• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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The Princess of Love In the Kingdom of Crystal (Edited)

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

The Princess of Love In the Kingdom of Crystal

Green to start music and red to stop music

Crystal Empire Throne Room…

“Oh my goodness! Twilight!”

Sora watched as a rather pretty pink pony, one not unlike Celestia and Luna, came bounding weakly towards his side. Her three toned mane seeming as if it had seen better days...maybe even weeks. The tell-tell signs of sleeplessness and fatigue seemed to weigh heavily on her violet eyes. There was a hint of a constant bluish glow emanating from her horn, something he found rather odd.

After gently nuzzling the unconscious unicorn that laid upon Sora's back, the pink alicorn turned to face the others, a look of concern on her haggard features. “What happened to Twilight?” She took a look around at the group as if she was looking for something specific. “A-And where’s Shining Armor? I don’t see him anywhere here. Is he hurt?”

No one could meet the pink pony’s gaze as she looked to all of them for some kind of answer. It was only after a heavy sigh from Applejack that the country mare decided to speak up on everyone’s behalf. “Twilight and Sora used their magic ta help us get inside, Princess Cadence, due ta the fact that the whole area was swarming with those freaky shadow ponies.” The farm mare gently placed a hoof upon the sleep purple pony. “She just used a bit too much of her magic is all. Plum passed out on the way over here. She just needs some rest and she’ll be right as rain soon.”

“And Shining?” Cadence asked with baited breath. “What happened to him?”

“He…T-That is we…” Applejack looked away as she finally relented. “We don’t know.”

It almost looked as if the princess's world shattered at Applejack's answer.“W-What?”

Sora stepped forward, shifted Twilight on his back so he could at least be a little more comfortable as he spoke. “He stayed behind to face King Sombra so we could escape.” the keyblade wielder answered. “He gave us all the opening we needed to make it to safety.” Sora looked away from the alicorn mare. “I…It’s my-“

Pinkie Pie jumped beside him, pulling the stallion into a hug before he could say anymore, being careful not to jostle Twilight too much. “Shining stayed behind to distract Kingy McMeanypants from getting to us. Sora wanted to help him, he really, really did!”

Applejack nodded. “It was everypony’s decision ta get these little ones ta safety first. It’s what Shining told us ta do. And even Twilight agreed.” Applejack pulled her little sister close to her, giving the little filly a reassuring nuzzle.

A mix of emotions played upon Cadance’s face before the mare closed her eyes, took in a deep breath before releasing it in one go. When her eyes snapped back open the mare gave then a gentle yet shaky nod. “Please...Tell me what happened.”


It took little time for Sora and Applejack to relay what had happened back in the frozen wasteland that surrounded the Crystal empire, and despite how she was trying to keep herself in check, anyone with eyes could see that the pink princess was shaking every so slightly with pent up emotion.

“-When I went back out to help him,” Sora said finishing off the story. “They were gone, every last one of them.” He hung his head down. “If I had stayed by his side then-“

“Then the others would have been put in danger as well.” Rarity interrupted, placing a hoof on his shoulder. “You did what you had to do in order to protect us Sora. Nopony will fault you for that.” She shot a glance toward Rainbow, who seemed to be looking away from them all as they talked. “Or at the very least I wouldn’t.”

“S-She’s right Sora. As strong as I have heard you are, you are but one pony. You can't be everywhere at once.” Cadence told him, gaining the stallion’s attention. “It…It pains me that Shining Armor has been captured but holding you or any pony responsible would be foalish on my part. I’m sure you all did everything you could to help him.” Her words seemed laced with sorrow as she spoke, and she seemed to struggle as she said the next few words. “We…we can discuss it later. I suspect he is safe for now due to the fact that Sombra might find him more useful alive. Right now we must worry about the kingdo-Nggh!!”

