• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 7,358 Views, 374 Comments

When We Were Young - FlimFlamBros.

Celestia has been having recurring dreams; dreams that she wishes would go away. But they only increase in their frequency. One night, she gives in and visits that statue in the royal garden. The statue that haunts her sleep. The statue of her love.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Downfall

“I wouldn’t really consider this our first date. It was such an awful and manipulative thing that I did, but I think you knew that anyways. I wouldn’t know how you felt until it was too late… but you would be the one to change my heart, and make me into a better mare.”

She had been looking for him all day, and the second she stopped looking he purposely shows up? The young princess was shaking with rage over the absurdity of the draconequus. “What is your problem?!” she growled. “I’ve been looking all day for you! What kind of nerve do you think you have?”

Discord chuckled. “Well, well, well. I knew it was only a matter of time before the urges came in. No mare can resist the sexiness that is Discord!” He did some jazz hands while he wrapped his snake-like body loosely around Celestia. “Hey, when did you have the baby? She isn’t mine, is she?”

“She’s not even mine!”

“Well that’s a shame, it would have been a good excuse as to your puffiness.”

That little comment got Discord a swift hoof between his mismatched legs. He dropped to his knees in anguish, clutching his throbbing pride and unwrapping around the princess. “Worth it…” he squeaked.

“Shut up for five seconds and let me talk, Discord,” Celestia mumbled, checking on Cadence to see if she was still asleep, luckily she was out like a light. “So, when you broke into my room last night, you said that we should hang out more, right?”

“Something like that,” he said, springing up from the ground. “I think that my exact words were something like ‘we should do this again more often,’ and I don’t know about you but if you want to go jump into bed with me all I have to say is…” He leaned in closer to her face, giving her a nice, big, and tangy grin. “Buy me dinner first.”

“Would you like to come over for dinner?”

Discord was taken back, blinking a few times in confusion. It was a rare moment of being surprised that he did not get every often. He was always the surpriser, never the surprisee. “Well… wait, really?”

“Yes,” grinned Celestia. “I’ve been thinking a lot today, and I realize how incredibly… rude I may have been earlier with you,” she said with fake sincerity. “And I shouldn’t have reacted so terribly to your intrusion of my privacy.”

“Well, it’s about time,” said the draconequus. “It’s always nice to be appreciated for the things I do. Most of the time I get yelled at for my antics but you’re a different hair on the coconut, Celestia.” He started to walk around her, running his eyes down the side of her outfit. “And I must say that you make a very convincing mother. And who is this little tyke you brought with you? I don’t think that we’ve been properly introduced."

“This is Cadence, my niece.”

“You’re an auntie? How grand! Misses Aunt Celestia of little niece Cadence, your mother must be so proud of you.”

“Hardly,” muttered the princess under her breath. “So anyways, would you like to accompany me to dinner tonight?”

“Well, I don’t know.” The draconequus pulled the fur of his lion’s arm up, revealing several ticking wristwatches, no two telling the same time. “If you’re in the Eastern Time zone it’s far too late for dinner and if we’re going by western time then we’d be better off having lunch.”

“I’m talking about this time zone, moron,” droned Celestia.

“Tsk, tsk, Celestia,” sighed Discord. “Now that’s no way to treat a possible dinner guest. In fact, I think that I may have another arrangement now that I think of it. I am a terribly busy crackpot of animal parts and unstable magic after all.”

Celestia’s eye twitched, her patience with Discord was running dangerously thin. She had to swallow the lump of anger in her throat and put on a pastel smile as she said, “But please… I insist that you accompany me for dinner at the castle.” She took a deep breath as she forced out, “It would be an honour,” as well.

“So, it would be like a date?” Discord wondered, pondering playfully at the idea. “Like a… ‘date’ date? I only ask because the last time I went on one it turned out to be a dried fruit. It was rather tasty.”

“I’m sure it was…” strained Celestia, her teeth grinding with the last of her serenity. “And I guess it would be a ‘date’ date as you put it. You would walk me to dinner, we’d sit together.” She started to grin. “You’d get to meet my mother as my coltfriend… my very draconequus coltfriend.”

