimes? I’ve left you and your sister alone for hardly a minute and you cover her in jam. I’m very disappointed in you, Celestia.”

“Lovely…” sighed the young mare, rolling her eyes. “Yes, I’ve been a very bad girl, I am a blight on the very existence of pony kind and should probably be sent to my room to think about what I did and how awfully sorry I am for doing it. So please, oh merciless and cruel mother of mine, throw me in the dungeon and throw away the key!”

“I’m getting awfully tired of your sarcasm, my daughter,” said Faust. “Clearly I had expected too much out of my own daughters to do something as simple as get along for a few hours.”

“Yeah, I guess you did,” Celestia smiled. “But you probably saw that coming.”

“Yes, and it was foolish of me to think that you’d surprise me,” Faust groaned. “However, everything from this point on is much more desirable.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

Queen Faust turned to her jam-covered daughter. “Luna, you may be excused. Go wash your face and try to get some sleep before I set the sun tonight. I have a very important lesson in store for you tonight.”

The little moon princess struggled to unwedge the plate stuck in her brace’s headgear. “Thank you, mom… umm, a little help please?”

Her mother gave the closest thing she could to a sigh; which came out more of a shallow breath and a blink of her eyes. The plate suddenly vanished into thin air, as if it was pulled completely out of reality.

“Thank you,” Luna repeated, wiping some of the jelly off of her face as she headed towards the door. As she passed Celestia, she stuck her tongue out at her and blew her a raspberry. “Later, loser,” she whispered under her breath, only audible enough for Celestia to hear.

“Bite me,” Celestia muttered back as Luna walked through and closed the door. She went to go follow her. “Well, if you don’t need me anymore—“

“But I do,” said Faust who walked next to her daughter. “We still need somepony to watch over my grandchild.”

“But you left Luna off the hook!” complained the young princess. “How come I have to get stuck foalsitting?”

“Because as I recall, Luna wasn’t the one acting like a child,” the queen said. “And assaulting her with pastries and jamming a plate in her braces was quite foolish of you. So I have decided that you shall watch Cadence by yourself.”

“But that’s not fair!” whined Celestia. “I don’t want to do spend all day with some smelly infant.”

“Life is full of things you don’t want to do, my daughter,” said Faust. “You’re almost an adult now, and there are going to be many times you’ll find yourself having to do something you don’t want to do, and sometimes you’ll question the results of your actions…” she paused, opening the door to the main halls. “But in the end, you’ll be able to take solace in the fact that it was the right decision, even if it was the least desirable one.”

“Yeah, that’s wonderful,” yawned the princess, barely even paying attention to her mother as they walked down the halls together. “But I’d rather not do anything.”

“You’re a princess, Celestia. You’ll always have to do something.”

“Don’t remind me…”

“I wish you wouldn’t try my patience so often,” her mother said. “It’s quite childish of you.”


“We’re here,” Faust said as she stepped up to Curator’s room. She opened it up to the sound of the faint sound of a baby’s purring. Princess Cadence lay asleep in her crib wrapped up in her blanket. She seemed so peaceful and innocent in her cradle. “Isn’t she just precious?” sighed Faust as she gently levitated the tiny foal out of the crib and slowly rocked her in the air. “Such a little angel she is.”

“Oh, lord,” droned Celestia. “Yes, that’s wonderful; you love her more than life itself I get it.”

“Hush now, little angel,” cooed her mother, ignoring her daughter in favour of her grandchild. “Off to dreamland.”

“Don’t you have some meeting to get too?”

Faust frowned, something she rarely did, and gently placed the baby Cadence back in her crib. She walked up to Celestia and looked deep within her eye as if she was peering into the darkest depths of her soul. Celestia twitched uneasily on the spot as her mother continued to slice her apart with her death stare. She tried to look away, but the gaze of Faust was too strong for her to overcome and she was met with a spiral of emotions. Fear. Anxiety. Sadness. Anger. All of these and more swarmed through her mind.

Finally, her mother blinked and released the chains of her trance. “Let me make one thing absolutely clear,” said Queen Faust. “If you let my grandchild get hurt in anyway, even if one of her perfect hairs are frayed when I come back… I swear my daughter you will not be shown any motherly mercy. Do I make myself clear?”

