• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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Trouble in Trottingham Part 3

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

Trouble in Trottingham Part 3

Start Music On Green and Stop Music on Red

Just outside the dark shield around Trottingham

The feeling of morning's dew would drip onto Sora’s muzzle from a leaf above, stirring the young stallion from his deep slumber. Yawning softly, he allowed his ears to pivot at the gentle whispers of the wind before allowing his gaze to fall towards the butter yellow pegasus sleeping soundly upon his shoulder. the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she slept soundly making his heart jump every so slightly, despite not really knowing fully why he felt that way.

Shaking such a feeling away, Sora would regrettably nudge Fluttershy’s cheek with a hoof. The mare stirred slightly before joining him in the waking world, a soft smile playing on her face as she looked up towards the stallion with sleep ladened eyes.

"hmm...Sora?" She would gently whisper, gaining her baring's.

“Morning, Shy. Sleep well?” The young stallion asked her.

“MmmMm...Good morning to you too, Sora,” the shy mare answered softly before stretching out her stiff limbs. As she regained her faquelties, the young mare's mind would drift to last night. The feeling of the cool air. The sight of the stars above. And Sora's wing, wrapping around her tiny frame as he kept her warm. She would blush a deep shade of red knowing that she would wrap hers around his body two in response. It all felt so...magical. The shy mare had never really slept outside like that before. It wasn’t something she would really do, even when she had to take care of hurt animals bigger than she was. If she was being honest, it was something she thought she would never do in her life. She would always be afraid of something attacking her in the night...or worse. It was one of her deepest fears.

That is, until Sora came.

Sleeping under the stars with the keyblade Wielder by her side, she couldn’t help but feel the safest she had ever been in her life, knowing that he was right beside her all this time. She could barely stop her wings from shivering at how much she enjoyed it.

Fluttershy couldn’t help but find herself doing a lot of firsts with Sora. Sure, she had always gone on adventures with her other friends, but with Sora, it was the first time she actually wanted to go to someplace she knew would be full of danger, even if it was just for moral support. She knew she could never be of any real help; she might even get in the way. Still, her heart told her to stay with him. That if it came down to it, he would save her no matter what. She never wanted to let go of that feeling.

And yet…

The mare’s gaze shifted towards Sora as the boy leaned his back against the tree once again, her gaze becoming softer. Fluttershy knew that she really liked Sora. ‘I love him,’ she corrected herself, her heart swelling with pride, even if her statement was within her own mind. She wanted to say it over and over again, both to herself and to him, but something was holding her back. Something at the back of her mind kept telling her that right now… right here, in a place like this, saying something so profound would never feel right to her. Right now, Sora had things he had to deal with, things so much more important than her feelings right now. She had come to be his support and if anything she said right now could distract him, cause him to get hurt like he did back at the Crystal Empire...

A hard slap to the side of her flank caused the mare to “Eep!” before she glared at the offending pony. A familiar prism manned mare snickered as she flew past her, rubbing Sora’s spikey mane with a hoof. “Morning Shy! Hey Hero. Lightning is looking for ya. Nearly time to save a town from those dark jerks and become even awesomer.”

Sora smiled as he got to his hooves, stretching his limbs happily. “Got it. Better not keep them waiting then, huh?” The caramel stallion began to make his way down the small hill he and Fluttershy had occupied the night prior with said mare, almost too eager to stay close to his side, following right behind him. Or she would have if Rainbow had not put a wing in front of her butter yellow friend.

“Me and Shy will catch up to you in a bit,” Rainbow called out to Sora, the stallion tilting his head at the pair before nodding, leaving his two friends to their own devices. With the keyblade wielder out of the way now, Rainbow’s smile slowly turned from kind into a rather impressive shit-eating grin. One Fluttershy knew all too well from back when they were little fillies. It was the type of smile that screamed “You know what I’m here for!”

“I see you doing your thing, Shy. Sleeping next to your hero like you’re some kind of cute princess and her special knight on the run. Aren't you a sly little minx.”

If Fluttershy’s face was any redder, one would have mistaken her for a ripe tomato. “”I-I’m not doing anything like that, Rainbow Dash!” With a stomp of her hoof the young mare pouted in the most adorable way as she looked away from her friend. “I like Sora, I admit it. I'll...I'll always admit it, but he has other things to worry about right now instead of my feelings for him.”

Rainbow frowned as she tilted her head. “Wait… you mean you didn’t tell him yet?”