Everypony gasped as the alicorn cringed, her horn fluxing in power, almost like like she was hit with a power surge. A flash of light caught Sora’s eyes as his gaze shifted towards the window. To his shock, the shield that had been keeping the heartless at bay seemed to be flickering in and out of existence..

“Princess!” Applejack ran to her side, catching the pink pony before she could topple over. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

The alicorn sighed. “I…I have been able to use my magic to spread love and light throughout the empire. I think that’s the only reason King Sombra has not been able to get in.” She rubbed her aching horn as her magic once again picked up. “Shining Armor’s spell kept getting countered by King Sombra and because of that…”

Rarity gasped. “So that means that...You have been awake all this time?!”

“It’s because of that shadow varmint!” Applejack said with irritation in her voice. “No wonder ya look worse for ware. Ya can’t let your magic stop and rest up.”

The alicorn steady herself as she slowly stood back up on her hooves. “It…it is alright. I am fine.”

“I’m sorry princess.” Rainbow said landing in front of her with a frown. “But you look anything but fine.”

“Rainbow is right.” Rarity quipped. “Just look at you. You can’t keep going on like this.”

“But if the barrier fails then…” Fluttershy shuddered. “You know who will be coming after us.”

“I won’t let that happen, everyone.” Sora said with a determined frown. “I promised to do my best to stop Sombra! It’s why I’m here!”

“It’s why we’re all here Sora.” Applejack corrected. “And we’ll do our best together.”

Cadance smiled and nodded. “Neither I nor Shining have been able to collect any information due to me putting all my strength into keeping the spell going and-” Her voice broke as she spoke “Shining looking out for signs of trouble in the arctic. We haven’t been able to gather much information from the Crystal Ponies.”

“Crystal Ponies!” Rarity cried, her eyes glowing brightly. “There are Crystal Ponies?!”

Everyone looked towards the fashion mare with a look of ‘Really?’

Rarity, upon seeing this, straightened out her mane and chuckled nervously. “Oh. Please, continue”

Cadance closed her eyes as she spoke again. “We have to believe that one of them knows how we can protect the empire, without relying on my magic.”

“Well what are we waiting for?!” Rainbow Exclaimed. “The faster we figure it out, the faster we can save Shining Armor, and the faster we can kick that Dark King’s flank!” She made a beeline toward the door leaving behind a rainbow trail in her wake. The rest of the mares followed suit, leaving only Applejack, Cadence and Sora behind.

“Here Sora,” Applejack slid Twilight off his back and placed her upon her own. “I’ll stay here and take care of Twi and the princess. You go on ahead and find out everything you can so we can save this here town.”

The stallion nodded at the farm mare before turning towards Cadance a hard look of determination forming in his eyes. “Don’t worry Princess. Will find a way to stop Sombra and save Shining Armor.” He smiled as he held out a hoof to her, “You have my word as your friend.”

The princess smiled warmly and took the hoof into her own. “Then as somepony who welcomes you as a friend, hero of light - no, Sora, I wish you both a safe return, and may Celestia guide you.”

Sora gave the mare a quick nod before following after the rest, leaving both Applejack and the Princess on their own. As soon as he was gone from sight, Applejack felt Cadance lean heavily against her, once held back tears slowly along the edge of her eyes “I know I want to believe...I know I do...but...but...My Shining...”

Applejack placed a hoof around the princess as the saddened Princess began to bawl her eyes out.. “Trust me princess,” She smiled. “He’s not the type of stallion to leave a pony hanging. I know that for a fact.”

The farm mare’s gaze shifted towards the barrier in the distance. The only thing keeping this Kingdom from falling into darkness.

Like it or not...We all are counting on ya Sora.


Despite Sora’s grand gesture the boy really didn’t have a clue on what to do or where to go. If he was being honest with himself, he wasn’t the best when it came to coming up with a plan. He was always the go and get em kind of guy. Still, he had made a promise to Cadance. Something he wasn’t going to back down from.

“So whats the plan big guy?”

