• Published 15th Aug 2013
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The Adventures of Damon Lipton - Mr101

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged.

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Chapter XXI - The Great and Powerful Annoyance Part V.

The Adventures of Damon Lipton

Chapter XXI - The Great and Powerful Annoyance - Part V

Prince Blueblood sighed softly for what seemed like the one hundredth time that hour. He was in the large boardroom that was often used for important meetings with the princess, given that it was out of the way from anyone who would try to listen in on the conversations that took place within its walls.

He was currently in a meeting with several of the big-wig military personnel, discussing the subject of the captains replacement.

“I say, Cooper Hand would be an excellent choice. He did bust that gang the other day,” an old looking unicorn said.

“True, but he is only new, Colonel. Not to mention the… incident between him, the new Lunar recruit and her highness Princess Luna,” a pegasus replied.

The crowd murmured in agreement as their heads nodded. Blueblood looked at the clock on the wall as he watched the seconds slowly and tormentingly tick by.

“What about Lieutenant Shining Armor?” Blueblood said suddenly. “Isn’t he due a promotion? His record is spotless and he is the brother to Twilight Sparkle, my aunts student. So you know he is a good egg.”

The ponies murmured to one another before the unicorn turned and smiled at the young prince.

“A fine choice, we shall see to it that Shining Armor is made the next captain of the guard after Steel Wing’s retirement next month.”

Blueblood smiled to himself, happy he made a good call. He was about to get up, thinking that the meeting had come to an end. Only for the unicorn to speak up again.

“Now... onto the matter of the defences…”

Blueblood slumped in his chair and held back a groan.

I wonder if my aunts are as bored as I am? he wondered to himself.

“Watch out, Tia!” Luna shrieked.

Celestia barrel rolled out of the way just as the monsters arm swung for her, narrowly missing her by mere inches . It let out a scream of anger as it swung its body round, the rubber, bendy like arms swinging with it and trying once more to swat the two alicorns in the sky. Luna cried out in pain as she was clipped by one of the arms and spun towards the ground, only to flare her wings out and push down with as much force as she could muster to balance herself once more.

“Are you okay?” Celestia called out, blasting another beam of magic at the monster who merely growled in annoyance.

“Yes, sister. I’m okay,” Luna replied.

She shoot into the sky and charged her horn before she started flying in a circle around the monster as it kept heading to the others, shooting it rapidly with blasts of magic, each one exploding on contact making it roar in pain.

“Tia! Nothing’s working!” Luna cried, ducking under one of its arms as it swung for her.

Celestia gritted her teeth. No matter what the two sisters did, their magic wasn’t making a dent, almost as if Dorian had purposely made it so they were unable to kill it.

“Just keep distracting it! We need to give Damon, Kalanar and the Elements more time!” Celestia shouted back.

“Back in the day, the soldiers would do this sort of thing!” Luna snorted, blasting the monster in the face square on.

Celestia had to hold back a snicker, despite the fighting, “Times have changed, besides. I thought you enjoyed fighting evil?”

“Who said I wasn’t enjoying this?” Luan retorted, hitting the monster once more with a blast that made it stumble backwards.

Below them, the elements as well as Trixie were surrounding Damon and Kalanar, were currently chanting under their breath. They were both standing opposite one another with their palms touching, each hand glowing a bright light. Around them, the elements had their respective amulets on and a white strand of energy that was entwined with a beam made out of rainbow like energy was connecting them all, Trixie adding in her own power as best she could. Kalanar had planned on using the magic of the elements to boost his and Damon’s own power into a powerful beam that would hopefully destroy the monster Dorian had created.

“Ready, Damon?” Kalanar asked.

“Ready!” Damon replied.

“Now!” he shouted at the girls.

The elements lifted their heads up into the air, their eyes all glowing a bright white as they were lifted into the air slightly. Then they hit Damon and Kalanar with the rainbow and white beam of energy. Kalanar and Damon both grunted slightly as the energy from the elements seared through them, causing them slight discomfort. Inside Damon’s mind, a silent roar of pain cried out unbeknownst to the lich.

The then focused the magic flowing through them into a ball of pure energy and shot it at the monster creating a bright fallout of light around them. The monster turned around upon hearing a loud noise and was instantly greeted by the beam smashing into its face with the speed of a locomotive. It roared out in pain as it was pushed back by the beam before a large explosion of white light engulfed the area.