“Wow, I’ve been in a relationship with you for a mere three seconds, and I’m already meeting your parents!”

“Parent,” corrected Celestia. “I’d rather not talk about my father.”

“Why? What happened?”

“I said I don’t want to talk about it!” Celestia suddenly snapped, her demeanor breaking and letting her pent up aggression come forth. “Look, just drop it. He’s gone and it’s better that he stays that way. Do you want to come with me to dinner or not?”

“My dear princess,” bowed Discord. “It would be an honour and a privilege to take you to dinner at your own house.”

Celestia sighed with relief as she turned around and started to walk home. “Great, now let’s go—“

“Now wait just a cotton candy minute!” barked Discord, bouncing and flipping in front of Celestia to cut her off. “You expect me to show up looking like this?! Why, I look like I’ve been rummaging through trash for the past three hours!”

“So that’s what that smell was,” Celestia muttered.

“Why don’t we take a quick stop by my place so I can get freshened up?” Discord suggested, pointing down one of the alleyways. “I just live a little down that alleyway. It’ll be a quick in and out… that’s what she said.”

“Whatever,” said the princess with a heavy sigh. “Just be quick about it.”

“I always am!” He slithered into the alleyway, disappearing in its darkness. Celestia decided to follow suit, considering that she had nothing better to do at that moment. She was quite surprised to see that Discord had completely vanished, as there was nothing more in that alley than a few small boxes and a turned over garbage can.

“Discord, I swear if you pop out of somewhere and scare me, I’ll kick you in the throat,” threatened Celestia, taking cautious steps as to not step into one of the many garbage water puddles. “Discord, where the heck are you? Discord, answer me!”

“Will you chillax, princess?” rumbled one of the boxes, vibrating at the sound of Discord’s voice. “I’m looking for my nice tuxedo.”

“What are you doing in that box? Where’s your house?”

The floppy lids of the box flapped open and out sprung the draconequus in a rather dashing black tuxedo and top hat. “Isn’t it obvious? The box is my house. I know what you’re thinking, how can anyone afford to live in a cardboard box in this market? But it helps when you don’t have to pay rent or utilities.”

“You actually live in a box?” gasped the princess. “That… that actually sucks.”

“Well, it’s no fancy castle of the goddess princess, but it’s my home.”

“I don’t think I could live in a box my whole life…” Celestia started to feel a strange sensation in her stomach, a sort of subsided pain in her guts. It was a foreign feeling, the feeling of pity and guilt. She hated it. “Let’s just get going… I think the smell of all this waste is making me sick.”

“Then off we shall venture,” smiled Discord, offering his talon claw to the princess. “May I be so noble, and ask for your hoof?”

Celestia rolled her eyes and lifted one of her hooves into the rough touch of his cretin talon. “Here. Can we go now? The sun is starting to set and I need to get home before anyone realizes that I left.”

“Oh, are we being a naughty princess again?” chuckled the draconequus. “You’re so much fun, you know that? In fact, if you were to pull that gigantic stick out of your butt you’d actually be quite bearable. Maybe even dateable.”

“Yes, because that’s what every girl wants to hear, that she needs to pull a giant stick out of her butt. You really don’t know how to talk to mares, do you?”

“Who said I was talking to a mare? Heyoo!” Discord cheered, extending his other claw, thinking that Celestia would high five it. “Oh, come on, you walked right into that one.”

“Idiot…” she murmured. “Just keep it bottled up until dinner.”

“Scratch that, you’re no fun… buzz kill.” The two continued to walk in silence, down the dying streets of the town. It wasn’t like Discord to be quiet and he started to get fidgety. His free arm started to shake a little and his tail began to coil up on itself. Dew formed around his brow and dripped into his discoloured eyes. He needed to say something, being quiet wasn’t in his nature, it was killing him!

Finally, his saving grace came in the form of a yawning infant. The little foal princess Cadence turned in her carrier on Celestia’s back as her eyes started to peak open. She gave another squeaking yawn. “Ga goo…” the baby princess moaned.

“Well, hello there you little scamp,” beamed Discord. “Did you have a nice nap? Dream of pooping and nip-nip?”