“Spike?” The stallion’s eyes widened as he looked at the purple dragon that seemed to be casually riding upon his back, the drake, giving him a smirk. “I thought you stayed behind to help out with Twilight.”

The purple dragon rolled his eyes as he folded his arms about his chest. “Yeah well, I didn’t. I was still beside Applejack before you took off so I couldn’t catch up with them. I hopped on your back, deciding to go with you.” He smirked. “It’s a good thing I did too, you look like you could use more help than they ever could.”

“Heheh. That obvious huh? I’m not really the type to go around and gather information if I can help it, so anything you can provide might make it easier for all of us.” Sora looked around at all the buildings taking in the sights as he continued to speak. “So Spike…What do you suggest we do first? Because to be honest, I’m a bit lost.”

The drake thought for a moment, pondering that very question before slamming a fist into his open claw, an idea popping into his head. “I got it! Whenever Twilight is stumped on something she always turns to her favorite catch phrase.”

Sora raised an eyebrow. “And that would be?”

Spike pointed a clawed finger into the air and exclaimed in a voice that sounded very similar to a certain lavender unicorn. “TO THE LIBRARY!!”

The library? Sora actually thought that was a good idea. The Library was nothing if not a source of valuable information. They might even find a clue to this confusing puzzle. Hopefully, just hopefully, the library might provide at least something that he could find useful, no matter how little it might be.

“Well then Spike.” Sora reared up on his hind legs, forcing the dragon to clutch onto his neck so that he wouldn’t fall off. “TO THE LIBRARY!!”


Elsewhere within the City of the Crystal Kingdom

Rainbow Dash was glad to be away from the others for the time being, especially that stallion.

“How could he just leave Shining out there?!”

She asked the question out loud but she already knew the answer. He did it for the fillies. He did it to save Twilight and the others, including myself. Still, she wasn’t just going to let him off the hook that easily. She couldn’t allow herself to.

“He should have been faster at getting back to him!”

Again, the mare’s mind betrayed her actual words reminding her of the fact that he indeed tried his best to get to him, even feeling deep remorse when he could not. He was ready to take all of the blame on himself and if Pinkie hadn’t stopped him...

“Gah! I know that! I know that he did try his best to save him…but…he just …he-”

Her mind questioned her relentlessly, wondering why she was trying to push the stallion away. Obviously she cared for him, for his well being, so why not accept him.

“Because he’s just like him! That’s why! GAHHHH!!”

Rainbow began to rub her head with both hooves in wild frustration, many of the crystal ponies that had been around slowly backed away from the mare, not wanting to be on the business end of her rage-filled rant with herself.


Within the Crystal Kingdom's Library

It wasn’t long before the duo, after asking quite a few of the ponies in town, found themselves at the Crystal Empire Public Library. They both smiled brightly and had hyped themselves up, ready to find what they needed, stop the king, and save the prince, but both stallion and drake gasped at the sight they beheld once they entered the establishment.

“Dear Celestia of Equestria.” Spike eyes widened with both wonder and fear. “Just look at them all! Twilight would totally have a nerdgasm if she saw this place!”

Sora gulped as he stared straight up at the floors upon floors of books. “This is the largest amount of paper I have ever seen in my life.” He turned Spike. “Where do we even start? How do we start? It’s gonna take us forever to go through all of this.”

Spike thought for a moment, not really knowing himself, that is until some movement caught his eye. “Hey, what about her?” He pointed a claw to an elderly mare walking towards them. “She looks like she works here.”

The mare stopped a short distance away from the pair, adjusting her glasses as she did so. She was another one of those crystal ponies that Sora had heard Celestia talk about. He could tell that there was something different about her compared to the rest of the ponies he had met, but he couldn’t really tell what it was. Still, a friendly face is a friendly face in his book.

”Ahem.” The old mare coughed into her hoof, pulling the boy back into reality. “May I help you gentlecolts?”

Sora smiled as he gave her a nod. “Yep. We’re looking for a book.”