The two humans and ponies covered their eyes as the light temporarily blinded them. When the light disappeared, they couldn’t see a trace of the monster, save for the large area of forest land that had been destroyed in the blast that stretched out for as far as they could see.

Damon and Kalanar panted, having used up a large amount of their own energy to cast the spell. Taking down a god created monster was not an easy feat. The elements were also tired, the cost of using the elements starting to take its toll on the physically. *

Celestia and Luna landed beside them and started to cast a energy rejuvenation spell on the group.

“Good job, everypony,” Celestia smiled.

Luna nodded in agreement, “Indeed. Quick and simple, now we should go back and—”

A loud roar interrupted her and the looked towards where the monster had been a moment ago. They stared in silence for a few moments before a second roar caused them to take a step back slightly.

“B-but how…?” Twilight stammered. “W-we hit it with the elements!”

“Tch… nothing is ever simple, is it, Master?” Damon scoffed as he cracked his knuckles.

Kalanar sighed and shook his head, “Sadly not… guess we should finish off what we started?”

Damon nodded and the two mages took a step forward. When they stopped, they both suddenly shone brightly for a brief moment before the others gasped at what they saw. They were no longer wearing the robes they had been wearing, rather, ones that were adorned into armor.

Kalanar was wearing a set of pure white robes with a matching metal breastplate that extended into long metal gauntlets, his head covered by a hood and mouth cloth. Damon was wearing a similar gettup, although his robes were a dark crimson and instead of the dress cut that covered his legs, it was a semi cut that showed his legs wearing dark crimson trousers. Kalanar’s breastplate had etchings that looked wintery whilst Damon’s had etchings that resembled fire.

“Wah?” Trixie said dumbly.

“Battlemage armor,” Kalanar replied. “Something is preventing the elements from working, I’m not sure if it’s Dorian’s magic or what, but I’m not holding back anymore .”

Before anyone could reply, the monster rose from the trees from a glopy mess it had crumbled into from the first attack, once again regaining its form and snarling loudly. Kalanar turned to look at the group.

“This is our fight. You need to erect a defensive barrier over the town, just in case something doesn’t go according to plan. And pray that the magic will hold it off…”

Celestia wanted more than anything to help the two, but deep down, she knew it would be fruitless. Given the elements had been used already and had hardly wounded the monster at all and the element bearers themselves could risk passing out if they tried using the powerful attack again, she decided the best thing was to let the mages deal with the issue and put herself, her sister and the elements as the second line of defense.

“Alright, Kalanar… we will fall back to the town and erect a barrier.”

“Just… be careful, please,” Twilight said softly.

Kalanar nodded, “We will, Miss Twilight. Don’t worry about me.”

“I was kinda talking to Damon…”

“Hey!” Damon protested.

Kalanar chuckled as he smiled at the unicorn under his mask. He turned to the monster as it started to approach them once more when Trixie suddenly shouted with a clear tone of panic in her voice.

“B-but what about T-Trixie? I can’t move away from my familiar!”

Damon ignored her calling him familiar and knelt in front of her, looking her directly in the eyes, “Don’t worry, Trix. I’m not gunna let you get hurt, just hold on tight okay?”

“Hold on, what do you meeaAAAH!” Trixie squealed as Damon hoisted her onto his back.

“Ancestors be with you,” Celestia said softly.

“And gods be with you,” Damon replied.

The two mages then launched into the air on twin pillars of earth in an arch at the monster, Trixie screaming as she held on for dear life. The others watched them for a moment before falling back, Luna and Celestia helping them along due to their tiredness.

The twin pillars of earth came to a stop and the mages shot off from them, Kalanar twisted his body round in an arc and in an instant a blizzard enveloped him and he transformed into a large snow hawk that screeched as it arched down then up into the sky, high above the monster. Damon on the other hand, opened his hands and an ancient looking staff made of a dark looking wood, the end curling around a glowing red gem appeared in his right hand.**

Damon landed on the ground with a thud and twirled his staff around before pointing it at the monsters feet, erecting a row of fire that caused the monster to stop in its tracks and try to go around it.

Trixie stared at the fire, watching in amazement as the foliage around it remained unburnt from the fire. She then heard the snow hawk screech above her and it swooped down to intercept the monster as it tried to move around the fire. Kalanar opened his beak and a stream of snow and ice shot out, hitting the ground and forming an ice wall in front of the monster, forcing it to take several steps backwards.

I see, they’re forcing it backwards away from the town. Trixie thought to herself.