Fluttershy’s ears splayed to the sides of her head as her gaze shifted towards the ground.

Rainbow huffed as she stomped her hoof. “Gah! Wait here! I’m getting him and-”


The cyan mare reared her head back to look at her usually soft spoken friend. It wasn’t a yell. Far from it. Still, Rainbow couldn’t stop her wings from tightening to the sides of her body in submission to her friend’s tone. It was almost as bad as Fluttershy’s stare.

After a few moments of silence to calm herself, the yellow mare spoke again. “Please… don’t. I want it to be me.” Her tone was like that of a gentle breeze as she continued, calm cool and collative. “I want to tell him when I feel like it's time to tell him. I know it's selfish of me to say that, but…” She paused as she pawed at the ground with a hoof, blushing brightly. “I want it to be special.”

Rainbow as surprised. She had never seen her friend act so...In charge before. She couldn't help but be impressed with the shy mare. “Okay...Fine. You win, Shy. He’s your crush so I really got no say in how you do your thing.” Rainbow smiled at the at the butter yellow pegasus. “Gotta say, been a while since I saw you assertive like that.”

Fluttershy blushed once again, hiding her face behind her mane. “I-I’m sorry…”

“Hey, don’t apologize. A mare always knows what she wants and how she wants it. If you feel you need to let Sora do his thing, then I can understand, I guess. If it was me I would have just told him already, but you’re not me, so it's cool.”

Fluttershy smiled softly at her friend before pulling her into a gentle hug. “Still… sorry. And thank you for not being upset with me, Dash. I promise I will tell him and you will be the first to know.”

“Uhg! I don’t really care about all that love stuff!” Rainbow huffed, though she did not stop the hug from her friend. When they both pulled away, the cyan mare gave Fluttershy a cocky, smug smile. “But hey! When you do get married, I promise to tell all your most embarrassing stories at the reception.”



“It's about time you two showed up.” Fluttershy and Rainbow both smiled sheepishly at Lightning addressed the two pegasi. “We were just about to start the operation and I would have more peace of mind with everyone under my command close by when it does.”

Fluttershy was the first to speak between the two, offering her apologies. “I'm...I'm sorry. It was my fault. Rainbow and I had some stuff to talk about and...I really am sorry, Lightning.”

The guardsmare huffed as she turned away, raising a hoof raising to wave them off. “It's fine. Let's get started. My boys are itching for action and there’s a city that was needed to be saved hours ago. Sora!”

Said stallion, along with the fashionista mare Rarity, made their way towards the small group, the Keyblade Weirder smiling softly as Fluttershy instantly made her way towards his side, though the shy mare’s gaze was more focused on the white unicorn. And for good reason as well.

Rarity held her head up high as she sashayed towards Sora’s other side. She was adorned in a rather fetching, ruby red, no-sleeve overcoat, the length of it being just long enough to cover her nethers, but quite short enough for her tail to have free range of motion, white trimming running along the edge of the opening. She had also donned a rather nice pair of black, tight shorts that covered her rump, a hole allowing said tail from before to slip though. A short black crop top was upon her chest as well, covering her fluffy chest and only enhancing her allure. Against the side of the hood of her coat, a beautiful phoenix feather could be seen dangling off to the side, flowing ever so gently within the wind.

The fashionista couldn't stop the smile that formed on her face as she spotted Fluttershy’s gaze. “Like it? I always had a special place in my heart for the color red, you see. I also based it off the magical knights within the Equestrian army. Might as well look the part while I play my part.”

“It looks lovely, Rarity. It really suits you,” Fluttershy complemented, a kind smile on her lips.

“Why thank you, darling.” Rarity laughed daintily.

If the fashion show is over…” Lightning interjected. “Then all of you get ready. We are about to start our assault soon and I would rather not get caught with my tail in between my legs. Sora Get into position. We are counting on you opening the way.”

“No problem.” Sora raised his hoof, summoning his keyblade into it. “Just tell me when and I’ll get it done.”

As Sora was gearing up for what he was about to do, Lightning turned to organize her troops. Rarity couldn’t help but notice that Lightning was every inch the commander that she looked, every one of the guards that were with her listening to her commands without batting an eye.

“I know that I’ve seen her with her troops before, but Lightning really feels right at home in a place like this, does she not?” Rarity mused.

“Tell me about it. Really hard to believe that she is even related to Shy at all when you look at them,” Rainbow added.

Said mare blushed at the comment, looking away slightly. “Mom says that I’m more alike to her sister’s other child, Serah.”