The mare cocked her head to the side before motioning toward the bookshelves around her. “Well, as you can see, we have plenty of those.”

Spike rolled his eyes and shoved Sora’s head down so that he could be seen. “What my wayward friend is saying is, we’re looking for a book about…um…how about the history of the Crystal Empire.”

The stallion looked up at Spike as best he could. “Huh? Why a history book Spike?”

The drake smiled smugly. “Well, I figure it’s the best way to find out how the empire used to protect itself from danger before. Maybe we can use it now.”

Sora eyes widened. “Hey! That’s a good idea Spike!” He turned to face the mare with a smile on his face. “Got any history books?”

The mare placed a hoof on her chin and began to repeat the word history over and over before looking back at the pair. “Ah yes, history.”

Sora and Spike leaned in as she paused, expecting some sort of guidance. When she didn’t say anything, Spike spoke up on their behalf. “Which is…where exactly?”

The mare's eyes squinted as she tried her best to think of anything. “I…I can’t seem to remember.”

Both boys groaned in agitation.

“Looks like we’re on our own after all.” Spike noted before looking toward Sora. “Listen, I’m pretty good at finding books but I think we’re gonna need the girls’ help on this one. Mind finding them for me while I get started?”

Sora raised a hoof in a salute. “Not a problem! I'll be back in no time!”


The sting of ice upon his back was the first thing Shining noticed as he awoke from a blow to the head he could not remember. He would have tried to sooth the pain if not for his limbs being entrapped in crystallized ice. He had tried to ignite his horn in hopes of freedom but it was to no avail, black crystals embedded in the magical limb siphoning his magic as quick as he tried to summon it.

“D-Darn it...that could have gone way better...”

“You can say that again, Little Captain.”

Shining stiffened at the sound of the famine voice, his gaze locking onto a cloaked mare making her way from one of the cavern entrances. The stallion gave her a hard glare before scoffing in defiance. “I don’t know who you are or what your game is, but you won’t get away with this.”

The mare shrugged before sauntering her way toward the captive stallion, wrapping a hoof around his neck to pull him closer to her. “Is that so, Captain Shining? I would take what you have to say to heart but I do believe a loser’s threat is nothing but an empty promise. You were defeated by the Heartless after all.”

Shining grimaced as he did his best to pull away from the mare. “Heartless. So that's what they look like.” He once again glared at the cloaked mare. “And what about you? Are you helping Sombra too? Who are you?”

The mare fringed shocked aghast. “Oh my, you mean to tell me you don’t remember me?” She chuckled lightly. “Well I guess that's not too surprising. It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other, you know, with me whisking myself away through that mirror so long ago. Still it pains my heart to be forgotten, especially by the captain of the royal guard. Oh! I should say former captain. Congrats on the marriage by the way. And becoming a prince to boot. Looks like little Shiny stepping up in the world”

“Wait, did you say mirror?” His eyes widened. “Your voice, I know it.” He squinted his eyes. “But you can’t be…”

The cloaked mare giggled madly as she raised the hood off from her head, revealing bright yellow fur and a two tone red and yellow mane. Her eyes shined with a deep red light of barely contained rage as both orbs stared into Shining’s own. “Oh but it is. Sunset Shimmer, at your service, your majesty.” She gave him a mocking bow.

Shining's jaw dropped, unbelief plane as day upon his face. “Sunset...Shimmer...Celesltia's old...but...you...what are you doing here!? You were never heard from again after you disappeared into the mirror!” He glared at her. “Why the heck are you in league with Sombra of all ponies!?”

“Hmm” She placed a hoof to her chin before giving the stallion a smug smile. “It's less so I am in league and more like we have a common enemy, dear prince.” She moved her face close to his, her lips barely inches away from his own. “Are you mad?”

Shining gritted his teeth. “Why!? Why are you doing this?! You’re a pony! More than that you were Celestia’s student!”