The monster roared as it decided to try and charge through the fire in order to get to Damon. Damon saw this and raised the staff upwards, making the fire shoot upwards till it was nearly the same height as the monster. Trixie heard it roar in pain as she felt the temperature of the flames increase, yet still leaving the foliage intact.

Kalanar screeched again as he soared into the air, the wall of ice rising with him to match the wall of fire. Trixie watched in awe as the two forced the monster to move further away from the town.

Celestia, Luna and the others watched in awe at the special. By now, they had gotten the residents to come back into the town in order to create the barrier around them. They were all watching the battle with amazement as the monster tried to avoid the combination of ice and fire.

Pinchy sat on her mothers back as she watched, her mouth open in awe as the pillars of fire and ice rose up and down, making the monster move further into the distance.

“Go Uncle Bones!” she cheered.

The townsfolk started to cheer behind her, stomping their hooves as the battle raged on. And it wasn’t just them watching.

“Your highness? Should we go and assist?”

Blueblood stared down off the balcony at the spectacle below. It was a clear day and on those days, Ponyville was visible from the high point of Canterlot as was a lot of towns and cities in Equestria on a clear day. When the meeting had finally come to an end, he had exited the room and headed to the balcony for some fresh air. As he had arrived, he heard a roar rumble in the distance and rushed to the edge of the balcony along with several other ponies.

They watched in surprise as a large black and white monster was being pushed back into the forest away from the town of Ponyville, which was encased in a large dome, by a giant white bird and something that was shooting fire but was unseeable. the crowd muttered amongst themselves as they tried to figure out what was going on.

“My lord?”

Blueblood shook his head and turned his attention to the guard that had addressed him, “No, my aunts are down there along with the elements of harmony. They will be alright, we need to remain here just in case that monstrosity heads for Canterlot.”

“Very well, my lord,” the guard nodded.

Blueblood turned his attention back to the battle, hearing the sounds of cameras going off around him and he bit his lip.

That is’t aunt Celestia or Luna fighting… is it Damon? Just what is going on down there?

As they pushed the monster back more and more, Damon was becoming more and more aware of something. Everytime the monster was pushed back, regardless of if it was Kalanar or himself doing it, the monster only went for him. Completely ignoring Kalanar. He tested his theory by running in circles around it, seeing if it would head towards the town or focus on Kalanar in the skies. But each time it would always keep its focus on Damon.

“Trix, you seeing what I’m seeing?” he asked.

Trixie nodded. She’d come under the impression that the monster was focusing on Damon as well, “Trixie has, what’s your plan?”


Damon suddenly launched himself into the air on a column of earth which came to a sudden halt near the monster’s head. He arched over it in the sky as he spun his body—being careful not to make Trixie fall off his back—and point his staff at the monster, encasing it in a cone of fire.

“What are you doing, Damon?” Kalanar screeched as he flew under the lich, letting him land on his back.

“I have a plan, given the monster’s only going for me!” he shouted over the winds racing past as Kalanar encircled the beast which roared as the fires danced over its body.

“I know, seems Dorian created it for the sole purpose of attacking you,” Kalanar agreed.

“Aren’t I lucky,” Damon replied with a grumble. “Anyway, my plan is to draw it away from the town as much as I can and take it on myself.”

Kalanar hesitated for a moment, “And Miss Trixie?”

“I swear by almighty Varlos and the creator Xerillion she will not come to harm, Master,” Damon said with a confident and serious tone. “I need to you to help the town with their barrier, I get the feeling theirs won’t do much good against the monster.”

Kalanar nodded and flapped his wings as he swooped to the ground below, barrel rolling and letting Damon free fall to the ground and shot back into the sky. Damon stuck his arm out and a square of earth with a semi circle cut out that extended from the top and curved into the ground arose, allowing him to land and slide down to the ground carefully.

He looked up along with Trixie to see the monster dispel the flames and turn round, glaring down at the two. With a loud roar it suddenly morphed into a multi-legged creature that slammed into the ground, its eyes morphing into twin bulgin bulbs that swiveled in opposite directions, a large forked tongue lashed out as it stomped towards them at speed flattening any trees that were in its path.

Damon quickly spun around and started to run, the creature gaining on him with every step. Trixie whimpered slightly as she watched the abomination close the gap between them.

“D-Damon?” she asked.

Almost… almost… Damn though, ignoring her.