“Please tell me you’re not talking to the baby. You sound…” She bit her lip. She was about to say crazy, but that would be both redundant and hypocritical. “Just leave her alone, maybe she’ll fall asleep and I don’t want to have to feed her again. I swear, that thing drinks more milk than a cow.”

“I think that’s sudo-cannibalism,” said Discord. “You know I heard that when cows start to drink their own milk it’s a sign of the apocalypse. That and things like the sky turning pink, stampedes of rabbits and popcorn popping everywhere.”

“Thanks for the heads up. I’ll be sure to do something about that when it never happens.”

“Good! I’d hate to see anypony get hurt!”

“Can we just get back to walking? We’re like five minutes from the castle!”

“Fine…” mumbled Discord, leaning into Cadence. “Your aunt really needs to lighten up.”

The foal giggled as she reached up and squished Discord’s nose in between her little hooves.

“Oh no!” laughed the draconequus, letting the infant tug a little on his nose. “Your niece has the strength of a goddess, I can’t break free!”

Celestia rolled her eyes once again as they approached the front gates of the castle. “You really are something else, you know that? But stop that and leave her alone. I need to sneak her back into her room.”

“Your naughtiness continues to astound me.”

“Be quiet.”


The princess pushed past the large gates of the castle and slowly snuck into the gardens of the courtyard with Discord casually strolling behind her. He didn’t understand why she was being so sneaky, there wasn’t anypony else there but them. However, it was far too amusing to watch her crawl on her belly with a little foal bobbing around on her back, like she thought that Cadence had any idea what stealth meant.

When they successfully crossed the castle grounds, Celestia turned to Discord. “I need you to do a favour for me. Can you hold Cadence for a minute?”

“Sure thing,” said Discord, taking the little foal off of Celestia’s back. “Any excuse to spend some time with my bouncy little buddy!”

The little princess laughed as she was swung around in the draconequus claws. Cadence really seemed to like Discord and found the funny faces he made absolutely hilarious. Celestia didn’t get it but she was now free of her niece and was able to start getting ready. She shook off the bandana that she wore to hide her mane and horn, letting her hair flow freely once again in the evening air. She started to pull off her tennis shirt, but the linen got caught on her horn and she tried to untangle it.

Discord watched as she undressed, strangely captivated by the princess’s body. Despite all his jokes towards the princess, she was actually quite beautiful, showing what royal treatment could do with clean white fur, a silk-flowing tail like a rosy stream and well-cared for hooves. Her sunny cutie mark rested shapely on her flank, curvy and firm, if not just the slightest bit… juicy. He became hot under his collar as he removed his top hat to wipe away his beady sweat. He pretended that he had seen nothing when Celestia finally got her shirt off.

“I hate horns…” the young princess muttered, adjusting the carrier on her back again. “Pass me Cadence.” Discord did just that, placing the infant back onto the carrier. Cadence seemed a little sad to have to leave Discord so soon, reaching out towards him and clinging onto his arm. It broke Discord’s heart to have to shake the little princess off of him and she started to get teary eyed. “Ah, great,” moaned Celestia. “She’s going to cry again. Can you fly, Discord?”

“I can bounce, if that helps?”

“It’ll have to do,” she said, opening her wings and taking up into the air. “We’re running late, so we’re taking a shortcut.”

“Race you to the top!” Discord shouted, coiling his body up like a giant spring and suppressing downwards as low as he could. He soon jolted up and zoomed past the shocked princess and slithered into the castle’s window. “I win!” he cheered with glee. “You owe me fifty bits now!”

“I never bet anything.”

“Don’t care! You still owe me my money.”

“Shut up, you,” grumbled Celestia, fluttering through the window seal. “This is my brother’s room. Just give me a moment to put Cadence away and we’ll head down for you to meet my mother.” She used her magic to wrap her golden aura around Cadence, gently lifting her up and placing her back into the crib. Cadence didn’t seem to like being back in her crib and immediately started to whine again. “Oh, come on! You weren’t crying two seconds ago!”

“You really need to work on your social skills,” said Discord. He snapped his fingers and puffed up a yellow soother. “Like the expression says, give the baby what she wants.” He placed the soother into Cadence’s open mouth, effectively shutting her up.

