• Member Since 28th Mar, 2014
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Short for Lord Regulus. I hope you will enjoy what my brain comes up with. You can throw money at me here: Ko-fi

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Unchanging Truths 17 is Being a Bug, so I'll Ask about Ko-Fi Now Rather Than Later · 11:43am Apr 30th, 2023

Hello everyone! Chrysalis isn't cooperating at the moment...

So much for Unchanging Truths being the easier fic. Chrysalis is currently running me through the wringer. I've been trying for the past three weeks to get this chapter to do what I want and my scrapped words for this chapter is over 10K. Hurray! I got a draft done of the chapter over a week ago, but after the prereader got to it and I had some time to mull it over, I didn't like how it panned out. Trying something new, but now I feel like I'm stuck in the weeds, so I'll go ahead and ask this since it's on my mind instead of doing it with the next chapter.

Should I make a ko-fi for tips?

I don't want to bother with it if folks aren't gonna throw money into it since I have no idea how to even set it up, bt I do spend many, many, many hours working on my writing. I figured that it might be nice to have some money come in from opening a thing for folks to leave tips in if they want to help me out. Just tips, no patreon tiers for this guy. I don't want the pressure of commitments that I'll forget about. I just figured that it'd help keep my USA bank account nice and tidy to have some money come in for the work I do since my bank changed the rules on me and it's draining 7 dollars a month out of it for every month I don't have at least $500 in it, which that is starting to get real low and I can't transfer money from Japan to the US easily. I actually can't make online purchases with my current Japanese bank card or send money, so it's like... a problem. I will be visiting Hawaii over the summer to meet my parents for some vacation time and plan to physically bring $1000 in yen to put into my USA account.

So, should I do it? What do y'all think? And be honest if you want to throw money at my face. I don't want to bother with it if no one is going to use it. My Twitch Affiliate status is in the same limbo too.

See you in the next blog!
- Rego

Report Rego · 110 views · Story: Unchanging Truths ·
Comments ( 3 )

I absolutely love this Chrysalis. Just like I imagine her in my own writing. Very inspiring, thank you
About the topic at hand, I can't throw money at anyone because of my own country and its current problems, but if I could, I'd definitely try to support fellow creator that way, and I imagine many would too 😒
Setting up ko-fi page seems easy and self-explanatory, so if it literally doesn't cost you anything except a few dozen minutes of your time, I'd say go for it.

Setting up ko-fi itself isn't going to cause problems, and as highlighted above, doesn't cost you anything.

The only issue I have is that there are so many payment services out there that I personally don't want to sign up for another one. If ko-fi doesn't require your actual name for accounts, that's one thing, but if it requires an actual identity, there are other services that I would probably rather use.

Unless, of course, you don't use any of those other services, in which case, one more probably isn't a big deal.

Thanks! Glad you like my interpretation of Chrysalis. Just like the fic, progress is slow and steady, but chapter 17 is getting there.

Yeah. Totally understandable and partially why I haven't done it myself. I already have a PayPal and Patreon account, though those are set up as payment options, not receiving things. Once 17 is done, I'll look until the logistics of it on the spending side. Personally, the more impersonal the better. While I'd appreciate knowing who was behind what donation, the last thing I want to do is give someone the feeling of entitlement from dropping money on my head. I prefer social engagement over monetary donations. It's why I flamed out of any sales job I tried to take on straight out of college. I don't like asking people to spend money even if they want to fix a problem using a thing I could sell them.

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