Rainbow’s ears perked at the name. “Oh. Oh wait...I think I remember seeing her sometimes back at Flight School.”

Fluttershy smiled at the past good memories of said school as she nodded. “MmMmm. Some ponies thought that we were twins whenever we were together.”

“Haha… yeah.” The cyan mare smiled at the memories. “And Locke would always try and hit on the two of you. You don’t know how many times I had to kick his-” Rainbow squeaked as she covered her mouth quickly, a hard blushing forming on her face. It was something that Rarity couldn’t help but latch on to.

“Ohohooooooh~” The white unicorn couldn’t stop the sly smile that formed on her face. “I have never heard you talk about such a stallion before. Somepony I should know dear Rainbow?”

Rainbow had a noticeable look of panic on her face at her slip up, knowing that this conversation was going in a way that she never wanted it to. With quick thinking the cyan mare would point towards Sora while yelling out a “Gonna go and hang with the hero! See ya!” before leaving Fluttershy and Rarity alone.

“Oh my! Now this is something interesting,” Rarity mused. “Do you know who this Locke pony is, Fluttershy?”

Though Fluttershy lowered her head, the shy mare would nod softly at the question. “I do, but…”

“Ah I see. I take it that it’s a sore topic for the poor filly?” Rarity concluded.

“She… really hasn’t talked about him in quite some time,” Fluttershy told her friend. “Honestly, this is the first I’ve seen her talk about him at all in such a happy tone. I wouldn't mind telling you about him myself, but I don’t know if it's my place to even say anything. He was more Rainbow’s friend than mine, and…”

“Tut tut my dear Fluttershy,” Rarity reassured her. “I do understand. I shan't mention it again for now until she is ready to speak.” Rarity hummed softly as she watched from a distance as Rainbow fussed over Sora. “Still, to think that our little Rainbow had a crush when she was but a filly. I must admit that has me more intrigued than anything to find out more.”


“Ugh...Why are mares so strange?” Rainbow huffed as she slid a hoof down her face in exasperation.

Sora blinked. “Aren't you a mare?”

“You calling me strange, Hero?”

The Keyblade Wielder sighed as he grumbled under his breath. “Annnnd I walked right into that one.”

Leaving well enough alone, Sora turned back towards the wall of shadow not too far away from them, frowning. He couldn’t help the shiver that crept up his spine, his hoof clutching his chest as he remembered the feeling of darkness the last time he faced off against it. He knew that at the time he should have thought of something else to help, to not make his friends worry like that. Though...If it came down to himself and everyone else...


The stallion snapped out of his inner thoughts to look at Rainbow, a concerned look in her eyes as she gently shook his shoulder. “Oh. Sorry. Was spaced out.”

Rainbow huffed softly. “Yeah. I could tell. Get your head in the game, hero.” She smiled. “Need you to kick serious butt after all.”

Sora smiled back, nodding in agreement. “I always kick serious butt.” His ears perked at the sound of Lightning and her troops making their way towards them, his smile becoming a determined frown. “And I won’t let any of you down’ I promise.” He gently placed a hoof on her shoulder before moving to meet Lightning halfway.

Rainbow clicked her teeth as he walked away. “Just don’t do anything stupid again, idiot.” she whispered before moving to catch up with the rest of the group.

Sora and Rainbow, along with Fluttershy and Rarity, stood behind Lightning, the mare nodding to four of them before turning to address her troops. Her voice loud and tone that of a practiced leader.

All of you mares and stallions know why you are here so I won’t waste pretty words and platitudes. The dark barrier behind me, as I am sure you are aware, is an act of aggression against Equestria , the people, and her princesses. I don’t know about you but if something threatens my home then you can be sure as hell I won’t stand for it!” She paused, allowing her troops to yell in agreement to her words before continuing. “These four behind me, despite their ages, have faced off against the ones who would stand against the harmony of Equestria. Three of whom being the Elements of harmony themselves. The last one, the boy with the key, being the one who was granted power unlike any other.”

Lightning turned to face said boy, the young stallion nodding as pointed his key at the wall. To the surprise of the ponies there, sans Sora’s Friends, a key hole would appear against the darkness, and a beam of light from the key would shoot forth, a familiar sound of a lock’s tumbler turning resonating throughout the area. Just as the beam of light died down, a second of the wall would open, allowing unobstructed passing for any and all.