“Y-y-yes, mother,” trembled Celestia.

“Good,” she said. “Now be a good girl and try to have some fun with your niece. I’ll be back with your brother at exactly four.”


With a nod, Faust disappeared into thin air, leaving Celestia alone with the foal Cadence.

“Holy…” gulped the young princess, still a bit frozen from the encounter. What she had just witnessed was the infamous death stare that her mother only reserved for the most dangerous of creatures and the most hated of enemies. The fact that she had used it on her only escalated the seriousness of the situation.

However, Celestia still had plans to keep, and it occurred to her that if her mother cared so much about Cadence then she wouldn’t put the foal in danger. The princess gave a little smirk as she figured out the loophole in her mother’s powers. Cadence would be fine and Celestia could go and do whatever she wanted for that day. Her mother wouldn’t actually kill her… right?

It seemed a little dark, even for Faust.

“Hey there, you little puke cannon,” cooed Celestia as she peaked over the crib to see her niece. “Listen… I’ve got a lot of stuff to do today, like really important things, and I can’t waste all day entertaining some drooling snot bucket. So we’re going to be a good little foal and stay asleep and quiet for the day while I go and have a life, okay?”

Cadence simply turned in her sleep.

“Wonderful, thanks a lot,” she smiled, heading towards the door. “And remember, if you wake up… just go back to sleep or something or I don’t know… or really care to be honest so… be seeing you.”


“What the crap?!” shrieked Celestia, jumping in fright from the sudden intrusion of noise. She spun around to see that Cadence was sitting up in her crib and crying for some unknown reason. The little foal’s wails continued like an unrelenting siren as Celestia desperately tried to cover her ears and block the sound. “I thought you were asleep!”


“Son of a… what’s wrong? Why are you making so much noise?!” she yelled, peeking back into the crib. “Shut up!”

The foal did not shut up. Instead, her crying intensified.

“You have got to be kidding me!” Celestia groaned. “What will it take to shut your trap?” She looked around the room for something; perhaps she wanted something from her baby bag. The young princess quickly opened the bright pink bag next to the crib and began to search its contents, finding all source of baby accessories. Spare diapers, formulas, bottles, soothers, and other teething toys, as well as a few other things. The princess grabbed one of the toys; a teething ring, and jammed it in the little foal’s mouth, quieting Cadence.

The foal princess eyes stopped tearing up as she happily chewed on the red rubber ring with her gummy teeth.

“Thank goodness,” sighed Celestia, slumping to the floor. “Glad we stepped over that little disaster, but now I really have to go.”

Just then there was a popping noise as Celestia felt something sticky land on her head. She reached to pick up what landed on her head but cringed away from the touch when she felt that it was slimy, like saliva. Looking up, she saw that Cadence was peaking over the rails of the crib, the teething ring no longer in her mouth and slobber all over her mouth.

“Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew!” Celestia panicked. “That’s so gross! Get it out of my hair “ she screamed, trying to shake the ring out of her hair. Cadence found the whole ordeal hilarious, and was giggling maniacally at her aunt’s expense.

Finally, Celestia managed to shake the slimy ring out of her hair and kick it across the room.

“I bet you thought that was hilarious…” mumbled Celestia, looking at the giggling baby. “And you’re an infant so I can’t destroy you like Luna… crap, this sucks. I can’t do anything with you, and I’m wasting too much time with you as well. I should have been in town an hour ago looking for Discord.”

“Gah…” gawked Cadence, looking at her aunt strangely.

“He’s some guy that I met yesterday… why do you care?” Celestia asked.

“Goo… gah gak.”

“What’s that suppose mean? Of course I’m trying to get a rise of my mother. You wouldn’t know this because your grandma is all goo-goo for you, but she’s an emotionless hard—she sucks, kid,” she said. “That’s why I need to find Discord… and I’m talking to a baby, great.”

“Baba Ga?”

The princess sighed heavily. “No… it’s not your fault really… not like you asked to be born or anything. Heck, nopony asks to be born, or to do anything… we just exist and do what our butts tell us to do. I hope you’re more accepting of your fate than I am… if you’re lucky you’ll never get a cutie mark.”