As the monster came into striking distance, Damon suddenly stopped and spun round. with a twirl of his staff in both hands, he clipped the ground and brought it along, swinging it into the air. As he did, a sharp pillar of earth with a pointed end sht out of the ground with lightning speed, slamming straight into the chin of the monster and forcing its head up where it pierced the skin and ramming through its jaw, eliciting a high pitched shriek of pain.

As Trixie shut her eyes tightly to try and keep the sound of the monsters pained shriek out of her mind, Damon cursed himself, knowing he had only clipped part of it.

Just as was about to try another spell, the monster ripped its head off the spiked earth, splitting its head into two. Damon thought for a moment that that might have killed it, however, his slight hope was dashed as the monster’s two heads merged back into one.

Hept back, just as a tendril slammed into the ground. “Things couldn’t get any worse!”

As if on cue, the monsters eyes shone brightly and a loud hum emitted from them as it blasted lightning from them, hitting the ground and making it crackle under the sheer force. Damon started to run in a circle as the lightning bolts destroyed the ground behind him as it gave chase leaving long trench marks in the earth.

“The universe just loves proving me wrong, doesn’t it?” he shouted.

“You make it too easy!” Trixie shouted back.

Just as he ran, he jumped over the tail that the monster was sporting in its current form and the lightning followed, hitting the tail and electrocuting the monster which wailed in pain and jolted slightly, the lighting coming to a stop.

“Thank you, the universe!” Damon shouted at the sky.

He stopped running when and Idea came to mind. Damon turned his head and looked at Trixie dead in the eye.

“I’m going to trap us with it in a barrier.”

“Are you crazy?!” Trixie shouted. “We’ll be trapped and—”

“Do you trust me, Trix?” Damon interrupted.

“I…” Trixie started.

“Do. You. Trust. Me?” Damon repeated.

“... Yes, Trixie does.” Trixie replied.

Damon nodded and rose his staff into the air and with a loud grunt, slammed it into the earth making a white flash. Trixie watched in awe as beam of black light shot up into the sky before falling into a large dome around them. Despite it being completely black, there was artificial light inside the dome.

Damon grinned, “Okay… now we can fight.”

Kalanar stood in the town, watching the dome as it was formed over the monster and bit his lip. He had since returned to his normal form and returned to the town, standing still in his armor ready to come in should Damon need help.

“Mister Kalanar?”

Kalanar looked down to see Pinchy looking up at him with a look of worry on her face, “Yes, little one?”

“Will Uncle Bones be okay?” she asked.

Kalanar sighed and looked to the barrier, “Your ‘Uncle’ is obnoxious, rude, disobedient, idiotic, lazy, to curious of his own good and a bit of a drinker.”

Pinchy lowered her head and her lip wobbled as Berry looked ready to pummel the elf along with the others. Kalanar then dropped to one knee and lifted her chin up, smiling into her teary eyes.

“And he is the finest student and greatest friend I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, Damon will be fine, little one. I promise.”

Pinchy smiled along with the others as Kalanar wiped away the water from her eyes before he stood up and looked back to the barrier with a slight look of concern on his face.

At least… I pray he will be…

“If we ever survive this, Trixie will kill you herself!”

“Oh stop complaining, I’m working on it!”

Damon rolled out of the way as another tendril slammed into the ground where he had just been. He was clutching Trixie tightly in his left arm whilst wielding his staff in his right. He pointed it at the monster making several boulders rip out of the earth behind him and slam into the monster causing it to roar before blasting at Damon with its lightning eyes.

He cursed as he narrowly avoided being fried and started to run, erecting walls of earth to try and deflect the bolts of lighting away from him. Each time the bolts connected with the walls, dirt and earth flew everywhere. By now, the lightning had caused several fires to erupt from the trees as the lightning struck them, making the area fill with smoke.

Trixie coughed as she clung tighter to his arm, “D-Damon, we need t-to get out of here!”

“I know, Trix. I know!” Damon grunted as he twirled the staff and shot a cone of fire at the monster.

“Stop using fire!” Trixie shouted. “You’ll make it worse—”

She was interrupted as an explosion by Damon’s foot form the lightning bolts sent him and her flying into the air with a cry of pain, Trixie slammed into the ground and rolled, wincing as she lay there. Trixie looked up slowly to see Damon a fair distance away and her eyes widened with alarm then realisation.

“The bonds broken…”

Trixie then gasped as the monster made its way to the still motionless body of Damon and its eyes began to glow.

“NO!” Trixie screamed and vanished.