“You want to know why? I'll tell you why! Because Celestia took away from me what was rightfully mine!” She snapped. “Not only that...she replaced me with some upstart brat! Replaced me like I was nothing!" She raged for only a moment before collecting herself. "And now... Now, they will pay. Both of them will pay with their hearts.”

“You leave Twilight alone you witch!” The stallion struggled furiously as he wanted to leap out of the ice and strangle the mare before him. “I will never forgive you if you hurt a single hair on her head!”

“Oh…I don’t think you have a choice in the matter Shine-Shine. “ She waved a hoof around her. “These caverns were meant to keep Sombra here forever. I’m sure with you, the way you are now, you’ll have little to no chance of being a thorn in my side or Sombra’s. Can’t have two heroes running about, can I?”

She kissed his cheek before pulling away . “It really was nice talking to you again but I do have to leave little Shine-Shine. All-powerful ponies to overthrow and a world to plunge into darkness. Maybe if you are a good boy I’ll even allow your cute little wife to keep you company down here as you watch everything you care about crumble before your eyes. Out of respect for our past friendship...” She crackled loudly as she left the still struggling Shining in his bonds, the stallion yelling curses unfit for most ears.

Just above it all was a pair of green glowing catlike eyes staring down at the spectacle.


It took little time for Sora to find the rest of the mares, though discovering Pinkie Pie dressed in a flawless Fluttershy costume was an experience he thought he would never have. He would have to remember to ask where the heck she got it after everything was said and done. Pinkie aside, Sora led the mare’s towards their destination where an already busy baby dragon was hard at work combing the Library.

Fluttershy, the real one, already went to work, going from shelf to shelf with the CMC beside her, the three fillies and herself checking the lower parts of the book shelves while Rainbow, with the aid of her wings, and Pinkie, with the aid of bouncing, checked the higher areas of each row. Rarity and Sora stayed on the ground, making sure nothing was missed while Spike climbed ladder after ladder, putting his skills as Twilight’s assistant to the ultimate test.

It had been hours since they started, yet the group of ponies seemed no closer to finding a solution than they were this morning.

“Is it just me,” Rainbow asked after flipping through what she believed was her hundredth book. “Or do we seem to be putting all our effort into a lost cause?”

“Rainbow is right!” Scootaloo complained. “How do we know a history book even exists?”

“Scoots, it would only make sense that if Cheerilee’s class has a history book, then so would any other place around Equestria.” Sweetie Bell deadpanned. “Maybe you would know this if you stayed away more in class instead of sleeping though most of it.”

“Well maybe you should…stupid.” Scootaloo folded her hooves about her chest, proud of her retort.

Sora groaned at the book he had just flipped though, tossing it to the side when he was done. “Darn it! Not that one either! Not one of these books seems to have what we’re looking for!”

“We can’t just give up though!” Applebloom called out from a book pile she was sifting through. “There’s gotta be something.”

“I’m not giving up Applebloom.” Sora said reassuringly. “ But there has to be a better way to-“

“I found something” Spike proclaimed as he held a heavy tome high into the air. “It’s the History of the Crystal Empire!”

“GASP! You did!? YIPPIE!” Pinkie bounced up and down on her tail as she cheered. “This calls for a Spike found the Book party!”

“I don’t know about parties, but,” Rainbow whistled, impressed. “Way to go Spike! Who’s the dragon?”

“Heh, I’m the dragon!” The drake puffed out his chest as he pounded it with his fist proudly. “Just doing what I do best…And what is that you may ask? Why it’s none other than being amazing!”

So enticed was the dragon with himself that he failed to notice the black and red blur coming at him until it was too late. Knocking the drake upside the head, Spike hit the floor and dropped the book, causing it to slide upon the ground far out of anyone’s reach. Just as it stopped in its momentum two more of the same creatures that had hit Spike popped into existence around the tome, the bag-like creatures bouncing about as if they were dancing for joy.

Rarity cleared her throat as she turned to face Sora.