“Gee goo.”

“Yeah, whatever…” muttered Celestia. Suddenly, a light went off in her head. “Hey… I know!” She headed towards the closet and opened it up. Symphony must have already unpacked their bags because there were dresses hanging on the racks. She sifted through them until she found one that looked cute, a pink tennis shirt that would easily hide her wings. The princess continued to look in the closet, pulling out a pair of sunglasses and a bandana to help conceal her face and hair.

When she was done, the young princess was almost unrecognizable. Her wings were easily concealed under the pink shirt and her long pink hair was hidden under the wraps of the bandana buff.

“What do you think?” asked Celestia, doing a few twirls for her niece. “Think anypony will recognize me?”

“Goo ga, gah.”

“I’ll take that as a no,” she smiled, picking up Cadence from her crib. “And now for the last part of my disguise…” she said, placing Cadence on her back. “If I’m going to look like some forty year old, brother-stealing mare, I might as well go all out, right?”

Cadence responded by tugging at the back of her mane with her mouth.

“And that’s wonderful,” muttered Celestia, heading out the door. “The guards should be easy enough to sneak around, and everypony else is busy.”


“What? No, I’m not worried about trying to find Discord,” replied the princess. “You haven’t seen him but he’ll stick out like a sore hoof in a crowd of ponies, just look for the bizarre crime against nature… why am I still talking to you? You’re not even speaking real words. Good lord, I’m going crazy.”

The two silently slipped passed the door, and after making sure the coast was clear, Celestia headed towards the castle’s exit and into the town outside.


It was particularly busy that day in the market, and although Celestia didn’t venture into town all that often, the stress and strain on everypony’s face was good enough indication that today was more crowded than normal. Celestia and Cadence found it troublesome to navigate through the town and the crowd, and since she didn’t want to blow her cover and reveal her princess-hood to the world, she had to lower herself to the level of an average mundane pony.

Truth be told, she didn’t hate it as much as she thought she would. The ponies around her didn’t feel the compulsive need to bow in her presence or give her any sort of special treatment, in fact, she even bumped into a mare carrying groceries and was told very rudely to watch where she was going. It was fantastic! The charade of being a normal pony could become quite fun, and she made a mental note to go out and do this again, maybe even portraying someone her own age rather than a mother. Maybe she would even meet some nice stallion and would be allowed to pursue an actual relationship. The thought alone was enough to fill her heart with hope and butterflies. However, stallion hunting would have to wait, for she was hunting a different kind of prey today…

But he was proving to be very difficult to find.

“Where the heck is he?” spat the princess in frustration. She had been searching almost all day for Discord and it was almost time for her to head back home and she hadn’t even come close to figuring out where the draconequus was. “You think that’d it would be easy to find a draconequus in a crowd of ponies.”

“Gah?” gawked her niece, giving a quiet yawn as she slumped on Celestia’s back and curled up for a nap.

“Sure, go ahead and sleep,” mumbled the young mare. “And I have got to stop talking to you.”

She continued to look around town for a bit longer, trying to find draconequus’s long slender body or discorded face. But her luck was short as she was unable to find any sign of him.

“That’s it…” she muttered. “I give up. It’s like he went and disappeared.”

“Well, it’s about time you gave up,” chuckled a voice behind her.

Celestia’s eyes widened as she looked behind her. Leaning up against the side of a building was the draconequus munching on an apple with the biggest grin on his face.

“Wh-what? How? I was looking all day for you!” growled the princess. “Where were you?”

“Silly princess,” sighed Discord, tossing the apple core. “Don’t you know no one ever found anything by looking for it?”

Your logic was flawed… your ideas, confusing... Your humor, an acquired taste. Some could and would find you incredibly frustrating and annoying. There were times when I would find myself being one of those ponies, mean and heartless to your cause and ignorant to your feelings, and I would use you… I was such a jerk to everyone back then… you never should have forgiven me.

Author's Note:

Edited by FluttershyisMetal and Blahman.

Consider this my Birthday gift you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ME! :3