Damon groaned as he groggily rolled over and looked up, only to see the monster looming over head and charging its attack. Damon tried to move but his body wouldn’t respond, small bolts of electricity dancing off him as he realised he had been paralyzed slightly for the lightning attack.

He gritted his teeth as he looked up at the monster, trying his best to will his body to move when there was a flash of light and Trixie appeared beside him.


Before he could finished, the monster blasted down at the two and instantly, the unicorns horn shone brightly and a small barrier formed around them. The lightning slammed into the barrier, making her scream in pain as she struggled to keep it steady.

“Y-You will n-not… harm… my… friend!” Trixie screamed at the monster.

Her horn shone brightly and she tried to keep the barrier going, however, the monster was too strong and the barrier shattered. Trixie screamed as the lightning hit her, shocking her entire body.

“NO!” Damon shouted, watching as he body thrown backwards.

He felt the paralysis on his limbs fade and in a second was by Trixie’s smoking body. He carefully lifted her head up and she smiled at him. Daon silently thanked the gods, realising the barrier had taken the vast majority of the attack thus sparing Trixie’s life.

“I… I’m sorry,” Trixie whispered.

“For what, Trix? You saved my life,” Damon replied.

Trixie chuckled softly, “A mistress always looks after her familiar…”

Trixie closed her eyes and Damon lay her down, letting her get some rest. His body started to shake in anger as his eyes started to flicker to red.

“I am sick and tired… of that god… trying to ruin my life!” Damon growled/

His robes slowly turning black and tattered, exposing his robes and other parts of his structure.

“I am going to end this, right. Now!” He growled again.

He looked up at the monster, his bones starting to become greyer and decaying flesh started to appear on them.

“To hell with your abomination, Dorian!” he screamed.

Damon’s whole body began to flow with magic that started to channel from somewhere, his hands shone a bright blue as the ground crackled and lightning danced around him. The air started to warp as small rocks flew into the air around him and into the sky.

Unphased, the monster started to charge up its own attack as Damon stared up at him. His bones covered in decaying flesh, the tattered black robes dancing around as if a powerful wind was blowing them around. Trixie groggily looked up to see Damon and the energy around him, her eyes widened seeing his appearance and a wave of concern flowed over her. Damon turned to look at her briefly before returning his focus on the monster. The concern she had was instantly replaced with fear. Where his green flames once were, were now red. And something inside her told her to be afraid.


His voice was not his own. It came out like a whisper, yet the tone was powerful and ancient. Without having to raise the tone he was able to cause Trixie to choke back a sob of terror. She then screamed as Damon pushed his palms out and a loud bang echoed in the air followed by the loud hum of electricity crackling as a huge beam of lightning shot towards the monster, the whole area being illuminated by the light. The monster fired its own lightning which collided with Damon’s, however, Damon’s kept on going and hit the monster directly in the head, causing it to scream in utter agony as its body was engulfed by the blue lightning, the crackling sound and the smell of burning flesh almost made Trixie pass out.

She watched as Damon kept pouring more and more magic into the monster, electrocuting it entirely. All the while, he never said a word, never showed any expressions and it only served to terrify her more.

Blueblood watched in awe as the black dome suddenly glowed a dim blue, unsure as to what was going on inside of it. Once more, the cameras of the reporters continued to go off around him as what appeared to be the vast majority of Canterlot watched the battle unfold.

Just what in Equestria is going on… he thought, biting his lip in concern.

Kalanar immediately gasped and stepped forwards slightly, watching as the dome glowed a dim blue. Something felt wrong about what was going on inside it, and he didn’t like it one bit.

“Kalanar? Are you alright?” Celestia asked, noticing the look on the elven mage’s face.

“Something doesn't’ seem right…” he whispered.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

He ignored her, he simply watched as the glowing suddenly stopped. Completely confused as to what Damon was doing inside the dome.

"Damon..." Berry whispered with worry, her eyes glistening softly as tears formed in the corners of her eyes. "Please be okay..."

After a few minutes had past, the dome suddenly cracked and crumbled in on itself, revealing no monster. Kalanar quickly took off, running out of the barrier as fast as he could followed by the others.

Damon panted heavily as he stood over the corpse of the monster, his eyes bearing down upon it. his entire frame was shaking slightly as smoke rose from his black robes. Trixie lay a few meters away behind him, her eyes wide and her body shaking in fear. The power she had felt behind his attack had shocked her by the look Damon had given her whilst doing it. It scared her to the core.

His eyes. There was something behind his eyes, something that wasn’t anything she had heard about.