Celestia was surprised. “How did you do that?”

“What? You don’t keep soothers in reserve in case of emergencies? Shame on you!”

Suddenly, the door of the room opened up, and Sweet Symphony rushed in. The pink crystal pony quickly scooped up her little foal in her hooves. “I heard Cadence cry, is everything alright?” she panicked, examining her child for any sort of harm. She didn’t even seem to notice the long, lanky draconequus standing in the room.

“Honey, I’m sure that she’s fine,” called Curator, as he and Faust walked into the room as well. “Oh, hello Tia… and friend.”

“Hello, Curator,” Celestia said. “And hello to you as well, mother.”

“Celestia,” nodded Queen Faust, her eyes shifting towards Discord. “I see you have brought along a friend. Hello.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” grinned Discord, performing an exaggerated bow to the queen and slinking over to her. He took one of Faust’s white hooves and tenderly kissed it. “It’s not everyday I get to meet royalty… although now it seems I can’t stop meeting them.”

Faust looked a little pale as the slimy tongue of Discord ravished her hoof with slobber. “Yes… charmed, I’m sure.”

Celestia brow bent as she smiled wickedly. Everything was going perfectly. Discord was being crazy and unpredictable just as she had hoped, and already she could see that her mother was starting to hate it. It would all be worth it if she started freaking out at her, so she decided to push it a little further and test the limits of her oh-so-perfect parental figure.

“So, anyways, mom, I was hoping that Discord could maybe join us for dinner tonight. I know that it’s a little short notice but I’m sure the chefs can conjure up some extra food to accommodate, so it should be fine. That is… unless you have a problem with Discord.” Celestia could sense the anger pent up inside her mother, ready for a satisfactory and victorious blow.

“That sounds wonderful.”

“How can you say something like that?!” Celestia shouted. “Just because he’s different than us— wait, what did you say?”

“I said yes, daughter,” Faust replied. “It’s far too little that we get a dinner guest that isn’t a diplomat or royalty from another country.”

“I—well—that…” stuttered the young princess, shocked as to how her mother reacted. She wasn’t prepared for this. “That’s good to hear.”

“I would imagine. Now let’s leave your brother and his wife to spend time with their daughter,” she turned to her daughter. “Come along, Celestia. You are to retrieve your sister from her room and come to dinner. Your guest may accompany you if he so desires.”

“Oh, trust me,” laughed Discord, wrapping a lion’s claw around Celestia’s neck. “That’s all I desire.”

“Yeah…” laughed the princess nervously, going along with the draconequus. “We’re just oozing with… desires. For each other! He’s all I can ever think about and I lo—” She gagged at the unfinished word. “Like him an awful lot.”

“That’s nice, Celestia,” said her mother, seemingly uncaring of the things her daughter was saying. “Now please, hurry up and get your sister.”

“Okay, mother…”

She followed Faust and the rest of her family out of the room and out into the hallway. They all turned to the left and headed to the kitchen while Celestia and Discord took a turn to down the opposite hallway and towards Luna’s room. When they were out of earshot, Discord was the first to speak.

“Your family seems nice,” he smiled. “And your mother is just a treat.”

“Trust me, she’s an emotionless, uncaring, buzz kill.”

Discord frowned. “Really? I can’t say that I noticed that at all, and I can usually notice when ponies are no fun. I keep getting off the chart readings from you.”

“Knock it off,” the princess muttered. She distanced herself a bit away from the draconequus so she could be alone with her thoughts. Why didn’t her mother freak out like she thought she would have? Just the night before she had forbidden her to have any sort of contact with the strange creature, she even went as far as to call him a poison to their world. So, why did she seem so adamant about her bringing Discord to dinner? Whatever it was, Celestia knew that she would have to step up her game.

Luna’s room was always easy to find. Faust had given her youngest daughter special nocturnal guards to watch over her and protect the princess during all hours of the day. The unmoving Kirins that stood watchfully on either side of the door were as still as statues, hardly even breathing and never blinking. Celestia approached the strange dragon-pony hybrids with no fear, but Discord found himself the slightest bit intimidated by the night guards.

“I need to get my sister,” muttered Celestia to one of the guards. “So, get out of my way.”