Many of the guards couldn’t help but be amazed at what had just happened. Many of the best mages in their unit couldn't even budge the dark power that had kept them out of the city, and this boy, a pegasus no less, just used magic like it was nothing at all. Despite the questioning stares he was getting, Sora wouldn’t let go of the smile that had formed on his face, not paying any of them any mind. He would only point his keyblade through the door, his eyes filled with determination.

“What are we waiting for!? We have a city to save!”



Canterlot Castle:Celestia’s Study

Celestia sighed as she let the magic die off of her quill, setting the tool to the side. Even if it was the most tedious part of her job as Princess, it had to be done, despite how much she protested to Luna about it. Rolling the scroll, she gently levitated it along with the many others, each one with a sigil of one of the many races that call Equis their home.

“Done. That should be it, then. I trust that you will be able to deliver them?”

Prince Bloodblood smiled as he stuck his nose into the air. “But of course, Auntie. I trust my ship to be fast enough for anything. Rain, snow or shine.”

Celestia couldn’t stop her own smile from gracing her lips. “Indeed. It is why I have chosen you and your crew for such an Important task, after all.” She paused as she turned her head away. “I would rather you not get yourself into any mishaps while you are gone as well. Your reputation is-”

“My reputation has little credence to the plain facts that many are getting attacked by these... monsters. Shadows as it were.” Blueblood huffed. “It is where it needs to be and that is that, auntie.” He pulled a pocket watch out of his collar. “I must be going, auntie. Time waits for no pony as it were.” And with that, Celestia’s only nephew left the room.

Celestia’s eyes kept onto her nephew, even as the door's close, a deep sigh escaping the princess of the sun soon after. “Blueblood…What am I going to do with you?”

“We do not know why you would put up with his presence, dear sister.”

“You have not known him all his life, Luna,” Celestia countered, not missing a beat as she spoke. She would however, despair at what she had just said, the mare quickly turning towards her sister as she materialized out of the darkness. “I-I’m sorry...I didn’t mean…”

The princess of the moon raised a hoof, giving Celestia a gentle yet sad smile. “It is fine, dear sister. You do not have to apologize each time you make such a remark. Thou would do so near every day if that was the case.”

“Yes... I suppose I would.”

With the mood somewhat somber, the lunar princess decided to change the subject. "We have spoken with they keyblade w-...I mean...Sora...We have spoken with young Sora sister. I must admit, he is an intersting pony."

Celestia smiled. "Is that so? Well I am glad you made fast friends with him. He really is a breath of fresh air is he not?"

"Well...He has given me much to ponder in any case. His perspectives are...a welcomed one to say the least." She smiled softly, remembering her time with him in the dream world, even if he didn't.

"Oh...Do tell little sister."

The dark mare stuck her tongue out. "That conversation was a private one for us and him." Wanting to move past where she knew Celesita would try and take the conversation she put on a stoic face “In any case, we did not come here to talk shop,” She pulled out a scroll, handing it to her sister. “My spies tell me that the Griffon and Diamond Dog empires started to have their own troubles.”

“Which is why I have little doubt they will answer my summons.” Celestia tapped a hoof on her lavish desk. “The Diamond Dogs more so than the Griffons, I suspect. Hopefully the abyssinians will listen as well. The Hippogryphs…”

Luna huffed as she frowned at the name. “Queen Novo can rot for all I care!”


“What?! She is a coward! She did not come when we needed her most and she will not come this time, either! Contect with holding up within that little hole under the sea.”

Celestia leaned back into her chair. “I understand your feelings dear sister but despite the queen’s faults I will not have innocents attacked if I can help it; even if they are not under my watch. Especially when after Sora's story, we learned that heartless can thrive in the sea. I will not have innocents suffer at the hooves of our enemies because of the past.”

The moon princess huffed before relenting on the matter. “They will want to see Sora for themselves, you do know. The Light that is the Key.”

“I do, but it is not my decision to make,” Celestia paused. “Sora is a free pony...Human, and as such will have all that comes with it. He is not mine to command after all. Despite our role in the circumstances of his arrival to this land, Sora was and always will be free to help all who wants it.”

“And yet, even after only meeting the boy a few times, I can already hear what his words will be.” Luna’s gaze shifted out the nearby window and towards the sky the was ever so deep and blue. “He will be tested, sister. He will be used. He will be abused if he even lets his guard down for one moment.”

“I know...and It will not be easy for him. But I think...No...I know he can pull though, despite the hardships. Because he has friends by his side. And his friends are his power.”

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