A slowly clapping echoed around them and Trixie turned to see Dorian walking to their right, a somewhat disappointed look on his face.

“Well my boy, you certainly don’t play fair, I ought to—”

Dorian froze mid sentence as Damon slowly turned his head to him and his eyes widened.

“Y-you?! B-but how—”

In an instant, Damon was in front of Dorian. Before the mischief god could respond, Damon grabbed him by the throat and hoisted him into the air before slamming him into the ground, causing a small crater to form. Dorian cried out as he rasped as Damon’s hand slowly tightened on his throat.

“Hello… Dorian…” a soft, male yet powerful whispered voice that echoed around them escaped Damon’s mouth.

“H-How are you—”

Dorian grunted in pain as Damon clenched his hand tighter, “Be quiet, lest I rip your throat out now.”

Trixie shivered in fear, too petrified to move. Never before had she heard a voice so chilling, yet calm and collected, never once raising its voice before. Whatever it was.

It wasn’t Damon.

“I’m feeling merciful today… so I shall let you be on your way. Think of it as, a way to thank you for this body you provided for me…”

Dorian choked as he flailed slightly, “But y-you c-can’t be here! Xerillion trapped you in the dimension plains for what you did!”

“Have you forgotten where my allegiance lies, god of mischief?” Damon chuckled. He… sent me here.”

Dorian’s eyes went wide as he looked up into the face of Damon. For the first time in countless eons.

He was terrified.


“But rest assured… I’m still adjusting to this realm again, you’re demise will come. Along with this world… now, sleep...”

“No! You won’t… destroy… Equestria…” he croaked.

Dorian tried to teleport away by his eyelids fluttered as a feeling of extreme exhaustion came over him and her went limp. Damon slowly stood up as the mischief god vanished in a flash of light as Damon cast a teleportation spell on him. He turned to look at Trixie who screamed loudly as he started to walk towards her. She tried to run, only to stumble and fall to the ground as a wave of exhaustion hit her and she blacked out.

When Trixie awoke, she looked around groggily, seeing the large barrier still up above them. Her mind was hazy and she had no recollection of what had happened. She heard a groan and saw Damon lying on the ground, his blue robes smoking slightly and she quickly rushed to his side.

“Damon?!” she cried, shaking him gently.

Damon groaned as he sat up and rubbed his skull, “Urgh… what happened?”

“I don’t know… I don’t remember anything,” Trixie replied, looking at the corpse of the monster.

Damon looked as well, blinking as he suddenly realised who he was talking to, “Trix! you’re alive!” he cried and pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

“Yes! Trixie is! Trixie also can’t breath!” Trixie said in between choking.

“Right… sorry,” Damon chuckled letting her go.

Trixie coughed, but smiled and returned the hug, “Thank you as well… you saved my life and everyone in town.”

“Ah t’was nothing,” he smirked and looked up to the barrier, “Barrier’s still up… give me a second...”

Damon muttered under his breath and his hand shone for a brief moment before the barrier suddenly cracked and shattered, the sun bursting in and fully illuminating the area once more. The lich and the unicorn covered their eyes for a brief moment as the barrier completely shattered and vanished. As he was getting up, Trixie gasped and her jaw dropped, staring at the monster’s corpse. Which had now reverted to what it was.

“Damon… you killed… you killed an Ursa Major…” she whispered.

He blinked as he looked at the corpse of the creature, tilting his head as the star patterns on its fur slowly faded away, leaving nothing but the body of a purple ursidae.

“Huh… so that’s what it was… just… like.. Dorian,” Damon muttered before swaying and falling to his side.

“Damon!” Trixie cried in alarm, grunting as she managed to hoist him partially on her back. “Let’s just get back to Ponyville. You’re in no condition to walk.”

“Thanks… Trix…” Damon smiled.

“You’re welcome, familiar,” Trixie tittred, reciving a snort from Damon as he grumbled in complaint.

* Headcanon, the elements can only be used once or twice before wearing out the users due to the sheer amount of power they have.

** When a mage is near depletion, they can use their bound staves/staffs to boost their power for a limited amount of time depending on the gem infused into it.

Author's Note:

[Edited version to come.] Any errors, feel free to let me know!

So today is my birthday, as as such, I decided to doddle this lil piece for you guys. Thanks for the continued support you guys have shown for this story, it means a lot and has made it that this is the story I'm the most proud of, so yeah, you guys are awesome! :heart:

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