Both of the Kirins nodded as they shuffled aside, one of them pushing the door open and allowing the princess and the draconequus to enter. They found Luna already in her starry pajamas and combing the last knots out of her mane. The little moon princess looked like she was about to pass out as she let out a giant yawn.

“Hey, nerd, mom wants you down for dinner,” said Celestia. “Hurry up.”

Luna didn’t acknowledge her sister, probably far too tired to hear her, she just kept combing her mane in her zombified state.


“Huh…” groaned the blue alicorn, batting her eyes a few times as she woke up. “What’s going on? Tia, what are you doing in my room… and who’s the weirdo?”

“Mom wants you to come down to dinner.”

“But I’m not even dressed yet…”

“No pony cares, just hurry up,” muttered Celestia. “And this is Discord. If you must know, he’ll be joining us for dinner tonight.”

This made Luna grin. “Ooo,” she cooed, “Celestia has a coltfriend.”

“That’s the point, dingus.” Celestia and Discord started to walk out of the door. “Just show up to dinner, okay? Later, loser.”

“Bite me.”

“You wish.”

“Goodbye, Woona!” chuckled the draconequus. “See you at dinner.” They closed the door behind them. “Your sister is adorable.”

“She’s annoying,” spat Celestia. “She’s a tick sucking on my side, always annoying me with her geek-gasms over stupid things she reads in her books and obsessing over those lame toys.”

“I think that’s cute,” said Discord. “She’s like a dorky little something.”

“Can you just stop talking for a bit? Save some material for the dinner table.”

“Oh trust me,” grinned the draconequus. “I’m going to knock them dead at the dinner table.”

“Trust me… that’s exactly what I’m hoping for.” Celestia said, her cheeks stretching up into a maniacal smile. “We’ll see how mother likes you after dinner.”


As it would turn out, rather well.

Discord was a delight to the rest of Celestia’s family at the dinner table. He was charming, witty, polite, and the polar opposite of what she had seen in the alleys and streets of the town below. The few times he did go a little zany he was rather contained and did it with good taste, making every pony laugh. Even her mother cracked the slightest of a smile! Her mother, the immortal, all-powerful goddess and the architect of the universe… smiled at a draconequus pulling a hat out of a rabbit.

Celestia couldn’t have been more furious. She was practically ripping from the seams in a rage that things weren’t going as she had expected them. Where was the insanity? Where was the chaos? Where was the Discord that made her want to kick a wall in? She had sat quietly through the whole dinner.

When the last of the dessert trays had been cleaned by the servants, Faust called Luna for her nightly lessons and bid every pony else a good evening and vanished. Curator and Symphony took Cadence (who had once again shown her marksmanship with her mashed sweet potatoes) and headed back to their room. Celestia and Discord were left alone in the dining room, with no pony else around.

Celestia slammed her head against the table in agony. Nothing had gone right this evening. She thought that Discord would be the perfect way to get a rise out of her mother, but she didn’t even seem to mind him, she actually enjoyed herself for a bit. What sort of game was she playing? Regardless of what it was, Celestia was determined to win it.

The young princess got up from the table and started to head back to her room, Discord instinctively following behind her. Celestia needed to think of a new strategy to combat her mother with.

It wasn’t until they got to her room that Discord finally said something. “Well that was rather fun, your family is really quite the blast, even what’s-his-face was pleasant, you know, the father of your niece. His name always escapes me.”

“It’s Curator,” mumbled Celestia, still infuriated with the evening’s events. “What are you still doing here anyways?”

“I thought we could hang out a bit more,” he grinned. “We’re in your room… all alone… our eyes locked against the room as we try to fight our growing desires for each other, but to no avail. You think to yourself that ‘this is wrong!’ but it feels so right and you slowly give in to your primal desires as I tenderly lower you onto your bed, stroking a few stray locks from your pale complexion. Hearts race and souls glimmer as we share our very first kiss.” He stopped talking. “Or you know, something like that.”

“Don’t make me sick,” muttered the princess. “Tonight’s already been a disappointment.”

“What on Equestria are you talking about? I thought it was a time and a half.”