“Sora dear. Please don’t tell me those horrid things are what I think they are?”

“You mean Heartless?” The stallion frowned as he nodded gravely. “Yeah. They are Rarity.” He summoned his keyblade in one quick motion. “Ran into more then a few of those type before.”

Rainbow slid a hoof down her face. “You have got to be bucking kidding me! How did they even get in here?! Why are they even here?!”

“Look!” Pinkie called out, pointing a hoof toward the heartless. “I don’t think they want us to have that book!”

“I think you’re right Pinkie! Which means that whatever's in there is something we need!” Sora took up a battle stance, as did Pinkie and Rainbow Dash, both mares on either side of him, while Rarity and Fluttershy stayed back to protect the fillies.

The heartless turned their attention to the three aggressing ponies without hesitation. The nearest one began to glow in a faint red light before releasing a ball of fire towards the heroes. Sora was the first to react, the stallion using his keyblade to block the incoming projectile, while Pinkie and Dash scattered to either side of him, both ponies taking on their one heartless each.

Rainbow yelped as she dodged out of the way of a particularly nasty fireball hurtling towards her. “Gah! You gotta be kidding me!” She complained as she narrowly dodged another projectile, the fire striking the floor behind her. “No more misses, nice mare.” She growled as she zoomed toward the heartless, a hoof slamming it upwards. Following after it, the cyan mare stuck the creature of darkness downwards with a swift kick. “Coming at ya Pinkie!”

The pink party pony smiled brightly as she looked up from the green bag heartless she was currently tickling with a feather just in time to see a red heartless rocketing towards her. Reaching behind a bookcase, Pinkie pulled out her party cannon and positioned it just right, allowing the heartless to land inside the opening. Raising her hoof, she called out with a little too much enthusiasm, “FIRE.” She slammed down on the fuse, causing the heartless to shoot towards another one just as it had just fired off an ice bolt. The blast struck its red partner, freezing it within the confines of an ice block within seconds.

Pinkie giggled. “Hey! No need to give somepony the ‘Cold’ Shoulder.” The pink pony gasped before ducking as another bolt of ice shot just over her head. “Hey that wasn’t very ‘Cool’! You forgot to yell ‘Freeze’!” Not being able to hold herself back, she laughed uproariously, rolling on the ground as she did so.

As the pink pony laughed her flank off, the Ice Heartless charged itself up for another attack. It's retaliation, however, was cut short however due to a wayward book knocking it out of the sky and onto the ground below.

“Ha!!” Scootaloo yelled. “Take that ya freaky excuse for a saddle bag!”

“Scootaloo!” Fluttershy hooked a leg around the orange filly pulling her in just as a yellow bag heartless appeared in front of them. Fluttershy, Rairty and the fillies starred in wide eyed shock as the heartless began to surge with electricity ready to strike. Before it could do so however, Sora’s keyblade sliced clean through it, causing it to dissipate in a cloud of smoke and its crystal heart to disappear into the air.

Swift as a fox, the stallion slammed his keyblade into the remaining dazed heartless, finishing the battle within record time. “Too easy!”

Sora yelped as he was assaulted by an over enthusiastic little filly, Applebloom wrapping her hooves around the stallion’s leg. “Thanks for the save Sora, we would have been goners if it wasn’t for you and the others.”

“Yeah!” Scootaloo boasted. “Did you see Rainbow Dash out there? She was too awesome when she kicked that big old heartless.”

Fluttershy and Sweetie Belle agreed as well though both were more happy that everypony came out of it of the ordeal in one piece.

Rarity’s magic grasped the fallen book of the heartless’s affection, holding it out towards Sora. “Whatever it is that's in here must be important. I dare say we may have found the very thing we are looking for if that's the case.”

Sora nodded as he took the book into his hooves. “Yeah, they were going through a lot of trouble to get this back.” He smiled as he opened the book, the rest of the mares gathering around him as he did so. “Lets see what they were trying to keep us from finding out.”

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