“Because nothing worked out the way I wanted it to!” snapped the mare. “You were supposed to be yourself and idiotic and annoy my mother, but you couldn’t even get that right! You are beyond worthless.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” panted Discord, confused by her sudden outburst. “Hold the metaphorical horses. What do you mean? Was this some sort of scheme?”

“Of course it was! Did you really think that I would actually care about something like you? I’m a princess, and you’re a… a thing! You’re nothing more than a collection of extra parts thrown into a crock pot of insanity! And the only thing that I thought you could be good for was to bother ponies, but you can’t even do that right!”


“I don’t want to hear it,” growled Celestia. “Just get out of my room and out of my life, honestly what was my mother thinking with you…”

Discord was taken back, his cheerful demeanor crushed under the weight of Celestia’s insults. Anger and sadness were two emotions that the draconequus wasn’t able to process well, it made his bones rattle and shake. He tried to stay strong but a lone tear squeezed out from his eye, before brushing into a frown.

“Well, sorry that I had to be such a disappointment, princess,” he said with trembling words, they hardly masked how upset he was. “I thought I had actually found a friend, some pony that could look past all of this. I even tried to be on my best behaviour because I didn’t want to embarrass you.” He reached into the pocket of his tuxedo. “I even went as far as getting you this. You can still have it even though I don’t think you deserve it.” Discord pulled out a rock and placed it on Celestia’s nightstand. “You know, I actually like being different. I like me, but you’re just a spoiled little brat that can’t see past my quirks. I could look past yours, princess.” With a sluggish pace, he walked to Celestia’s window and perched himself on the railing. “I take it back… you’re no fun at all.”

He slithered out the window and disappeared into the night, probably to sulk in his box. He had acted strong in his final moments with her but in truth he was dying on the inside.

Celestia groaned. “Way to go, Tia.”

She started to feel a strange pain in her gut, something that she hadn’t felt before, a tingly sensation that made her stomach feel like it was full of puss and was eating itself. Celestia wondered what was making her feel that way. Surely it couldn’t have been Discord… could it? She knew his magic wasn’t like hers but no spell could make her feel like that. One of her mother’s precautions were to charm both her and Luna with wards to keep away curses and other spells, so what could this be? Maybe it was something she ate? Or maybe it was something else.

The young princess shuffled to her bed and flopped on top of the covers. The pain was still there and was starting to mess with her head.

“Maybe I was a little harsh with Discord… I mean I didn’t actually tell him that I wanted him to upset mother…” The pain started to go away slightly upon admitting that. She realized that what she was feeling was guilt. She had been far too mean and careless with Discord’s feelings, even if he didn’t look like a pony, he still had feelings like one. “Gah… go away, pain!” she yelled, rolling around in her self-inflicted agony. “I don’t want to feel this so bugger off!”

In her rolling fit, she accidently bumped into her nightstand and caused the rock on top of it to float down to the ground. This caught Celestia’s attention because rocks don’t float to the ground, they drop like… well, like rocks. That’s when she noticed the flicker. She rolled off the bed and picked up the rock with her hoof and examined it. The rock was far too light to be a rock, and it was the tiniest bit thorny. With a quick spell she was able to undo the enchantment on the rock and let it reveal it’s true nature.

A beautiful, ruby red rose.

The pain increased tenfold as Celestia admired the flower in teary-eyed misery. Discord had always been both a mystery and a clown, but she had never considered him to be a romantic. It was the single most beautiful thing any pony—or thing, had done for her.

And she had just told him he was nothing.

It was her turn to cry now as she collapsed onto the floor. She had made a mistake and it was killing her on the inside. The guilt was too much, she just wanted to shrivel up and die right there on the floor. She’d give anything to end her suffering but she knew that there was only one thing that could make this better, something that she had never had to do before in her life.

She got up from the floor and jumped out the window and prayed that Discord hadn’t gotten too far. If she was going to make things right, she would have to apologize at her own free will.

“Such an ignorant fool I was. So inconsiderate with your emotions, I’d take back those words in a heartbeat, jump through hoops and turn back time to never make me hurt your feelings again. I was sorry… and I always will be. Because even though we would patch things up, I could never forgive myself.

And I still don’t.”